path: root/archives/extend/2015-June.txt
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2016-08-29 12:39:49 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2016-08-29 12:40:03 +0200
commitc807880f7ac73f813b2660ea81a00f7712a4e793 (patch)
treeba1d09e9b177f230665a80513b33fbd532000ce4 /archives/extend/2015-June.txt
parentb1df25a7d9cda697513650659b781b55b40898f8 (diff)
Add old mailing list archives
Diffstat (limited to 'archives/extend/2015-June.txt')
1 files changed, 2012 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/archives/extend/2015-June.txt b/archives/extend/2015-June.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cb177603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archives/extend/2015-June.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2012 @@
+From essen at Fri Jun 19 15:47:14 2015
+From: essen at (=?UTF-8?B?TG/Dr2MgSG9ndWlu?=)
+Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2015 15:47:14 +0200
+Subject: [99s-extend] [ANN] The Erlanger Playbook early release
+Message-ID: <[email protected]>
+I hope it's OK for me to announce on erlang-questions: The Erlanger
+Playbook, a book about software development using Erlang, has been
+*early* released!
+The book is meant to be the missing developer manual. It covers all
+steps from the start of a project to its release including writing code,
+documentation and tests.
+There are books for learning Erlang, for running Erlang in production,
+but not much for modern Erlang development. This is where The Erlanger
+Playbook comes in.
+This is an early release. An update will be sent to everyone about every
+month or so. I plan to cover anything that relates to the development of
+Erlang software, ie the "dev" in "devops". Many tools and techniques
+will be covered in future updates.
+We will do a print book if there is enough interest once the book gets
+finished, but we're a few months off for now. :-)
+You can get more information here:
+Thanks for your interest!
+Lo?c Hoguin
+Author of The Erlanger Playbook,
+A book about software development using Erlang
+From ethrbh at Tue Jun 23 10:28:16 2015
+From: ethrbh at (Robert Balogh)
+Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2015 10:28:16 +0200
+Subject: [99s-extend] Help to use frameset in index.html
+Message-ID: <>
+First of all I would say I am a beginner in Cowboy web server, so probably
+I made something wrong, that is why I got the "fault", what I got.
+I would like to build up web page, where the client can communicate to
+server, and server can do the same to client, if client does not send
+anything to server too. The Cowboy has the websocket example, what does
+what I would like to do.
+There is only one thing is missing what I would like to have. This is the
+"frameset". My idea is to build the index.html using framsets. I made this
+changes, and I build up the html files for the frames, and of course I set
+these in the index.html.
+Here is how the index.html looks like
+ <html>
+ <head>
+ <title>Welcome to Websocket example 2</title>
+ </head>
+ <frameset rows="64,*">
+ <frame name="top_frame" noresize="noresize" scrolling="no"
+ <frameset cols="450,*">
+ <frame name="left_frame" scrolling="auto" src="frame_left.html">
+ <frame name="right_frame" src="frame_right.html">
+ </frameset>
+ <noframes>
+ <body>
+ </body>
+ </noframes>
+ </frameset>
+ </html>
+This is how the priv folder looks like
+ ls priv/
+ frame_left.html frame_right.html frame_top.html index.html static
+This is how I changed the websocket_2_app:start/2 function
+ Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([
+ {'_', [
+ {"/", cowboy_static, {priv_file, websocket_2, "index.html"}},
+ {"/[...]", cowboy_static, {priv_dir, websocket_2, ""}},
+ {"/websocket_2", ws_handler_2, []},
+ {"/static/[...]", cowboy_static, {priv_dir, websocket_2,
+ ]}
+ ]),
+After compile and make release package of the app, I can reach the
+webserver on the port 8080, but some connection does not set up correctly.
+The following texts are present in the browser
+ ERROR: undefined
+ Connecting to: ws://localhost:8080/websocket_2
+I made a dbg trace on all cowboy modules, to start some kind of
+troubleshooting. In the "tons" of printout I can see this one. So in the
+bottom of this, there is an {error,enoent}. It comes when tries connect to
+the socket. But unfortunatelly I do not have idea what may cause this :-(
+The part of trace
+ (<0.177.0>) call
+ {{127,0,0,1},33241},
+ <<"localhost">>,undefined,8080,<<"/websocket_2">>,
+ [<<"websocket_2">>],
+ <<>>,undefined,[],
+ [{<<"host">>,<<"localhost:8080">>},
+ {<<"connection">>,<<"Upgrade">>},
+ {<<"pragma">>,<<"no-cache">>},
+ {<<"cache-control">>,<<"no-cache">>},
+ {<<"upgrade">>,<<"websocket">>},
+ {<<"origin">>,<<"http://localhost:8080">>},
+ {<<"sec-websocket-version">>,<<"13">>},
+ {<<"user-agent">>,
+ <<"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML,
+like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.115 Safari/537.36">>},
+ {<<"accept-encoding">>,<<"gzip, deflate, sdch">>},
+ {<<"accept-language">>,<<"en-US,en;q=0.8">>},
+ {<<"sec-websocket-key">>,<<"by/gwaQvb/51W7Wa9zrGQg==">>},
+ {<<"sec-websocket-extensions">>,
+ <<"permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits">>}],
+ [{<<"connection">>,[<<"upgrade">>]}],
+ {handler_opts,{priv_dir,websocket_2,[]}},
+ {listener,http},
+ {dispatch,[{'_',[],
+ [{[],[],cowboy_static,
+ {priv_file,websocket_2,"index.html"}},
+ {['...'],[],cowboy_static,{priv_dir,websocket_2,[]}},
+ {[<<"websocket_2">>],[],ws_handler_2,[]},
+ {[<<"static">>,'...'],
+ [],cowboy_static,
+ {priv_dir,websocket_2,"static"}}]}]}],
+ <<"GET">>,cowboy_static,
+ {error,enoent},
+ []},
+ undefined,[],undefined,[],undefined,[],undefined,false,undefined,
+ undefined,undefined},#Fun<cowboy_rest.2.41839999>) (Timestamp:
+I guess, I did something very wrong, but I did not found what is that, thus
+I would like to get some help from you.
+Please find my small project in github:
+thanks for your help,
+-------------- next part --------------
+An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
+URL: <>
+From essen at Tue Jun 23 10:56:02 2015
+From: essen at (=?UTF-8?B?TG/Dr2MgSG9ndWlu?=)
+Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2015 10:56:02 +0200
+Subject: [99s-extend] Help to use frameset in index.html
+In-Reply-To: <>
+References: <>
+Message-ID: <[email protected]>
+The {error, enoent}, especially there, is probably just because the
+browser is trying to fetch the favicon.
+Your issue is that Websocket won't connect, so it has nothing to do with
+cowboy_rest. Try tracing cowboy_websocket or enable SASL to have more info.
+On 06/23/2015 10:28 AM, Robert Balogh wrote:
+> hello,
+> First of all I would say I am a beginner in Cowboy web server, so
+> probably I made something wrong, that is why I got the "fault", what I got.
+> I would like to build up web page, where the client can communicate to
+> server, and server can do the same to client, if client does not send
+> anything to server too. The Cowboy has the websocket example, what does
+> what I would like to do.
+> There is only one thing is missing what I would like to have. This is
+> the "frameset". My idea is to build the index.html using framsets. I
+> made this changes, and I build up the html files for the frames, and of
+> course I set these in the index.html.
+> Here is how the index.html looks like
+> <html>
+> <head>
+> <title>Welcome to Websocket example 2</title>
+> </head>
+> <frameset rows="64,*">
+> <frame name="top_frame" noresize="noresize" scrolling="no"
+> src="frame_top.html">
+> <frameset cols="450,*">
+> <frame name="left_frame" scrolling="auto"
+> src="frame_left.html">
+> <frame name="right_frame" src="frame_right.html">
+> </frameset>
+> <noframes>
+> <body>
+> </body>
+> </noframes>
+> </frameset>
+> </html>
+> This is how the priv folder looks like
+> -----------------------------------------------------------
+> ls priv/
+> frame_left.html frame_right.html frame_top.html index.html static
+> This is how I changed the websocket_2_app:start/2 function
+> -----------------------------------------------------------
+> Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([
+> {'_', [
+> {"/", cowboy_static, {priv_file, websocket_2, "index.html"}},
+> {"/[...]", cowboy_static, {priv_dir, websocket_2, ""}},
+> {"/websocket_2", ws_handler_2, []},
+> {"/static/[...]", cowboy_static, {priv_dir, websocket_2,
+> "static"}}
+> ]}
+> ]),
+> After compile and make release package of the app, I can reach the
+> webserver on the port 8080, but some connection does not set up
+> correctly. The following texts are present in the browser
+> ERROR: undefined
+> Connecting to: ws://localhost:8080/websocket_2
+> I made a dbg trace on all cowboy modules, to start some kind of
+> troubleshooting. In the "tons" of printout I can see this one. So in the
+> bottom of this, there is an {error,enoent}. It comes when tries connect
+> to the socket. But unfortunatelly I do not have idea what may cause this :-(
+> The part of trace
+> -----------------------------------------------------------
+> (<0.177.0>) call
+> cowboy_rest:next({http_req,#Port<0.646>,ranch_tcp,keepalive,<0.177.0>,<<"GET">>,'HTTP/1.1',
+> {{127,0,0,1},33241},
+> <<"localhost">>,undefined,8080,<<"/websocket_2">>,
+> [<<"websocket_2">>],
+> <<>>,undefined,[],
+> [{<<"host">>,<<"localhost:8080">>},
+> {<<"connection">>,<<"Upgrade">>},
+> {<<"pragma">>,<<"no-cache">>},
+> {<<"cache-control">>,<<"no-cache">>},
+> {<<"upgrade">>,<<"websocket">>},
+> {<<"origin">>,<<"http://localhost:8080">>},
+> {<<"sec-websocket-version">>,<<"13">>},
+> {<<"user-agent">>,
+> <<"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.36
+> (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.115 Safari/537.36">>},
+> {<<"accept-encoding">>,<<"gzip, deflate, sdch">>},
+> {<<"accept-language">>,<<"en-US,en;q=0.8">>},
+> {<<"sec-websocket-key">>,<<"by/gwaQvb/51W7Wa9zrGQg==">>},
+> {<<"sec-websocket-extensions">>,
+> <<"permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits">>}],
+> [{<<"connection">>,[<<"upgrade">>]}],
+> undefined,[],waiting,<<>>,undefined,false,waiting,[],<<>>,undefined},{state,[{handler,cowboy_static},
+> {handler_opts,{priv_dir,websocket_2,[]}},
+> {listener,http},
+> {dispatch,[{'_',[],
+> [{[],[],cowboy_static,
+> {priv_file,websocket_2,"index.html"}},
+> {['...'],[],cowboy_static,{priv_dir,websocket_2,[]}},
+> {[<<"websocket_2">>],[],ws_handler_2,[]},
+> {[<<"static">>,'...'],
+> [],cowboy_static,
+> {priv_dir,websocket_2,"static"}}]}]}],
+> <<"GET">>,cowboy_static,
+> {<<"/home/ethrbh/projects/github/websocket_2/_rel/websocket_2/lib/websocket_2-1/priv/websocket_2">>,
+> {error,enoent},
+> []},
+> undefined,[],undefined,[],undefined,[],undefined,false,undefined,
+> undefined,undefined},#Fun<cowboy_rest.2.41839999>)
+> (Timestamp: {1435,
+> 46126,
+> 935663})
+> I guess, I did something very wrong, but I did not found what is that,
+> thus I would like to get some help from you.
+> Please find my small project in github:
+> thanks for your help,
+> /Robi
+> _______________________________________________
+> Extend mailing list
+> Extend at
+Lo?c Hoguin
+Author of The Erlanger Playbook,
+A book about software development using Erlang
+From grahamrhay at Tue Jun 23 11:06:35 2015
+From: grahamrhay at (Graham Hay)
+Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2015 10:06:35 +0100
+Subject: [99s-extend] Help to use frameset in index.html
+In-Reply-To: <[email protected]>
+References: <>
+Message-ID: <>
+I think the order of your routes is the problem, try putting this line
+On 23 June 2015 at 09:56, Lo?c Hoguin <essen at> wrote:
+> The {error, enoent}, especially there, is probably just because the
+> browser is trying to fetch the favicon.
+> Your issue is that Websocket won't connect, so it has nothing to do with
+> cowboy_rest. Try tracing cowboy_websocket or enable SASL to have more info.
+> On 06/23/2015 10:28 AM, Robert Balogh wrote:
+>> hello,
+>> First of all I would say I am a beginner in Cowboy web server, so
+>> probably I made something wrong, that is why I got the "fault", what I
+>> got.
+>> I would like to build up web page, where the client can communicate to
+>> server, and server can do the same to client, if client does not send
+>> anything to server too. The Cowboy has the websocket example, what does
+>> what I would like to do.
+>> There is only one thing is missing what I would like to have. This is
+>> the "frameset". My idea is to build the index.html using framsets. I
+>> made this changes, and I build up the html files for the frames, and of
+>> course I set these in the index.html.
+>> Here is how the index.html looks like
+>> <html>
+>> <head>
+>> <title>Welcome to Websocket example 2</title>
+>> </head>
+>> <frameset rows="64,*">
+>> <frame name="top_frame" noresize="noresize" scrolling="no"
+>> src="frame_top.html">
+>> <frameset cols="450,*">
+>> <frame name="left_frame" scrolling="auto"
+>> src="frame_left.html">
+>> <frame name="right_frame" src="frame_right.html">
+>> </frameset>
+>> <noframes>
+>> <body>
+>> </body>
+>> </noframes>
+>> </frameset>
+>> </html>
+>> This is how the priv folder looks like
+>> -----------------------------------------------------------
+>> ls priv/
+>> frame_left.html frame_right.html frame_top.html index.html static
+>> This is how I changed the websocket_2_app:start/2 function
+>> -----------------------------------------------------------
+>> Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([
+>> {'_', [
+>> {"/", cowboy_static, {priv_file, websocket_2, "index.html"}},
+>> {"/[...]", cowboy_static, {priv_dir, websocket_2, ""}},
+>> {"/websocket_2", ws_handler_2, []},
+>> {"/static/[...]", cowboy_static, {priv_dir, websocket_2,
+>> "static"}}
+>> ]}
+>> ]),
+>> After compile and make release package of the app, I can reach the
+>> webserver on the port 8080, but some connection does not set up
+>> correctly. The following texts are present in the browser
+>> ERROR: undefined
+>> Connecting to: ws://localhost:8080/websocket_2
+>> I made a dbg trace on all cowboy modules, to start some kind of
+>> troubleshooting. In the "tons" of printout I can see this one. So in the
+>> bottom of this, there is an {error,enoent}. It comes when tries connect
+>> to the socket. But unfortunatelly I do not have idea what may cause this
+>> :-(
+>> The part of trace
+>> -----------------------------------------------------------
+>> (<0.177.0>) call
+>> cowboy_rest:next({http_req,#Port<0.646>,ranch_tcp,keepalive,<0.177.0>,<<"GET">>,'HTTP/1.1',
+>> {{127,0,0,1},33241},
+>> <<"localhost">>,undefined,8080,<<"/websocket_2">>,
+>> [<<"websocket_2">>],
+>> <<>>,undefined,[],
+>> [{<<"host">>,<<"localhost:8080">>},
+>> {<<"connection">>,<<"Upgrade">>},
+>> {<<"pragma">>,<<"no-cache">>},
+>> {<<"cache-control">>,<<"no-cache">>},
+>> {<<"upgrade">>,<<"websocket">>},
+>> {<<"origin">>,<<"http://localhost:8080">>},
+>> {<<"sec-websocket-version">>,<<"13">>},
+>> {<<"user-agent">>,
+>> <<"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.36
+>> (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.115 Safari/537.36">>},
+>> {<<"accept-encoding">>,<<"gzip, deflate, sdch">>},
+>> {<<"accept-language">>,<<"en-US,en;q=0.8">>},
+>> {<<"sec-websocket-key">>,<<"by/gwaQvb/51W7Wa9zrGQg==">>},
+>> {<<"sec-websocket-extensions">>,
+>> <<"permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits">>}],
+>> [{<<"connection">>,[<<"upgrade">>]}],
+>> undefined,[],waiting,<<>>,undefined,false,waiting,[],<<>>,undefined},{state,[{handler,cowboy_static},
+>> {handler_opts,{priv_dir,websocket_2,[]}},
+>> {listener,http},
+>> {dispatch,[{'_',[],
+>> [{[],[],cowboy_static,
+>> {priv_file,websocket_2,"index.html"}},
+>> {['...'],[],cowboy_static,{priv_dir,websocket_2,[]}},
+>> {[<<"websocket_2">>],[],ws_handler_2,[]},
+>> {[<<"static">>,'...'],
+>> [],cowboy_static,
+>> {priv_dir,websocket_2,"static"}}]}]}],
+>> <<"GET">>,cowboy_static,
+>> {<<"/home/ethrbh/projects/github/websocket_2/_rel/websocket_2/lib/websocket_2-1/priv/websocket_2">>,
+>> {error,enoent},
+>> []},
+>> undefined,[],undefined,[],undefined,[],undefined,false,undefined,
+>> undefined,undefined},#Fun<cowboy_rest.2.41839999>)
+>> (Timestamp: {1435,
+>> 46126,
+>> 935663})
+>> I guess, I did something very wrong, but I did not found what is that,
+>> thus I would like to get some help from you.
+>> Please find my small project in github:
+>> thanks for your help,
+>> /Robi
+>> _______________________________________________
+>> Extend mailing list
+>> Extend at
+> --
+> Lo?c Hoguin
+> Author of The Erlanger Playbook,
+> A book about software development using Erlang
+> _______________________________________________
+> Extend mailing list
+> Extend at
+-------------- next part --------------
+An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
+URL: <>
+From essen at Tue Jun 23 11:09:27 2015
+From: essen at (=?UTF-8?B?TG/Dr2MgSG9ndWlu?=)
+Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2015 11:09:27 +0200
+Subject: [99s-extend] Help to use frameset in index.html
+In-Reply-To: <>
+References: <> <[email protected]>
+ <>
+Message-ID: <[email protected]>
+Oh nice catch ahah. We should probably warn when something like this
+On 06/23/2015 11:06 AM, Graham Hay wrote:
+> I think the order of your routes is the problem, try putting this line
+> <>
+> last.
+> On 23 June 2015 at 09:56, Lo?c Hoguin <essen at
+> <mailto:essen at>> wrote:
+> The {error, enoent}, especially there, is probably just because the
+> browser is trying to fetch the favicon.
+> Your issue is that Websocket won't connect, so it has nothing to do
+> with cowboy_rest. Try tracing cowboy_websocket or enable SASL to
+> have more info.
+> On 06/23/2015 10:28 AM, Robert Balogh wrote:
+> hello,
+> First of all I would say I am a beginner in Cowboy web server, so
+> probably I made something wrong, that is why I got the "fault",
+> what I got.
+> I would like to build up web page, where the client can
+> communicate to
+> server, and server can do the same to client, if client does not
+> send
+> anything to server too. The Cowboy has the websocket example,
+> what does
+> what I would like to do.
+> There is only one thing is missing what I would like to have.
+> This is
+> the "frameset". My idea is to build the index.html using framsets. I
+> made this changes, and I build up the html files for the frames,
+> and of
+> course I set these in the index.html.
+> Here is how the index.html looks like
+> <html>
+> <head>
+> <title>Welcome to Websocket example 2</title>
+> </head>
+> <frameset rows="64,*">
+> <frame name="top_frame" noresize="noresize" scrolling="no"
+> src="frame_top.html">
+> <frameset cols="450,*">
+> <frame name="left_frame" scrolling="auto"
+> src="frame_left.html">
+> <frame name="right_frame" src="frame_right.html">
+> </frameset>
+> <noframes>
+> <body>
+> </body>
+> </noframes>
+> </frameset>
+> </html>
+> This is how the priv folder looks like
+> -----------------------------------------------------------
+> ls priv/
+> frame_left.html frame_right.html frame_top.html
+> index.html static
+> This is how I changed the websocket_2_app:start/2 function
+> -----------------------------------------------------------
+> Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([
+> {'_', [
+> {"/", cowboy_static, {priv_file, websocket_2,
+> "index.html"}},
+> {"/[...]", cowboy_static, {priv_dir, websocket_2,
+> ""}},
+> {"/websocket_2", ws_handler_2, []},
+> {"/static/[...]", cowboy_static, {priv_dir,
+> websocket_2,
+> "static"}}
+> ]}
+> ]),
+> After compile and make release package of the app, I can reach the
+> webserver on the port 8080, but some connection does not set up
+> correctly. The following texts are present in the browser
+> ERROR: undefined
+> Connecting to: ws://localhost:8080/websocket_2
+> I made a dbg trace on all cowboy modules, to start some kind of
+> troubleshooting. In the "tons" of printout I can see this one.
+> So in the
+> bottom of this, there is an {error,enoent}. It comes when tries
+> connect
+> to the socket. But unfortunatelly I do not have idea what may
+> cause this :-(
+> The part of trace
+> -----------------------------------------------------------
+> (<0.177.0>) call
+> cowboy_rest:next({http_req,#Port<0.646>,ranch_tcp,keepalive,<0.177.0>,<<"GET">>,'HTTP/1.1',
+> {{127,0,0,1},33241},
+> <<"localhost">>,undefined,8080,<<"/websocket_2">>,
+> [<<"websocket_2">>],
+> <<>>,undefined,[],
+> [{<<"host">>,<<"localhost:8080">>},
+> {<<"connection">>,<<"Upgrade">>},
+> {<<"pragma">>,<<"no-cache">>},
+> {<<"cache-control">>,<<"no-cache">>},
+> {<<"upgrade">>,<<"websocket">>},
+> {<<"origin">>,<<"http://localhost:8080">>},
+> {<<"sec-websocket-version">>,<<"13">>},
+> {<<"user-agent">>,
+> <<"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686)
+> AppleWebKit/537.36
+> (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.115 Safari/537.36">>},
+> {<<"accept-encoding">>,<<"gzip, deflate, sdch">>},
+> {<<"accept-language">>,<<"en-US,en;q=0.8">>},
+> {<<"sec-websocket-key">>,<<"by/gwaQvb/51W7Wa9zrGQg==">>},
+> {<<"sec-websocket-extensions">>,
+> <<"permessage-deflate;
+> client_max_window_bits">>}],
+> [{<<"connection">>,[<<"upgrade">>]}],
+> undefined,[],waiting,<<>>,undefined,false,waiting,[],<<>>,undefined},{state,[{handler,cowboy_static},
+> {handler_opts,{priv_dir,websocket_2,[]}},
+> {listener,http},
+> {dispatch,[{'_',[],
+> [{[],[],cowboy_static,
+> {priv_file,websocket_2,"index.html"}},
+> {['...'],[],cowboy_static,{priv_dir,websocket_2,[]}},
+> {[<<"websocket_2">>],[],ws_handler_2,[]},
+> {[<<"static">>,'...'],
+> [],cowboy_static,
+> {priv_dir,websocket_2,"static"}}]}]}],
+> <<"GET">>,cowboy_static,
+> {<<"/home/ethrbh/projects/github/websocket_2/_rel/websocket_2/lib/websocket_2-1/priv/websocket_2">>,
+> {error,enoent},
+> []},
+> undefined,[],undefined,[],undefined,[],undefined,false,undefined,
+> undefined,undefined},#Fun<cowboy_rest.2.41839999>)
+> (Timestamp: {1435,
+> 46126,
+> 935663})
+> I guess, I did something very wrong, but I did not found what is
+> that,
+> thus I would like to get some help from you.
+> Please find my small project in github:
+> thanks for your help,
+> /Robi
+> _______________________________________________
+> Extend mailing list
+> Extend at <mailto:Extend at>
+> --
+> Lo?c Hoguin
+> Author of The Erlanger Playbook,
+> A book about software development using Erlang
+> _______________________________________________
+> Extend mailing list
+> Extend at <mailto:Extend at>
+Lo?c Hoguin
+Author of The Erlanger Playbook,
+A book about software development using Erlang
+From ethrbh at Tue Jun 23 11:11:42 2015
+From: ethrbh at (Robert Balogh)
+Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2015 11:11:42 +0200
+Subject: [99s-extend] Help to use frameset in index.html
+In-Reply-To: <[email protected]>
+References: <>
+ <>
+Message-ID: <>
+Thanks for all. The solution is to put the line at last
+ {"/[...]", cowboy_static, {priv_dir, websocket_2, ""}}
+Now It works as I expect.
+thanks for your help again.
+2015-06-23 11:09 GMT+02:00 Lo?c Hoguin <essen at>:
+> Oh nice catch ahah. We should probably warn when something like this
+> happens.
+> On 06/23/2015 11:06 AM, Graham Hay wrote:
+>> I think the order of your routes is the problem, try putting this line
+>> <
+>> >
+>> last.
+>> On 23 June 2015 at 09:56, Lo?c Hoguin <essen at
+>> <mailto:essen at>> wrote:
+>> The {error, enoent}, especially there, is probably just because the
+>> browser is trying to fetch the favicon.
+>> Your issue is that Websocket won't connect, so it has nothing to do
+>> with cowboy_rest. Try tracing cowboy_websocket or enable SASL to
+>> have more info.
+>> On 06/23/2015 10:28 AM, Robert Balogh wrote:
+>> hello,
+>> First of all I would say I am a beginner in Cowboy web server, so
+>> probably I made something wrong, that is why I got the "fault",
+>> what I got.
+>> I would like to build up web page, where the client can
+>> communicate to
+>> server, and server can do the same to client, if client does not
+>> send
+>> anything to server too. The Cowboy has the websocket example,
+>> what does
+>> what I would like to do.
+>> There is only one thing is missing what I would like to have.
+>> This is
+>> the "frameset". My idea is to build the index.html using
+>> framsets. I
+>> made this changes, and I build up the html files for the frames,
+>> and of
+>> course I set these in the index.html.
+>> Here is how the index.html looks like
+>> <html>
+>> <head>
+>> <title>Welcome to Websocket example 2</title>
+>> </head>
+>> <frameset rows="64,*">
+>> <frame name="top_frame" noresize="noresize"
+>> scrolling="no"
+>> src="frame_top.html">
+>> <frameset cols="450,*">
+>> <frame name="left_frame" scrolling="auto"
+>> src="frame_left.html">
+>> <frame name="right_frame" src="frame_right.html">
+>> </frameset>
+>> <noframes>
+>> <body>
+>> </body>
+>> </noframes>
+>> </frameset>
+>> </html>
+>> This is how the priv folder looks like
+>> -----------------------------------------------------------
+>> ls priv/
+>> frame_left.html frame_right.html frame_top.html
+>> index.html static
+>> This is how I changed the websocket_2_app:start/2 function
+>> -----------------------------------------------------------
+>> Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([
+>> {'_', [
+>> {"/", cowboy_static, {priv_file, websocket_2,
+>> "index.html"}},
+>> {"/[...]", cowboy_static, {priv_dir, websocket_2,
+>> ""}},
+>> {"/websocket_2", ws_handler_2, []},
+>> {"/static/[...]", cowboy_static, {priv_dir,
+>> websocket_2,
+>> "static"}}
+>> ]}
+>> ]),
+>> After compile and make release package of the app, I can reach the
+>> webserver on the port 8080, but some connection does not set up
+>> correctly. The following texts are present in the browser
+>> ERROR: undefined
+>> Connecting to: ws://localhost:8080/websocket_2
+>> I made a dbg trace on all cowboy modules, to start some kind of
+>> troubleshooting. In the "tons" of printout I can see this one.
+>> So in the
+>> bottom of this, there is an {error,enoent}. It comes when tries
+>> connect
+>> to the socket. But unfortunatelly I do not have idea what may
+>> cause this :-(
+>> The part of trace
+>> -----------------------------------------------------------
+>> (<0.177.0>) call
+>> cowboy_rest:next({http_req,#Port<0.646>,ranch_tcp,keepalive,<0.177.0>,<<"GET">>,'HTTP/1.1',
+>> {{127,0,0,1},33241},
+>> <<"localhost">>,undefined,8080,<<"/websocket_2">>,
+>> [<<"websocket_2">>],
+>> <<>>,undefined,[],
+>> [{<<"host">>,<<"localhost:8080">>},
+>> {<<"connection">>,<<"Upgrade">>},
+>> {<<"pragma">>,<<"no-cache">>},
+>> {<<"cache-control">>,<<"no-cache">>},
+>> {<<"upgrade">>,<<"websocket">>},
+>> {<<"origin">>,<<"http://localhost:8080">>},
+>> {<<"sec-websocket-version">>,<<"13">>},
+>> {<<"user-agent">>,
+>> <<"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686)
+>> AppleWebKit/537.36
+>> (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.115 Safari/537.36">>},
+>> {<<"accept-encoding">>,<<"gzip, deflate,
+>> sdch">>},
+>> {<<"accept-language">>,<<"en-US,en;q=0.8">>},
+>> {<<"sec-websocket-key">>,<<"by/gwaQvb/51W7Wa9zrGQg==">>},
+>> {<<"sec-websocket-extensions">>,
+>> <<"permessage-deflate;
+>> client_max_window_bits">>}],
+>> [{<<"connection">>,[<<"upgrade">>]}],
+>> undefined,[],waiting,<<>>,undefined,false,waiting,[],<<>>,undefined},{state,[{handler,cowboy_static},
+>> {handler_opts,{priv_dir,websocket_2,[]}},
+>> {listener,http},
+>> {dispatch,[{'_',[],
+>> [{[],[],cowboy_static,
+>> {priv_file,websocket_2,"index.html"}},
+>> {['...'],[],cowboy_static,{priv_dir,websocket_2,[]}},
+>> {[<<"websocket_2">>],[],ws_handler_2,[]},
+>> {[<<"static">>,'...'],
+>> [],cowboy_static,
+>> {priv_dir,websocket_2,"static"}}]}]}],
+>> <<"GET">>,cowboy_static,
+>> {<<"/home/ethrbh/projects/github/websocket_2/_rel/websocket_2/lib/websocket_2-1/priv/websocket_2">>,
+>> {error,enoent},
+>> []},
+>> undefined,[],undefined,[],undefined,[],undefined,false,undefined,
+>> undefined,undefined},#Fun<cowboy_rest.2.41839999>)
+>> (Timestamp: {1435,
+>> 46126,
+>> 935663})
+>> I guess, I did something very wrong, but I did not found what is
+>> that,
+>> thus I would like to get some help from you.
+>> Please find my small project in github:
+>> thanks for your help,
+>> /Robi
+>> _______________________________________________
+>> Extend mailing list
+>> Extend at <mailto:Extend at>
+>> --
+>> Lo?c Hoguin
+>> Author of The Erlanger Playbook,
+>> A book about software development using Erlang
+>> _______________________________________________
+>> Extend mailing list
+>> Extend at <mailto:Extend at>
+> --
+> Lo?c Hoguin
+> Author of The Erlanger Playbook,
+> A book about software development using Erlang
+-------------- next part --------------
+An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
+URL: <>
+From grahamrhay at Tue Jun 23 11:11:50 2015
+From: grahamrhay at (Graham Hay)
+Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2015 10:11:50 +0100
+Subject: [99s-extend] Help to use frameset in index.html
+In-Reply-To: <[email protected]>
+References: <>
+ <>
+Message-ID: <>
+It's bitten me a few times :(
+On 23 June 2015 at 10:09, Lo?c Hoguin <essen at> wrote:
+> Oh nice catch ahah. We should probably warn when something like this
+> happens.
+> On 06/23/2015 11:06 AM, Graham Hay wrote:
+>> I think the order of your routes is the problem, try putting this line
+>> <
+>> >
+>> last.
+>> On 23 June 2015 at 09:56, Lo?c Hoguin <essen at
+>> <mailto:essen at>> wrote:
+>> The {error, enoent}, especially there, is probably just because the
+>> browser is trying to fetch the favicon.
+>> Your issue is that Websocket won't connect, so it has nothing to do
+>> with cowboy_rest. Try tracing cowboy_websocket or enable SASL to
+>> have more info.
+>> On 06/23/2015 10:28 AM, Robert Balogh wrote:
+>> hello,
+>> First of all I would say I am a beginner in Cowboy web server, so
+>> probably I made something wrong, that is why I got the "fault",
+>> what I got.
+>> I would like to build up web page, where the client can
+>> communicate to
+>> server, and server can do the same to client, if client does not
+>> send
+>> anything to server too. The Cowboy has the websocket example,
+>> what does
+>> what I would like to do.
+>> There is only one thing is missing what I would like to have.
+>> This is
+>> the "frameset". My idea is to build the index.html using
+>> framsets. I
+>> made this changes, and I build up the html files for the frames,
+>> and of
+>> course I set these in the index.html.
+>> Here is how the index.html looks like
+>> <html>
+>> <head>
+>> <title>Welcome to Websocket example 2</title>
+>> </head>
+>> <frameset rows="64,*">
+>> <frame name="top_frame" noresize="noresize"
+>> scrolling="no"
+>> src="frame_top.html">
+>> <frameset cols="450,*">
+>> <frame name="left_frame" scrolling="auto"
+>> src="frame_left.html">
+>> <frame name="right_frame" src="frame_right.html">
+>> </frameset>
+>> <noframes>
+>> <body>
+>> </body>
+>> </noframes>
+>> </frameset>
+>> </html>
+>> This is how the priv folder looks like
+>> -----------------------------------------------------------
+>> ls priv/
+>> frame_left.html frame_right.html frame_top.html
+>> index.html static
+>> This is how I changed the websocket_2_app:start/2 function
+>> -----------------------------------------------------------
+>> Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([
+>> {'_', [
+>> {"/", cowboy_static, {priv_file, websocket_2,
+>> "index.html"}},
+>> {"/[...]", cowboy_static, {priv_dir, websocket_2,
+>> ""}},
+>> {"/websocket_2", ws_handler_2, []},
+>> {"/static/[...]", cowboy_static, {priv_dir,
+>> websocket_2,
+>> "static"}}
+>> ]}
+>> ]),
+>> After compile and make release package of the app, I can reach the
+>> webserver on the port 8080, but some connection does not set up
+>> correctly. The following texts are present in the browser
+>> ERROR: undefined
+>> Connecting to: ws://localhost:8080/websocket_2
+>> I made a dbg trace on all cowboy modules, to start some kind of
+>> troubleshooting. In the "tons" of printout I can see this one.
+>> So in the
+>> bottom of this, there is an {error,enoent}. It comes when tries
+>> connect
+>> to the socket. But unfortunatelly I do not have idea what may
+>> cause this :-(
+>> The part of trace
+>> -----------------------------------------------------------
+>> (<0.177.0>) call
+>> cowboy_rest:next({http_req,#Port<0.646>,ranch_tcp,keepalive,<0.177.0>,<<"GET">>,'HTTP/1.1',
+>> {{127,0,0,1},33241},
+>> <<"localhost">>,undefined,8080,<<"/websocket_2">>,
+>> [<<"websocket_2">>],
+>> <<>>,undefined,[],
+>> [{<<"host">>,<<"localhost:8080">>},
+>> {<<"connection">>,<<"Upgrade">>},
+>> {<<"pragma">>,<<"no-cache">>},
+>> {<<"cache-control">>,<<"no-cache">>},
+>> {<<"upgrade">>,<<"websocket">>},
+>> {<<"origin">>,<<"http://localhost:8080">>},
+>> {<<"sec-websocket-version">>,<<"13">>},
+>> {<<"user-agent">>,
+>> <<"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686)
+>> AppleWebKit/537.36
+>> (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.115 Safari/537.36">>},
+>> {<<"accept-encoding">>,<<"gzip, deflate,
+>> sdch">>},
+>> {<<"accept-language">>,<<"en-US,en;q=0.8">>},
+>> {<<"sec-websocket-key">>,<<"by/gwaQvb/51W7Wa9zrGQg==">>},
+>> {<<"sec-websocket-extensions">>,
+>> <<"permessage-deflate;
+>> client_max_window_bits">>}],
+>> [{<<"connection">>,[<<"upgrade">>]}],
+>> undefined,[],waiting,<<>>,undefined,false,waiting,[],<<>>,undefined},{state,[{handler,cowboy_static},
+>> {handler_opts,{priv_dir,websocket_2,[]}},
+>> {listener,http},
+>> {dispatch,[{'_',[],
+>> [{[],[],cowboy_static,
+>> {priv_file,websocket_2,"index.html"}},
+>> {['...'],[],cowboy_static,{priv_dir,websocket_2,[]}},
+>> {[<<"websocket_2">>],[],ws_handler_2,[]},
+>> {[<<"static">>,'...'],
+>> [],cowboy_static,
+>> {priv_dir,websocket_2,"static"}}]}]}],
+>> <<"GET">>,cowboy_static,
+>> {<<"/home/ethrbh/projects/github/websocket_2/_rel/websocket_2/lib/websocket_2-1/priv/websocket_2">>,
+>> {error,enoent},
+>> []},
+>> undefined,[],undefined,[],undefined,[],undefined,false,undefined,
+>> undefined,undefined},#Fun<cowboy_rest.2.41839999>)
+>> (Timestamp: {1435,
+>> 46126,
+>> 935663})
+>> I guess, I did something very wrong, but I did not found what is
+>> that,
+>> thus I would like to get some help from you.
+>> Please find my small project in github:
+>> thanks for your help,
+>> /Robi
+>> _______________________________________________
+>> Extend mailing list
+>> Extend at <mailto:Extend at>
+>> --
+>> Lo?c Hoguin
+>> Author of The Erlanger Playbook,
+>> A book about software development using Erlang
+>> _______________________________________________
+>> Extend mailing list
+>> Extend at <mailto:Extend at>
+> --
+> Lo?c Hoguin
+> Author of The Erlanger Playbook,
+> A book about software development using Erlang
+-------------- next part --------------
+An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
+URL: <>
+From essen at Tue Jun 23 11:12:56 2015
+From: essen at (=?UTF-8?B?TG/Dr2MgSG9ndWlu?=)
+Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2015 11:12:56 +0200
+Subject: [99s-extend] Help to use frameset in index.html
+In-Reply-To: <>
+References: <> <[email protected]> <> <[email protected]>
+ <>
+Message-ID: <[email protected]>
+I've opened a ticket to remember so something will be done eventually.
+Thanks for helping!
+On 06/23/2015 11:11 AM, Graham Hay wrote:
+> It's bitten me a few times :(
+> On 23 June 2015 at 10:09, Lo?c Hoguin <essen at
+> <mailto:essen at>> wrote:
+> Oh nice catch ahah. We should probably warn when something like this
+> happens.
+> On 06/23/2015 11:06 AM, Graham Hay wrote:
+> I think the order of your routes is the problem, try putting
+> this line
+> <>
+> last.
+> On 23 June 2015 at 09:56, Lo?c Hoguin <essen at
+> <mailto:essen at>
+> <mailto:essen at <mailto:essen at>>> wrote:
+> The {error, enoent}, especially there, is probably just
+> because the
+> browser is trying to fetch the favicon.
+> Your issue is that Websocket won't connect, so it has
+> nothing to do
+> with cowboy_rest. Try tracing cowboy_websocket or enable
+> SASL to
+> have more info.
+> On 06/23/2015 10:28 AM, Robert Balogh wrote:
+> hello,
+> First of all I would say I am a beginner in Cowboy web
+> server, so
+> probably I made something wrong, that is why I got the
+> "fault",
+> what I got.
+> I would like to build up web page, where the client can
+> communicate to
+> server, and server can do the same to client, if client
+> does not
+> send
+> anything to server too. The Cowboy has the websocket
+> example,
+> what does
+> what I would like to do.
+> There is only one thing is missing what I would like to
+> have.
+> This is
+> the "frameset". My idea is to build the index.html
+> using framsets. I
+> made this changes, and I build up the html files for
+> the frames,
+> and of
+> course I set these in the index.html.
+> Here is how the index.html looks like
+> <html>
+> <head>
+> <title>Welcome to Websocket example 2</title>
+> </head>
+> <frameset rows="64,*">
+> <frame name="top_frame" noresize="noresize"
+> scrolling="no"
+> src="frame_top.html">
+> <frameset cols="450,*">
+> <frame name="left_frame" scrolling="auto"
+> src="frame_left.html">
+> <frame name="right_frame"
+> src="frame_right.html">
+> </frameset>
+> <noframes>
+> <body>
+> </body>
+> </noframes>
+> </frameset>
+> </html>
+> This is how the priv folder looks like
+> -----------------------------------------------------------
+> ls priv/
+> frame_left.html frame_right.html frame_top.html
+> index.html static
+> This is how I changed the websocket_2_app:start/2 function
+> -----------------------------------------------------------
+> Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([
+> {'_', [
+> {"/", cowboy_static, {priv_file, websocket_2,
+> "index.html"}},
+> {"/[...]", cowboy_static, {priv_dir,
+> websocket_2,
+> ""}},
+> {"/websocket_2", ws_handler_2, []},
+> {"/static/[...]", cowboy_static, {priv_dir,
+> websocket_2,
+> "static"}}
+> ]}
+> ]),
+> After compile and make release package of the app, I
+> can reach the
+> webserver on the port 8080, but some connection does
+> not set up
+> correctly. The following texts are present in the browser
+> ERROR: undefined
+> Connecting to: ws://localhost:8080/websocket_2
+> I made a dbg trace on all cowboy modules, to start some
+> kind of
+> troubleshooting. In the "tons" of printout I can see
+> this one.
+> So in the
+> bottom of this, there is an {error,enoent}. It comes
+> when tries
+> connect
+> to the socket. But unfortunatelly I do not have idea
+> what may
+> cause this :-(
+> The part of trace
+> -----------------------------------------------------------
+> (<0.177.0>) call
+> cowboy_rest:next({http_req,#Port<0.646>,ranch_tcp,keepalive,<0.177.0>,<<"GET">>,'HTTP/1.1',
+> {{127,0,0,1},33241},
+> <<"localhost">>,undefined,8080,<<"/websocket_2">>,
+> [<<"websocket_2">>],
+> <<>>,undefined,[],
+> [{<<"host">>,<<"localhost:8080">>},
+> {<<"connection">>,<<"Upgrade">>},
+> {<<"pragma">>,<<"no-cache">>},
+> {<<"cache-control">>,<<"no-cache">>},
+> {<<"upgrade">>,<<"websocket">>},
+> {<<"origin">>,<<"http://localhost:8080">>},
+> {<<"sec-websocket-version">>,<<"13">>},
+> {<<"user-agent">>,
+> <<"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686)
+> AppleWebKit/537.36
+> (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.115 Safari/537.36">>},
+> {<<"accept-encoding">>,<<"gzip,
+> deflate, sdch">>},
+> {<<"accept-language">>,<<"en-US,en;q=0.8">>},
+> {<<"sec-websocket-key">>,<<"by/gwaQvb/51W7Wa9zrGQg==">>},
+> {<<"sec-websocket-extensions">>,
+> <<"permessage-deflate;
+> client_max_window_bits">>}],
+> [{<<"connection">>,[<<"upgrade">>]}],
+> undefined,[],waiting,<<>>,undefined,false,waiting,[],<<>>,undefined},{state,[{handler,cowboy_static},
+> {handler_opts,{priv_dir,websocket_2,[]}},
+> {listener,http},
+> {dispatch,[{'_',[],
+> [{[],[],cowboy_static,
+> {priv_file,websocket_2,"index.html"}},
+> {['...'],[],cowboy_static,{priv_dir,websocket_2,[]}},
+> {[<<"websocket_2">>],[],ws_handler_2,[]},
+> {[<<"static">>,'...'],
+> [],cowboy_static,
+> {priv_dir,websocket_2,"static"}}]}]}],
+> <<"GET">>,cowboy_static,
+> {<<"/home/ethrbh/projects/github/websocket_2/_rel/websocket_2/lib/websocket_2-1/priv/websocket_2">>,
+> {error,enoent},
+> []},
+> undefined,[],undefined,[],undefined,[],undefined,false,undefined,
+> undefined,undefined},#Fun<cowboy_rest.2.41839999>)
+> (Timestamp: {1435,
+> 46126,
+> 935663})
+> I guess, I did something very wrong, but I did not
+> found what is
+> that,
+> thus I would like to get some help from you.
+> Please find my small project in github:
+> thanks for your help,
+> /Robi
+> _______________________________________________
+> Extend mailing list
+> Extend at <mailto:Extend at>
+> <mailto:Extend at
+> <mailto:Extend at>>
+> --
+> Lo?c Hoguin
+> Author of The Erlanger Playbook,
+> A book about software development using Erlang
+> _______________________________________________
+> Extend mailing list
+> Extend at <mailto:Extend at>
+> <mailto:Extend at
+> <mailto:Extend at>>
+> --
+> Lo?c Hoguin
+> Author of The Erlanger Playbook,
+> A book about software development using Erlang
+Lo?c Hoguin
+Author of The Erlanger Playbook,
+A book about software development using Erlang
+From ethrbh at Tue Jun 23 11:15:05 2015
+From: ethrbh at (Robert Balogh)
+Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2015 11:15:05 +0200
+Subject: [99s-extend] Help to use frameset in index.html
+In-Reply-To: <[email protected]>
+References: <>
+ <>
+ <>
+Message-ID: <>
+I would like to thanks for both of you the grate support.
+thanks again,
+2015-06-23 11:12 GMT+02:00 Lo?c Hoguin <essen at>:
+> I've opened a ticket to remember so something will be done eventually.
+> Thanks for helping!
+> On 06/23/2015 11:11 AM, Graham Hay wrote:
+>> It's bitten me a few times :(
+>> On 23 June 2015 at 10:09, Lo?c Hoguin <essen at
+>> <mailto:essen at>> wrote:
+>> Oh nice catch ahah. We should probably warn when something like this
+>> happens.
+>> On 06/23/2015 11:06 AM, Graham Hay wrote:
+>> I think the order of your routes is the problem, try putting
+>> this line
+>> <
+>> >
+>> last.
+>> On 23 June 2015 at 09:56, Lo?c Hoguin <essen at
+>> <mailto:essen at>
+>> <mailto:essen at <mailto:essen at>>> wrote:
+>> The {error, enoent}, especially there, is probably just
+>> because the
+>> browser is trying to fetch the favicon.
+>> Your issue is that Websocket won't connect, so it has
+>> nothing to do
+>> with cowboy_rest. Try tracing cowboy_websocket or enable
+>> SASL to
+>> have more info.
+>> On 06/23/2015 10:28 AM, Robert Balogh wrote:
+>> hello,
+>> First of all I would say I am a beginner in Cowboy web
+>> server, so
+>> probably I made something wrong, that is why I got the
+>> "fault",
+>> what I got.
+>> I would like to build up web page, where the client can
+>> communicate to
+>> server, and server can do the same to client, if client
+>> does not
+>> send
+>> anything to server too. The Cowboy has the websocket
+>> example,
+>> what does
+>> what I would like to do.
+>> There is only one thing is missing what I would like to
+>> have.
+>> This is
+>> the "frameset". My idea is to build the index.html
+>> using framsets. I
+>> made this changes, and I build up the html files for
+>> the frames,
+>> and of
+>> course I set these in the index.html.
+>> Here is how the index.html looks like
+>> <html>
+>> <head>
+>> <title>Welcome to Websocket example 2</title>
+>> </head>
+>> <frameset rows="64,*">
+>> <frame name="top_frame" noresize="noresize"
+>> scrolling="no"
+>> src="frame_top.html">
+>> <frameset cols="450,*">
+>> <frame name="left_frame" scrolling="auto"
+>> src="frame_left.html">
+>> <frame name="right_frame"
+>> src="frame_right.html">
+>> </frameset>
+>> <noframes>
+>> <body>
+>> </body>
+>> </noframes>
+>> </frameset>
+>> </html>
+>> This is how the priv folder looks like
+>> -----------------------------------------------------------
+>> ls priv/
+>> frame_left.html frame_right.html frame_top.html
+>> index.html static
+>> This is how I changed the websocket_2_app:start/2
+>> function
+>> -----------------------------------------------------------
+>> Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([
+>> {'_', [
+>> {"/", cowboy_static, {priv_file,
+>> websocket_2,
+>> "index.html"}},
+>> {"/[...]", cowboy_static, {priv_dir,
+>> websocket_2,
+>> ""}},
+>> {"/websocket_2", ws_handler_2, []},
+>> {"/static/[...]", cowboy_static, {priv_dir,
+>> websocket_2,
+>> "static"}}
+>> ]}
+>> ]),
+>> After compile and make release package of the app, I
+>> can reach the
+>> webserver on the port 8080, but some connection does
+>> not set up
+>> correctly. The following texts are present in the browser
+>> ERROR: undefined
+>> Connecting to: ws://localhost:8080/websocket_2
+>> I made a dbg trace on all cowboy modules, to start some
+>> kind of
+>> troubleshooting. In the "tons" of printout I can see
+>> this one.
+>> So in the
+>> bottom of this, there is an {error,enoent}. It comes
+>> when tries
+>> connect
+>> to the socket. But unfortunatelly I do not have idea
+>> what may
+>> cause this :-(
+>> The part of trace
+>> -----------------------------------------------------------
+>> (<0.177.0>) call
+>> cowboy_rest:next({http_req,#Port<0.646>,ranch_tcp,keepalive,<0.177.0>,<<"GET">>,'HTTP/1.1',
+>> {{127,0,0,1},33241},
+>> <<"localhost">>,undefined,8080,<<"/websocket_2">>,
+>> [<<"websocket_2">>],
+>> <<>>,undefined,[],
+>> [{<<"host">>,<<"localhost:8080">>},
+>> {<<"connection">>,<<"Upgrade">>},
+>> {<<"pragma">>,<<"no-cache">>},
+>> {<<"cache-control">>,<<"no-cache">>},
+>> {<<"upgrade">>,<<"websocket">>},
+>> {<<"origin">>,<<"http://localhost:8080">>},
+>> {<<"sec-websocket-version">>,<<"13">>},
+>> {<<"user-agent">>,
+>> <<"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686)
+>> AppleWebKit/537.36
+>> (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.115
+>> Safari/537.36">>},
+>> {<<"accept-encoding">>,<<"gzip,
+>> deflate, sdch">>},
+>> {<<"accept-language">>,<<"en-US,en;q=0.8">>},
+>> {<<"sec-websocket-key">>,<<"by/gwaQvb/51W7Wa9zrGQg==">>},
+>> {<<"sec-websocket-extensions">>,
+>> <<"permessage-deflate;
+>> client_max_window_bits">>}],
+>> [{<<"connection">>,[<<"upgrade">>]}],
+>> undefined,[],waiting,<<>>,undefined,false,waiting,[],<<>>,undefined},{state,[{handler,cowboy_static},
+>> {handler_opts,{priv_dir,websocket_2,[]}},
+>> {listener,http},
+>> {dispatch,[{'_',[],
+>> [{[],[],cowboy_static,
+>> {priv_file,websocket_2,"index.html"}},
+>> {['...'],[],cowboy_static,{priv_dir,websocket_2,[]}},
+>> {[<<"websocket_2">>],[],ws_handler_2,[]},
+>> {[<<"static">>,'...'],
+>> [],cowboy_static,
+>> {priv_dir,websocket_2,"static"}}]}]}],
+>> <<"GET">>,cowboy_static,
+>> {<<"/home/ethrbh/projects/github/websocket_2/_rel/websocket_2/lib/websocket_2-1/priv/websocket_2">>,
+>> {error,enoent},
+>> []},
+>> undefined,[],undefined,[],undefined,[],undefined,false,undefined,
+>> undefined,undefined},#Fun<cowboy_rest.2.41839999>)
+>> (Timestamp: {1435,
+>> 46126,
+>> 935663})
+>> I guess, I did something very wrong, but I did not
+>> found what is
+>> that,
+>> thus I would like to get some help from you.
+>> Please find my small project in github:
+>> thanks for your help,
+>> /Robi
+>> _______________________________________________
+>> Extend mailing list
+>> Extend at <mailto:Extend at>
+>> <mailto:Extend at
+>> <mailto:Extend at>>
+>> --
+>> Lo?c Hoguin
+>> Author of The Erlanger Playbook,
+>> A book about software development using Erlang
+>> _______________________________________________
+>> Extend mailing list
+>> Extend at <mailto:Extend at>
+>> <mailto:Extend at
+>> <mailto:Extend at>>
+>> --
+>> Lo?c Hoguin
+>> Author of The Erlanger Playbook,
+>> A book about software development using Erlang
+> --
+> Lo?c Hoguin
+> Author of The Erlanger Playbook,
+> A book about software development using Erlang
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+From ethrbh at Wed Jun 24 11:18:50 2015
+From: ethrbh at (Robert Balogh)
+Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2015 11:18:50 +0200
+Subject: [99s-extend] Websocket vs. Request-Response msg pair
+Message-ID: <>
+According to you grate support I got from you at yesterday, I could
+continue my project, where I use Cowboy webserver and using Websocket. Now
+I made an own web page with basic features I need, so the server and client
+can communicates to eachother. I like it.
+Now I would like to step forward, and I would like to implement a
+Request-Response mechanism. I read few articles in to this topic, and all
+of them has mentioned this "feature" is not part of the Websocket standard.
+They were suggested to use some sub-protocols for this, but I did not see
+any written in Erlang.
+So, I would like to ask you, do I understand right that Cowboy does not
+have this feature too? If so, do you have some idea how can I implement a
+basic request-response mechanism? Probably one of you guys in this forum
+have some idea.
+Btw, the links I read about this topic:
+thanks for your help,
+-------------- next part --------------
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+From grahamrhay at Wed Jun 24 12:19:39 2015
+From: grahamrhay at (Graham Hay)
+Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2015 11:19:39 +0100
+Subject: [99s-extend] Websocket vs. Request-Response msg pair
+In-Reply-To: <>
+References: <>
+Message-ID: <>
+I think you'd have to roll your own, you just need some way to correlate
+with the originating request. OTP does something similar under the hood
+with gen_server calls <>
+It's also possible to treat the ws connection as a messaging channel, and
+use something like selective consumer
+<> to
+de-multiplex the messages. e.g. you could add a type/channel field to each
+message, and only subscribe to those messages.
+Remember that once you move into an async world, there are no guarantees
+that you will receive a response! So you need to start thinking about
+timeouts etc.
+On 24 June 2015 at 10:18, Robert Balogh <ethrbh at> wrote:
+> hello,
+> According to you grate support I got from you at yesterday, I could
+> continue my project, where I use Cowboy webserver and using Websocket. Now
+> I made an own web page with basic features I need, so the server and client
+> can communicates to eachother. I like it.
+> Now I would like to step forward, and I would like to implement a
+> Request-Response mechanism. I read few articles in to this topic, and all
+> of them has mentioned this "feature" is not part of the Websocket standard.
+> They were suggested to use some sub-protocols for this, but I did not see
+> any written in Erlang.
+> So, I would like to ask you, do I understand right that Cowboy does not
+> have this feature too? If so, do you have some idea how can I implement a
+> basic request-response mechanism? Probably one of you guys in this forum
+> have some idea.
+> Btw, the links I read about this topic:
+> thanks for your help,
+> /Robi
+> _______________________________________________
+> Extend mailing list
+> Extend at
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+From essen at Wed Jun 24 12:28:21 2015
+From: essen at (=?UTF-8?B?TG/Dr2MgSG9ndWlu?=)
+Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2015 12:28:21 +0200
+Subject: [99s-extend] Websocket vs. Request-Response msg pair
+In-Reply-To: <>
+References: <>
+Message-ID: <[email protected]>
+On 06/24/2015 11:18 AM, Robert Balogh wrote:
+> Now I would like to step forward, and I would like to implement a
+> Request-Response mechanism. I read few articles in to this topic, and
+> all of them has mentioned this "feature" is not part of the Websocket
+> standard. They were suggested to use some sub-protocols for this, but I
+> did not see any written in Erlang.
+> So, I would like to ask you, do I understand right that Cowboy does not
+> have this feature too? If so, do you have some idea how can I implement
+> a basic request-response mechanism? Probably one of you guys in this
+> forum have some idea.
+Cowboy only comes with the Websocket protocol itself, all sub protocols
+and mechanisms you want can then be implemented on top of it.
+I strongly recommend not to do RPC. Just send events to the server and
+let the server send events to you. The difference is in the fact that
+RPC tracks what requests were sent to tie requests and responses
+together, while an event channel does not. You just send what the user
+is doing and the server sends you what it wants the client to update or
+do. Stay as stateless as possible.
+If you need to manage state to update the interface (locking a form
+while waiting for the result, for example), do use timeouts to avoid
+locking endlessly.
+Try and experiment, it's not very complicated. :-)
+Lo?c Hoguin
+Author of The Erlanger Playbook,
+A book about software development using Erlang
+From BasWegh at Wed Jun 24 12:28:09 2015
+From: BasWegh at (Bas Wegh)
+Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2015 12:28:09 +0200
+Subject: [99s-extend] Websocket vs. Request-Response msg pair
+In-Reply-To: <>
+References: <>
+Message-ID: <[email protected]>
+hello Robi,
+you might be interested in erwa:
+On 06/24/2015 11:18 AM, Robert Balogh wrote:
+> hello,
+> According to you grate support I got from you at yesterday, I could
+> continue my project, where I use Cowboy webserver and using Websocket.
+> Now I made an own web page with basic features I need, so the server
+> and client can communicates to eachother. I like it.
+> Now I would like to step forward, and I would like to implement a
+> Request-Response mechanism. I read few articles in to this topic, and
+> all of them has mentioned this "feature" is not part of the Websocket
+> standard. They were suggested to use some sub-protocols for this, but
+> I did not see any written in Erlang.
+> So, I would like to ask you, do I understand right that Cowboy does
+> not have this feature too? If so, do you have some idea how can I
+> implement a basic request-response mechanism? Probably one of you guys
+> in this forum have some idea.
+> Btw, the links I read about this topic:
+> thanks for your help,
+> /Robi
+> _______________________________________________
+> Extend mailing list
+> Extend at
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+From ethrbh at Wed Jun 24 12:41:16 2015
+From: ethrbh at (Robert Balogh)
+Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2015 12:41:16 +0200
+Subject: [99s-extend] Websocket vs. Request-Response msg pair
+In-Reply-To: <[email protected]>
+References: <>
+Message-ID: <>
+I would like to thanks the response to all of you. I will try keep all
+these in my mind.
+@Bas, thanks for your note about erwa <>, I
+will take a look.
+thanks again,
+2015-06-24 12:28 GMT+02:00 Bas Wegh <BasWegh at>:
+> hello Robi,
+> you might be interested in erwa:
+> Cheers,
+> Bas
+> On 06/24/2015 11:18 AM, Robert Balogh wrote:
+> hello,
+> According to you grate support I got from you at yesterday, I could
+> continue my project, where I use Cowboy webserver and using Websocket. Now
+> I made an own web page with basic features I need, so the server and client
+> can communicates to eachother. I like it.
+> Now I would like to step forward, and I would like to implement a
+> Request-Response mechanism. I read few articles in to this topic, and all
+> of them has mentioned this "feature" is not part of the Websocket standard.
+> They were suggested to use some sub-protocols for this, but I did not see
+> any written in Erlang.
+> So, I would like to ask you, do I understand right that Cowboy does not
+> have this feature too? If so, do you have some idea how can I implement a
+> basic request-response mechanism? Probably one of you guys in this forum
+> have some idea.
+> Btw, the links I read about this topic:
+> thanks for your help,
+> /Robi
+> _______________________________________________
+> Extend mailing listExtend at lists.ninenines.eu
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