%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2010. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Purpose: megaco sequence generator for the megaco test suite
%% API
start_link/1, start_link/2,
exec/2, exec/3
%% genarator behaviour callback exports
%% Megaco callback api
handle_connect/3, handle_connect/4,
handle_syntax_error/4, handle_syntax_error/5,
handle_message_error/4, handle_message_error/5,
handle_trans_request/4, handle_trans_request/5,
handle_trans_long_request/4, handle_trans_long_request/5,
handle_trans_reply/5, handle_trans_reply/6,
handle_trans_ack/5, handle_trans_ack/6,
handle_trans_request_abort/5, handle_trans_request_abort/6,
handle_unexpected_trans/4, handle_unexpected_trans/5
-define(DELIVER_MOD, megaco_test_deliver).
result = [] % Accumulated results from verification
%% API
start_link(Name) ->
megaco_test_generator:start_link(?MODULE, [], Name).
start_link(Name, Node) ->
megaco_test_generator:start_link(?MODULE, [], Name, Node).
stop(Server) ->
exec(Server, Instructions) when is_list(Instructions) ->
megaco_test_generator:exec(Server, Instructions).
exec(Server, Instructions, Timeout) when is_list(Instructions) ->
megaco_test_generator:exec(Server, Instructions, Timeout).
%% generator callback functions
init([]) ->
{ok, #state{}}.
%% ----- instruction parser -----
handle_parse({debug, Debug} = Instruction, State)
when (Debug == true) orelse (Debug == false) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({expect_nothing, To} = Instruction, State)
when is_integer(To) andalso (To > 0) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({megaco_trace, Level} = Instruction, State)
when (Level == disable) orelse
(Level == max) orelse
(Level == min) orelse
is_integer(Level) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({sleep, To} = Instruction, State)
when is_integer(To) andalso (To > 0) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse(megaco_start = Instruction, State) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse(megaco_stop = Instruction, State) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({megaco_start_user, _Mid, _RecvInfo, Conf} = Instruction, State)
when is_list(Conf) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse(megaco_stop_user = Instruction, State) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse(megaco_info = Instruction, State) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse(megaco_system_info, State) ->
Verify = fun(_) -> ok end,
Instruction = {megaco_system_info, internal_system_info_tag, Verify},
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({megaco_system_info, Tag}, State)
when is_atom(Tag) ->
Verify = fun(_) -> ok end,
Instruction = {megaco_system_info, Tag, Verify},
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({megaco_system_info, Tag, Verify} = Instruction, State)
when is_atom(Tag) andalso is_function(Verify) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({megaco_user_info, Tag} = Instruction, State)
when is_atom(Tag) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({megaco_update_user_info, Tag, _Val} = Instruction, State)
when is_atom(Tag) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({megaco_conn_info, Tag} = Instruction, State)
when is_atom(Tag) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({megaco_update_conn_info, Tag, _Val} = Instruction, State)
when is_atom(Tag) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse(start_transport = Instruction, State) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse(listen = _Instruction, State) ->
MeybeRetry = make_connect_retry_fun2(),
Instruction = {listen, [], MeybeRetry},
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({listen, Opts} = _Instruction, State)
when is_list(Opts) ->
MeybeRetry = make_connect_retry_fun2(),
Instruction = {listen, Opts, MeybeRetry},
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({listen, Opts, MeybeRetry} = Instruction, State)
when is_list(Opts) andalso is_function(MeybeRetry) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse(connect = _Instruction, State) ->
case inet:gethostname() of
{ok, LocalHost} ->
MeybeRetry = make_connect_retry_fun2(),
Instruction = {connect, LocalHost, [], MeybeRetry},
{ok, Instruction, State};
Error ->
handle_parse({connect, Opts} = _Instruction, State)
when is_list(Opts) ->
case inet:gethostname() of
{ok, LocalHost} ->
MeybeRetry = make_connect_retry_fun2(),
Instruction = {connect, LocalHost, Opts, MeybeRetry},
{ok, Instruction, State};
Error ->
handle_parse({connect, Host} = _Instruction, State)
when is_atom(Host) ->
MeybeRetry = make_connect_retry_fun2(),
Instruction = {connect, Host, [], MeybeRetry},
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({connect, Host, Opts} = _Instruction, State)
when (is_atom(Host) orelse is_list(Host)) andalso is_list(Opts) ->
MeybeRetry = make_connect_retry_fun2(),
Instruction = {connect, Host, Opts, MeybeRetry},
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({connect, Host, Opts, MeybeRetry} = Instruction, State)
when (is_atom(Host) orelse is_list(Host)) andalso
is_list(Opts) andalso
is_function(MeybeRetry) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse(disconnect = Instruction, State) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse(megaco_connect = Instruction, State) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({megaco_connect, _} = Instruction, State) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse(megaco_disconnect = Instruction, State) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({megaco_disconnect, _Reason} = Instruction, State) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({megaco_call, ARs, Opts} = Instruction, State)
when (is_list(ARs) orelse is_binary(ARs)) andalso is_list(Opts) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({megaco_call, _Mid, ARs, Opts} = Instruction, State)
when (is_list(ARs) orelse is_binary(ARs)) andalso is_list(Opts) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({megaco_cast, ARs, Opts} = Instruction, State)
when (is_list(ARs) orelse is_binary(ARs)) andalso is_list(Opts) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({megaco_cast, _Mid, ARs, Opts} = Instruction, State)
when (is_list(ARs) orelse is_binary(ARs)) andalso is_list(Opts) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({megaco_cancel, _Reason} = Instruction, State) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({megaco_callback, Tag, TimeoutOrVerify} = Instruction, State)
when (is_atom(Tag) andalso
((is_integer(TimeoutOrVerify) andalso
(TimeoutOrVerify > 0)) orelse
is_function(TimeoutOrVerify))) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({megaco_callback, Tag, Verify, Timeout} = Instruction, State)
when (is_atom(Tag) andalso
is_function(Verify) andalso
(is_integer(Timeout) andalso (Timeout > 0))) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({megaco_callback, Tag, {VMod, VFunc, VArgs}} = _Instruction,
when (is_atom(Tag) andalso
(is_atom(VMod) andalso is_atom(VFunc) andalso is_list(VArgs))) ->
Verify = fun(X) ->
io:format("[megaco_callback ~w] calling ~w:~w with"
"~n X: ~p"
"~n VArgs: ~w"
"~n", [Tag, VMod, VFunc, X, VArgs]),
(catch apply(VMod, VFunc, [X|VArgs]))
Instruction = {megaco_callback, Tag, Verify},
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({megaco_callback, Verifiers0} = _Instruction, State)
when is_list(Verifiers0) ->
Verifiers = [make_verifier(Verifier) || Verifier <- Verifiers0],
Instruction = {megaco_callback, Verifiers},
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse({trigger, Trigger} = Instruction, State)
when is_function(Trigger) ->
{ok, Instruction, State};
handle_parse(Instruction, _State) ->
error({invalid_instruction, Instruction}).
make_verifier({Tag, No, VerifyFunc} = Verify)
when is_atom(Tag) andalso is_integer(No) andalso is_function(VerifyFunc) ->
make_verifier({Tag, No, {VMod, VFunc, VArgs}})
when is_atom(Tag) andalso is_integer(No) andalso
(is_atom(VMod) andalso is_atom(VFunc) andalso is_list(VArgs)) ->
VerifyFunc = fun(X) ->
io:format("[megaco_callback ~w] calling ~w:~w with"
"~n X: ~p"
"~n VArgs: ~w"
"~n", [Tag, VMod, VFunc, X, VArgs]),
(catch apply(VMod, VFunc, [X|VArgs]))
Verify = {Tag, No, VerifyFunc},
make_verifier(BadVerifier) ->
error({bad_verifier, BadVerifier}).
verify_connect_opts([]) ->
verify_connect_opts([{Key, _}|Opts]) when is_atom(Key) ->
verify_connect_opts([H|_]) ->
error({bad_opts_list, H}).
%% make_connect_retry_fun1() ->
%% fun(Error, _) ->
%% {false, Error}
%% end.
make_connect_retry_fun2() ->
fun(Error, noError) ->
Timeout = 250,
sleep(random(Timeout) + 100),
{true, {3, Timeout*2, Error}};
(_Error, {0, _Timeout, OriginalError}) ->
{false, OriginalError};
(_Error, {N, Timeout, OriginalError}) ->
sleep(random(Timeout) + 100),
{true, {N-1, Timeout*2, OriginalError}}
%% ----- instruction exececutor -----
handle_exec({debug, Debug}, State) ->
p("debug: ~p", [Debug]),
put(debug, Debug),
{ok, State};
handle_exec({expect_nothing, To}, State) ->
p("expect_nothing: ~p", [To]),
Any ->
error({expect_nothing, Any})
after To ->
{ok, State}
handle_exec({megaco_trace, disable}, State) ->
p("megaco trace: disable"),
{ok, State};
handle_exec({megaco_trace, Level}, State) ->
p("megaco trace: enable [~w]", [Level]),
megaco:enable_trace(Level, io),
{ok, State};
handle_exec(megaco_start, State) ->
ok = megaco:start(),
{ok, State};
handle_exec(megaco_stop, State) ->
ok = megaco:stop(),
{ok, State};
handle_exec({megaco_start_user, Mid, RecvInfo, Conf}, State) ->
p("megaco_start_user: ~p", [Mid]),
d("megaco_start_user -> start user"),
ok = megaco:start_user(Mid, Conf),
d("megaco_start_user -> update user info: user_mod"),
ok = megaco:update_user_info(Mid, user_mod, ?MODULE),
d("megaco_start_user -> update user info: user_args"),
ok = megaco:update_user_info(Mid, user_args, [self()]),
Port = get_config(port, RecvInfo),
EM = get_config(encoding_module, RecvInfo),
EC = get_config(encoding_config, RecvInfo),
TM = get_config(transport_module, RecvInfo),
RH0 = megaco:user_info(Mid, receive_handle),
RH1 = RH0#megaco_receive_handle{send_mod = TM,
encoding_mod = EM,
encoding_config = EC},
State1 = State#state{mid = Mid, recv_handle = RH1, port = Port},
{ok, State1};
handle_exec(megaco_stop_user, #state{mid = Mid} = State)
when Mid /= undefined ->
ok = megaco:stop_user(Mid),
{ok, State#state{mid = undefined}};
handle_exec(start_transport, #state{recv_handle = RH} = State) ->
#megaco_receive_handle{send_mod = TM} = RH,
case (catch TM:start_transport()) of
{ok, Sup} ->
d("start_transport -> Sup: ~p", [Sup]),
{ok, State#state{transport_sup = Sup}};
{error, Reason} ->
e("failed starting transport (~w): "
"~n ~p", [TM, Reason]),
error({failed_starting_transport, TM, Reason});
Crap ->
e("failed starting transport (~w): "
"~n ~p", [TM, Crap]),
error({failed_starting_transport, TM, Crap})
handle_exec({listen, Opts0, MaybeRetry},
#state{recv_handle = RH, port = Port, transport_sup = Pid} = State)
when RH#megaco_receive_handle.send_mod =:= megaco_tcp ->
p("listen(tcp)", []),
Opts = [{module, ?DELIVER_MOD},
{port, Port},
{receive_handle, RH},
{tcp_options, [{nodelay, true}]} | Opts0],
case (catch handle_exec_listen_tcp(Pid, Opts, MaybeRetry)) of
ok ->
{ok, State};
Else ->
error({tcp_listen_failed, Opts0, Else})
handle_exec({listen, Opts0, _MaybeRetry},
#state{recv_handle = RH, port = Port, transport_sup = Pid} = State)
when RH#megaco_receive_handle.send_mod =:= megaco_udp ->
p("listen(udp) - open"),
Opts = [{module, ?DELIVER_MOD}, {port, Port}, {receive_handle, RH}|Opts0],
case (catch megaco_udp:open(Pid, Opts)) of
{ok, _SH, _CtrlPid} ->
{ok, State};
Else ->
error({udp_open, Opts0, Else})
handle_exec({listen, Opts0, _MaybeRetry},
#state{recv_handle = RH, port = Port, transport_sup = Pid} = State)
when RH#megaco_receive_handle.send_mod =:= megaco_test_generic_transport ->
Opts = [{module, ?DELIVER_MOD}, {port, Port}, {receive_handle, RH}|Opts0],
case (catch megaco_test_generic_transport:listen(Pid, Opts)) of
{ok, _SH, _CtrlPid} ->
{ok, State};
Else ->
error({udp_open, Opts0, Else})
handle_exec({connect, Host, Opts0, MaybeRetry},
#state{transport_sup = Sup,
recv_handle = RH,
port = Port} = State)
when RH#megaco_receive_handle.send_mod =:= megaco_tcp ->
p("connect[megaco_tcp] to ~p:~p", [Host, Port]),
PrelMid = preliminary_mid,
Opts = [{host, Host},
{port, Port},
{receive_handle, RH},
{tcp_options, [{nodelay, true}]} | Opts0],
case (catch handle_exec_connect_tcp(Host, Opts, Sup, MaybeRetry)) of
{ok, SH, ControlPid} ->
d("tcp connected: ~p, ~p", [SH, ControlPid]),
megaco_connector_start(RH, PrelMid, SH, ControlPid),
{ok, State#state{send_handle = SH,
ctrl_pid = ControlPid}};
Error ->
error({tcp_connect_failed, Host, Opts0, Error})
handle_exec({connect, Host, Opts0, _MaybeRetry},
#state{transport_sup = Sup,
recv_handle = RH,
port = Port} = State)
when RH#megaco_receive_handle.send_mod =:= megaco_udp ->
p("connect[megaco_udp] to ~p", [Host]),
PrelMid = preliminary_mid,
Opts = [{port, 0}, {receive_handle, RH}|Opts0],
d("udp open", []),
case (catch megaco_udp:open(Sup, Opts)) of
{ok, Handle, ControlPid} ->
d("udp opened: ~p, ~p", [Handle, ControlPid]),
SH = megaco_udp:create_send_handle(Handle, Host, Port),
megaco_connector_start(RH, PrelMid, SH, ControlPid),
{ok, State#state{send_handle = SH,
ctrl_pid = ControlPid}};
Error ->
error({udp_connect_failed, Host, Opts0, Error})
handle_exec({connect, Host, Opts0, _MaybeRetry},
#state{transport_sup = Sup,
recv_handle = RH,
port = Port} = State)
when RH#megaco_receive_handle.send_mod =:= megaco_test_generic_transport ->
p("connect[megaco_test_generic_transport] to ~p", [Host]),
PrelMid = preliminary_mid,
Opts = [{host, Host}, {port, Port}, {receive_handle, RH}|Opts0],
case (catch megaco_test_generic_transport:connect(Sup, Opts)) of
{ok, SH, ControlPid} ->
d("generic connected: ~p, ~p", [SH, ControlPid]),
megaco_connector_start(RH, PrelMid, SH, ControlPid),
{ok, State#state{send_handle = SH,
ctrl_pid = ControlPid}};
Error ->
error({generic_connect_failed, Host, Opts0, Error})
handle_exec(megaco_connect, State) ->
{megaco_connect_result, {ok, CH}} ->
p("megaco connect succeeded: ~p", [CH]),
{ok, State#state{conn_handle = CH}};
{megaco_connect_result, Error} ->
p("megaco connect failed: ~p", [Error]),
#state{result = Res} = State,
{ok, State#state{result = [Error|Res]}}
handle_exec({megaco_connect, Mid},
#state{recv_handle = RH,
send_handle = SH,
ctrl_pid = ControlPid} = State) ->
p("megaco_connect: ~p", [Mid]),
megaco_connector_start(RH, Mid, SH, ControlPid),
{ok, State};
handle_exec({megaco_user_info, Tag}, #state{mid = Mid, result = Res} = State)
when Mid /= undefined ->
p("megaco_user_info: ~w", [Tag]),
Val = (catch megaco:user_info(Mid, Tag)),
d("megaco_user_info: ~p", [Val]),
{ok, State#state{result = [Val|Res]}};
handle_exec({megaco_update_user_info, Tag, Val}, #state{mid = Mid} = State)
when Mid /= undefined ->
p("megaco_update_user_info: ~w -> ~p", [Tag, Val]),
ok = megaco:update_user_info(Mid, Tag, Val),
{ok, State};
handle_exec({megaco_conn_info, Tag},
#state{conn_handle = CH, result = Res} = State)
when CH /= undefined ->
p("megaco_conn_info: ~w", [Tag]),
Val = (catch megaco:conn_info(CH, Tag)),
d("megaco_conn_info: ~p", [Val]),
{ok, State#state{result = [Val|Res]}};
handle_exec({megaco_update_conn_info, Tag, Val},
#state{conn_handle = CH} = State)
when CH /= undefined ->
p("megaco_update_conn_info: ~w -> ~p", [Tag, Val]),
case megaco:update_conn_info(CH, Tag, Val) of
ok ->
{ok, State};
Error ->
error({failed_updating_conn_info, Tag, Val, Error})
handle_exec(megaco_info, #state{result = Res} = State) ->
p("megaco_info", []),
Val = (catch megaco:info()),
d("megaco_info: ~p", [Val]),
{ok, State#state{result = [Val|Res]}};
handle_exec({megaco_system_info, Tag, Verify}, #state{result = Res} = State) ->
p("megaco_system_info: ~w", [Tag]),
Val = (catch megaco:system_info(Tag)),
d("megaco_system_info: ~p", [Val]),
case Verify(Val) of
ok ->
{ok, State#state{result = [Val|Res]}};
Error ->
{error, State#state{result = [Error|Res]}}
%% This is either a MG or a MGC which is only connected to one MG
handle_exec({megaco_call, ARs, Opts}, #state{conn_handle = CH} = State)
when CH /= undefined ->
{_PV, UserReply} = megaco:call(CH, ARs, Opts),
d("megaco_call -> UserReply: ~n~p", [UserReply]),
{ok, State};
handle_exec({megaco_call, RemoteMid, ARs, Opts}, #state{mid = Mid} = State) ->
p("megaco_call: ~p", [RemoteMid]),
%% First we have to find the CH for this Mid
Conns = megaco:user_info(Mid, connections),
{value, {_, CH}} =
lists:keysearch(RemoteMid, #megaco_conn_handle.remote_mid, Conns),
{_PV, UserReply} = megaco:call(CH, ARs, Opts),
d("megaco_call -> UserReply: ~n~p", [UserReply]),
{ok, State};
%% This is either a MG or a MGC which is only connected to one MG
handle_exec({megaco_cast, ARs, Opts}, #state{conn_handle = CH} = State)
when CH =/= undefined ->
case megaco:cast(CH, ARs, Opts) of
ok ->
{ok, State};
Error ->
d("failed sending (cast) message: ~n~p", [Error]),
#state{result = Acc} = State,
{error, State#state{result = [Error|Acc]}}
handle_exec({megaco_cast, RemoteMid, ARs, Opts}, #state{mid = Mid} = State) ->
p("megaco_cast: ~p", [RemoteMid]),
%% First we have to find the CH for this Mid
Conns = megaco:user_info(Mid, connections),
{value, {_, CH}} =
lists:keysearch(RemoteMid, #megaco_conn_handle.remote_mid, Conns),
case megaco:cast(CH, ARs, Opts) of
ok ->
{ok, State};
Error ->
d("failed sending (cast) message: ~n~p", [Error]),
#state{result = Acc} = State,
{error, State#state{result = [Error|Acc]}}
%% Nothing shall happen for atleast Timeout time
handle_exec({megaco_callback, nocall, Timeout}, State) ->
p("megaco_callback [~w,~w]", [nocall, Timeout]),
{handle_megaco_callback, Type, Msg, Pid} ->
d("received unexpected megaco callback: ~n~p", [Msg]),
#state{result = Res} = State,
Err = {unexpected_callback, Type, Msg, Pid},
{error, State#state{result = [Err|Res]}}
after Timeout ->
{ok, State}
handle_exec({megaco_callback, Tag, Verify}, State) when is_function(Verify) ->
p("megaco_callback [~w]", [Tag]),
{handle_megaco_callback, Type, Msg, Pid} ->
d("received megaco callback: ~n~p", [Msg]),
case Verify(Msg) of
{VRes, Res, Reply} ->
d("megaco_callback [~w] ~w",[Tag, VRes]),
handle_megaco_callback_reply(Pid, Type, Reply),
validate(VRes, Tag, Res, State);
{VRes, Delay, Res, Reply} ->
d("megaco_callback [~w] ~w, ~w",[Tag,Delay,VRes]),
handle_megaco_callback_reply(Pid, Type, Delay, Reply),
validate(VRes, Tag, Res, State)
handle_exec({megaco_callback, Tag, {VMod, VFunc, VArgs}}, State)
when is_atom(VMod) andalso is_atom(VFunc) andalso is_list(VArgs) ->
p("megaco_callback [~w]", [Tag]),
{handle_megaco_callback, Type, Msg, Pid} ->
d("received megaco callback: ~n~p"
"~n VMod: ~w"
"~n VFunc: ~w"
"~n VArgs: ~p", [Msg, VMod, VFunc, VArgs]),
case apply(VMod, VFunc, [Msg|VArgs]) of
{VRes, Res, Reply} ->
d("megaco_callback [~w] ~w",[Tag, VRes]),
handle_megaco_callback_reply(Pid, Type, Reply),
validate(VRes, Tag, Res, State);
{VRes, Delay, Res, Reply} ->
d("megaco_callback [~w] ~w, ~w",[Tag,Delay,VRes]),
handle_megaco_callback_reply(Pid, Type, Delay, Reply),
validate(VRes, Tag, Res, State)
handle_exec({megaco_callback, Tag, Verify, Timeout}, State)
when (is_function(Verify) andalso
(is_integer(Timeout) andalso (Timeout > 0))) ->
p("megaco_callback [~w]", [Tag]),
{handle_megaco_callback, Type, Msg, Pid} ->
d("received megaco callback: ~n~p", [Msg]),
case Verify(Msg) of
{VRes, Res, Reply} ->
d("megaco_callback [~w] ~w",[Tag,VRes]),
handle_megaco_callback_reply(Pid, Type, Reply),
validate(VRes, Tag, Res, State);
{VRes, Delay, Res, Reply} ->
d("megaco_callback [~w] ~w, ~w",[Tag,Delay,VRes]),
handle_megaco_callback_reply(Pid, Type, Delay, Reply),
validate(VRes, Tag, Res, State)
after Timeout ->
#state{result = Res} = State,
Err = {callback_timeout, Tag, Timeout},
{error, State#state{result = [Err|Res]}}
handle_exec({megaco_callback, Verifiers}, State) ->
megaco_callback_verify(Verifiers, State);
handle_exec({megaco_cancel, Reason}, #state{conn_handle = CH} = State) ->
p("megaco_cancel [~w]", [Reason]),
case megaco:cancel(CH, Reason) of
ok ->
{ok, State};
Error ->
d("failed cancel: ~n~p", [Error]),
#state{result = Acc} = State,
{error, State#state{result = [Error|Acc]}}
handle_exec({trigger, Trigger}, State) when is_function(Trigger) ->
(catch Trigger()),
{ok, State};
handle_exec({sleep, To}, State) ->
p("sleep ~p", [To]),
{ok, State};
handle_exec(BadInstruction, _State) ->
error({invalid_instruction, BadInstruction}).
%% --- cleanup ---
megaco_cleanup(#state{mid = Mid}) ->
Close = fun(CH) -> do_megaco_cleanup(CH) end,
Conns =
case (catch megaco:user_info(Mid, connections)) of
Connections when is_list(Connections) ->
_ ->
lists:foreach(Close, Conns).
do_megaco_cleanup(CH) ->
case (catch do_megaco_cleanup2(CH)) of
ok ->
{'EXIT', {no_such_connection, _}} ->
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
do_megaco_cleanup2(CH) ->
d("do_megaco_cleanup2 -> entry with"
"~n CH: ~p", [CH]),
Reason = {stopped_by_user,self()},
Pid = megaco:conn_info(CH, control_pid),
SendMod = megaco:conn_info(CH, send_mod),
SendHandle = megaco:conn_info(CH, send_handle),
d("do_megaco_cleanup2 -> disconnect"),
megaco:disconnect(CH, Reason),
d("do_megaco_cleanup2 -> disconnected, now cancel"),
megaco:cancel(CH, Reason),
d("do_megaco_cleanup2 -> canceled, now close"),
case SendMod of
megaco_tcp -> (catch megaco_tcp:close(SendHandle));
megaco_udp -> (catch megaco_udp:close(SendHandle));
SendMod -> exit(Pid, Reason)
%% --- connector ---
megaco_connector_start(RH, PrelMid, SH, ControlPid) ->
Self = self(),
Fun = fun() -> megaco_connect(RH, PrelMid, SH, ControlPid, Self) end,
erlang:spawn_opt(Fun, [link]).
megaco_connect(RH, PrelMid, SH, ControlPid, Parent) ->
Result = megaco:connect(RH, PrelMid, SH, ControlPid),
Parent ! {megaco_connect_result, Result},
%% --- megaco callback verify ---
%% This is used when a number of callback's is expected, but where
%% the specific order is unknown.
megaco_callback_verify([], State) ->
d("megaco_callback_verify -> done"),
{ok, State};
megaco_callback_verify(Verifiers0, State0) ->
d("megaco_callback_verify -> entry when"
"~n length(Verifiers0): ~w", [length(Verifiers0)]),
{handle_megaco_callback, Type, Msg, Pid} ->
d("megaco_callback_verify -> received megaco callback: ~w"
"~n Msg: ~p", [Type, Msg]),
case megaco_callback_verify(Verifiers0, Type, Msg, Pid, State0) of
{ok, Verifiers, State} ->
megaco_callback_verify(Verifiers, State);
Error ->
megaco_callback_verify(Verifiers0, Type, Msg, Pid, State0) ->
d("megaco_callback_verify -> entry"),
Tag = element(1, Msg),
d("megaco_callback_verify -> Tag: ~w", [Tag]),
case lists:keysearch(Tag, 1, Verifiers0) of
{value, {Tag, N, Verify}} when (N > 0) andalso is_function(Verify) ->
d("megaco_callback_verify -> N: ~w",[N]),
case Verify(Msg) of
{VRes, Res, Reply} ->
d("megaco_callback_verify -> VRes: ~w",[VRes]),
handle_megaco_callback_reply(Pid, Type, Reply),
case validate(VRes, Tag, Res, State0) of
{error, _} = EState ->
e("megaco_callback_verify -> (1) error", []),
{ok, State} when N > 1 ->
d("megaco_callback_verify -> (1) validated"),
Rec = {Tag, N-1, Verify},
Verifiers =
lists:keyreplace(Tag, 1, Verifiers0, Rec),
{ok, Verifiers, State};
{ok, State} ->
d("megaco_callback_verify -> (2) validated"),
Verifiers = lists:keydelete(Tag, 1, Verifiers0),
{ok, Verifiers, State}
{VRes, Delay, Res, Reply} ->
d("megaco_callback_verify -> Delay: ~w, VRes: ~w",
handle_megaco_callback_reply(Pid, Type, Delay, Reply),
case validate(VRes, Tag, Res, State0) of
{error, _} = EState ->
e("megaco_callback_verify -> (2) error", []),
{ok, State} when N > 1 ->
d("megaco_callback_verify -> (3) validated"),
Rec = {Tag, N-1, Verify},
Verifiers =
lists:keyreplace(Tag, 1, Verifiers0, Rec),
{ok, Verifiers, State};
{ok, State} ->
d("megaco_callback_verify -> (4) validated"),
Verifiers = lists:keydelete(Tag, 1, Verifiers0),
{ok, Verifiers, State}
false ->
e("megaco_callback_verify -> no such tag ~w~n~p",
[Tag, Verifiers0]),
#state{result = Res} = State0,
State = State0#state{result = [{Type, error, Msg}|Res]},
%% --- validate verify result ---
validate(ok, handle_connect = Tag, CH, #state{result = Acc} = S) ->
{ok, S#state{conn_handle = CH, result = [{Tag, ok, CH}|Acc]}};
validate(ok, Tag, Res, #state{result = Acc} = S) ->
{ok, S#state{result = [{Tag, ok, Res}|Acc]}};
validate(error, Tag, Res, #state{result = Acc} = S) ->
{error, S#state{result = [{Tag, error, Res}|Acc]}}.
%% ----- termination -----
terminate(normal, #state{result = Result} = _State) ->
d("terminate -> entry when normal with"
"~n Result: ~p", [Result]),
%% megaco_cleanup(State),
{ok, Result};
terminate(Reason, #state{result = Result} = State) ->
d("terminate -> entry with"
"~n Reason: ~p"
"~n Result: ~p", [Reason, Result]),
{error, {Reason, Result}}.
handle_exec_listen_tcp(Sup, Opts, MaybeRetry) ->
handle_exec_listen_tcp(Sup, Opts, MaybeRetry, noError).
handle_exec_listen_tcp(Sup, Opts, MaybeRetry, Error0) ->
case (catch megaco_tcp:listen(Sup, Opts)) of
ok ->
Error1 ->
case (catch MaybeRetry(Error1, Error0)) of
{true, Error2} ->
handle_exec_listen_tcp(Sup, Opts, MaybeRetry, Error2);
{false, Error3} ->
{error, Error3}
handle_exec_connect_tcp(Host, Opts, Sup, MaybeRetry)
when is_function(MaybeRetry) ->
handle_exec_connect_tcp(Host, Opts, Sup, MaybeRetry, noError).
handle_exec_connect_tcp(Host, Opts, Sup, MaybeRetry, Error0) ->
case (catch megaco_tcp:connect(Sup, Opts)) of
{ok, SH, ControlPid} ->
d("tcp connected: ~p, ~p", [SH, ControlPid]),
{ok, SH, ControlPid};
Error1 ->
case (catch MaybeRetry(Error1, Error0)) of
{true, Error2} ->
handle_exec_connect_tcp(Host, Opts, Sup,
MaybeRetry, Error2);
{false, Error3} ->
{error, Error3}
%% megaco_user callback functions
handle_connect(CH, PV, P) ->
Req = {handle_connect, CH, PV},
handle_megaco_callback_call(P, Req).
handle_connect(CH, PV, Extra, P) ->
Req = {handle_connect, CH, PV, Extra},
handle_megaco_callback_call(P, Req).
handle_disconnect(CH, PV, R, P) ->
Msg = {handle_disconnect, CH, PV, R},
Reply = ok,
handle_megaco_callback_cast(P, Msg, Reply).
handle_syntax_error(RH, PV, ED, P) ->
Req = {handle_syntax_error, RH, PV, ED},
handle_megaco_callback_call(P, Req).
handle_syntax_error(RH, PV, ED, Extra, P) ->
Req = {handle_syntax_error, RH, PV, ED, Extra},
handle_megaco_callback_call(P, Req).
handle_message_error(CH, PV, ED, P) ->
Msg = {handle_message_error, CH, PV, ED},
Reply = ok,
handle_megaco_callback_cast(P, Msg, Reply).
handle_message_error(CH, PV, ED, Extra, P) ->
Msg = {handle_message_error, CH, PV, ED, Extra},
Reply = ok,
handle_megaco_callback_cast(P, Msg, Reply).
handle_trans_request(CH, PV, AR, P) ->
Req = {handle_trans_request, CH, PV, AR},
handle_megaco_callback_call(P, Req).
handle_trans_request(CH, PV, AR, Extra, P) ->
Req = {handle_trans_request, CH, PV, AR, Extra},
handle_megaco_callback_call(P, Req).
handle_trans_long_request(CH, PV, RD, P) ->
Req = {handle_trans_long_request, CH, PV, RD},
handle_megaco_callback_call(P, Req).
handle_trans_long_request(CH, PV, RD, Extra, P) ->
Req = {handle_trans_long_request, CH, PV, RD, Extra},
handle_megaco_callback_call(P, Req).
handle_trans_reply(CH, PV, AR, RD, P) ->
Msg = {handle_trans_reply, CH, PV, AR, RD},
Reply = ok,
handle_megaco_callback_cast(P, Msg, Reply).
handle_trans_reply(CH, PV, AR, RD, Extra, P) ->
Msg = {handle_trans_reply, CH, PV, AR, RD, Extra},
Reply = ok,
handle_megaco_callback_cast(P, Msg, Reply).
handle_trans_ack(CH, PV, AS, AD, P) ->
Msg = {handle_trans_ack, CH, PV, AS, AD},
Reply = ok,
handle_megaco_callback_cast(P, Msg, Reply).
handle_trans_ack(CH, PV, AS, AD, Extra, P) ->
Msg = {handle_trans_ack, CH, PV, AS, AD, Extra},
Reply = ok,
handle_megaco_callback_cast(P, Msg, Reply).
handle_unexpected_trans(CH, PV, T, P) ->
Msg = {handle_unexpected_trans, CH, PV, T},
Reply = ok,
handle_megaco_callback_cast(P, Msg, Reply).
handle_unexpected_trans(CH, PV, T, Extra, P) ->
Msg = {handle_unexpected_trans, CH, PV, T, Extra},
Reply = ok,
handle_megaco_callback_cast(P, Msg, Reply).
handle_trans_request_abort(RH, PV, TransNo, Pid, P) ->
Msg = {handle_trans_request_abort, RH, PV, TransNo, Pid},
Reply = ok,
handle_megaco_callback_cast(P, Msg, Reply).
handle_trans_request_abort(RH, PV, TransNo, Pid, Extra, P) ->
Msg = {handle_trans_request_abort, RH, PV, TransNo, Pid, Extra},
Reply = ok,
handle_megaco_callback_cast(P, Msg, Reply).
handle_megaco_callback_cast(P, Msg, Reply) ->
p("handle_megaco_callback_cast -> entry with Msg: ~n~p", [Msg]),
P ! {handle_megaco_callback, cast, Msg, self()},
handle_megaco_callback_call(P, Msg) ->
p("handle_megaco_callback_call -> entry with"
"~n P: ~p"
"~n Msg: ~p", [P, Msg]),
P ! {handle_megaco_callback, call, Msg, self()},
{handle_megaco_callback_reply, Reply} ->
p("handle_megaco_callback_call -> received reply: ~n~p", [Reply]),
{handle_megaco_callback_reply, Delay, Reply} when is_integer(Delay) ->
p("handle_megaco_callback_call -> "
"received reply [~w]: "
"~n ~p", [Delay, Reply]),
p("handle_megaco_callback_call -> deliver reply after delay [~w]",
{'EXIT', SomePid, SomeReason} ->
p("handle_megaco_callback_call -> "
"received unexpected EXIT signal: "
"~n SomePid: ~p"
"~n SomeReason: ~p", [SomePid, SomeReason]),
exit({unexpected_EXIT_signal, SomePid, SomeReason})
handle_megaco_callback_reply(P, call, Reply) ->
P ! {handle_megaco_callback_reply, Reply};
handle_megaco_callback_reply(_, _, _) ->
handle_megaco_callback_reply(P, call, Delay, Reply) ->
P ! {handle_megaco_callback_reply, Delay, Reply};
handle_megaco_callback_reply(_, _, _, _) ->
%% internal utility functions
random_init() ->
{A,B,C} = now(),
random(N) ->
get_config(Key, Opts) ->
{value, {Key, Val}} = lists:keysearch(Key, 1, Opts),
sleep(X) -> megaco_test_generator:sleep(X).
d(F) -> megaco_test_generator:debug(F).
d(F, A) -> megaco_test_generator:debug(F, A).
e(F, A) -> megaco_test_generator:error(F, A).
p(F ) -> p("", F, []).
p(F, A) -> p("", F, A).
p(P, F, A) -> megaco_test_generator:print(P, F, A).
error(Reason) ->
throw({error, Reason}).