%% ``Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999, Ericsson Utvecklings
%% AB. All Rights Reserved.''
%% $Id: beam_dict.erl,v 1.1 2008/12/17 09:53:41 mikpe Exp $
%% Purpose : Maintain atom, import, and export tables for assembler.
-export([new/0, opcode/2, highest_opcode/1,
atom/2, local/4, export/4, import/4, string/2, lambda/5,
atom_table/1, local_table/1, export_table/1, import_table/1,
{atoms = [], % [{Index, Atom}]
exports = [], % [{F, A, Label}]
locals = [], % [{F, A, Label}]
imports = [], % [{Index, {M, F, A}]
strings = [], % Deep list of characters
lambdas = [], % [{...}]
next_atom = 1,
next_import = 0,
string_offset = 0,
highest_opcode = 0
new() ->
%% Remembers highest opcode.
opcode(Op, Dict) when Dict#asm_dict.highest_opcode > Op -> Dict;
opcode(Op, Dict) -> Dict#asm_dict{highest_opcode=Op}.
%% Returns the highest opcode encountered.
highest_opcode(#asm_dict{highest_opcode=Op}) -> Op.
%% Returns the index for an atom (adding it to the atom table if necessary).
%% atom(Atom, Dict) -> {Index, Dict'}
atom(Atom, Dict) when atom(Atom) ->
NextIndex = Dict#asm_dict.next_atom,
case lookup_store(Atom, Dict#asm_dict.atoms, NextIndex) of
{Index, _, NextIndex} ->
{Index, Dict};
{Index, Atoms, NewIndex} ->
{Index, Dict#asm_dict{atoms=Atoms, next_atom=NewIndex}}
%% Remembers an exported function.
%% export(Func, Arity, Label, Dict) -> Dict'
export(Func, Arity, Label, Dict0) when atom(Func), integer(Arity), integer(Label) ->
{Index, Dict1} = atom(Func, Dict0),
Dict1#asm_dict{exports = [{Index, Arity, Label}| Dict1#asm_dict.exports]}.
%% Remembers a local function.
%% local(Func, Arity, Label, Dict) -> Dict'
local(Func, Arity, Label, Dict0) when atom(Func), integer(Arity), integer(Label) ->
{Index,Dict1} = atom(Func, Dict0),
Dict1#asm_dict{locals = [{Index,Arity,Label}| Dict1#asm_dict.locals]}.
%% Returns the index for an import entry (adding it to the import table if necessary).
%% import(Mod, Func, Arity, Dict) -> {Index, Dict'}
import(Mod, Func, Arity, Dict) when atom(Mod), atom(Func), integer(Arity) ->
NextIndex = Dict#asm_dict.next_import,
case lookup_store({Mod, Func, Arity}, Dict#asm_dict.imports, NextIndex) of
{Index, _, NextIndex} ->
{Index, Dict};
{Index, Imports, NewIndex} ->
{_, D1} = atom(Mod, Dict#asm_dict{imports=Imports, next_import=NewIndex}),
{_, D2} = atom(Func, D1),
{Index, D2}
%% Returns the index for a string in the string table (adding the string to the
%% table if necessary).
%% string(String, Dict) -> {Offset, Dict'}
string(Str, Dict) when list(Str) ->
#asm_dict{strings = Strings, string_offset = NextOffset} = Dict,
case old_string(Str, Strings) of
{true, Offset} ->
{Offset, Dict};
false ->
NewDict = Dict#asm_dict{strings = Strings++Str,
string_offset = NextOffset+length(Str)},
{NextOffset, NewDict}
%% Returns the index for a funentry (adding it to the table if necessary).
%% lambda(Dict, Lbl, Index, Uniq, NumFree) -> {Index,Dict'}
lambda(Lbl, Index, OldUniq, NumFree, #asm_dict{lambdas=Lambdas0}=Dict) ->
OldIndex = length(Lambdas0),
Lambdas = [{Lbl,{OldIndex,Lbl,Index,NumFree,OldUniq}}|Lambdas0],
%% Returns the atom table.
%% atom_table(Dict) -> [Length,AtomString...]
atom_table(#asm_dict{atoms=Atoms, next_atom=NumAtoms}) ->
Sorted = lists:sort(Atoms),
Fun = fun({_, A}) ->
L = atom_to_list(A),
{NumAtoms-1, lists:map(Fun, Sorted)}.
%% Returns the table of local functions.
%% local_table(Dict) -> {NumLocals, [{Function, Arity, Label}...]}
local_table(#asm_dict{locals = Locals}) ->
%% Returns the export table.
%% export_table(Dict) -> {NumExports, [{Function, Arity, Label}...]}
export_table(#asm_dict{exports = Exports}) ->
{length(Exports), Exports}.
%% Returns the import table.
%% import_table(Dict) -> {NumImports, [{Module, Function, Arity}...]}
import_table(Dict) ->
#asm_dict{imports = Imports, next_import = NumImports} = Dict,
Sorted = lists:sort(Imports),
Fun = fun({_, {Mod, Func, Arity}}) ->
{Atom0, _} = atom(Mod, Dict),
{Atom1, _} = atom(Func, Dict),
{Atom0, Atom1, Arity}
{NumImports, lists:map(Fun, Sorted)}.
string_table(#asm_dict{strings = Strings, string_offset = Size}) ->
{Size, Strings}.
lambda_table(#asm_dict{locals=Loc0,lambdas=Lambdas0}) ->
Lambdas1 = sofs:relation(Lambdas0),
Loc = sofs:relation([{Lbl,{F,A}} || {F,A,Lbl} <- Loc0]),
Lambdas2 = sofs:relative_product1(Lambdas1, Loc),
Lambdas = [<<F:32,A:32,Lbl:32,Index:32,NumFree:32,OldUniq:32>> ||
{{_,Lbl,Index,NumFree,OldUniq},{F,A}} <- sofs:to_external(Lambdas2)],
%%% Local helper functions.
lookup_store(Key, Dict, NextIndex) ->
case catch lookup_store1(Key, Dict, NextIndex) of
Index when integer(Index) ->
{Index, Dict, NextIndex};
{Index, NewDict} ->
{Index, NewDict, NextIndex+1}
lookup_store1(Key, [Pair|Dict], NextIndex) when Key > element(2, Pair) ->
{Index, NewDict} = lookup_store1(Key, Dict, NextIndex),
{Index, [Pair|NewDict]};
lookup_store1(Key, [{Index, Key}|_Dict], _NextIndex) ->
lookup_store1(Key, Dict, NextIndex) ->
{NextIndex, [{NextIndex, Key}|Dict]}.
%% Search for string Str in the string pool Pool.
%% old_string(Str, Pool) -> false | {true, Offset}
old_string(Str, Pool) ->
old_string(Str, Pool, 0).
old_string([C|Str], [C|Pool], Index) ->
case lists:prefix(Str, Pool) of
true ->
{true, Index};
false ->
old_string([C|Str], Pool, Index+1)
old_string(Str, [_|Pool], Index) ->
old_string(Str, Pool, Index+1);
old_string(_Str, [], _Index) ->