%% This file was generated by snmp_config (v3.0) 2001-04-04 14:29:04
%% This files defines the target address parameters.
%% The data is inserted into the snmpTargetAddrTable defined
%% in SNMP-TARGET-MIB, and in the snmpTargeAddrExtTabke defined
%% Each row is a 10 or 11-tuple (Domain is optional):
%% {Name,
%% Domain, Ip, Port,
%% Timeout, RetryCount, TagList, ParamsName, EngineId,
%% TMask, MaxMessageSize}.
%% The value of Domain decide the format of the Ip and TMask values.
%% If not present, classic Ipv4 is assumed.
%% The EngineId value is only used if Inform-Requests are sent to this
%% target. If Informs are not sent, this value is ignored, and can be
%% e.g. an empty string. However, if Informs are sent, it is essential
%% that the value of EngineId matches the value of the target's
%% actual snmpEngineID.
%% For example
%% {" v1", [1,2,3,4], 162, 1500, 3, "std_inform", "otp_v2", "",
%% [127,0,0,0], 2048}.
{"141,213,11,24 v3", [141,213,11,24], 5000, 1500, 3, "std_trap", "target_v3", "", [], 2048}.