%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%% Define to run outside of test server
%%% -define(STANDALONE,1).
%%% Define for debug output
%%% -define(debug,1).
%% Exported end user tests
-export([seq/3, seq_r/3]).
-export([loaded/1, a_function/1, a_called_function/1, dec/1, nif_dec/1, dead_tracer/1]).
-define(US_ERROR, 10000).
-define(R_ERROR, 0.8).
-define(SINGLE_CALL_US_TIME, 10).
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Result examination macros
-define(CTT(P, MFA),{trace_ts,P,call,MFA,{_,_,_}}).
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% When run in test server.
-export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1,
init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2, not_run/1]).
-export([basic/1, on_and_off/1, info/1,
pause_and_restart/1, scheduling/1, called_function/1, combo/1,
bif/1, nif/1]).
init_per_testcase(_Case, Config) ->
?line Dog=test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(400)),
erlang:trace_pattern({'_','_','_'}, false, [local,meta,call_time,call_count]),
erlang:trace_pattern(on_load, false, [local,meta,call_time,call_count]),
[{watchdog, Dog}|Config].
end_per_testcase(_Case, Config) ->
erlang:trace_pattern({'_','_','_'}, false, [local,meta,call_time,call_count]),
erlang:trace_pattern(on_load, false, [local,meta,call_time,call_count]),
erlang:trace(all, false, [all]),
Dog=?config(watchdog, Config),
suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}].
all() ->
case test_server:is_native(trace_call_time_SUITE) of
true -> [not_run];
false ->
[basic, on_and_off, info, pause_and_restart, scheduling,
combo, bif, nif, called_function, dead_tracer]
groups() ->
init_per_suite(Config) ->
end_per_suite(_Config) ->
init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
not_run(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{skipped,"Native code"}.
basic(suite) ->
basic(doc) ->
["Tests basic call count trace"];
basic(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line P = erlang:trace_pattern({'_','_','_'}, false, [call_time]),
?line M = 1000,
?line 1 = erlang:trace_pattern({?MODULE,seq, '_'}, true, [call_time]),
?line 2 = erlang:trace_pattern({?MODULE,seq_r,'_'}, true, [call_time]),
?line Pid = setup(),
?line {L, T1} = execute(Pid, fun() -> seq(1, M, fun(X) -> (X+1) end) end),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, seq, 3}, [{Pid, M, 0, 0}], T1),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, seq_r, 3}, [], none),
?line {Lr, T2} = execute(Pid, fun() -> seq_r(1, M, fun(X) -> (X+1) end) end),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, seq, 3}, [{Pid, M, 0, 0}], T1),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, seq_r, 3}, [{Pid, 1, 0, 0}], T2/M),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, seq_r, 4}, [{Pid, M, 0, 0}], T2),
?line L = lists:reverse(Lr),
?line P = erlang:trace_pattern({'_','_','_'}, false, [call_time]),
?line Pid ! quit,
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
on_and_off(suite) ->
on_and_off(doc) ->
["Tests turning trace parameters on and off"];
on_and_off(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line P = erlang:trace_pattern({'_','_','_'}, false, [call_time]),
?line M = 100,
?line 1 = erlang:trace_pattern({?MODULE,seq,'_'}, true, [call_time]),
?line Pid = setup(),
?line {L, T1} = execute(Pid, {?MODULE, seq, [1, M, fun(X) -> X+1 end]}),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, seq, 3}, [{Pid, M, 0, 0}], T1),
?line N = erlang:trace_pattern({?MODULE,'_','_'}, true, [call_time]),
?line {L, T2} = execute(Pid, fun() -> seq(1, M, fun(X) -> X+1 end) end),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, seq, 3}, [{Pid, M, 0, 0}], T2),
?line P = erlang:trace_pattern({'_','_','_'}, true, [call_time]),
?line {L, T3} = execute(Pid, fun() -> seq(1, M, fun(X) -> X+1 end) end),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, seq, 3}, [{Pid, M, 0, 0}], T3),
?line 1 = erlang:trace_pattern({?MODULE,seq,'_'}, false, [call_time]),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, seq, 3}, false, none),
?line {L, _T4} = execute(Pid, fun() -> seq(1, M, fun(X) -> X+1 end) end),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, seq, 3}, false, none),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, seq_r, 4}, [], none),
?line {Lr, T5} = execute(Pid, fun() -> seq_r(1, M, fun(X) -> X+1 end) end),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, seq_r, 4}, [{Pid,M,0,0}], T5),
?line N = erlang:trace_pattern({?MODULE,'_','_'}, false, [call_time]),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, seq_r, 4}, false, none),
?line {Lr, _T6} = execute(Pid, fun() -> seq_r(1, M, fun(X) -> X+1 end) end),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, seq_r, 4}, false, none),
?line L = lists:reverse(Lr),
?line Pid ! quit,
?line P = erlang:trace_pattern({'_','_','_'}, false, [call_time]),
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
info(suite) ->
info(doc) ->
["Tests the trace_info BIF"];
info(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line P = erlang:trace_pattern({'_','_','_'}, false, [call_time]),
?line 1 = erlang:trace_pattern({?MODULE,seq,3}, true, [call_time]),
?line {call_time,[]} = erlang:trace_info({?MODULE,seq,3}, call_time),
?line 1 = erlang:trace_pattern({?MODULE,seq,'_'}, pause, [call_time]),
?line {call_time,[]} = erlang:trace_info({?MODULE,seq,3}, call_time),
?line {all,[_|_]=L} = erlang:trace_info({?MODULE,seq,3}, all),
?line {value,{call_time,[]}} = lists:keysearch(call_time, 1, L),
?line 1 = erlang:trace_pattern({?MODULE,seq,'_'}, restart, [call_time]),
?line {call_time,[]} = erlang:trace_info({?MODULE,seq,3}, call_time),
?line 1 = erlang:trace_pattern({?MODULE,seq,'_'}, false, [call_time]),
?line {call_time,false} = erlang:trace_info({?MODULE,seq,3}, call_time),
?line {all,false} = erlang:trace_info({?MODULE,seq,3}, all),
?line P = erlang:trace_pattern({'_','_','_'}, false, [call_time]),
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
pause_and_restart(suite) ->
pause_and_restart(doc) ->
["Tests pausing and restarting call time counters"];
pause_and_restart(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line P = erlang:trace_pattern({'_','_','_'}, false, [call_time]),
?line M = 100,
?line Pid = setup(),
?line 1 = erlang:trace_pattern({?MODULE,seq,'_'}, true, [call_time]),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, seq, 3}, [], none),
?line {L, T1} = execute(Pid, fun() -> seq(1, M, fun(X) -> X+1 end) end),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, seq, 3}, [{Pid,M,0,0}], T1),
?line 1 = erlang:trace_pattern({?MODULE,seq,'_'}, pause, [call_time]),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, seq, 3}, [{Pid,M,0,0}], T1),
?line {L, T2} = execute(Pid, fun() -> seq(1, M, fun(X) -> X+1 end) end),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, seq, 3}, [{Pid,M,0,0}], T2),
?line 1 = erlang:trace_pattern({?MODULE,seq,'_'}, restart, [call_time]),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, seq, 3}, [], none),
?line {L, T3} = execute(Pid, fun() -> seq(1, M, fun(X) -> X+1 end) end),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, seq, 3}, [{Pid,M,0,0}], T3),
?line Pid ! quit,
?line P = erlang:trace_pattern({'_','_','_'}, false, [call_time]),
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
scheduling(suite) ->
scheduling(doc) ->
["Tests in/out scheduling of call time counters"];
scheduling(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line P = erlang:trace_pattern({'_','_','_'}, false, [call_time]),
?line M = 1000000,
?line Np = erlang:system_info(schedulers_online),
?line F = 12,
%% setup load processes
%% (single, no internal calls)
?line erlang:trace_pattern({?MODULE,loaded,1}, true, [call_time]),
?line Pids = [setup() || _ <- lists:seq(1, F*Np)],
?line {_Ls,T1} = execute(Pids, {?MODULE,loaded,[M]}),
?line [Pid ! quit || Pid <- Pids],
%% logic dictates that each process will get ~ 1/F of the schedulers time
?line {call_time, CT} = erlang:trace_info({?MODULE,loaded,1}, call_time),
?line lists:foreach(fun (Pid) ->
?line ok = case check_process_time(lists:keysearch(Pid, 1, CT), M, F, T1) of
schedule_time_error ->
test_server:comment("Warning: Failed time ratio"),
Other -> Other
end, Pids),
?line P = erlang:trace_pattern({'_','_','_'}, false, [call_time]),
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
combo(suite) ->
combo(doc) ->
["Tests combining local call trace and meta trace with call time trace"];
combo(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Self = self(),
?line Nbc = 3,
?line MetaMs = [{'_',[],[{return_trace}]}],
?line Flags = lists:sort([call, return_to]),
?line LocalTracer = spawn_link(fun () -> relay_n(5 + Nbc + 3, Self) end),
?line MetaTracer = spawn_link(fun () -> relay_n(9 + Nbc + 3, Self) end),
?line 2 = erlang:trace_pattern({?MODULE,seq_r,'_'}, [], [local]),
?line 2 = erlang:trace_pattern({?MODULE,seq_r,'_'}, true, [call_time]),
?line 2 = erlang:trace_pattern({?MODULE,seq_r,'_'}, MetaMs, [{meta,MetaTracer}]),
?line 2 = erlang:trace_pattern({?MODULE,seq_r,'_'}, true, [call_count]),
% bifs
?line 2 = erlang:trace_pattern({erlang, term_to_binary, '_'}, [], [local]),
?line 2 = erlang:trace_pattern({erlang, term_to_binary, '_'}, true, [call_time]),
?line 2 = erlang:trace_pattern({erlang, term_to_binary, '_'}, MetaMs, [{meta,MetaTracer}]),
%% not implemented
%?line 2 = erlang:trace_pattern({erlang, term_to_binary, '_'}, true, [call_count]),
?line 1 = erlang:trace(Self, true, [{tracer,LocalTracer} | Flags]),
?line {traced,local} =
erlang:trace_info({?MODULE,seq_r,3}, traced),
?line {match_spec,[]} =
erlang:trace_info({?MODULE,seq_r,3}, match_spec),
?line {meta,MetaTracer} =
erlang:trace_info({?MODULE,seq_r,3}, meta),
?line {meta_match_spec,MetaMs} =
erlang:trace_info({?MODULE,seq_r,3}, meta_match_spec),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, seq_r, 3}, [], none),
%% check empty trace_info for ?MODULE:seq_r/3
?line {all,[_|_]=TraceInfo} = erlang:trace_info({?MODULE,seq_r,3}, all),
?line {value,{traced,local}} = lists:keysearch(traced, 1, TraceInfo),
?line {value,{match_spec,[]}} = lists:keysearch(match_spec, 1, TraceInfo),
?line {value,{meta,MetaTracer}} = lists:keysearch(meta, 1, TraceInfo),
?line {value,{meta_match_spec,MetaMs}} = lists:keysearch(meta_match_spec, 1, TraceInfo),
?line {value,{call_count,0}} = lists:keysearch(call_count, 1, TraceInfo),
?line {value,{call_time,[]}} = lists:keysearch(call_time, 1, TraceInfo),
%% check empty trace_info for erlang:term_to_binary/1
?line {all, [_|_] = TraceInfoBif} = erlang:trace_info({erlang, term_to_binary, 1}, all),
?line {value,{traced,local}} = lists:keysearch(traced, 1, TraceInfoBif),
?line {value,{match_spec,[]}} = lists:keysearch(match_spec, 1, TraceInfoBif),
?line {value,{meta, MetaTracer}} = lists:keysearch(meta, 1, TraceInfoBif),
?line {value,{meta_match_spec,MetaMs}} = lists:keysearch(meta_match_spec, 1, TraceInfoBif),
%% not implemented
?line {value,{call_count,false}} = lists:keysearch(call_count, 1, TraceInfoBif),
%?line {value,{call_count,0}} = lists:keysearch(call_count, 1, TraceInfoBif),
?line {value,{call_time,[]}} = lists:keysearch(call_time, 1, TraceInfoBif),
?line [3,2,1] = seq_r(1, 3, fun(X) -> X+1 end),
?line T0 = erlang:monotonic_time(),
?line with_bif(Nbc),
?line T1 = erlang:monotonic_time(),
?line TimeB = erlang:convert_time_unit(T1-T0, native, micro_seconds),
?line List = collect(100),
?line {MetaR, LocalR} =
fun ({P,X}, {M,L}) when P == MetaTracer ->
({P,X}, {M,L}) when P == LocalTracer ->
?line Meta = lists:reverse(MetaR),
?line Local = lists:reverse(LocalR),
?line [?CTT(Self,{?MODULE,seq_r,[1,3,_]}),
?CTT(Self,{erlang,term_to_binary,[3]}), % bif
] = Meta,
?line [?CT(Self,{?MODULE,seq_r,[1,3,_]}),
?CT(Self,{erlang,term_to_binary,[3]}), % bif
] = Local,
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, seq_r, 3}, [{Self,1,0,0}], 1),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, seq_r, 4}, [{Self,3,0,0}], 1),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, seq_r, 3}, [{Self,1,0,0}], 1),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, seq_r, 4}, [{Self,3,0,0}], 1),
?line ok = check_trace_info({erlang, term_to_binary, 1}, [{self(), Nbc - 1, 0, 0}], TimeB),
?line erlang:trace_pattern({'_','_','_'}, false, [local,meta,call_time]),
?line erlang:trace_pattern(on_load, false, [local,meta,call_time]),
?line erlang:trace(all, false, [all]),
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
bif(suite) ->
bif(doc) ->
["Tests tracing of bifs"];
bif(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line P = erlang:trace_pattern({'_','_','_'}, false, [call_time]),
?line M = 1000000,
?line 2 = erlang:trace_pattern({erlang, binary_to_term, '_'}, true, [call_time]),
?line 2 = erlang:trace_pattern({erlang, term_to_binary, '_'}, true, [call_time]),
?line Pid = setup(),
?line {L, T1} = execute(Pid, fun() -> with_bif(M) end),
?line ok = check_trace_info({erlang, binary_to_term, 1}, [{Pid, M - 1, 0, 0}], T1/2),
?line ok = check_trace_info({erlang, term_to_binary, 1}, [{Pid, M - 1, 0, 0}], T1/2),
% disable term2binary
?line 2 = erlang:trace_pattern({erlang, term_to_binary, '_'}, false, [call_time]),
?line {L, T2} = execute(Pid, fun() -> with_bif(M) end),
?line ok = check_trace_info({erlang, binary_to_term, 1}, [{Pid, M*2 - 2, 0, 0}], T1/2 + T2),
?line ok = check_trace_info({erlang, term_to_binary, 1}, false, none),
?line P = erlang:trace_pattern({'_','_','_'}, false, [call_time]),
?line Pid ! quit,
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
nif(suite) ->
nif(doc) ->
["Tests tracing of nifs"];
nif(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line P = erlang:trace_pattern({'_','_','_'}, false, [call_time]),
?line M = 1000000,
?line 1 = erlang:trace_pattern({?MODULE, nif_dec, '_'}, true, [call_time]),
?line 1 = erlang:trace_pattern({?MODULE, with_nif, '_'}, true, [call_time]),
?line Pid = setup(),
?line {_, T1} = execute(Pid, fun() -> with_nif(M) end),
% the nif is called M - 1 times, the last time the function with 'with_nif'
% returns ok and does not call the nif.
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, nif_dec, 1}, [{Pid, M-1, 0, 0}], T1/5*4),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, with_nif, 1}, [{Pid, M, 0, 0}], T1/5),
?line P = erlang:trace_pattern({'_','_','_'}, false, [call_time]),
?line Pid ! quit,
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
called_function(suite) ->
called_function(doc) ->
["Tests combining nested function calls and that the time accumulates to the right function"];
called_function(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line P = erlang:trace_pattern({'_','_','_'}, false, [call_time]),
?line M = 2100,
?line Pid = setup(),
?line 1 = erlang:trace_pattern({?MODULE,a_function,'_'}, true, [call_time]),
?line {L, T1} = execute(Pid, {?MODULE, a_function, [M]}),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, a_function, 1}, [{Pid, M, 0, 0}], T1),
?line 1 = erlang:trace_pattern({?MODULE,a_called_function,'_'}, true, [call_time]),
?line {L, T2} = execute(Pid, {?MODULE, a_function, [M]}),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, a_function, 1}, [{Pid, M+M, 0, 0}], T1 + M*?SINGLE_CALL_US_TIME),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, a_called_function, 1}, [{Pid, M, 0, 0}], T2),
?line 1 = erlang:trace_pattern({?MODULE,dec,'_'}, true, [call_time]),
?line {L, T3} = execute(Pid, {?MODULE, a_function, [M]}),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, a_function, 1}, [{Pid, M+M+M, 0, 0}], T1 + (M+M)*?SINGLE_CALL_US_TIME),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, a_called_function, 1}, [{Pid, M+M, 0, 0}], T2 + M*?SINGLE_CALL_US_TIME ),
?line ok = check_trace_info({?MODULE, dec, 1}, [{Pid, M, 0, 0}], T3),
?line Pid ! quit,
?line P = erlang:trace_pattern({'_','_','_'}, false, [call_time]),
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
dead_tracer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Self = self(),
FirstTracer = tracer(),
StartTracing = fun() -> turn_on_tracing(Self) end,
tell_tracer(FirstTracer, StartTracing),
[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] = seq(1, 8, fun(I) -> I + 1 end),
Ref = erlang:monitor(process, FirstTracer),
FirstTracer ! quit,
{'DOWN',Ref,process,FirstTracer,normal} ->
%% Collect and check that we only get call_time info for the current process.
Info1 = collect_all_info(),
[] = other_than_self(Info1),
io:format("~p\n", [Info1]),
%% Note that we have not turned off tracing for the current process,
%% but that the tracer has terminated. No more call_time information should be recorded.
[1,2,3] = seq(1, 3, fun(I) -> I + 1 end),
[] = collect_all_info(),
%% When we start a second tracer process, that tracer process must
%% not inherit the tracing flags and the dead tracer (even though
%% we used set_on_spawn).
SecondTracer = tracer(),
tell_tracer(SecondTracer, StartTracing),
Seq20 = lists:seq(1, 20),
Seq20 = seq(1, 20, fun(I) -> I + 1 end),
Info2 = collect_all_info(),
io:format("~p\n", [Info2]),
[] = other_than_self(Info2),
SecondTracer ! quit,
other_than_self(Info) ->
[{Pid,MFA} || {MFA,[{Pid,_,_,_}]} <- Info,
Pid =/= self()].
tell_tracer(Tracer, Fun) ->
Tracer ! {execute,self(),Fun},
{Tracer,executed} ->
tracer() ->
spawn_link(fun Loop() ->
quit ->
{execute,From,Fun} ->
From ! {self(),executed},
turn_on_tracing(Pid) ->
_ = erlang:trace(Pid, true, [call,set_on_spawn]),
_ = erlang:trace_pattern({?MODULE,'_','_'}, true, [call_time]),
_ = now(),
collect_all_info() ->
collect_all_info([{?MODULE,F,A} || {F,A} <- module_info(functions)] ++
collect_all_info([MFA|T]) ->
CallTime = erlang:trace_info(MFA, call_time),
erlang:trace_pattern(MFA, restart, [call_time]),
case CallTime of
{call_time,false} ->
{call_time,[]} ->
{call_time,[_|_]=List} ->
collect_all_info([]) -> [].
%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%% The Tests
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Local helpers
load_nif(Config) ->
?line Path = ?config(data_dir, Config),
?line ok = erlang:load_nif(filename:join(Path,"trace_nif"), 0).
%% Stack recursive seq
seq(Stop, Stop, Succ) when is_function(Succ) ->
seq(Start, Stop, Succ) when is_function(Succ) ->
[Start | seq(Succ(Start), Stop, Succ)].
a_function(1) -> a_called_function(1);
a_function(N) when N > 1 -> a_function(a_called_function(N)).
a_called_function(N) -> dec(N).
with_bif(1) -> ok;
with_bif(N) ->
with_bif(erlang:binary_to_term(erlang:term_to_binary(N)) - 1).
with_nif(0) -> error;
with_nif(1) -> ok;
with_nif(N) ->
nif_dec(_) -> 0.
dec(N) ->
N - 1.
loaded(N) when N > 1 -> loaded(N - 1);
loaded(_) -> 5.
%% Tail recursive seq, result list is reversed
seq_r(Start, Stop, Succ) when is_function(Succ) ->
seq_r(Start, Stop, Succ, []).
seq_r(Stop, Stop, _, R) ->
[Stop | R];
seq_r(Start, Stop, Succ, R) ->
seq_r(Succ(Start), Stop, Succ, [Start | R]).
% Check call time tracing data and print mismatches
check_trace_info(Mfa, [{Pid, C,_,_}] = Expect, Time) ->
case erlang:trace_info(Mfa, call_time) of
% Time tests are somewhat problematic. We want to know if Time (EXPECTED_TIME) and S*1000000 + Us (ACTUAL_TIME)
% is the same.
% If the ratio EXPECTED_TIME/ACTUAL_TIME is ~ 1 or if EXPECTED_TIME - ACTUAL_TIME is near zero, the test is ok.
{call_time,[{Pid,C,S,Us}]} when S >= 0, Us >= 0, abs(1 - Time/(S*1000000 + Us)) < ?R_ERROR; abs(Time - S*1000000 - Us) < ?US_ERROR ->
{call_time,[{Pid,C,S,Us}]} ->
Sum = S*1000000 + Us,
io:format("Expected ~p -> {call_time, ~p (Time ~p us)}~n - got ~w s. ~w us. = ~w us. - ~w -> delta ~w (ratio ~.2f, should be 1.0)~n",
[Mfa, Expect, Time, S, Us, Sum, Time, Sum - Time, Time/Sum]),
Other ->
io:format("Expected ~p -> {call_time, ~p (Time ~p us)}~n - got ~p~n", [ Mfa, Expect, Time, Other]),
check_trace_info(Mfa, Expect, _) ->
case erlang:trace_info(Mfa, call_time) of
{call_time, Expect} ->
Other ->
io:format("Expected ~p -> {call_time, ~p}~n - got ~p~n", [Mfa, Expect, Other]),
%check process time
check_process_time({value,{Pid, M, S, Us}}, M, F, Time) ->
?line Sum = S*1000000 + Us,
abs(1 - (F/(Time/Sum))) < ?R_ERROR ->
true ->
io:format("- Pid ~p, Got ratio ~.2f, expected ratio ~w~n", [Pid, Time/Sum,F]),
check_process_time(Other, M, _, _) ->
io:format(" - Got ~p, expected count ~w~n", [Other, M]),
%% Message relay process
relay_n(0, _) ->
relay_n(N, Dest) ->
receive Msg ->
Dest ! {self(), Msg},
relay_n(N-1, Dest)
%% Collect received messages
collect(Time) ->
Ref = erlang:start_timer(Time, self(), done),
L = lists:reverse(collect([], Ref)),
?dbgformat("Got: ~p~n",[L]),
collect(A, 0) ->
Mess ->
collect([Mess | A], 0)
after 0 ->
collect(A, Ref) ->
{timeout, Ref, done} ->
collect(A, 0);
Mess ->
collect([Mess | A], Ref)
setup() ->
setup(Opts) ->
Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> loop() end),
1 = erlang:trace(Pid, true, [call|Opts]),
execute(Pids, Mfa) when is_list(Pids) ->
T0 = erlang:monotonic_time(),
[P ! {self(), execute, Mfa} || P <- Pids],
As = [receive {P, answer, Answer} -> Answer end || P <- Pids],
T1 = erlang:monotonic_time(),
{As, erlang:convert_time_unit(T1-T0, native, micro_seconds)};
execute(P, Mfa) ->
T0 = erlang:monotonic_time(),
P ! {self(), execute, Mfa},
A = receive {P, answer, Answer} -> Answer end,
T1 = erlang:monotonic_time(),
{A, erlang:convert_time_unit(T1-T0, native, micro_seconds)}.
loop() ->
quit ->
{Pid, execute, Fun } when is_function(Fun) ->
Pid ! {self(), answer, erlang:apply(Fun, [])},
{Pid, execute, {M, F, A}} ->
Pid ! {self(), answer, erlang:apply(M, F, A)},