%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%%% File : dialyzer_succ_typings.erl
%%% Author : Tobias Lindahl <[email protected]>
%%% Description :
%%% Created : 11 Sep 2006 by Tobias Lindahl <[email protected]>
-export_type([typesig_init_data/0, dataflow_init_data/0, warnings_init_data/0]).
%%-define(DEBUG, true).
-define(debug(X__, Y__), io:format(X__, Y__)).
-define(debug(X__, Y__), ok).
-define(TYPE_LIMIT, 4).
%% State record -- local to this module
-type parent() :: 'none' | pid().
-type typesig_init_data() :: term().
-type dataflow_init_data() :: term().
-type warnings_init_data() :: term().
-type fixpoint_init_data() :: typesig_init_data() | dataflow_init_data().
-type scc() :: [mfa_or_funlbl()] | [module()].
-record(st, {callgraph :: dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph(),
codeserver :: dialyzer_codeserver:codeserver(),
no_warn_unused :: set(),
parent = none :: parent(),
timing_server :: dialyzer_timing:timing_server(),
solvers :: [solver()],
plt :: dialyzer_plt:plt()}).
-spec analyze_callgraph(dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph(), dialyzer_plt:plt(),
dialyzer_codeserver:codeserver()) ->
analyze_callgraph(Callgraph, Plt, Codeserver) ->
analyze_callgraph(Callgraph, Plt, Codeserver, none, [], none).
-spec analyze_callgraph(dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph(), dialyzer_plt:plt(),
[solver()], parent()) ->
analyze_callgraph(Callgraph, Plt, Codeserver, TimingServer, Solvers, Parent) ->
NewState =
init_state_and_get_success_typings(Callgraph, Plt, Codeserver,
TimingServer, Solvers, Parent),
dialyzer_plt:restore_full_plt(NewState#st.plt, Plt).
init_state_and_get_success_typings(Callgraph, Plt, Codeserver,
TimingServer, Solvers, Parent) ->
{SCCs, Callgraph1} =
?timing(TimingServer, "order", dialyzer_callgraph:finalize(Callgraph)),
State = #st{callgraph = Callgraph1, plt = dialyzer_plt:get_mini_plt(Plt),
codeserver = Codeserver, parent = Parent,
timing_server = TimingServer, solvers = Solvers},
get_refined_success_typings(SCCs, State).
get_refined_success_typings(SCCs, #st{callgraph = Callgraph,
timing_server = TimingServer} = State) ->
case find_succ_typings(SCCs, State) of
{fixpoint, State1} -> State1;
{not_fixpoint, NotFixpoint1, State1} ->
{ModulePostorder, ModCallgraph} =
TimingServer, "order", _C1,
ModState = State1#st{callgraph = ModCallgraph},
case refine_succ_typings(ModulePostorder, ModState) of
{fixpoint, State2} ->
{not_fixpoint, NotFixpoint2, State2} ->
%% Need to reset the callgraph.
{NewSCCs, Callgraph2} =
?timing(TimingServer, "order", _C2,
NewState = State2#st{callgraph = Callgraph2},
get_refined_success_typings(NewSCCs, NewState)
-type doc_plt() :: 'undefined' | dialyzer_plt:plt().
-spec get_warnings(dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph(), dialyzer_plt:plt(),
doc_plt(), dialyzer_codeserver:codeserver(), set(),
dialyzer_timing:timing_server(), [solver()], pid()) ->
{[dial_warning()], dialyzer_plt:plt(), doc_plt()}.
get_warnings(Callgraph, Plt, DocPlt, Codeserver,
NoWarnUnused, TimingServer, Solvers, Parent) ->
InitState =
init_state_and_get_success_typings(Callgraph, Plt, Codeserver,
TimingServer, Solvers, Parent),
NewState = InitState#st{no_warn_unused = NoWarnUnused},
Mods = dialyzer_callgraph:modules(NewState#st.callgraph),
MiniPlt = NewState#st.plt,
CWarns =
dialyzer_contracts:get_invalid_contract_warnings(Mods, Codeserver, MiniPlt),
MiniDocPlt = dialyzer_plt:get_mini_plt(DocPlt),
ModWarns =
?timing(TimingServer, "warning",
get_warnings_from_modules(Mods, NewState, MiniDocPlt)),
{postprocess_warnings(CWarns ++ ModWarns, Codeserver),
dialyzer_plt:restore_full_plt(MiniPlt, Plt),
dialyzer_plt:restore_full_plt(MiniDocPlt, DocPlt)}.
get_warnings_from_modules(Mods, State, DocPlt) ->
#st{callgraph = Callgraph, codeserver = Codeserver,
no_warn_unused = NoWarnUnused, plt = Plt,
timing_server = TimingServer} = State,
Init = {Codeserver, Callgraph, NoWarnUnused, Plt, DocPlt},
dialyzer_coordinator:parallel_job(warnings, Mods, Init, TimingServer).
-spec collect_warnings(module(), warnings_init_data()) -> [dial_warning()].
collect_warnings(M, {Codeserver, Callgraph, NoWarnUnused, Plt, DocPlt}) ->
ModCode = dialyzer_codeserver:lookup_mod_code(M, Codeserver),
Records = dialyzer_codeserver:lookup_mod_records(M, Codeserver),
Contracts = dialyzer_codeserver:lookup_mod_contracts(M, Codeserver),
AllFuns = collect_fun_info([ModCode]),
%% Check if there are contracts for functions that do not exist
Warnings1 =
dialyzer_contracts:contracts_without_fun(Contracts, AllFuns, Callgraph),
{Warnings2, FunTypes} =
dialyzer_dataflow:get_warnings(ModCode, Plt, Callgraph,
Records, NoWarnUnused),
Attrs = cerl:module_attrs(ModCode),
Warnings3 =
dialyzer_behaviours:check_callbacks(M, Attrs, Records, Plt, Codeserver),
DocPlt = insert_into_doc_plt(FunTypes, Callgraph, DocPlt),
lists:flatten([Warnings1, Warnings2, Warnings3]).
postprocess_warnings(RawWarnings, Codeserver) ->
Pred =
fun({?WARN_CONTRACT_RANGE, _, _}) -> true;
(_) -> false
{CRWarns, NonCRWarns} = lists:partition(Pred, RawWarnings),
postprocess_dataflow_warns(CRWarns, Codeserver, NonCRWarns, []).
postprocess_dataflow_warns([], _Callgraph, WAcc, Acc) ->
lists:reverse(Acc, WAcc);
postprocess_dataflow_warns([{?WARN_CONTRACT_RANGE, {CallF, CallL}, Msg}|Rest],
Codeserver, WAcc, Acc) ->
{contract_range, [Contract, M, F, A, ArgStrings, CRet]} = Msg,
case dialyzer_codeserver:lookup_mfa_contract({M,F,A}, Codeserver) of
{ok, {{ContrF, _ContrL} = FileLine, _C}} ->
case CallF =:= ContrF of
true ->
NewMsg = {contract_range, [Contract, M, F, ArgStrings, CallL, CRet]},
W = {?WARN_CONTRACT_RANGE, FileLine, NewMsg},
Filter =
fun({?WARN_CONTRACT_TYPES, FL, _}) when FL =:= FileLine -> false;
(_) -> true
FilterWAcc = lists:filter(Filter, WAcc),
postprocess_dataflow_warns(Rest, Codeserver, FilterWAcc, [W|Acc]);
false ->
postprocess_dataflow_warns(Rest, Codeserver, WAcc, Acc)
error ->
%% The contract is not in a module that is currently under analysis.
%% We display the warning in the file/line of the call.
NewMsg = {contract_range, [Contract, M, F, ArgStrings, CallL, CRet]},
W = {?WARN_CONTRACT_RANGE, {CallF, CallL}, NewMsg},
postprocess_dataflow_warns(Rest, Codeserver, WAcc, [W|Acc])
refine_succ_typings(Modules, #st{codeserver = Codeserver,
callgraph = Callgraph,
plt = Plt,
timing_server = Timing,
solvers = Solvers} = State) ->
?debug("Module postorder: ~p\n", [Modules]),
Init = {Codeserver, Callgraph, Plt, Solvers},
NotFixpoint =
?timing(Timing, "refine",
dialyzer_coordinator:parallel_job(dataflow, Modules, Init, Timing)),
?debug("==================== Dataflow done ====================\n\n", []),
case NotFixpoint =:= [] of
true -> {fixpoint, State};
false -> {not_fixpoint, NotFixpoint, State}
-spec find_depends_on(scc() | module(), fixpoint_init_data()) -> [scc()].
find_depends_on(SCC, {_Codeserver, Callgraph, _Plt, _Solvers}) ->
dialyzer_callgraph:get_depends_on(SCC, Callgraph).
-spec find_required_by(scc() | module(), fixpoint_init_data()) -> [scc()].
find_required_by(SCC, {_Codeserver, Callgraph, _Plt, _Solvers}) ->
dialyzer_callgraph:get_required_by(SCC, Callgraph).
-spec lookup_names([label()], fixpoint_init_data()) -> [mfa_or_funlbl()].
lookup_names(Labels, {_Codeserver, Callgraph, _Plt, _Solvers}) ->
[lookup_name(F, Callgraph) || F <- Labels].
-spec refine_one_module(module(), dataflow_init_data()) -> [label()]. % ordset
refine_one_module(M, {CodeServer, Callgraph, Plt, _Solvers}) ->
ModCode = dialyzer_codeserver:lookup_mod_code(M, CodeServer),
AllFuns = collect_fun_info([ModCode]),
Records = dialyzer_codeserver:lookup_mod_records(M, CodeServer),
FunTypes = get_fun_types_from_plt(AllFuns, Callgraph, Plt),
NewFunTypes =
dialyzer_dataflow:get_fun_types(ModCode, Plt, Callgraph, Records),
case reached_fixpoint(FunTypes, NewFunTypes) of
true -> [];
{false, NotFixpoint} ->
?debug("Not fixpoint\n", []),
Plt = insert_into_plt(dict:from_list(NotFixpoint), Callgraph, Plt),
[FunLbl || {FunLbl,_Type} <- NotFixpoint]
reached_fixpoint(OldTypes, NewTypes) ->
reached_fixpoint(OldTypes, NewTypes, false).
reached_fixpoint_strict(OldTypes, NewTypes) ->
case reached_fixpoint(OldTypes, NewTypes, true) of
true -> true;
{false, _} -> false
reached_fixpoint(OldTypes0, NewTypes0, Strict) ->
MapFun = fun(_Key, Type) ->
case is_failed_or_not_called_fun(Type) of
true -> failed_fun;
false -> erl_types:t_limit(Type, ?TYPE_LIMIT)
OldTypes = dict:map(MapFun, OldTypes0),
NewTypes = dict:map(MapFun, NewTypes0),
compare_types(OldTypes, NewTypes, Strict).
is_failed_or_not_called_fun(Type) ->
compare_types(Dict1, Dict2, Strict) ->
List1 = lists:keysort(1, dict:to_list(Dict1)),
List2 = lists:keysort(1, dict:to_list(Dict2)),
compare_types_1(List1, List2, Strict, []).
compare_types_1([{X, _Type1}|Left1], [{X, failed_fun}|Left2],
Strict, NotFixpoint) ->
compare_types_1(Left1, Left2, Strict, NotFixpoint);
compare_types_1([{X, failed_fun}|Left1], [{X, _Type2}|Left2],
Strict, NotFixpoint) ->
compare_types_1(Left1, Left2, Strict, NotFixpoint);
compare_types_1([{X, Type1}|Left1], [{X, Type2}|Left2], Strict, NotFixpoint) ->
Res = case Strict of
true -> erl_types:t_is_equal(Type1, Type2);
false -> erl_types:t_is_subtype(Type1, Type2)
case Res of
true -> compare_types_1(Left1, Left2, Strict, NotFixpoint);
false ->
?debug("Failed fixpoint for ~w: ~s =/= ~s\n",
[X, erl_types:t_to_string(Type1), erl_types:t_to_string(Type2)]),
compare_types_1(Left1, Left2, Strict, [{X, Type2}|NotFixpoint])
compare_types_1([_|Left1], List2, Strict, NotFixpoint) ->
%% If the function was not called.
compare_types_1(Left1, List2, Strict, NotFixpoint);
compare_types_1([], [], _Strict, NotFixpoint) ->
case NotFixpoint =:= [] of
true -> true;
false -> {false, NotFixpoint}
find_succ_typings(SCCs, #st{codeserver = Codeserver, callgraph = Callgraph,
plt = Plt, timing_server = Timing,
solvers = Solvers} = State) ->
Init = {Codeserver, Callgraph, Plt, Solvers},
NotFixpoint =
?timing(Timing, "typesig",
dialyzer_coordinator:parallel_job(typesig, SCCs, Init, Timing)),
?debug("==================== Typesig done ====================\n\n", []),
case NotFixpoint =:= [] of
true -> {fixpoint, State};
false -> {not_fixpoint, NotFixpoint, State}
-spec find_succ_types_for_scc(scc(), typesig_init_data()) -> [mfa_or_funlbl()].
find_succ_types_for_scc(SCC, {Codeserver, Callgraph, Plt, Solvers}) ->
SCC_Info = [{MFA,
dialyzer_codeserver:lookup_mfa_code(MFA, Codeserver),
dialyzer_codeserver:lookup_mod_records(M, Codeserver)}
|| {M, _, _} = MFA <- SCC],
Contracts1 = [{MFA, dialyzer_codeserver:lookup_mfa_contract(MFA, Codeserver)}
|| {_, _, _} = MFA <- SCC],
Contracts2 = [{MFA, Contract} || {MFA, {ok, Contract}} <- Contracts1],
Contracts3 = orddict:from_list(Contracts2),
Label = dialyzer_codeserver:get_next_core_label(Codeserver),
AllFuns = collect_fun_info([Fun || {_MFA, {_Var, Fun}, _Rec} <- SCC_Info]),
PropTypes = get_fun_types_from_plt(AllFuns, Callgraph, Plt),
%% Assume that the PLT contains the current propagated types
FunTypes = dialyzer_typesig:analyze_scc(SCC_Info, Label, Callgraph,
Plt, PropTypes, Solvers),
AllFunSet = sets:from_list([X || {X, _} <- AllFuns]),
FilteredFunTypes =
dict:filter(fun(X, _) -> sets:is_element(X, AllFunSet) end, FunTypes),
%% Check contracts
PltContracts =
dialyzer_contracts:check_contracts(Contracts3, Callgraph, FilteredFunTypes),
ContractFixpoint =
lists:all(fun({MFA, _C}) ->
%% Check the non-deleted PLT
case dialyzer_plt:lookup_contract(Plt, MFA) of
none -> false;
{value, _} -> true
end, PltContracts),
Plt = insert_into_plt(FilteredFunTypes, Callgraph, Plt),
Plt = dialyzer_plt:insert_contract_list(Plt, PltContracts),
case (ContractFixpoint andalso
reached_fixpoint_strict(PropTypes, FilteredFunTypes)) of
true -> [];
false ->
?debug("Not fixpoint for: ~w\n", [AllFuns]),
[Fun || {Fun, _Arity} <- AllFuns]
get_fun_types_from_plt(FunList, Callgraph, Plt) ->
get_fun_types_from_plt(FunList, Callgraph, Plt, dict:new()).
get_fun_types_from_plt([{FunLabel, Arity}|Left], Callgraph, Plt, Map) ->
Type = lookup_fun_type(FunLabel, Arity, Callgraph, Plt),
get_fun_types_from_plt(Left, Callgraph, Plt, dict:store(FunLabel, Type, Map));
get_fun_types_from_plt([], _Callgraph, _Plt, Map) ->
collect_fun_info(Trees) ->
collect_fun_info(Trees, []).
collect_fun_info([Tree|Trees], List) ->
Fun = fun(SubTree, Acc) ->
case cerl:is_c_fun(SubTree) of
true ->
[{cerl_trees:get_label(SubTree), cerl:fun_arity(SubTree)}|Acc];
false -> Acc
collect_fun_info(Trees, cerl_trees:fold(Fun, List, Tree));
collect_fun_info([], List) ->
lookup_fun_type(Label, Arity, Callgraph, Plt) ->
ID = lookup_name(Label, Callgraph),
case dialyzer_plt:lookup(Plt, ID) of
none -> erl_types:t_fun(Arity, erl_types:t_any());
{value, {RetT, ArgT}} -> erl_types:t_fun(ArgT, RetT)
insert_into_doc_plt(_FunTypes, _Callgraph, undefined) ->
insert_into_doc_plt(FunTypes, Callgraph, DocPlt) ->
SuccTypes = format_succ_types(FunTypes, Callgraph),
dialyzer_plt:insert_list(DocPlt, SuccTypes).
insert_into_plt(SuccTypes0, Callgraph, Plt) ->
SuccTypes = format_succ_types(SuccTypes0, Callgraph),
dialyzer_plt:insert_list(Plt, SuccTypes).
format_succ_types(SuccTypes, Callgraph) ->
format_succ_types(dict:to_list(SuccTypes), Callgraph, []).
format_succ_types([{Label, Type0}|Left], Callgraph, Acc) ->
Type = erl_types:t_limit(Type0, ?TYPE_LIMIT+1),
Id = lookup_name(Label, Callgraph),
NewTuple = {Id, {erl_types:t_fun_range(Type), erl_types:t_fun_args(Type)}},
format_succ_types(Left, Callgraph, [NewTuple|Acc]);
format_succ_types([], _Callgraph, Acc) ->
debug_pp_succ_typings(SuccTypes) ->
?debug("Succ typings:\n", []),
[?debug(" ~w :: ~s\n",
[MFA, erl_types:t_to_string(erl_types:t_fun(ArgT, RetT))])
|| {MFA, {RetT, ArgT}} <- SuccTypes],
?debug("Contracts:\n", []),
[?debug(" ~w :: ~s\n",
[MFA, erl_types:t_to_string(erl_types:t_fun(ArgT, RetFun(ArgT)))])
|| {MFA, {contract, RetFun, ArgT}} <- SuccTypes],
?debug("\n", []),
debug_pp_succ_typings(_) ->
lookup_name(F, CG) ->
case dialyzer_callgraph:lookup_name(F, CG) of
error -> F;
{ok, Name} -> Name