-export([create_all_suites/1, run/3]).
-type testcase() :: atom().
-type file_type() :: 'device' | 'directory' | 'regular' | 'other'.
-type ext_posix() :: file:posix() | 'badarg'.
-define(suite_suffix, "_SUITE").
-define(data_folder, "_data").
-define(suite_data, ?suite_suffix ++ ?data_folder).
-record(suite, {suitename :: string(),
outputfile :: file:io_device(),
testcases :: [testcase()]}).
-spec create_all_suites([string()]) -> 'ok'.
create_all_suites(SuitesWithSuiteSuffix) ->
Suites = get_suites(SuitesWithSuiteSuffix),
lists:foreach(fun create_suite/1, Suites).
-spec get_suites([string()]) -> [string()].
get_suites(SuitesWithSuiteSuffix) ->
Prefixes = [suffix(F, ?suite_suffix) || F <- SuitesWithSuiteSuffix],
[S || {yes, S} <- Prefixes].
suffix(String, Suffix) ->
case string:split(String, Suffix, trailing) of
[Prefix,[]] -> {yes, Prefix};
_ -> no
-spec file_type(file:filename()) -> {ok, file_type()} | {error, ext_posix()}.
file_type(Filename) ->
case file:read_file_info(Filename) of
{ok, FI} -> {ok, FI#file_info.type};
Error -> Error
-spec create_suite(string()) -> 'ok'.
create_suite(SuiteName) ->
{ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
SuiteDirN = filename:join(Cwd, SuiteName ++ ?suite_data),
OutputFile = generate_suite_file(Cwd, SuiteName),
generate_suite(SuiteName, OutputFile, SuiteDirN).
generate_suite_file(Cwd, SuiteName) ->
F = filename:join(Cwd, SuiteName ++ ?suite_suffix ++ ".erl"),
case file:open(F, [write]) of
{ok, IoDevice} -> IoDevice;
{error, _} = E -> exit({E, F})
generate_suite(SuiteName, OutputFile, SuiteDirN) ->
TestCases = list_testcases(SuiteDirN),
Suite = #suite{suitename = SuiteName, outputfile = OutputFile,
testcases = TestCases},
list_testcases(Dirname) ->
{ok, Files} = list_dir(Dirname, ".erl", true),
[list_to_atom(filename:basename(F, ".erl")) || F <- Files].
-spec list_dir(file:filename(), string(), boolean()) ->
{error, ext_posix()} | {ok, [file:filename()]}.
list_dir(Dir, Extension, Dirs) ->
case file:list_dir(Dir) of
{error, _} = Error -> Error;
{ok, Filenames} ->
FullFilenames = [filename:join(Dir, F) || F <- Filenames],
Matches1 = case Dirs of
true ->
[F || F <- FullFilenames,
file_type(F) =:= {ok, 'directory'}];
false -> []
Matches2 = [F || F <- FullFilenames,
file_type(F) =:= {ok, 'regular'},
filename:extension(F) =:= Extension],
{ok, lists:sort(Matches1 ++ Matches2)}
write_suite(Suite) ->
write_header(#suite{suitename = SuiteName, outputfile = OutputFile,
testcases = TestCases}) ->
Exports = format_export(TestCases),
TimeLimit = 6, %% with 1, 2, or 3 it fails on some slow machines...
"%% This is an automatically generated file. Do not edit.\n\n"
"-export([suite/0, init_per_suite/0, init_per_suite/1,\n"
" end_per_suite/1, all/0]).\n"
"suite() ->\n"
" [{timetrap, {minutes, ~w}}].\n\n"
"init_per_suite() ->\n"
" [].\n\n"
"init_per_suite(Config) ->\n"
" case erlang:system_info(hipe_architecture) of\n"
" undefined -> {skip, \"HiPE not available or enabled\"};\n"
" _ -> Config\n"
" end.\n\n"
"end_per_suite(_Config) ->\n"
" ok.\n\n"
"all() ->\n"
" ~p.\n\n"
"test(Config, TestCase) ->\n"
" Dir = ?config(data_dir, Config),\n"
" OutDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),\n"
" hipe_testsuite_driver:run(TestCase, Dir, OutDir)."
[SuiteName ++ ?suite_suffix, Exports, TimeLimit, TestCases]).
format_export(TestCases) ->
TL = [list_to_atom(atom_to_list(N)++"/1") || N <- TestCases],
TestCaseString = io_lib:format("-export(~p).", [TL]),
strip_quotes(lists:flatten(TestCaseString), []).
strip_quotes([], Result) ->
strip_quotes([$' |Rest], Result) ->
strip_quotes(Rest, Result);
strip_quotes([$\, |Rest], Result) ->
strip_quotes(Rest, [$\ , $\, |Result]);
strip_quotes([C|Rest], Result) ->
strip_quotes(Rest, [C|Result]).
write_testcases(#suite{outputfile = OutputFile, testcases = TestCases}) ->
lists:foreach(fun (T) -> write_testcase(OutputFile, T) end, TestCases).
write_testcase(OutputFile, TestCase) ->
"~p(Config) ->\n"
" test(Config, ~p).\n\n",
[TestCase, TestCase]).
-spec run(atom(), string(), string()) -> 'ok'.
run(TestCase, Dir, _OutDir) ->
F = filename:join(Dir, atom_to_list(TestCase) ++ ".erl"),
{ok, TestCase} = compile:file(F),
ok = try TestCase:prepare_for_test() catch _:_ -> ok end,
%% DataFiles = try TestCase:datafiles() catch _:_ -> [] end,
%% lists:foreach(fun (DF) ->
%% Src = filename:join(Dir, DF),
%% Dst = filename:join(OutDir, DF),
%% {ok, _} = file:copy(Src, Dst)
%% end, DataFiles),
%% try
ok = TestCase:test(),
HiPEOpts = try TestCase:hipe_options() catch error:undef -> [] end,
{ok, TestCase} = hipe:c(TestCase, HiPEOpts),
ok = TestCase:test(),
{ok, TestCase} = hipe:c(TestCase, [o1|HiPEOpts]),
ok = TestCase:test(),
{ok, TestCase} = hipe:c(TestCase, [o0|HiPEOpts]),
ok = TestCase:test(),
ToLLVM = try TestCase:to_llvm() catch error:undef -> true end,
case ToLLVM andalso hipe:llvm_support_available() of
true ->
{ok, TestCase} = hipe:c(TestCase, [to_llvm|HiPEOpts]),
ok = TestCase:test();
false -> ok
%% after
%% lists:foreach(fun (DF) -> ok end, % = file:delete(DF) end,
%% [filename:join(OutDir, D) || D <- DataFiles])
%% end.