%% From: Matthias Radestock <[email protected]>
%% Date: 19 August 2007
%% when I run dialyzer on my code it throws the following error:
%% Analysis failed with error report:
%% {{case_clause,any},
%% [{dialyzer_dataflow,bind_guard,5},
%% {dialyzer_dataflow,bind_guard_case_clauses,6},
%% {dialyzer_dataflow,bind_guard,5},
%% {dialyzer_dataflow,bind_guard_case_clauses,6},
%% {dialyzer_dataflow,bind_guard,5},
%% {dialyzer_dataflow,bind_eqeq_guard_lit_other,6},
%% {dialyzer_dataflow,bind_guard,...},
%% {dialyzer_dataflow,...}]}
%% This is happening with the R11B-5 version of dialyzer when
%% analyzing the attached file.
-record(ticket, {passive_flag, active_flag, write_flag, read_flag}).
match_ticket(#ticket{passive_flag = PP,
active_flag = PA,
write_flag = PW,
read_flag = PR},
#ticket{passive_flag = TP,
active_flag = TA,
write_flag = TW,
read_flag = TR}) ->
%% Matches if either we're not requesting passive access, or
%% passive access is permitted, and ...
(not(TP) orelse PP) andalso
(not(TA) orelse PA) andalso
(not(TW) orelse PW) andalso
(not(TR) orelse PR) ->
true ->