%%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
%%% Author: Kostis Sagonas
%%% Contains tests that raise exceptions and catch them.
-export([test/0, test_catches/0]).
%% functions used as arguments to spawn/3
test() ->
ok = test_catch_exit(42),
ok = test_catch_throw(42),
ok = test_catch_element(),
ok = test_catch_crash(),
ok = test_catch_empty(),
ok = test_catch_merge(),
ok = test_catches_merged(),
ok = test_pending_errors(),
ok = test_bad_fun_call(),
ok = test_guard_bif(),
%% Written in 2001 by Erik Johansson.
test_catches() ->
ExitBar = {'EXIT', bar},
L1 = [ExitBar, ok, ExitBar, {ok, ExitBar}],
L1 = [t1(), t2(), t3(), t4()],
badarith = (catch element(1, element(2, t5(a, b)))),
L2 = [42, ExitBar, ExitBar, {no_exception, ok}],
L2 = [t5(21, 21), t6(), t7(), t8()],
t1() ->
catch foo().
t2() ->
V = (catch ok()),
t3() ->
V = (catch foo()),
t4() ->
V1 = ok(),
V2 = (catch foo()),
{V1, V2}.
t5(A, B) ->
catch A + B.
t6() ->
catch {no_exception, ok(), foo()}.
t7() ->
catch {no_exception, foo(), ok()}.
t8() ->
catch {no_exception, ok()}.
foo() ->
ok() -> s(), ok.
s() -> nada.
test_catch_exit(N) ->
{'EXIT', N} = (catch exit(N)),
{'EXIT', 42} = (catch exit(42)),
42 = try exit(N) catch exit:R1 -> R1 end,
42 = try exit(42) catch exit:R2 -> R2 end,
test_catch_throw(N) ->
N = (catch throw(N)),
42 = (catch throw(42)),
42 = try throw(N) catch throw:R1 -> R1 end,
42 = try throw(42) catch throw:R2 -> R2 end,
test_catch_element() ->
'EXIT' = test_catch_element([]),
'EXIT' = test_catch_element(42),
test_catch_element(N) ->
element(1, catch element(N, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11})).
catch ?MODULE:non_existing(),
{'EXIT', {{badmatch, nomatch}, _}} = (catch E = no_match())).
test_catch_crash() ->
?try_match({a, b, c}),
no_match() -> nomatch.
%% small_test() ->
%% catch ?MODULE:non_existing(),
%% io:format("Before\n",[]),
%% hipe_bifs:show_nstack(self()),
%% io:format("After\n",[]),
%% garbage_collect().
%% Tests whether the HiPE compiler optimizes catches in a way that
%% does not result in an infinite loop.
test_catch_empty() ->
badmatch() ->
Big = ret_big(),
Float = ret_float(),
catch a = Big,
catch b = Float,
ok = case Big of Big -> ok end,
ok = case Float of Float -> ok end,
ret_big() ->
ret_float() ->
%% Test that shows how BEAM can merge catch-end blocks that belong to
%% different catch-start instructions. Written by Richard Carlsson.
test_catch_merge() ->
merge(foo=X) ->
catch f(X),
catch g(X);
merge(X) ->
catch f(X),
catch g(X).
f(_) -> ok.
g(_) -> ok.
%% Written by Tobias Lindahl.
test_catches_merged() ->
{'EXIT', _} = merged_catches(foo),
{'EXIT', {badarith, _}} = merged_catches(bar),
{'EXIT', _} = merged_catches(baz),
merged_catches(X) ->
case X of
foo -> catch fail1(0);
bar -> catch {catch(1 = X), fail2(0)};
baz -> catch fail3(0)
fail1(X) -> 1/X.
fail2(X) -> 1/X.
fail3(X) -> 1/X.
%% Taken from exception_SUITE.erl
test_pending_errors() ->
error_logger:tty(false), % disable printouts of error reports
%% Test various exceptions, in the presence of a previous error
%% suppressed in a guard.
pending_errors() ->
pending(e_badmatch, {badmatch, b}),
pending(x, function_clause),
pending(e_case, {case_clause, xxx}),
pending(e_if, if_clause),
%% pending(e_badarith, badarith),
%% pending(e_undef, undef),
pending(e_timeoutval, timeout_value),
%% pending(e_badarg, badarg),
%% pending(e_badarg_spawn, badarg),
bad_guy(pe_badarith, Other) when Other+1 =:= 0 -> % badarith (suppressed)
bad_guy(pe_badarg, Other) when length(Other) > 0 -> % badarg (suppressed)
bad_guy(_, e_case) ->
case xxx() of
ok -> ok
end; % case_clause
bad_guy(_, e_if) ->
B = b(),
a == B -> ok
end; % if_clause
%% bad_guy(_, e_badarith) ->
%% 1+b; % badarith
bad_guy(_, e_undef) ->
non_existing_module:foo(); % undef
bad_guy(_, e_timeoutval) ->
after gazonk -> ok % timeout_value
bad_guy(_, e_badarg) ->
node(xxx); % badarg
bad_guy(_, e_badarg_spawn) ->
spawn({}, {}, {}); % badarg
bad_guy(_, e_badmatch) ->
a = b(). % badmatch
xxx() -> xxx.
b() -> b.
pending(Arg, Expected) ->
pending(pe_badarith, Arg, Expected),
pending(pe_badarg, Arg, Expected).
pending(First, Second, Expected) ->
pending_catched(First, Second, Expected),
pending_exit_message([First, Second], Expected).
pending_catched(First, Second, Expected) ->
%% ok = io:format("Catching bad_guy(~p, ~p)\n", [First, Second]),
case catch bad_guy(First, Second) of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
pending(Reason, bad_guy, [First, Second], Expected);
Other ->
exit({not_exit, Other})
pending_exit_message(Args, Expected) ->
%% ok = io:format("Trapping exits from spawn_link(~p, ~p, ~p)\n",
%% [?MODULE, bad_guy, Args]),
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, bad_guy, Args),
{'EXIT', Pid, Reason} ->
pending(Reason, bad_guy, Args, Expected);
Other ->
exit({unexpected_message, Other})
after 10000 ->
process_flag(trap_exit, false).
%% pending({badarg, [{erlang,Bif,BifArgs},{?MODULE,Func,Arity}|_]},
%% Func, Args, _Code)
%% when atom(Bif), list(BifArgs), length(Args) =:= Arity ->
%% ok;
pending({badarg,Trace}, _, _, _) when is_list(Trace) ->
%% pending({undef,[{non_existing_module,foo,[]}|_]}, _, _, _) ->
%% ok;
pending({undef,Trace}, _, _, _) when is_list(Trace) ->
%% pending({function_clause,[{?MODULE,Func,Args}|_]}, Func, Args, _Code) ->
%% ok;
pending({function_clause,Trace}, _, _, _) when is_list(Trace) ->
%% pending({Code,[{?MODULE,Func,Arity}|_]}, Func, Args, Code)
%% when length(Args) =:= Arity ->
%% ok;
pending({Code,Trace}, _, _, Code) when is_list(Trace) ->
pending(Reason, _Function, _Args, _Code) ->
exit({bad_exit_reason, Reason}).
%% Taken from fun_SUITE.erl
%% Checks correct exception throwing when calling a bad fun.
test_bad_fun_call() ->
ok = bad_call_fc(42),
ok = bad_call_fc(xx),
ok = bad_call_fc({}),
ok = bad_call_fc({1}),
ok = bad_call_fc({1,2,3}),
ok = bad_call_fc({1,2,3}),
ok = bad_call_fc({1,2,3,4}),
ok = bad_call_fc({1,2,3,4,5,6}),
ok = bad_call_fc({1,2,3,4,5}),
ok = bad_call_fc({1,2}),
bad_call_fc(Fun) ->
Args = [some, stupid, args],
Res = (catch Fun(Fun(Args))),
case Res of
{'EXIT', {{badfun, Fun} ,_Where}} ->
ok; %% = io:format("~p(~p) -> ~p\n", [Fun, Args, Res]);
Other ->
io:format("~p(~p) -> ~p\n", [Fun, Args, Res]),
exit({bad_result, Other})
%% Taken from guard_SUITE.erl
%% Tests correct handling of exceptions by calling guard BIFs with
%% nasty (but legal arguments).
test_guard_bif() ->
Big = -237849247829874297658726487367328971246284736473821617265433,
Float = 387924.874,
%% Succeding use of guard bifs.
try_gbif('abs/1', Big, -Big),
try_gbif('float/1', Big, float(Big)),
try_gbif('trunc/1', Float, 387924.0),
try_gbif('round/1', Float, 387925.0),
try_gbif('length/1', [], 0),
try_gbif('length/1', [a], 1),
try_gbif('length/1', [a, b], 2),
try_gbif('length/1', lists:seq(0, 31), 32),
try_gbif('hd/1', [a], a),
try_gbif('hd/1', [a, b], a),
try_gbif('tl/1', [a], []),
try_gbif('tl/1', [a, b], [b]),
try_gbif('tl/1', [a, b, c], [b, c]),
try_gbif('size/1', {}, 0),
try_gbif('size/1', {a}, 1),
try_gbif('size/1', {a, b}, 2),
try_gbif('size/1', {a, b, c}, 3),
try_gbif('size/1', list_to_binary([]), 0),
try_gbif('size/1', list_to_binary([1]), 1),
try_gbif('size/1', list_to_binary([1, 2]), 2),
try_gbif('size/1', list_to_binary([1, 2, 3]), 3),
try_gbif('element/2', {x}, {1, x}),
try_gbif('element/2', {x, y}, {1, x}),
try_gbif('element/2', {x, y}, {2, y}),
try_gbif('self/0', 0, self()),
try_gbif('node/0', 0, node()),
try_gbif('node/1', self(), node()),
%% Failing use of guard bifs.
try_fail_gbif('abs/1', Big, 1),
try_fail_gbif('abs/1', [], 1),
try_fail_gbif('float/1', Big, 42),
try_fail_gbif('float/1', [], 42),
try_fail_gbif('trunc/1', Float, 0.0),
try_fail_gbif('trunc/1', [], 0.0),
try_fail_gbif('round/1', Float, 1.0),
try_fail_gbif('round/1', [], a),
try_fail_gbif('length/1', [], 1),
try_fail_gbif('length/1', [a], 0),
try_fail_gbif('length/1', a, 0),
try_fail_gbif('length/1', {a}, 0),
try_fail_gbif('hd/1', [], 0),
try_fail_gbif('hd/1', [a], x),
try_fail_gbif('hd/1', x, x),
try_fail_gbif('tl/1', [], 0),
try_fail_gbif('tl/1', [a], x),
try_fail_gbif('tl/1', x, x),
try_fail_gbif('size/1', {}, 1),
try_fail_gbif('size/1', [], 0),
try_fail_gbif('size/1', [a], 1),
try_fail_gbif('size/1', fun() -> 1 end, 0),
try_fail_gbif('size/1', fun() -> 1 end, 1),
try_fail_gbif('element/2', {}, {1, x}),
try_fail_gbif('element/2', {x}, {1, y}),
try_fail_gbif('element/2', [], {1, z}),
try_fail_gbif('self/0', 0, list_to_pid("<0.0.0>")),
try_fail_gbif('node/0', 0, xxxx),
try_fail_gbif('node/1', self(), xxx),
try_fail_gbif('node/1', yyy, xxx),
try_gbif(Id, X, Y) ->
case guard_bif(Id, X, Y) of
{Id, X, Y} ->
%% io:format("guard_bif(~p, ~p, ~p) -- ok\n", [Id, X, Y]);
Other ->
ok = io:format("guard_bif(~p, ~p, ~p) -- bad result: ~p\n",
[Id, X, Y, Other]),
try_fail_gbif(Id, X, Y) ->
case catch guard_bif(Id, X, Y) of
%% {'EXIT', {function_clause,[{?MODULE,guard_bif,[Id,X,Y]}|_]}} ->
{'EXIT', {function_clause,_}} -> % in HiPE, a trace is not generated
%% io:format("guard_bif(~p, ~p, ~p) -- ok\n", [Id,X,Y]);
Other ->
ok = io:format("guard_bif(~p, ~p, ~p) -- bad result: ~p\n",
[Id, X, Y, Other]),
guard_bif('abs/1', X, Y) when abs(X) == Y ->
{'abs/1', X, Y};
guard_bif('float/1', X, Y) when float(X) == Y ->
{'float/1', X, Y};
guard_bif('trunc/1', X, Y) when trunc(X) == Y ->
{'trunc/1', X, Y};
guard_bif('round/1', X, Y) when round(X) == Y ->
{'round/1', X, Y};
guard_bif('length/1', X, Y) when length(X) == Y ->
{'length/1', X, Y};
guard_bif('hd/1', X, Y) when hd(X) == Y ->
{'hd/1', X, Y};
guard_bif('tl/1', X, Y) when tl(X) == Y ->
{'tl/1', X, Y};
guard_bif('size/1', X, Y) when size(X) == Y ->
{'size/1', X, Y};
guard_bif('element/2', X, {Pos, Expected}) when element(Pos, X) == Expected ->
{'element/2', X, {Pos, Expected}};
guard_bif('self/0', X, Y) when self() == Y ->
{'self/0', X, Y};
guard_bif('node/0', X, Y) when node() == Y ->
{'node/0', X, Y};
guard_bif('node/1', X, Y) when node(X) == Y ->
{'node/1', X, Y}.