%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%%% Internal application API
%% create_env(ScriptType, ModData, ScriptElements) -> [{EnvVariable, Value}]
%% ScriptType = cgi | esi
%% ModData = #mod{}
%% ScriptElements = [{Element, Value}]
%% Element = path_info | query_string | entity_body
%% Value = term()
%% EnvVariable = string() - cgi | atom() - esi
%% Description: Creates a list of cgi/esi environment variables and
%% there values.
create_env(ScriptType, ModData, ScriptElements) ->
create_basic_elements(ScriptType, ModData)
++ create_http_header_elements(ScriptType, ModData#mod.parsed_header)
++ create_script_elements(ScriptType, ModData, ScriptElements)
++ create_mod_interaction_elements(ScriptType, ModData).
%%% Internal functions
which_server(#mod{config_db = ConfigDb}) ->
httpd_util:lookup(ConfigDb, server, ?SERVER_SOFTWARE).
which_port(#mod{config_db = ConfigDb}) ->
httpd_util:lookup(ConfigDb, port, 80).
which_peername(#mod{init_data = #init_data{peername = {_, RemoteAddr}}}) ->
which_resolve(#mod{init_data = #init_data{resolve = Resolve}}) ->
which_method(#mod{method = Method}) ->
which_request_uri(#mod{request_uri = RUri}) ->
create_basic_elements(esi, ModData) ->
[{server_software, which_server(ModData)},
{server_name, which_resolve(ModData)},
{gateway_interface, ?GATEWAY_INTERFACE},
{server_protocol, ?SERVER_PROTOCOL},
{server_port, which_port(ModData)},
{request_method, which_method(ModData)},
{remote_addr, which_peername(ModData)},
{script_name, which_request_uri(ModData)}];
create_basic_elements(cgi, ModData) ->
[{"SERVER_SOFTWARE", which_server(ModData)},
{"SERVER_NAME", which_resolve(ModData)},
{"SERVER_PORT", integer_to_list(which_port(ModData))},
{"REQUEST_METHOD", which_method(ModData)},
{"REMOTE_ADDR", which_peername(ModData)},
{"SCRIPT_NAME", which_request_uri(ModData)}].
create_http_header_elements(ScriptType, Headers) ->
create_http_header_elements(ScriptType, Headers, []).
create_http_header_elements(_, [], Acc) ->
create_http_header_elements(ScriptType, [{Name, [Value | _] = Values } |
Headers], Acc)
when is_list(Value) ->
NewName = lists:map(fun(X) -> if X == $- -> $_; true -> X end end, Name),
Element = http_env_element(ScriptType, NewName, multi_value(Values)),
create_http_header_elements(ScriptType, Headers, [Element | Acc]);
create_http_header_elements(ScriptType, [{Name, Value} | Headers], Acc)
when is_list(Value) ->
{ok, NewName, _} = inets_regexp:gsub(Name,"-","_"),
Element = http_env_element(ScriptType, NewName, Value),
create_http_header_elements(ScriptType, Headers, [Element | Acc]).
http_env_element(cgi, VarName, Value) ->
{"HTTP_"++ http_util:to_upper(VarName), Value};
http_env_element(esi, VarName, Value) ->
{list_to_atom("http_"++ http_util:to_lower(VarName)), Value}.
multi_value([]) ->
multi_value([Value]) ->
multi_value([Value | Rest]) ->
Value ++ ", " ++ multi_value(Rest).
create_script_elements(ScriptType, ModData, ScriptElements) ->
lists:flatmap(fun({Element, Data}) ->
Data, ModData)
end, ScriptElements).
create_script_elements(esi, query_string, QueryString, _) ->
[{query_string, QueryString}];
create_script_elements(cgi, query_string, QueryString, _) ->
[{"QUERY_STRING", QueryString}];
create_script_elements(esi, path_info, PathInfo, ModData) ->
Aliases = httpd_util:multi_lookup(ModData#mod.config_db, alias),
{_,PathTranslated,_} =
mod_alias:real_name(ModData#mod.config_db, PathInfo,
[{path_info, PathInfo},
{path_translated, PathTranslated}];
create_script_elements(cgi, path_info, PathInfo, ModData) ->
Aliases = httpd_util:multi_lookup(ModData#mod.config_db, alias),
{_,PathTranslated,_} =
mod_alias:real_name(ModData#mod.config_db, PathInfo,
[{"PATH_INFO", PathInfo},
{"PATH_TRANSLATED", PathTranslated}];
create_script_elements(esi, entity_body, Body, _) ->
[{content_length, httpd_util:flatlength(Body)}];
create_script_elements(cgi, entity_body, Body, _) ->
[{"CONTENT_LENGTH", httpd_util:flatlength(Body)}];
create_script_elements(_, _, _, _) ->
create_mod_interaction_elements(_, ModData)->
case proplists:get_value(remote_user, ModData#mod.data) of
undefined ->
RemoteUser ->
[{remote_user, RemoteUser}]