%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2009. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Floating point handling.
-define(HIPE_X86_X87, hipe_amd64_x87).
-define(HIPE_X86_DEFUSE, hipe_amd64_defuse).
-define(HIPE_X86_LIVENESS, hipe_amd64_liveness).
-define(HIPE_X86_REGISTERS, hipe_amd64_registers).
-define(HIPE_X86_X87, hipe_x86_x87).
-define(HIPE_X86_DEFUSE, hipe_x86_defuse).
-define(HIPE_X86_LIVENESS, hipe_x86_liveness).
-define(HIPE_X86_REGISTERS, hipe_x86_registers).
map(Defun) ->
CFG0 = hipe_x86_cfg:init(Defun),
%% hipe_x86_cfg:pp(CFG0),
Liveness = ?HIPE_X86_LIVENESS:analyse(CFG0),
StartLabel = hipe_x86_cfg:start_label(CFG0),
{CFG1,_} = do_blocks([], [StartLabel], CFG0, Liveness, [], gb_trees:empty()),
do_blocks(Pred, [Lbl|Lbls], CFG, Liveness, Map, BlockMap) ->
case gb_trees:lookup(Lbl, BlockMap) of
none ->
%% This block has not been visited.
Block = hipe_x86_cfg:bb(CFG, Lbl),
Succ = hipe_x86_cfg:succ(CFG, Lbl),
NewBlockMap = gb_trees:insert(Lbl, Map, BlockMap),
LiveOut = [X || X <- ?HIPE_X86_LIVENESS:liveout(Liveness, Lbl),
Code = hipe_bb:code(Block),
ReverseCode = lists:reverse(Code),
{NewCode0, NewMap, NewBlockMap1, Dirty} =
do_block(ReverseCode, LiveOut, Map, NewBlockMap),
NewCFG1 =
case Dirty of
true ->
NewBlock = hipe_bb:code_update(Block, NewCode0),
hipe_x86_cfg:bb_add(CFG, Lbl, NewBlock);
_ ->
{NewCFG3, NewBlockMap2} =
do_blocks(Lbl, Succ, NewCFG1, Liveness, NewMap, NewBlockMap1),
do_blocks(Pred, Lbls, NewCFG3, Liveness, Map, NewBlockMap2);
{value, fail} ->
%% Don't have to follow this trace any longer.
do_blocks(Pred,Lbls, CFG, Liveness, Map, BlockMap);
{value, ExistingMap} ->
%% This block belongs to a trace already handled.
%% The Map coming in must be identical to the one used
%% when the block was processed.
if ExistingMap =:= Map ->
do_blocks(Pred, Lbls, CFG, Liveness, Map, BlockMap);
true ->
NewCFG = do_shuffle(Pred, Lbl, CFG, Map, ExistingMap),
do_blocks(Pred, Lbls, NewCFG, Liveness, Map, BlockMap)
do_blocks(_Pred, [], CFG, _Liveness, _Map, BlockMap) ->
{CFG, BlockMap}.
do_block(Ins, LiveOut, Map, BlockMap) ->
do_block(Ins, LiveOut, Map, BlockMap, false).
do_block([I|Is], LiveOut, Map, BlockMap, Dirty) ->
case handle_insn(I) of
false ->
{NewCode, NewMap, NewBlockMap, NewDirty} =
do_block(Is, LiveOut, Map, BlockMap, Dirty),
{NewCode++[I], NewMap, NewBlockMap, NewDirty};
true ->
Def = ordsets:from_list(?HIPE_X86_DEFUSE:insn_def(I)),
Use = ordsets:from_list(?HIPE_X86_DEFUSE:insn_use(I)),
NewLiveOut =
ordsets:filter(fun(X) -> is_fp(X) end,
ordsets:union(ordsets:subtract(LiveOut, Def), Use)),
{NewCode, NewMap, NewBlockMap, NewDirty} =
do_block(Is, NewLiveOut, Map, BlockMap, Dirty),
{NewI, NewMap1, NewBlockMap1} =
do_insn(I, LiveOut, NewMap, NewBlockMap),
NewDirty1 =
if NewDirty =:= true -> true;
NewI =:= [I] -> false;
true -> true
{NewCode++NewI, NewMap1, NewBlockMap1, NewDirty1}
do_block([], LiveOut, Map, BlockMap, Dirty) ->
case [X || X <- Map, not lists:member(X, LiveOut)] of
[] ->
{[], Map, BlockMap, Dirty};
Pop ->
{PopIns, NewMap} = pop_dead(Pop, Map),
{PopIns, NewMap, BlockMap, true}
do_shuffle(Pred, Lbl, CFG, OldMap, NewMap) ->
%% First make sure both maps have the same members.
Push = NewMap -- OldMap,
Pop = OldMap -- NewMap,
{PopInsn, OldMap0} = pop_dead(Pop, OldMap),
{PushInsn, OldMap1} =
case Push of
[]-> {[], OldMap0};
_-> push_list(lists:reverse(Push), OldMap0)
Code =
if OldMap1 =:= NewMap ->
%% It was enough to push and pop.
PopInsn ++ PushInsn ++ [hipe_x86:mk_jmp_label(Lbl)];
true ->
%% Shuffle the positions so the maps match
Cycles = find_swap_cycles(OldMap1, NewMap),
SwitchInsns = do_switching(Cycles),
PopInsn ++ PushInsn ++ SwitchInsns ++ [hipe_x86:mk_jmp_label(Lbl)]
%% Update the CFG.
NewLabel = hipe_gensym:get_next_label(x86),
NewCFG1 = hipe_x86_cfg:bb_add(CFG, NewLabel, hipe_bb:mk_bb(Code)),
OldPred = hipe_x86_cfg:bb(NewCFG1, Pred),
PredCode = hipe_bb:code(OldPred),
NewLast = redirect(lists:last(PredCode), Lbl,NewLabel),
NewPredCode = butlast(PredCode) ++ [NewLast],
NewPredBB = hipe_bb:code_update(OldPred, NewPredCode),
hipe_x86_cfg:bb_add(NewCFG1, Pred, NewPredBB).
find_swap_cycles(OldMap, NewMap) ->
Moves = [get_pos(X, NewMap, 1) || X <- OldMap],
find_swap_cycles(OldMap, Moves, lists:seq(1, length(OldMap)), []).
find_swap_cycles(OldMap, Moves, NotHandled, Cycles) ->
if NotHandled =:= [] -> Cycles;
true ->
Cycle = find_cycle(Moves, [hd(NotHandled)]),
NewNotHandled = NotHandled -- Cycle,
case lists:member(1, Cycle) of
true ->
%% The cycle that contains the first element on the stack
%% must be processed last.
NewCycle = format_cycle(Cycle),
find_swap_cycles(OldMap, Moves, NewNotHandled, Cycles ++ [NewCycle]);
_ ->
NewCycle = format_cycle(Cycle),
find_swap_cycles(OldMap, Moves, NewNotHandled, [NewCycle|Cycles])
find_cycle(Moves, Cycle) ->
To = lists:nth(lists:last(Cycle), Moves),
if To =:= hd(Cycle) -> Cycle;
true -> find_cycle(Moves, Cycle ++ [To])
format_cycle(C) ->
%% The position numbers start with 1 - should start with 0.
%% If position 0 is in the cycle it will be permuted until
%% the 0 is first and then remove it.
%% Otherwise the first element is also added last.
NewCycle = [X - 1 || X <- C],
case lists:member(0, NewCycle) of
true -> format_cycle(NewCycle, []);
_ -> NewCycle ++ [hd(NewCycle)]
format_cycle([H|T], NewCycle) ->
case H of
0 -> T ++ NewCycle;
_ -> format_cycle(T, NewCycle ++ [H])
do_switching(Cycles) ->
do_switching(Cycles, []).
do_switching([C|Cycles], Insns) ->
NewInsns = Insns ++ [hipe_x86:mk_fp_unop(fxch, mk_st(X)) || X <- C],
do_switching(Cycles, NewInsns);
do_switching([], Insns) ->
redirect(Insn, OldLbl, NewLbl) ->
case Insn of
#pseudo_call{contlab = ContLab, sdesc = SDesc} ->
#x86_sdesc{exnlab = ExnLab} = SDesc,
if ContLab =:= OldLbl ->
Insn#pseudo_call{contlab = NewLbl};
ExnLab =:= OldLbl ->
Insn#pseudo_call{sdesc = SDesc#x86_sdesc{exnlab = NewLbl}}
_ ->
hipe_x86_cfg:redirect_jmp(Insn, OldLbl, NewLbl)
do_insn(I, LiveOut, Map, BlockMap) ->
case I of
#pseudo_call{'fun' = Fun, contlab = ContLab} ->
case Fun of
%% We don't want to spill anything if an exception has been thrown.
{_, 'handle_fp_exception'} ->
NewBlockMap =
case gb_trees:lookup(ContLab, BlockMap) of
{value, fail} ->
{value, _} ->
gb_trees:update(ContLab, fail, BlockMap);
none ->
gb_trees:insert(ContLab, fail, BlockMap)
{[I], [], NewBlockMap};
_ ->
#fp_unop{op = 'fwait'} ->
Store = pseudo_pop(Map),
{Store ++ [I], Map, BlockMap};
#fp_unop{} ->
{NewI, NewMap} = do_fp_unop(I, LiveOut, Map),
{NewI, NewMap, BlockMap};
#fp_binop{} ->
{NewI, NewMap} = do_fp_binop(I, LiveOut, Map),
{NewI, NewMap, BlockMap};
#fmove{src = Src, dst = Dst} ->
if Src =:= Dst ->
%% Don't need to keep this instruction!
%% However, we may need to pop from the stack.
case is_liveOut(Src, LiveOut) of
{[], Map, BlockMap};
false ->
{SwitchInsn, NewMap0} = switch_first(Dst, Map),
NewMap = pop(NewMap0),
{SwitchInsn++pop_insn(), NewMap, BlockMap}
true ->
{NewI, NewMap} = do_fmove(Src, Dst, LiveOut, Map),
{NewI, NewMap, BlockMap}
_ ->
{[I], Map, BlockMap}
do_fmove(Src, Dst = #x86_mem{}, LiveOut, Map) ->
%% Storing a float from the stack into memory.
{SwitchInsn, NewMap0} = switch_first(Src, Map),
case is_liveOut(Src, LiveOut) of
true ->
{SwitchInsn ++ [hipe_x86:mk_fp_unop(fst, Dst)], NewMap0};
_ ->
NewMap1 = pop(NewMap0),
{SwitchInsn ++ [hipe_x86:mk_fp_unop(fstp, Dst)], NewMap1}
do_fmove(Src = #x86_mem{}, Dst, _LiveOut, Map) ->
%% Pushing a float into the stack.
case in_map(Dst, Map) of
true -> ?EXIT({loadingExistingFpVariable,{Src,Dst}});
_ -> ok
{PushOp, [_|NewMap0]} = push(Src, Map),
%% We want Dst in the map rather than Src.
NewMap = [Dst|NewMap0],
{PushOp, NewMap};
do_fmove(Src, Dst, LiveOut, Map) ->
%% Copying a float that either is spilled or is on the fp stack,
%% or converting a fixnum in a temp to a float on the fp stack.
case in_map(Dst, Map) of
true -> ?EXIT({copyingToExistingFpVariable,{Src,Dst}});
_ -> ok
IsConv =
case Src of
#x86_temp{type = Type} -> Type =/= 'double';
_ -> false
case IsConv of
true ->
do_conv(Src, Dst, Map);
_ ->
%% Copying.
case {is_liveOut(Src, LiveOut), in_map(Src, Map)} of
{false, true} ->
%% Just remap Dst to Src
{Head, [_|T]} = lists:splitwith(fun(X) -> X =/= Src end, Map),
{[], Head ++ [Dst|T]};
_ ->
{PushOp, [_|NewMap0]} = push(Src, Map),
%% We want Dst in the map rather than Src.
NewMap = [Dst|NewMap0],
{PushOp, NewMap}
do_conv(Src = #x86_temp{reg = Reg}, Dst, Map) ->
%% Converting. Src must not be a register, so we
%% might have to put it into memory in between.
{Move, NewSrc} =
case ?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:is_precoloured(Reg) of
true ->
Temp = hipe_x86:mk_new_temp('untagged'),
{[hipe_x86:mk_move(Src,Temp)], Temp};
_ ->
{[], Src}
{PushOp, [_|NewMap0]} = push(NewSrc, Map),
%% We want Dst in the map rather than NewSrc.
NewMap = [Dst|NewMap0],
case length(PushOp) of
1 -> %% No popping of memory object on fpstack
{Move ++ [hipe_x86:mk_fp_unop(fild, NewSrc)], NewMap};
_ -> %% H contains pop instructions. Must be kept!
Head = butlast(PushOp),
{Move ++ Head ++ [hipe_x86:mk_fp_unop(fild, NewSrc)], NewMap}
do_fp_unop(I = #fp_unop{arg = Arg, op = fchs}, Liveout, Map) ->
%% This is fchs, the only operation without a
%% popping version. Needs special handling.
case is_liveOut(Arg, Liveout) of
true ->
{SwitchIns, NewMap} = switch_first(Arg, Map),
{SwitchIns ++ [I#fp_unop{arg = []}], NewMap};
false ->
%% Don't need to keep this instruction!
%% However, we may need to pop Src from the stack.
case in_map(Arg, Map) of
true ->
{SwitchInsn, NewMap0} = switch_first(Arg, Map),
NewMap = pop(NewMap0),
{SwitchInsn ++ pop_insn(), NewMap};
_ ->
do_fp_binop(#fp_binop{src = Src, dst = Dst, op = Op}, LiveOut, Map) ->
case {is_liveOut(Src, LiveOut), is_liveOut(Dst, LiveOut)} of
{true, true} ->
keep_both(Op, Src, Dst, Map);
{true, false} ->
keep_src(Op, Src, Dst, Map);
{false, true} ->
keep_dst(Op, Src, Dst, Map);
{false, false} ->
%% Both Dst and Src are popped.
keep_none(Op, Src, Dst, Map)
keep_both(Op, Src, Dst, Map) ->
%% Keep both Dst and Src if it is there.
{SwitchInsn, NewMap} = switch_first(Dst, Map),
NewSrc = get_new_opnd(Src, NewMap),
Insn = format_fp_binop(Op, NewSrc, mk_st(0)),
{SwitchInsn++Insn, NewMap}.
keep_src(Op, Src, Dst, Map) ->
%% Pop Dst but keep Src in stack if it is there.
{SwitchInsn, NewMap0} = switch_first(Dst, Map),
NewSrc = get_new_opnd(Src, NewMap0),
NewMap = pop(NewMap0),
Insn = format_fp_binop(Op, NewSrc, mk_st(0)),
{SwitchInsn ++ Insn ++ pop_insn(), NewMap}.
keep_dst(Op, Src, Dst, Map) ->
%% Keep Dst but pop Src.
%% Dst must be in stack.
DstInMap = in_map(Dst, Map),
SrcInMap = in_map(Src, Map),
case SrcInMap of
true ->
case DstInMap of
true ->
%% Src must be popped. If Dst is on top of the stack we can
%% alter the operation rather than shuffle the stack.
{SwitchInsn, Insn, NewMap} =
if hd(Map) =:= Dst ->
NewOp = mk_op_pop(reverse_op(Op)),
NewDst = get_new_opnd(Src, Map),
TmpMap = lists:map(fun(X) ->
if X =:= Src -> Dst; true -> X end
end, Map),
{[], format_fp_binop(NewOp, mk_st(0), NewDst), pop(TmpMap)};
true ->
{SwitchInsn1, NewMap0} = switch_first(Src, Map),
NewDst = get_new_opnd(Dst,NewMap0),
NewOp = mk_op_pop(Op),
{SwitchInsn1,format_fp_binop(NewOp, mk_st(0), NewDst), pop(NewMap0)}
{SwitchInsn ++ Insn, NewMap};
_ ->
%% Src is on the stack, but Dst isn't. Use memory command to avoid
%% unnecessary loading instructions.
{SwitchInsn, NewMap0} = switch_first(Src, Map),
NewOp = reverse_op(Op),
NewMap = [Dst] ++ tl(NewMap0),
Insn = format_fp_binop(NewOp, Dst, mk_st(0)),
{SwitchInsn ++ Insn, NewMap}
_ ->
%% Src isn't in the map so it doesn't have to be popped.
{SwitchInsn, NewMap} = switch_first(Dst, Map),
{SwitchInsn ++ [#fp_unop{arg = Src, op = Op}], NewMap}
keep_none(Op, Src, Dst, Map) ->
%% Dst must be on stack.
{PushInsn, NewMap0} =
case in_map(Dst, Map) of
true -> {[], Map};
_ -> push(Dst, Map)
case in_map(Src, NewMap0) of
true ->
%% Src must be popped.
{SwitchInsn1, NewMap1} = switch_first(Src, NewMap0),
NewOp = mk_op_pop(Op),
NewDst = get_new_opnd(Dst,NewMap1),
NewMap2 = pop(NewMap1),
%% Then Dst has to be popped.
{PopInsn, NewMap} = pop_member(Dst, NewMap2),
Insn = format_fp_binop(NewOp, mk_st(0), NewDst),
{PushInsn ++ SwitchInsn1 ++ Insn ++ PopInsn, NewMap};
_ ->
%% Src isn't in the map so it doesn't have to be popped.
{SwitchInsn, NewMap1} = switch_first(Dst, NewMap0),
NewMap = pop(NewMap1),
{SwitchInsn ++ [#fp_unop{arg = Src, op = Op}] ++ pop_insn(), NewMap}
format_fp_binop(Op, Src = #x86_temp{}, Dst = #x86_fpreg{reg = Reg}) ->
%% Handle that st(0) is sometimes implicit.
if Reg =:= 0 -> [hipe_x86:mk_fp_unop(Op, Src)];
true -> [hipe_x86:mk_fp_binop(Op, Src, Dst)]
format_fp_binop(Op, Src, Dst) ->
[hipe_x86:mk_fp_binop(Op, Src, Dst)].
in_map(X, Map) ->
lists:member(X, Map).
push_list(L, Map) ->
push_list(L, Map, []).
push_list([H|T], Map, Acc) ->
{Insn, NewMap} = push(H,Map),
push_list(T, NewMap, Acc++Insn);
push_list([], Map, Acc) ->
{Acc, Map}.
push(X, Map0) ->
{PopInsn, Map} =
if length(Map0) > 7 -> pop_a_temp(Map0);
true -> {[], Map0}
NewX = get_new_opnd(X,Map),
NewMap = [X | Map],
PushOp = [hipe_x86:mk_fp_unop(fld, NewX)],
{PopInsn ++ PushOp, NewMap}.
pop([_|Map]) ->
pop_insn() ->
pop_dead(Dead, Map) ->
Dead0 = [X || X <- Map, lists:member(X,Dead)],
pop_dead(Dead0, Map, []).
pop_dead([D|Dead], Map, Code) ->
{I, NewMap0} = switch_first(D, Map),
NewMap = pop(NewMap0),
Store = case D of
#x86_temp{} -> [hipe_x86:mk_fp_unop('fstp', D)];
_ -> pop_insn()
pop_dead(Dead, NewMap, Code++I++Store);
pop_dead([], Map, Code) ->
pop_all(Map) ->
{Code, _} = pop_dead(Map, Map),
pop_member(Member, Map) ->
{Head,[_|T]} = lists:splitwith(fun(X)-> X =/= Member end, Map),
{[hipe_x86:mk_fp_unop('fstp', mk_st(get_pos(Member, Map, 0)))],
pop_a_temp(Map) ->
Temp = find_a_temp(Map),
{SwitchInsn, NewMap0} = switch_first(Temp, Map),
NewMap = pop(NewMap0),
{SwitchInsn ++ [hipe_x86:mk_fp_unop('fstp', Temp)], NewMap}.
find_a_temp([H = #x86_temp{}|_]) ->
find_a_temp([_|T]) ->
find_a_temp([]) ->
switch_first(X, Map = [H|_]) ->
Pos = get_pos(X, Map, 0),
case Pos of
0 ->
{[], Map};
notFound ->
push(X, Map);
_ ->
{[_|Head], [_|Tail]} = lists:splitwith(fun(Y)-> Y =/= X end, Map),
NewMap = [X|Head] ++ [H|Tail],
Ins = hipe_x86:mk_fp_unop(fxch, mk_st(Pos)),
{[Ins], NewMap}
switch_first(X, Map) ->
push(X, Map).
get_pos(X, [H|T], Pos) ->
if X =:= H -> Pos;
true -> get_pos(X, T, Pos+1)
get_pos(_, [], _) ->
get_new_opnd(X, Map) ->
I = get_pos(X, Map, 0),
case I of
notFound ->
%% The operand is probably a spilled float.
_ ->
is_fp(#x86_fpreg{}) ->
is_fp(#x86_mem{type = Type}) ->
Type =:= 'double';
is_fp(#x86_temp{type = Type}) ->
Type =:= 'double'.
handle_insn(I) ->
case I of
#fmove{} -> true;
#fp_unop{} -> true;
#fp_binop{} -> true;
#pseudo_call{} ->true;
%% #ret{} -> true;
_ -> false
is_liveOut(X, LiveOut) ->
ordsets:is_element(X, LiveOut).
mk_st(X) ->
hipe_x86:mk_fpreg(X, false).
reverse_op(Op) ->
case Op of
'fsub' -> 'fsubr';
'fdiv' -> 'fdivr';
'fsubr'-> 'fsub';
'fdivr' -> 'fdiv';
_ -> Op
mk_op_pop(Op) ->
case Op of
'fadd'-> 'faddp';
'fdiv' -> 'fdivp';
'fdivr' -> 'fdivrp';
'fmul' -> 'fmulp';
'fsub' -> 'fsubp';
'fsubr' -> 'fsubrp';
_ -> ?EXIT({operandHasNoPopVariant,{Op}})
butlast([X|Xs]) -> butlast(Xs,X).
butlast([],_) -> [];
butlast([X|Xs],Y) -> [Y|butlast(Xs,X)].
%%pp_insn(Op, Src, Dst) ->
%% pp([hipe_x86:mk_fp_binop(Op, Src, Dst)]).
%%pp([I|Ins]) ->
%% hipe_x86_pp:pp_insn(I),
%% pp(Ins);
%%pp([]) ->
%% [].
pseudo_pop(Map) when length(Map) > 0 ->
Dst = hipe_x86:mk_new_temp('double'),
pseudo_pop(Dst, length(Map), []);
pseudo_pop(_) ->
pseudo_pop(Dst, St, Acc) when St > 1 ->
%% Store all members of the stack to a single temporary to force
%% any floating point overflow exceptions to occur even though we
%% don't have overflow for the extended double precision in the x87.
pseudo_pop(Dst, St-1,
[hipe_x86:mk_fp_unop('fxch', mk_st(St-1)),
hipe_x86:mk_fp_unop('fst', Dst),
hipe_x86:mk_fp_unop('fxch', mk_st(St-1))
pseudo_pop(Dst, _St, Acc) ->
[hipe_x86:mk_fp_unop('fst', Dst)|Acc].