blob: 33d135048e605a76d066981bbcb8650d5435c3c0 (
plain) (
my_callbacks_wrong.erl:26: The return type #state{parent::'undefined' | pid(),status::'closed' | 'init' | 'open',subscribe::[{pid(),integer()}],counter::integer()} in the specification of callback_init/1 is not a subtype of {'ok',_}, which is the expected return type for the callback of my_behaviour behaviour
my_callbacks_wrong.erl:28: The inferred return type of callback_init/1 (#state{parent::'undefined' | pid(),status::'init',subscribe::[],counter::1}) has nothing in common with {'ok',_}, which is the expected return type for the callback of my_behaviour behaviour
my_callbacks_wrong.erl:30: The return type {'reply',#state{parent::'undefined' | pid(),status::'closed' | 'init' | 'open',subscribe::[{pid(),integer()}],counter::integer()}} in the specification of callback_cast/3 is not a subtype of {'noreply',_}, which is the expected return type for the callback of my_behaviour behaviour
my_callbacks_wrong.erl:39: The specified type for the 2nd argument of callback_call/3 (atom()) is not a supertype of pid(), which is expected type for this argument in the callback of the my_behaviour behaviour