path: root/lib/observer/src/observer_trace_wx.erl
blob: 0ab7db121b6fdef103d3b5b502c0eb6acf548b88 (plain) (tree)


















































%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%


-export([start_link/2, add_processes/2]).
-export([init/1, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3, handle_call/3,
	 handle_event/2, handle_cast/2]).



-define(OPTIONS, 301).
-define(SAVE_BUFFER, 302).
-define(CLOSE, 303).
-define(CLEAR, 304).
-define(SAVE_TRACEOPTS, 305).
-define(LOAD_TRACEOPTS, 306).
-define(TOGGLE_TRACE, 307).
-define(ADD_NEW, 308).
-define(ADD_TP, 309).
-define(PROCESSES, 350).
-define(MODULES, 351).
-define(FUNCTIONS, 352).
-define(TRACERWIN, 353).

	 nodes = [],
	 tpids = [],  %% #tpid
	 def_trace_opts = [],
	 tpatterns = dict:new(), % Key =:= Module::atom, Value =:= {M, F, A, MatchSpec}
	 match_specs = []}). % [ #match_spec{} ]

-record(tpid, {pid, opts}).

start_link(Notebook, ParentPid) ->
    wx_object:start_link(?MODULE, [Notebook, ParentPid], []).

add_processes(Tracer, Pids) when is_list(Pids) ->
    wx_object:cast(Tracer, {add_processes, Pids}).


init([Notebook, ParentPid]) ->
    wx:batch(fun() -> create_window(Notebook, ParentPid) end).

create_window(Notebook, ParentPid) ->
    %% Create the window
    Panel = wxPanel:new(Notebook, [{size, wxWindow:getClientSize(Notebook)}]),
    Sizer = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL),
    Splitter = wxSplitterWindow:new(Panel, [{size, wxWindow:getClientSize(Panel)}]),
    ProcessView = create_process_view(Splitter),
    {MatchSpecView,ModView,FuncView} = create_matchspec_view(Splitter),
    wxSplitterWindow:setSashGravity(Splitter, 0.5),
    wxSplitterWindow:splitHorizontally(Splitter, ProcessView, MatchSpecView),
    wxSizer:add(Sizer, Splitter, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor ?wxALL}, {border, 5}, {proportion, 1}]),
    %% Buttons
    Buttons = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxHORIZONTAL),
    ToggleButton = wxToggleButton:new(Panel, ?TOGGLE_TRACE, "Start Trace", []),
    wxSizer:add(Buttons, ToggleButton),
    New = wxButton:new(Panel, ?ADD_NEW, [{label, "Trace New Processes"}]),
    wxSizer:add(Buttons, New),
    ATP = wxButton:new(Panel, ?ADD_TP, [{label, "Add Trace Pattern"}]),
    wxSizer:add(Buttons, ATP),
    wxMenu:connect(Panel, command_togglebutton_clicked, []),
    wxMenu:connect(Panel, command_button_clicked, []),
    wxSizer:add(Sizer, Buttons, [{flag, ?wxALL},{border, 2}, {proportion,0}]),
    wxWindow:setSizer(Panel, Sizer),
    {Panel, #state{parent=ParentPid, panel=Panel,
		   p_view=ProcessView, m_view=ModView, f_view=FuncView,
		   toggle_button = ToggleButton,

default_matchspecs() ->
    Ms = [{"Return Trace", [{'_', [], [{return_trace}]}], "fun(_) -> return_trace() end"},
	  {"Exception Trace", [{'_', [], [{exception_trace}]}], "fun(_) -> exception_trace() end"},
	  {"Message Caller", [{'_', [], [{message,{caller}}]}], "fun(_) -> message(caller()) end"},
	  {"Message Dump", [{'_', [], [{message,{process_dump}}]}], "fun(_) -> message(process_dump()) end"}],
    [make_ms(Name,Term,FunStr) || {Name,Term,FunStr} <- Ms].

create_process_view(Parent) ->
    Style = ?wxLC_REPORT bor ?wxLC_SINGLE_SEL bor ?wxLC_HRULES,
    Grid = wxListCtrl:new(Parent, [{winid, ?PROCESSES}, {style, Style}]),
    Li = wxListItem:new(),
    AddListEntry = fun({Name, Align, DefSize}, Col) ->
			   wxListItem:setText(Li, Name),
			   wxListItem:setAlign(Li, Align),
			   wxListCtrl:insertColumn(Grid, Col, Li),
			   wxListCtrl:setColumnWidth(Grid, Col, DefSize),
			   Col + 1
    ListItems = [{"Process Id",    ?wxLIST_FORMAT_CENTER,  120},
		 {"Trace Options", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 300}],
    lists:foldl(AddListEntry, 0, ListItems),

    %% wxListCtrl:connect(Grid, command_list_item_activated),
    %% wxListCtrl:connect(Grid, command_list_item_selected),
    wxListCtrl:connect(Grid, size, [{skip, true}]),


create_matchspec_view(Parent) ->
    Panel  = wxPanel:new(Parent),
    MainSz = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxHORIZONTAL),
    Style = ?wxLC_REPORT bor ?wxLC_SINGLE_SEL bor ?wxLC_HRULES,
    Splitter = wxSplitterWindow:new(Panel, []),
    Modules = wxListCtrl:new(Splitter, [{winid, ?MODULES}, {style, Style}]),
    Funcs   = wxListCtrl:new(Splitter, [{winid, ?FUNCTIONS}, {style, Style}]),
    Li = wxListItem:new(),
    wxListItem:setText(Li, "Modules"),
    wxListCtrl:insertColumn(Modules, 0, Li),
    wxListItem:setText(Li, "Functions"),
    wxListCtrl:insertColumn(Funcs, 0, Li),
    wxListCtrl:setColumnWidth(Funcs, 0, 150),
    wxListItem:setText(Li, "Match Spec"),
    wxListCtrl:insertColumn(Funcs, 1, Li),
    wxListCtrl:setColumnWidth(Funcs, 1, 300),
    wxSplitterWindow:setSashGravity(Splitter, 0.0),
    wxSplitterWindow:splitVertically(Splitter, Modules, Funcs, [{sashPosition, 150}]),
    wxSizer:add(MainSz, Splitter,   [{flag, ?wxEXPAND}, {proportion, 1}]),

    wxListCtrl:connect(Modules, size, [{skip, true}]),
    wxListCtrl:connect(Funcs,   size, [{skip, true}]),
    wxListCtrl:connect(Modules, command_list_item_selected),
    %% wxListCtrl:connect(Funcs, command_list_item_selected),
    wxPanel:setSizer(Panel, MainSz),
    {Panel, Modules, Funcs}.

create_menues(Parent) ->
    Menus = [{"File", [#create_menu{id = ?LOAD_TRACEOPTS, text = "Load settings"},
		       #create_menu{id = ?SAVE_TRACEOPTS, text = "Save settings"}]
    observer_wx:create_menus(Parent, Menus).

%%Main window
handle_event(#wx{obj=Obj, event=#wxSize{size={W,_}}}, State) ->
    case wx:getObjectType(Obj) =:= wxListCtrl of
	true ->
	    wx:batch(fun() ->
			     Cols = wxListCtrl:getColumnCount(Obj),
			     Last = lists:foldl(fun(I, Last) ->
							Last - wxListCtrl:getColumnWidth(Obj, I)
						end, W-?LCTRL_WDECR, lists:seq(0, Cols - 2)),
			     Size = max(150, Last),
			     wxListCtrl:setColumnWidth(Obj, Cols-1, Size)
	false ->
    {noreply, State};

handle_event(#wx{id=?ADD_NEW}, State = #state{panel=Parent, def_trace_opts=TraceOpts}) ->
    case observer_traceoptions_wx:process_trace(Parent, TraceOpts) of
	{ok, Opts} ->
	    Process = #tpid{pid=new, opts=Opts},
	    {noreply, do_add_processes([Process], State#state{def_trace_opts=Opts})};
	cancel ->
	    {noreply, State}

	     State = #state{panel=Parent, nodes=Nodes, match_specs=Ms}) ->
    Node = case Nodes of
	       [N|_] -> N;
	       [] -> node()
    case observer_traceoptions_wx:trace_pattern(self(), Parent, Node, Ms) of
	cancel ->
	    {noreply, State};
	Patterns ->
	    {noreply, do_add_patterns(Patterns, State)}

handle_event(#wx{id=?MODULES, event=#wxList{type=command_list_item_selected, itemIndex=Row}},
	     State = #state{tpatterns=TPs, m_view=Mview, f_view=Fview}) ->
    Module = list_to_atom(wxListCtrl:getItemText(Mview, Row)),
    update_functions_view(dict:fetch(Module, TPs), Fview),
    {noreply, State};

handle_event(#wx{event = #wxCommand{type = command_togglebutton_clicked, commandInt = 1}},
	     #state{panel = Panel,
		    nodes = Nodes,
		    tpids = TProcs,
		    tpatterns = TPs,
		    toggle_button = ToggleBtn} = State) ->
    LogWin = wxFrame:new(Panel, ?TRACERWIN, "Trace Log", [{size, {750, 800}}]),
    Text   = wxTextCtrl:new(LogWin, ?wxID_ANY,
			    [{style, ?wxTE_MULTILINE bor ?wxTE_RICH2 bor
				  ?wxTE_DONTWRAP bor ?wxTE_READONLY}]),
    Font = observer_wx:get_attrib({font, fixed}),
    Attr = wxTextAttr:new(?wxBLACK, [{font, Font}]),
    true = wxTextCtrl:setDefaultStyle(Text, Attr),
    Env = wx:get_env(),
    Write = fun(Trace) ->
		    wxTextCtrl:appendText(Text, textformat(Trace))
    {ok, _} = ttb:tracer(Nodes, [{file, {local,"/tmp/foo"}}, {shell, {only, Write}}]),
    setup_ttb(dict:to_list(TPs), TProcs),
    wxFrame:connect(LogWin, close_window, [{skip, true}]),
    wxToggleButton:setLabel(ToggleBtn, "Stop Trace"),
    {noreply, State};

handle_event(#wx{event = #wxCommand{type = command_togglebutton_clicked, commandInt = 0}},
	     #state{toggle_button = ToggleBtn} = State) ->
    %%Stop tracing
    wxToggleButton:setLabel(ToggleBtn, "Start Trace"),
    {noreply, State};

handle_event(#wx{id=?TRACERWIN, event=#wxClose{}},
	     #state{toggle_button = ToggleBtn} = State) ->
    %%Stop tracing
    wxToggleButton:setLabel(ToggleBtn, "Start Trace"),
    {noreply, State};

%% handle_event(#wx{id = ?CLEAR, event = #wxCommand{type = command_menu_selected}},
%% 	     #state{text_ctrl = TxtCtrl} = State) ->
%%     wxTextCtrl:clear(TxtCtrl),
%%     {noreply, State};

%% handle_event(#wx{id = ?SAVE_BUFFER, event = #wxCommand{type = command_menu_selected}},
%% 	     #state{frame = Frame, text_ctrl = TxtCtrl} = State) ->
%%     Dialog = wxFileDialog:new(Frame, [{style, ?wxFD_SAVE bor ?wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT}]),
%%     case wxFileDialog:showModal(Dialog) of
%% 	?wxID_OK ->
%% 	    Path = wxFileDialog:getPath(Dialog),
%% 	    wxDialog:destroy(Dialog),
%% 	    case filelib:is_file(Path) of
%% 		true ->
%% 		    observer_wx:create_txt_dialog(Frame, "File already exists: " ++ Path ++ "\n",
%% 						  "Error", ?wxICON_ERROR);
%% 		false ->
%% 		    wxTextCtrl:saveFile(TxtCtrl, [{file, Path}])
%% 	    end;
%% 	_ ->
%% 	    wxDialog:destroy(Dialog),
%% 	    ok
%%     end,
%%     {noreply, State};

handle_event(#wx{id = ?SAVE_TRACEOPTS,
		 event = #wxCommand{type = command_menu_selected}},
	     #state{panel = Panel,
		    def_trace_opts = TraceOpts,
		    match_specs = MatchSpecs,
		    tpatterns = TracePatterns
		   } = State) ->
    Dialog = wxFileDialog:new(Panel, [{style, ?wxFD_SAVE bor ?wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT}]),
    case wxFileDialog:showModal(Dialog) of
	?wxID_OK ->
	    Path = wxFileDialog:getPath(Dialog),
	    write_file(Panel, Path, TraceOpts, MatchSpecs, dict:to_list(TracePatterns));
	_ ->
    {noreply, State};

handle_event(#wx{id = ?LOAD_TRACEOPTS,
		 event = #wxCommand{type = command_menu_selected}},
	     #state{panel = Panel} = State) ->
    Dialog = wxFileDialog:new(Panel, [{style, ?wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST}]),
    State2 = case wxFileDialog:showModal(Dialog) of
		 ?wxID_OK ->
		     Path = wxFileDialog:getPath(Dialog),
		     read_settings(Path, State);
		 _ ->
    {noreply, State2};

handle_event(#wx{id=ID, event = What}, State) ->
    io:format("~p:~p: Unhandled event: ~p, ~p ~n", [?MODULE, self(), ID, What]),
    {noreply, State}.

handle_call(Msg, _From, State) ->
    io:format("~p~p: Got Call ~p~n",[?MODULE, ?LINE, Msg]),
    {reply, ok, State}.

handle_cast({add_processes, Pids}, State = #state{panel=Parent, def_trace_opts=TraceOpts}) ->
    case observer_traceoptions_wx:process_trace(Parent, TraceOpts) of
	{ok, Opts} ->
	    POpts = [#tpid{pid=Pid, opts=Opts} || Pid <- Pids],
	    {noreply, do_add_processes(POpts, State#state{def_trace_opts=Opts})};
	cancel ->
	    {noreply, State}
handle_cast(Msg, State) ->
    io:format("~p ~p: Unhandled cast ~p~n", [?MODULE, ?LINE, Msg]),
    {noreply, State}.


handle_info({active, _Node}, State=#state{parent=Parent}) ->
    {noreply, State};

handle_info(not_active, State) ->
    {noreply, State};

handle_info({update_ms, NewMs}, State) ->
    {noreply, State#state{match_specs=NewMs}};

handle_info(Any, State) ->
    io:format("~p~p: received unexpected message: ~p\n", [?MODULE, self(), Any]),
    {noreply, State}.

terminate(_Reason, #state{nodes=_Nodes}) ->
    %% case observer_wx:try_rpc(Node, erlang, whereis, [dbg]) of
    %% 	undefined -> fine;
    %% 	Pid -> exit(Pid, kill)
    %% end,

code_change(_, _, State) ->
    {stop, not_yet_implemented, State}.


do_add_processes(POpts, S0=#state{p_view=LCtrl, tpids=OldPids, nodes=Ns0}) ->
    case merge_pids(POpts, OldPids) of
	{OldPids, [], []} ->
	{Pids, New, _Changed} ->
	    update_process_view(Pids, LCtrl),
	    Ns1 = lists:usort([node(Pid) || #tpid{pid=Pid} <- New, is_pid(Pid)]),
	    Nodes = case ordsets:subtract(Ns1, Ns0) of
			[] -> Ns0; %% No new Nodes
			NewNs ->
			    %% Handle new nodes
			    %% BUGBUG add trace patterns for new nodes
			    ordsets:union(NewNs, Ns0)
	    S0#state{tpids=Pids, nodes=Nodes}

update_process_view(Pids, LCtrl) ->
    wx:foldl(fun(#tpid{pid=Pid, opts=Opts}, Row) ->
		     _Item = wxListCtrl:insertItem(LCtrl, Row, ""),
		     ?EVEN(Row) andalso
			 wxListCtrl:setItemBackgroundColour(LCtrl, Row, ?BG_EVEN),
		     wxListCtrl:setItem(LCtrl, Row, 0, observer_lib:to_str(Pid)),
		     wxListCtrl:setItem(LCtrl, Row, 1, observer_lib:to_str(Opts)),
	     end, 0, Pids).

do_add_patterns({Module, NewPs}, State=#state{tpatterns=TPs0, m_view=Mview, f_view=Fview}) ->
    Old = case dict:find(Module, TPs0) of
	      {ok, Prev}  -> Prev;
	      error -> []
    case merge_patterns(NewPs, Old) of
	{Old, [], []} ->
	{MPatterns, _New, _Changed} ->
	    TPs = dict:store(Module, MPatterns, TPs0),
	    update_modules_view(lists:sort(dict:fetch_keys(TPs)), Module, Mview),
	    update_functions_view(dict:fetch(Module, TPs), Fview),

update_modules_view(Mods, Module, LCtrl) ->
    wx:foldl(fun(Mod, Row) ->
		     _Item = wxListCtrl:insertItem(LCtrl, Row, ""),
		     ?EVEN(Row) andalso
			 wxListCtrl:setItemBackgroundColour(LCtrl, Row, ?BG_EVEN),
		     wxListCtrl:setItem(LCtrl, Row, 0, observer_lib:to_str(Mod)),
		     (Mod =:= Module) andalso
			 wxListCtrl:setItemState(LCtrl, Row, 16#FFFF, ?wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED),
	     end, 0, Mods).

update_functions_view(Funcs, LCtrl) ->
    wx:foldl(fun(#tpattern{fa=FA, ms=#match_spec{str=Ms}}, Row) ->
		     _Item = wxListCtrl:insertItem(LCtrl, Row, ""),
		     ?EVEN(Row) andalso wxListCtrl:setItemBackgroundColour(LCtrl, Row, ?BG_EVEN),
		     wxListCtrl:setItem(LCtrl, Row, 0, observer_lib:to_str({func,FA})),
		     wxListCtrl:setItem(LCtrl, Row, 1, Ms),
	     end, 0, Funcs).


merge_pids([N1=#tpid{pid=new}|Ns], [N2=#tpid{pid=new}|Old]) ->
    {Pids, New, Changed} = merge_pids_1(Ns,Old),
    {[N1|Pids], New, [{N2,N2}|Changed]};
merge_pids([N1=#tpid{pid=new}|Ns], Old) ->
    {Pids, New, Changed} = merge_pids_1(Ns,Old),
    {[N1|Pids], [N1|New], Changed};
merge_pids(Ns, [N2=#tpid{pid=new}|Old]) ->
    {Pids, New, Changed} = merge_pids_1(Ns,Old),
    {[N2|Pids], New, Changed};
merge_pids(New, Old) ->
    merge_pids_1(New, Old).

merge_pids_1(New, Old) ->
    merge(lists:sort(New), Old, #tpid.pid, [], [], []).

merge_patterns(New, Old) ->
    merge(lists:sort(New), Old, #tpattern.fa, [], [], []).

merge([N|Ns], [N|Os], El, New, Ch, All) ->
    merge(Ns, Os, El, New, Ch, [N|All]);
merge([N|Ns], [O|Os], El, New, Ch, All)
  when element(El, N) == element(El, O) ->
    merge(Ns, Os, El, New, [{O,N}|Ch], [N|All]);
merge([N|Ns], Os=[O|_], El, New, Ch, All)
  when element(El, N) < element(El, O) ->
    merge(Ns, Os, El, [N|New], Ch, [N|All]);
merge(Ns=[N|_], [O|Os], El, New, Ch, All)
  when element(El, N) > element(El, O) ->
    merge(Ns, Os, El, New, Ch, [O|All]);
merge([], Os, _El, New, Ch, All) ->
    {lists:reverse(All, Os), New, Ch};
merge(Ns, [], _El, New, Ch, All) ->
    {lists:reverse(All, Ns), Ns++New, Ch}.


setup_ttb(TPs, TPids) ->
    _R1 = [setup_tps(FTP, []) || {_, FTP} <- TPs],
    _R2 = [ttb:p(Pid, dbg_flags(Flags)) || #tpid{pid=Pid, opts=Flags} <- TPids],
    [#tpid{pid=_Pid, opts=_Flags}|_] = TPids,
    %% io:format("ttb:p(pid(\"~w\", ~w).", [Pid, Flags]),
    %% io:format("TTB ~w ~w~n",[R2, R1]),

%% Sigh order is important
setup_tps([First=#tpattern{fa={_,'_'}}|Rest], Prev) ->
    [setup_tp(TP) || TP <- lists:reverse(Prev)],
    setup_tps(Rest, []);
setup_tps([First=#tpattern{fa={F,_}}|Rest], Prev = [#tpattern{fa={F,_}}|_]) ->
    setup_tps(Rest, [First|Prev]);
setup_tps([First|Rest], Prev) ->
    [setup_tp(TP) || TP <- lists:reverse(Prev)],
    setup_tps(Rest, [First]);
setup_tps([], Prev) ->
    [setup_tp(TP) || TP <- lists:reverse(Prev)].

setup_tp(#tpattern{m=M,fa={F,A}, ms=#match_spec{term=Ms}}) ->

dbg_flags(Flags) ->
    [dbg_flag(Flag) || Flag <- Flags].

dbg_flag(send) -> s;
dbg_flag('receive') -> r;
dbg_flag(functions) -> c;
dbg_flag(on_spawn) -> sos;
dbg_flag(on_link) -> sol;
dbg_flag(on_first_spawn) -> sofs;
dbg_flag(on_first_link) -> sofl;
dbg_flag(events) -> p.

textformat(Trace) when element(1, Trace) == trace_ts, tuple_size(Trace) >= 4 ->
    format_trace(Trace, tuple_size(Trace)-1, element(tuple_size(Trace),Trace));
textformat(Trace) when element(1, Trace) == drop, tuple_size(Trace) =:= 2 ->
    io_lib:format("*** Dropped ~p messages.~n", [element(2,Trace)]);
textformat(Trace) when element(1, Trace) == seq_trace, tuple_size(Trace) >= 3 ->
    io_lib:format("*** Seq trace not implmented.~n", []);
textformat(_) ->

format_trace(Trace, Size, TS0={_,_,MS}) ->
    {_,{H,M,S}} = calendar:now_to_local_time(TS0),
    TS = io_lib:format("~.2.0w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w:~.6.0w", [H,M,S,MS]),
    From = element(2, Trace),
    case element(3, Trace) of
	'receive' ->
	    case element(4, Trace) of
		{dbg,ok} -> "";
		Message ->
		    io_lib:format("~s (~100p) << ~100p ~n", [TS,From,Message])
	'send' ->
	    Message = element(4, Trace),
	    To = element(5, Trace),
	    io_lib:format("~s (~100p) ~100p ! ~100p ~n", [TS,From,To,Message]);
	call ->
	    case element(4, Trace) of
		MFA when Size == 5 ->
		    Message = element(5, Trace),
		    io_lib:format("~s (~100p) call ~s (~100p) ~n", [TS,From,ffunc(MFA),Message]);
		MFA ->
		    io_lib:format("~s (~100p) call ~s ~n", [TS,From,ffunc(MFA)])
	return_from ->
	    MFA = element(4, Trace),
	    Ret = element(5, Trace),
	    io_lib:format("~s (~100p) returned from ~s -> ~100p ~n", [TS,From,ffunc(MFA),Ret]);
	return_to ->
	    MFA = element(4, Trace),
	    io_lib:format("~s (~100p) returning to ~s ~n", [TS,From,ffunc(MFA)]);
	spawn when Size == 5 ->
	    Pid = element(4, Trace),
	    MFA = element(5, Trace),
	    io_lib:format("~s (~100p) spawn ~100p as ~s ~n", [TS,From,Pid,ffunc(MFA)]);
	Op ->
	    io_lib:format("~s (~100p) ~100p ~s ~n", [TS,From,Op,ftup(Trace,4,Size)])

%%% These f* functions returns non-flat strings

%% {M,F,[A1, A2, ..., AN]} -> "M:F(A1, A2, ..., AN)"
%% {M,F,A}                 -> "M:F/A"
ffunc({M,F,Argl}) when is_list(Argl) ->
    io_lib:format("~100p:~100p(~s)", [M, F, fargs(Argl)]);
ffunc({M,F,Arity}) ->
    io_lib:format("~100p:~100p/~100p", [M,F,Arity]);
ffunc(X) -> io_lib:format("~100p", [X]).

%% Integer           -> "Integer"
%% [A1, A2, ..., AN] -> "A1, A2, ..., AN"
fargs(Arity) when is_integer(Arity) -> integer_to_list(Arity);
fargs([]) -> [];
fargs([A]) -> io_lib:format("~100p", [A]);  %% last arg
fargs([A|Args]) -> [io_lib:format("~100p,", [A]) | fargs(Args)];
fargs(A) -> io_lib:format("~100p", [A]). % last or only arg

%% {A_1, A_2, ..., A_N} -> "A_Index A_Index+1 ... A_Size"
ftup(Trace, Index, Index) ->
    io_lib:format("~100p", [element(Index, Trace)]);
ftup(Trace, Index, Size) ->
    [io_lib:format("~100p ", [element(Index, Trace)])
     | ftup(Trace, Index+1, Size)].


write_file(Frame, Filename, TraceOps, MatchSpecs, TPs) ->
    FormatMS = fun(#match_spec{name=Id, term=T, func=F}) ->
		       io_lib:format("[{name,\"~s\"}, {term, ~w}, {func, \"~s\"}]",
				     [Id, T, F])
    FormatTP = fun({Module, FTPs}) ->
		       List = format_ftp(FTPs, FormatMS),
		       io_lib:format("{tp, ~w, [~s]}.~n",[Module, List])
    Str =
	["%%%\n%%% This file is generated by Observer\n",
	 "%%%\n%%% DO NOT EDIT!\n%%%\n",
	 [["{ms, ", FormatMS(Ms), "}.\n"] || Ms <- MatchSpecs],
	 "{traceopts, ", io_lib:format("~w",[TraceOps]) ,"}.\n",
	 [FormatTP(TP) || TP <- TPs]
    case file:write_file(Filename, list_to_binary(Str)) of
	ok ->
	{error, Reason} ->
	    FailMsg = file:format_error(Reason),
	    observer_wx:create_txt_dialog(Frame, FailMsg, "Error", ?wxICON_ERROR)

format_ftp([#tpattern{fa={F,A}, ms=Ms}], FormatMS) ->
    io_lib:format("{~w, ~w, ~s}", [F,A,FormatMS(Ms)]);
format_ftp([#tpattern{fa={F,A}, ms=Ms}|Rest], FormatMS) ->
    [io_lib:format("{~w, ~w, ~s},~n     ", [F,A,FormatMS(Ms)]),
     format_ftp(Rest, FormatMS)].

read_settings(Filename, #state{match_specs=Ms0, def_trace_opts=TO0} = State) ->
    case file:consult(Filename) of
	{ok, Terms} ->
	    Ms  = lists:usort(Ms0 ++ [parse_ms(MsList) || {ms, MsList} <- Terms]),
	    TOs = lists:usort(TO0 ++ proplists:get_value(traceopts, Terms, [])),
	    lists:foldl(fun parse_tp/2,
			State#state{match_specs=Ms, def_trace_opts=TOs},
	{error, _} ->
	    observer_wx:create_txt_dialog(State#state.panel, "Could not load settings",
					  "Error", ?wxICON_ERROR),

parse_ms(Opts) ->
    Name = proplists:get_value(name, Opts, "TracePattern"),
    Term = proplists:get_value(term, Opts, [{'_',[],[ok]}]),
    FunStr = proplists:get_value(term, Opts, "fun(_) -> ok end"),
    make_ms(Name, Term, FunStr).

make_ms(Name, Term, FunStr) ->
    #match_spec{name=Name, term=Term, str=io_lib:format("~w", Term), func = FunStr}.

parse_tp({tp, Mod, FAs}, State) ->
    Patterns = [#tpattern{m=Mod,fa={F,A}, ms=parse_ms(List)} ||
		   {F,A,List} <- FAs],
    do_add_patterns({Mod, Patterns}, State);
parse_tp(_, State) ->