path: root/talks/cowboy/myslides
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2016-03-28 15:36:42 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2016-03-28 15:36:42 +0200
commitfe3492a98de29942477b061cd02c92246f4bf85a (patch)
tree2255b796a657e6e4dfb72beec1141258d17f1220 /talks/cowboy/myslides
Initial commit, new website system
Diffstat (limited to 'talks/cowboy/myslides')
1 files changed, 412 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/talks/cowboy/myslides b/talks/cowboy/myslides
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14dc3eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/talks/cowboy/myslides
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+# #
+# Lout setup file for overhead transparencies #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# #
+# This file has been placed in the public domain by its author. #
+# #
+# #
+# @SysInclude commands for standard packages. #
+# #
+ @SysInclude { langdefs } # language definitions
+ @SysInclude { bsf } # BasicSetup package
+ @SysInclude { dsf } # DocumentSetup package
+ @SysInclude { slidesf } # OverheadSetup extension
+# #
+# @Include command for reading personal definitions from current directory. #
+# #
+ @Include { mydefs }
+# #
+# The @BasicSetup @Use clause - basics, lists, paragraphs, displays. #
+# #
+# To change the default value of any option, delete the # at the start of #
+# its line and change the value between braces. #
+# #
+@Use { @BasicSetup
+ # @InitialFont { Times Base 12p } # initial font
+ @InitialFont { Helvetica Base 20p } # initial font
+ # @InitialBreak {{adjust 1.2fx hyphen} @OrIfPlain {ragged 1fx nohyphen}}
+ @InitialBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # initial break
+ # @InitialOutdent { 2f @OrIfPlain 4s } # initial outdent
+ # @InitialSpace { lout } # initial space style
+ # @InitialLanguage { English } # initial language
+ # @InitialColour { black } # initial colour
+ # @InitialBackgroundColour { white } # initial background colour
+ # @OptimizePages { No } # optimize page breaks?
+ @HeadingFont { Helvetica Base 30p Bold } # font for @Heading
+ # @FixedWidthFont { Courier Base -1p } # font for @F
+ # @ParaGap { 1.3vx @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap between paragraphs
+ # @ParaIndent { 2.00f @OrIfPlain 5s } # first-line indent for @PP
+ # @DisplayGap { 1.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap above, below displays
+ # @DisplayIndent { 2.00f @OrIfPlain 5s } # @IndentedDisplay indent
+ # @DefaultIndent { 0.5rt } # @Display indent
+ # @DisplayNumStyle { (num) } # style of display numbers
+ # @WideIndent { 4.00f @OrIfPlain 10s } # @WideTaggedList indent
+ # @VeryWideIndent { 8.00f @OrIfPlain 20s } # @VeryWideTaggedList indent
+ @ListOuterGap { 0.50v @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap before, after lists
+ @ListGap { 0.50v @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap between list items
+ # @ListIndent { 0s } # indent of list items
+ # @ListRightIndent { 0s } # right indent of list items
+ # @ListLabelWidth { 2.00f @OrIfPlain 5s } # width allowed for list tags
+ # @ListLabelRight { No } # right-adjust list labels
+ # @ListLabelRightGap { 2s } # gap when right-adjusting
+ @ListFont { Helvetica Base 25p } # font of list items
+ # @ListBreak { } # break style of list items
+ # @NumberSeparator { . } # separates nums like 2.3.7
+ # @CrossLinkFormat { @Body } # format of cross links
+ # @ExternalLinkFormat { @Body } # format of external links
+# #
+# The @DocumentSetup @Use clause - page layout plus figures, tables, etc. #
+# #
+# To change the default value of any option, delete the # at the start of #
+# its line and change the value between braces. #
+# #
+@Use { @DocumentSetup
+ # @PageType { A4 @OrIfPlain Other} # page type (width, height)
+ # @PageWidth { 80s } # page width if type Other
+ # @PageHeight { 66f } # page height if type Other
+ # @PageOrientation { Portrait } # Portrait, Landscape, etc.
+ # @PageBackground { } # background of each page
+ @TopMargin { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6f } # top margin of all pages
+ # @FootMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 6f } # bottom margin of all pages
+ @FootMargin { 1.00c } # bottom margin of all pages
+ @OddLeftMargin { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 10s } # left margin of odd pages
+ # @OddRightMargin { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 10s } # right margin of odd pages
+ @EvenLeftMargin { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 10s } # left margin of even pages
+ # @EvenRightMargin { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 10s } # right margin of even pages
+ # @OddLeftBodyMargin { 0c } # extra margin for page body
+ # @OddRightBodyMargin { 0c } # extra margin for page body
+ # @EvenLeftBodyMargin { 0c } # extra margin for page body
+ # @EvenRightBodyMargin{ 0c } # extra margin for page body
+ # @PageBoxType { None } # None Box CurveBox ShadowBox
+ # @PageBoxMargin { 1.00c } # page box margin
+ # @PageBoxLineWidth { } # page box line thickness
+ # @PageBoxPaint { none } # page box paint
+ # @PageBoxShadow { 0.60c } # shadow margin if ShadowBox
+ # @PageEnclose { @Body } # enclose every page in this
+ # @ColumnNumber { 1 } # number of columns (1 to 10)
+ # @ColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # column gap
+ # @FigureLocation { PageTop } # default figure location
+ # @FigureFormat { @CC @Body } # default figure format
+ # @FigureWord { figure } # "Figure" word else anything
+ # @FigureNumbers { Arabic } # method of numbering figures
+ # @FigureCaptionPos { Below } # Above or Below
+ # @FigureCaptionFont { -2p } # figure caption font
+ # @FigureCaptionBreak { adjust hyphen 1.2fx } # figure caption break
+ # @FigureCaptionFormat{ {@B { word @NumSep number. &2s }} @Insert caption }
+ # @MakeFigureContents { No } # list of figures at start
+ # @TableLocation { PageTop } # default table location
+ # @TableFormat { @CC @Body } # default table format
+ # @TableWord { table } # "Table" word else anything
+ # @TableNumbers { Arabic } # method of numbering tables
+ # @TableCaptionPos { Below } # Above or Below
+ # @TableCaptionFont { -2p } # table caption font
+ # @TableCaptionBreak { adjust hyphen 1.2fx } # table caption break
+ # @TableCaptionFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number. &2s }} @Insert caption }
+ # @MakeTableContents { No } # list of tables at start
+ # @FloaterLocation { PageTop } # default floater location
+ # @FloaterFormat { @CC @Body } # default floater format
+ # @FloaterWord { floater } # "Floater" word else anything
+ # @FloaterNumbers { Arabic } # method of numbering floaters
+ # @FloaterCaptionPos { Below } # Above or Below
+ # @FloaterCaptionFont { -2p } # floater caption font
+ # @FloaterCaptionBreak{ adjust hyphen 1.2fx } # floater caption break
+ # @FloaterCaptionFormat{ {@B { word @NumSep number. &2s }} @Insert caption }
+ # @MakeFloaterContents{ No } # list of floaters at start
+ # @MakeContents { No } # make contents? Yes or No
+ # @ContentsGap { 0.20v @OrIfPlain 0f } # extra gap above minor entry
+ @ContentsGapAbove { 0.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # extra gap above major entry
+ # @ContentsGapBelow { 0.00v @OrIfPlain 0f } # extra gap below major entry
+ @ContentsFont { Base } # font for major entry
+ # @ContentsPartGapAbove { 1.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # extra gap above `part' entry
+ # @ContentsPartGapBelow { 0.00v @OrIfPlain 0f } # extra gap below `part' entry
+ # @ContentsFormat { number @DotSep title } # contents entry format
+ # @ContentsLeader { .. } # leader symbol in contents
+ # @ContentsLeaderGap { 4s @OrIfPlain 2s } # gap between leaders
+ # @ContentsRightWidth { 3f @OrIfPlain 6s } # page numbers column width
+ # @MakeReferences { Yes } # make references? Yes or No
+ # @RefCiteStyle { [cite] } # citation style
+ # @RefCiteLabels { @RefNum } # citation items
+ # @RefNumbers { Arabic } # reference numbers
+ # @RefListFormat { Labels } # NoLabels, Labels, etc.
+ # @RefListLabels { [@RefNum] } # ref list label format
+ # @RefListTitle { references } # title of reference list
+ # @ChapRefListTitle { references } # title of chapter ref list
+ # @RefListIndent { 0s } # indent to left of labels
+ # @RefListRightIndent { 0s } # indent to right of items
+ # @RefListGap { @ListGap } # gap between ref list items
+ # @RefListFont { } # font used in reference list
+ # @RefListBreak { } # break style of ref list
+ # @RefListLabelWidth { @ListLabelWidth } # Labels column width
+ # @RefListSortKey { @Tag } # sorting key
+ # @MakeGlossary { No } # make glossary? Yes or No
+ # @GlossaryText { @Null } # glossary initial text
+ # @GlossaryFont { } # glossary entries font
+ # @GlossaryBreak { } # glossary entries break
+ # @GlossaryFormat { +3p @Font @S @Name # glossary entries format
+ # @Right @I { @Word&&page @PageNum }
+ # @DP @RawIndentedDisplay @Body }
+ # @GlossaryGap { @DisplayGap } # gap between glossary entries
+ # @GlossaryColumnNumber{ 2 } # glossary columns (1 to 10)
+ # @GlossaryColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # glossary column gap
+ # @InGlossaryFont { smallcaps } # font for @InGlossary
+ # @InGlossaryFormat { @Body } # format for @InGlossary
+ # @MakeIndex { No } # make index? Yes or No
+ # @MakeIndex { No } # make index? Yes or No
+ # @IndexText { @Null } # index initial text
+ # @IndexFont { } # index entries font
+ # @IndexBreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # and break
+ # @IndexFormat { @Body } # @Index format
+ # @SubIndexFormat { {1f @Wide}@Body } # @SubIndex format
+ # @SubSubIndexFormat { {2f @Wide}@Body } # @SubSubIndex format
+ # @IndexTypeOrdinary { @PageNum } # Ordinary pagenum format
+ # @IndexTypeMain { @B @PageNum } # Main pagenum format
+ # @IndexTypeSpecial { @I @PageNum } # Special pagenum format
+ # @IndexRangeFormat { @From--@To } # index page range format
+ # @IndexColumnNumber { 2 } # index columns (1 to 10)
+ # @IndexColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index column gap
+ # @IndexCtd { Yes } # include (ctd.) lines
+ # @IndexCtdWord { continued } # "ctd." in current lang.
+ # @IndexCtdFormat { @Body @I (@CtdWord) } # format of ctd.
+ # @IndexSpacerAbove { 2v } # space above index spacer
+ # @IndexSpacerBelow { 1v } # space below index spacer
+ # @IndexSpacerFont { +3p } # font of index spacer
+ # @IndexSpacerFormat { @Body } # format of index spacer
+ # @MakeIndexA { No } # make index A? Yes or No
+ # @IndexAText { @Null } # index A initial text
+ # @IndexAFont { } # index A entries font
+ # @IndexABreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # and break
+ # @IndexAFormat { @Body } # @IndexA format
+ # @SubIndexAFormat { {1f @Wide}@Body } # @SubIndexA format
+ # @SubSubIndexAFormat { {2f @Wide}@Body } # @SubSubIndexA format
+ # @IndexATypeOrdinary { @PageNum } # Ordinary pagenum format
+ # @IndexATypeMain { @B @PageNum } # Main pagenum format
+ # @IndexATypeSpecial { @I @PageNum } # Special pagenum format
+ # @IndexARangeFormat { @From--@To } # index page range format
+ # @IndexAColumnNumber { 2 } # index A columns (1 to 10)
+ # @IndexAColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index A column gap
+ # @IndexACtd { Yes } # include (ctd.) lines
+ # @IndexACtdWord { continued } # "ctd." in current lang.
+ # @IndexACtdFormat { @Body @I (@CtdWord) } # format of ctd.
+ # @IndexASpacerAbove { 2v } # space above index A spacer
+ # @IndexASpacerBelow { 1v } # space below index A spacer
+ # @IndexASpacerFont { +3p } # font of index A spacer
+ # @IndexASpacerFormat { @Body } # format of index A spacer
+ # @MakeIndexB { No } # make index B? Yes or No
+ # @IndexBText { @Null } # index B initial text
+ # @IndexBFont { } # index B entries font
+ # @IndexBBreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # and break
+ # @IndexBFormat { @Body } # @IndexB format
+ # @SubIndexBFormat { {1f @Wide}@Body } # @SubIndexB format
+ # @SubSubIndexBFormat { {2f @Wide}@Body } # @SubSubIndexB format
+ # @IndexBTypeOrdinary { @PageNum } # Ordinary pagenum format
+ # @IndexBTypeMain { @B @PageNum } # Main pagenum format
+ # @IndexBTypeSpecial { @I @PageNum } # Special pagenum format
+ # @IndexBRangeFormat { @From--@To } # index page range format
+ # @IndexBColumnNumber { 2 } # index B columns (1 to 10)
+ # @IndexBColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index B column gap
+ # @IndexBCtd { Yes } # include (ctd.) lines
+ # @IndexBCtdWord { continued } # "ctd." in current lang.
+ # @IndexBCtdFormat { @Body @I (@CtdWord) } # format of ctd.
+ # @IndexBSpacerAbove { 2v } # space above index B spacer
+ # @IndexBSpacerBelow { 1v } # space below index B spacer
+ # @IndexBSpacerFont { +3p } # font of index B spacer
+ # @IndexBSpacerFormat { @Body } # format of index B spacer
+ # @TopGap { 0.75c @OrIfPlain 2f } # gap between figures
+ # @MidGap { 0.75c @OrIfPlain 2f } # gap above/below body text
+ # @FootNoteNumbers { Arabic } # footnote numbers
+ # @FootNoteThrough { No } # numbered through chapter?
+ # @FootNoteLocation { ColFoot } # where the footnote appears
+ # @FootNoteFont { 0.80f } # font for footnotes
+ # @FootNoteBreak { 1.2fx @OrIfPlain 1fx } # break for footnotes
+ # @FootNoteFormat { { number &0.05f } @Insert body } # footnote format
+ # @FootLen { 2.00c @OrIfPlain 10s } # length of footnote line
+ # @FootAboveGap { @DisplayGap } # gap above footnote line
+ # @FootGap { 0.20c @OrIfPlain 1fx } # gap between footnotes
+ # @MarginNoteFont { 0.80f } # font of margin notes
+ # @MarginNoteBreak { ragged 1.10fx } # break style of margin notes
+ # @MarginNoteHGap { 0.5c } # horizontal gap to notes
+ # @MarginNoteVGap { @DisplayGap } # min vertical gap between
+ # @MarginNoteWidth { 1.50c } # width of margin notes
+ # @EndNoteNumbers { Arabic } # endnote numbers
+ # @EndNoteFont { 0.80f } # font of endnotes
+ # @EndNoteBreak { 1.2fx @OrIfPlain 1fx } # break for endnotes
+ # @EndNoteFormat { { number &0.05f } @Insert body } # endnote format
+ # @EndNoteGap { 0.20c @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap between endnotes
+ # @TheoremWord { theorem } # "Theorem" word, etc.
+ # @TheoremTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @TheoremFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @DefinitionWord { definition } # "Definition" word, etc.
+ # @DefinitionTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @DefinitionFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @ClaimWord { claim } # "Claim" word, etc.
+ # @ClaimTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @ClaimFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @PropositionWord { proposition } # "Proposition" word, etc.
+ # @PropositionTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @PropositionFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @LemmaWord { lemma } # "Lemma" word, etc.
+ # @LemmaTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @LemmaFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @CorollaryWord { corollary } # "Corollary" word, etc.
+ # @CorollaryTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @CorollaryFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @ExampleWord { example } # "Example" word, etc.
+ # @ExampleTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @ExampleFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @ProofWord { proof } # "Proof" word, etc.
+ # @PageHeaders { Simple } # None Simple Titles NoTitles
+ @PageHeaders { Titles } # None Simple Titles NoTitles
+ # @PageNumbers { Arabic } # page numbers
+ # @FirstPageNumber { 1 } # number of first page
+ # @IntroPageNumbers { Roman } # intro page numbers
+ # @IntroFirstPageNumber{ 1 } # number of first intro page
+ # @StructPageNums { No } # make structured page numbers
+ # @PageNumberFormat { number } # format of all page numbers
+ # @OddTop { @Centre{- @PageNum -} } # Simple page headers
+ # @OddFoot { @Null }
+ # @EvenTop { @Centre{- @PageNum -} }
+ # @EvenFoot { @Null }
+ # @StartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @StartOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @StartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @StartEvenFoot { @Null }
+ # @IntroOddTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroOddFoot { @Centre @PageNum }
+ # @IntroEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroEvenFoot { @Centre @PageNum }
+ # @IntroStartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroStartOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @IntroStartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroStartEvenFoot { @Null }
+ # Titles, NoTitles headers
+ # @RunningOddTop { @I {@MinorNum @DotSep @MinorTitle} @Right @B @PageNum }
+ @RunningOddTop { 8p @Font {@MajorTitle @MinorNum @Right @PageNum} }
+ # @RunningOddFoot { @Null }
+ @RunningOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningEvenTop { @B @PageNum @Right @I {@MajorNum @DotSep @MajorTitle} }
+ @RunningEvenTop { 8p @Font {@MajorTitle @MinorNum @Right @PageNum} }
+ # @RunningEvenFoot { @Null }
+ @RunningEvenFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningStartOddTop { @Null }
+ @RunningStartOddTop { 8p @Font { @MajorTitle @MinorNum @Right @PageNum } }
+ # @RunningStartOddFoot { @Centre { Bold 0.8f } @Font @PageNum }
+ @RunningStartOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningStartEvenTop { @Null }
+ @RunningStartEvenTop { 8p @Font { @MajorTitle @MinorNum @Right @PageNum } }
+ # @RunningStartEvenFoot { @Centre { Bold 0.8f } @Font @PageNum }
+ @RunningStartEvenFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroOddTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroOddFoot { @Right @PageNum }
+ # @RunningIntroEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroEvenFoot { @PageNum }
+ # @RunningIntroStartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroStartOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroStartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroStartEvenFoot { @Null }
+# #
+# The @OverheadSetup @Use clause - options specific to overheads. #
+# #
+@Use { @OverheadSetup
+ # @DateLine { No } # No, Yes, or a date
+ # @ContentsWord { contents } # word for "Contents"
+ # @LectureWord { lecture } # word for "Lecture"
+ # @OverheadWord { } # word for "Overhead"
+ # @LectureNumbers { Arabic } # kind of lecture numbers
+ # @FirstLectureNumber { 1 } # first lecture num
+ # @OverheadNumbers { Arabic } # kind of overhead numbers
+ # @FirstOverheadNumber { 1 } # first overhead num
+ # @TitlePageFont { Helvetica Base 1.5f } # title page font
+ # @TitleFormat { @Center clines @Break title } # title line
+ # @AuthorFormat { @Center clines @Break author } # author line
+ # @InstitutionFormat { @Center clines @Break @I institution } # inst
+ # @DateLineFormat { @Center date } # date line
+ # @AboveTitleGap { 0.5i } # gap above title
+ @AboveAuthorGap { 3.5i } # gap above author
+ # @AboveInstitutionGap { 0.5i } # gap above inst
+ # @AboveDateLineGap { 0.5i } # gap above date
+ # @LectureHeadingFont { Bold 1.2f } # lecture head font
+ # @LectureHeadingBreak { clines 1.2fx nohyphen } # lecture head break
+ # @LectureHeadingFormat { @Centre number @DP @Centre title @DP }
+ # @AboveLectureGap { 3.0f } # gap above lec head
+ @OverheadHeadingFont { Helvetica Bold 32p } # overhead head font
+ # @OverheadHeadingBreak { 1.2fx nohyphen } # overhead head break
+ # @OverheadHeadingFormat { @Centre title @DP } # overhead head format
+ # @OverheadFormat { @Body } # overhead body format
+ # @AboveOverheadGap { 1.0f } # gap above over head
+ # @LectureInContents { Yes } # add lectures to contents
+ # @OverheadInContents { No } # add overheads to contents
+ # @ReferencesInContents { Yes } # add references to contents
+ # @LectureContentsIndent { 0f } # contents indent of lectures
+ # @OverheadInLectureContentsIndent { 2f } # .. of overhead within lec
+ # @OverheadContentsIndent { 0f } # .. of stand-alone overhead
+ # @ReferencesContentsIndent { 0f } # .. of references
+ # @LectureNumInTheorems { Yes } # theorem num has lecture num
+ # @OverheadNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has overhead num
+ # @LectureNumInDisplays { Yes } # display num has lecture num
+ # @OverheadNumInDisplays { No } # display num has overhead num
+ # @LectureNumInFigures { Yes } # figure num has lecture num
+ # @OverheadNumInFigures { No } # figure num has overhead num
+ # @LectureNumInTables { Yes } # table num has lecture num
+ # @OverheadNumInTables { No } # table num has overhead num
+ # @LectureNumInFloaters { Yes } # floater num has lecture num
+ # @OverheadNumInFloaters { No } # floater num has overhead num
+ # @LectureNumInRunners { Yes } # running head has lecture num
+ # @OverheadNumInRunners { Yes } # running head has overhd num
+ # @LecturePrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @OverheadPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+# #
+# @Database (and @SysDatabase) clauses go here. #
+# #
+@SysDatabase @FontDef { fontdefs } # font definitions
+@SysDatabase @RefStyle { refstyle } # reference printing styles