%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2017. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% The purpose of this module is to produce one relup file, based on
%% one `top' .rel file, a set of `base' .rel files, and application
%% .app and .appup files.
%% A .rel file contains a release specification that lists the name
%% and version of the release, the erts version used, and all
%% applications that are contained in the release.
%% In the sequel the term `top' refers to precisely one release that
%% we upgrade to, or downgrade from. The term `base' refers to one or
%% several releases that we upgrade from (`base' -> `top'), or
%% downgrade to (`base' <-- `top'). We should have the following
%% diagram in mind:
%% TopRel
%% / | \
%% / | \
%% / | \
%% / | \
%% | | |
%% Base-1-Rel Base-2-Rel... Base-N-Rel .
%% .appup files for upgrade or downgrade reside only with the applications
%% in the `top' release.
%% Consider now one of the Base-k-Rel releases, call it BaseRel,
%% and let
%% TopApps = the applications in TopRel
%% BaseApps = the applications in BaseRel,
%% and define the following sets of names:
%% TopAppNames = [App.name || App <- TopApps]
%% BaseAppNames = [App.name || App <- BaseApps] .
%% We have the following disjoint sets:
%% (1) TopAppNames \ BaseAppNames
%% The elements in this set are the (names of) the applications
%% which are only in the `top' release TopRel.
%% (2) TopAppNames /\ BaseAppNames
%% The elements in this set are the (names of) the applications that
%% exist in both releases.
%% (3) BaseAppNames \ TopAppNames
%% The elements in this set are the (names of) the applications that
%% are only in the `base' release BaseRel.
%% Upgrade (`base' --> `top')
%% ==========================
%% TopAppNames \ BaseAppNames New applications. There are no
%% .appup files for these. Generate
%% `add_application' instructions.
%% TopAppNames /\ BaseAppNames Same applications. For those that
%% have different vsns, upgrade according
%% to instructions in .appup file.
%% BaseAppNames \ TopAppNames Old applications. There are no
%% .appup files for these. Generate
%% `remove_application' instructions.
%% Downgrade ( `top' --> `base')
%% =============================
%% BaseAppNames \ TopAppNames New applications. There are no
%% .appup files for these. Generate
%% `add_application' instructions.
%% TopAppNames /\ BaseAppNames Same applications. For those that
%% have different vsns, downgrade
%% according to instructions in
%% .appup file.
%% TopAppNames \ BaseAppNames Old applications. There are no
%% .appup files for these. Generate
%% `remove_application' instructions.
-export([mk_relup/3, mk_relup/4, format_error/1, format_warning/1]).
%% Used by release_handler:find_script/4.
%% Also used by kernel, stdlib and sasl tests
%% mk_relup(TopRelFile, BaseUpRelDcs, BaseDnRelDcs)
%% mk_relup(TopRelFile, BaseUpRelDcs, BaseDnRelDcs, Opts) -> Ret
%% TopRelFile = rel_filename()
%% TopUpRelDcs = BaseDnRelDcs = [reldescr()]
%% reldescr() = rel_filename() | {_rel_filename(), description()}
%% rel_filename() = description() = string()
%% Opts = [opt()]
%% opt() = {path, [path()]} | silent | noexec | restart_emulator
%% | {outdir, string()} | warnings_as_errors
%% path() = [string()]
%% Ret = ok | error | {ok, Relup, Module, Warnings} | {error, Module, Error}
%% Creates a "relup" file based on information in the top
%% .rel file and the up and down .rel files.
%% The rel_filename() is stem of a .rel file, i.e. the extension
%% ".rel" is added to the stem to form the name of the real file.
%% XXX WARNING: The default paths used to search for files are those
%% that are returned by code:get_path(). The default path cannot be
%% changed, only prepended through the `path' option. That may have
%% consequences that are hard to predict.
%% The option `path' sets search path, `silent' suppresses printing of
%% error messages to the console, `noexec' inhibits the creation of
%% the output "relup" file, restart_emulator ensures that the new
%% emulator is restarted (as the final step), and `warnings_as_errors'
%% treats warnings as errors.
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
mk_relup(TopRelFile, BaseUpRelDcs, BaseDnRelDcs) ->
mk_relup(TopRelFile, BaseUpRelDcs, BaseDnRelDcs, []).
mk_relup(TopRelFile, BaseUpRelDcs, BaseDnRelDcs, Opts) ->
case check_opts(Opts) of
[] ->
R = try do_mk_relup(TopRelFile,BaseUpRelDcs,BaseDnRelDcs,
add_code_path(Opts), Opts)
catch throw:Error ->
done_mk_relup(Opts, R);
BadArg ->
erlang:error({badarg, BadArg})
%% Function for checking validity of options in analogy with
%% check_args_script/1 and check_args_tar/1 in systools_make.
%% To maintain backwards compatibility, actually only outdir is checked.
check_opts([{outdir, Dir}|_Opts]) when is_list(Dir) ->
check_opts([{outdir, BadArg}|_Opts]) ->
[{outdir, BadArg}];
check_opts([_Opt|Opts]) ->
check_opts([]) ->
do_mk_relup(TopRelFile, BaseUpRelDcs, BaseDnRelDcs, Path, Opts) ->
case systools_make:get_release(to_list(TopRelFile), Path) of
%% TopRel = #release
%% NameVsnApps = [{{Name, Vsn}, #application}]
{ok, TopRel, NameVsnApps, Ws0} ->
case lists:member({warning,missing_sasl},Ws0) of
true ->
false ->
%% TopApps = [#application]
TopApps = lists:map(fun({_, App}) -> App end, NameVsnApps),
%% Up
{Up, Ws1} = foreach_baserel_up(TopRel, TopApps, BaseUpRelDcs,
Path, Opts, Ws0),
%% Down
{Dn, Ws2} = foreach_baserel_dn(TopRel, TopApps, BaseDnRelDcs,
Path, Opts, Ws1),
Relup = {TopRel#release.vsn, Up, Dn},
{ok, Relup, Ws2};
Other ->
done_mk_relup(Opts, {ok,Relup,Ws}) ->
WAE = get_opt(warnings_as_errors,Opts),
Silent = get_opt(silent,Opts),
Noexec = get_opt(noexec,Opts),
if WAE andalso Ws=/=[] ->
{error,?MODULE,{warnings_treated_as_errors, Ws}});
not Noexec ->
case write_relup_file(Relup,Opts) of
ok ->
Error ->
true -> % noexec
done_mk_relup(Opts, Error) ->
return_error(get_opt(silent,Opts) orelse get_opt(noexec,Opts), Error).
return_error(true, Error) ->
return_error(false, Error) ->
return_ok(true,Relup,Ws) ->
return_ok(false,_Relup,Ws) ->
%% foreach_baserel_up(Rel, TopApps, BaseRelDcs, Path, Opts, Ws) -> Ret
%% foreach_baserel_dn(Rel, TopApps, BaseRelDcs, Path, Opts, Ws) -> Ret
%% TopRel = #release
%% TopApps = [#application]
%% BaseRelDcs = [reldescr()]
%% reldescr() = filename() | {filename(), description()}
%% filename() = description() = string()
%% Opts = [opt()], opt() = {path, [path()]} | silent | noexec |
%% restart_emulator
%% Ws = [term()]
%% Ret = {VDRs, Ws}
%% VDRs = [vdr()], vdr() = {Vsn, Description, RUs}
%% Generates scripts for each base release.
foreach_baserel_up(TopRel, TopApps, BaseRelDcs, Path, Opts, Ws) ->
foreach_baserel_up(TopRel, TopApps, BaseRelDcs, Path, Opts,
Ws, []).
foreach_baserel_up(TopRel, TopApps, [BaseRelDc|BaseRelDcs], Path, Opts,
Ws, Acc) ->
BaseRelFile = extract_filename(BaseRelDc),
{BaseRel, {BaseNameVsns, BaseApps}, Ws0} =
case systools_make:get_release(BaseRelFile, Path) of
{ok, BR, NameVsnApps, Warns} ->
case lists:member({warning,missing_sasl},Warns) of
true ->
false ->
%% NameVsnApps = [{{Name,Vsn},#application}]
%% Gives two lists - [{Name,Vsn}] and [#application]
Other1 ->
%% BaseRel = #release
%% RUs = (release upgrade scripts). We really get separate
%% scripts, one for emulator restart, one for each
%% application, one for each added applications, and one for
%% each removed applications.
{RUs1, Ws1} = collect_appup_scripts(up, TopApps, BaseRel, Ws0++Ws, []),
{RUs2, Ws2} = create_add_app_scripts(BaseRel, TopRel, RUs1, Ws1),
{RUs3, Ws3} = create_remove_app_scripts(BaseRel, TopRel, RUs2, Ws2),
{RUs4, Ws4} = check_for_emulator_restart(TopRel, BaseRel, RUs3, Ws3, Opts),
case systools_rc:translate_scripts(up, RUs4, TopApps, BaseApps) of
{ok, RUs5} ->
{RUs, Ws5} = fix_r15_sasl_upgrade(RUs5,Ws4,BaseNameVsns),
VDR = {BaseRel#release.vsn,
extract_description(BaseRelDc), RUs},
foreach_baserel_up(TopRel, TopApps, BaseRelDcs, Path,
Opts, Ws5, [VDR| Acc]);
XXX ->
foreach_baserel_up( _, _, [], _, _, Ws, Acc) ->
{Acc, Ws}.
foreach_baserel_dn(TopRel, TopApps, BaseRelDcs, Path, Opts, Ws) ->
foreach_baserel_dn(TopRel, TopApps, BaseRelDcs, Path, Opts,
Ws, []).
foreach_baserel_dn(TopRel, TopApps, [BaseRelDc|BaseRelDcs], Path, Opts,
Ws, Acc) ->
BaseRelFile = extract_filename(BaseRelDc),
{BaseRel, BaseApps, Ws0} =
case systools_make:get_release(BaseRelFile, Path) of
%% NameVsnApps = [{{Name, Vsn}, #application}]
{ok, BR, NameVsnApps, Warns} ->
case lists:member({warning,missing_sasl},Warns) of
true ->
false ->
%% NApps = [#application]
NApps = lists:map(fun({_,App}) -> App end, NameVsnApps),
{BR, NApps, Warns}
Other ->
%% BaseRel = #release
%% RUs = (release upgrade scripts)
{RUs1, Ws1} = collect_appup_scripts(dn, TopApps, BaseRel, Ws0++Ws, []),
{RUs2, Ws2} = create_add_app_scripts(TopRel, BaseRel, RUs1, Ws1),
{RUs3, Ws3} = create_remove_app_scripts(TopRel, BaseRel, RUs2, Ws2),
{RUs4, Ws4} = check_for_emulator_restart(TopRel, BaseRel, RUs3, Ws3, Opts),
case systools_rc:translate_scripts(dn, RUs4, BaseApps, TopApps) of
{ok, RUs} ->
VDR = {BaseRel#release.vsn,
extract_description(BaseRelDc), RUs},
foreach_baserel_dn(TopRel, TopApps, BaseRelDcs, Path,
Opts, Ws4, [VDR| Acc]);
XXX ->
foreach_baserel_dn( _, _, [], _, _, Ws, Acc) ->
{Acc, Ws}.
%% check_for_emulator_restart(Rel1, Rel2, RUs, Ws, Opts) -> {NRUs, NWs}
%% Rel1 = Rel2 = #release
check_for_emulator_restart(#release{erts_vsn = Vsn1, name = N1},
#release{erts_vsn = Vsn2, name = N2}, RUs, Ws,
Opts) when Vsn1 /= Vsn2 ->
%% Automatically insert a restart_new_emulator instruction when
%% erts version is changed. Also allow extra restart at the end of
%% the upgrade if restart_emulator option is given.
NewRUs = [[restart_new_emulator]|RUs],
NewWs = [{erts_vsn_changed, {{N1,Vsn1}, {N2,Vsn2}}} | Ws],
check_for_restart_emulator_opt(NewRUs, NewWs, Opts);
check_for_emulator_restart(_, _, RUs, Ws, Opts) ->
check_for_restart_emulator_opt(RUs, Ws, Opts).
check_for_restart_emulator_opt(RUs, Ws, Opts) ->
case get_opt(restart_emulator, Opts) of
true -> {RUs++[[restart_emulator]], Ws};
_ -> {RUs, Ws}
%% Special handling of the upgrade from pre R15 to post R15. In R15,
%% upgrade of the emulator was improved by moving the restart of the
%% emulator before the rest of the upgrade instructions. However, it
%% can only work if the release_handler is already upgraded to a post
%% R15 version. If not, the upgrade instructions must be backwards
%% compatible - i.e. restart_new_emulator will be the last
%% instruction, executed after all code loading, code_change etc.
fix_r15_sasl_upgrade([restart_new_emulator | RestRUs]=RUs, Ws, BaseApps) ->
case lists:keyfind(sasl,1,BaseApps) of
{sasl,Vsn} when Vsn < ?R15_SASL_VSN ->
{lists:delete(restart_emulator,RestRUs) ++ [restart_new_emulator],
_ ->
fix_r15_sasl_upgrade(RUs, Ws, _BaseApps) ->
%% collect_appup_scripts(Mode, TopApps, BaseRel, Ws, RUs) -> {NRUs, NWs}
%% Mode = up | dn
%% TopApps = [#application]
%% BaseRel = #release
%% Gets the script corresponding to Mode and BaseRel in the .appup file
%% for each application.
collect_appup_scripts(Mode, [TopApp|TopApps], BaseRel, Ws, RUs) ->
case lists:keysearch(TopApp#application.name, 1,
BaseRel#release.applications) of
{value, {_Name, BaseVsn, _Type}} ->
%% io:format("collect appup script: ~p~n",
%% [TopApp#application.name]),
TopApp#application.vsn == BaseVsn ->
%% Same version: nothing to do.
collect_appup_scripts(Mode, TopApps, BaseRel, Ws, RUs);
true ->
%% We must have an upgrade script for BaseVsn
{RU1s, Ws1} = get_script_from_appup(Mode, TopApp, BaseVsn,
Ws, RUs),
collect_appup_scripts(Mode, TopApps, BaseRel, Ws1, RU1s)
false ->
collect_appup_scripts(Mode, TopApps, BaseRel, Ws, RUs)
collect_appup_scripts(_, [], _, Ws, RUs) -> {RUs, Ws}.
%% create_add_app_scripts(FromRel, ToRel, RU0s, W0s) -> {RUs, Ws}
%% FromRel = ToRel = #release
%% ToApps = [#application]
create_add_app_scripts(FromRel, ToRel, RU0s, W0s) ->
AddedNs = [{N, T} || {N, _V, T} <- ToRel#release.applications,
not lists:keymember(N, 1, FromRel#release.applications)],
%% io:format("Added apps: ~p~n", [AddedNs]),
RUs = [[{add_application, N, T}] || {N, T} <- AddedNs],
{RUs ++ RU0s, W0s}.
%% create_remove_app_scripts(FromRel, ToRel, RU0s, W0s) -> {RUs, Ws}
%% FromRel = ToRel = #release
%% ToApps = [#application]
%% XXX ToApps not used.
create_remove_app_scripts(FromRel, ToRel, RU0s, W0s) ->
RemovedNs = [N || {N, _V, _T} <- FromRel#release.applications,
not lists:keymember(N, 1, ToRel#release.applications)],
%% io:format("Removed apps: ~p~n", [RemovedNs]),
RUs = [[{remove_application, N}] || N <- RemovedNs],
{RUs ++ RU0s, W0s}.
%% get_script_from_appup(Mode, TopApp, BaseVsn, Ws, RUs) -> {NRUs, NWs}
%% Mode = up | dn
%% TopApp = #application
%% XXX We do not operate on Ws and RUs, we just return (possibly) one
%% warning, and one script. Remove the Ws And RUs arguments and return
%% only what is relevant.
get_script_from_appup(Mode, TopApp, BaseVsn, Ws, RUs) ->
FName = filename:join([TopApp#application.dir,
to_list(TopApp#application.name) ++ ".appup"]),
{VsnRUs, TopVsn} = case systools_lib:read_term(FName) of
{ok, {TopVsn0, UpVsnRUs, DnVsnRUs}} ->
VsnRUs0 = case Mode of
up ->
dn ->
{VsnRUs0, TopVsn0};
X ->
throw({error, ?MODULE, {file_problem,
{FName, X}}})
Ws1 = if
TopApp#application.vsn == TopVsn ->
true ->
%% XXX Why is this a warning only?
[{bad_vsn, {TopVsn, TopApp#application.vsn}}| Ws]
case appup_search_for_version(BaseVsn, VsnRUs) of
{ok, RU} ->
{RUs ++ [RU], Ws1};
error ->
throw({error, ?MODULE, {no_relup, FName, TopApp, BaseVsn}})
appup_search_for_version(BaseVsn,[{BaseVsn,RU}|_]) ->
appup_search_for_version(BaseVsn,[{Vsn,RU}|VsnRUs]) when is_binary(Vsn) ->
case re:run(BaseVsn,Vsn,[unicode,{capture,first,list}]) of
{match,[BaseVsn]} ->
{ok, RU};
_ ->
appup_search_for_version(BaseVsn,[_|VsnRUs]) ->
appup_search_for_version(_,[]) ->
%% Primitives for the "lists of release names" that we upgrade from
%% and to.
extract_filename({N, _D}) -> to_list(N);
extract_filename(N) -> to_list(N).
extract_description({_N, D}) -> D;
extract_description(_) -> [].
to_list(X) when is_atom(X) -> atom_to_list(X);
to_list(X) when is_list(X) -> X.
%% write_relup_file(Relup, Opts) -> ok
%% Writes a relup file.
write_relup_file(Relup, Opts) ->
Filename = filename:join(filename:absname(get_opt(outdir,Opts)),
case file:open(Filename, [write]) of
{ok, Fd} ->
io:format(Fd, "~p.~n", [Relup]),
case file:close(Fd) of
ok -> ok;
{error,Reason} ->
{error, ?MODULE, {file_problem, {"relup", {close,Reason}}}}
{error, Reason} ->
{error, ?MODULE, {file_problem, {"relup", {open, Reason}}}}
add_code_path(Opts) ->
case get_opt(path, Opts) of
false ->
Paths0 ->
Paths1 = [to_list(P) || P <- Paths0],
%% Allow wild-card expansion.
Paths2 = systools_lib:get_path(Paths1),
make_set(Paths2 ++ code:get_path())
get_opt(Opt, Opts) ->
case lists:keysearch(Opt, 1, Opts) of
{value, {_, Val}} -> Val;
_ ->
case lists:member(Opt, Opts) of
true -> true;
_ -> default(Opt)
%% make elements in list unique without rearranging the
%% elements.
%% XXX Not very efficient.
make_set([]) -> [];
make_set([H|T]) ->
[H | [ Y || Y<- make_set(T),
Y =/= H]].
default(path) -> false;
default(noexec) -> false;
default(silent) -> false;
default(restart_emulator) -> false;
default(outdir) -> ".";
default(warnings_as_errors) -> false.
print_error({error, Mod, Error}) ->
S = apply(Mod, format_error, [Error]),
io:format(S, []);
print_error(Other) ->
io:format("Error: ~tp~n", [Other]).
format_error({file_problem, {File, What}}) ->
io_lib:format("Could not ~w file ~ts~n", [get_reason(What), File]);
format_error({no_relup, File, App, Vsn}) ->
io_lib:format("No release upgrade script entry for ~w-~ts to ~w-~ts "
"in file ~ts~n",
[App#application.name, App#application.vsn,
App#application.name, Vsn, File]);
format_error({missing_sasl,Release}) ->
io_lib:format("No sasl application in release ~ts, ~ts. "
"Can not be upgraded.",
[Release#release.name, Release#release.vsn]);
format_error({warnings_treated_as_errors, Warnings}) ->
io_lib:format("Warnings being treated as errors:~n~ts",
[[format_warning("",W) || W <- Warnings]]);
format_error(Error) ->
io_lib:format("~tp~n", [Error]).
print_warnings(Ws) when is_list(Ws) ->
lists:foreach(fun(W) -> print_warning(W) end, Ws);
print_warnings(W) ->
print_warning(W) ->
io:format("~ts", [format_warning(W)]).
format_warning(W) ->
format_warning("*WARNING* ", W).
format_warning(Prefix, {erts_vsn_changed, {Rel1, Rel2}}) ->
io_lib:format("~tsThe ERTS version changed between ~tp and ~tp~n",
[Prefix, Rel1, Rel2]);
format_warning(Prefix, pre_R15_emulator_upgrade) ->
io_lib:format("~tsUpgrade from an OTP version earlier than R15. New code should be compiled with the old emulator.~n",[Prefix]);
format_warning(Prefix, What) ->
io_lib:format("~ts~tp~n",[Prefix, What]).
get_reason({error, {open, _, _}}) -> open;
get_reason({error, {read, _, _}}) -> read;
get_reason({error, {parse, _, _}}) -> parse;
get_reason({error, {close, _, _}}) -> close;
get_reason({error, {open, _}}) -> open;
get_reason({error, {read, _}}) -> read;
get_reason({error, {parse, _}}) -> parse;
get_reason({open, _}) -> open;
get_reason({read, _}) -> read;
get_reason({parse, _}) -> parse;
get_reason({close, _}) -> close;
get_reason(open) -> open;
get_reason(read) -> read;
get_reason(parse) -> parse.