%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2018. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Purpose: Help funtions for handling the TLS 1.3 (specific parts of)
%%% TLS handshake protocol
%% Encode
-export([encode_handshake/1, decode_handshake/2]).
%% Create handshake messages
%% Create handshake messages
server_hello(MsgType, SessionId, KeyShare, ConnectionStates) ->
#{security_parameters := SecParams} =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
Extensions = server_hello_extensions(MsgType, KeyShare),
#server_hello{server_version = {3,3}, %% legacy_version
cipher_suite = SecParams#security_parameters.cipher_suite,
compression_method = 0, %% legacy attribute
random = server_hello_random(MsgType, SecParams),
session_id = SessionId,
extensions = Extensions
server_hello_extensions(MsgType, KeyShare) ->
SupportedVersions = #server_hello_selected_version{selected_version = {3,4}},
Extensions = #{server_hello_selected_version => SupportedVersions},
ssl_handshake:add_server_share(MsgType, Extensions, KeyShare).
server_hello_random(server_hello, #security_parameters{server_random = Random}) ->
%% For reasons of backward compatibility with middleboxes (see
%% Appendix D.4), the HelloRetryRequest message uses the same structure
%% as the ServerHello, but with Random set to the special value of the
%% SHA-256 of "HelloRetryRequest":
%% CF 21 AD 74 E5 9A 61 11 BE 1D 8C 02 1E 65 B8 91
%% C2 A2 11 16 7A BB 8C 5E 07 9E 09 E2 C8 A8 33 9C
server_hello_random(hello_retry_request, _) ->
crypto:hash(sha256, "HelloRetryRequest").
%% TODO: implement support for encrypted_extensions
encrypted_extensions() ->
extensions = #{}
certificate_request(SignAlgs0, SignAlgsCert0) ->
%% Input arguments contain TLS 1.2 algorithms due to backward compatibility
%% reasons. These {Hash, Algo} tuples must be filtered before creating the
%% the extensions.
SignAlgs = filter_tls13_algs(SignAlgs0),
SignAlgsCert = filter_tls13_algs(SignAlgsCert0),
Extensions0 = add_signature_algorithms(#{}, SignAlgs),
Extensions = add_signature_algorithms_cert(Extensions0, SignAlgsCert),
certificate_request_context = <<>>,
extensions = Extensions}.
add_signature_algorithms(Extensions, SignAlgs) ->
Extensions#{signature_algorithms =>
#signature_algorithms{signature_scheme_list = SignAlgs}}.
add_signature_algorithms_cert(Extensions, undefined) ->
add_signature_algorithms_cert(Extensions, SignAlgsCert) ->
Extensions#{signature_algorithms_cert =>
#signature_algorithms{signature_scheme_list = SignAlgsCert}}.
filter_tls13_algs(undefined) -> undefined;
filter_tls13_algs(Algo) ->
lists:filter(fun is_atom/1, Algo).
%% TODO: use maybe monad for error handling!
%% enum {
%% X509(0),
%% RawPublicKey(2),
%% (255)
%% } CertificateType;
%% struct {
%% select (certificate_type) {
%% case RawPublicKey:
%% /* From RFC 7250 ASN.1_subjectPublicKeyInfo */
%% opaque ASN1_subjectPublicKeyInfo<1..2^24-1>;
%% case X509:
%% opaque cert_data<1..2^24-1>;
%% };
%% Extension extensions<0..2^16-1>;
%% } CertificateEntry;
%% struct {
%% opaque certificate_request_context<0..2^8-1>;
%% CertificateEntry certificate_list<0..2^24-1>;
%% } Certificate;
certificate(OwnCert, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef, _CRContext, server) ->
case ssl_certificate:certificate_chain(OwnCert, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef) of
{ok, _, Chain} ->
CertList = chain_to_cert_list(Chain),
%% If this message is in response to a CertificateRequest, the value of
%% certificate_request_context in that message. Otherwise (in the case
%%of server authentication), this field SHALL be zero length.
certificate_request_context = <<>>,
certificate_list = CertList};
{error, Error} ->
?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?INTERNAL_ERROR, {server_has_no_suitable_certificates, Error})
certificate_verify(PrivateKey, SignatureScheme,
#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates,
handshake_env =
tls_handshake_history = {Messages, _}}}, server) ->
#{security_parameters := SecParamsR} =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, write),
#security_parameters{prf_algorithm = HKDFAlgo} = SecParamsR,
{HashAlgo, _, _} =
Context = lists:reverse(Messages),
%% Transcript-Hash uses the HKDF hash function defined by the cipher suite.
THash = tls_v1:transcript_hash(Context, HKDFAlgo),
%% Digital signatures use the hash function defined by the selected signature
%% scheme.
case digitally_sign(THash, <<"TLS 1.3, server CertificateVerify">>,
HashAlgo, PrivateKey) of
{ok, Signature} ->
{ok, #certificate_verify_1_3{
algorithm = SignatureScheme,
signature = Signature
{error, badarg} ->
{error, badarg}
finished(#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates,
handshake_env =
tls_handshake_history = {Messages, _}}}) ->
#{security_parameters := SecParamsR,
cipher_state := #cipher_state{finished_key = FinishedKey}} =
ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, write),
#security_parameters{prf_algorithm = HKDFAlgo} = SecParamsR,
VerifyData = tls_v1:finished_verify_data(FinishedKey, HKDFAlgo, Messages),
verify_data = VerifyData
%% Encode handshake
certificate_request_context = Context,
extensions = Exts})->
EncContext = encode_cert_req_context(Context),
BinExts = encode_extensions(Exts),
{?CERTIFICATE_REQUEST, <<EncContext/binary, BinExts/binary>>};
certificate_request_context = Context,
certificate_list = Entries}) ->
EncContext = encode_cert_req_context(Context),
EncEntries = encode_cert_entries(Entries),
{?CERTIFICATE, <<EncContext/binary, EncEntries/binary>>};
algorithm = Algorithm,
signature = Signature}) ->
EncAlgo = encode_algorithm(Algorithm),
EncSign = encode_signature(Signature),
{?CERTIFICATE_VERIFY, <<EncAlgo/binary, EncSign/binary>>};
encode_handshake(#encrypted_extensions{extensions = Exts})->
{?ENCRYPTED_EXTENSIONS, encode_extensions(Exts)};
ticket_lifetime = LifeTime,
ticket_age_add = Age,
ticket_nonce = Nonce,
ticket = Ticket,
extensions = Exts}) ->
TicketSize = byte_size(Ticket),
BinExts = encode_extensions(Exts),
{?NEW_SESSION_TICKET, <<?UINT32(LifeTime), ?UINT32(Age),
?BYTE(Nonce), ?UINT16(TicketSize), Ticket/binary,
encode_handshake(#end_of_early_data{}) ->
encode_handshake(#key_update{request_update = Update}) ->
{?KEY_UPDATE, <<?BYTE(Update)>>};
encode_handshake(HandshakeMsg) ->
ssl_handshake:encode_handshake(HandshakeMsg, {3,4}).
%% Decode handshake
decode_handshake(?CERTIFICATE_REQUEST, <<?BYTE(0), ?UINT16(Size), EncExts:Size/binary>>) ->
Exts = decode_extensions(EncExts, certificate_request),
certificate_request_context = <<>>,
extensions = Exts};
decode_handshake(?CERTIFICATE_REQUEST, <<?BYTE(CSize), Context:CSize/binary,
?UINT16(Size), EncExts:Size/binary>>) ->
Exts = decode_extensions(EncExts, certificate_request),
certificate_request_context = Context,
extensions = Exts};
decode_handshake(?CERTIFICATE, <<?BYTE(0), ?UINT24(Size), Certs:Size/binary>>) ->
CertList = decode_cert_entries(Certs),
certificate_request_context = <<>>,
certificate_list = CertList
decode_handshake(?CERTIFICATE, <<?BYTE(CSize), Context:CSize/binary,
?UINT24(Size), Certs:Size/binary>>) ->
CertList = decode_cert_entries(Certs),
certificate_request_context = Context,
certificate_list = CertList
decode_handshake(?CERTIFICATE_VERIFY, <<?UINT16(EncAlgo), ?UINT16(Size), Signature:Size/binary>>) ->
Algorithm = ssl_cipher:signature_scheme(EncAlgo),
algorithm = Algorithm,
signature = Signature};
decode_handshake(?ENCRYPTED_EXTENSIONS, <<?UINT16(Size), EncExts:Size/binary>>) ->
extensions = decode_extensions(EncExts, encrypted_extensions)
decode_handshake(?NEW_SESSION_TICKET, <<?UINT32(LifeTime), ?UINT32(Age),
?BYTE(Nonce), ?UINT16(TicketSize), Ticket:TicketSize/binary,
BinExts/binary>>) ->
Exts = decode_extensions(BinExts, encrypted_extensions),
#new_session_ticket{ticket_lifetime = LifeTime,
ticket_age_add = Age,
ticket_nonce = Nonce,
ticket = Ticket,
extensions = Exts};
decode_handshake(?END_OF_EARLY_DATA, _) ->
decode_handshake(?KEY_UPDATE, <<?BYTE(Update)>>) ->
#key_update{request_update = Update};
decode_handshake(Tag, HandshakeMsg) ->
ssl_handshake:decode_handshake({3,4}, Tag, HandshakeMsg).
%%% Internal functions
encode_cert_req_context(<<>>) ->
encode_cert_req_context(Bin) ->
Size = byte_size(Bin),
<<?BYTE(Size), Bin/binary>>.
encode_cert_entries(Entries) ->
CertEntryList = encode_cert_entries(Entries, []),
Size = byte_size(CertEntryList),
<<?UINT24(Size), CertEntryList/binary>>.
encode_cert_entries([], Acc) ->
encode_cert_entries([#certificate_entry{data = Data,
extensions = Exts} | Rest], Acc) ->
DSize = byte_size(Data),
BinExts = encode_extensions(Exts),
[<<?UINT24(DSize), Data/binary, BinExts/binary>> | Acc]).
encode_algorithm(Algo) ->
Scheme = ssl_cipher:signature_scheme(Algo),
encode_signature(Signature) ->
Size = byte_size(Signature),
<<?UINT16(Size), Signature/binary>>.
decode_cert_entries(Entries) ->
decode_cert_entries(Entries, []).
decode_cert_entries(<<>>, Acc) ->
decode_cert_entries(<<?UINT24(DSize), Data:DSize/binary, ?UINT16(Esize), BinExts:Esize/binary,
Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
Exts = decode_extensions(BinExts, certificate_request),
decode_cert_entries(Rest, [#certificate_entry{data = Data,
extensions = Exts} | Acc]).
decode_extensions(Exts, MessageType) ->
ssl_handshake:decode_extensions(Exts, {3,4}, MessageType).
extensions_list(HelloExtensions) ->
[Ext || {_, Ext} <- maps:to_list(HelloExtensions)].
%% TODO: add extensions!
chain_to_cert_list(L) ->
chain_to_cert_list(L, []).
chain_to_cert_list([], Acc) ->
chain_to_cert_list([H|T], Acc) ->
chain_to_cert_list(T, [certificate_entry(H)|Acc]).
certificate_entry(DER) ->
data = DER,
extensions = #{} %% Extensions not supported.
%% The digital signature is then computed over the concatenation of:
%% - A string that consists of octet 32 (0x20) repeated 64 times
%% - The context string
%% - A single 0 byte which serves as the separator
%% - The content to be signed
%% For example, if the transcript hash was 32 bytes of 01 (this length
%% would make sense for SHA-256), the content covered by the digital
%% signature for a server CertificateVerify would be:
%% 2020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020
%% 2020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020
%% 544c5320312e332c207365727665722043657274696669636174655665726966
%% 79
%% 00
%% 0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101
digitally_sign(THash, Context, HashAlgo, PrivateKey) ->
Content = build_content(Context, THash),
%% The length of the Salt MUST be equal to the length of the output
%% of the digest algorithm: rsa_pss_saltlen = -1
try public_key:sign(Content, HashAlgo, PrivateKey,
[{rsa_padding, rsa_pkcs1_pss_padding},
{rsa_pss_saltlen, -1},
{rsa_mgf1_md, HashAlgo}]) of
Signature ->
{ok, Signature}
error:badarg ->
{error, badarg}
build_content(Context, THash) ->
Prefix = binary:copy(<<32>>, 64),
%% Handle handshake messages
#state{connection_states = _ConnectionStates0,
session = #session{session_id = _SessionId,
own_certificate = _OwnCert},
ssl_options = #ssl_options{} = _SslOpts,
key_share = _KeyShare,
handshake_env = #handshake_env{tls_handshake_history = _HHistory0},
static_env = #static_env{
cert_db = _CertDbHandle,
cert_db_ref = _CertDbRef,
socket = _Socket,
transport_cb = _Transport}
} = State0) ->
%% {Ref,Maybe} = maybe(),
{_Ref, {state_not_implemented, State}} ->
?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?INTERNAL_ERROR, {state_not_implemented, State})
do_start(#client_hello{cipher_suites = ClientCiphers,
session_id = SessionId,
extensions = Extensions} = _Hello,
#state{connection_states = _ConnectionStates0,
ssl_options = #ssl_options{ciphers = ServerCiphers,
signature_algs = ServerSignAlgs,
signature_algs_cert = _SignatureSchemes, %% TODO: check!
supported_groups = ServerGroups0},
session = #session{own_certificate = Cert}} = State0) ->
ClientGroups0 = maps:get(elliptic_curves, Extensions, undefined),
ClientGroups = get_supported_groups(ClientGroups0),
ServerGroups = get_supported_groups(ServerGroups0),
ClientShares0 = maps:get(key_share, Extensions, undefined),
ClientShares = get_key_shares(ClientShares0),
ClientSignAlgs = get_signature_scheme_list(
maps:get(signature_algs, Extensions, undefined)),
ClientSignAlgsCert = get_signature_scheme_list(
maps:get(signature_algs_cert, Extensions, undefined)),
%% TODO: use library function if it exists
%% Init the maybe "monad"
{Ref,Maybe} = maybe(),
%% If the server does not select a PSK, then the server independently selects a
%% cipher suite, an (EC)DHE group and key share for key establishment,
%% and a signature algorithm/certificate pair to authenticate itself to
%% the client.
Cipher = Maybe(select_cipher_suite(ClientCiphers, ServerCiphers)),
Groups = Maybe(select_common_groups(ServerGroups, ClientGroups)),
Maybe(validate_key_share(ClientGroups, ClientShares)),
{PublicKeyAlgo, SignAlgo, SignHash} = get_certificate_params(Cert),
%% Check if client supports signature algorithm of server certificate
Maybe(check_cert_sign_algo(SignAlgo, SignHash, ClientSignAlgs, ClientSignAlgsCert)),
%% Select signature algorithm (used in CertificateVerify message).
SelectedSignAlg = Maybe(select_sign_algo(PublicKeyAlgo, ClientSignAlgs, ServerSignAlgs)),
%% Select client public key. If no public key found in ClientShares or
%% ClientShares is empty, trigger HelloRetryRequest as we were able
%% to find an acceptable set of parameters but the ClientHello does not
%% contain sufficient information.
{Group, ClientPubKey} = get_client_public_key(Groups, ClientShares),
%% Generate server_share
KeyShare = ssl_cipher:generate_server_share(Group),
State1 = update_start_state(State0, Cipher, KeyShare, SessionId),
%% 4.1.4. Hello Retry Request
%% The server will send this message in response to a ClientHello
%% message if it is able to find an acceptable set of parameters but the
%% ClientHello does not contain sufficient information to proceed with
%% the handshake.
{State2, NextState} =
Maybe(send_hello_retry_request(State1, ClientPubKey, KeyShare, SessionId)),
%% TODO: Add Context to state?
Context = #{group => Group,
sign_alg => SelectedSignAlg,
client_share => ClientPubKey},
{State2, Context, NextState}
%% TODO:
%% - session handling
%% - handle extensions: ALPN
%% (do not handle: NPN, srp, renegotiation_info, ec_point_formats)
{Ref, {insufficient_security, no_suitable_groups}} ->
{Ref, illegal_parameter} ->
{Ref, no_suitable_cipher} ->
{Ref, {insufficient_security, no_suitable_signature_algorithm}} ->
?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY, no_suitable_signature_algorithm);
{Ref, {insufficient_security, no_suitable_public_key}} ->
?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY, no_suitable_public_key)
do_negotiated(#{client_share := ClientKey,
group := SelectedGroup,
sign_alg := SignatureScheme
#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
session = #session{session_id = SessionId,
own_certificate = OwnCert},
ssl_options = #ssl_options{} = SslOpts,
key_share = KeyShare,
handshake_env = #handshake_env{tls_handshake_history = _HHistory0},
connection_env = #connection_env{private_key = CertPrivateKey},
static_env = #static_env{
cert_db = CertDbHandle,
cert_db_ref = CertDbRef,
socket = _Socket,
transport_cb = _Transport}
} = State0) ->
{Ref,Maybe} = maybe(),
%% Create server_hello
%% Extensions: supported_versions, key_share, (pre_shared_key)
ServerHello = server_hello(server_hello, SessionId, KeyShare, ConnectionStates0),
{State1, _} = tls_connection:send_handshake(ServerHello, State0),
State2 =
calculate_handshake_secrets(ClientKey, SelectedGroup, KeyShare, State1),
State3 = ssl_record:step_encryption_state(State2),
%% Create EncryptedExtensions
EncryptedExtensions = encrypted_extensions(),
%% Encode EncryptedExtensions
State4 = tls_connection:queue_handshake(EncryptedExtensions, State3),
%% Create and send CertificateRequest ({verify, verify_peer})
{State5, NextState} = maybe_send_certificate_request(State4, SslOpts),
%% Create Certificate
Certificate = certificate(OwnCert, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef, <<>>, server),
%% Encode Certificate
State6 = tls_connection:queue_handshake(Certificate, State5),
%% Create CertificateVerify
CertificateVerify = Maybe(certificate_verify(CertPrivateKey, SignatureScheme,
State6, server)),
%% Encode CertificateVerify
State7 = tls_connection:queue_handshake(CertificateVerify, State6),
%% Create Finished
Finished = finished(State7),
%% Encode Finished
State8 = tls_connection:queue_handshake(Finished, State7),
%% Send first flight
{State9, _} = tls_connection:send_handshake_flight(State8),
{State9, NextState}
{Ref, {state_not_implemented, State}} ->
?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?INTERNAL_ERROR, {state_not_implemented, State})
do_wait_cert(#change_cipher_spec{}, State0) ->
{State0, wait_cert};
do_wait_cert(#certificate_1_3{} = Certificate, State0) ->
{Ref,Maybe} = maybe(),
NextState = Maybe(process_client_certificate(Certificate, State0)),
{State0, NextState}
{Ref, {certificate_required, State}} ->
{?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?CERTIFICATE_REQUIRED, certificate_required), State}
#state{connection_states = _ConnectionStates0,
session = #session{session_id = _SessionId,
own_certificate = _OwnCert},
ssl_options = #ssl_options{} = _SslOpts,
key_share = _KeyShare,
handshake_env = #handshake_env{tls_handshake_history = _HHistory0},
static_env = #static_env{
cert_db = _CertDbHandle,
cert_db_ref = _CertDbRef,
socket = _Socket,
transport_cb = _Transport}
} = State0) ->
%% {Ref,Maybe} = maybe(),
{_Ref, {state_not_implemented, State}} ->
?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?INTERNAL_ERROR, {state_not_implemented, State})
do_wait_finished(#finished{verify_data = VerifyData},
#state{connection_states = _ConnectionStates0,
session = #session{session_id = _SessionId,
own_certificate = _OwnCert},
ssl_options = #ssl_options{} = _SslOpts,
key_share = _KeyShare,
handshake_env = #handshake_env{tls_handshake_history = _HHistory0},
static_env = #static_env{
cert_db = _CertDbHandle,
cert_db_ref = _CertDbRef,
socket = _Socket,
transport_cb = _Transport}
} = State0) ->
{Ref,Maybe} = maybe(),
Maybe(validate_client_finished(State0, VerifyData)),
State1 = calculate_traffic_secrets(State0),
%% Configure traffic keys
{Ref, decrypt_error} ->
?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?DECRYPT_ERROR, decrypt_error);
{_, {state_not_implemented, State}} ->
?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?INTERNAL_ERROR, {state_not_implemented, State})
%% TODO: Remove this function!
%% not_implemented(State) ->
%% {error, {state_not_implemented, State}}.
%% Recipients of Finished messages MUST verify that the contents are
%% correct and if incorrect MUST terminate the connection with a
%% "decrypt_error" alert.
validate_client_finished(#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates,
handshake_env =
tls_handshake_history = {Messages0, _}}}, VerifyData) ->
#{security_parameters := SecParamsR,
cipher_state := #cipher_state{finished_key = FinishedKey}} =
ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
#security_parameters{prf_algorithm = HKDFAlgo} = SecParamsR,
%% Drop the client's finished message, it is not part of the handshake context
%% when the client calculates its finished message.
[_|Messages] = Messages0,
ControlData = tls_v1:finished_verify_data(FinishedKey, HKDFAlgo, Messages),
compare_verify_data(ControlData, VerifyData).
compare_verify_data(Data, Data) ->
compare_verify_data(_, _) ->
{error, decrypt_error}.
send_hello_retry_request(#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates0} = State0,
no_suitable_key, KeyShare, SessionId) ->
ServerHello = server_hello(hello_retry_request, SessionId, KeyShare, ConnectionStates0),
{State1, _} = tls_connection:send_handshake(ServerHello, State0),
%% TODO: Fix handshake history!
State2 = replace_ch1_with_message_hash(State1),
{ok, {State2, start}};
send_hello_retry_request(State0, _, _, _) ->
%% Suitable key found.
{ok, {State0, negotiated}}.
maybe_send_certificate_request(State, #ssl_options{verify = verify_none}) ->
{State, wait_finished};
maybe_send_certificate_request(State, #ssl_options{
verify = verify_peer,
signature_algs = SignAlgs,
signature_algs_cert = SignAlgsCert}) ->
CertificateRequest = certificate_request(SignAlgs, SignAlgsCert),
{tls_connection:queue_handshake(CertificateRequest, State), wait_cert}.
certificate_request_context = <<>>,
certificate_list = []},
#state{ssl_options =
fail_if_no_peer_cert = false}}) ->
{ok, wait_finished};
certificate_request_context = <<>>,
certificate_list = []},
#state{ssl_options =
fail_if_no_peer_cert = true}} = State0) ->
%% At this point the client believes that the connection is up and starts using
%% its traffic secrets. In order to be able send an proper Alert to the client
%% the server should also change its connection state and use the traffic
%% secrets.
State1 = calculate_traffic_secrets(State0),
State = ssl_record:step_encryption_state(State1),
{error, {certificate_required, State}};
process_client_certificate(_, _) ->
%% TODO: validate cert
{ok, wait_cv}.
%% 4.4.1. The Transcript Hash
%% As an exception to this general rule, when the server responds to a
%% ClientHello with a HelloRetryRequest, the value of ClientHello1 is
%% replaced with a special synthetic handshake message of handshake type
%% "message_hash" containing Hash(ClientHello1). I.e.,
%% Transcript-Hash(ClientHello1, HelloRetryRequest, ... Mn) =
%% Hash(message_hash || /* Handshake type */
%% 00 00 Hash.length || /* Handshake message length (bytes) */
%% Hash(ClientHello1) || /* Hash of ClientHello1 */
%% HelloRetryRequest || ... || Mn)
%% NOTE: Hash.length is used in practice (openssl) and not message length!
%% It is most probably a fault in the RFC.
replace_ch1_with_message_hash(#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates,
handshake_env =
tls_handshake_history =
{[HRR,CH1|HHistory], LM}} = HSEnv} = State0) ->
#{security_parameters := SecParamsR} =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
#security_parameters{prf_algorithm = HKDFAlgo} = SecParamsR,
MessageHash = message_hash(CH1, HKDFAlgo),
State0#state{handshake_env =
tls_handshake_history =
{[HRR,MessageHash|HHistory], LM}}}.
message_hash(ClientHello1, HKDFAlgo) ->
crypto:hash(HKDFAlgo, ClientHello1)].
calculate_handshake_secrets(ClientKey, SelectedGroup, KeyShare,
#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates,
handshake_env =
tls_handshake_history = HHistory}} = State0) ->
#{security_parameters := SecParamsR} =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
#security_parameters{prf_algorithm = HKDFAlgo,
cipher_suite = CipherSuite} = SecParamsR,
%% Calculate handshake_secret
PSK = binary:copy(<<0>>, ssl_cipher:hash_size(HKDFAlgo)),
EarlySecret = tls_v1:key_schedule(early_secret, HKDFAlgo , {psk, PSK}),
PrivateKey = get_server_private_key(KeyShare), %% #'ECPrivateKey'{}
IKM = calculate_shared_secret(ClientKey, PrivateKey, SelectedGroup),
HandshakeSecret = tls_v1:key_schedule(handshake_secret, HKDFAlgo, IKM, EarlySecret),
%% Calculate [sender]_handshake_traffic_secret
{Messages, _} = HHistory,
ClientHSTrafficSecret =
tls_v1:client_handshake_traffic_secret(HKDFAlgo, HandshakeSecret, lists:reverse(Messages)),
ServerHSTrafficSecret =
tls_v1:server_handshake_traffic_secret(HKDFAlgo, HandshakeSecret, lists:reverse(Messages)),
%% Calculate traffic keys
#{cipher := Cipher} = ssl_cipher_format:suite_definition(CipherSuite),
{ReadKey, ReadIV} = tls_v1:calculate_traffic_keys(HKDFAlgo, Cipher, ClientHSTrafficSecret),
{WriteKey, WriteIV} = tls_v1:calculate_traffic_keys(HKDFAlgo, Cipher, ServerHSTrafficSecret),
%% Calculate Finished Keys
ReadFinishedKey = tls_v1:finished_key(ClientHSTrafficSecret, HKDFAlgo),
WriteFinishedKey = tls_v1:finished_key(ServerHSTrafficSecret, HKDFAlgo),
update_pending_connection_states(State0, HandshakeSecret,
ReadKey, ReadIV, ReadFinishedKey,
WriteKey, WriteIV, WriteFinishedKey).
calculate_traffic_secrets(#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates,
handshake_env =
tls_handshake_history = HHistory}} = State0) ->
#{security_parameters := SecParamsR} =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
#security_parameters{prf_algorithm = HKDFAlgo,
cipher_suite = CipherSuite,
master_secret = HandshakeSecret} = SecParamsR,
MasterSecret =
tls_v1:key_schedule(master_secret, HKDFAlgo, HandshakeSecret),
%% Get the correct list messages for the handshake context.
Messages = get_handshake_context(HHistory),
%% Calculate [sender]_application_traffic_secret_0
ClientAppTrafficSecret0 =
tls_v1:client_application_traffic_secret_0(HKDFAlgo, MasterSecret, lists:reverse(Messages)),
ServerAppTrafficSecret0 =
tls_v1:server_application_traffic_secret_0(HKDFAlgo, MasterSecret, lists:reverse(Messages)),
%% Calculate traffic keys
#{cipher := Cipher} = ssl_cipher_format:suite_definition(CipherSuite),
{ReadKey, ReadIV} = tls_v1:calculate_traffic_keys(HKDFAlgo, Cipher, ClientAppTrafficSecret0),
{WriteKey, WriteIV} = tls_v1:calculate_traffic_keys(HKDFAlgo, Cipher, ServerAppTrafficSecret0),
update_pending_connection_states(State0, MasterSecret,
ReadKey, ReadIV, undefined,
WriteKey, WriteIV, undefined).
get_server_private_key(#key_share_server_hello{server_share = ServerShare}) ->
key_exchange = #'ECPrivateKey'{} = PrivateKey}) ->
key_exchange =
{_, PrivateKey}}) ->
%% X25519, X448
calculate_shared_secret(OthersKey, MyKey, Group)
when is_binary(OthersKey) andalso is_binary(MyKey) andalso
(Group =:= x25519 orelse Group =:= x448)->
crypto:compute_key(ecdh, OthersKey, MyKey, Group);
calculate_shared_secret(OthersKey, MyKey, Group)
when is_binary(OthersKey) andalso is_binary(MyKey) ->
Params = #'DHParameter'{prime = P} = ssl_dh_groups:dh_params(Group),
S = public_key:compute_key(OthersKey, MyKey, Params),
Size = byte_size(binary:encode_unsigned(P)),
ssl_cipher:add_zero_padding(S, Size);
calculate_shared_secret(OthersKey, MyKey = #'ECPrivateKey'{}, _Group)
when is_binary(OthersKey) ->
Point = #'ECPoint'{point = OthersKey},
public_key:compute_key(Point, MyKey).
update_pending_connection_states(#state{connection_states =
CS = #{pending_read := PendingRead0,
pending_write := PendingWrite0}} = State,
ReadKey, ReadIV, ReadFinishedKey,
WriteKey, WriteIV, WriteFinishedKey) ->
PendingRead = update_connection_state(PendingRead0, HandshakeSecret,
ReadKey, ReadIV, ReadFinishedKey),
PendingWrite = update_connection_state(PendingWrite0, HandshakeSecret,
WriteKey, WriteIV, WriteFinishedKey),
State#state{connection_states = CS#{pending_read => PendingRead,
pending_write => PendingWrite}}.
update_connection_state(ConnectionState = #{security_parameters := SecurityParameters0},
HandshakeSecret, Key, IV, FinishedKey) ->
%% Store secret
SecurityParameters = SecurityParameters0#security_parameters{
master_secret = HandshakeSecret},
ConnectionState#{security_parameters => SecurityParameters,
cipher_state => cipher_init(Key, IV, FinishedKey)}.
update_start_state(#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
connection_env = CEnv,
session = Session} = State,
Cipher, KeyShare, SessionId) ->
#{security_parameters := SecParamsR0} = PendingRead =
maps:get(pending_read, ConnectionStates0),
#{security_parameters := SecParamsW0} = PendingWrite =
maps:get(pending_write, ConnectionStates0),
SecParamsR = ssl_cipher:security_parameters_1_3(SecParamsR0, Cipher),
SecParamsW = ssl_cipher:security_parameters_1_3(SecParamsW0, Cipher),
ConnectionStates =
ConnectionStates0#{pending_read => PendingRead#{security_parameters => SecParamsR},
pending_write => PendingWrite#{security_parameters => SecParamsW}},
State#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates,
key_share = KeyShare,
session = Session#session{session_id = SessionId},
connection_env = CEnv#connection_env{negotiated_version = {3,4}}}.
cipher_init(Key, IV, FinishedKey) ->
#cipher_state{key = Key,
iv = IV,
finished_key = FinishedKey,
tag_len = 16}.
%% Handling the case when client is authenticated
get_handshake_context({[<<20,_/binary>>,<<11,_/binary>>|Messages], _}) ->
%% Handshake context messages:
%% ClientHello (client) (0)
%% ServerHello (server) (1),
%% EncryptedExtensions (server) (8)
%% CertificateRequest (server) (13),
%% Certificate (server) (11)
%% CertificateVerify (server) (15),
%% Finished (server) (20)
%% Certificate (client) (11) - Drop! Not included in calculations!
%% Finished (client) (20) - Drop! Not included in calculations!
%% Normal case
get_handshake_context({[_| Messages], _}) ->
%% Handshake context messages:
%% ClientHello (client) (0)
%% ServerHello (server) (1),
%% EncryptedExtensions (server) (8)
%% Certificate (server) (11)
%% CertificateVerify (server) (15),
%% Finished (server) (20)
%% Finished (client) (20) - Drop! Not included in calculations!
%% If there is no overlap between the received
%% "supported_groups" and the groups supported by the server, then the
%% server MUST abort the handshake with a "handshake_failure" or an
%% "insufficient_security" alert.
select_common_groups(_, []) ->
{error, {insufficient_security, no_suitable_groups}};
select_common_groups(ServerGroups, ClientGroups) ->
Fun = fun(E) -> lists:member(E, ClientGroups) end,
case lists:filter(Fun, ServerGroups) of
[] ->
{error, {insufficient_security, no_suitable_groups}};
L ->
{ok, L}
%% RFC 8446 - 4.2.8. Key Share
%% This vector MAY be empty if the client is requesting a
%% HelloRetryRequest. Each KeyShareEntry value MUST correspond to a
%% group offered in the "supported_groups" extension and MUST appear in
%% the same order. However, the values MAY be a non-contiguous subset
%% of the "supported_groups" extension and MAY omit the most preferred
%% groups.
%% Clients can offer as many KeyShareEntry values as the number of
%% supported groups it is offering, each representing a single set of
%% key exchange parameters.
%% Clients MUST NOT offer multiple KeyShareEntry values
%% for the same group. Clients MUST NOT offer any KeyShareEntry values
%% for groups not listed in the client's "supported_groups" extension.
%% Servers MAY check for violations of these rules and abort the
%% handshake with an "illegal_parameter" alert if one is violated.
validate_key_share(_ ,[]) ->
validate_key_share([], _) ->
{error, illegal_parameter};
validate_key_share([G|ClientGroups], [{_, G, _}|ClientShares]) ->
validate_key_share(ClientGroups, ClientShares);
validate_key_share([_|ClientGroups], [_|_] = ClientShares) ->
validate_key_share(ClientGroups, ClientShares).
get_client_public_key([Group|_] = Groups, ClientShares) ->
get_client_public_key(Groups, ClientShares, Group).
get_client_public_key(_, [], PreferredGroup) ->
{PreferredGroup, no_suitable_key};
get_client_public_key([], _, PreferredGroup) ->
{PreferredGroup, no_suitable_key};
get_client_public_key([Group|Groups], ClientShares, PreferredGroup) ->
case lists:keysearch(Group, 2, ClientShares) of
{value, {_, _, ClientPublicKey}} ->
{Group, ClientPublicKey};
false ->
get_client_public_key(Groups, ClientShares, PreferredGroup)
%% get_client_public_key(Group, ClientShares) ->
%% case lists:keysearch(Group, 2, ClientShares) of
%% {value, {_, _, ClientPublicKey}} ->
%% ClientPublicKey;
%% false ->
%% %% 4.1.4. Hello Retry Request
%% %%
%% %% The server will send this message in response to a ClientHello
%% %% message if it is able to find an acceptable set of parameters but the
%% %% ClientHello does not contain sufficient information to proceed with
%% %% the handshake.
%% no_suitable_key
%% end.
select_cipher_suite([], _) ->
{error, no_suitable_cipher};
select_cipher_suite([Cipher|ClientCiphers], ServerCiphers) ->
case lists:member(Cipher, tls_v1:suites('TLS_v1.3')) andalso
lists:member(Cipher, ServerCiphers) of
true ->
{ok, Cipher};
false ->
select_cipher_suite(ClientCiphers, ServerCiphers)
%% RFC 8446 (TLS 1.3)
%% TLS 1.3 provides two extensions for indicating which signature
%% algorithms may be used in digital signatures. The
%% "signature_algorithms_cert" extension applies to signatures in
%% certificates and the "signature_algorithms" extension, which
%% originally appeared in TLS 1.2, applies to signatures in
%% CertificateVerify messages.
%% If no "signature_algorithms_cert" extension is
%% present, then the "signature_algorithms" extension also applies to
%% signatures appearing in certificates.
%% Check if the signature algorithm of the server certificate is supported
%% by the client.
check_cert_sign_algo(SignAlgo, SignHash, ClientSignAlgs, undefined) ->
do_check_cert_sign_algo(SignAlgo, SignHash, ClientSignAlgs);
check_cert_sign_algo(SignAlgo, SignHash, _, ClientSignAlgsCert) ->
do_check_cert_sign_algo(SignAlgo, SignHash, ClientSignAlgsCert).
%% DSA keys are not supported by TLS 1.3
select_sign_algo(dsa, _ClientSignAlgs, _ServerSignAlgs) ->
{error, {insufficient_security, no_suitable_public_key}};
%% TODO: Implement support for ECDSA keys!
select_sign_algo(_, [], _) ->
{error, {insufficient_security, no_suitable_signature_algorithm}};
select_sign_algo(PublicKeyAlgo, [C|ClientSignAlgs], ServerSignAlgs) ->
{_, S, _} = ssl_cipher:scheme_to_components(C),
%% RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 and Legacy algorithms are not defined for use in signed
%% TLS handshake messages: filter sha-1 and rsa_pkcs1.
case ((PublicKeyAlgo =:= rsa andalso S =:= rsa_pss_rsae)
orelse (PublicKeyAlgo =:= rsa_pss andalso S =:= rsa_pss_rsae))
lists:member(C, ServerSignAlgs) of
true ->
{ok, C};
false ->
select_sign_algo(PublicKeyAlgo, ClientSignAlgs, ServerSignAlgs)
do_check_cert_sign_algo(_, _, []) ->
{error, {insufficient_security, no_suitable_signature_algorithm}};
do_check_cert_sign_algo(SignAlgo, SignHash, [Scheme|T]) ->
{Hash, Sign, _Curve} = ssl_cipher:scheme_to_components(Scheme),
case compare_sign_algos(SignAlgo, SignHash, Sign, Hash) of
true ->
_Else ->
do_check_cert_sign_algo(SignAlgo, SignHash, T)
%% id-RSASSA-PSS (rsa_pss) indicates that the key may only be used for PSS signatures.
%% TODO: Uncomment when rsa_pss signatures are supported in certificates
%% compare_sign_algos(rsa_pss, Hash, Algo, Hash)
%% when Algo =:= rsa_pss_pss ->
%% true;
%% rsaEncryption (rsa) allows the key to be used for any of the standard encryption or
%% signature schemes.
compare_sign_algos(rsa, Hash, Algo, Hash)
when Algo =:= rsa_pss_rsae orelse
Algo =:= rsa_pkcs1 ->
compare_sign_algos(Algo, Hash, Algo, Hash) ->
compare_sign_algos(_, _, _, _) ->
get_certificate_params(Cert) ->
{SignAlgo0, _Param, PublicKeyAlgo0} = ssl_handshake:get_cert_params(Cert),
{SignHash0, SignAlgo} = public_key:pkix_sign_types(SignAlgo0),
%% Convert hash to new format
SignHash = case SignHash0 of
sha ->
H -> H
PublicKeyAlgo = public_key_algo(PublicKeyAlgo0),
{PublicKeyAlgo, SignAlgo, SignHash}.
%% Note: copied from ssl_handshake
public_key_algo(?'id-RSASSA-PSS') ->
public_key_algo(?rsaEncryption) ->
public_key_algo(?'id-ecPublicKey') ->
public_key_algo(?'id-dsa') ->
get_signature_scheme_list(undefined) ->
signature_scheme_list = ClientSignatureSchemes}) ->
signature_scheme_list = ClientSignatureSchemes}) ->
get_supported_groups(#supported_groups{supported_groups = Groups}) ->
get_key_shares(#key_share_client_hello{client_shares = ClientShares}) ->
maybe() ->
Ref = erlang:make_ref(),
Ok = fun(ok) -> ok;
({ok,R}) -> R;
({error,Reason}) ->