%% From: Peer Stritzinger
%% Date: 1 May 2011
%% Subject: Dialyzer v2.2.0 crash
%% Binaries of the form <<_:N,_:_*M>> in specs resulted in a crash:
%% dialyzer: Analysis failed with error: {{case_clause,8},
%% [{erl_types,t_form_to_string,1},
%% {erl_types,t_form_to_string,1},
%% {dialyzer_contracts,contract_to_string_1,1},
%% {dialyzer_contracts,extra_contract_warning,6},
%% {dialyzer_contracts,picky_contract_check,7},
%% because function erl_types:t_form_to_string/1 was not the inverse
%% of erl_types:t_to_string/2.
%% Fixed on the same date and send to OTP for inclusion.
-export([recv/3, decode/1]).
-record(can_pkt, {id, data :: binary(), timestamp}).
-type can_pkt() :: #can_pkt{}.
-type channel() :: atom() | pid() | {atom(),_}.
-spec recv(<<_:64,_:_*8>>, fun((can_pkt()) -> R), channel()) -> R.
recv(Packet, Fun, Chan) ->
#can_pkt{id = Can_id, data = Can_data} = P = decode(Packet),
-spec decode(<<_:64,_:_*8>>) -> #can_pkt{id::<<_:11>>,timestamp::char()}.
decode(<<_:12, Len:4, Timestamp:16, 0:3, Id:11/bitstring, 0:18,
Data:Len/binary, _/binary>>) ->
#can_pkt{id = Id, data = Data, timestamp = Timestamp}.