%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2010. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
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%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Purpose: Help functions for handling the SSL-Record protocol
%% Connection state handling
current_connection_state/2, pending_connection_state/2,
%% Handling of incoming data
%% Encoding records
-export([encode_handshake/3, encode_alert_record/3,
encode_change_cipher_spec/2, encode_data/4]).
%% Decoding
%% Misc.
-export([protocol_version/1, lowest_protocol_version/2,
highest_protocol_version/1, supported_protocol_versions/0,
%% Internal application API
%% Function: init_connection_states(Role) -> #connection_states{}
%% Role = client | server
%% Random = binary()
%% Description: Creates a connection_states record with appropriate
%% values for the initial SSL connection setup.
init_connection_states(Role) ->
ConnectionEnd = record_protocol_role(Role),
Current = initial_connection_state(ConnectionEnd),
Pending = empty_connection_state(ConnectionEnd),
#connection_states{current_read = Current,
pending_read = Pending,
current_write = Current,
pending_write = Pending
%% Function: current_connection_state(States, Type) -> #connection_state{}
%% States = #connection_states{}
%% Type = read | write
%% Description: Returns the instance of the connection_state record
%% that is currently defined as the current conection state.
current_connection_state(#connection_states{current_read = Current},
read) ->
current_connection_state(#connection_states{current_write = Current},
write) ->
%% Function: pending_connection_state(States, Type) -> #connection_state{}
%% States = #connection_states{}
%% Type = read | write
%% Description: Returns the instance of the connection_state record
%% that is currently defined as the pending conection state.
pending_connection_state(#connection_states{pending_read = Pending},
read) ->
pending_connection_state(#connection_states{pending_write = Pending},
write) ->
%% Function: update_security_params(Params, States) ->
%% #connection_states{}
%% Params = #security_parameters{}
%% States = #connection_states{}
%% Description: Creates a new instance of the connection_states record
%% where the pending states gets its security parameters
%% updated to <Params>.
update_security_params(ReadParams, WriteParams, States =
#connection_states{pending_read = Read,
pending_write = Write}) ->
States#connection_states{pending_read =
Read#connection_state{security_parameters =
pending_write =
Write#connection_state{security_parameters =
%% Function: set_mac_secret(ClientWriteMacSecret,
%% ServerWriteMacSecret, Role, States) ->
%% #connection_states{}
%% MacSecret = binary()
%% States = #connection_states{}
%% Role = server | client
%% update the mac_secret field in pending connection states
set_mac_secret(ClientWriteMacSecret, ServerWriteMacSecret, client, States) ->
set_mac_secret(ServerWriteMacSecret, ClientWriteMacSecret, States);
set_mac_secret(ClientWriteMacSecret, ServerWriteMacSecret, server, States) ->
set_mac_secret(ClientWriteMacSecret, ServerWriteMacSecret, States).
set_mac_secret(ReadMacSecret, WriteMacSecret,
States = #connection_states{pending_read = Read,
pending_write = Write}) ->
pending_read = Read#connection_state{mac_secret = ReadMacSecret},
pending_write = Write#connection_state{mac_secret = WriteMacSecret}
%% Function: set_master_secret(MasterSecret, States) ->
%% #connection_states{}
%% MacSecret =
%% States = #connection_states{}
%% Set master_secret in pending connection states
States = #connection_states{pending_read = Read,
pending_write = Write}) ->
ReadSecPar = Read#connection_state.security_parameters,
Read1 = Read#connection_state{
security_parameters = ReadSecPar#security_parameters{
master_secret = MasterSecret}},
WriteSecPar = Write#connection_state.security_parameters,
Write1 = Write#connection_state{
security_parameters = WriteSecPar#security_parameters{
master_secret = MasterSecret}},
States#connection_states{pending_read = Read1, pending_write = Write1}.
%% Function: activate_pending_connection_state(States, Type) ->
%% #connection_states{}
%% States = #connection_states{}
%% Type = read | write
%% Description: Creates a new instance of the connection_states record
%% where the pending state of <Type> has been activated.
activate_pending_connection_state(States =
#connection_states{pending_read = Pending},
read) ->
NewCurrent = Pending#connection_state{sequence_number = 0},
SecParams = Pending#connection_state.security_parameters,
ConnectionEnd = SecParams#security_parameters.connection_end,
NewPending = empty_connection_state(ConnectionEnd),
States#connection_states{current_read = NewCurrent,
pending_read = NewPending
activate_pending_connection_state(States =
#connection_states{pending_write = Pending},
write) ->
NewCurrent = Pending#connection_state{sequence_number = 0},
SecParams = Pending#connection_state.security_parameters,
ConnectionEnd = SecParams#security_parameters.connection_end,
NewPending = empty_connection_state(ConnectionEnd),
States#connection_states{current_write = NewCurrent,
pending_write = NewPending
%% Function: set_pending_cipher_state(States, ClientState,
%% ServerState, Role) ->
%% #connection_states{}
%% ClientState = ServerState = #cipher_state{}
%% States = #connection_states{}
%% Description: Set the cipher state in the specified pending connection state.
set_pending_cipher_state(#connection_states{pending_read = Read,
pending_write = Write} = States,
ClientState, ServerState, server) ->
pending_read = Read#connection_state{cipher_state = ClientState},
pending_write = Write#connection_state{cipher_state = ServerState}};
set_pending_cipher_state(#connection_states{pending_read = Read,
pending_write = Write} = States,
ClientState, ServerState, client) ->
pending_read = Read#connection_state{cipher_state = ServerState},
pending_write = Write#connection_state{cipher_state = ClientState}}.
%% Function: get_tls_record(Data, Buffer) -> Result
%% Result = {[#tls_compressed{}], NewBuffer}
%% Data = Buffer = NewBuffer = binary()
%% Description: given old buffer and new data from TCP, packs up a records
%% and returns it as a list of #tls_compressed, also returns leftover
%% data
get_tls_records(Data, <<>>) ->
get_tls_records_aux(Data, []);
get_tls_records(Data, Buffer) ->
get_tls_records_aux(list_to_binary([Buffer, Data]), []).
?UINT16(Length), Data:Length/binary, Rest/binary>>,
Acc) ->
get_tls_records_aux(Rest, [#ssl_tls{type = ?APPLICATION_DATA,
version = {MajVer, MinVer},
fragment = Data} | Acc]);
Data:Length/binary, Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
get_tls_records_aux(Rest, [#ssl_tls{type = ?HANDSHAKE,
version = {MajVer, MinVer},
fragment = Data} | Acc]);
?UINT16(Length), Data:Length/binary,
Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
get_tls_records_aux(Rest, [#ssl_tls{type = ?ALERT,
version = {MajVer, MinVer},
fragment = Data} | Acc]);
?UINT16(Length), Data:Length/binary, Rest/binary>>,
Acc) ->
get_tls_records_aux(Rest, [#ssl_tls{type = ?CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC,
version = {MajVer, MinVer},
fragment = Data} | Acc]);
%% Matches a ssl v2 client hello message.
%% The server must be able to receive such messages, from clients that
%% are willing to use ssl v3 or higher, but have ssl v2 compatibility.
get_tls_records_aux(<<1:1, Length0:15, Data0:Length0/binary, Rest/binary>>,
Acc) ->
case Data0 of
<<?BYTE(?CLIENT_HELLO), ?BYTE(MajVer), ?BYTE(MinVer), _/binary>> ->
Length = Length0-1,
<<?BYTE(_), Data1:Length/binary>> = Data0,
Data = <<?BYTE(?CLIENT_HELLO), ?UINT24(Length), Data1/binary>>,
get_tls_records_aux(Rest, [#ssl_tls{type = ?HANDSHAKE,
version = {MajVer, MinVer},
fragment = Data} | Acc]);
_ ->
get_tls_records_aux(<<0:1, _CT:7, ?BYTE(_MajVer), ?BYTE(_MinVer),
?UINT16(Length), _/binary>>,
_Acc) when Length > ?MAX_CIPHER_TEXT_LENGTH->
get_tls_records_aux(<<1:1, Length0:15, _/binary>>,_Acc)
when Length0 > ?MAX_CIPHER_TEXT_LENGTH->
get_tls_records_aux(Data, Acc) ->
{lists:reverse(Acc), Data}.
%% Function: protocol_version(Version) -> #protocol_version{}
%% Version = atom()
%% Description: Creates a protocol version record from a version atom
%% or vice versa.
protocol_version('tlsv1.1') ->
{3, 2};
protocol_version(tlsv1) ->
{3, 1};
protocol_version(sslv3) ->
{3, 0};
protocol_version(sslv2) ->
{2, 0};
protocol_version({3, 2}) ->
protocol_version({3, 1}) ->
protocol_version({3, 0}) ->
protocol_version({2, 0}) ->
%% Function: protocol_version(Version1, Version2) -> #protocol_version{}
%% Version1 = Version2 = #protocol_version{}
%% Description: Lowes protocol version of two given versions
lowest_protocol_version(Version = {M, N}, {M, O}) when N < O ->
lowest_protocol_version({M, _},
Version = {M, _}) ->
lowest_protocol_version(Version = {M,_},
{N, _}) when M < N ->
lowest_protocol_version(_,Version) ->
%% Function: protocol_version(Versions) -> #protocol_version{}
%% Versions = [#protocol_version{}]
%% Description: Highest protocol version present in a list
highest_protocol_version([]) ->
highest_protocol_version(Versions) ->
[Ver | Vers] = Versions,
highest_protocol_version(Ver, Vers).
highest_protocol_version(Version, []) ->
highest_protocol_version(Version = {N, M}, [{N, O} | Rest]) when M > O ->
highest_protocol_version(Version, Rest);
highest_protocol_version({M, _}, [Version = {M, _} | Rest]) ->
highest_protocol_version(Version, Rest);
highest_protocol_version(Version = {M,_}, [{N,_} | Rest]) when M > N ->
highest_protocol_version(Version, Rest);
highest_protocol_version(_, [Version | Rest]) ->
highest_protocol_version(Version, Rest).
%% Function: supported_protocol_versions() -> Versions
%% Versions = [#protocol_version{}]
%% Description: Protocol versions supported
supported_protocol_versions() ->
Fun = fun(Version) ->
case application:get_env(ssl, protocol_version) of
undefined ->
{ok, []} ->
{ok, Vsns} when is_list(Vsns) ->
lists:map(Fun, Vsns);
{ok, Vsn} ->
%% Function: is_acceptable_version(Version) -> true | false
%% Version = #protocol_version{}
%% Description: ssl version 2 is not acceptable security risks are too big.
is_acceptable_version(_) ->
%% Function: compressions() -> binary()
%% Description: return a list of compressions supported (currently none)
compressions() ->
%% Function: decode_cipher_text(CipherText, ConnectionStates0) ->
%% {Plain, ConnectionStates}
%% Description: Decode cipher text
decode_cipher_text(CipherText, ConnnectionStates0) ->
ReadState0 = ConnnectionStates0#connection_states.current_read,
#connection_state{compression_state = CompressionS0,
security_parameters = SecParams} = ReadState0,
CompressAlg = SecParams#security_parameters.compression_algorithm,
{Compressed, ReadState1} = decipher(CipherText, ReadState0),
{Plain, CompressionS1} = uncompress(CompressAlg,
Compressed, CompressionS0),
ConnnectionStates = ConnnectionStates0#connection_states{
current_read = ReadState1#connection_state{
compression_state = CompressionS1}},
{Plain, ConnnectionStates}.
%%% Internal functions
highest_protocol_version() ->
initial_connection_state(ConnectionEnd) ->
#connection_state{security_parameters =
sequence_number = 0
initial_security_params(ConnectionEnd) ->
#security_parameters{connection_end = ConnectionEnd,
bulk_cipher_algorithm = ?NULL,
mac_algorithm = ?NULL,
compression_algorithm = ?NULL,
cipher_type = ?NULL
empty_connection_state(ConnectionEnd) ->
SecParams = empty_security_params(ConnectionEnd),
#connection_state{security_parameters = SecParams}.
empty_security_params(ConnectionEnd = ?CLIENT) ->
#security_parameters{connection_end = ConnectionEnd,
client_random = random()};
empty_security_params(ConnectionEnd = ?SERVER) ->
#security_parameters{connection_end = ConnectionEnd,
server_random = random()}.
random() ->
Secs_since_1970 = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(
calendar:universal_time()) - 62167219200,
Random_28_bytes = crypto:rand_bytes(28),
<<?UINT32(Secs_since_1970), Random_28_bytes/binary>>.
record_protocol_role(client) ->
record_protocol_role(server) ->
split_bin(Bin, ChunkSize) ->
split_bin(Bin, ChunkSize, []).
split_bin(<<>>, _, Acc) ->
split_bin(Bin, ChunkSize, Acc) ->
case Bin of
<<Chunk:ChunkSize/binary, Rest/binary>> ->
split_bin(Rest, ChunkSize, [Chunk | Acc]);
_ ->
lists:reverse(Acc, [Bin])
encode_data(Frag, Version, ConnectionStates, RenegotiateAt)
when byte_size(Frag) < (?MAX_PLAIN_TEXT_LENGTH - 2048) ->
case encode_plain_text(?APPLICATION_DATA,Version,Frag,ConnectionStates, RenegotiateAt) of
{renegotiate, Data} ->
{[], Data, ConnectionStates};
{Msg, CS} ->
{Msg, [], CS}
encode_data(Frag, Version, ConnectionStates, RenegotiateAt) when is_binary(Frag) ->
Data = split_bin(Frag, ?MAX_PLAIN_TEXT_LENGTH - 2048),
encode_data(Data, Version, ConnectionStates, RenegotiateAt);
encode_data(Data, Version, ConnectionStates0, RenegotiateAt) when is_list(Data) ->
{ConnectionStates, EncodedMsg, NotEncdedData} =
lists:foldl(fun(B, {CS0, Encoded, Rest}) ->
case encode_plain_text(?APPLICATION_DATA,
Version, B, CS0, RenegotiateAt) of
{renegotiate, NotEnc} ->
{CS0, Encoded, [NotEnc | Rest]};
{Enc, CS1} ->
{CS1, [Enc | Encoded], Rest}
end, {ConnectionStates0, [], []}, Data),
{lists:reverse(EncodedMsg), lists:reverse(NotEncdedData), ConnectionStates}.
encode_handshake(Frag, Version, ConnectionStates) ->
encode_plain_text(?HANDSHAKE, Version, Frag, ConnectionStates).
encode_alert_record(#alert{level = Level, description = Description},
Version, ConnectionStates) ->
encode_plain_text(?ALERT, Version, <<?BYTE(Level), ?BYTE(Description)>>,
encode_change_cipher_spec(Version, ConnectionStates) ->
encode_plain_text(?CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC, Version, <<1:8>>, ConnectionStates).
encode_plain_text(Type, Version, Data, ConnectionStates, RenegotiateAt) ->
#connection_states{current_write =
#connection_state{sequence_number = Num}} = ConnectionStates,
case renegotiate(Num, RenegotiateAt) of
false ->
encode_plain_text(Type, Version, Data, ConnectionStates);
true ->
{renegotiate, Data}
encode_plain_text(Type, Version, Data, ConnectionStates) ->
}=CS0} = ConnectionStates,
{Comp, CompS1} = compress(CompAlg, Data, CompS0),
CS1 = CS0#connection_state{compression_state = CompS1},
{CipherText, CS2} = cipher(Type, Version, Comp, CS1),
CTBin = encode_tls_cipher_text(Type, Version, CipherText),
{CTBin, ConnectionStates#connection_states{current_write = CS2}}.
renegotiate(N, M) when N < M->
renegotiate(_,_) ->
encode_tls_cipher_text(Type, {MajVer, MinVer}, Fragment) ->
Length = erlang:iolist_size(Fragment),
[<<?BYTE(Type), ?BYTE(MajVer), ?BYTE(MinVer), ?UINT16(Length)>>, Fragment].
cipher(Type, Version, Fragment, CS0) ->
Length = erlang:iolist_size(Fragment),
{Hash, CS1=#connection_state{cipher_state = CipherS0,
#security_parameters{bulk_cipher_algorithm =
}} =
hash_and_bump_seqno(CS0, Type, Version, Length, Fragment),
{Ciphered, CipherS1} = ssl_cipher:cipher(BCA, CipherS0, Hash, Fragment),
CS2 = CS1#connection_state{cipher_state=CipherS1},
{Ciphered, CS2}.
decipher(TLS=#ssl_tls{type=Type, version=Version, fragment=Fragment}, CS0) ->
SP = CS0#connection_state.security_parameters,
BCA = SP#security_parameters.bulk_cipher_algorithm, % eller Cipher?
HashSz = SP#security_parameters.hash_size,
CipherS0 = CS0#connection_state.cipher_state,
{T, Mac, CipherS1} = ssl_cipher:decipher(BCA, HashSz, CipherS0, Fragment),
CS1 = CS0#connection_state{cipher_state = CipherS1},
TLength = size(T),
{Hash, CS2} = hash_and_bump_seqno(CS1, Type, Version, TLength, Fragment),
ok = check_hash(Hash, Mac),
{TLS#ssl_tls{fragment = T}, CS2}.
uncompress(?NULL, Data = #ssl_tls{type = _Type,
version = _Version,
fragment = _Fragment}, CS) ->
{Data, CS}.
compress(?NULL, Data, CS) ->
{Data, CS}.
hash_and_bump_seqno(#connection_state{sequence_number = SeqNo,
mac_secret = MacSecret,
security_parameters =
SecPars} = CS0,
Type, Version, Length, Fragment) ->
Hash = mac_hash(Version,
MacSecret, SeqNo, Type,
Length, Fragment),
{Hash, CS0#connection_state{sequence_number = SeqNo+1}}.
check_hash(_, _) ->
ok. %% TODO check this
mac_hash(?NULL, {_,_}, _MacSecret, _SeqNo, _Type,
_Length, _Fragment) ->
mac_hash({3, 0}, MacAlg, MacSecret, SeqNo, Type, Length, Fragment) ->
ssl_ssl3:mac_hash(MacAlg, MacSecret, SeqNo, Type, Length, Fragment);
mac_hash({3, N} = Version, MacAlg, MacSecret, SeqNo, Type, Length, Fragment)
when N =:= 1; N =:= 2 ->
ssl_tls1:mac_hash(MacAlg, MacSecret, SeqNo, Type, Version,
Length, Fragment).