path: root/lib/diameter/examples/code/client.erl
blob: 844c9cdbdde089bbf5790779d57d35f3d0ed5b04 (plain) (tree)













%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%

%% An example Diameter client that can sends base protocol RAR
%% requests to a connected peer.
%% The simplest usage is as follows this to connect to a server
%% listening on the default port on the local host, assuming diameter
%% is already started (eg. diameter:start()).
%%   client:start().
%%   client:connect(tcp).
%%   client:call().
%% The first call starts the a service with the default name of
%% ?MODULE, the second defines a connecting transport that results in
%% a connection to the peer (if it's listening), the third sends it a
%% RAR and returns the answer.



-export([start/1,     %% start a service
         start/2,     %%
         connect/2,   %% add a connecting transport
         call/1,      %% send using the record encoding
         cast/1,      %% send using the list encoding and detached
         stop/1]).    %% stop a service
%% A real application would typically choose an encoding and whether
%% they want the call to return the answer or not. Sending with
%% both the record and list encoding here, one detached and one not,
%% is just for demonstration purposes.

%% Convenience functions using the default service name.

-define(L, atom_to_list).

%% The service configuration. As in the server example, a client
%% supporting multiple Diameter applications may or may not want to
%% configure a common callback module on all applications.
-define(SERVICE(Name), [{'Origin-Host', ?L(Name) ++ ".example.com"},
                        {'Origin-Realm', "example.com"},
                        {'Vendor-Id', 0},
                        {'Product-Name', "Client"},
                        {'Auth-Application-Id', [0]},
                        {string_decode, false},
                        {application, [{alias, common},
                                       {dictionary, diameter_gen_base_rfc6733},
                                       {module, client_cb}]}]).

%% start/1

  when is_atom(Name) ->
    start(Name, []);

  when is_list(Opts) ->
    start(?DEF_SVC_NAME, Opts).

%% start/0

start() ->

%% start/2

start(Name, Opts) ->
    node:start(Name, Opts ++ [T || {K,_} = T <- ?SERVICE(Name),
                                   false == lists:keymember(K, 1, Opts)]).

%% connect/2

connect(Name, T) ->
    node:connect(Name, T).

connect(T) ->
    connect(?DEF_SVC_NAME, T).

%% call/1

call(Name) ->
    SId = diameter:session_id(?L(Name)),
    RAR = #diameter_base_RAR{'Session-Id' = SId,
                             'Auth-Application-Id' = 0,
                             'Re-Auth-Request-Type' = 0},
    diameter:call(Name, common, RAR, []).

call() ->

%% cast/1

cast(Name) ->
    SId = diameter:session_id(?L(Name)),
    RAR = ['RAR', {'Session-Id', SId},
                  {'Auth-Application-Id', 0},
                  {'Re-Auth-Request-Type', 1}],
    diameter:call(Name, common, RAR, [detach]).

cast() ->

%% stop/1

stop(Name) ->

stop() ->