%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1998-2009. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Internal stuff
-import(ic_util, [mk_var/1, mk_oe_name/2, to_atom/1, to_list/1]).
-import(ic_forms, [get_id/1, get_id2/1, get_body/1]).
-import(ic_codegen, [emit/3, nl/1]).
-import(lists, [foreach/2, map/2]).
%% Generate the client side Erlang stubs.
%% Each module is generated to a separate file.
%% Export declarations for all interface functions must be
%% generated. Each function then needs to generate a function head and
%% a body. IDL parameters must be converted into Erlang parameters
%% (variables, capitalised) and a type signature list must be
%% generated (for later encode/decode).
do_gen(G, File, Form) ->
G2 = ic_file:filename_push(G, [], mk_oe_name(G,
gen_head(G2, [], Form),
gen(G2, [], Form),
ic_file:filename_pop(G2, erlang),
gen(G, N, [X|Xs]) when is_record(X, preproc) ->
NewG = ic:handle_preproc(G, N, X#preproc.cat, X),
gen(NewG, N, Xs);
gen(G, N, [X|Xs]) when is_record(X, module) ->
CD = ic_code:codeDirective(G,X),
G2 = ic_file:filename_push(G, N, X, CD),
N2 = [get_id2(X) | N],
gen_head(G2, N2, X),
gen(G2, N2, get_body(X)),
G3 = ic_file:filename_pop(G2, CD),
gen(G3, N, Xs);
gen(G, N, [X|Xs]) when is_record(X, interface) ->
%% Add inheritence data to pragmatab
G2 = ic_file:filename_push(G, N, X, erlang),
N2 = [get_id2(X) | N],
gen_head(G2, N2, X),
gen(G2, N2, get_body(X)),
foreach(fun({_Name, Body}) -> gen(G2, N2, Body) end,
G3 = ic_file:filename_pop(G2, erlang),
gen(G3, N, Xs);
gen(G, N, [X|Xs]) when is_record(X, const) ->
% N2 = [get_id2(X) | N],
emit_constant_func(G, X#const.id, X#const.val),
gen(G, N, Xs); %% N or N2?
gen(G, N, [X|Xs]) when is_record(X, op) ->
{Name, ArgNames, TypeList, OutArgs} = extract_info(G, N, X),
emit_func(G, N, X, Name, ArgNames, TypeList, OutArgs),
gen(G, N, Xs);
gen(G, N, [X|Xs]) when is_record(X, attr) ->
emit_attr(G, N, X, fun emit_func/7),
gen(G, N, Xs);
gen(G, N, [X|Xs]) when is_record(X, except) ->
icstruct:except_gen(G, N, X, erlang),
gen(G, N, Xs);
gen(G, N, [X|Xs]) ->
case may_contain_structs(X) of
true -> icstruct:struct_gen(G, N, X, erlang);
false -> ok
gen(G, N, Xs);
gen(_G, _N, []) -> ok.
may_contain_structs(X) when is_record(X, typedef) -> true;
may_contain_structs(X) when is_record(X, struct) -> true;
may_contain_structs(X) when is_record(X, union) -> true;
may_contain_structs(_X) -> false.
%% Export stuff
%% Gathering of all names that should be exported from a stub
%% file.
gen_head_special(G, N, X) when is_record(X, interface) ->
Fd = ic_genobj:stubfiled(G),
foreach(fun({Name, Body}) ->
ic_codegen:comment(Fd, "Exports from ~p",
ic_codegen:export(Fd, exp_top(G, N, Body, [])),
end, X#interface.inherit_body),
gen_head_special(_G, _N, _X) -> ok.
%% Shall generate all export declarations
gen_head(G, N, X) ->
case ic_genobj:is_stubfile_open(G) of
true ->
F = ic_genobj:stubfiled(G),
ic_codegen:comment(F, "Interface functions"),
ic_codegen:export(F, exp_top(G, N, X, [])),
gen_head_special(G, N, X);
false -> ok
exp_top(_G, _N, X, Acc) when element(1, X) == preproc ->
exp_top(G, N, L, Acc) when is_list(L) ->
exp_list(G, N, L, Acc);
exp_top(G, N, M, Acc) when is_record(M, module) ->
exp_list(G, N, get_body(M), Acc);
exp_top(G, N, I, Acc) when is_record(I, interface) ->
exp_list(G, N, get_body(I), Acc);
exp_top(G, N, X, Acc) ->
exp3(G, N, X, Acc).
exp3(_G, _N, C, Acc) when is_record(C, const) ->
[{get_id(C#const.id), 0} | Acc];
exp3(_G, _N, Op, Acc) when is_record(Op, op) ->
FuncName = get_id(Op#op.id),
Arity = length(ic:filter_params([in, inout], Op#op.params)),
[{FuncName, Arity} | Acc];
exp3(_G, _N, A, Acc) when is_record(A, attr) ->
lists:foldr(fun(Id, Acc2) ->
{Get, Set} = mk_attr_func_names([], get_id(Id)),
case A#attr.readonly of
{readonly, _} -> [{Get, 1} | Acc2];
_ -> [{Get, 1}, {Set, 2} | Acc2]
end end, Acc, ic_forms:get_idlist(A));
exp3(_G, _N, _X, Acc) -> Acc.
exp_list(G, N, L, OrigAcc) ->
lists:foldr(fun(X, Acc) -> exp3(G, N, X, Acc) end, OrigAcc, L).
%% Emit stuff
%% Low level generation primitives
emit_func(G, _N, X, Name, ArgNames, _TypeList, OutArgs) ->
case ic_genobj:is_stubfile_open(G) of
false -> ok;
true ->
Fd = ic_genobj:stubfiled(G),
OpName = list_to_atom(Name),
ArgList = mk_list(ArgNames),
emit_op_comment(G, Fd, X, OpName, ArgNames, OutArgs),
emit(Fd, "~p(~s) ->\n", [OpName,ArgList]),
emit(Fd, " ~p:~p(~s).\n\n", [to_atom(ic_genobj:impl(G)), OpName, ArgList])
emit_attr(G, N, X, F) ->
XX = #id_of{type=X},
{GetType, SetType} = mk_attr_func_types(N, X),
lists:foreach(fun(Id) ->
X2 = XX#id_of{id=Id},
{Get, Set} = mk_attr_func_names(N, get_id(Id)),
F(G, N, X2, Get, [], GetType, []),
case X#attr.readonly of
{readonly, _} -> ok;
_ ->
F(G, N, X2, Set, [ic_util:mk_name(G, "Value")],
SetType, [])
end end, ic_forms:get_idlist(X)).
emit_constant_func(G, Id, Val) ->
case ic_genobj:is_stubfile_open(G) of
false -> ok;
true ->
Fd = ic_genobj:stubfiled(G),
N = list_to_atom(get_id(Id)),
emit_const_comment(G, Fd, Id, N),
emit(Fd, "~p() -> ~p.\n\n", [N, Val])
emit_const_comment(_G, F, _X, Name) ->
[io_lib:format("Constant: ~p", [Name])]).
emit_op_comment(G, F, X, Name, InP, OutP) ->
[io_lib:format("~s: ~p", [get_title(X), Name]),
get_returns(G, X, InP, OutP) |
get_title(X) when is_record(X, attr) -> "Attribute Operation";
get_title(_X) -> "Operation".
get_raises(X) when is_record(X, op) ->
if X#op.raises == [] -> [];
true ->
[" Raises: " ++
mk_list(lists:map(fun(E) -> ic_util:to_colon(E) end, X#op.raises))]
get_raises(_X) -> [].
get_returns(_G, _X, _InP, []) ->
" Returns: RetVal";
get_returns(G, _X, _InP, OutP) ->
" Returns: "++mk_list(["RetVal" | mk_erl_vars(G, OutP)]).
%% Utilities
%% Convenient little go-get functions
%% The automaticly generated get and set operation names for an
%% attribute.
mk_attr_func_names(_Scope, Name) ->
{"_get_" ++ Name, "_set_" ++ Name}.
%% Returns TK of the Get and Set attribute functions.
mk_attr_func_types(_N, X) ->
TK = ic_forms:get_tk(X),
{{TK, [], []}, {tk_void, [TK], []}}.
%% Generation utilities and common stuff
%% Convenient stuff for generation
%% Input is a list of parameters (in parse form) and output is a list
%% of capitalised variable names. mk_var is in icgen
mk_erl_vars(_G, Params) ->
map(fun(P) -> mk_var(get_id(P#param.id)) end, Params).
%% mk_list produces a nice comma separated string of variable names
mk_list([]) -> [];
mk_list([Arg | Args]) ->
Arg ++ mk_list2(Args).
mk_list2([Arg | Args]) ->
", " ++ Arg ++ mk_list2(Args);
mk_list2([]) -> [].
%% Parser utilities
%% Called from the yecc parser. Expands the identifier list of an
%% attribute so that the attribute generator never has to handle
%% lists.
%% Export code produce for dependency function
exportDependency(G) ->
Fd = ic_genobj:stubfiled(G),
ic_codegen:export(Fd, [{oe_dependency, 0}]),
%% Code produce for dependency function
genDependency(G) ->
Fd = ic_genobj:stubfiled(G),
ic_codegen:comment(Fd, "Idl file dependency list function"),
emit(Fd, "oe_dependency() ->\n", []),
emit(Fd, " ~p.\n\n", [ic_pragma:get_dependencies(G)]).
extract_info(G, _N, X) when is_record(X, op) ->
Name = get_id2(X),
InArgs = ic:filter_params([in,inout], X#op.params),
OutArgs = ic:filter_params([out,inout], X#op.params),
ArgNames = mk_erl_vars(G, InArgs),
TypeList = {ic_forms:get_tk(X),
map(fun(Y) -> ic_forms:get_tk(Y) end, InArgs),
map(fun(Y) -> ic_forms:get_tk(Y) end, OutArgs)
{Name, ArgNames, TypeList, OutArgs}.