path: root/docs/en/gun/1.1/guide/start.asciidoc
blob: 09720dca80dd54a7e6f996d284572ba782a3297f (plain) (tree)

== Starting and stopping

This chapter describes how to start and stop the Gun application.

=== Setting up

Specify Gun as a dependency to your application in your favorite
build tool.

With this is done by adding `gun` to the `DEPS` variable
in your Makefile.

.Adding Gun as an dependency
DEPS = gun

=== Starting

Gun is an _OTP application_. It needs to be started before you can
use it.

.Starting Gun in an Erlang shell
1> application:ensure_all_started(gun).

=== Stopping

You can stop Gun using the `application:stop/1` function, however
only Gun will be stopped. This is the reverse of `application:start/1`.
The `application_ensure_all_started/1` function has no equivalent for
stopping all applications.

.Stopping Gun