%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2016. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Purpose: Transform internal form of Megaco/H.248 messages
%% -include_lib("megaco/include/megaco_message.hrl").
-export([tr_message/3, tr_transaction/3]).
-define(DEFAULT_NAME_RESOLVER, megaco_binary_name_resolver_v3).
-record(state, {mode, % verify | encode | decode
resolver_module, %
resolve(Type, Item, State, Constraint) ->
case State#state.mode of
verify ->
encode ->
?d("resolve(encode) -> encode: ~p",[Item]),
Mod = State#state.resolver_module,
Opt = State#state.resolver_options,
EncodedItem = Mod:encode_name(Opt, Type, Item),
?d("resolve -> verify contraint for ~p",[EncodedItem]),
verify_constraint(EncodedItem, Constraint);
decode ->
?d("resolve(decode) -> verify contraint for ~p",[Item]),
DecodedItem = verify_constraint(Item, Constraint),
Mod = State#state.resolver_module,
Opt = State#state.resolver_options,
?d("resolve(decode) -> decode: ~p",[DecodedItem]),
Mod:decode_name(Opt, Type, DecodedItem)
verify_constraint(Item, valid) ->
verify_constraint(Item, Constraint) when is_function(Constraint) ->
tr_message(MegaMsg, Mode, Config) ->
case Config of
[native] ->
[verify] ->
State = #state{mode = verify},
tr_MegacoMessage(MegaMsg, State);
[] ->
State = #state{mode = Mode,
resolver_module = ?DEFAULT_NAME_RESOLVER,
resolver_options = [8, 8, 8]},
tr_MegacoMessage(MegaMsg, State);
[{binary_name_resolver, {Module, Options}}] when is_atom(Module) ->
State = #state{mode = Mode,
resolver_module = Module,
resolver_options = Options},
tr_MegacoMessage(MegaMsg, State)
tr_transaction(Trans, Mode, Config) ->
case Config of
[native] ->
[verify] ->
State = #state{mode = verify},
tr_Transaction(Trans, State);
[] ->
State = #state{mode = Mode,
resolver_module = ?DEFAULT_NAME_RESOLVER,
resolver_options = [8, 8, 8]},
tr_Transaction(Trans, State);
[{binary_name_resolver, {Module, Options}}] when is_atom(Module) ->
State = #state{mode = Mode,
resolver_module = Module,
resolver_options = Options},
tr_Transaction(Trans, State)
tr_MegacoMessage(#'MegacoMessage'{authHeader = Auth,
mess = Mess},
State) ->
?d("tr_MegacoMessage -> entry with"
"~n Auth: ~p"
"~n Mess: ~p"
"~n State: ~p", [Auth, Mess, State]),
#'MegacoMessage'{authHeader = tr_opt_AuthenticationHeader(Auth, State),
mess = tr_Message(Mess, State)}.
tr_opt_AuthenticationHeader(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_AuthenticationHeader(#'AuthenticationHeader'{secParmIndex = SPI,
seqNum = SN,
ad = AuthData},
State) ->
#'AuthenticationHeader'{secParmIndex = tr_SecurityParmIndex(SPI, State),
seqNum = tr_SequenceNum(SN, State),
ad = tr_AuthData(AuthData, State)}.
tr_SecurityParmIndex(SPI, State) ->
tr_HEXDIG(SPI, State, 4, 4). % BUGBUG: Mismatch between ASN.1 and ABNF
tr_SequenceNum(SN, State) ->
tr_HEXDIG(SN, State, 4, 4). % BUGBUG: Mismatch between ASN.1 and ABNF
tr_AuthData(AuthData, State) ->
tr_HEXDIG(AuthData, State, 12, 32). % BUGBUG: Mismatch between ASN.1 and ABNF
tr_Message(#'Message'{version = Version,
mId = MID,
messageBody = Body},
State) ->
#'Message'{version = tr_version(Version, State),
mId = tr_MId(MID, State),
messageBody = tr_Message_messageBody(Body, State)}.
tr_version(Version, State) ->
tr_DIGIT(Version, State, 0, 99).
tr_Message_messageBody({Tag, Val}, State) ->
Val2 =
case Tag of
messageError -> tr_ErrorDescriptor(Val, State);
transactions when is_list(Val) -> [tr_Transaction(T, State) || T <- Val]
{Tag, Val2}.
tr_MId({Tag, Val}, State) ->
Val2 =
case Tag of
ip4Address -> tr_IP4Address(Val, State);
ip6Address -> tr_IP6Address(Val, State);
domainName -> tr_DomainName(Val, State);
deviceName -> tr_PathName(Val, State);
mtpAddress -> tr_mtpAddress(Val, State)
{Tag, Val2}.
tr_mtpAddress(MtpAddr, State) ->
tr_OCTET_STRING(MtpAddr, State, 2, 4). % BUGBUG: Mismatch between ASN.1 and ABNF
tr_DomainName(#'DomainName'{name = Name,
portNumber = Port},
State) ->
Domain = #'DomainName'{name = tr_STRING(Name, State), % BUGBUG: Mismatch between ASN.1 and ABNF
portNumber = tr_opt_portNumber(Port, State)},
{domainName, Domain2} = resolve(mid, {domainName, Domain}, State, valid),
tr_IP4Address(#'IP4Address'{address = [A1, A2, A3, A4],
portNumber = Port},
State) ->
#'IP4Address'{address = [tr_V4hex(A1, State),
tr_V4hex(A2, State),
tr_V4hex(A3, State),
tr_V4hex(A4, State)],
portNumber = tr_opt_portNumber(Port, State)}.
tr_V4hex(Val, State) ->
tr_DIGIT(Val, State, 0, 255).
tr_IP6Address(_Val, _State) ->
error(ipv6_not_supported). %% BUGBUG: nyi
tr_PathName(Path, State) ->
%% BUGBUG: ["*"] NAME *("/" / "*"/ ALPHA / DIGIT /"_" / "$" )
%% BUGBUG: ["@" pathDomainName ]
Constraint = fun({deviceName, Item}) -> tr_STRING(Item, State, 1, 64) end,
resolve(mid, {deviceName, Path}, State, Constraint).
tr_Transaction({Tag, Val}, State) ->
Val2 =
case Tag of
transactionRequest -> tr_TransactionRequest(Val, State);
transactionPending -> tr_TransactionPending(Val, State);
transactionReply -> tr_TransactionReply(Val, State);
transactionResponseAck -> [tr_TransactionAck(T, State) || T <- Val];
segmentReply -> tr_SegmentReply(Val, State)
{Tag, Val2}.
tr_TransactionAck(#'TransactionAck'{firstAck = First,
lastAck = Last},
State) ->
#'TransactionAck'{firstAck = tr_TransactionId(First, State),
lastAck = tr_opt_TransactionId(Last, State)}.
tr_opt_TransactionId(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_TransactionId(Id, State) ->
tr_TransactionId(Id, State).
tr_TransactionId(Id, State) ->
tr_UINT32(Id, State).
tr_TransactionRequest(#'TransactionRequest'{transactionId = Id,
actions = Actions},
State) when is_list(Actions) ->
#'TransactionRequest'{transactionId = tr_TransactionId(Id, State),
actions = [tr_ActionRequest(ActReq, State) || ActReq <- Actions]}.
tr_TransactionPending(#'TransactionPending'{transactionId = Id},
State) ->
#'TransactionPending'{transactionId = tr_TransactionId(Id, State)}.
tr_TransactionReply(#'TransactionReply'{transactionId = Id,
immAckRequired = ImmAck,
transactionResult = TransRes,
segmentNumber = SN,
segmentationComplete = SC},
State) ->
#'TransactionReply'{transactionId = tr_TransactionId(Id, State),
immAckRequired = tr_opt_null(ImmAck, State),
transactionResult = tr_TransactionReply_transactionResult(TransRes, State),
segmentNumber = tr_opt_SegmentNumber(SN, State),
segmentationComplete = tr_opt_null(SC, State)}.
tr_opt_null(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) -> asn1_NOVALUE;
tr_opt_null('NULL', _State) -> 'NULL'.
tr_SegmentNumber(Num, State) ->
tr_UINT16(Num, State).
tr_opt_SegmentNumber(Num, State) ->
tr_opt_UINT16(Num, State).
tr_SegmentReply(#'SegmentReply'{transactionId = TID,
segmentNumber = SN,
segmentationComplete = SC}, State) ->
#'SegmentReply'{transactionId = tr_TransactionId(TID, State),
segmentNumber = tr_SegmentNumber(SN, State),
segmentationComplete = tr_opt_null(SC, State)}.
tr_TransactionReply_transactionResult({Tag, Val}, State) ->
Val2 =
case Tag of
transactionError ->
tr_ErrorDescriptor(Val, State);
actionReplies when is_list(Val) andalso (Val =/= []) ->
[tr_ActionReply(ActRep, State) || ActRep <- Val]
{Tag, Val2}.
tr_opt_ErrorDescriptor(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_ErrorDescriptor(ErrDesc, State) ->
tr_ErrorDescriptor(ErrDesc, State).
tr_ErrorDescriptor(#'ErrorDescriptor'{errorCode = Code,
errorText = Text},
State) ->
#'ErrorDescriptor'{errorCode = tr_ErrorCode(Code, State),
errorText = tr_opt_ErrorText(Text, State)}.
tr_ErrorCode(Code, State) ->
tr_DIGIT(Code, State, 0, 999).
tr_opt_ErrorText(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_ErrorText(Text, State) ->
tr_QUOTED_STRING(Text, State).
tr_ContextID(CtxId, State) ->
case CtxId of
?megaco_all_context_id -> ?megaco_all_context_id;
?megaco_null_context_id -> ?megaco_null_context_id;
?megaco_choose_context_id -> ?megaco_choose_context_id;
Int when is_integer(Int) -> tr_UINT32(Int, State)
tr_ActionRequest(#'ActionRequest'{contextId = CtxId,
contextRequest = CtxReq,
contextAttrAuditReq = CtxAuditReq,
commandRequests = CmdReqList},
State) ->
#'ActionRequest'{contextId = tr_ContextID(CtxId, State),
contextRequest = tr_opt_ContextRequest(CtxReq, State),
contextAttrAuditReq = tr_opt_ContextAttrAuditRequest(CtxAuditReq, State),
commandRequests = [tr_CommandRequest(CmdReq, State) || CmdReq <- CmdReqList]}.
tr_ActionReply(#'ActionReply'{contextId = CtxId,
errorDescriptor = ErrDesc,
contextReply = CtxRep,
commandReply = CmdRepList},
State) ->
CmdRepList2 = [tr_CommandReply(CmdRep, State) || CmdRep <- CmdRepList],
#'ActionReply'{contextId = tr_ContextID(CtxId, State),
errorDescriptor = tr_opt_ErrorDescriptor(ErrDesc, State),
contextReply = tr_opt_ContextRequest(CtxRep, State),
commandReply = CmdRepList2}.
tr_opt_ContextRequest(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_ContextRequest(CR, State) ->
tr_ContextRequest(CR, State).
tr_ContextRequest(#'ContextRequest'{priority = Prio,
emergency = Em,
topologyReq = TopReqList,
iepscallind = Ind,
contextProp = CtxProps,
contextList = CtxList},
State) ->
Prio2 =
case Prio of
asn1_NOVALUE -> asn1_NOVALUE;
_ -> tr_integer(Prio, State, 0, 15)
Em2 =
case Em of
asn1_NOVALUE -> asn1_NOVALUE;
false -> false;
true -> true
TopReqList2 =
case TopReqList of
asn1_NOVALUE -> asn1_NOVALUE;
_ -> [tr_TopologyRequest(TopReq, State) ||
TopReq <- TopReqList]
Ind2 =
case Ind of
asn1_NOVALUE -> asn1_NOVALUE;
false -> false;
true -> true
CtxProps2 =
case CtxProps of
asn1_NOVALUE -> asn1_NOVALUE;
_ -> [tr_PropertyParm(Prop, State) || Prop <- CtxProps]
CtxList2 =
case CtxList of
asn1_NOVALUE -> asn1_NOVALUE;
_ -> [tr_ContextID(Id, State) || Id <- CtxList]
#'ContextRequest'{priority = Prio2,
emergency = Em2,
topologyReq = TopReqList2,
iepscallind = Ind2,
contextProp = CtxProps2,
contextList = CtxList2}.
tr_opt_ContextAttrAuditRequest(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_ContextAttrAuditRequest(CAAR, State) ->
tr_ContextAttrAuditRequest(CAAR, State).
tr_ContextAttrAuditRequest(#'ContextAttrAuditRequest'{topology = Top,
emergency = Em,
priority = Prio,
iepscallind = Ind,
contextPropAud = Props,
selectpriority = SPrio,
selectemergency = SEm,
selectiepscallind = SInd,
selectLogic = SLog},
State) ->
Top2 = tr_opt_null(Top, State),
Em2 = tr_opt_null(Em, State),
Prio2 = tr_opt_null(Prio, State),
Ind2 = tr_opt_null(Ind, State),
Props2 =
case Props of
asn1_NOVALUE ->
_ ->
[tr_indAudPropertyParm(Prop, State) || Prop <- Props]
SPrio2 =
case SPrio of
asn1_NOVALUE -> asn1_NOVALUE;
_ -> tr_integer(SPrio, State, 0, 15)
SEm2 =
case SEm of
asn1_NOVALUE -> asn1_NOVALUE;
false -> false;
true -> true
SInd2 =
case SInd of
asn1_NOVALUE -> asn1_NOVALUE;
false -> false;
true -> true
SLog2 =
case SLog of
asn1_NOVALUE -> asn1_NOVALUE;
_ -> tr_SelectLogic(SLog, State)
#'ContextAttrAuditRequest'{topology = Top2,
emergency = Em2,
priority = Prio2,
iepscallind = Ind2,
contextPropAud = Props2,
selectpriority = SPrio2,
selectemergency = SEm2,
selectiepscallind = SInd2,
selectLogic = SLog2}.
tr_SelectLogic({andAUDITSelect, 'NULL'} = Val, _State) ->
tr_SelectLogic({orAUDITSelect, 'NULL'} = Val, _State) ->
tr_CommandRequest(#'CommandRequest'{command = Cmd,
optional = Opt,
wildcardReturn = Wild},
State) ->
#'CommandRequest'{optional = tr_opt_null(Opt, State),
wildcardReturn = tr_opt_null(Wild, State),
command = tr_Command(Cmd, State)}.
tr_Command({Tag, Val}, State) ->
Val2 =
case Tag of
addReq -> tr_AmmRequest(Val, State);
moveReq -> tr_AmmRequest(Val, State);
modReq -> tr_AmmRequest(Val, State);
subtractReq -> tr_SubtractRequest(Val, State);
auditCapRequest -> tr_AuditRequest(Val, State);
auditValueRequest -> tr_AuditRequest(Val, State);
notifyReq -> tr_NotifyRequest(Val, State);
serviceChangeReq -> tr_ServiceChangeRequest(Val, State)
{Tag, Val2}.
tr_CommandReply({Tag, Val}, State) ->
Val2 =
case Tag of
addReply -> tr_AmmsReply(Val, State);
moveReply -> tr_AmmsReply(Val, State);
modReply -> tr_AmmsReply(Val, State);
subtractReply -> tr_AmmsReply(Val, State);
auditCapReply -> tr_AuditReply(Val, State);
auditValueReply -> tr_AuditReply(Val, State);
notifyReply -> tr_NotifyReply(Val, State);
serviceChangeReply -> tr_ServiceChangeReply(Val, State)
{Tag, Val2}.
tr_TopologyRequest(#'TopologyRequest'{terminationFrom = From,
terminationTo = To,
topologyDirection = Dir,
streamID = SID,
topologyDirectionExtension = TDE},
State) ->
Dir2 =
case Dir of
bothway -> bothway;
isolate -> isolate;
oneway -> oneway
TDE2 =
case TDE of
onewayexternal -> onewayexternal;
onewayboth -> onewayboth;
asn1_NOVALUE -> asn1_NOVALUE
#'TopologyRequest'{terminationFrom = tr_TerminationID(From, State),
terminationTo = tr_TerminationID(To, State),
topologyDirection = Dir2,
streamID = tr_opt_StreamID(SID, State),
topologyDirectionExtension = TDE2}.
tr_AmmRequest(#'AmmRequest'{terminationID = IdList,
descriptors = DescList},
State) ->
#'AmmRequest'{terminationID = [tr_TerminationID(Id, State) ||
Id <- IdList],
descriptors = tr_ammDescriptors(DescList, [], State)}.
tr_ammDescriptors([], Acc, _State) ->
tr_ammDescriptors([Desc|Descs], Acc, State) ->
case tr_ammDescriptor(Desc, State) of
{_, deprecated} when State#state.mode =:= encode ->
error({deprecated, Desc});
{_, deprecated} when State#state.mode =:= decode ->
tr_ammDescriptors(Descs, Acc, State);
{_, deprecated} ->
tr_ammDescriptors(Descs, Acc, State);
NewDesc ->
tr_ammDescriptors(Descs, [NewDesc|Acc], State)
tr_ammDescriptor({Tag, Desc}, State) ->
Desc2 =
case Tag of
mediaDescriptor -> tr_MediaDescriptor(Desc, State);
modemDescriptor -> tr_ModemDescriptor(Desc, State);
muxDescriptor -> tr_MuxDescriptor(Desc, State);
eventsDescriptor -> tr_EventsDescriptor(Desc, State);
eventBufferDescriptor -> tr_EventBufferDescriptor(Desc, State);
signalsDescriptor -> tr_SignalsDescriptor(Desc, State);
digitMapDescriptor -> tr_DigitMapDescriptor(Desc, State);
auditDescriptor -> tr_AuditDescriptor(Desc, State);
statisticsDescriptor -> tr_StatisticsDescriptor(Desc, State)
{Tag, Desc2}.
tr_AmmsReply(#'AmmsReply'{terminationID = IdList,
terminationAudit = TermAudit},
State) ->
TermAudit2 =
case TermAudit of
asn1_NOVALUE -> asn1_NOVALUE;
_ -> tr_TerminationAudit(TermAudit, State)
#'AmmsReply'{terminationID = [tr_TerminationID(Id, State) ||
Id <- IdList],
terminationAudit = TermAudit2}.
tr_SubtractRequest(#'SubtractRequest'{terminationID = IdList,
auditDescriptor = Desc},
State) ->
#'SubtractRequest'{terminationID = [tr_TerminationID(Id, State) ||
Id <- IdList],
auditDescriptor = tr_opt_AuditDescriptor(Desc, State)}.
tr_AuditRequest(#'AuditRequest'{terminationID = Id,
auditDescriptor = Desc,
terminationIDList = TIDList},
State) ->
TIDList2 =
case TIDList of
asn1_NOVALUE -> asn1_NOVALUE;
_ -> [tr_TerminationID(TID, State) || TID <- TIDList]
#'AuditRequest'{terminationID = tr_TerminationID(Id, State),
auditDescriptor = tr_AuditDescriptor(Desc, State),
terminationIDList = TIDList2}.
%% auditReply = (AuditValueToken / AuditCapToken )
%% ( contextTerminationAudit / auditOther)
%% auditOther = EQUAL TerminationID LBRKT
%% terminationAudit RBRKT
%% terminationAudit = auditReturnParameter *(COMMA auditReturnParameter)
%% contextTerminationAudit = EQUAL CtxToken ( terminationIDList /
%% LBRKT errorDescriptor RBRKT )
tr_AuditReply({Tag, Val}, State) ->
Val2 =
case Tag of
contextAuditResult ->
[tr_TerminationID(Id, State) || Id <- Val];
error ->
tr_ErrorDescriptor(Val, State);
auditResult ->
tr_AuditResult(Val, State);
auditResultTermList ->
tr_TermListAuditResult(Val, State)
{Tag, Val2}.
tr_AuditResult(#'AuditResult'{terminationID = Id,
terminationAuditResult = AuditRes},
State) ->
#'AuditResult'{terminationID = tr_TerminationID(Id, State),
terminationAuditResult = tr_TerminationAudit(AuditRes, State)}.
#'TermListAuditResult'{terminationIDList = TIDList,
terminationAuditResult = TAR},
State) ->
TIDList2 = [tr_TerminationID(TID, State) || TID <- TIDList],
TAR2 = tr_TerminationAudit(TAR, State),
#'TermListAuditResult'{terminationIDList = TIDList2,
terminationAuditResult = TAR2}.
tr_opt_AuditDescriptor(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_AuditDescriptor(Desc, State) ->
tr_AuditDescriptor(Desc, State).
%% With this construction it is possible to have both auditToken
%% and auditPropertyToken, but it is actually valid?
tr_AuditDescriptor(#'AuditDescriptor'{auditToken = Tokens,
auditPropertyToken = APTs},
State) ->
Tokens2 =
case Tokens of
asn1_NOVALUE -> asn1_NOVALUE;
_ -> [tr_auditItem(Token, State) || Token <- Tokens]
%% v2
APTs2 =
case APTs of
asn1_NOVALUE ->
_ ->
[tr_indAuditParameter(APT, State) || APT <- APTs]
#'AuditDescriptor'{auditToken = Tokens2,
auditPropertyToken = APTs2}.
tr_auditItem(Token, _State) ->
case Token of
muxToken -> muxToken;
modemToken -> modemToken;
mediaToken -> mediaToken;
eventsToken -> eventsToken;
signalsToken -> signalsToken;
digitMapToken -> digitMapToken;
statsToken -> statsToken;
observedEventsToken -> observedEventsToken;
packagesToken -> packagesToken;
eventBufferToken -> eventBufferToken
%% --- v2 begin ---
tr_indAuditParameter({Tag, Val}, State) ->
Val2 =
case Tag of
indAudMediaDescriptor ->
tr_indAudMediaDescriptor(Val, State);
indAudEventsDescriptor ->
tr_indAudEventsDescriptor(Val, State);
indAudSignalsDescriptor ->
tr_indAudSignalsDescriptor(Val, State);
indAudDigitMapDescriptor ->
tr_indAudDigitMapDescriptor(Val, State);
indAudEventBufferDescriptor ->
tr_indAudEventBufferDescriptor(Val, State);
indAudStatisticsDescriptor ->
tr_indAudStatisticsDescriptor(Val, State);
indAudPackagesDescriptor ->
tr_indAudPackagesDescriptor(Val, State)
{Tag, Val2}.
%% -
tr_indAudMediaDescriptor(#'IndAudMediaDescriptor'{termStateDescr = TSD,
streams = S},
State) ->
TSD2 =
case TSD of
asn1_NOVALUE ->
_ ->
tr_indAudTerminationStateDescriptor(TSD, State)
S2 =
case S of
asn1_NOVALUE ->
{oneStream, OS} ->
{oneStream, tr_indAudStreamParms(OS, State)};
{multiStream, MS} ->
MS2 = [tr_indAudStreamDescriptor(MS1, State) || MS1 <- MS],
{multiStream, MS2}
#'IndAudMediaDescriptor'{termStateDescr = TSD2,
streams = S2}.
tr_indAudTerminationStateDescriptor(Val, State)
when is_record(Val, 'IndAudTerminationStateDescriptor') ->
#'IndAudTerminationStateDescriptor'{propertyParms = Parms,
eventBufferControl = EBC,
serviceState = SS,
serviceStateSel = SSS} = Val,
Parms2 = [tr_indAudPropertyParm(Parm, State) || Parm <- Parms],
EBC2 = tr_opt_null(EBC, State),
SS2 = tr_opt_null(SS, State),
SSS2 = tr_opt_ServiceState(SSS, State),
#'IndAudTerminationStateDescriptor'{propertyParms = Parms2,
eventBufferControl = EBC2,
serviceState = SS2,
serviceStateSel = SSS2}.
tr_indAudStreamParms(#'IndAudStreamParms'{localControlDescriptor = LCD,
localDescriptor = LD,
remoteDescriptor = RD,
statisticsDescriptor = SD},
State) ->
LCD2 =
case LCD of
asn1_NOVALUE ->
_ ->
tr_indAudLocalControlDescriptor(LCD, State)
LD2 =
case LD of
asn1_NOVALUE ->
_ ->
tr_indAudLocalRemoteDescriptor(LD, State)
RD2 =
case RD of
asn1_NOVALUE ->
_ ->
tr_indAudLocalRemoteDescriptor(RD, State)
SD2 =
case SD of
asn1_NOVALUE ->
_ ->
tr_indAudStatisticsDescriptor(SD, State)
#'IndAudStreamParms'{localControlDescriptor = LCD2,
localDescriptor = LD2,
remoteDescriptor = RD2,
statisticsDescriptor = SD2}.
tr_indAudLocalControlDescriptor(Val, State)
when is_record(Val, 'IndAudLocalControlDescriptor') ->
#'IndAudLocalControlDescriptor'{streamMode = M,
reserveValue = V,
reserveGroup = G,
propertyParms = P,
streamModeSel = SMS} = Val,
M2 = tr_opt_null(M, State),
V2 = tr_opt_null(V, State),
G2 = tr_opt_null(G, State),
P2 = tr_indAudLocalControlDescriptor_propertyParms(P, State),
SMS2 = tr_opt_StreamMode(SMS, State),
#'IndAudLocalControlDescriptor'{streamMode = M2,
reserveValue = V2,
reserveGroup = G2,
propertyParms = P2,
streamModeSel = SMS2}.
tr_indAudLocalControlDescriptor_propertyParms(Parms, State)
when is_list(Parms) andalso (length(Parms) > 0) ->
[tr_indAudPropertyParm(Parm, State) || Parm <- Parms];
tr_indAudLocalControlDescriptor_propertyParms(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_indAudLocalRemoteDescriptor(#'IndAudLocalRemoteDescriptor'{propGroupID = ID,
propGrps = Grps},
State) ->
#'IndAudLocalRemoteDescriptor'{propGroupID = tr_opt_UINT16(ID, State),
propGrps = tr_indAudPropertyGroup(Grps,
tr_indAudPropertyGroup(Grps, State) when is_list(Grps) ->
[tr_indAudPropertyParm(Parm, State) || Parm <- Grps].
tr_indAudPropertyParm(#'IndAudPropertyParm'{name = Name0,
propertyParms = Prop0}, State) ->
Constraint = fun(Item) -> tr_PkgdName(Item, State) end,
Name = resolve(property, Name0, State, Constraint),
Prop =
case Prop0 of
asn1_NOVALUE -> asn1_NOVALUE;
_ -> tr_PropertyParm(Prop0, State)
#'IndAudPropertyParm'{name = Name,
propertyParms = Prop}.
tr_indAudStreamDescriptor(#'IndAudStreamDescriptor'{streamID = ID,
streamParms = Parms},
State) ->
#'IndAudStreamDescriptor'{streamID = tr_StreamID(ID, State),
streamParms = tr_indAudStreamParms(Parms,
%% -
tr_indAudEventsDescriptor(#'IndAudEventsDescriptor'{requestID = RID,
pkgdName = Name0,
streamID = SID},
State) ->
Constraint = fun(Item) -> tr_PkgdName(Item, State) end,
Name = resolve(event, Name0, State, Constraint),
#'IndAudEventsDescriptor'{requestID = tr_opt_RequestID(RID, State),
pkgdName = Name,
streamID = tr_opt_StreamID(SID, State)}.
%% -
tr_indAudSignalsDescriptor({Tag, Val}, State) ->
case Tag of
signal ->
{signal, tr_indAudSignal(Val, State)};
seqSigList ->
{seqSigList, tr_indAudSeqSigList(Val, State)}
tr_opt_indAudSignal(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_indAudSignal(Val, State) ->
tr_indAudSignal(Val, State).
tr_indAudSignal(#'IndAudSignal'{signalName = Name0,
streamID = SID,
signalRequestID = RID}, State) ->
Constraint = fun(Item) -> tr_PkgdName(Item, State) end,
Name = resolve(signal, Name0, State, Constraint),
#'IndAudSignal'{signalName = Name,
streamID = tr_opt_StreamID(SID, State),
signalRequestID = tr_opt_RequestID(RID, State)}.
tr_indAudSeqSigList(#'IndAudSeqSigList'{id = ID,
signalList = SigList}, State) ->
#'IndAudSeqSigList'{id = tr_integer(ID, State, 0, 65535),
signalList = tr_opt_indAudSignal(SigList, State)}.
%% -
tr_indAudDigitMapDescriptor(#'IndAudDigitMapDescriptor'{digitMapName = Name},
State) ->
#'IndAudDigitMapDescriptor'{digitMapName =
tr_opt_DigitMapName(Name, State)}.
%% -
tr_indAudEventBufferDescriptor(#'IndAudEventBufferDescriptor'{eventName = N,
streamID = SID},
State) ->
?d("tr_indAudEventBufferDescriptor -> entry with"
"~n N: ~p"
"~n SID: ~p", [N, SID]),
Constraint = fun(Item) -> tr_PkgdName(Item, State) end,
Name = resolve(event, N, State, Constraint),
?d("tr_indAudEventBufferDescriptor -> entry with"
"~n Name: ~p", [Name]),
#'IndAudEventBufferDescriptor'{eventName = Name,
streamID = tr_opt_StreamID(SID, State)}.
%% -
tr_indAudStatisticsDescriptor(#'IndAudStatisticsDescriptor'{statName = N},
State) ->
?d("tr_indAudEventBufferDescriptor -> entry with"
"~n N: ~p", [N]),
Constraint = fun(Item) -> tr_PkgdName(Item, State) end,
Name = resolve(statistics, N, State, Constraint),
#'IndAudStatisticsDescriptor'{statName = Name}.
%% -
tr_indAudPackagesDescriptor(#'IndAudPackagesDescriptor'{packageName = N,
packageVersion = V},
State) ->
?d("tr_indAudPackagesDescriptor -> entry with"
"~n N: ~p"
"~n V: ~p", [N, V]),
Constraint = fun(Item) -> tr_Name(Item, State) end,
Name = resolve(package, N, State, Constraint),
?d("tr_indAudPackagesDescriptor -> entry with"
"~n Name: ~p", [Name]),
#'IndAudPackagesDescriptor'{packageName = Name,
packageVersion = tr_integer(V, State, 0, 99)}.
%% -- v2 end --
tr_TerminationAudit(ParmList, State) when is_list(ParmList) ->
do_tr_TerminationAudit(ParmList, [], State).
do_tr_TerminationAudit([], Acc, _State) ->
do_tr_TerminationAudit([Parm|ParmList], Acc, State) ->
case tr_AuditReturnParameter(Parm, State) of
{_, deprecated} when State#state.mode =:= encode ->
error({deprecated, Parm});
{_, deprecated} when State#state.mode =:= decode ->
do_tr_TerminationAudit(ParmList, Acc, State);
{_, deprecated} ->
do_tr_TerminationAudit(ParmList, Acc, State);
NewParm ->
do_tr_TerminationAudit(ParmList, [NewParm|Acc], State)
tr_AuditReturnParameter({Tag, Val}, State) ->
Val2 =
case Tag of
errorDescriptor ->
tr_ErrorDescriptor(Val, State);
mediaDescriptor ->
tr_MediaDescriptor(Val, State);
modemDescriptor ->
tr_ModemDescriptor(Val, State);
muxDescriptor ->
tr_MuxDescriptor(Val, State);
eventsDescriptor ->
tr_EventsDescriptor(Val, State);
eventBufferDescriptor ->
tr_EventBufferDescriptor(Val, State);
signalsDescriptor ->
tr_SignalsDescriptor(Val, State);
digitMapDescriptor ->
tr_DigitMapDescriptor(Val, State);
observedEventsDescriptor ->
tr_ObservedEventsDescriptor(Val, State);
statisticsDescriptor ->
tr_StatisticsDescriptor(Val, State);
packagesDescriptor ->
tr_PackagesDescriptor(Val, State);
emptyDescriptors ->
tr_EmptyDescriptors(Val, State)
{Tag, Val2}.
tr_EmptyDescriptors(#'AuditDescriptor'{auditToken = Tokens},
State) ->
Tokens2 =
case Tokens of
asn1_NOVALUE -> asn1_NOVALUE;
_ -> [tr_auditItem(Token, State) || Token <- Tokens]
#'AuditDescriptor'{auditToken = Tokens2}.
tr_NotifyRequest(#'NotifyRequest'{terminationID = IdList,
observedEventsDescriptor = ObsDesc,
errorDescriptor = ErrDesc},
State) ->
%% BUGBUG: Mismatch between ASN.1 and ABNF
%% BUGBUG: The following ought to be a 'choice'
#'NotifyRequest'{terminationID = [tr_TerminationID(Id, State) ||
Id <- IdList],
observedEventsDescriptor = tr_ObservedEventsDescriptor(ObsDesc, State),
errorDescriptor = tr_opt_ErrorDescriptor(ErrDesc, State)}.
tr_NotifyReply(#'NotifyReply'{terminationID = IdList,
errorDescriptor = ErrDesc},
State) ->
#'NotifyReply'{terminationID = [tr_TerminationID(Id, State) || Id <- IdList],
errorDescriptor = tr_opt_ErrorDescriptor(ErrDesc, State)}.
tr_ObservedEventsDescriptor(#'ObservedEventsDescriptor'{requestId = Id,
observedEventLst = Events},
State) when is_list (Events) ->
#'ObservedEventsDescriptor'{requestId = tr_RequestID(Id, State),
observedEventLst = [tr_ObservedEvent(E, State) || E <- Events]}.
%% ;time per event, because it might be buffered
%% observedEvent = [ TimeStamp LWSP COLON] LWSP
%% pkgdName [ LBRKT observedEventParameter
%% *(COMMA observedEventParameter) RBRKT ]
%% ;at-most-once eventStream, every eventParameterName at most once
%% observedEventParameter = eventStream / eventOther
tr_ObservedEvent(#'ObservedEvent'{eventName = Name,
streamID = Id,
eventParList = Parms,
timeNotation = Time},
State) ->
#'ObservedEvent'{eventName = tr_EventName(Name, State),
streamID = tr_opt_StreamID(Id, State),
eventParList = [tr_EventParameter(P, Name, State) || P <- Parms],
timeNotation = tr_opt_TimeNotation(Time, State)}.
tr_EventName(Name, State) ->
Constraint = fun(Item) -> tr_PkgdName(Item, State) end,
resolve(event, Name, State, Constraint).
tr_EventParameter(#'EventParameter'{eventParameterName = ParName,
value = Value,
extraInfo = Extra},
State) ->
%% BUGBUG: event parameter name
Constraint = fun(Item) -> tr_Name(Item, State) end,
N = resolve({event_parameter, EventName}, ParName, State, Constraint),
#'EventParameter'{eventParameterName = N,
value = tr_Value(Value, State),
extraInfo = tr_opt_extraInfo(Extra, State)}.
tr_ServiceChangeRequest(#'ServiceChangeRequest'{terminationID = IdList,
serviceChangeParms = Parms},
State) ->
#'ServiceChangeRequest'{terminationID = [tr_TerminationID(Id, State) || Id <- IdList],
serviceChangeParms = tr_ServiceChangeParm(Parms, State)}.
%% serviceChangeReply = ServiceChangeToken EQUAL TerminationID
%% [LBRKT (errorDescriptor /
%% serviceChangeReplyDescriptor) RBRKT]
%% serviceChangeReplyDescriptor = ServicesToken LBRKT
%% servChgReplyParm *(COMMA servChgReplyParm) RBRKT
%% ;at-most-once. Version is REQUIRED on first ServiceChange response
%% servChgReplyParm = (serviceChangeAddress / serviceChangeMgcId /
%% serviceChangeProfile / serviceChangeVersion )
tr_ServiceChangeReply(#'ServiceChangeReply'{terminationID = IdList,
serviceChangeResult = Res},
State) ->
#'ServiceChangeReply'{terminationID = [tr_TerminationID(Id, State) || Id <- IdList],
serviceChangeResult = tr_ServiceChangeResult(Res, State)}.
tr_ServiceChangeResult({Tag, Val}, State) ->
Val2 =
case Tag of
errorDescriptor -> tr_ErrorDescriptor(Val, State);
serviceChangeResParms -> tr_ServiceChangeResParm(Val, State)
{Tag, Val2}.
%% TerminationID = "ROOT" / pathNAME / "$" / "*"
%% ; Total length of pathNAME must not exceed 64 chars.
%% pathNAME = ["*"] NAME *("/" / "*"/ ALPHA / DIGIT /"_" / "$" )
%% ["@" pathDomainName ]
tr_TerminationID(TermId, State) when State#state.mode =/= verify ->
resolve(term_id, TermId, State, valid);
tr_TerminationID(#'TerminationID'{wildcard = Wild,
id = Id},
_State) ->
#'TerminationID'{wildcard = Wild,
id = Id};
tr_TerminationID(#megaco_term_id{contains_wildcards = IsWild,
id = Id},
State) ->
#megaco_term_id{contains_wildcards = tr_bool(IsWild, State),
id = [tr_term_id_component(Sub, State) || Sub <- Id]}.
tr_opt_bool(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) -> asn1_NOVALUE;
tr_opt_bool(Bool, State) -> tr_bool(Bool, State).
tr_bool(true, _State) -> true;
tr_bool(false, _State) -> false.
tr_term_id_component(Sub, _State) ->
case Sub of
all -> all;
choose -> choose;
Char when is_integer(Char) -> Char
%% mediaDescriptor = MediaToken LBRKT mediaParm *(COMMA mediaParm) RBRKT
%% ; at-most-once per item
%% ; and either streamParm or streamDescriptor but not both
%% mediaParm = (streamParm / streamDescriptor /
%% terminationStateDescriptor)
%% ; at-most-once
%% streamParm = ( localDescriptor / remoteDescriptor /
%% localControlDescriptor )
%% streamDescriptor = StreamToken EQUAL StreamID LBRKT streamParm
%% *(COMMA streamParm) RBRKT
tr_MediaDescriptor(#'MediaDescriptor'{termStateDescr = TermState,
streams = Streams},
State) ->
#'MediaDescriptor'{termStateDescr = tr_opt_TerminationStateDescriptor(TermState, State),
streams = tr_opt_streams(Streams, State)}.
tr_opt_streams(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_streams({Tag, Val}, State) ->
Val2 =
case Tag of
oneStream -> tr_StreamParms(Val, State);
multiStream -> [tr_StreamDescriptor(SD, State) || SD <- Val]
{Tag, Val2}.
tr_StreamParms(#'StreamParms'{localControlDescriptor = LCD,
localDescriptor = LD,
remoteDescriptor = RD,
statisticsDescriptor = SD},
State) ->
LCD2 = tr_opt_LocalControlDescriptor(LCD, State),
LD2 = tr_opt_LocalRemoteDescriptor(LD, State),
RD2 = tr_opt_LocalRemoteDescriptor(RD, State),
SD2 = tr_opt_StatisticsDescriptor(SD, State),
#'StreamParms'{localControlDescriptor = LCD2,
localDescriptor = LD2,
remoteDescriptor = RD2,
statisticsDescriptor = SD2}.
tr_StreamDescriptor(#'StreamDescriptor'{streamID = Id,
streamParms = Parms},
State) ->
#'StreamDescriptor'{streamID = tr_StreamID(Id, State),
streamParms = tr_StreamParms(Parms, State)}.
%% localControlDescriptor = LocalControlToken LBRKT localParm
%% *(COMMA localParm) RBRKT
%% ; at-most-once per item
%% localParm = ( streamMode / propertyParm /
%% reservedValueMode / reservedGroupMode )
%% reservedValueMode = ReservedValueToken EQUAL ( "ON" / "OFF" )
%% reservedGroupMode = ReservedGroupToken EQUAL ( "ON" / "OFF" )
%% reservedMode = ReservedToken EQUAL ( "ON" / "OFF" )
%% streamMode = ModeToken EQUAL streamModes
tr_opt_LocalControlDescriptor(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_LocalControlDescriptor(#'LocalControlDescriptor'{streamMode = Mode,
reserveGroup = Group,
reserveValue = Value,
propertyParms = Props},
State) ->
#'LocalControlDescriptor'{streamMode = tr_opt_StreamMode(Mode, State),
reserveGroup = tr_opt_bool(Group, State),
reserveValue = tr_opt_bool(Value, State),
propertyParms = [tr_PropertyParm(P, State) || P <- Props]}.
tr_opt_StreamMode(Mode, _State) ->
case Mode of
asn1_NOVALUE -> asn1_NOVALUE;
sendOnly -> sendOnly;
recvOnly -> recvOnly;
sendRecv -> sendRecv;
inactive -> inactive;
loopBack -> loopBack
tr_Name(Name, State) ->
%% BUGBUG: transform
tr_STRING(Name, State, 2, 2).
tr_PkgdName(Name, State) ->
%% BUGBUG: transform
%% BUGBUG: pkgdName = (NAME / "*") SLASH (ItemID / "*" )
tr_OCTET_STRING(Name, State, 4, 4).
%% When text encoding the protocol, the descriptors consist of session
%% descriptions as defined in SDP (RFC2327), except that the "s=", "t="
%% and "o=" lines are optional. When multiple session descriptions are
%% provided in one descriptor, the "v=" lines are required as delimiters;
%% otherwise they are optional. Implementations shall accept session
%% descriptions that are fully conformant to RFC2327. When binary
%% encoding the protocol the descriptor consists of groups of properties
%% (tag-value pairs) as specified in Annex C. Each such group may
%% contain the parameters of a session description.
tr_opt_LocalRemoteDescriptor(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_LocalRemoteDescriptor(#'LocalRemoteDescriptor'{propGrps = Groups},
State) ->
#'LocalRemoteDescriptor'{propGrps = [tr_PropertyGroup(G, State) || G <- Groups]}.
tr_PropertyGroup(Props, State) ->
[tr_PropertyGroupParm(P, State) || P <- Props].
tr_PropertyGroupParm(#'PropertyParm'{name = Name,
value = Value},
State) ->
Constraint = fun(Item) -> tr_PkgdName(Item, State) end,
#'PropertyParm'{name = resolve(property, Name, State, Constraint),
value = tr_OCTET_STRING(Value, State, 0, infinity)}.
tr_PropertyParm(#'PropertyParm'{name = Name,
value = Value,
extraInfo = Extra},
State) ->
Constraint = fun(Item) -> tr_PkgdName(Item, State) end,
#'PropertyParm'{name = resolve(property, Name, State, Constraint),
value = tr_Value(Value, State),
extraInfo = tr_opt_extraInfo(Extra, State)}.
tr_opt_extraInfo(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_extraInfo({relation, Rel}, _State) ->
Rel2 =
case Rel of
greaterThan -> greaterThan;
smallerThan -> smallerThan;
unequalTo -> unequalTo
{relation, Rel2};
tr_opt_extraInfo({range, Range}, State) ->
Range2 = tr_bool(Range, State),
{range, Range2};
tr_opt_extraInfo({sublist, Sub}, State) ->
Sub2 = tr_bool(Sub, State),
{sublist, Sub2}.
tr_opt_TerminationStateDescriptor(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_TerminationStateDescriptor(#'TerminationStateDescriptor'{propertyParms = Props,
eventBufferControl = Control,
serviceState = Service},
State) ->
#'TerminationStateDescriptor'{propertyParms = [tr_PropertyParm(P, State) || P <- Props],
eventBufferControl = tr_opt_EventBufferControl(Control, State),
serviceState = tr_opt_ServiceState(Service, State)}.
tr_opt_EventBufferControl(Control, _State) ->
case Control of
asn1_NOVALUE -> asn1_NOVALUE;
off -> off;
lockStep -> lockStep
tr_opt_ServiceState(Service, _State) ->
case Service of
asn1_NOVALUE -> asn1_NOVALUE;
test -> test;
outOfSvc -> outOfSvc;
inSvc -> inSvc
tr_MuxDescriptor(#'MuxDescriptor'{muxType = Type,
termList = IdList},
State) ->
#'MuxDescriptor'{muxType = tr_MuxType(Type, State),
termList = [tr_TerminationID(Id, State) || Id <- IdList]}.
tr_MuxType(Type, _State) ->
case Type of
h221 -> h221;
h223 -> h223;
h226 -> h226;
v76 -> v76
tr_opt_StreamID(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_StreamID(Id, State) ->
tr_StreamID(Id, State).
tr_StreamID(Id, State) ->
tr_UINT16(Id, State).
tr_EventsDescriptor(#'EventsDescriptor'{requestID = Id,
eventList = Events},
State) ->
#'EventsDescriptor'{requestID = tr_opt_RequestID(Id, State),
eventList = [tr_RequestedEvent(E, State) || E <- Events]}.
tr_RequestedEvent(#'RequestedEvent'{pkgdName = Name,
streamID = Id,
evParList = Parms,
eventAction = Actions},
State) ->
Constraint = fun(Item) -> tr_PkgdName(Item, State) end,
#'RequestedEvent'{pkgdName = resolve(event, Name, State, Constraint),
streamID = tr_opt_StreamID(Id, State),
eventAction = tr_opt_RequestedActions(Actions, State),
evParList = [tr_EventParameter(P, Name, State) || P <- Parms]}.
#'RegulatedEmbeddedDescriptor'{secondEvent = SE,
signalsDescriptor = SD}, State) ->
SE2 = tr_opt_SecondEventsDescriptor(SE, State),
SD2 = tr_opt_SignalsDescriptor(SD, State),
#'RegulatedEmbeddedDescriptor'{secondEvent = SE2,
signalsDescriptor = SD2}.
tr_opt_NotifyBehaviour(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_NotifyBehaviour(NB, State) ->
tr_NotifyBehaviour(NB, State).
tr_NotifyBehaviour({notifyImmediate, 'NULL'} = NB, _State) ->
tr_NotifyBehaviour({notifyRegulated = Tag, Val}, State) ->
{Tag, tr_RegulatedEmbeddedDescriptor(Val, State)};
tr_NotifyBehaviour({neverNotify, 'NULL'} = NB, _State) ->
tr_opt_RequestedActions(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_RequestedActions(#'RequestedActions'{keepActive = KA,
eventDM = DM,
secondEvent = SE,
signalsDescriptor = SD,
notifyBehaviour = NB,
resetEventsDescriptor = RSD},
State) ->
KA2 = tr_opt_keepActive(KA, State),
DM2 = tr_opt_EventDM(DM, State),
SE2 = tr_opt_SecondEventsDescriptor(SE, State),
SD2 = tr_opt_SignalsDescriptor(SD, State),
NB2 = tr_opt_NotifyBehaviour(NB, State),
RSD2 = tr_opt_null(RSD, State),
#'RequestedActions'{keepActive = KA2,
eventDM = DM2,
secondEvent = SE2,
signalsDescriptor = SD2,
notifyBehaviour = NB2,
resetEventsDescriptor = RSD2}.
tr_opt_keepActive(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_keepActive(Keep, State) ->
tr_bool(Keep, State).
tr_opt_EventDM(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_EventDM({Tag, Val}, State) ->
Val2 =
case Tag of
digitMapName -> tr_DigitMapName(Val, State);
digitMapValue -> tr_DigitMapValue(Val, State)
{Tag, Val2}.
tr_opt_SecondEventsDescriptor(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_SecondEventsDescriptor(#'SecondEventsDescriptor'{requestID = Id,
eventList = Events},
State) ->
#'SecondEventsDescriptor'{requestID = tr_RequestID(Id, State), %% IG v6 6.8 withdrawn
eventList = [tr_SecondRequestedEvent(E, State) || E <- Events]}.
tr_SecondRequestedEvent(#'SecondRequestedEvent'{pkgdName = Name,
streamID = Id,
evParList = Parms,
eventAction = Actions},
State) ->
Constraint = fun(Item) -> tr_PkgdName(Item, State) end,
#'SecondRequestedEvent'{pkgdName = resolve(event, Name, State, Constraint),
streamID = tr_opt_StreamID(Id, State),
eventAction = tr_opt_SecondRequestedActions(Actions, State),
evParList = [tr_EventParameter(P, Name, State) || P <- Parms]}.
tr_opt_SecondRequestedActions(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
#'SecondRequestedActions'{keepActive = KA,
eventDM = DM,
signalsDescriptor = SD,
notifyBehaviour = NB,
resetEventsDescriptor = RSD},
State) ->
KA2 = tr_opt_keepActive(KA, State),
DM2 = tr_opt_EventDM(DM, State),
SD2 = tr_opt_SignalsDescriptor(SD, State),
NB2 = tr_opt_NotifyBehaviour(NB, State),
RSD2 = tr_opt_null(RSD, State),
#'SecondRequestedActions'{keepActive = KA2,
eventDM = DM2,
signalsDescriptor = SD2,
notifyBehaviour = NB2,
resetEventsDescriptor = RSD2}.
tr_EventBufferDescriptor(EventSpecs, State) ->
[tr_EventSpec(ES, State) || ES <- EventSpecs].
tr_EventSpec(#'EventSpec'{eventName = Name,
streamID = Id,
eventParList = Parms},
State) ->
#'EventSpec'{eventName = tr_EventName(Name, State),
streamID = tr_opt_StreamID(Id, State),
eventParList = [tr_EventParameter(P, Name, State) || P <- Parms]}.
tr_opt_SignalsDescriptor(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_SignalsDescriptor(SigDesc, State) ->
tr_SignalsDescriptor(SigDesc, State).
tr_SignalsDescriptor(SigDesc, State) when is_list(SigDesc) ->
[tr_SignalRequest(SigReq, State) || SigReq <- SigDesc].
tr_SignalRequest({Tag, Val}, State) ->
Val2 =
case Tag of
signal -> tr_Signal(Val, State);
seqSigList -> tr_SeqSigList(Val, State)
{Tag, Val2}.
tr_SeqSigList(#'SeqSigList'{id = Id,
signalList = SigList},
State) when is_list(SigList) ->
#'SeqSigList'{id = tr_UINT16(Id, State),
signalList = [tr_Signal(Sig, State) || Sig <- SigList]}.
tr_Signal(#'Signal'{signalName = Name,
streamID = SID,
sigType = Type,
duration = Dur,
notifyCompletion = Compl,
keepActive = Keep,
sigParList = Parms,
direction = Dir,
requestID = RID,
intersigDelay = ID},
State) ->
Name2 = tr_SignalName(Name, State),
SID2 = tr_opt_StreamID(SID, State),
Type2 = tr_opt_SignalType(Type, State),
Dur2 = tr_opt_UINT16(Dur, State),
Compl2 = tr_opt_NotifyCompletion(Compl, State),
Keep2 = tr_opt_keepActive(Keep, State),
Parms2 = [tr_SigParameter(P, Name, State) || P <- Parms],
Dir2 = tr_opt_SignalDirection(Dir, State),
RID2 = tr_opt_RequestID(RID, State),
ID2 = tr_opt_UINT16(ID, State),
#'Signal'{signalName = Name2,
streamID = SID2,
sigType = Type2,
duration = Dur2,
notifyCompletion = Compl2,
keepActive = Keep2,
sigParList = Parms2,
direction = Dir2,
requestID = RID2,
intersigDelay = ID2}.
tr_opt_NotifyCompletion(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_NotifyCompletion(Items, State) when is_list(Items) ->
[tr_notifyCompletionItem(I, State) || I <- Items].
tr_notifyCompletionItem(Item, _State) ->
case Item of
onTimeOut -> onTimeOut;
onInterruptByEvent -> onInterruptByEvent;
onInterruptByNewSignalDescr -> onInterruptByNewSignalDescr;
otherReason -> otherReason;
onIteration -> onIteration
tr_opt_SignalType(asn1_NOVALUE = Type, _State) ->
tr_opt_SignalType(Type, _State) ->
case Type of
brief -> brief;
onOff -> onOff;
timeOut -> timeOut
tr_opt_SignalDirection(asn1_NOVALUE = SD, _State) ->
tr_opt_SignalDirection(SD, _State) ->
case SD of
internal -> internal;
external -> external;
both -> both
tr_SignalName(Name, State) ->
Constraint = fun(Item) -> tr_PkgdName(Item, State) end,
resolve(signal, Name, State, Constraint).
tr_SigParameter(#'SigParameter'{sigParameterName = ParName,
value = Value,
extraInfo = Extra},
State) ->
Constraint = fun(Item) -> tr_Name(Item, State) end,
N = resolve({signal_parameter, SigName}, ParName, State, Constraint),
#'SigParameter'{sigParameterName = N,
value = tr_Value(Value, State),
extraInfo = tr_opt_extraInfo(Extra, State)}.
tr_opt_RequestID(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_RequestID(Id, State) ->
tr_RequestID(Id, State).
tr_RequestID(Id, _State) when Id =:= ?megaco_all_request_id ->
tr_RequestID(Id, State) ->
tr_UINT32(Id, State).
tr_ModemDescriptor(_MD, _State) ->
tr_DigitMapDescriptor(#'DigitMapDescriptor'{digitMapName = Name,
digitMapValue = Value},
State) ->
#'DigitMapDescriptor'{digitMapName = tr_opt_DigitMapName(Name, State),
digitMapValue = tr_opt_DigitMapValue(Value, State)}.
tr_opt_DigitMapName(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_DigitMapName(Name, State) ->
tr_DigitMapName(Name, State).
tr_DigitMapName(Name, State) ->
Constraint = fun(Item) -> tr_Name(Item, State) end,
resolve(dialplan, Name, State, Constraint).
tr_opt_DigitMapValue(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_DigitMapValue(Value, State) ->
tr_DigitMapValue(Value, State).
tr_DigitMapValue(#'DigitMapValue'{digitMapBody = Body,
startTimer = Start,
shortTimer = Short,
longTimer = Long},
State) ->
#'DigitMapValue'{startTimer = tr_opt_timer(Start, State),
shortTimer = tr_opt_timer(Short, State),
longTimer = tr_opt_timer(Long, State),
digitMapBody = tr_STRING(Body, State)}. %% BUGBUG: digitMapBody not handled at all
tr_opt_timer(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_timer(Timer, State) ->
tr_DIGIT(Timer, State, 0, 99).
#'ServiceChangeParm'{serviceChangeMethod = Method,
serviceChangeAddress = Addr,
serviceChangeVersion = Version,
serviceChangeProfile = Profile,
serviceChangeReason = Reason,
serviceChangeDelay = Delay,
serviceChangeMgcId = MgcId,
timeStamp = Time,
serviceChangeInfo = Info,
serviceChangeIncompleteFlag = Incomplete},
State) ->
Method2 = tr_ServiceChangeMethod(Method, State),
Addr2 = tr_opt_ServiceChangeAddress(Addr, State),
Version2 = tr_opt_serviceChangeVersion(Version, State),
Profile2 = tr_opt_ServiceChangeProfile(Profile, State),
Reason2 = tr_serviceChangeReason(Reason, State),
Delay2 = tr_opt_serviceChangeDelay(Delay, State),
MgcId2 = tr_opt_serviceChangeMgcId(MgcId, State),
Time2 = tr_opt_TimeNotation(Time, State),
Info2 = tr_opt_AuditDescriptor(Info, State),
Incomplete2 = tr_opt_null(Incomplete, State),
#'ServiceChangeParm'{serviceChangeMethod = Method2,
serviceChangeAddress = Addr2,
serviceChangeVersion = Version2,
serviceChangeProfile = Profile2,
serviceChangeReason = Reason2,
serviceChangeDelay = Delay2,
serviceChangeMgcId = MgcId2,
timeStamp = Time2,
serviceChangeInfo = Info2,
serviceChangeIncompleteFlag = Incomplete2}.
tr_ServiceChangeMethod(Method, _State) ->
case Method of
failover -> failover;
forced -> forced;
graceful -> graceful;
restart -> restart;
disconnected -> disconnected;
handOff -> handOff
end. %% BUGBUG: extension
tr_opt_ServiceChangeAddress(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_ServiceChangeAddress({Tag, Val}, State) ->
Val2 =
case Tag of
portNumber -> tr_portNumber(Val, State);
ip4Address -> tr_IP4Address(Val, State);
ip6Address -> tr_IP6Address(Val, State);
domainName -> tr_DomainName(Val, State);
deviceName -> tr_PathName(Val, State);
mtpAddress -> tr_mtpAddress(Val, State)
{Tag, Val2}.
tr_opt_serviceChangeVersion(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_serviceChangeVersion(Version, State) ->
tr_version(Version, State).
tr_opt_ServiceChangeProfile(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
%% Decode
tr_opt_ServiceChangeProfile({'ServiceChangeProfile', ProfileName}, State) ->
case string:tokens(ProfileName, "/") of
[Name0, Version0] ->
Name = tr_STRING(Name0, State, 1, 64),
Version = tr_version(list_to_integer(Version0), State),
#'ServiceChangeProfile'{profileName = Name,
version = Version}
%% Encode
tr_opt_ServiceChangeProfile(#'ServiceChangeProfile'{profileName = Name0,
version = Version0},
State) ->
Name = tr_STRING(Name0, State, 1, 64),
Version = tr_version(Version0, State),
ProfileName = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s/~w", [Name, Version])),
{'ServiceChangeProfile', ProfileName}.
tr_serviceChangeReason([_] = Reason, State) ->
tr_Value(Reason, State).
tr_opt_serviceChangeDelay(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_serviceChangeDelay(Delay, State) ->
tr_UINT32(Delay, State).
tr_opt_serviceChangeMgcId(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_serviceChangeMgcId(MgcId, State) ->
tr_MId(MgcId, State).
tr_opt_portNumber(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_portNumber(Port, State) ->
tr_portNumber(Port, State).
tr_portNumber(Port, State) when is_integer(Port) andalso (Port >= 0) ->
tr_UINT16(Port, State).
tr_ServiceChangeResParm(#'ServiceChangeResParm'{serviceChangeMgcId = MgcId,
serviceChangeAddress = Addr,
serviceChangeVersion = Version,
serviceChangeProfile = Profile,
timeStamp = Time},
State) ->
#'ServiceChangeResParm'{serviceChangeMgcId = tr_opt_serviceChangeMgcId(MgcId, State),
serviceChangeAddress = tr_opt_ServiceChangeAddress(Addr, State),
serviceChangeVersion = tr_opt_serviceChangeVersion(Version, State),
serviceChangeProfile = tr_opt_ServiceChangeProfile(Profile, State),
timeStamp = tr_opt_TimeNotation(Time, State)}.
tr_PackagesDescriptor(Items, State) when is_list(Items) ->
[tr_PackagesItem(I, State) || I <- Items].
tr_PackagesItem(#'PackagesItem'{packageName = Name,
packageVersion = Version},
State) ->
Constraint = fun(Item) -> tr_Name(Item, State) end,
#'PackagesItem'{packageName = resolve(package, Name, State, Constraint),
packageVersion = tr_UINT16(Version, State)}.
tr_opt_StatisticsDescriptor(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_StatisticsDescriptor(Parms, State) ->
tr_StatisticsDescriptor(Parms, State).
tr_StatisticsDescriptor(Parms, State) when is_list(Parms) ->
[tr_StatisticsParameter(P, State) || P <- Parms].
tr_StatisticsParameter(#'StatisticsParameter'{statName = Name,
statValue = Value},
State) ->
Constraint = fun(Item) -> tr_PkgdName(Item, State) end,
#'StatisticsParameter'{statName = resolve(statistics, Name, State, Constraint),
statValue = tr_opt_Value(Value, State)}.
tr_opt_TimeNotation(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_TimeNotation(#'TimeNotation'{date = Date,
time = Time},
State) ->
#'TimeNotation'{date = tr_STRING(Date, State, 8, 8), % "yyyymmdd"
time = tr_STRING(Time, State, 8, 8)}.% "hhmmssss"
%% BUGBUG: Does not verify that string must contain at least one char
%% BUGBUG: This violation of the is required in order to comply with
%% BUGBUG: the dd/ce ds parameter that may possibly be empty.
tr_opt_Value(asn1_NOVALUE, _State) ->
tr_opt_Value(Value, State) ->
tr_Value(Value, State).
tr_Value(Strings, _State) when is_list(Strings) ->
[[Char || Char <- String] || String <- Strings].
%% Encode an octet string, escape } by \ if necessary
tr_OCTET_STRING(String, _State, Min, Max) when is_list(String) ->
verify_count(length(String), Min, Max),
tr_QUOTED_STRING(String, _State) when is_list(String) ->
verify_count(length(String), 1, infinity),
%% The internal format of hex digits is a list of octets
%% Min and Max means #hexDigits
%% Leading zeros are prepended in order to fulfill Min
tr_HEXDIG(Octets, _State, Min, Max) when is_list(Octets) ->
verify_count(length(Octets), Min, Max),
tr_DIGIT(Val, State, Min, Max) ->
tr_integer(Val, State, Min, Max).
tr_STRING(String, _State) when is_list(String) ->
tr_STRING(String, _State, Min, Max) when is_list(String) ->
verify_count(length(String), Min, Max),
tr_opt_UINT16(Val, State) ->
tr_opt_integer(Val, State, 0, 65535).
tr_UINT16(Val, State) ->
tr_integer(Val, State, 0, 65535).
tr_UINT32(Val, State) ->
tr_integer(Val, State, 0, 4294967295).
tr_opt_integer(asn1_NOVALUE, _State, _Min, _Max) ->
tr_opt_integer(Int, State, Min, Max) ->
tr_integer(Int, State, Min, Max).
tr_integer(Int, _State, Min, Max) ->
verify_count(Int, Min, Max),
%% Verify that Count is within the range of Min and Max
verify_count(Count, Min, Max) ->
is_integer(Count) ->
is_integer(Min) andalso (Count >= Min) ->
is_integer(Max) andalso (Count =< Max) ->
Max =:= infinity ->
true ->
error({count_too_large, Count, Max})
true ->
error({count_too_small, Count, Min})
true ->
error({count_not_an_integer, Count})