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	<h1>Gun 2.0</h1>
	<p>The right of <em>Erlang nodes</em> to keep and<br/>bear arms shall not be infringed. #2A</p>
	<p><small>Loïc Hoguin, <a href="">Nine Nines</a></small></p>

	<h1>What is Gun?</h1>

	<h2>Erlang Web client</h2>
		<li>SSE (server-sent events / eventsource)</li>
		<li>CONNECT and Socks proxies</li>

		<li>Functions to perform actions</li>
		<li>Most functions return immediately</li>
		<li>Messages sent on input</li>
			Works very well with <code>gen_statem</code>:
			<ul><li><a href=""><code>apns_connection.erl</code></a> is a good example</li></ul>

	<h2>Close to specs</h2>
	<p>If the specification allows it, Gun must allow it</p>
	<p>Allow Gun to work through the<br/>most exotic network topologies</p>


	<h2>Connection management</h2>
		<li>One process per connection</li>
		<li>Supervised under Gun by default, configurable</li>
		<li>No connection pooling in Gun itself</li>

	<h2>Always connected</h2>
		<li>Gun is built as an always-connected client</li>
		<li>Retries connecting after losing the connection</li>
		<li><code>retry</code> and <code>retry_timeout</code> by default</li>
		<li><code>retry_fun</code> for more complex needs</li>

	<h2>One function per method</h2>
		<li>gun:get, gun:head</li>
		<li>gun:patch, gun:post, gun:put</li>
		<li>gun:headers (and gun:data), gun:request</li>

	<h2>Responses as messages</h2>
		<li>gun_up, gun_down</li>
		<li>gun_inform, gun_response</li>
		<li>gun_data, gun_trailers</li>

	<h2>Semi-synchronous mode</h2>
	<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
{ok, Pid} = gun:open("", 443),
{ok, http2} = gun:await(Pid),
Ref = gun:get(Pid, "/"),
{response, nofin, 200, RespHeaders} = gun:await(Pid, Ref),
{ok, RespBody} = gun:await_body(Pid, Ref).

	<h2>Flow control</h2>
	<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
Ref = gun:get(Pid, "/", [], #{flow =&gt; 1}),
{response, nofin, 200, _} = gun:await(Pid, Ref)
{data, nofin, _} = gun:await(Pid, Ref),
{error, timeout} = gun:await(Pid, Ref),
gun:update_flow(Pid, Ref, 2),
{data, nofin, _} = gun:await(Pid, Ref),
{data, nofin, _} = gun:await(Pid, Ref),
{error, timeout} = gun:await(Pid, Ref).

	<p>Configurable per stream or per protocol:</p>
	<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
{ok, Pid} = gun:open("", 443, #{
	http_opts =&gt; #{flow =&gt; 10}

	<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
{ok, Pid} = gun:open("", 443),
{ok, _} = gun:await_up(Pid),
Ref = gun:ws_upgrade(Pid, "/ws"),
{upgrade, [&lt;&lt;"websocket"&gt;&gt;], _} = gun:await(Pid, Ref),
gun:ws_send(Pid, Ref, [
	{text, &lt;&lt;"Hello!"&gt;&gt;},
	{binary, &lt;&lt;1,2,3,4&gt;&gt;}
{ws, Frame} = gun:await(Pid, Ref).
	<p>Websocket over HTTP/2 currently missing.</p>

	<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
CommonOpts = #{content_handlers =&gt; [gun_sse_h, gun_data_h]},
{ok, Pid} = gun:open("", 443, #{
	http_opts =&gt; CommonOpts,
	http2_opts =&gt; CommonOpts 
	<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
Ref = gun:get(Pid, "/events", #{
	&lt;&lt;"accept"&gt;&gt; =&gt; &lt;&lt;"text/event-stream"&gt;&gt;}),
{response, nofin, 200, RespHeaders} = gun:await(Pid, Ref),
{sse, Event} = gun:await(Pid, Ref),
	last_event_id := LastEventID,
	event_type := &lt;&lt;"message"&gt;&gt;,
	data := Data
} = Event.

	<h2>CONNECT support</h2>
		<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
{ok, Pid} = gun:open("", 443),
Ref1 = gun:connect(Pid, #{
	host =&gt; "", port =&gt; 443
{response, fin, 200, _} = gun:await(Pid, Ref1),
Ref2 = gun:connect(Pid, #{
	host =&gt; "", port =&gt; 443
{response, fin, 200, _} = gun:await(Pid, Ref2),
Ref3 = gun:get(Pid, "/"),
{response, nofin, 200, RespHeaders} = gun:await(Pid, Ref3),
{ok, Body} = gun:await_body(Pid, Ref3).
		<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
	transport := tls, protocol := http,
	origin_scheme := &lt;&lt;"http"&gt;&gt;,
	origin_host := "", origin_port := 443,
	intermediaries := [
	#{	type := connect,
		host := "", port := 443,
		transport := tls, protocol := http},
	#{	type := connect,
		host := "", port := 443,
		transport := tls, protocol := http}]
} = gun:info(Pid).
		<p>CONNECT over HTTP/2 currently missing.</p>

	<h2>Socks support</h2>
		<li>Currently being worked on</li>
		<li>Similar to CONNECT</li>
		<li>Open connection to Socks server using <code>gun_socks</code></li>
		<li>Options determine where to connect next</li>
		<li>Exotic scenarios: Socks -&gt; CONNECT -&gt; Socks -&gt; ...</li>
		<li>Support Socks4a, Socks5</li>
		<li>Socks6 to be supported as well once available</li>

			<li>init, terminate</li>
			<li>domain_lookup_start, domain_lookup_end</li>
			<li>connect_start, connect_end</li>
			<li>tls_handshake_start, tls_handshake_end</li>

			<li>request_start, request_headers, request_end</li>
			<li>push_promise_start, push_promise_end</li>
			<li>response_start, response_inform, response_headers, response_trailers, response_end</li>

			<li>ws_recv_frame_start, ws_recv_frame_header, ws_recv_frame_end</li>
			<li>ws_send_frame_start, ws_send_frame_end</li>


	<p>Some features might make it into 2.0.<br/>Others in 2.x releases.</p>

	<h2>Raw socket mode</h2>
		<li>Using HTTP/1.1 Upgrade to non-Web protocols</li>
			Using CONNECT to access non-HTTP servers
			<ul><li>Including over HTTP/2</li></ul>

	<h2>Cookie jars</h2>
		<li>Automatic storing and retrieving of cookies</li>
		<li>Jars exclusive to one connection</li>
		<li>Jars shared between connections</li>
		<li>Options for a per-request jar</li>
		<li>Filters to allow/reject specific cookies</li>
		<li>Configurable storage (memory, disk, DB)</li>

	<h2>Client-side cache</h2>
		<li>RFC 7234 (or corresponding httptre RFC)</li>
		<li>Cache responses per connection/shared</li>
		<li>Skip requests for which we have a cached response</li>
		<li>Option to skip the cache when doing a request</li>
		<li>Configurable storage (memory, disk, DB)</li>



			<li>One callback module per protocol</li>
				Most callbacks return commands
				<ul><li>For example to switch the protocol</li></ul>

	<h2>HTTP/2 machine</h2>
		<li>HTTP/2 code shared with Cowboy</li>
		<li>Improvements benefit both projects</li>
		<li>Same options available for both projects</li>

	<h2>TLS over TLS</h2>
		<li><a href=""><code>gun_tls_proxy</code></a> and <a href=""><code>gun_tls_proxy_cb</code></a></li>
		<li>Uses <code>ssl</code>'s callback module option</li>
		<li>Routes the output to Gun, not a socket</li>
		<li>Makes data go through multiple layers of encryption</li>

			Gun 2.0.0-pre.1 to be released in September 2019
			<ul><li>Contains many improvements for elixir-grpc</li></ul>
		<li>Cowboy 2.7 with many improvements for elixir-grpc</li>
			Ranch 2.0:
		<li>Serious work started on REST framework</li>

		<li> / 8x8 (long term sponsorship)</li>
		<li>Pleroma (Socks5 and more)</li>
		<li>Kobil (elixir-grpc related improvements)</li>
	<p><a href=""></a></p>

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