%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2016. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% mod_auth exports
-export([start/3, stop/3,
add_password/4, update_password/5,
add_user/5, delete_user/5, get_user/5, list_users/4,
add_group_member/6, delete_group_member/6, list_group_members/5,
delete_group/5, list_groups/4]).
%% gen_server exports
-export([start_link/3, init/1,
handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
terminate/2, code_change/3]).
-record(state, {tab}).
%% Internal application API
%% NOTE: This is called by httpd_misc_sup when the process is started
start_link(Addr, Port, Profile) ->
Name = make_name(Addr, Port, Profile),
gen_server:start_link({local, Name}, ?MODULE, [], [{timeout, infinity}]).
start(Addr, Port, Profile) ->
Name = make_name(Addr, Port, Profile),
case whereis(Name) of
undefined ->
httpd_misc_sup:start_auth_server(Addr, Port, Profile);
_ -> %% Already started...
stop(Addr, Port, Profile) ->
Name = make_name(Addr, Port, Profile),
case whereis(Name) of
undefined -> %% Already stopped
_ ->
(catch httpd_misc_sup:stop_auth_server(Addr, Port, Profile))
add_password(Addr, Port, Dir, Password) ->
add_password(Addr, Port, ?DEFAULT_PROFILE, Dir, Password).
add_password(Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, Password) ->
Name = make_name(Addr, Port, Profile),
Req = {add_password, Dir, Password},
call(Name, Req).
update_password(Addr, Port, Dir, Old, New) ->
update_password(Addr, Port, ?DEFAULT_PROFILE, Dir, Old, New).
update_password(Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, Old, New) when is_list(New) ->
Name = make_name(Addr, Port, Profile),
Req = {update_password, Dir, Old, New},
call(Name, Req).
add_user(Addr, Port, Dir, User, Password) ->
add_user(Addr, Port, ?DEFAULT_PROFILE, Dir, User, Password).
add_user(Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, User, Password) ->
Name = make_name(Addr, Port, Profile),
Req = {add_user, Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, User, Password},
call(Name, Req).
delete_user(Addr, Port, Dir, UserName, Password) ->
delete_user(Addr, Port, ?DEFAULT_PROFILE, Dir, UserName, Password).
delete_user(Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, UserName, Password) ->
Name = make_name(Addr, Port, Profile),
Req = {delete_user, Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, UserName, Password},
call(Name, Req).
get_user(Addr, Port, Dir, UserName, Password) ->
get_user(Addr, Port, ?DEFAULT_PROFILE, Dir, UserName, Password).
get_user(Addr, Port, Profile,Dir, UserName, Password) ->
Name = make_name(Addr, Port, Profile),
Req = {get_user, Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, UserName, Password},
call(Name, Req).
list_users(Addr, Port, Dir, Password) ->
list_users(Addr, Port, ?DEFAULT_PROFILE, Dir, Password).
list_users(Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, Password) ->
Name = make_name(Addr,Port, Profile),
Req = {list_users, Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, Password},
call(Name, Req).
add_group_member(Addr, Port, Dir, GroupName, UserName, Password) ->
add_group_member(Addr, Port, ?DEFAULT_PROFILE, Dir, GroupName, UserName, Password).
add_group_member(Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, GroupName, UserName, Password) ->
Name = make_name(Addr,Port, Profile),
Req = {add_group_member, Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, GroupName, UserName, Password},
call(Name, Req).
delete_group_member(Addr, Port, Dir, GroupName, UserName, Password) ->
delete_group_member(Addr, Port, ?DEFAULT_PROFILE, Dir, GroupName, UserName, Password).
delete_group_member(Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, GroupName, UserName, Password) ->
Name = make_name(Addr,Port,Profile),
Req = {delete_group_member, Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, GroupName, UserName, Password},
call(Name, Req).
list_group_members(Addr, Port, Dir, Group, Password) ->
list_group_members(Addr, Port, ?DEFAULT_PROFILE, Dir, Group, Password).
list_group_members(Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, Group, Password) ->
Name = make_name(Addr, Port, Profile),
Req = {list_group_members, Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, Group, Password},
call(Name, Req).
delete_group(Addr, Port, Dir, GroupName, Password) ->
delete_group(Addr, Port, ?DEFAULT_PROFILE, Dir, GroupName, Password).
delete_group(Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, GroupName, Password) ->
Name = make_name(Addr, Port, Profile),
Req = {delete_group, Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, GroupName, Password},
call(Name, Req).
list_groups(Addr, Port, Dir, Password) ->
list_groups(Addr, Port, ?DEFAULT_PROFILE, Dir, Password).
list_groups(Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, Password) ->
Name = make_name(Addr, Port, Profile),
Req = {list_groups, Addr, Port,Profile, Dir, Password},
call(Name, Req).
%% Behavior call backs
init(_) ->
{ok,#state{tab = ets:new(auth_pwd,[set,protected])}}.
%% handle_call
%% Add a user
handle_call({add_user, Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, User, AuthPwd}, _From, State) ->
Reply = api_call(Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, add_user, User, AuthPwd, State),
{reply, Reply, State};
%% Get data about a user
handle_call({get_user, Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, User, AuthPwd}, _From, State) ->
Reply = api_call(Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, get_user, [User], AuthPwd, State),
{reply, Reply, State};
%% Add a group member
handle_call({add_group_member, Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, Group, User, AuthPwd},
_From, State) ->
Reply = api_call(Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, add_group_member, [Group, User],
AuthPwd, State),
{reply, Reply, State};
%% delete a group
handle_call({delete_group_member, Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, Group, User, AuthPwd},
_From, State) ->
Reply = api_call(Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, delete_group_member, [Group, User],
AuthPwd, State),
{reply, Reply, State};
%% List all users thats standalone users
handle_call({list_users, Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, AuthPwd}, _From, State) ->
Reply = api_call(Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, list_users, [], AuthPwd, State),
{reply, Reply, State};
%% Delete a user
handle_call({delete_user, Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, User, AuthPwd}, _From, State) ->
Reply = api_call(Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, delete_user, [User], AuthPwd, State),
{reply, Reply, State};
%% Delete a group
handle_call({delete_group, Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, Group, AuthPwd}, _From, State) ->
Reply = api_call(Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, delete_group, [Group], AuthPwd, State),
{reply, Reply, State};
%% List the current groups
handle_call({list_groups, Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, AuthPwd}, _From, State) ->
Reply = api_call(Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, list_groups, [], AuthPwd, State),
{reply, Reply, State};
%% List the members of the given group
handle_call({list_group_members, Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, Group, AuthPwd},
_From, State) ->
Reply = api_call(Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, list_group_members, [Group],
AuthPwd, State),
{reply, Reply, State};
%% Add password for a directory
handle_call({add_password, Dir, Password}, _From, State) ->
Reply = do_add_password(Dir, Password, State),
{reply, Reply, State};
%% Update the password for a directory
handle_call({update_password, Dir, Old, New},_From,State) ->
Reply =
case getPassword(State, Dir) of
OldPwd when is_binary(OldPwd) ->
case erlang:md5(Old) of
OldPwd ->
%% The old password is right =>
%% update the password to the new
{error, error_new}
{error, error_old}
{reply, Reply, State};
handle_call(stop, _From, State) ->
{stop, normal, State}.
handle_info(_Info, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
handle_cast(_Request, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
terminate(_Reason,State) ->
code_change(_Vsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
%%% Internal functions
api_call(Addr, Port, Profile, Dir, Func, Args,Password,State) ->
case controlPassword(Password, State, Dir) of
ConfigName = httpd_util:make_name("httpd_conf", Addr, Port, Profile),
case ets:match_object(ConfigName, {directory, {Dir, '$1'}}) of
[{directory, {Dir, DirData}}] ->
AuthMod = auth_mod_name(DirData),
(catch apply(AuthMod, Func, [DirData|Args]));
_ ->
{error, no_such_directory}
bad_password ->
controlPassword(Password, _State, _Dir) when Password =:= "DummyPassword" ->
controlPassword(Password,State,Dir) ->
case getPassword(State,Dir) of
Pwd when is_binary(Pwd) ->
case erlang:md5(Password) of
Pwd ->
_ ->
getPassword(State, Dir) ->
case lookup(State#state.tab, Dir) of
_ ->
do_update_password(Dir, New, State) ->
ets:insert(State#state.tab, {Dir, erlang:md5(New)}).
do_add_password(Dir, Password, State) ->
case getPassword(State,Dir) of
PwdExists when is_binary(PwdExists) ->
{error, dir_protected};
{error, _} ->
do_update_password(Dir, Password, State)
auth_mod_name(DirData) ->
case proplists:get_value(auth_type, DirData, plain) of
plain -> mod_auth_plain;
mnesia -> mod_auth_mnesia;
dets -> mod_auth_dets
lookup(Db, Key) ->
ets:lookup(Db, Key).
make_name(Addr, Port, Profile) ->
httpd_util:make_name(?MODULE_STRING, Addr, Port, Profile).
call(Name, Req) ->
case (catch gen_server:call(Name, Req)) of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
{error, Reason};
Reply ->