%% This suite contains cases that cannot be written
%% in Erlang itself and must be done via the abstract
%% format.
-export([suite/0, all/0, init_per_suite/0, init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1]).
suite() ->
[{timetrap, {minutes, 1}}].
all() ->
init_per_suite() ->
[{timetrap, ?plt_timeout}].
init_per_suite(Config) ->
OutDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
case dialyzer_common:check_plt(OutDir) of
fail -> {skip, "Plt creation/check failed."};
ok -> [{dialyzer_options, []}|Config]
end_per_suite(_Config) ->
%% This function is required since init_per_suite/1 exists.
generated_case(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% Equivalent to:
%% -module(foo).
%% -export(bar).
%% bar() ->
%% Arg = sample,
%% case Arg of
%% #{} -> map;
%% _ -> Arg:fn()
%% end.
%% Except the case statement and its clauses are marked as autogenerated.
[] =
Config, [], []),
%% With the first clause not auto-generated
[{warn_matching,{_,6},_}] =
Config, [], []),
%% With Arg set to [] so neither clause matches
{warn_failing_call,{_,7},_}] =
Config, [], []),
test(Prog, Config, COpts, DOpts) ->
{ok, BeamFile} = compile(Config, Prog, COpts),
run_dialyzer(Config, succ_typings, [BeamFile], DOpts).
compile(Config, Prog, CompileOpts) ->
OutDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
Opts = [{outdir, OutDir}, debug_info, return_errors | CompileOpts],
{ok, Module, Source} = compile:forms(Prog, Opts),
BeamFile = filename:join([OutDir, lists:concat([Module, ".beam"])]),
ok = file:write_file(BeamFile, Source),
{ok, BeamFile}.
run_dialyzer(Config, Analysis, Files, Opts) ->
OutDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
PltFilename = dialyzer_common:plt_file(OutDir),
dialyzer:run([{analysis_type, Analysis},
{files, Files},
{init_plt, PltFilename},
{check_plt, false},
{from, byte_code} |