blob: c836805cd2c2efdbe765b169ea0da287420c821d (
plain) (
%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved via the world wide web at
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
%% $Id$
%% Encodes ISOtech, ISOnum and ISOgrk3.
%% All entities are of the form "[abcdef]".
entity_to_html(Entity) when is_list(Entity), hd(Entity) =/= $[ ->
entity_to_html(Entity) ->
case (catch enc(Entity)) of
{'EXIT', _} ->
Enc ->
"<font face=symbol>" ++ Enc ++ "</font>"
enc("[Delta ]") -> "D";
%% enc("[Dot ]") -> "�";
%% enc("[DotDot]") -> "�";
enc("[Gamma ]") -> "G";
enc("[Lambda]") -> "L";
enc("[Omega ]") -> "W";
enc("[Phi ]") -> "F";
enc("[Pi ]") -> "P";
enc("[Prime ]") -> "²";
enc("[Psi ]") -> "Y";
enc("[Sigma ]") -> "S";
enc("[Theta ]") -> "Q";
enc("[Upsi ]") -> "¡";
%% enc("[Verbar]") -> "�";
enc("[Xi ]") -> "X";
enc("[aleph ]") -> "À";
enc("[alpha ]") -> "a";
enc("[amp ]") -> "&";
enc("[and ]") -> "Ù";
enc("[ang ]") -> "Ð";
%% enc("[ang90 ]") -> "�";
%% enc("[angsph]") -> "�";
%% enc("[angst ]") -> "�";
enc("[ap ]") -> "»";
%% enc("[becaus]") -> "�";
%% enc("[bernou]") -> "�";
enc("[bepsi ]") -> "'";
enc("[beta ]") -> "b";
enc("[bottom]") -> "^";
enc("[bull ]") -> "·";
enc("[cap ]") -> "Ç";
enc("[chi ]") -> "c";
enc("[clubs ]") -> "§";
%% enc("[compfn]") -> "�";
enc("[cong ]") -> "@";
enc("[copy ]") -> "Ó";
%% enc("[conint]") -> "�";
enc("[cup ]") -> "È";
enc("[dArr ]") -> "ß";
enc("[darr ]") -> "¯";
enc("[deg ]") -> "°";
enc("[delta ]") -> "d";
enc("[diam ]") -> "à";
enc("[diams ]") -> "¨";
enc("[divide]") -> "¸";
enc("[empty ]") -> "Æ";
%% enc("[epsi ]") -> "�";
%% enc("[epsis ]") -> "�";
enc("[epsiv ]") -> "e";
enc("[equiv ]") -> "º";
enc("[eta ]") -> "h";
enc("[exist ]") -> "$";
enc("[fnof ]") -> "¦";
enc("[forall]") -> """;
enc("[gamma ]") -> "g";
%% enc("[gammad]") -> "�";
enc("[ge ]") -> "³";
enc("[gt ]") -> ">";
%% enc("[hamilt]") -> "�";
enc("[hArr ]") -> "Û";
enc("[harr ]") -> "«";
enc("[hearts]") -> "©";
enc("[horbar]") -> "¾";
enc("[iff ]") -> "Û";
enc("[image ]") -> "Á";
enc("[infin ]") -> "¥";
enc("[int ]") -> "ò";
enc("[iota ]") -> "i";
enc("[isin ]") -> "Î";
enc("[kappa ]") -> "k";
%%enc("[kappav]") -> "�";
enc("[lArr ]") -> "Ü";
%% enc("[lagran]") -> "�";
enc("[lambda]") -> "l";
enc("[lang ]") -> "á";
enc("[larr ]") -> "¬";
enc("[le ]") -> "£";
%% enc("[lowast]") -> "�";
enc("[lowbar]") -> "_";
enc("[lt ]") -> "<";
enc("[middot]") -> "×";
enc("[minus ]") -> "-";
%% enc("[mnplus]") -> "�";
enc("[mu ]") -> "m";
enc("[nabla ]") -> "Ñ";
enc("[ne ]") -> "¹";
enc("[ni ]") -> "'";
enc("[nsub ]") -> "Ë";
enc("[not ]") -> "Ø";
enc("[notin ]") -> "Ï";
enc("[nu ]") -> "n";
enc("[omega ]") -> "w";
enc("[or ]") -> "Ú";
%% enc("[order ]") -> "�";
enc("[oplus ]") -> "Å";
enc("[otimes]") -> "Ä";
%% enc("[par ]") -> "�";
enc("[part ]") -> "¶";
%% enc("[permil]") -> "�";
enc("[perp ]") -> "^"; % bottom
enc("[phis ]") -> "f";
enc("[phiv ]") -> "j";
%% enc("[phmmat]") -> "�";
enc("[pi ]") -> "p";
enc("[piv ]") -> "v";
enc("[plus ]") -> "+";
enc("[plusmn]") -> "±";
enc("[prime ]") -> "¢";
enc("[prod ]") -> "Õ";
enc("[prop ]") -> "µ";
enc("[psi ]") -> "y";
enc("[radic ]") -> "Ö";
enc("[rang ]") -> "ñ";
enc("[rArr ]") -> "Þ";
enc("[rarr ]") -> "®";
enc("[real ]") -> "Â";
enc("[reg ]") -> "Ò";
enc("[rho ]") -> "r";
%% enc("[rhov ]") -> "�";
enc("[sigma ]") -> "s";
enc("[sigmav]") -> "V";
enc("[sim ]") -> "~";
%% enc("[sime ]") -> "�";
%% enc("[square]") -> "�";
enc("[sol ]") -> "¤";
enc("[spades]") -> "ª";
enc("[sub ]") -> "Ì";
enc("[sube ]") -> "Í";
enc("[sup ]") -> "É";
enc("[supe ]") -> "Ê";
enc("[sum ]") -> "å";
enc("[tau ]") -> "t";
enc("[tdot ]") -> "¼";
enc("[there4]") -> "\";
enc("[thetas]") -> "q";
enc("[thetav]") -> "J";
enc("[times ]") -> "´";
%% enc("[tprime]") -> "�";
enc("[trade ]") -> "Ô";
enc("[uArr ]") -> "Ý";
enc("[uarr ]") -> "­";
enc("[upsi ]") -> "u";
enc("[verbar]") -> "½";
%% enc("[wedgeq]") -> "�";
enc("[weierp]") -> "Ã";
enc("[xi ]") -> "x";
enc("[zeta ]") -> "z".