path: root/docs/en/ranch/2.0/guide/connection_draining.asciidoc
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diff --git a/docs/en/ranch/2.0/guide/connection_draining.asciidoc b/docs/en/ranch/2.0/guide/connection_draining.asciidoc
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+== Connection draining
+Stopping a Ranch listener via `ranch:stop_listener/1` will invariably kill
+all connection processes the listener hosts. However, you may want to stop
+a listener in a graceful fashion, ie by not accepting any new connections,
+but allowing the existing connection processes to exit by themselves instead
+of being killed.
+For this purpose, you should first suspend the listener you wish to
+stop gracefully, and then wait for its connection count to drop to
+.Draining a single listener
+ok = ranch:suspend_listener(Ref),
+ok = ranch:wait_for_connections(Ref, '==', 0),
+ok = ranch:stop_listener(Ref).
+If you want to drain more than just one listener, it may be important to first suspend
+them all before beginning to wait for their connection counts to reach zero. Otherwise,
+the not yet suspended listeners will still be accepting connections while you wait for
+the suspended ones to be drained.
+.Draining multiple listeners
+ fun (Ref) ->
+ ok = ranch:suspend_listener(Ref)
+ end,
+ Refs
+ fun (Ref) ->
+ ok = ranch:wait_for_connections(Ref, '==', 0),
+ ok = ranch:stop_listener(Ref)
+ end,
+ Refs
+If you have long-running connection processes hosted by the listener you want to stop
+gracefully, draining may take a long time, possibly forever. If you just want to give
+the connection processes a chance to finish, but are not willing to wait for infinity,
+the waiting part could be handled in a separate process.
+.Draining a listener with a timeout
+ok = ranch:suspend_listener(Ref),
+{DrainPid, DrainRef} = spawn_monitor(
+ fun () ->
+ ok = ranch:wait_for_connections(Ref, '==', 0)
+ end
+ {'DOWN', DrainRef, process, DrainPid, _} ->
+ ok
+after DrainTimeout ->
+ exit(DrainPid, kill),
+ ok
+ok = ranch:stop_listener(Ref).
+To drain listeners automatically as part of your application shutdown routine,
+use the `prep_stop/1` function of your application module.
+.Draining listeners automatically on application shutdown
+start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->
+ {ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(my_listener, ranch_tcp, #{}, my_protocol, []),
+ my_app_sup:start_link().
+prep_stop(State) ->
+ ok = ranch:suspend_listener(my_listener),
+ ok = ranch:wait_for_connections(my_listener, '==', 0),
+ ok = ranch:stop_listener(my_listener),
+ State.
+stop(_State) ->
+ ok.