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	<h1>A tale of 2.0 Cowboy</h1>
	<p>I'm a poor lonesome Cowboy,<br/>and a long way from home...</p>
	<p><small>Loïc Hoguin (<a href="">@lhoguin</a>), <a href="">Nine Nines</a></small></p>


		<h2>Slow and steady</h2>
		<img src="img/turtle-racing.jpg"/>

		<h2>Life happened</h2>

			<li>Modifying an existing project is hard</li>
			<li>Starting from scratch is easy (at first)</li>

		<h2>Many changes</h2>
			<li>Project core changed the most</li>
			<li>Interface received numerous tweaks</li>
			<li>New testing methodology</li>
			<li>More detailed documentation</li>

		<h2>HTTP is complicated</h2>
		<p>HTTP/2 even more so</p>

	<h1>Lessons learned</h1>

		<h2>Active supervisors</h2>
		<img src="img/river-delta.jpg"/>

			<li>One process... <ul>
				<li>Tells another process... <ul>
					<li>To start a third process</li>

			<li>Let the supervisor act</li>
			<li>Make worker processes supervise</li>

		<h3>Example: acceptor supervisor</h3>
			<li>Basically a supervisor with an <code>info/3</code> callback <ul>
				<li>Accept connection</li>
				<li>Spawn a process for that connection</li>
				<li>Supervise the process</li>
			<li>Coming in Ranch 2.0</li>

		<h3>Example: connection workers</h3>
			<li>Process manages connection and related workers</li>
			<li>Connection and request processes in Cowboy 2.0</li>
			<li>Many implications</li>

		<h2>List of commands</h2>
		<img src="img/to-do-list.png"/>

		<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
			{headers, fin, 100, Headers},
			{flow, 64000},
			{spawn, Pid, 5000}
		], State}.

			<li>Cowboy 2.0 stream handlers</li>
			<li>Cowboy 2.1+ Websocket handlers</li>

		<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
init(StreamID, Req, Opts) → {Commands, State}

data(StreamID, IsFin, Data, State) → {Commands, State}

info(StreamID, Msg, State) → {Commands, State}

terminate(StreamID, Reason, State) → _

early_error(StreamID, Reason, PartialReq, Resp, Opts) → Resp

		<h2>Callback chains</h2>
		<img src="img/chain.jpg"/>

		<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
	middlewares ⇒
		[cowboy_router, cowboy_handler],
	stream_handlers ⇒
		[cowboy_compress_h, cowboy_stream_h]

		<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
	execute(Req0, Env0) →
		case do_something(Req0, Env0) of
			{ok, Req, Env} →
				{ok, Req, Env};
			error →
				{stop, Req0}

		<h3>Stream handler 1/2</h3>
		<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
data(StreamID, IsFin, Data, State=#state{next=Next0}) →
	{Commands0, Next} = cowboy_stream:data(
		StreamID, IsFin, Data, Next0),
	fold(Commands0, State#state{next=Next}).

		<h3>Stream handler 2/2</h3>
		<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
data(StreamID, IsFin, Data0, State=#state{next=Next0}) →
	Data = do_something(Data0),
	{Commands0, Next} = cowboy_stream:data(
		StreamID, IsFin, Data, Next0),
	{Commands0, State#state{next=Next}}.

		<h2>Receive loop</h2>
		<img src="img/mailboxes.jpg"/>

		<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
	loop() →
			Msg →

		<h3>Loop handlers</h3>
			<li>Native support for server-sent events</li>
			<li>Switch to loop handlers from <code>cowboy_rest</code></li>
			<li>After Cowboy 2.0</li>

		<h2>Error 3-tuples</h2>
		<img src="img/error-message.jpg"/>

		<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
{error, Reason}

Reason =
		'The preface sequence must be followed
			by a SETTINGS frame. (RFC7540 3.5)'}

		<h2>Options map</h2>
		<img src="img/treasure-map.jpg"/>

		<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
uri(Req :: cowboy_req:req())       → uri(Req, #{})
uri(Req :: cowboy_req:req(), Opts) → URI :: iodata()

Opts :: #{
    scheme   ⇒ iodata()           | undefined,
    host     ⇒ iodata()           | undefined,
    port     ⇒ inet:port_number() | undefined,
    path     ⇒ iodata()           | undefined,
    qs       ⇒ iodata()           | undefined,
    fragment ⇒ iodata()           | undefined

		<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
	read_body(Req :: cowboy_req:req())
		→ read_body(Req, #{})

	read_body(Req :: cowboy_req:req(), Opts)
		→ {ok,   Data :: binary(), Req}
		| {more, Data :: binary(), Req}

	Opts :: #{
		length  ⇒ non_neg_integer(),
		period  ⇒ non_neg_integer(),
		timeout ⇒ timeout()

		<h3>Required values</h3>
		<p>Use <code>:=</code> instead of <code>=&gt;</code></p>

		<h2>Better tests</h2>
		<img src="img/bridge-collapsing.jpg"/>

		<h3>Standards compliance</h3>
		<p>For RFCs, at least one test per relevant MUST/SHOULD.</p>
		<p>Document in the test suite what couldn't be tested.</p>

		<p>Every function, argument, option must have a test.</p>

		<h3>Some tips</h3>
			<li>Unit tests are not interesting</li>
			<li>Always run test cases in parallel</li>
			<li>Short, successful tests must not output errors</li>
			<li>Test cases must be documented</li>

		<img src="img/documented-tests.png"/>

		<h2>Better docs</h2>
		<img src="img/huge-library.jpg"/>

		<p>Taking lessons from PHP</p>
		<p><a href="">Example</a></p>

			<li>One (man) page per module</li>
			<li>One (man) page per function</li>
			<li>Description, arguments, return value, changelog, examples...</li>

	<h1>Cowboy 2.0+</h1>

			<li>Cowboy 2.0-rc.1: Summer 2017 <ul>
				<li>After OTP 20 is released</li>
			<li>Cowboy 2.0: 2017</li>
			<li>Requires Erlang/OTP 19+ (sorry!)</li>

		<h3>What's left?</h3>
			<li>Return multipart headers as a map</li>
			<li>Constraints 2.0</li>

		<h2>New users</h2>
			<li>RabbitMQ (1.1, for now)</li>

		<h2>Related projects</h2>
			<li>Ranch 1.4: Out now!</li>
			<li>Gun 1.0: 2017</li>
			<li>Cowlib 2.0+: Adding documentation</li>
			<li> Rolling release, keep on rollin'</li>
			<li>New project! Looking Glass</li>

		<h2>Looking Glass</h2>
			<li>Next-gen profiler for RabbitMQ</li>
			<li><code>erl_tracer</code> NIF</li>
			<li>LZ4 compression of trace files</li>
			<li>Cachegrind output</li>
			<li>Really, really fast</li>
			<li><a href=""></a></li>

		<h2>Cowboy 2.1+</h2>
			<li>Features cut from 2.0 added back</li>
			<li>More features (related to standards)</li>
			<li>Improve interface with backward compatibility</li>
			<li>Fix bugs, add tests, become a legend</li>

		<p>And eventually release Cowboy 3.0</p>

	<h2>After Cowboy 2.0</h2>
	<p>Finally build that REST framework</p>
	<p>Make (the true) REST easily accessible</p>

	<h2>Thank you in advance</h2>
	<p><a href=""></a></p>

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