%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
%% Tests that basic cases of binary construction work
test() ->
<<42>> = sz(8),
<<42:8/little>> = sz_little(8),
<<55>> = take_five(1, 3, 1, 7, 4),
ok = bs5(),
16#10000008 = bit_size(large_bin(1, 2, 3, 4)),
ok = bad_ones(),
ok = zero_width(),
ok = not_used(),
ok = bad_append(),
ok = system_limit(),
ok = bad_floats(),
%% Taken from a bug report submitted by Dan Wallin (24 Oct 2003), the
%% following cases test construction of binaries whose segments have
%% sizes that are statically unknown.
sz(S) ->
sz_little(S) ->
take_five(A, Head, FB, C, Tail) ->
<<A:Head, FB:1, C:Tail>>.
bs5() ->
Const = mk_constant(),
Pairs = mk_pairs(),
true = are_same(Const, Pairs),
true = lists:all(fun ({B, L}) -> binary_to_list(B) =:= L end, Pairs),
are_same(C, L) ->
C =:= L.
mk_constant() ->
mk_pairs() ->
L4 = [138,99,0,147],
%% Constructs a big enough binary to have a bit size that needs a
%% bignum on 32-bit architectures
large_bin(X1, X2, X3, X4) ->
Sz = 16#4000000,
<<1, <<X1:Sz, X2:Sz, X3:Sz, X4:Sz>>/bits>>.
%% Test construction of "bad" binaries
-define(FAIL(Expr), {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch Expr)).
bad_ones() ->
PI = math:pi(),
Bin12 = <<1,2>>,
E = 2.71,
Int = 24334,
BigInt = 24334344294788947129487129487219847,
Bin123 = <<1,2,3>>,
%% Taken from the emulator bs_construct_SUITE - seg faulted till 18.1
zero_width() ->
Z = id(0),
Small = id(42),
Big = id(1 bsl 128), % puts stuff on the heap
<<>> = <<Small:Z>>,
<<>> = <<Small:0>>,
<<>> = <<Big:Z>>,
<<>> = <<Big:0>>,
id(X) -> X.
%% Taken from bs_construct_SUITE. The test checks that constructed
%% binaries that are not used would still give a `badarg' exception.
%% Problem was that in native code one of them gave `badarith'.
not_used() ->
ok = not_used1(3, <<"dum">>),
{'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch not_used1(42, "dum_string")),
{'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch not_used2(666, -2)),
{'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch not_used2(666, "bad_size")), % this one
{'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch not_used3(666)),
not_used1(I, BinString) ->
not_used2(I, Sz) ->
not_used3(I) ->
%% Taken from bs_construct_SUITE.
bad_append() ->
do_bad_append(<<127:1>>, fun append_unit_3/1),
do_bad_append(<<127:2>>, fun append_unit_3/1),
do_bad_append(<<127:17>>, fun append_unit_3/1),
do_bad_append(<<127:3>>, fun append_unit_4/1),
do_bad_append(<<127:5>>, fun append_unit_4/1),
do_bad_append(<<127:7>>, fun append_unit_4/1),
do_bad_append(<<127:199>>, fun append_unit_4/1),
do_bad_append(<<127:7>>, fun append_unit_8/1),
do_bad_append(<<127:9>>, fun append_unit_8/1),
do_bad_append(<<0:8>>, fun append_unit_16/1),
do_bad_append(<<0:15>>, fun append_unit_16/1),
do_bad_append(<<0:17>>, fun append_unit_16/1),
do_bad_append(Bin0, Appender) ->
{'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch Appender(Bin0)),
Bin1 = id(<<0:3,Bin0/bitstring>>),
<<_:3,Bin2/bitstring>> = Bin1,
{'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch Appender(Bin2)),
%% Create a writable binary.
Empty = id(<<>>),
Bin3 = <<Empty/bitstring,Bin0/bitstring>>,
{'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch Appender(Bin3)),
append_unit_3(Bin) ->
append_unit_4(Bin) ->
append_unit_8(Bin) ->
append_unit_16(Bin) ->
%% Taken from bs_construct_SUITE.
system_limit() ->
WordSize = erlang:system_info(wordsize),
BitsPerWord = WordSize * 8,
{'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} =
(catch <<0:(id(0)),42:(id(1 bsl BitsPerWord))>>),
{'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} =
(catch <<42:(id(1 bsl BitsPerWord)),0:(id(0))>>),
{'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} =
(catch <<(id(<<>>))/binary,0:(id(1 bsl 100))>>),
%% Would fail to load.
{'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} = (catch <<0:(1 bsl 67)>>),
{'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} = (catch <<0:((1 bsl 64)+1)>>),
case WordSize of
4 ->
8 ->
system_limit_32() ->
{'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch <<42:(-1)>>),
{'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch <<42:(id(-1))>>),
{'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch <<42:(id(-389739873536870912))/unit:8>>),
{'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} = (catch <<42:536870912/unit:8>>),
{'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} = (catch <<42:(id(536870912))/unit:8>>),
{'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} = (catch <<0:(id(8)),42:536870912/unit:8>>),
{'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} = (catch <<0:(id(8)),42:(id(536870912))/unit:8>>),
%% The size would be silently truncated, resulting in a crash.
{'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} = (catch <<0:(1 bsl 35)>>),
{'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} = (catch <<0:((1 bsl 32)+1)>>),
%% Would fail to load.
{'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} = (catch <<0:(1 bsl 43)>>),
{'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} = (catch <<0:((1 bsl 40)+1)>>),
bad_floats() ->
WordSize = erlang:system_info(wordsize),
BitsPerWord = WordSize * 8,
{'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch <<3.14:(id(33))/float>>),
{'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch <<3.14:(id(64 bor 32))/float>>),
{'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch <<3.14:(id((1 bsl 28) bor 32))/float>>),
{'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} = (catch <<3.14:(id(1 bsl BitsPerWord))/float>>),