path: root/docs/en/gun/1.1/guide/websocket.asciidoc
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Diffstat (limited to 'docs/en/gun/1.1/guide/websocket.asciidoc')
1 files changed, 117 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/en/gun/1.1/guide/websocket.asciidoc b/docs/en/gun/1.1/guide/websocket.asciidoc
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/en/gun/1.1/guide/websocket.asciidoc
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+== Websocket
+This chapter describes how to use the Gun client for
+communicating with a Websocket server.
+// @todo recovering from connection failure, reconnecting to Websocket etc.
+=== HTTP upgrade
+Websocket is a protocol built on top of HTTP. To use Websocket,
+you must first request for the connection to be upgraded. Only
+HTTP/1.1 connections can be upgraded to Websocket, so you might
+need to restrict the protocol to HTTP/1.1 if you are planning
+to use Websocket over TLS.
+You must use the `gun:ws_upgrade/2,3,4` function to upgrade
+to Websocket. This function can be called anytime after connection,
+so you can send HTTP requests before upgrading to Websocket.
+.Upgrade to Websocket
+gun:ws_upgrade(ConnPid, "/websocket").
+Gun will set all the necessary headers for performing the
+Websocket upgrade, but you can specify additional headers
+if needed. For example you can request a custom sub-protocol.
+.Upgrade to Websocket and request a protocol
+gun:ws_upgrade(ConnPid, "/websocket", [
+ {<<"sec-websocket-protocol">>, "mychat"}
+You can pass the Websocket options as part of the `gun:open/2,3`
+call when opening the connection, or using the `gun:ws_upgrade/4`.
+The fourth argument is those same options.
+When the upgrade succeeds, a `gun_upgrade` message is sent.
+If the server does not understand Websocket or refused the
+upgrade, a `gun_response` message is sent. If Gun couldn't
+perform the upgrade due to an error (for example attempting
+to upgrade to Websocket on an HTTP/1.0 connection) then a
+`gun_error` message is sent.
+When the server does not understand Websocket, it may send
+a meaningful response which should be processed. In the
+following example we however ignore it:
+ {gun_upgrade, ConnPid, StreamRef, [<<"websocket">>], Headers} ->
+ upgrade_success(ConnPid, StreamRef);
+ {gun_response, ConnPid, _, _, Status, Headers} ->
+ exit({ws_upgrade_failed, Status, Headers});
+ {gun_error, ConnPid, StreamRef, Reason} ->
+ exit({ws_upgrade_failed, Reason})
+ %% More clauses here as needed.
+after 1000 ->
+ exit(timeout)
+=== Sending data
+Once the Websocket upgrade has completed successfully, you no
+longer have access to functions for performing requests. You
+can only send and receive Websocket messages.
+Use `gun:ws_send/2` to send messages to the server.
+.Send a text frame
+gun:ws_send(ConnPid, {text, "Hello!"}).
+// @todo Implement sending of N frames
+//.Send a text frame, a binary frame and then close the connection
+//gun:ws_send(ConnPid, [
+// {text, "Hello!"},
+// {binary, BinaryValue},
+// close
+Note that if you send a close frame, Gun will close the connection
+cleanly but will attempt to reconnect afterwards.
+=== Receiving data
+Gun sends an Erlang message to the owner process for every
+Websocket message it receives.
+ {gun_ws, ConnPid, StreamRef, Frame} ->
+ handle_frame(ConnPid, StreamRef, Frame)
+// @todo auto ping has not been implemented yet
+//Gun will automatically send ping messages to the server to keep
+//the connection alive, however if the connection dies and Gun has
+//to reconnect it will not upgrade to Websocket automatically, you
+//need to perform the operation when you receive the `gun_error`