%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2009. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
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%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% File : hipe_icode_mulret.erl
%% Author : Christoffer Vikstr�m <[email protected]>
%% Purpose :
%% Created : 23 Jun 2004 by Christoffer Vikstr�m <[email protected]>
%% Procedure : mult_ret/4
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
-spec mult_ret([_], atom(), comp_options(), _) -> [_].
mult_ret(List, Mod, Opts, Exports) ->
case length(List) > 1 of
true ->
Table = analyse(List, Mod, Exports),
%% printTable(Mod, Exports, Table),
optimize(List, Mod, Opts, Table);
false ->
%%>-----------------------< Analysis Steps >-----------------------------<
%% Procedure : analyse/3
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
analyse(List, _Mod, Exports) ->
MaxRets = hipe_rtl_arch:nr_of_return_regs(),
Table = mkTable(List),
%% printTable(Mod, Exports, Table),
Table2 = filterTable(Table, MaxRets, Exports),
%% printTable(Mod, Exports, Table2),
%% Procedure : mkTable/1
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
mkTable(List) ->
mkTable(List, {[], []}).
mkTable([{MFA, Icode} | List], Table) ->
%% New Icode
{_LMin,LMax} = hipe_icode:icode_label_range(Icode),
hipe_gensym:set_label(icode, LMax+1),
{_VMin,VMax} = hipe_icode:icode_var_range(Icode),
hipe_gensym:set_var(icode, VMax+1),
case isFunDef(MFA) of
true ->
mkTable(List, Table);
false ->
CallList = mkCallList(MFA, Icode),
Optimizable = isOptimizable(Icode),
NewTable = addToTable(MFA, Optimizable, CallList, Table),
mkTable(List, NewTable)
mkTable([_|List], Table) -> mkTable(List, Table);
mkTable([], Table) -> Table.
%% Procedure : isFunDef/1
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
isFunDef({_, F, _}) ->
hd(atom_to_list(F)) =:= 45. %% 45 is the character '-'
%% Procedure : mkCallList/1
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
mkCallList(MFA, Icode) ->
Code = hipe_icode:icode_code(Icode),
mkCallList(Code, MFA, []).
mkCallList([#icode_call{'fun'=F, dstlist=Vars, type=local}|Code], MFA, Res) ->
{Size, DstList} = lookForDef(Code, Vars),
mkCallList(Code, MFA, [{callPair,MFA,{F,{matchSize,Size,DstList}}}|Res]);
mkCallList([_|Code], MFA, Res) -> mkCallList(Code, MFA, Res);
mkCallList([], _, Res) -> Res.
%% Procedure : lookForDef/1
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
lookForDef([#icode_type{test={tuple,Size}, true_label=L}|Code], Vars) ->
Code2 = skipToLabel(Code, L),
DstLst = lookForUnElems(Code2, Vars),
case DstLst of
[] -> {1, Vars};
_ ->
DstLst2 = fixDstLst(DstLst, Size),
{Size, DstLst2}
lookForDef([#icode_move{src=Var, dst=NewVar}|Code], [Var]) ->
lookForDef(Code, [NewVar]);
lookForDef([#icode_label{}|_], Vars) ->
{1, Vars};
lookForDef([I|Code], [Var] = Vars) ->
Defs = hipe_icode:defines(I),
case lists:member(Var, Defs) of
true ->
{1, Vars};
false ->
lookForDef(Code, Vars)
lookForDef([], Vars) -> {1, Vars}.
%% Procedure : skipToLabel/2
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
skipToLabel(Code, L) ->
case skipToLabel2(Code, L) of
noLabel ->
NewCode ->
skipToLabel2([#icode_label{name = L}|Code],L) -> Code;
skipToLabel2([_|Code], L) -> skipToLabel2(Code, L);
skipToLabel2([], _) -> noLabel.
%% Procedure : lookForUnElems/2
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
lookForUnElems(Code, Var) ->
lookForUnElems(Code, Var, []).
lookForUnElems([#icode_call{'fun'=#unsafe_element{index=Nr}, args=Var,
dstlist=[Ret]}|Code], Var, Res) ->
lookForUnElems(Code, Var, [{Nr, Ret}|Res]);
lookForUnElems([#icode_move{dst=Var}|_], [Var], Res) ->
lookForUnElems([#icode_call{dstlist=VarList}|_], VarList, Res) ->
lookForUnElems([_|Code], Var, Res) ->
lookForUnElems(Code, Var, Res);
lookForUnElems([], _, Res) -> lists:flatten(Res).
%% Procedure : fixDstLst/2
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
fixDstLst(DstLst, Size) when is_integer(Size) ->
fixDstLst(DstLst, Size, 1, []).
fixDstLst(DstLst, Size, Cnt, Res) when Cnt =< Size ->
case isInLst(Cnt, DstLst) of
{true, Var} ->
fixDstLst(DstLst, Size, Cnt+1, [Var|Res]);
false ->
Var = hipe_icode:mk_var(hipe_gensym:new_var(icode)),
fixDstLst(DstLst, Size, Cnt+1, [Var|Res])
fixDstLst(_, Size, Cnt, Res) when Cnt > Size -> lists:reverse(Res).
%% Procedure : isInLst/2
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
isInLst(Nr, [{Nr,Var}|_]) -> {true, Var};
isInLst(Cnt, [_|DstLst]) -> isInLst(Cnt, DstLst);
isInLst(_, []) -> false.
%% Procedure : isOptimizable/1
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
isOptimizable(Icode) ->
%% Icode2 = hipe_icode:fixup_fallthroughs(Icode),
Icode2 = hipe_icode:strip_comments(Icode),
Cfg = hipe_icode_cfg:linear_to_cfg(Icode2),
%% hipe_icode_cfg:pp(Cfg),
case findReturnBlocks(Cfg) of
noReturn ->
{false, -1};
BlockList ->
processReturnBlocks(BlockList, Cfg)
%% Procedure : findReturnBlocks/2
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
findReturnBlocks(IcodeCfg) ->
Labels = hipe_icode_cfg:labels(IcodeCfg),
case searchBlocks(Labels, IcodeCfg) of
[] ->
%% Procedure : searchBlocks/2
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
searchBlocks(Labels, IcodeCfg) ->
searchBlocks(Labels, IcodeCfg, []).
searchBlocks([Label|Labels], IcodeCfg, Res) ->
Block = hipe_icode_cfg:bb(IcodeCfg, Label),
Code = hipe_bb:code(Block),
case searchBlockCode(Code) of
{hasReturn, RetVar} ->
searchBlocks(Labels, IcodeCfg, [{Label, RetVar}|Res]);
noReturn ->
searchBlocks(Labels, IcodeCfg, Res)
searchBlocks([], _, Res) -> Res.
%% Procedure : searchBlockCode/1
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
searchBlockCode([#icode_return{vars=Vars}|_]) ->
{hasReturn, Vars};
searchBlockCode([_|Icode]) ->
searchBlockCode([]) -> noReturn.
%% Procedure : processReturnBlock/2
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
processReturnBlocks(Blocks, Cfg) ->
processReturnBlocks(Blocks, Cfg, {true, -1}, []).
processReturnBlocks([{Label, Var}|BlockList], Cfg, {Opts, Size}, TypeLst) ->
{Opt, Type, Size2} = traverseCode(Label, Var, Cfg),
case (Size =:= -1) orelse (Size =:= Size2) of
true ->
processReturnBlocks(BlockList, Cfg,
{Opt andalso Opts, Size2}, [Type|TypeLst]);
false ->
{false, -1}
processReturnBlocks([], _, Res, TypeLst) ->
case lists:member(icode_var, TypeLst) of
true ->
{_, Size} = Res,
case Size > 1 of
true ->
false ->
{false, -1}
false ->
{false, -1}
%% Procedure : traverseCode/3
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
traverseCode(Label, Var, Cfg) ->
traverseCode(Label, Var, Cfg, []).
traverseCode(Label, Var, Cfg, LabLst) ->
Preds = hipe_icode_cfg:pred(Cfg, Label),
Block = hipe_icode_cfg:bb(Cfg, Label),
Code = hipe_bb:code(Block),
case findDefine(lists:reverse(Code), Var) of
{found, Type, NumRets} ->
{true, Type, NumRets};
{notFound, SrcVar} ->
case Preds of
[] ->
{false, none, -1};
[Pred] ->
case lists:member(Label, LabLst) of
false ->
traverseCode(Pred, SrcVar, Cfg, [Label|LabLst]);
true ->
{false, none, -1}
_ ->
{false, none, -1}
%% Procedure : findDefine/2
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
findDefine([#icode_call{dstlist=Vars,'fun'=mktuple,args=Vs}|_], Vars) ->
case length(Vs) of
1 ->
[{Type, _}] = Vs,
{found, Type, 1};
Len ->
case lists:any(fun hipe_icode:is_var/1, Vs) of
true ->
{found, icode_var, Len};
false ->
{found, icode_const, Len}
findDefine([#icode_move{dst=Var, src=Src}|Code], [Var]) ->
case hipe_icode:is_var(Src) of
true ->
findDefine(Code, [Src]);
false ->
case Src of
#icode_const{value={flat, Value}} ->
case is_tuple(Value) of
true ->
{found, icode_const, tuple_size(Value)};
false ->
{found, icode_const, 1}
_ ->
findDefine(Code, [Var])
findDefine([_|Code], Var) ->
findDefine(Code, Var);
findDefine([], Var) ->
{notFound, Var}.
%% Procedure : addToTable/4
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
addToTable(MFA, Optimizable, CallList, {FunLst, CallLst}) ->
NewFunLst = [{MFA, Optimizable}|FunLst],
{NewFunLst, CallList ++ CallLst}.
%% Procedure : filterTable/1
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
filterTable({FunLst, CallLst}, MaxRets, Exports) ->
filterTable(FunLst, CallLst, MaxRets, Exports, {[],[]}).
filterTable([Fun|FunLst], CallLst, MaxRets, Exports, {Funs, Calls} = FCs) ->
{MFA, {ReturnOpt, Rets}} = Fun,
{CallOpt, CallsToKeep} = checkCalls(CallLst, MFA, Rets),
CallsToKeep2 = removeDuplicateCalls(CallsToKeep),
NotExported = checkExported(MFA, Exports),
case CallOpt andalso ReturnOpt andalso (Rets =< MaxRets) andalso
NotExported andalso (not containRecursiveCalls(CallsToKeep2, MFA)) of
true ->
filterTable(FunLst, CallLst, MaxRets, Exports,
{[Fun|Funs], CallsToKeep2 ++ Calls});
false ->
filterTable(FunLst, CallLst, MaxRets, Exports, FCs)
filterTable([], _, _, _, Res) -> Res.
removeDuplicateCalls(Calls) ->
removeDuplicateCalls(Calls, []).
removeDuplicateCalls([Call|CallsToKeep], Res) ->
case lists:member(Call, CallsToKeep) of
true ->
removeDuplicateCalls(CallsToKeep, Res);
false ->
removeDuplicateCalls(CallsToKeep, [Call|Res])
removeDuplicateCalls([], Res) -> lists:reverse(Res).
containRecursiveCalls([Call|Calls], Fun) ->
{callPair, Caller, {Callee, _}} = Call,
case (Callee =:= Fun) andalso (Caller =:= Fun) of
true ->
containRecursiveCalls(Calls, Fun)
containRecursiveCalls([], _) -> false.
%% Procedure : checkCalls/3
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
checkCalls(CallLst, MFA, Rets) ->
checkCalls(CallLst, MFA, Rets, [], []).
checkCalls([C = {callPair, _, {MFA, {matchSize, Rets, _}}}|CallLst],
MFA, Rets, Res, Opt) ->
checkCalls(CallLst, MFA, Rets, [C|Res], [true|Opt]);
checkCalls([{callPair, _, {MFA, {matchSize, _, _}}}|CallLst],
MFA, Rets, Res, Opt) ->
checkCalls(CallLst, MFA, Rets, Res, [false|Opt]);
checkCalls([_|CallLst], MFA, Rets, Res, Opt) ->
checkCalls(CallLst, MFA, Rets, Res, Opt);
checkCalls([], _, _, Res, Opt) -> {combineOpts(Opt), Res}.
%% Procedure : combineOpts/1
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
combineOpts([]) -> false;
combineOpts([Opt]) -> Opt;
combineOpts([Opt|Opts]) -> Opt andalso combineOpts(Opts).
%% Procedure : checkCalls/2
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
checkExported({_,F,A}, [{F,A}|_]) -> false;
checkExported(MFA, [_|Exports]) -> checkExported(MFA, Exports);
checkExported(_, []) -> true.
%%>----------------------< Optimization Steps >--------------------------<
%% Procedure : optimize/4
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
optimize(List, _Mod, Opts, Table) ->
{FunLst, CallLst} = Table,
List2 = optimizeFuns(FunLst, Opts, List),
optimizeCalls(CallLst, Opts, List2).
%% Procedure : optimizeFuns/3
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
optimizeFuns([{Fun, _}|FunList], Opts, List) ->
NewList = findFun(List, Fun),
optimizeFuns(FunList, Opts, NewList);
optimizeFuns([],_,List) -> List.
findFun(List, Fun) -> findFun(List, Fun, []).
findFun([{Fun, Icode}|List], Fun, Res) ->
NewIcode = optimizeFun(Icode),
findFun(List, Fun, [{Fun, NewIcode}|Res]);
findFun([I|List], Fun, Res) -> findFun(List, Fun, [I|Res]);
findFun([], _, Res) -> lists:reverse(Res).
optimizeFun(Icode) ->
{_LMin,LMax} = hipe_icode:icode_label_range(Icode),
hipe_gensym:set_label(icode, LMax+1),
{_VMin,VMax} = hipe_icode:icode_var_range(Icode),
hipe_gensym:set_var(icode, VMax+1),
%% Icode2 = hipe_icode:fixup_fallthroughs(Icode),
Icode2 = hipe_icode:strip_comments(Icode),
Cfg = hipe_icode_cfg:linear_to_cfg(Icode2),
case findReturnBlocks(Cfg) of
noReturn ->
BlockList ->
NewCfg = optimizeReturnBlocks(BlockList, Cfg),
optimizeReturnBlocks([Block|BlockList], Cfg) ->
{NewCfg, Vars} = optimizeReturnBlock(Block, Cfg),
NewCfg2 = case Vars of
[_] ->
_ ->
{Label, _} = Block,
updateReturnBlock(Label, Vars, NewCfg)
optimizeReturnBlocks(BlockList, NewCfg2);
optimizeReturnBlocks([], Cfg) -> Cfg.
optimizeReturnBlock(Block, Cfg) ->
optimizeReturnBlock(Block, Cfg, []).
optimizeReturnBlock({Label,Var}, Cfg, UpdateMap) ->
Preds = hipe_icode_cfg:pred(Cfg, Label),
Block = hipe_icode_cfg:bb(Cfg, Label),
Code = hipe_bb:code(Block),
case optimizeDefine(Code, Var) of
{found, NewBlockCode, Vars} ->
NewBlock = hipe_bb:code_update(Block, NewBlockCode),
NewCfg = resolveUpdateMap(UpdateMap, Cfg),
{hipe_icode_cfg:bb_add(NewCfg, Label, NewBlock), Vars};
{none, NewBlockCode, NewVar} ->
case Preds of
[Pred] ->
NewBlock = hipe_bb:code_update(Block, NewBlockCode),
optimizeReturnBlock({Pred,NewVar}, Cfg,
[{Label, NewBlock}|UpdateMap]);
[_|_] ->
{Cfg, Var}
{none, noOpt} ->
{Cfg, Var}
optimizeDefine(Code, Dst) ->
optimizeDefine(lists:reverse(Code), Dst, [], []).
optimizeDefine([I|Code], Dsts, DstLst, Res) ->
[Ds] = Dsts,
case isCallPrimop(I, mktuple) andalso DstLst =:= [] of
true ->
case hipe_icode:call_dstlist(I) =:= Dsts of
true ->
case length(hipe_icode:call_args(I)) > 1 of
true ->
optimizeDefine(Code, Dsts, hipe_icode:call_args(I), Res);
false ->
{none, noOpt}
false ->
optimizeDefine(Code, Dsts, DstLst, [I|Res])
false ->
case hipe_icode:is_move(I) andalso DstLst =:= [] of
true ->
case hipe_icode:move_dst(I) =:= Ds of
true ->
Src = hipe_icode:move_src(I),
case hipe_icode:is_var(Src) of
true ->
NewDst = hipe_icode:move_src(I),
optimizeDefine(Code, [NewDst], DstLst, Res);
false ->
case Src of
#icode_const{value={flat, T}} when is_tuple(T) ->
NewLst = tuple_to_list(T),
optimizeDefine(Code, Dsts, NewLst, Res);
_ ->
{none, noOpt}
false ->
optimizeDefine(Code, Dsts, DstLst, [I|Res])
false ->
case lists:member(Ds, hipe_icode:defines(I)) andalso DstLst =:= [] of
true ->
{none, noOpt};
false ->
optimizeDefine(Code, Dsts, DstLst, [I|Res])
optimizeDefine([], Dsts, DstLst, Res) ->
case DstLst of
[] ->
{none, Res, Dsts};
_ ->
{found, Res, DstLst}
resolveUpdateMap([{Label, Block}|UpdateMap], Cfg) ->
resolveUpdateMap(UpdateMap, hipe_icode_cfg:bb_add(Cfg, Label, Block));
resolveUpdateMap([], Cfg) -> Cfg.
%% Procedure : updateReturnBlock/3
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
updateReturnBlock(Label, Vars, IcodeCfg) ->
Block = hipe_icode_cfg:bb(IcodeCfg, Label),
Code = hipe_bb:code(Block),
NewCode = updateReturnCode(Code, Vars),
NewBlock = hipe_bb:code_update(Block, NewCode),
hipe_icode_cfg:bb_add(IcodeCfg, Label, NewBlock).
updateReturnCode(Code, DstLst) ->
updateReturnCode(Code, DstLst, []).
updateReturnCode([I| Code], DstLst, Res) ->
case hipe_icode:is_return(I) of
true ->
updateReturnCode(Code, DstLst, [hipe_icode:mk_return(DstLst)|Res]);
false ->
updateReturnCode(Code, DstLst, [I|Res])
updateReturnCode([], _, Res) -> lists:reverse(Res).
%% Procedure : optimizeCalls/3
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
optimizeCalls([Call|CallLst], _Opts, List) ->
{callPair, Caller, {Callee, {matchSize, _, DstLst}}} = Call,
NewList = optimizeCall(List, Caller, Callee, DstLst),
optimizeCalls(CallLst, _Opts, NewList);
optimizeCalls([], _Opts, List) -> List.
%% Procedure : optimizeCall/4
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
optimizeCall(List, Caller, Callee, DstLst) ->
optimizeCall(List, Caller, Callee, DstLst, []).
optimizeCall([{MFA, Icode}|List], MFA, Callee, DstLst, Res) ->
{_LMin,LMax} = hipe_icode:icode_label_range(Icode),
hipe_gensym:set_label(icode, LMax+1),
{_VMin,VMax} = hipe_icode:icode_var_range(Icode),
hipe_gensym:set_var(icode, VMax+1),
%% Icode2 = hipe_icode:fixup_fallthroughs(Icode),
Icode2 = hipe_icode:strip_comments(Icode),
Cfg = hipe_icode_cfg:linear_to_cfg(Icode2),
NewIcode = findAndUpdateCalls(Cfg, Callee, DstLst),
optimizeCall(List, MFA, Callee, DstLst, [{MFA, NewIcode}|Res]);
optimizeCall([I|List], Caller, Callee, DstLst, Res) ->
optimizeCall(List, Caller, Callee, DstLst, [I|Res]);
optimizeCall([], _, _, _, Res) -> lists:reverse(Res).
%% Procedure : findAndUpdateCall/3
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
findAndUpdateCalls(Cfg, Callee, DstLst) ->
Labels = hipe_icode_cfg:labels(Cfg),
Cfg2 = findAndUpdateCalls(Cfg, Labels, Callee, DstLst, []),
findAndUpdateCalls(Cfg, [L|Labels], Callee, DstLst, Visited) ->
%% Block = hipe_icode_cfg:bb(Cfg, L),
%% Code = hipe_bb:code(Block),
case containCorrectCall(Cfg, L, Callee, DstLst) of
true ->
Block = hipe_icode_cfg:bb(Cfg,L),
Code = hipe_bb:code(Block),
{NewCode, OldVar} = updateCode(Code, Callee, DstLst),
NewBlock = hipe_bb:code_update(Block, NewCode),
Cfg2 = hipe_icode_cfg:bb_add(Cfg, L, NewBlock),
Cfg3 = cleanUpAffectedCode(Cfg2, OldVar, Callee, L, Visited),
findAndUpdateCalls(Cfg3, Labels, Callee, DstLst, [L|Visited]);
false ->
findAndUpdateCalls(Cfg, Labels, Callee, DstLst, [L|Visited])
findAndUpdateCalls(Cfg,[], _, _, _) -> Cfg.
containCorrectCall(Cfg, Label, Callee, DstLst) ->
Block = hipe_icode_cfg:bb(Cfg,Label),
Code = hipe_bb:code(Block),
case containCallee(Code, Callee) of
{true, OldVar} ->
Succs = hipe_icode_cfg:succ(Cfg, Label),
checkForUnElems(Succs, OldVar, DstLst, Cfg);
false ->
checkForUnElems([], _, _, _) -> false;
checkForUnElems([Succ|Succs], OldVar, DstLst, Cfg) ->
Block = hipe_icode_cfg:bb(Cfg,Succ),
Code = hipe_bb:code(Block),
case checkForUnElems2(Code, OldVar, DstLst, []) of
true ->
false ->
checkForUnElems(Succs, OldVar, DstLst, Cfg)
checkForUnElems2([I|Code], OldVar, DstLst, DstRes) ->
case isCallPrimop(I, unsafe_element) of
true ->
case (hipe_icode:call_args(I) =:= OldVar) of
true ->
[Dst] = hipe_icode:call_dstlist(I),
case lists:member(Dst, DstLst) of
true ->
checkForUnElems2(Code, OldVar, DstLst, [Dst|DstRes]);
false ->
checkForUnElems2(Code, OldVar, DstLst, DstRes)
false ->
checkForUnElems2(Code, OldVar, DstLst, DstRes)
false ->
checkForUnElems2(Code, OldVar, DstLst, DstRes)
checkForUnElems2([], _, DstLst, DstRes) -> DstLst =:= lists:reverse(DstRes).
containCallee([I|Code], Callee) ->
case isCallLocal(I, Callee) of
true ->
{true, hipe_icode:call_dstlist(I)};
false ->
containCallee(Code, Callee)
containCallee([], _) -> false.
updateCode(Code, Callee, DstLst) ->
updateCode(Code, Callee, DstLst, [], []).
updateCode([I|Code], Callee, DstLst, Res, OldVars) ->
case isCallLocal(I, Callee) of
true ->
Vars = hipe_icode:call_dstlist(I),
I2 = hipe_icode:call_dstlist_update(I, DstLst),
updateCode(Code, Callee, DstLst, [I2|Res], Vars);
false ->
updateCode(Code, Callee, DstLst, [I|Res], OldVars)
updateCode([], _, _, Res, OldVars) -> {lists:reverse(Res), OldVars}.
cleanUpAffectedCode(Cfg, OldVar, Callee, Label, Visited) ->
Block = hipe_icode_cfg:bb(Cfg,Label),
Code = hipe_bb:code(Block),
{CodeBefore, CodeAfter, DstLst} = divideAtCall(Code, Callee),
{NewCodeAfter, ContLab, FailLab} = findType(CodeAfter, OldVar),
ContBlock = hipe_icode_cfg:bb(Cfg, ContLab),
Succs = hipe_icode_cfg:succ(Cfg, ContLab),
ContCode = hipe_bb:code(ContBlock),
{NewContCode, NewFailLab} = removeUnElems(ContCode, OldVar, DstLst),
NewBlock = hipe_bb:code_update(Block,
CodeBefore ++ NewCodeAfter ++ NewContCode),
Cfg2 = hipe_icode_cfg:bb_add(Cfg, Label, NewBlock),
Cfg3 = resolveSuccBlocks(Succs, OldVar, DstLst, [Label|Visited],
NewFailLab, Cfg2),
insertMiddleFailBlock(Cfg3, NewFailLab, FailLab, OldVar, DstLst).
divideAtCall(Code, Caller) ->
divideAtCall(Code, Caller, []).
divideAtCall([I|Code], Caller, Tail) ->
case isCallLocal(I, Caller) of
true ->
{lists:reverse([I|Tail]), Code, hipe_icode:call_dstlist(I)};
false ->
divideAtCall(Code, Caller, [I|Tail])
divideAtCall([], _, Tail) -> {Tail, []}.
findType(CodeAfter, OldVar) ->
findType(CodeAfter, OldVar, [], {none, none}).
findType([I|Code], OldVar, Rest, Succs) ->
case hipe_icode:is_type(I) of
true ->
case hipe_icode:type_args(I) =:= OldVar of
true ->
TrueLab = hipe_icode:type_true_label(I),
FalseLab = hipe_icode:type_false_label(I),
findType(Code, OldVar, Rest, {TrueLab, FalseLab});
false ->
findType(Code, OldVar, [I|Rest], Succs)
false ->
case hipe_icode:is_move(I) of
true ->
case [hipe_icode:move_src(I)] =:= OldVar of
true ->
findType(Code, hipe_icode:move_dst(I), [I|Rest], Succs);
false ->
findType(Code, OldVar, [I|Rest], Succs)
false ->
findType(Code, OldVar, [I|Rest], Succs)
findType([],_,Rest, {TrueLab, FalseLab}) ->
{lists:reverse(Rest), TrueLab, FalseLab}.
%% Nesting hell... check for redundancies.
%% ---------------------------------------
removeUnElems(Code, OldVars, DstLst) ->
removeUnElems(Code, OldVars, DstLst, [], false, none).
removeUnElems([I|Code], [OldVar] = OldVars, DstLst, Res, Def, Lab) ->
case isCallPrimop(I, unsafe_element) of
true ->
case (hipe_icode:call_args(I) =:= OldVars) of
true ->
removeUnElems(Code, OldVars, DstLst, Res, Def, Lab);
false ->
case lists:member(OldVar, hipe_icode:call_args(I)) of
true ->
%% XXX: the following test seems redundant,
%% hence commented out -- KOSTIS
%% case Def of
%% true ->
removeUnElems(Code, OldVars, DstLst, [I|Res], Def, Lab);
%% false ->
%% removeUnElems(Code, OldVars, DstLst,
%% [I|Res], Def, Lab)
%% end;
false ->
io:format("Borde aldrig kunna hamna h�r!", []),
removeUnElems(Code, OldVars, DstLst, [I|Res], Def, Lab)
false ->
case hipe_icode:is_move(I) of
true ->
case hipe_icode:move_src(I) =:= OldVar of
true ->
NewVar = hipe_icode:move_dst(I),
removeUnElems(Code, [NewVar], DstLst, [I|Res], Def, Lab);
false ->
removeUnElems(Code, OldVars, DstLst, [I|Res], Def, Lab)
false ->
case hipe_icode:is_type(I) andalso not Def of
true ->
NewFalseLab = case Lab =:= none of
true ->
false ->
_I2 = updateTypeFalseLabel(I, NewFalseLab),
removeUnElems(Code, OldVars, DstLst, [I|Res], Def, NewFalseLab);
false ->
case lists:member(OldVar, hipe_icode:uses(I)) andalso Def of
true ->
removeUnElems(Code, OldVars, DstLst, [I|Res], Def, Lab);
false ->
case lists:member(OldVar, hipe_icode:defines(I)) of
true ->
removeUnElems(Code, OldVars, DstLst, [I|Res], true, Lab);
false ->
removeUnElems(Code, OldVars, DstLst, [I|Res], Def, Lab)
removeUnElems([], _, _, Res,_, Lab) -> {lists:reverse(Res), Lab}.
updateTypeFalseLabel(Instr, NewFalseLabel) ->
TrueLabel = hipe_icode:type_true_label(Instr),
Args = hipe_icode:type_args(Instr),
Type = hipe_icode:type_test(Instr),
hipe_icode:mk_type(Args, Type, TrueLabel, NewFalseLabel).
resolveSuccBlocks(Succs, OldVar, DstLst, Visited, FailLab, Cfg) ->
NewSuccs = [X || X <- Succs, not lists:member(X, Visited)],
resolveSuccBlocks2(NewSuccs, OldVar, DstLst, Visited, FailLab, Cfg).
resolveSuccBlocks2([Succ|Succs], OldVar, DstLst, Vis, FailLab, Cfg) ->
Block = hipe_icode_cfg:bb(Cfg,Succ),
Code = hipe_bb:code(Block),
{NewCode, ReDefined} = checkUsesDefs(Code, OldVar, DstLst, FailLab),
NewBlock = hipe_bb:code_update(Block, NewCode),
Cfg2 = hipe_icode_cfg:bb_add(Cfg, Succ, NewBlock),
case ReDefined of
true ->
resolveSuccBlocks2(Succs, OldVar, DstLst, [Succ|Vis], FailLab, Cfg2);
false ->
NewSuccs = hipe_icode_cfg:succ(Cfg, Succ),
NewSuccs2 = [X || X <- NewSuccs, not lists:member(X, Vis++Succs)],
resolveSuccBlocks2(NewSuccs2++Succs, OldVar, DstLst,
[Succ|Vis], FailLab, Cfg2)
resolveSuccBlocks2([], _, _, _, _, Cfg) -> Cfg.
checkUsesDefs(Code, OldVar, DstLst, FailLab) ->
checkUsesDefs(Code, OldVar, DstLst, FailLab, [], false).
checkUsesDefs([I|Code], OldVar, DstLst, FailLab, Res, Defined) ->
[OVar] = OldVar,
case hipe_icode:is_move(I) of
true ->
case hipe_icode:move_src(I) =:= OVar of
true ->
NewVar = hipe_icode:move_dst(I),
checkUsesDefs(Code, NewVar, DstLst, FailLab, [I|Res], true);
false ->
case lists:member(OVar, hipe_icode:defines(I)) of
true ->
checkUsesDefs(Code, OldVar, DstLst, FailLab, [I|Res], true);
false ->
checkUsesDefs(Code, OldVar, DstLst, FailLab, [I|Res], Defined)
false ->
case hipe_icode:is_type(I) andalso not Defined of
true ->
case FailLab =/= none of
true ->
_I2 = updateTypeFalseLabel(I, FailLab),
checkUsesDefs(Code, OldVar, DstLst, FailLab, [I|Res], Defined);
false ->
checkUsesDefs(Code, OldVar, DstLst, FailLab, [I|Res], Defined)
false ->
case (lists:member(OVar, hipe_icode:uses(I))) andalso
(not Defined) andalso (FailLab =/= none) of
true ->
Tpl = hipe_icode:mk_primop(OldVar, mktuple, DstLst),
checkUsesDefs(Code, OldVar, DstLst, FailLab, [I,Tpl|Res], true);
false ->
case lists:member(OVar, hipe_icode:defines(I)) of
true ->
checkUsesDefs(Code, OldVar, DstLst, FailLab, [I|Res], true);
false ->
checkUsesDefs(Code, OldVar, DstLst, FailLab, [I|Res],Defined)
checkUsesDefs([], _, _, _, Res, Defined) -> {lists:reverse(Res), Defined}.
insertMiddleFailBlock(Cfg, NewFailLabel, OldFailLabel, OldVar, DstLst) ->
case NewFailLabel =:= none of
true ->
false ->
NewCode = [hipe_icode:mk_primop(OldVar, mktuple, DstLst),
NewBlock = hipe_bb:mk_bb(NewCode),
hipe_icode_cfg:bb_add(Cfg, NewFailLabel, NewBlock)
isCallLocal(Instr, Fun) ->
hipe_icode:is_call(Instr) andalso (hipe_icode:call_type(Instr) =:= local)
andalso (hipe_icode:call_fun(Instr) =:= Fun).
isCallPrimop(Instr, Fun) ->
case hipe_icode:is_call(Instr) of
true ->
case is_tuple(hipe_icode:call_fun(Instr)) of
true ->
((hipe_icode:call_type(Instr) =:= primop) andalso
(element(1,hipe_icode:call_fun(Instr)) =:= Fun));
false ->
((hipe_icode:call_type(Instr) =:= primop) andalso
(hipe_icode:call_fun(Instr) =:= Fun))
false ->
%% >-------------------------< Debug code >------------------------------<
%% Procedure : printTable/1
%% Purpose :
%% Arguments :
%% Return :
%% Notes :
printTable(Mod, Exports, {FunLst, CallLst}) ->
{Y,Mo,D} = date(),
{H,Mi,S} = time(),
io:format("Module: ~w - (~w/~w-~w, ~w:~w:~w)~n=======~n",
io:format("Exports: ~w~n", [Exports]),
io:format("FunList: ~n"),
io:format("CallList: ~n"),
printFunList([Fun|FunLst]) ->
io:format(" ~w~n", [Fun]),
printFunList([]) -> io:format("~n").
printCallList([Call|CallLst]) ->
io:format(" ~w~n", [Call]),
printCallList([]) -> io:format("~n").
%% >----------------------------< Old code >--------------------------------<
%% %%>----------------------------------------------------------------------<
%% % Procedure : findCallCode/3
%% % Purpose :
%% % Arguments :
%% % Return :
%% % Notes :
%% %%>----------------------------------------------------------------------<
%% findCallCode(List, Callee, DstLst) -> findCallCode(List, Callee, DstLst, []).
%% findCallCode([I=#icode_call{'fun'=Callee, dstlist=Var, type=local}, I2, I3|List],
%% Callee, DstLst, Res) ->
%% NewList = removeUnElems(List, Var),
%% %% _Uses = checkForUses(NewList, Var, DstLst),
%% Size = length(DstLst),
%% case I2 of
%% #icode_type{test={tuple, Size}, args=Var, true_label=Label} ->
%% case I3 of
%% #icode_label{name=Label} ->
%% findCallCode(NewList, Callee, DstLst,
%% [I#icode_call{dstlist=DstLst}|Res]);
%% _ ->
%% findCallCode(NewList, Callee, DstLst,
%% [#goto{label=Label},
%% I#icode_call{dstlist=DstLst}|Res])
%% end;
%% _ ->
%% findCallCode(NewList, Callee, DstLst,
%% [I2,I#icode_call{dstlist=DstLst}|Res])
%% end;
%% findCallCode([I|List], Callee, DstLst, Res) ->
%% findCallCode(List, Callee, DstLst, [I|Res]);
%% findCallCode([], _, _, Res) -> lists:reverse(Res).
%% %%>----------------------------------------------------------------------<
%% % Procedure : checkForUses
%% % Purpose :
%% % Arguments :
%% % Return :
%% % Notes :
%% %%>----------------------------------------------------------------------<
%% checkForUses(List, Var, Dsts) -> checkForUses(List, Var, Dsts, [], List).
%% checkForUses([I|List], Var, Dsts, Rest, Code) ->
%% Defs = hipe_icode:defines(I),
%% Uses = hipe_icode:uses(I),
%% case lists:member(Var, Uses) of
%% true ->
%% true;
%% false ->
%% case lists:member(Var, Defs) of
%% true ->
%% false;
%% false ->
%% case hipe_icode:is_branch(I) of
%% true ->
%% Succs = hipe_icode:successors(I),
%% checkSuccsForUses(Succs, Var, Dsts, Rest, Code);
%% false ->
%% checkForUses(List, Var, Dsts, [I|Rest], Code)
%% end
%% end
%% end;
%% checkForUses([], _, _, _, _) -> false.
%% checkSuccsForUses(Succs, Var, Dsts, Rest, Code) ->
%% checkSuccsForUses(Succs, Var, Dsts, Rest, Code, false).
%% checkSuccsForUses([S|Succs], Var, Dsts, Rest, Code, Res) ->
%% List = gotoLabel(S, Code),
%% Used = checkForUses(List, Var, Dsts, Rest, Code),
%% checkSuccsForUses(Succs, Var, Code, Dsts, Used andalso Res);
%% checkSuccsForUses([], _, _, _, _, Res) -> Res.
%% gotoLabel(L, [L|List]) -> List;
%% gotoLabel(L, [_|List]) -> gotoLabel(L, List);
%% gotoLabel(_, []) -> [].
%% %%>----------------------------------------------------------------------<
%% % Procedure : removeUnElems/2
%% % Purpose :
%% % Arguments :
%% % Return :
%% % Notes : Fixa s� att funktionen anv�nder defines(I) ist�llet och
%% % selektorer ist�llet f�r att matcha p� #call{}. L�tt gjort.
%% %%>----------------------------------------------------------------------<
%% removeUnElems(List, Var) -> removeUnElems(List, Var, []).
%% removeUnElems([#icode_call{'fun'={unsafe_element,_}, args=Var}|List], Var, Res) ->
%% removeUnElems(List, Var, Res);
%% removeUnElems([I=#icode_move{dst=Var}|List], [Var], Res) ->
%% lists:reverse(Res) ++ [I|List];
%% removeUnElems([I=#icode_call{dstlist=Var}|List], Var, Res) ->
%% lists:reverse(Res) ++ [I|List];
%% removeUnElems([I|List], Var, Res) ->
%% removeUnElems(List, Var, [I|Res]);
%% removeUnElems([], _, Res) -> lists:reverse(Res).
%% removeUnElems(List, Var) -> removeUnElems(List, Var, []).
%% removeUnElems([I|List], Var, Res) ->
%% Defs = hipe_icode:defines(I),
%% case hipe_icode:is_call(I) of
%% true ->
%% Fn = hipe_icode:call_fun(I),
%% case (hipe_icode:call_args(I) =:= Var) andalso is_tuple(Fn) of
%% true ->
%% case element(1,Fn) =:= unsafe_element of
%% true ->
%% removeUnElems(List, Var, Res);
%% false ->
%% case lists:member(Var, Defs) of
%% true ->
%% lists:reverse(Res) ++ [I|List];
%% false ->
%% removeUnElems(List, Var, [I|Res])
%% end
%% end;
%% false ->
%% case lists:member(Var, Defs) of
%% true ->
%% lists:reverse(Res) ++ [I|List];
%% false ->
%% removeUnElems(List, Var, [I|Res])
%% end
%% end;
%% false ->
%% case lists:member(Var, Defs) of
%% true ->
%% lists:reverse(Res) ++ [I|List];
%% false ->
%% removeUnElems(List, Var, [I|Res])
%% end
%% end;
%% removeUnElems([], _, Res) -> lists:reverse(Res).
%% Old findDefine that also could update it.
%% -----------------------------------------
%% findDefine(Code, Var) -> findDefine(Code, Var, [], []).
%% findDefine([#icode_call{dstlist=Var,'fun'=mktuple,args=Vs}|Code],Var,NewCode,_)->
%% findDefine(Code, Var, NewCode, Vs);
%% findDefine([I=#icode_move{dst=Var, src=Src}|Code], [Var], NewCode, _) ->
%% case Src of
%% #icode_var{} ->
%% findDefine(Code, [Src], [I|NewCode], [Src]);
%% #icode_const{value={flat, Tuple}} ->
%% findDefine(Code, [Var], [I|NewCode], []) %% Check this case! [Var]
%% end;
%% findDefine([I|Code], Var, NewCode, Vars) ->
%% findDefine(Code, Var, [I|NewCode], Vars);
%% findDefine([], _, NewCode, Vars) ->
%% case Vars of
%% [] ->
%% notFound;
%% [_] ->
%% {notFound, Vars};
%% _ ->
%% {found, lists:reverse(NewCode), Vars}
%% end.
%% modifyCode(Code, Var) ->
%% [#icode_return{vars=Var}|Code2] = lists:reverse(Code),
%% case (length(Var) =< hipe_rtl_arch:nr_of_return_regs()) of
%% true ->
%% {Arity, Code3} = modifyCode(Code2, Var, []),
%% {Arity, Code3};
%% false ->
%% {1, Code}
%% end.
%% modifyCode([I|Code], Var, Res) ->
%% case scanInstr(I, Var) of
%% {move, Arity, VarLst} ->
%% Code2 = [#icode_return{vars=VarLst}, I |lists:reverse(Res) ++ Code],
%% {Arity, lists:reverse(Code2)};
%% {mktuple, Arity, VarLst} ->
%% Code2 = [#icode_return{vars=VarLst}|lists:reverse(Res) ++ Code],
%% {Arity, lists:reverse(Code2)};
%% other ->
%% modifyCode(Code, Var, [I|Res])
%% end;
%% modifyCode([], Var, Res) ->
%% {1, lists:reverse(Res) ++ [#icode_return{vars=Var}]}.
%% scanInstr(#icode_call{dstlist=Var, 'fun'=mktuple, args=Lst}, Var) ->
%% {mktuple, length(Lst), Lst};
%% scanInstr(_, _) -> other.
%% printCode(Cfg) ->
%% Labels = hipe_icode_cfg:labels(Cfg),
%% {_,_,{_,F,_,_,_,_,_,_},_} = Cfg,
%% io:format("~nFunction: ~w~n", [F]),
%% Print = fun(Label) ->
%% Block = hipe_icode_cfg:bb(Cfg, Label),
%% Code = hipe_bb:code(Block),
%% io:format("Label: ~w~n", [Label]),
%% lists:foreach(fun(I) -> io:format("~w~n", [I]) end, Code),
%% io:format("~n")
%% end,
%% lists:foreach(Print, Labels).
%% printList(File, [{MFA, #icode{code=Code, params=Parms}}|List]) ->
%% io:format(File, "MFA: ~w - Params: ~w~n", [MFA, Parms]),
%% printList2(File, Code),
%% printList(File, List);
%% printList(_, []) -> ok.
%% printList2(File, []) -> io:format(File, "~n~n", []);
%% printList2(File, IList) when is_list(IList) ->
%% [I|List] = IList,
%% io:format(File, "~w~n", [I]),
%% printList2(File, List);
%% printList2(File, SomethingElse) ->
%% io:format(File, "Got: ~w~n", [SomethingElse]).
%% optimizeDefine([#icode_call{dstlist=Var,'fun'=mktuple,args=Vs}|Code],
%% Var, _, Res) ->
%% case Vs of
%% [_] ->
%% {none, noOpt};
%% _ ->
%% optimizeDefine(Code, Var, Vs, Res)
%% end;
%% optimizeDefine([I=#icode_move{dst=Var, src=Src}|Code], [Var], Rets, Res) ->
%% case hipe_icode:is_var(Src) of
%% true ->
%% optimizeDefine(Code, [Src], Rets, Res);
%% false ->
%% case Src of
%% #icode_const{value={flat, Tuple}} when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
%% optimizeDefine(Code, [Var], tuple_to_list(Tuple), [I|Res]);
%% #icode_const{value={flat, _}} ->
%% {none, noOpt};
%% _ ->
%% optimizeDefine(Code, [Var], Rets, [I|Res])
%% end
%% end;
%% optimizeDefine([I|Code], Var, Rets, Res) ->
%% optimizeDefine(Code, Var, Rets, [I|Res]);
%% optimizeDefine([], Var, Rets, Res) ->
%% case Rets of
%% [] ->
%% {none, Res, Var};
%% _ ->
%% {found, Res, Rets}
%% end.