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		<title>Farwest Demo</title>

		<meta name="description" content"Farwest Demo BEAM FOSDEM 2020 talk">
		<meta name="author" content="Loïc Hoguin">

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	<h1>Farwest Demo</h1>
	<p>An overview and a demo of the Farwest project</p>
	<p><small>Loïc Hoguin, <a href="">Nine Nines</a></small></p>

	<h1>What is Farwest?</h1>

	<h2>Erlang/OTP REST framework</h2>
	<p>Standards based (whenever possible)</p>
	<p>Built on top of <code>cowboy_rest</code></p>

	<h2>Building blocks</h2>
		<li>URI and URI Templates (RFC 6570)</li>
		<li>Media types</li>
		<li>Operations (forms)</li>

	<h2>Client libraries</h2>
	<p>One library per language/platform</p>
	<p>Build on top of existing HTTP clients</p>
	<p>Don't write a separate client per API</p>

	<h1>Work done so far</h1>

		<li>Link HTTP header (RFC 8288)</li>
		<li>Links in response bodies</li>
		<li>URI Templates router, reverse routing</li>
		<li>Variants (draft)</li>
		<li>Skeleton Erlang/OTP client library</li>

	<h2>Generate response bodies</h2>
		<li>Automatic HTML generation</li>
		<li>Skeleton forms</li>
		<li>Automatic BED (binary Erlang data) generation</li>

		<li>URI or URI Template</li>
		<li>Operation/media type pairs (input/output)</li>

	<h2>Configurable operations</h2>
		<li>HTTP method used</li>
		<li>Semantics (not yet enforced)</li>

			<li><code>git clone</code></li>
			<li><code>cd farwest_demo</code></li>
			<li><code>make run</code></li>
			<li>Open <a href="http://localhost:8080">http://localhost:8080</a> in your browser</li>
			<li>Use <code>curl -i http://localhost:8080</code></li>

		<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
describe() → #{
    uri ⇒ "/",
    media_types ⇒ #{
        html ⇒ ["text/html"],
        bed ⇒ ["application/x-bed"]
    operations ⇒ #{
        get ⇒ #{output ⇒ [html, bed]}

		<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
links(Req) →
    {ok, [
        {child, fwd_processes_r},
        {child, fwd_tables_r}
    ], Req}.

		<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
$ curl -I http://localhost:8080       
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-length: 2398
content-type: text/html
date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 11:56:23 GMT
link: &lt;/processes&gt;; rel="child";
    variants-06="accept=(\"text/html\" \"application/x-bed\")",
    &lt;/tables&gt;; rel="child"; variants-06="accept=(\"text/html\")"
server: Cowboy
variant-key-06: ("text/html")
variants-06: accept=("text/html" "application/x-bed")
vary: accept

		<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
get(Req) →
    Info = observer_backend:sys_info(),
    Data = #{
        «"System Version"» ⇒ g(otp_release, Info),
    {ok, Data, Req}.

to_representation(Req, html, Data) →
    {ok, farwest_html:from_term(Req, Data), Req};
to_representation(Req, bed, Data) →
    {ok, farwest_bed:from_term(Req, Data), Req}.

		<img src="pics/fwd_system_r.png"/>

		<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
$ curl -I http://localhost:8080/tables
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-length: 7052
content-type: text/html
date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 11:56:10 GMT
farwest-link-templates: &lt;/tables/{name}&gt;; rel="child";
link: &lt;/&gt;; rel="parent"; variants-06="accept=
    (\"text/html\" \"application/x-bed\")"
server: Cowboy

		<img src="pics/fwd_tables_r.png"/>

		<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
{'$fw_link', child,
    farwest:link_to(fwd_table_r, #{«"name"» ⇒ TableName}),

		<img src="pics/fwd_table_r.png"/>

		<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
describe() → #{
    uri ⇒ "/tables/{name}/{key}",
    media_types ⇒ #{
        html ⇒ ["text/html"],
        term ⇒ ["text/plain"] %% text/x-erlang-term?
    operations ⇒ #{
        get ⇒ #{output ⇒ [html]},
        put ⇒ #{input ⇒ [term]},
        delete ⇒ #{}

		<img src="pics/fwd_table_row_r.png"/>

		<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
put(Req0=#{bindings := #{name := Name0}}) →
    Name = binary_to_atom(Name0, utf8),
    {ok, Body, Req} = cowboy_req:read_body(Req0),
    {ok, Tuple} = parse_string(
        unicode:characters_to_list(Body) ++ "."),
    ets:delete_object(Name, Tuple),
    ets:insert(Name, Tuple),
    {ok, Req}.

		<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
delete(Req=#{bindings := #{name := Name0, key := Key0}}) →
    Name = binary_to_atom(Name0, utf8),
    {ok, Key} = parse_string(
        unicode:characters_to_list(Key0) ++ "."),
    ets:delete(Name, Key),
    {ok, Req}.

	<h1>Upcoming work</h1>

	<h2>Improved discovery</h2>
	<p>Automatic sitemap?</p>
	<p>External resources?</p>
	<p>Better discovery of operations</p>
	<p>Include operations/forms in non-HTML formats</p>
	<p>Cache metadata (etag, cache-control...)</p>

	<h2>Generate response bodies</h2>
	<p>Template-based HTML generation</p>
	<p>Replace/insert your own templates</p>
	<p>Automatic JSON/JSON-LD/... generation</p>

	<p>Schemas ( or other)</p>
	<p>Better forms using schemas</p>
	<p>Read data and expand URI Templates</p>

	<h2>Improved client libraries</h2>
	<p>More functions</p>
	<p>Client-side cache for Gun</p>
	<p>Non-Erlang client libraries</p>

	<p><a href=""></a></p>
	<p><a href=""></a></p>

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