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+ <H1>[99s-extend] Proposal for Cowboy Routing</H1>
+ <B>Thomas Allen</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[99s-extend] Proposal for Cowboy Routing">thomas at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Tue Nov 13 17:10:04 CET 2012</I>
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+<PRE>On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 04:22:48PM +0100, Lo&#239;c Hoguin wrote:
+&gt;<i> No, just check that cowboy_req:path/1 ends with $/, and if it
+</I>&gt;<i> doesn't then redirect.
+OK, so what I'm going for is to actually check for a valid URL with the
+slash. I got it to work in current cowboy, but shield your eyes ...
+I do this &quot;middleware&quot; thing often ... this might be a misnomer as I
+think some definitions of middleware specify that it be able to wrap the
+request *and* the response. I digress ...
+ %%% foo_app.erl:
+ {ok, _} = cowboy:start_http(http, ?ACCEPTORS,
+ [{port, ?PORT}],
+ [{dispatch, Dispatch},
+ {onrequest, fun(Req) -&gt;
+ foo_middleware:all(Dispatch, Req)
+ end}]
+ ),
+ %% foo_middleware.erl:
+ -define(MIDDLEWARE, [
+ fun foo_middleware:slash/2,
+ fun foo_middleware:session/2,
+ fun foo_middleware:user/2
+ ]).
+ all(Dispatch, Req) -&gt;
+ lists:foldl(fun(F, CurReq) -&gt; F(Dispatch, CurReq) end, Req,
+ %% ...
+ slash(Dispatch, Req) -&gt;
+ {Path, _} = cowboy_req:path(Req),
+ case binary:last(Path) of
+ $/ -&gt; Req;
+ _ -&gt;
+ SlashPath = &lt;&lt;Path/bitstring, &quot;/&quot;&gt;&gt;,
+ {Host, _} = cowboy_req:host(Req),
+ Match = cowboy_dispatcher:match(Dispatch, Host,
+ SlashPath),
+ case element(1, Match) of
+ ok -&gt;
+ cowboy_req:reply(301,
+ [{&lt;&lt;&quot;Location&quot;&gt;&gt;, SlashPath}], &lt;&lt;&gt;&gt;, Req);
+ error -&gt; Req
+ end
+ end.
+So, I assume that any path not ending in &quot;/&quot; won't match. Another
+version of this could toss that assumption, but then you're performing
+an extra match on every request ... much better to use a '_' rule in
+that case.
+One thing that is icky about using a fallback '_' handler, and the
+reason I've elected to use onrequest for this example, is that I do not
+see a way to access cowboy_protocol's state.dispatch to access these
+rules. So, I enclose them in my `onrequest` fun. Would it be possible to
+expose Dispatch? This has many applications, particularly for URL
+Perhaps I am missing several things ;^)
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