%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2011. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% File : hipe_rtl_lcm.erl
%% Author : Henrik Nyman and Erik Cedheim
%% Description : Performs Lazy Code Motion on RTL
%% @doc
%% This module implements Lazy Code Motion on RTL.
%% @end
-define(SETS, ordsets). %% Which set implementation module to use
%% We have tried gb_sets, sets and ordsets and
%% ordsets seems to be a lot faster according to
%% our test runs.
%%-define(LCM_DEBUG, true). %% When defined and true, produces debug printouts
%% @doc Performs Lazy Code Motion on RTL.
-spec rtl_lcm(cfg(), comp_options()) -> cfg().
rtl_lcm(CFG, Options) ->
%% Perform pre-calculation of the data sets.
?opt_start_timer("RTL LCM precalc"),
{NodeInfo, EdgeInfo, AllExpr, ExprMap, IdMap, Labels} = lcm_precalc(CFG, Options),
?opt_stop_timer("RTL LCM precalc"),
%% {NodeInfo, EdgeInfo, AllExpr, ExprMap, Labels} =
%% ?option_time(lcm_precalc(CFG, Options), "RTL LCM precalc", Options),
%% pp_debug( "~w~n", [MFA]),
%% A check if we should pretty print the result.
case proplists:get_bool(pp_rtl_lcm, Options) of
%% pp_debug("AllExpr: ~w~n", [AllExpr]),
pp_debug("AllExpr:~n", []),
pp_exprs(ExprMap, IdMap, ?SETS:to_list(AllExpr)),
%% pp_sets(ExprMap, NodeInfo, EdgeInfo, AllExpr, CFG2<-ERROR!, Labels);
pp_sets(ExprMap, IdMap, NodeInfo, EdgeInfo, AllExpr, CFG, Labels);
_ ->
?option_time({CFG1, MoveSet} = perform_lcm(CFG, NodeInfo, EdgeInfo, ExprMap,
IdMap, AllExpr, mk_edge_bb_map(),
?SETS:new(), Labels),
"RTL LCM perform_lcm", Options),
%% Scan through list of moved expressions and replace their
%% assignments with the new temporary created for that expression
MoveList = ?SETS:to_list(MoveSet),
?option_time(CFG2 = moved_expr_replace_assignments(CFG1, ExprMap, IdMap,
"RTL LCM moved_expr_replace_assignments", Options),
%% Performs lazy code motion given the pre-calculated data sets.
perform_lcm(CFG, _, _, _, _, _, _, MoveSet, []) ->
{CFG, MoveSet};
perform_lcm(CFG0, NodeInfo, EdgeInfo, ExprMap, IdMap, AllExp, BetweenMap,
MoveSet0, [Label|Labels]) ->
Code0 = hipe_bb:code(hipe_rtl_cfg:bb(CFG0, Label)),
DeleteSet = delete(NodeInfo, Label),
%% Check if something should be deleted from this block.
{CFG1, MoveSet1} =
case ?SETS:size(DeleteSet) > 0 of
true ->
pp_debug("Label ~w: Expressions Deleted: ~n", [Label]),
Code1 = delete_exprs(Code0, ExprMap, IdMap, ?SETS:to_list(DeleteSet)),
BB = hipe_bb:mk_bb(Code1),
{hipe_rtl_cfg:bb_add(CFG0, Label, BB),
?SETS:union(MoveSet0, DeleteSet)};
false ->
{CFG0, MoveSet0}
Succs = hipe_rtl_cfg:succ(CFG1, Label),
%% Go through the list of successors and insert expression where needed.
%% Also collect a list of expressions that are inserted somewhere
{CFG2, NewBetweenMap, MoveSet2} =
lists:foldl(fun(Succ, {CFG, BtwMap, MoveSet}) ->
InsertSet = calc_insert_edge(NodeInfo, EdgeInfo,
Label, Succ),
%% Check if something should be inserted on this edge.
case ?SETS:size(InsertSet) > 0 of
true ->
pp_debug("Label ~w: Expressions Inserted for Successor: ~w~n", [Label, Succ]),
InsertList = ?SETS:to_list(InsertSet),
{NewCFG, NewBtwMap} =
insert_exprs(CFG, Label, Succ, ExprMap, IdMap,
BtwMap, InsertList),
{NewCFG, NewBtwMap, ?SETS:union(MoveSet, InsertSet)};
false ->
{CFG, BtwMap, MoveSet}
{CFG1, BetweenMap, MoveSet1}, Succs),
perform_lcm(CFG2, NodeInfo, EdgeInfo, ExprMap, IdMap, AllExp, NewBetweenMap,
MoveSet2, Labels).
%% Scan through list of moved expressions and replace their
%% assignments with the new temporary created for that expression.
moved_expr_replace_assignments(CFG, _, _, []) ->
moved_expr_replace_assignments(CFG0, ExprMap, IdMap, [ExprId|Exprs]) ->
Expr = expr_id_map_get_expr(IdMap, ExprId),
case expr_map_lookup(ExprMap, Expr) of
{value, {_, ReplaceList, NewReg}} ->
CFG1 = lists:foldl(fun({Label, Reg}, CFG) ->
%% Find and replace expression in block
pp_debug("Label ~w: Expressions Replaced:~n", [Label]),
Code0 = hipe_bb:code(hipe_rtl_cfg:bb(CFG, Label)),
Code1 =
moved_expr_do_replacement(expr_set_dst(Expr, Reg),
Reg, NewReg, Code0),
hipe_rtl_cfg:bb_add(CFG, Label, hipe_bb:mk_bb(Code1))
end, CFG0, ReplaceList),
moved_expr_replace_assignments(CFG1, ExprMap, IdMap, Exprs);
none ->
moved_expr_replace_assignments(CFG0, ExprMap, IdMap, Exprs)
moved_expr_do_replacement(_, _, _, []) ->
moved_expr_do_replacement(Expr, Reg, NewReg, [Expr|Instrs]) ->
NewExpr = expr_set_dst(Expr, NewReg),
Move = mk_expr_move_instr(Reg, NewReg),
pp_debug(" Replacing:~n", []),
pp_debug(" With:~n", []),
[NewExpr, Move | moved_expr_do_replacement(Expr, Reg, NewReg, Instrs)];
moved_expr_do_replacement(Expr, Reg, NewReg, [Instr|Instrs]) ->
[Instr | moved_expr_do_replacement(Expr, Reg, NewReg, Instrs)].
%% Goes through the given list of expressions and deletes them from the code.
%% NOTE We do not actually delete an expression, but instead we replace it
%% with an assignment from the new temporary containing the result of the
%% expressions which is guaranteed to have been calculated earlier in
%% the code.
delete_exprs(Code, _, _, []) ->
delete_exprs(Code, ExprMap, IdMap, [ExprId|Exprs]) ->
Expr = expr_id_map_get_expr(IdMap, ExprId),
%% Perform a foldl that goes through the code and deletes all
%% occurences of the expression.
NewCode =
(lists:foldl(fun(CodeExpr, Acc) ->
case is_expr(CodeExpr) of
true ->
case expr_clear_dst(CodeExpr) =:= Expr of
true ->
pp_debug(" Deleting: ", []),
%% Lookup expression entry.
Defines =
case expr_map_lookup(ExprMap, Expr) of
{value, {_, _, Defs}} ->
none ->
exit({?MODULE, expr_map_lookup,
"expression missing"})
MoveCode =
pp_debug(" Replacing with: ", []),
false ->
false ->
[], Code)),
delete_exprs(NewCode, ExprMap, IdMap, Exprs).
%% Goes through the given list of expressions and inserts them at
%% appropriate places in the code.
insert_exprs(CFG, _, _, _, _, BetweenMap, []) ->
{CFG, BetweenMap};
insert_exprs(CFG, Pred, Succ, ExprMap, IdMap, BetweenMap, [ExprId|Exprs]) ->
Expr = expr_id_map_get_expr(IdMap, ExprId),
Instr = expr_map_get_instr(ExprMap, Expr),
case hipe_rtl_cfg:succ(CFG, Pred) of
[_] ->
pp_debug(" Inserted last: ", []),
NewCFG = insert_expr_last(CFG, Pred, Instr),
insert_exprs(NewCFG, Pred, Succ, ExprMap, IdMap, BetweenMap, Exprs);
_ ->
case hipe_rtl_cfg:pred(CFG, Succ) of
[_] ->
pp_debug(" Inserted first: ", []),
NewCFG = insert_expr_first(CFG, Succ, Instr),
insert_exprs(NewCFG, Pred, Succ, ExprMap, IdMap, BetweenMap, Exprs);
_ ->
pp_debug(" Inserted between: ", []),
{NewCFG, NewBetweenMap} =
insert_expr_between(CFG, BetweenMap, Pred, Succ, Instr),
insert_exprs(NewCFG, Pred, Succ, ExprMap, IdMap, NewBetweenMap, Exprs)
%% Recursively goes through the code in a block and returns a new block
%% with the new code inserted second to last (assuming the last expression
%% is a branch operation).
insert_expr_last(CFG0, Label, Instr) ->
Code0 = hipe_bb:code(hipe_rtl_cfg:bb(CFG0, Label)),
%% FIXME: Use hipe_bb:butlast() instead?
Code1 = insert_expr_last_work(Label, Instr, Code0),
hipe_rtl_cfg:bb_add(CFG0, Label, hipe_bb:mk_bb(Code1)).
%% Recursively goes through the code in a block and returns a new block
%% with the new code inserted second to last (assuming the last expression
%% is a branch operation).
insert_expr_last_work(_, Instr, []) ->
%% This case should not happen since this means that block was completely
%% empty when the function was called. For compatibility we insert it last.
insert_expr_last_work(_, Instr, [Code1]) ->
%% We insert the code next to last.
[Instr, Code1];
insert_expr_last_work(Label, Instr, [Code|Codes]) ->
[Code|insert_expr_last_work(Label, Instr, Codes)].
%% Inserts expression first in the block for the given label.
insert_expr_first(CFG0, Label, Instr) ->
%% The first instruction is always a label
[Lbl|Code0] = hipe_bb:code(hipe_rtl_cfg:bb(CFG0, Label)),
Code1 = [Lbl, Instr | Code0],
hipe_rtl_cfg:bb_add(CFG0, Label, hipe_bb:mk_bb(Code1)).
%% Inserts an expression on and edge between two existing blocks.
%% It creates a new basic block to hold the expression.
%% Created bbs are inserted into BetweenMap to be able to reuse them for
%% multiple inserts on the same edge.
%% NOTE Currently creates multiple blocks for identical expression with the
%% same successor. Since the new bb usually contains very few instructions
%% this should not be a problem.
insert_expr_between(CFG0, BetweenMap, Pred, Succ, Instr) ->
PredSucc = {Pred, Succ},
case edge_bb_map_lookup(BetweenMap, PredSucc) of
none ->
NewLabel = hipe_rtl:mk_new_label(),
NewLabelName = hipe_rtl:label_name(NewLabel),
pp_debug(" Creating new bb ~w~n", [NewLabel]),
Code = [Instr, hipe_rtl:mk_goto(Succ)],
CFG1 = hipe_rtl_cfg:bb_add(CFG0, NewLabelName, hipe_bb:mk_bb(Code)),
CFG2 = hipe_rtl_cfg:redirect(CFG1, Pred, Succ, NewLabelName),
NewBetweenMap = edge_bb_map_insert(BetweenMap, PredSucc, NewLabelName),
pp_debug(" Mapping edge (~w,~w) to label ~w~n",
[Pred, Succ, NewLabelName]),
{CFG2, NewBetweenMap};
{value, Label} ->
pp_debug(" Using existing new bb for edge (~w,~w) with label ~w~n",
[Pred, Succ, Label]),
{insert_expr_last(CFG0, Label, Instr), BetweenMap}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% GENERAL UTILITY FUNCTIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Returns true if the list of registers only contains virtual registers and
%% no machine registers.
no_machine_regs([]) ->
no_machine_regs([Reg|Regs]) ->
case hipe_rtl:is_reg(Reg) of
true ->
N = hipe_rtl:reg_index(Reg),
(N >= hipe_rtl_arch:first_virtual_reg()) andalso no_machine_regs(Regs);
_ ->
case hipe_rtl:is_fpreg(Reg) of
true ->
N = hipe_rtl:fpreg_index(Reg),
(N >= hipe_rtl_arch:first_virtual_reg()) andalso no_machine_regs(Regs);
_ ->
%% Returns true if an RTL instruction is an expression.
is_expr(I) ->
Defines = hipe_rtl:defines(I),
Uses = hipe_rtl:uses(I),
%% We don't cosider something that doesn't define anything as an expression.
%% Also we don't consider machine registers to be expressions.
case length(Defines) > 0 andalso no_machine_regs(Defines)
andalso no_machine_regs(Uses) of
true ->
case I of
#alu{} -> true;
%% #alu{} ->
%% Dst = hipe_rtl:alu_dst(I),
%% Src1 = hipe_rtl:alu_src1(I),
%% Src2 = hipe_rtl:alu_src2(I),
%% Check if dst updates src
%% case Dst =:= Src1 orelse Dst =:= Src2 of
%% true ->
%% false;
%% false ->
%% true
%% end;
%% Check if alu expression is untagging of boxed (rX <- vX sub 2)
%% case hipe_rtl:is_reg(Dst) andalso hipe_rtl:is_var(Src1) andalso
%% (hipe_rtl:alu_op(I) =:= sub) andalso hipe_rtl:is_imm(Src2) of
%% true ->
%% case hipe_rtl:imm_value(Src2) of
%% 2 -> false; %% Tag for boxed. TODO: Should not be hardcoded...
%% _ -> true
%% end;
%% false ->
%% true
%% end;
#alub{} -> false; %% TODO: Split instruction to consider alu expression?
#branch{} -> false;
#call{} -> false; %% We cannot prove that a call has no side-effects
#comment{} -> false;
#enter{} -> false;
%% #fail_to{} -> false; %% Deprecated?
#fconv{} -> true;
#fixnumop{} -> true;
#fload{} -> true;
#fmove{} -> false;
#fp{} -> true;
#fp_unop{} -> true;
#fstore{} -> false;
#goto{} -> false;
#goto_index{} -> false;
#gctest{} -> false;
#label{} -> false;
#load{} -> true;
#load_address{} ->
case hipe_rtl:load_address_type(I) of
c_const -> false;
closure -> false; %% not sure whether safe to move;
%% also probably not worth it
constant -> true
#load_atom{} -> true;
#load_word_index{} -> true;
#move{} -> false;
#multimove{} -> false;
#phi{} -> false;
#return{} -> false;
#store{} -> false;
#switch{} -> false
false ->
%% Replaces destination of RTL expression with empty list.
expr_set_dst(I, [Dst|_Dsts] = DstList) ->
case I of
#alu{} -> hipe_rtl:alu_dst_update(I, Dst);
#call{} -> hipe_rtl:call_dstlist_update(I, DstList);
#fconv{} -> hipe_rtl:fconv_dst_update(I, Dst);
#fixnumop{} -> hipe_rtl:fixnumop_dst_update(I, Dst);
#fload{} -> hipe_rtl:fload_dst_update(I, Dst);
%% #fmove{} -> hipe_rtl:fmove_dst_update(I, Dst);
#fp{} -> hipe_rtl:fp_dst_update(I, Dst);
#fp_unop{} -> hipe_rtl:fp_unop_dst_update(I, Dst);
#load{} -> hipe_rtl:load_dst_update(I, Dst);
#load_address{} -> hipe_rtl:load_address_dst_update(I, Dst);
#load_atom{} -> hipe_rtl:load_atom_dst_update(I, Dst);
#load_word_index{} -> hipe_rtl:load_word_index_dst_update(I, Dst);
%% #move{} -> hipe_rtl:move_dst_update(I, Dst);
_ -> exit({?MODULE, expr_set_dst, "bad expression"})
%% Replaces destination of RTL expression with empty list.
expr_clear_dst(I) ->
case I of
#alu{} -> hipe_rtl:alu_dst_update(I, nil);
#call{} -> hipe_rtl:call_dstlist_update(I, nil);
#fconv{} -> hipe_rtl:fconv_dst_update(I, nil);
#fixnumop{} -> hipe_rtl:fixnumop_dst_update(I, nil);
#fload{} -> hipe_rtl:fload_dst_update(I, nil);
%% #fmove{} -> hipe_rtl:fmove_dst_update(I, nil);
#fp{} -> hipe_rtl:fp_dst_update(I, nil);
#fp_unop{} -> hipe_rtl:fp_unop_dst_update(I, nil);
#load{} -> hipe_rtl:load_dst_update(I, nil);
#load_address{} -> hipe_rtl:load_address_dst_update(I, nil);
#load_atom{} -> hipe_rtl:load_atom_dst_update(I, nil);
#load_word_index{} -> hipe_rtl:load_word_index_dst_update(I, nil);
%% #move{} -> hipe_rtl:move_dst_update(I, nil);
_ -> exit({?MODULE, expr_clear_dst, "bad expression"})
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PRECALC FUNCTIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Pre-calculates the flow analysis and puts the calculated sets in maps for
%% easy access later.
lcm_precalc(CFG, Options) ->
%% Calculate use map and expression map.
?option_time({ExprMap, IdMap} = mk_expr_map(CFG),
"RTL LCM mk_expr_map", Options),
?option_time(UseMap = mk_use_map(CFG, ExprMap),
"RTL LCM mk_use_map", Options),
%% Labels = hipe_rtl_cfg:reverse_postorder(CFG),
Labels = hipe_rtl_cfg:labels(CFG),
%% StartLabel = hipe_rtl_cfg:start_label(CFG),
%% AllExpr = all_exprs(CFG, Labels),
AllExpr = ?SETS:from_list(gb_trees:keys(IdMap)),
%% Calculate the data sets.
?option_time(NodeInfo0 = mk_node_info(Labels), "RTL LCM mk_node_info",
%% ?option_time(EdgeInfo0 = mk_edge_info(), "RTL LCM mk_edge_info",
%% Options),
EdgeInfo0 = mk_edge_info(),
?option_time(NodeInfo1 = calc_up_exp(CFG, ExprMap, NodeInfo0, Labels),
"RTL LCM calc_up_exp", Options),
?option_time(NodeInfo2 = calc_down_exp(CFG, ExprMap, NodeInfo1, Labels),
"RTL LCM calc_down_exp", Options),
?option_time(NodeInfo3 = calc_killed_expr(CFG, NodeInfo2, UseMap, AllExpr,
IdMap, Labels),
"RTL LCM calc_killed_exp", Options),
?option_time(NodeInfo4 = calc_avail(CFG, NodeInfo3),
"RTL LCM calc_avail", Options),
?option_time(NodeInfo5 = calc_antic(CFG, NodeInfo4, AllExpr),
"RTL LCM calc_antic", Options),
?option_time(EdgeInfo1 = calc_earliest(CFG, NodeInfo5, EdgeInfo0, Labels),
"RTL LCM calc_earliest", Options),
?option_time({NodeInfo6, EdgeInfo2} = calc_later(CFG, NodeInfo5, EdgeInfo1),
"RTL LCM calc_later", Options),
?option_time(NodeInfo7 = calc_delete(CFG, NodeInfo6, Labels),
"RTL LCM calc_delete", Options),
{NodeInfo7, EdgeInfo2, AllExpr, ExprMap, IdMap, Labels}.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% AVAILABLE IN/OUT FLOW ANALYSIS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Fixpoint calculation of anticipated in/out sets.
%% Uses a worklist algorithm.
%% Performs the avail in/out flow analysis.
%% Calculates the available in/out sets, and returns an updated NodeInfo.
calc_avail(CFG, NodeInfo) ->
StartLabel = hipe_rtl_cfg:start_label(CFG),
Work = init_work([StartLabel]),
%% Initialize start node
NewNodeInfo = set_avail_in(NodeInfo, StartLabel, ?SETS:new()),
calc_avail_fixpoint(Work, CFG, NewNodeInfo).
calc_avail_fixpoint(Work, CFG, NodeInfo) ->
case get_work(Work) of
fixpoint ->
{Label, NewWork} ->
{NewNodeInfo, NewLabels} = calc_avail_node(Label, CFG, NodeInfo),
NewWork2 = add_work(NewWork, NewLabels),
calc_avail_fixpoint(NewWork2, CFG, NewNodeInfo)
calc_avail_node(Label, CFG, NodeInfo) ->
%% Get avail in
AvailIn = avail_in(NodeInfo, Label),
%% Calculate avail out
AvailOut = ?SETS:union(down_exp(NodeInfo, Label),
killed_expr(NodeInfo, Label))),
{Changed, NodeInfo2} =
case avail_out(NodeInfo, Label) of
none ->
%% If there weren't any old avail out we use this one.
{true, set_avail_out(NodeInfo, Label, AvailOut)};
OldAvailOut ->
%% Check if the avail outs are equal.
case AvailOut =:= OldAvailOut of
true ->
{false, NodeInfo};
false ->
{true, set_avail_out(NodeInfo, Label, AvailOut)}
case Changed of
true ->
%% Update AvailIn-sets of successors and add them to worklist
Succs = hipe_rtl_cfg:succ(CFG, Label),
NodeInfo3 =
(fun(Succ, NewNodeInfo) ->
case avail_in(NewNodeInfo, Succ) of
none ->
%% Initialize avail in to all expressions
set_avail_in(NewNodeInfo, Succ, AvailOut);
OldAvailIn ->
set_avail_in(NewNodeInfo, Succ,
?SETS:intersection(OldAvailIn, AvailOut))
NodeInfo2, Succs),
{NodeInfo3, Succs};
false ->
{NodeInfo2, []}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ANTICIPATED IN/OUT FLOW ANALYSIS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Fixpoint calculation of anticipated in/out sets.
%% Uses a worklist algorithm.
%% Calculates the anicipated in/out sets, and returns an updated NodeInfo.
calc_antic(CFG, NodeInfo, AllExpr) ->
%% Initialize worklist with all nodes in postorder
Labels = hipe_rtl_cfg:postorder(CFG),
Work = init_work(Labels),
calc_antic_fixpoint(Work, CFG, NodeInfo, AllExpr).
calc_antic_fixpoint(Work, CFG, NodeInfo, AllExpr) ->
case get_work(Work) of
fixpoint ->
{Label, NewWork} ->
{NewNodeInfo, NewLabels} = calc_antic_node(Label, CFG, NodeInfo, AllExpr),
NewWork2 = add_work(NewWork, NewLabels),
calc_antic_fixpoint(NewWork2, CFG, NewNodeInfo, AllExpr)
calc_antic_node(Label, CFG, NodeInfo, AllExpr) ->
%% Get antic out
AnticOut =
case antic_out(NodeInfo, Label) of
none ->
case is_exit_label(CFG, Label) of
true ->
false ->
AnticOutTemp -> AnticOutTemp
%% Calculate antic in
AnticIn = ?SETS:union(up_exp(NodeInfo, Label),
killed_expr(NodeInfo, Label))),
{Changed, NodeInfo2} =
case antic_in(NodeInfo, Label) of
%% If there weren't any old antic in we use this one.
none ->
{true, set_antic_in(NodeInfo, Label, AnticIn)};
OldAnticIn ->
%% Check if the antic in:s are equal.
case AnticIn =:= OldAnticIn of
true ->
{false, NodeInfo};
false ->
set_antic_in(NodeInfo, Label, AnticIn)}
case Changed of
true ->
%% Update AnticOut-sets of predecessors and add them to worklist
Preds = hipe_rtl_cfg:pred(CFG, Label),
NodeInfo3 =
(fun(Pred, NewNodeInfo) ->
case antic_out(NewNodeInfo, Pred) of
none ->
%% Initialize antic out to all expressions
set_antic_out(NewNodeInfo, Pred, AnticIn);
OldAnticOut ->
set_antic_out(NewNodeInfo, Pred,
?SETS:intersection(OldAnticOut, AnticIn))
NodeInfo2, Preds),
{NodeInfo3, Preds};
false ->
{NodeInfo2, []}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LATER / LATER IN FLOW ANALYSIS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Fixpoint calculations of Later and LaterIn sets.
%% Uses a worklist algorithm.
%% Note that the Later set is calculated on edges.
%% Calculates the Later and LaterIn sets, and returns updates of both
%% NodeInfo (with LaterIn sets) and EdgeInfo (with Later sets).
calc_later(CFG, NodeInfo, EdgeInfo) ->
StartLabel = hipe_rtl_cfg:start_label(CFG),
Work = init_work([{node, StartLabel}]),
%% Initialize start node
NewNodeInfo = set_later_in(NodeInfo, StartLabel, ?SETS:new()),
calc_later_fixpoint(Work, CFG, NewNodeInfo, EdgeInfo).
calc_later_fixpoint(Work, CFG, NodeInfo, EdgeInfo) ->
case get_work(Work) of
{{edge, From, To}, Work2} ->
{NewNodeInfo, NewEdgeInfo, AddWork} =
calc_later_edge(From, To, CFG, NodeInfo, EdgeInfo),
Work3 = add_work(Work2, AddWork),
calc_later_fixpoint(Work3, CFG, NewNodeInfo, NewEdgeInfo);
{{node, Label}, Work2} ->
AddWork = calc_later_node(Label, CFG),
Work3 = add_work(Work2, AddWork),
calc_later_fixpoint(Work3, CFG, NodeInfo, EdgeInfo);
fixpoint ->
{NodeInfo, EdgeInfo}
calc_later_node(Label, CFG) ->
Succs = hipe_rtl_cfg:succ(CFG, Label),
[{edge, Label, Succ} || Succ <- Succs].
calc_later_edge(From, To, _CFG, NodeInfo, EdgeInfo) ->
FromTo = {From, To},
Earliest = earliest(EdgeInfo, FromTo),
LaterIn = later_in(NodeInfo, From),
UpExp = up_exp(NodeInfo, From),
Later = ?SETS:union(Earliest, ?SETS:subtract(LaterIn, UpExp)),
{Changed, EdgeInfo2} =
case lookup_later(EdgeInfo, FromTo) of
none -> {true, set_later(EdgeInfo, FromTo, Later)};
Later -> {false, EdgeInfo};
_Old -> {true, set_later(EdgeInfo, FromTo, Later)}
case Changed of
true ->
%% Update later in set of To-node
case lookup_later_in(NodeInfo, To) of
%% If the data isn't set initialize to all expressions
none ->
{set_later_in(NodeInfo, To, Later), EdgeInfo2, [{node, To}]};
OldLaterIn ->
NewLaterIn = ?SETS:intersection(OldLaterIn, Later),
%% Check if something changed
%% FIXME: Implement faster equality test?
case NewLaterIn =:= OldLaterIn of
true ->
{NodeInfo, EdgeInfo2, []};
false ->
{set_later_in(NodeInfo, To, NewLaterIn),
EdgeInfo2, [{node, To}]}
false ->
{NodeInfo, EdgeInfo2, []}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% UPWARDS/DOWNWARDS EXPOSED EXPRESSIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Calculates upwards and downwards exposed expressions.
%% Calculates the downwards exposed expression sets for the given labels in
%% the CFG.
calc_down_exp(_, _, NodeInfo, []) ->
calc_down_exp(CFG, ExprMap, NodeInfo, [Label|Labels]) ->
Code = hipe_bb:code(hipe_rtl_cfg:bb(CFG, Label)),
%% Data = ?SETS:from_list(lists:map(fun expr_clear_dst/1, exp_work(Code))),
Data = ?SETS:from_list(get_expr_ids(ExprMap, exp_work(Code))),
NewNodeInfo = set_down_exp(NodeInfo, Label, Data),
calc_down_exp(CFG, ExprMap, NewNodeInfo, Labels).
%% Calculates the upwards exposed expressions sets for the given labels in
%% the CFG.
calc_up_exp(_, _, NodeInfo, []) ->
calc_up_exp(CFG, ExprMap, NodeInfo, [Label|Labels]) ->
BB = hipe_rtl_cfg:bb(CFG, Label),
RevCode = lists:reverse(hipe_bb:code(BB)),
Data = ?SETS:from_list(get_expr_ids(ExprMap, exp_work(RevCode))),
NewNodeInfo = set_up_exp(NodeInfo, Label, Data),
calc_up_exp(CFG, ExprMap, NewNodeInfo, Labels).
%% Given a list of expression instructions, gets a list of expression ids
%% from an expression map.
get_expr_ids(ExprMap, Instrs) ->
[expr_map_get_id(ExprMap, expr_clear_dst(I)) || I <- Instrs].
%% Does the work of the calc_*_exp functions.
exp_work(Code) ->
exp_work([], Code).
exp_work([], [Instr|Instrs]) ->
case is_expr(Instr) of
true ->
exp_work([Instr], Instrs);
false ->
exp_work([], Instrs)
exp_work(Exprs, []) ->
exp_work(Exprs, [Instr|Instrs]) ->
NewExprs = case is_expr(Instr) of
true ->
exp_kill_expr(Instr, [Instr|Exprs]);
false ->
exp_kill_expr(Instr, Exprs)
exp_work(NewExprs, Instrs).
%% Checks if the given instruction redefines any operands of
%% instructions in the instruction list.
%% It returns the list of expressions with those instructions that has
%% operands redefined removed.
exp_kill_expr(_Instr, []) ->
exp_kill_expr(Instr, [CheckedExpr|Exprs]) ->
%% Calls, gctests and stores potentially clobber everything
case Instr of
#call{} -> [];
#gctest{} -> [];
#store{} -> []; %% FIXME: Only regs and vars clobbered, not fregs...
#fstore{} ->
%% fstore potentially clobber float expressions
[ExprDefine|_] = hipe_rtl:defines(CheckedExpr),
case hipe_rtl:is_fpreg(ExprDefine) of
true ->
exp_kill_expr(Instr, Exprs);
false ->
[CheckedExpr | exp_kill_expr(Instr, Exprs)]
_ ->
InstrDefines = hipe_rtl:defines(Instr),
ExprUses = hipe_rtl:uses(CheckedExpr),
Diff = ExprUses -- InstrDefines,
case length(Diff) < length(ExprUses) of
true ->
exp_kill_expr(Instr, Exprs);
false ->
[CheckedExpr | exp_kill_expr(Instr, Exprs)]
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% KILLED EXPRESSIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Calculates the killed expression sets for all given labels.
calc_killed_expr(_, NodeInfo, _, _, _, []) ->
calc_killed_expr(CFG, NodeInfo, UseMap, AllExpr, IdMap, [Label|Labels]) ->
Code = hipe_bb:code(hipe_rtl_cfg:bb(CFG, Label)),
KilledExprs = calc_killed_expr_bb(Code, UseMap, AllExpr, IdMap, ?SETS:new()),
NewNodeInfo = set_killed_expr(NodeInfo, Label, KilledExprs),
calc_killed_expr(CFG, NewNodeInfo, UseMap, AllExpr, IdMap, Labels).
%% Calculates the killed expressions set for one basic block.
calc_killed_expr_bb([], _UseMap, _AllExpr, _IdMap, KilledExprs) ->
calc_killed_expr_bb([Instr|Instrs], UseMap, AllExpr, IdMap, KilledExprs) ->
%% Calls, gctests and stores potentially clobber everything
case Instr of
#call{} -> AllExpr;
#gctest{} -> AllExpr;
#store{} -> AllExpr; %% FIXME: Only regs and vars clobbered, not fregs...
#fstore{} ->
%% Kill all float expressions
%% FIXME: Make separate function is_fp_expr
(lists:foldl(fun(ExprId, Fexprs) ->
Expr = expr_id_map_get_expr(IdMap, ExprId),
[Define|_] = hipe_rtl:defines(Expr),
case hipe_rtl:is_fpreg(Define) of
true ->
false ->
end, [], ?SETS:to_list(AllExpr)));
_ ->
case hipe_rtl:defines(Instr) of
[] ->
calc_killed_expr_bb(Instrs, UseMap, AllExpr, IdMap, KilledExprs);
[Define|_] ->
NewKilledExprs = use_map_get_expr_uses(UseMap, Define),
calc_killed_expr_bb(Instrs, UseMap, AllExpr, IdMap,
?SETS:union(NewKilledExprs, KilledExprs))
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% EARLIEST %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Calculates the earliest set for all edges in the CFG.
calc_earliest(_, _, EdgeInfo, []) ->
calc_earliest(CFG, NodeInfo, EdgeInfo, [To|Labels]) ->
EmptySet = ?SETS:new(),
Preds = hipe_rtl_cfg:pred(CFG, To),
NewEdgeInfo =
case EmptySet =:= antic_in(NodeInfo, To) of
true ->
%% Earliest is empty for all edges into this block.
lists:foldl(fun(From, EdgeInfoAcc) ->
set_earliest(EdgeInfoAcc, {From, To}, EmptySet)
end, EdgeInfo, Preds);
false ->
lists:foldl(fun(From, EdgeInfoAcc) ->
IsStartLabel = (From =:= hipe_rtl_cfg:start_label(CFG)),
Earliest =
calc_earliest_edge(NodeInfo, IsStartLabel, From, To),
set_earliest(EdgeInfoAcc, {From, To}, Earliest)
end, EdgeInfo, Preds)
calc_earliest(CFG, NodeInfo, NewEdgeInfo, Labels).
%% Calculates the earliest set for one edge.
calc_earliest_edge(NodeInfo, IsStartLabel, From, To) ->
AnticIn = antic_in(NodeInfo, To),
AvailOut = avail_out(NodeInfo, From),
case IsStartLabel of
true ->
?SETS:subtract(AnticIn, AvailOut);
false ->
AnticOut = antic_out(NodeInfo, From),
ExprKill = killed_expr(NodeInfo, From),
?SETS:subtract(?SETS:subtract(AnticIn, AvailOut),
?SETS:subtract(AnticOut, ExprKill))
%% The above used to be:
%% ?SETS:intersection(?SETS:subtract(AnticIn, AvailOut),
%% ?SETS:union(ExprKill, ?SETS:subtract(AllExpr, AnticOut)))
%% But it is costly to use the AllExpr, so let's do some tricky set algebra.
%% Let A = AnticIn, B = AvailOut, C = ExprKill, D = AnticOut, U = AllExpr
%% Let n = intersection, u = union, ' = inverse
%% Then
%% (A - B) n (C u (U - D)) = <Remove D unless it is in C>
%% = (A - B) n ((C u U) - (D - C)) = <But U is the whole universe>
%% = (A - B) n (U - (D - C)) = <We are really meaning the complement>
%% = (A - B) n (D - C)' = <Intersection w complement is subtraction>
%% = (A - B) - (D - C) <Simple enough, let's stop>
%% or in other words
%% ?SETS:subtract(?SETS:subtract(AnticIn, AvailOut),
%% ?SETS:subtract(AnticOut, ExprKill))
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INSERT / DELETE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Calculates the insert set for one edge and returns the resulting set.
%% NOTE This does not modify the EdgeInfo set, since the resulting set is
%% returned and used immediately, instead of being pre-calculated as are
%% the other sets.
calc_insert_edge(NodeInfo, EdgeInfo, From, To) ->
Later = later(EdgeInfo, {From, To}),
LaterIn = later_in(NodeInfo, To),
?SETS:subtract(Later, LaterIn).
%% Calculates the delete set for all given labels in a CFG.
calc_delete(_, NodeInfo, []) ->
calc_delete(CFG, NodeInfo, [Label|Labels]) ->
case Label =:= hipe_rtl_cfg:start_label(CFG) of
true ->
NewNodeInfo = set_delete(NodeInfo, Label, ?SETS:new());
false ->
UpExp = up_exp(NodeInfo, Label),
LaterIn = later_in(NodeInfo, Label),
Delete = ?SETS:subtract(UpExp, LaterIn),
NewNodeInfo = set_delete(NodeInfo, Label, Delete)
calc_delete(CFG, NewNodeInfo, Labels).
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FIXPOINT FUNCTIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Worklist used by the fixpoint calculations.
%% We use gb_sets here, which is optimized for continuous inserts and
%% membership tests.
init_work(Labels) ->
{Labels, [], gb_sets:from_list(Labels)}.
get_work({[Label|Left], List, Set}) ->
NewWork = {Left, List, gb_sets:delete(Label, Set)},
{Label, NewWork};
get_work({[], [], _Set}) ->
get_work({[], List, Set}) ->
get_work({lists:reverse(List), [], Set}).
add_work(Work = {List1, List2, Set}, [Label|Labels]) ->
case gb_sets:is_member(Label, Set) of
true ->
add_work(Work, Labels);
false ->
%%io:format("Adding work: ~w\n", [Label]),
add_work({List1, [Label|List2], gb_sets:insert(Label, Set)}, Labels)
add_work(Work, []) ->
%% Calculates the labels that are the exit labels.
%% FIXME We do not detect dead-end loops spanning more than one block.
%% This could potentially cause a bug in the future...
%% exit_labels(CFG) ->
%% Labels = hipe_rtl_cfg:labels(CFG),
%% lists:foldl(fun(Label, ExitLabels) ->
%% Succs = hipe_rtl_cfg:succ(CFG, Label),
%% case Succs of
%% [] ->
%% [Label|ExitLabels];
%% [Label] -> %% Count single bb dead-end loops as exit labels
%% [Label|ExitLabels];
%% _ ->
%% ExitLabels
%% end
%% end, [], Labels ).
%% Return true if label is an exit label,
%% i.e. its bb has no successors or itself as only successor.
is_exit_label(CFG, Label) ->
case hipe_rtl_cfg:succ(CFG, Label) of
[] -> true;
[Label] -> true;
_ -> false
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DATASET FUNCTIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% The dataset is a collection of data about the CFG.
%% It is divided into two parts, NodeInfo and EdgeInfo.
%% The pre-calculation step stores the calculated sets here.
-record(node_data, {up_exp = none,
down_exp = none,
killed_expr = none,
avail_in = none,
avail_out = none,
antic_in = none,
antic_out = none,
later_in = none,
delete = none}).
-record(edge_data, {earliest = none,
later = none,
insert = none}).
%% Creates a node info from a CFG (one entry for each Label).
mk_node_info(Labels) ->
lists:foldl(fun(Label, DataTree) ->
gb_trees:insert(Label, #node_data{}, DataTree)
%%gb_trees:enter(Label, #node_data{}, DataTree)
gb_trees:empty(), Labels).
%%mk_edge_info(Labels) ->
%% FIXME Should we traverse cfg and initialize edges?
mk_edge_info() ->
%% Get methods
up_exp(NodeInfo, Label) ->
Data = gb_trees:get(Label, NodeInfo),
down_exp(NodeInfo, Label) ->
Data = gb_trees:get(Label, NodeInfo),
killed_expr(NodeInfo, Label) ->
Data = gb_trees:get(Label, NodeInfo),
avail_in(NodeInfo, Label) ->
Data = gb_trees:get(Label, NodeInfo),
avail_out(NodeInfo, Label) ->
Data = gb_trees:get(Label, NodeInfo),
antic_in(NodeInfo, Label) ->
Data = gb_trees:get(Label, NodeInfo),
antic_out(NodeInfo, Label) ->
Data = gb_trees:get(Label, NodeInfo),
later_in(NodeInfo, Label) ->
Data = gb_trees:get(Label, NodeInfo),
lookup_later_in(NodeInfo, Label) ->
case gb_trees:lookup(Label, NodeInfo) of
none ->
{value, #node_data{later_in = Data}} ->
delete(NodeInfo, Label) ->
Data = gb_trees:get(Label, NodeInfo),
earliest(EdgeInfo, Edge) ->
Data = gb_trees:get(Edge, EdgeInfo),
lookup_earliest(EdgeInfo, Edge) ->
case gb_trees:lookup(Edge, EdgeInfo) of
none ->
{value, #edge_data{earliest = Data}} ->
later(EdgeInfo, Edge) ->
Data = gb_trees:get(Edge, EdgeInfo),
lookup_later(EdgeInfo, Edge) ->
case gb_trees:lookup(Edge, EdgeInfo) of
none ->
{value, #edge_data{later = Data}} ->
%% insert(EdgeInfo, Edge) ->
%% case gb_trees:lookup(Edge, EdgeInfo) of
%% none ->
%% exit({?MODULE, insert, "edge info not found"}),
%% none;
%% {value, #edge_data{insert = Data}} ->
%% Data
%% end.
%% Set methods
set_up_exp(NodeInfo, Label, Data) ->
NodeData =
case gb_trees:lookup(Label, NodeInfo) of
none ->
#node_data{up_exp = Data};
{value, OldNodeData} ->
OldNodeData#node_data{up_exp = Data}
gb_trees:enter(Label, NodeData, NodeInfo).
set_down_exp(NodeInfo, Label, Data) ->
NodeData =
case gb_trees:lookup(Label, NodeInfo) of
none ->
#node_data{down_exp = Data};
{value, OldNodeData} ->
OldNodeData#node_data{down_exp = Data}
gb_trees:enter(Label, NodeData, NodeInfo).
set_killed_expr(NodeInfo, Label, Data) ->
NodeData =
case gb_trees:lookup(Label, NodeInfo) of
none ->
#node_data{killed_expr = Data};
{value, OldNodeData} ->
OldNodeData#node_data{killed_expr = Data}
gb_trees:enter(Label, NodeData, NodeInfo).
set_avail_in(NodeInfo, Label, Data) ->
NodeData =
case gb_trees:lookup(Label, NodeInfo) of
none ->
#node_data{avail_in = Data};
{value, OldNodeData} ->
OldNodeData#node_data{avail_in = Data}
gb_trees:enter(Label, NodeData, NodeInfo).
set_avail_out(NodeInfo, Label, Data) ->
NodeData =
case gb_trees:lookup(Label, NodeInfo) of
none ->
#node_data{avail_out = Data};
{value, OldNodeData} ->
OldNodeData#node_data{avail_out = Data}
gb_trees:enter(Label, NodeData, NodeInfo).
set_antic_in(NodeInfo, Label, Data) ->
NodeData =
case gb_trees:lookup(Label, NodeInfo) of
none ->
#node_data{antic_in = Data};
{value, OldNodeData} ->
OldNodeData#node_data{antic_in = Data}
gb_trees:enter(Label, NodeData, NodeInfo).
set_antic_out(NodeInfo, Label, Data) ->
NodeData =
case gb_trees:lookup(Label, NodeInfo) of
none ->
#node_data{antic_out = Data};
{value, OldNodeData} ->
OldNodeData#node_data{antic_out = Data}
gb_trees:enter(Label, NodeData, NodeInfo).
set_later_in(NodeInfo, Label, Data) ->
NodeData =
case gb_trees:lookup(Label, NodeInfo) of
none ->
#node_data{later_in = Data};
{value, OldNodeData} ->
OldNodeData#node_data{later_in = Data}
gb_trees:enter(Label, NodeData, NodeInfo).
set_delete(NodeInfo, Label, Data) ->
NodeData =
case gb_trees:lookup(Label, NodeInfo) of
none ->
#node_data{delete = Data};
{value, OldNodeData} ->
OldNodeData#node_data{delete = Data}
gb_trees:enter(Label, NodeData, NodeInfo).
set_earliest(EdgeInfo, Edge, Data) ->
EdgeData =
case gb_trees:lookup(Edge, EdgeInfo) of
none ->
#edge_data{earliest = Data};
{value, OldEdgeData} ->
OldEdgeData#edge_data{earliest = Data}
gb_trees:enter(Edge, EdgeData, EdgeInfo).
set_later(EdgeInfo, Edge, Data) ->
EdgeData =
case gb_trees:lookup(Edge, EdgeInfo) of
none ->
#edge_data{later = Data};
{value, OldEdgeData} ->
OldEdgeData#edge_data{later = Data}
gb_trees:enter(Edge, EdgeData, EdgeInfo).
%% set_insert(EdgeInfo, Edge, Data) ->
%% EdgeData =
%% case gb_trees:lookup(Edge, EdgeInfo) of
%% none ->
%% #edge_data{insert = Data};
%% {value, OldEdgeData} ->
%% OldEdgeData#edge_data{insert = Data}
%% end,
%% gb_trees:enter(Edge, EdgeData, EdgeInfo).
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% USE MAP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% The use map is a mapping from "use" (which is an rtl register/variable)
%% to a set of expressions (IDs) where that register/variable is used.
%% It is used by calc_killed_expr to know what expressions are affected by
%% a definition.
%% Creates and calculates the use map for a CFG.
%% It uses ExprMap to lookup the expression IDs.
mk_use_map(CFG, ExprMap) ->
Labels = hipe_rtl_cfg:reverse_postorder(CFG),
NewMap = mk_use_map(gb_trees:empty(), CFG, ExprMap, Labels),
mk_use_map(Map, _, _, []) ->
mk_use_map(Map, CFG, ExprMap, [Label|Labels]) ->
Code = hipe_bb:code(hipe_rtl_cfg:bb(CFG, Label)),
NewMap = mk_use_map_bb(Map, ExprMap, Code),
mk_use_map(NewMap, CFG, ExprMap, Labels).
mk_use_map_bb(UseMap, _, []) ->
mk_use_map_bb(UseMap, ExprMap, [Instr|Instrs]) ->
case is_expr(Instr) of
true ->
Uses = hipe_rtl:uses(Instr),
ExprId = expr_map_get_id(ExprMap, expr_clear_dst(Instr)),
NewUseMap = mk_use_map_insert_uses(UseMap, ExprId, Uses),
mk_use_map_bb(NewUseMap, ExprMap, Instrs);
false ->
mk_use_map_bb(UseMap, ExprMap, Instrs)
%% Worker function for mk_use_map that inserts the expression id for every
%% rtl register the expression uses in a use map.
mk_use_map_insert_uses(Map, _, []) ->
mk_use_map_insert_uses(Map, Expr, [Use|Uses]) ->
case gb_trees:lookup(Use, Map) of
{value, UseSet} ->
NewUseSet = ?SETS:add_element(Expr, UseSet),
mk_use_map_insert_uses(gb_trees:update(Use, NewUseSet, Map), Expr, Uses);
none ->
UseSet = ?SETS:new(),
NewUseSet = ?SETS:add_element(Expr, UseSet),
mk_use_map_insert_uses(gb_trees:insert(Use, NewUseSet, Map), Expr, Uses)
%% Gets a set of expressions where the given rtl register is used.
use_map_get_expr_uses(Map, Reg) ->
case gb_trees:lookup(Reg, Map) of
{value, UseSet} ->
none ->
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% EXPRESSION MAP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% The expression map is a mapping from expression to
%% (1) Expression Id (Integer used to speed up set operations)
%% (2) List of definitions (labels where the expression is defined and the
%% list of registers or variables defined by an instruction in that label,
%% represented as a tuple {Label, Defines})
%% (3) The list of replacement registers created for the expression
%% Creates and calculates the expression map for a CFG.
mk_expr_map(CFG) ->
Labels = hipe_rtl_cfg:reverse_postorder(CFG),
{ExprMap, IdMap} = mk_expr_map(gb_trees:empty(), gb_trees:empty(),
CFG, Labels),
{gb_trees:balance(ExprMap), gb_trees:balance(IdMap)}.
mk_expr_map(ExprMap, IdMap, _, []) ->
{ExprMap, IdMap};
mk_expr_map(ExprMap, IdMap, CFG, [Label|Labels]) ->
Code = hipe_bb:code(hipe_rtl_cfg:bb(CFG, Label)),
{NewExprMap, NewIdMap} = mk_expr_map_bb(ExprMap, IdMap, Label, Code),
mk_expr_map(NewExprMap, NewIdMap, CFG, Labels).
mk_expr_map_bb(ExprMap, IdMap, _, []) ->
{ExprMap, IdMap};
mk_expr_map_bb(ExprMap, IdMap, Label, [Instr|Instrs]) ->
case is_expr(Instr) of
true ->
Expr = expr_clear_dst(Instr),
Defines = hipe_rtl:defines(Instr),
case gb_trees:lookup(Expr, ExprMap) of
{value, {ExprId, DefinesList, ReplRegs}} ->
NewExprMap = gb_trees:update(Expr, {ExprId,
[{Label, Defines}|DefinesList],
ReplRegs}, ExprMap),
mk_expr_map_bb(NewExprMap, IdMap, Label, Instrs);
none ->
NewExprId = new_expr_id(),
NewReplRegs = mk_replacement_regs(Defines),
NewExprMap = gb_trees:insert(Expr, {NewExprId,
[{Label, Defines}],
NewReplRegs}, ExprMap),
NewIdMap = gb_trees:insert(NewExprId, Expr, IdMap),
mk_expr_map_bb(NewExprMap, NewIdMap, Label, Instrs)
false ->
mk_expr_map_bb(ExprMap, IdMap, Label, Instrs)
%% Creates new temporaries to replace defines in moved expressions.
mk_replacement_regs([]) ->
mk_replacement_regs(Defines) ->
mk_replacement_regs(Defines, []).
mk_replacement_regs([], NewRegs) ->
mk_replacement_regs([Define|Defines], NewRegs) ->
case hipe_rtl:is_reg(Define) of
true ->
NewReg =
case hipe_rtl:reg_is_gcsafe(Define) of
true -> hipe_rtl:mk_new_reg_gcsafe();
false -> hipe_rtl:mk_new_reg()
mk_replacement_regs(Defines, [NewReg|NewRegs]);
false ->
case hipe_rtl:is_var(Define) of
true ->
mk_replacement_regs(Defines, [hipe_rtl:mk_new_var()|NewRegs]);
false ->
true = hipe_rtl:is_fpreg(Define),
mk_replacement_regs(Defines, [hipe_rtl:mk_new_fpreg()|NewRegs])
%% Performs a lookup, which returns a tuple
%% {expression ID, list of definitions, list of replacement registers}
expr_map_lookup(Map, Expr) ->
gb_trees:lookup(Expr, Map).
%% Gets the actual RTL instruction to be generated for insertions of an
%% expression.
expr_map_get_instr(Map, Expr) ->
case gb_trees:lookup(Expr, Map) of
{value, {_, _, Regs}} ->
expr_set_dst(Expr, Regs);
none ->
exit({?MODULE, expr_map_get_instr, "expression missing"})
%% Gets expression id.
expr_map_get_id(Map, Expr) ->
case gb_trees:lookup(Expr, Map) of
{value, {ExprId, _, _}} ->
none ->
exit({?MODULE, expr_map_get_instr, "expression missing"})
%% Creates an rtl instruction that moves a value
mk_expr_move_instr([Reg], [Define]) ->
case hipe_rtl:is_fpreg(Reg) of
true ->
hipe_rtl:mk_fmove(Reg, Define);
false ->
%% FIXME Check is_var() orelse is_reg() ?
hipe_rtl:mk_move(Reg, Define)
mk_expr_move_instr([_Reg|_Regs] = RegList, Defines) ->
%% FIXME Does this really work? What about floats...
%% (Multiple defines does not seem to be used by any of the
%% instructions considered by rtl_lcm at the moment so this is pretty much
%% untested/unused.)
hipe_rtl:mk_multimove(RegList, Defines);
mk_expr_move_instr(_, []) ->
exit({?MODULE, mk_expr_move_instr, "bad match"}).
%% Returns a set of all expressions in the code.
%% all_exprs(_CFG, []) ->
%% ?SETS:new();
%% all_exprs(CFG, [Label|Labels]) ->
%% BB = hipe_rtl_cfg:bb(CFG, Label),
%% Code = hipe_bb:code(BB),
%% ?SETS:union(all_exprs_bb(Code),
%% all_exprs(CFG, Labels)).
%% Returns a set of expressions in a basic block.
%% all_exprs_bb([]) ->
%% ?SETS:new();
%% all_exprs_bb([Instr|Instrs]) ->
%% case is_expr(Instr) of
%% true ->
%% Expr = expr_clear_dst(Instr),
%% ExprSet = all_exprs_bb(Instrs),
%% ?SETS:add_element(Expr, ExprSet);
%% false ->
%% all_exprs_bb(Instrs)
%% end.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% EXPRESSION ID -> EXPRESSION MAP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Map from expression IDs to expressions.
%% mk_expr_id_map() ->
%% gb_trees:empty().
%% expr_id_map_insert(Map, ExprId, Expr) ->
%% gb_trees:insert(ExprId, Expr, Map).
%% expr_id_map_lookup(Map, ExprId) ->
%% gb_trees:lookup(ExprId, Map).
%% Given expression id, gets expression.
expr_id_map_get_expr(Map, ExprId) ->
case gb_trees:lookup(ExprId, Map) of
{value, Expr} ->
none ->
exit({?MODULE, expr_id_map_get_expr, "expression id missing"})
%% Expression ID counter
init_expr_id() ->
put({rtl_lcm,expr_id_count}, 0),
-spec new_expr_id() -> non_neg_integer().
new_expr_id() ->
Obj = {rtl_lcm, expr_id_count},
V = get(Obj),
put(Obj, V+1),
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% EDGE BB (INSERT BETWEEN) MAP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Map from edges to labels.
%% This is used by insert_expr_between to remember what new bbs it has created
%% for insertions on edges, and thus for multiple insertions on the same edge
%% to end up in the same bb.
mk_edge_bb_map() ->
edge_bb_map_insert(Map, Edge, Label) ->
gb_trees:enter(Edge, Label, Map).
edge_bb_map_lookup(Map, Edge) ->
gb_trees:lookup(Edge, Map).
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PRETTY-PRINTING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Prints debug messages.
pp_debug(Str, Args) ->
case ?LCM_DEBUG of
true ->
io:format(standard_io, Str, Args);
false ->
pp_debug_instr(Instr) ->
case ?LCM_DEBUG of
true ->
hipe_rtl:pp_instr(standard_io, Instr);
false ->
pp_debug(_, _) ->
pp_debug_instr(_) ->
-endif. %% DEBUG
%% Pretty-prints the calculated sets for the lazy code motion.
pp_sets(_, _, _, _, _, _, []) ->
pp_sets(ExprMap, IdMap, NodeInfo, EdgeInfo, AllExpr, CFG, [Label|Labels]) ->
Preds = hipe_rtl_cfg:pred(CFG, Label),
Succs = hipe_rtl_cfg:succ(CFG, Label),
io:format(standard_io, "Label ~w~n", [Label]),
io:format(standard_io, " Preds: ~w~n", [Preds]),
io:format(standard_io, " Succs: ~w~n", [Succs]),
case up_exp(NodeInfo, Label) of
none -> ok;
UpExp ->
case ?SETS:size(UpExp) =:= 0 of
false ->
io:format(standard_io, " UEExpr: ~n", []),
pp_exprs(ExprMap, IdMap, ?SETS:to_list(UpExp));
true -> ok
case down_exp(NodeInfo, Label) of
none -> ok;
DownExp ->
case ?SETS:size(DownExp) =:= 0 of
false ->
io:format(standard_io, " DEExpr: ~n", []),
pp_exprs(ExprMap, IdMap, ?SETS:to_list(DownExp));
true -> ok
case killed_expr(NodeInfo, Label) of
none -> ok;
KilledExpr ->
case ?SETS:size(KilledExpr) =:= 0 of
false ->
io:format(standard_io, " ExprKill: ~n", []),
pp_exprs(ExprMap, IdMap, ?SETS:to_list(KilledExpr));
true -> ok
case avail_in(NodeInfo, Label) of
none -> ok;
AvailIn ->
case ?SETS:size(AvailIn) =:= 0 of
false ->
io:format(standard_io, " AvailIn: ~n", []),
pp_exprs(ExprMap, IdMap, ?SETS:to_list(AvailIn));
true -> ok
case avail_out(NodeInfo, Label) of
none -> ok;
AvailOut ->
case ?SETS:size(AvailOut) =:= 0 of
false ->
io:format(standard_io, " AvailOut: ~n", []),
pp_exprs(ExprMap, IdMap, ?SETS:to_list(AvailOut));
true -> ok
case antic_in(NodeInfo, Label) of
none -> ok;
AnticIn ->
case ?SETS:size(AnticIn) =:= 0 of
false ->
io:format(standard_io, " AnticIn: ~n", []),
pp_exprs(ExprMap, IdMap, ?SETS:to_list(AnticIn));
true -> ok
case antic_out(NodeInfo, Label) of
none -> ok;
AnticOut ->
case ?SETS:size(AnticOut) =:= 0 of
false ->
io:format(standard_io, " AnticOut: ~n", []),
pp_exprs(ExprMap, IdMap, ?SETS:to_list(AnticOut));
true -> ok
case later_in(NodeInfo, Label) of
none -> ok;
LaterIn ->
case ?SETS:size(LaterIn) =:= 0 of
false ->
io:format(standard_io, " LaterIn: ~n", []),
pp_exprs(ExprMap, IdMap, ?SETS:to_list(LaterIn));
true -> ok
pp_earliest(ExprMap, IdMap, EdgeInfo, Label, Succs),
pp_later(ExprMap, IdMap, EdgeInfo, Label, Succs),
case delete(NodeInfo, Label) of
none -> ok;
Delete ->
case ?SETS:size(Delete) =:= 0 of
false ->
io:format(standard_io, " Delete: ~n", []),
pp_exprs(ExprMap, IdMap, ?SETS:to_list(Delete));
true -> ok
pp_sets(ExprMap, IdMap, NodeInfo, EdgeInfo, AllExpr, CFG, Labels).
%% Pretty-prints the later set.
pp_later(_, _, _, _, []) ->
pp_later(ExprMap, IdMap, EdgeInfo, Pred, [Succ|Succs]) ->
case later(EdgeInfo, {Pred, Succ}) of
none -> ok;
Later ->
case ?SETS:size(Later) =:= 0 of
false ->
io:format(standard_io, " Later(~w->~w): ~n", [Pred,Succ]),
pp_exprs(ExprMap, IdMap, ?SETS:to_list(Later));
true -> ok
pp_later(ExprMap, IdMap, EdgeInfo, Pred, Succs).
%% Pretty-prints the earliest set.
pp_earliest(_, _, _, _, []) ->
pp_earliest(ExprMap, IdMap, EdgeInfo, Pred, [Succ|Succs]) ->
case earliest(EdgeInfo, {Pred, Succ}) of
none -> ok;
Earliest ->
case ?SETS:size(Earliest) =:= 0 of
false ->
io:format(standard_io, " Earliest(~w->~w): ~n", [Pred,Succ]),
pp_exprs(ExprMap, IdMap, ?SETS:to_list(Earliest));
true -> ok
pp_earliest(ExprMap, IdMap, EdgeInfo, Pred, Succs).
%% Pretty-prints an expression
pp_expr(ExprMap, IdMap, ExprId) ->
Expr = expr_id_map_get_expr(IdMap, ExprId),
hipe_rtl:pp_instr(standard_io, expr_map_get_instr(ExprMap, Expr)).
pp_exprs(_, _, []) ->
pp_exprs(ExprMap, IdMap, [E|Es]) ->
pp_expr(ExprMap, IdMap, E),
pp_exprs(ExprMap, IdMap, Es).