%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% An Erlang code preprocessor.
-export([parse_file/1, parse_file/3]).
-export([default_encoding/0, encoding_to_string/1,
read_encoding_from_binary/1, read_encoding_from_binary/2,
set_encoding/1, read_encoding/1, read_encoding/2]).
-type macros() :: [{atom(), term()}].
-type epp_handle() :: pid().
-type source_encoding() :: latin1 | utf8.
%% Epp state record.
-record(epp, {file, %Current file
location, %Current location
delta, %Offset from Location (-file)
name="", %Current file name
name2="", %-"-, modified by -file
istk=[], %Ifdef stack
sstk=[], %State stack
path=[], %Include-path
macs = dict:new() :: dict(), %Macros (don't care locations)
uses = dict:new() :: dict(), %Macro use structure
pre_opened = false :: boolean()
%%% Note on representation: as tokens, both {var, Location, Name} and
%%% {atom, Location, Name} can occur as macro identifiers. However, keeping
%%% this distinction here is done for historical reasons only: previously,
%%% ?FOO and ?'FOO' were not the same, but now they are. Removing the
%%% distinction in the internal representation would simplify the code
%%% a little.
%% open(FileName, IncludePath)
%% open(FileName, IncludePath, PreDefMacros)
%% open(FileName, IoDevice, StartLocation, IncludePath, PreDefMacros)
%% close(Epp)
%% scan_erl_form(Epp)
%% parse_erl_form(Epp)
%% parse_file(Epp)
%% parse_file(FileName, IncludePath, PreDefMacros)
%% macro_defs(Epp)
-spec open(FileName, IncludePath) ->
{'ok', Epp} | {'error', ErrorDescriptor} when
FileName :: file:name(),
IncludePath :: [DirectoryName :: file:name()],
Epp :: epp_handle(),
ErrorDescriptor :: term().
open(Name, Path) ->
open(Name, Path, []).
-spec open(FileName, IncludePath, PredefMacros) ->
{'ok', Epp} | {'error', ErrorDescriptor} when
FileName :: file:name(),
IncludePath :: [DirectoryName :: file:name()],
PredefMacros :: macros(),
Epp :: epp_handle(),
ErrorDescriptor :: term().
open(Name, Path, Pdm) ->
Self = self(),
Epp = spawn(fun() -> server(Self, Name, Path, Pdm) end),
open(Name, File, StartLocation, Path, Pdm) ->
Self = self(),
Epp = spawn(fun() -> server(Self, Name, File, StartLocation,Path,Pdm) end),
-spec close(Epp) -> 'ok' when
Epp :: epp_handle().
close(Epp) ->
%% Make sure that close is synchronous as a courtesy to test
%% cases that test for resource leaks.
Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Epp),
R = epp_request(Epp, close),
receive {'DOWN',Ref,_,_,_} -> ok end,
scan_erl_form(Epp) ->
epp_request(Epp, scan_erl_form).
-spec parse_erl_form(Epp) ->
{'ok', AbsForm} | {'eof', Line} | {error, ErrorInfo} when
Epp :: epp_handle(),
AbsForm :: erl_parse:abstract_form(),
Line :: erl_scan:line(),
ErrorInfo :: erl_scan:error_info() | erl_parse:error_info().
parse_erl_form(Epp) ->
case epp_request(Epp, scan_erl_form) of
{ok,Toks} ->
Other ->
macro_defs(Epp) ->
epp_request(Epp, macro_defs).
%% format_error(ErrorDescriptor) -> String
%% Return a string describing the error.
-spec format_error(ErrorDescriptor) -> io_lib:chars() when
ErrorDescriptor :: term().
format_error(cannot_parse) ->
io_lib:format("cannot parse file, giving up", []);
format_error({bad,W}) ->
io_lib:format("badly formed '~s'", [W]);
format_error(missing_parenthesis) ->
io_lib:format("badly formed define: missing closing right parenthesis",[]);
format_error(premature_end) ->
"premature end";
format_error({call,What}) ->
io_lib:format("illegal macro call '~s'",[What]);
format_error({undefined,M,none}) ->
io_lib:format("undefined macro '~s'", [M]);
format_error({undefined,M,A}) ->
io_lib:format("undefined macro '~s/~p'", [M,A]);
format_error({depth,What}) ->
io_lib:format("~s too deep",[What]);
format_error({mismatch,M}) ->
io_lib:format("argument mismatch for macro '~s'", [M]);
format_error({arg_error,M}) ->
io_lib:format("badly formed argument for macro '~s'", [M]);
format_error({redefine,M}) ->
io_lib:format("redefining macro '~s'", [M]);
format_error({redefine_predef,M}) ->
io_lib:format("redefining predefined macro '~s'", [M]);
format_error({circular,M,none}) ->
io_lib:format("circular macro '~s'", [M]);
format_error({circular,M,A}) ->
io_lib:format("circular macro '~s/~p'", [M,A]);
format_error({include,W,F}) ->
io_lib:format("can't find include ~s \"~s\"", [W,F]);
format_error({illegal,How,What}) ->
io_lib:format("~s '-~s'", [How,What]);
format_error({'NYI',What}) ->
io_lib:format("not yet implemented '~s'", [What]);
format_error(E) -> file:format_error(E).
%% parse_file(FileName, IncludePath, [PreDefMacro]) ->
%% {ok,[Form]} | {error,OpenError}
-spec parse_file(FileName, IncludePath, PredefMacros) ->
{'ok', [Form]} | {error, OpenError} when
FileName :: file:name(),
IncludePath :: [DirectoryName :: file:name()],
Form :: erl_parse:abstract_form() | {'error', ErrorInfo} | {'eof',Line},
PredefMacros :: macros(),
Line :: erl_scan:line(),
ErrorInfo :: erl_scan:error_info() | erl_parse:error_info(),
OpenError :: file:posix() | badarg | system_limit.
parse_file(Ifile, Path, Predefs) ->
case open(Ifile, Path, Predefs) of
{ok,Epp} ->
Forms = parse_file(Epp),
{error,E} ->
%% parse_file(Epp) ->
%% [Form]
parse_file(Epp) ->
case parse_erl_form(Epp) of
{ok,Form} ->
case Form of
{attribute,La,record,{Record, Fields}} ->
case normalize_typed_record_fields(Fields) of
{typed, NewFields} ->
[{attribute, La, record, {Record, NewFields}},
{attribute, La, type,
{{record, Record}, Fields, []}}
not_typed ->
_ ->
{error,E} ->
{eof,Location} ->
-define(DEFAULT_ENCODING, utf8).
-spec default_encoding() -> source_encoding().
default_encoding() ->
-spec encoding_to_string(Encoding) -> string() when
Encoding :: source_encoding().
encoding_to_string(latin1) -> "coding: latin-1";
encoding_to_string(utf8) -> "coding: utf-8".
-spec read_encoding(FileName) -> source_encoding() | none when
FileName :: file:name().
read_encoding(Name) ->
read_encoding(Name, []).
-spec read_encoding(FileName, Options) -> source_encoding() | none when
FileName :: file:name(),
Options :: [Option],
Option :: {in_comment_only, boolean()}.
read_encoding(Name, Options) ->
InComment = proplists:get_value(in_comment_only, Options, true),
case file:open(Name, [read]) of
{ok,File} ->
try read_encoding_from_file(File, InComment)
after ok = file:close(File)
_Error ->
-spec set_encoding(File) -> source_encoding() | none when
File :: io:device(). % pid(); raw files don't work
set_encoding(File) ->
Encoding = read_encoding_from_file(File, true),
Enc = case Encoding of
none -> default_encoding();
Encoding -> Encoding
ok = io:setopts(File, [{encoding, Enc}]),
-spec read_encoding_from_binary(Binary) -> source_encoding() | none when
Binary :: binary().
-define(ENC_CHUNK, 32).
-define(N_ENC_CHUNK, 16). % a total of 512 bytes
read_encoding_from_binary(Binary) ->
read_encoding_from_binary(Binary, []).
-spec read_encoding_from_binary(Binary, Options) ->
source_encoding() | none when
Binary :: binary(),
Options :: [Option],
Option :: {in_comment_only, boolean()}.
read_encoding_from_binary(Binary, Options) ->
InComment = proplists:get_value(in_comment_only, Options, true),
com_nl(Binary, fake_reader(0), 0, InComment)
throw:no ->
fake_reader(N) ->
fun() when N =:= ?N_ENC_CHUNK ->
() ->
{<<>>, fake_reader(N+1)}
-spec read_encoding_from_file(File, InComment) -> source_encoding() | none when
File :: io:device(),
InComment :: boolean().
read_encoding_from_file(File, InComment) ->
{ok, Pos0} = file:position(File, cur),
Opts = io:getopts(File),
Encoding0 = lists:keyfind(encoding, 1, Opts),
Binary0 = lists:keyfind(binary, 1, Opts),
ok = io:setopts(File, [binary, {encoding, latin1}]),
{B, Fun} = (reader(File, 0))(),
com_nl(B, Fun, 0, InComment)
throw:no ->
{ok, Pos0} = file:position(File, Pos0),
ok = io:setopts(File, [Binary0, Encoding0])
reader(Fd, N) ->
fun() when N =:= ?N_ENC_CHUNK ->
() ->
case file:read(Fd, ?ENC_CHUNK) of
eof ->
{<<>>, reader(Fd, N+1)};
{ok, Bin} ->
{Bin, reader(Fd, N+1)};
{error, _} ->
throw(no) % ignore errors
com_nl(_, _, 2, _) ->
com_nl(B, Fun, N, false=Com) ->
com_c(B, Fun, N, Com);
com_nl(B, Fun, N, true=Com) ->
com(B, Fun, N, Com).
com(<<"\n",B/binary>>, Fun, N, Com) ->
com_nl(B, Fun, N+1, Com);
com(<<"%", B/binary>>, Fun, N, Com) ->
com_c(B, Fun, N, Com);
com(<<_:1/unit:8,B/binary>>, Fun, N, Com) ->
com(B, Fun, N, Com);
com(<<>>, Fun, N, Com) ->
{B, Fun1} = Fun(),
com(B, Fun1, N, Com).
com_c(<<"c",B/binary>>, Fun, N, Com) ->
com_oding(B, Fun, N, Com);
com_c(<<"\n",B/binary>>, Fun, N, Com) ->
com_nl(B, Fun, N+1, Com);
com_c(<<_:1/unit:8,B/binary>>, Fun, N, Com) ->
com_c(B, Fun, N, Com);
com_c(<<>>, Fun, N, Com) ->
{B, Fun1} = Fun(),
com_c(B, Fun1, N, Com).
com_oding(<<"oding",B/binary>>, Fun, N, Com) ->
com_sep(B, Fun, N, Com);
com_oding(B, Fun, N, Com) when byte_size(B) >= length("oding") ->
com_c(B, Fun, N, Com);
com_oding(B, Fun, N, Com) ->
{B1, Fun1} = Fun(),
com_oding(list_to_binary([B, B1]), Fun1, N, Com).
com_sep(<<":",B/binary>>, Fun, N, Com) ->
com_space(B, Fun, N, Com);
com_sep(<<"=",B/binary>>, Fun, N, Com) ->
com_space(B, Fun, N, Com);
com_sep(<<"\s",B/binary>>, Fun, N, Com) ->
com_sep(B, Fun, N, Com);
com_sep(<<>>, Fun, N, Com) ->
{B, Fun1} = Fun(),
com_sep(B, Fun1, N, Com);
com_sep(B, Fun, N, Com) ->
com_c(B, Fun, N, Com).
com_space(<<"\s",B/binary>>, Fun, N, Com) ->
com_space(B, Fun, N, Com);
com_space(<<>>, Fun, N, Com) ->
{B, Fun1} = Fun(),
com_space(B, Fun1, N, Com);
com_space(B, Fun, N, _Com) ->
com_enc(B, Fun, N, [], []).
com_enc(<<C:1/unit:8,B/binary>>, Fun, N, L, Ps) when C >= $a, C =< $z;
C >= $A, C =< $Z;
C >= $0, C =< $9 ->
com_enc(B, Fun, N, [C | L], Ps);
com_enc(<<>>, Fun, N, L, Ps) ->
case Fun() of
{<<>>, _} ->
com_enc_end([L | Ps]);
{B, Fun1} ->
com_enc(B, Fun1, N, L, Ps)
com_enc(<<"-",B/binary>>, Fun, N, L, Ps) ->
com_enc(B, Fun, N, [], [L | Ps]);
com_enc(_B, _Fun, _N, L, Ps) ->
com_enc_end([L | Ps]).
com_enc_end(Ps0) ->
Ps = lists:reverse([lists:reverse(string:to_lower(P)) || P <- Ps0]),
com_encoding(["latin","1"|_]) ->
com_encoding(["utf","8"|_]) ->
com_encoding(_) ->
throw(no). % Don't try any further
normalize_typed_record_fields([]) ->
{typed, []};
normalize_typed_record_fields(Fields) ->
normalize_typed_record_fields(Fields, [], false).
normalize_typed_record_fields([], NewFields, Typed) ->
case Typed of
true -> {typed, lists:reverse(NewFields)};
false -> not_typed
NewFields, _Typed) ->
normalize_typed_record_fields(Rest, [Field|NewFields], true);
normalize_typed_record_fields([Field|Rest], NewFields, Typed) ->
normalize_typed_record_fields(Rest, [Field|NewFields], Typed).
restore_typed_record_fields([]) ->
Forms]) ->
Forms]) ->
%% This clause is due to the compiler's 'E' option.
%% Record information kept by erl_expand_records.
restore_typed_record_fields([Form|Forms]) ->
%% server(StarterPid, FileName, Path, PreDefMacros)
server(Pid, Name, Path, Pdm) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
case file:open(Name, [read]) of
{ok,File} ->
Location = 1,
init_server(Pid, Name, File, Location, Path, Pdm, false);
{error,E} ->
epp_reply(Pid, {error,E})
%% server(StarterPid, FileName, IoDevice, Location, Path, PreDefMacros)
server(Pid, Name, File, AtLocation, Path, Pdm) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
init_server(Pid, Name, File, AtLocation, Path, Pdm, true).
init_server(Pid, Name, File, AtLocation, Path, Pdm, Pre) ->
Ms0 = predef_macros(Name),
case user_predef(Pdm, Ms0) of
{ok,Ms1} ->
_ = set_encoding(File),
epp_reply(Pid, {ok,self()}),
%% ensure directory of current source file is
%% first in path
Path1 = [filename:dirname(Name) | Path],
St = #epp{file=File, location=AtLocation, delta=0,
name=Name, name2=Name, path=Path1, macs=Ms1,
pre_opened = Pre},
From = wait_request(St),
enter_file_reply(From, Name, AtLocation, AtLocation),
{error,E} ->
epp_reply(Pid, {error,E})
%% predef_macros(FileName) -> Macrodict
%% Initialise the macro dictionary with the default predefined macros,
%% FILE, LINE, MODULE as undefined, MACHINE and MACHINE value.
predef_macros(File) ->
Machine = list_to_atom(erlang:system_info(machine)),
{{atom,'FILE'}, {none,[{string,1,File}]}},
{{atom,'LINE'}, {none,[{integer,1,1}]}},
{{atom,'MODULE'}, undefined},
{{atom,'MODULE_STRING'}, undefined},
{{atom,'BASE_MODULE'}, undefined},
{{atom,'BASE_MODULE_STRING'}, undefined},
{{atom,'MACHINE'}, {none,[{atom,1,Machine}]}},
{{atom,Machine}, {none,[{atom,1,true}]}}
%% user_predef(PreDefMacros, Macros) ->
%% {ok,MacroDict} | {error,E}
%% Add the predefined macros to the macros dictionary. A macro without a
%% value gets the value 'true'.
user_predef([{M,Val,redefine}|Pdm], Ms) when is_atom(M) ->
Exp = erl_parse:tokens(erl_parse:abstract(Val)),
user_predef(Pdm, dict:store({atom,M}, {none,Exp}, Ms));
user_predef([{M,Val}|Pdm], Ms) when is_atom(M) ->
case dict:find({atom,M}, Ms) of
{ok,_Defs} when is_list(_Defs) -> %% User defined macros
{ok,_Def} -> %% Predefined macros
error ->
Exp = erl_parse:tokens(erl_parse:abstract(Val)),
user_predef(Pdm, dict:store({atom,M}, [{none, {none,Exp}}], Ms))
user_predef([M|Pdm], Ms) when is_atom(M) ->
case dict:find({atom,M}, Ms) of
{ok,_Defs} when is_list(_Defs) -> %% User defined macros
{ok,_Def} -> %% Predefined macros
error ->
dict:store({atom,M}, [{none, {none,[{atom,1,true}]}}], Ms))
user_predef([Md|_Pdm], _Ms) -> {error,{bad,Md}};
user_predef([], Ms) -> {ok,Ms}.
%% wait_request(EppState) -> RequestFrom
%% wait_req_scan(EppState)
%% wait_req_skip(EppState, SkipIstack)
%% Handle requests, processing trivial requests directly. Either return
%% requestor or scan/skip tokens.
wait_request(St) ->
{epp_request,From,scan_erl_form} -> From;
{epp_request,From,macro_defs} ->
epp_reply(From, dict:to_list(St#epp.macs)),
{epp_request,From,close} ->
epp_reply(From, ok),
{'EXIT',_,R} ->
Other ->
io:fwrite("Epp: unknown '~w'\n", [Other]),
close_file(#epp{pre_opened = true}) ->
close_file(#epp{pre_opened = false, file = File}) ->
ok = file:close(File).
wait_req_scan(St) ->
From = wait_request(St),
scan_toks(From, St).
wait_req_skip(St, Sis) ->
From = wait_request(St),
skip_toks(From, St, Sis).
%% enter_file(FileName, IncludeToken, From, EppState)
%% leave_file(From, EppState)
%% Handle entering and leaving included files. Notify caller when the
%% current file is changed. Note it is an error to exit a file if we are
%% in a conditional. These functions never return.
enter_file(_NewName, Inc, From, St)
when length(St#epp.sstk) >= 8 ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{abs_loc(Inc),epp,{depth,"include"}}}),
enter_file(NewName, Inc, From, St) ->
case file:path_open(St#epp.path, NewName, [read]) of
{ok,NewF,Pname} ->
Loc = start_loc(St#epp.location),
wait_req_scan(enter_file2(NewF, Pname, From, St, Loc));
{error,_E} ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{abs_loc(Inc),epp,{include,file,NewName}}}),
%% enter_file2(File, FullName, From, EppState, AtLocation) -> EppState.
%% Set epp to use this file and "enter" it.
enter_file2(NewF, Pname, From, St0, AtLocation) ->
Loc = start_loc(AtLocation),
enter_file_reply(From, Pname, Loc, AtLocation),
Ms = dict:store({atom,'FILE'}, {none,[{string,Loc,Pname}]}, St0#epp.macs),
%% update the head of the include path to be the directory of the new
%% source file, so that an included file can always include other files
%% relative to its current location (this is also how C does it); note
%% that the directory of the parent source file (the previous head of
%% the path) must be dropped, otherwise the path used within the current
%% file will depend on the order of file inclusions in the parent files
Path = [filename:dirname(Pname) | tl(St0#epp.path)],
_ = set_encoding(NewF),
enter_file_reply(From, Name, Location, AtLocation) ->
Attr = loc_attr(AtLocation),
Rep = {ok, [{'-',Attr},{atom,Attr,file},{'(',Attr},
epp_reply(From, Rep).
%% Flatten filename to a string. Must be a valid filename.
file_name([C | T]) when is_integer(C), C > 0 ->
[C | file_name(T)];
file_name([H|T]) ->
file_name(H) ++ file_name(T);
file_name([]) ->
file_name(N) when is_atom(N) ->
leave_file(From, St) ->
case St#epp.istk of
[I|Cis] ->
[] ->
case St#epp.sstk of
[OldSt|Sts] ->
#epp{location=OldLoc, delta=Delta, name=OldName,
name2=OldName2} = OldSt,
CurrLoc = add_line(OldLoc, Delta),
Ms = dict:store({atom,'FILE'},
NextSt = OldSt#epp{sstk=Sts,macs=Ms},
enter_file_reply(From, OldName, CurrLoc, CurrLoc),
case OldName2 =:= OldName of
true ->
false ->
NFrom = wait_request(NextSt),
enter_file_reply(NFrom, OldName2, OldLoc,
[] ->
epp_reply(From, {eof,St#epp.location}),
%% scan_toks(From, EppState)
%% scan_toks(Tokens, From, EppState)
scan_toks(From, St) ->
case io:scan_erl_form(St#epp.file, '', St#epp.location) of
{ok,Toks,Cl} ->
scan_toks(Toks, From, St#epp{location=Cl});
{error,E,Cl} ->
epp_reply(From, {error,E}),
{eof,Cl} ->
leave_file(From, St#epp{location=Cl});
{error,_E} ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{St#epp.location,epp,cannot_parse}}),
leave_file(wait_request(St), St) %This serious, just exit!
scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Ld,define}=Define|Toks], From, St) ->
scan_define(Toks, Define, From, St);
scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Ld,undef}=Undef|Toks], From, St) ->
scan_undef(Toks, Undef, From, St);
scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Li,include}=Inc|Toks], From, St) ->
scan_include(Toks, Inc, From, St);
scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Li,include_lib}=IncLib|Toks], From, St) ->
scan_include_lib(Toks, IncLib, From, St);
scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Li,ifdef}=IfDef|Toks], From, St) ->
scan_ifdef(Toks, IfDef, From, St);
scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Li,ifndef}=IfnDef|Toks], From, St) ->
scan_ifndef(Toks, IfnDef, From, St);
scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Le,'else'}=Else|Toks], From, St) ->
scan_else(Toks, Else, From, St);
scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{'if',_Le}=If|Toks], From, St) ->
scan_if(Toks, If, From, St);
scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Le,elif}=Elif|Toks], From, St) ->
scan_elif(Toks, Elif, From, St);
scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Le,endif}=Endif|Toks], From, St) ->
scan_endif(Toks, Endif, From, St);
scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Lf,file}=FileToken|Toks0], From, St) ->
case catch expand_macros(Toks0, {St#epp.macs, St#epp.uses}) of
Toks1 when is_list(Toks1) ->
scan_file(Toks1, FileToken, From, St);
{error,ErrL,What} ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{ErrL,epp,What}}),
scan_toks(Toks0, From, St) ->
case catch expand_macros(Toks0, {St#epp.macs, St#epp.uses}) of
Toks1 when is_list(Toks1) ->
epp_reply(From, {ok,Toks1}),
wait_req_scan(St#epp{macs=scan_module(Toks1, St#epp.macs)});
{error,ErrL,What} ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{ErrL,epp,What}}),
scan_module([{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Lm,module},{'(',_Ll}|Ts], Ms) ->
scan_module_1(Ts, [], Ms);
scan_module([{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Lm,extends},{'(',_Ll}|Ts], Ms) ->
scan_extends(Ts, [], Ms);
scan_module(_Ts, Ms) -> Ms.
scan_module_1([{atom,_,_}=A,{',',L}|Ts], As, Ms) ->
%% Parameterized modules.
scan_module_1([A,{')',L}|Ts], As, Ms);
scan_module_1([{atom,Ln,A},{')',_Lr}|_Ts], As, Ms0) ->
Mod = lists:concat(lists:reverse([A|As])),
Ms = dict:store({atom,'MODULE'},
{none,[{atom,Ln,list_to_atom(Mod)}]}, Ms0),
dict:store({atom,'MODULE_STRING'}, {none,[{string,Ln,Mod}]}, Ms);
scan_module_1([{atom,_Ln,A},{'.',_Lr}|Ts], As, Ms) ->
scan_module_1(Ts, [".",A|As], Ms);
scan_module_1([{'.',_Lr}|Ts], As, Ms) ->
scan_module_1(Ts, As, Ms);
scan_module_1(_Ts, _As, Ms) -> Ms.
scan_extends([{atom,Ln,A},{')',_Lr}|_Ts], As, Ms0) ->
Mod = lists:concat(lists:reverse([A|As])),
Ms = dict:store({atom,'BASE_MODULE'},
{none,[{atom,Ln,list_to_atom(Mod)}]}, Ms0),
dict:store({atom,'BASE_MODULE_STRING'}, {none,[{string,Ln,Mod}]}, Ms);
scan_extends([{atom,_Ln,A},{'.',_Lr}|Ts], As, Ms) ->
scan_extends(Ts, [".",A|As], Ms);
scan_extends([{'.',_Lr}|Ts], As, Ms) ->
scan_extends(Ts, As, Ms);
scan_extends(_Ts, _As, Ms) -> Ms.
%% scan_define(Tokens, DefineToken, From, EppState)
scan_define([{'(',_Lp},{Type,_Lm,M}=Mac,{',',Lc}|Toks], _Def, From, St)
when Type =:= atom; Type =:= var ->
case catch macro_expansion(Toks, Lc) of
Expansion when is_list(Expansion) ->
case dict:find({atom,M}, St#epp.macs) of
{ok, Defs} when is_list(Defs) ->
%% User defined macros: can be overloaded
case proplists:is_defined(none, Defs) of
true ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Mac),epp,{redefine,M}}}),
false ->
scan_define_cont(From, St,
{atom, M},
{none, {none,Expansion}})
{ok, _PreDef} ->
%% Predefined macros: cannot be overloaded
epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Mac),epp,{redefine_predef,M}}}),
error ->
scan_define_cont(From, St,
{atom, M},
{none, {none,Expansion}})
{error,ErrL,What} ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{ErrL,epp,What}}),
scan_define([{'(',_Lp},{Type,_Lm,M}=Mac,{'(',_Lc}|Toks], Def, From, St)
when Type =:= atom; Type =:= var ->
case catch macro_pars(Toks, []) of
{ok, {As,Me}} ->
Len = length(As),
case dict:find({atom,M}, St#epp.macs) of
{ok, Defs} when is_list(Defs) ->
%% User defined macros: can be overloaded
case proplists:is_defined(Len, Defs) of
true ->
false ->
scan_define_cont(From, St, {atom, M},
{Len, {As, Me}})
{ok, _PreDef} ->
%% Predefined macros: cannot be overloaded
%% (There are currently no predefined F(...) macros.)
epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Mac),epp,{redefine_predef,M}}}),
error ->
scan_define_cont(From, St, {atom, M}, {Len, {As, Me}})
{error,ErrL,What} ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{ErrL,epp,What}}),
_ ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Def),epp,{bad,define}}}),
scan_define(_Toks, Def, From, St) ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Def),epp,{bad,define}}}),
%%% Detection of circular macro expansions (which would either keep
%%% the compiler looping forever, or run out of memory):
%%% When a macro is defined, we store the names of other macros it
%%% uses in St#epp.uses. If any macro is undef'ed, that information
%%% becomes invalid, so we redo it for all remaining macros.
%%% The circularity detection itself is done when a macro is expanded:
%%% the information from St#epp.uses is traversed, and if a circularity
%%% is detected, an error message is thrown.
scan_define_cont(F, St, M, {Arity, Def}) ->
Ms = dict:append_list(M, [{Arity, Def}], St#epp.macs),
try dict:append_list(M, [{Arity, macro_uses(Def)}], St#epp.uses) of
U ->
scan_toks(F, St#epp{uses=U, macs=Ms})
{error, Line, Reason} ->
epp_reply(F, {error,{Line,epp,Reason}}),
macro_uses({_Args, Tokens}) ->
Uses0 = macro_ref(Tokens),
macro_ref([]) ->
macro_ref([{'?', _}, {'?', _} | Rest]) ->
macro_ref([{'?', _}, {atom, Lm, A} | Rest]) ->
Arity = count_args(Rest, Lm, A),
[{{atom, A}, Arity} | macro_ref(Rest)];
macro_ref([{'?', _}, {var, Lm, A} | Rest]) ->
Arity = count_args(Rest, Lm, A),
[{{atom, A}, Arity} | macro_ref(Rest)];
macro_ref([_Token | Rest]) ->
%% scan_undef(Tokens, UndefToken, From, EppState)
scan_undef([{'(',_Llp},{atom,_Lm,M},{')',_Lrp},{dot,_Ld}], _Undef, From, St) ->
Macs = dict:erase({atom,M}, St#epp.macs),
Uses = dict:erase({atom,M}, St#epp.uses),
scan_toks(From, St#epp{macs=Macs, uses=Uses});
scan_undef([{'(',_Llp},{var,_Lm,M},{')',_Lrp},{dot,_Ld}], _Undef, From,St) ->
Macs = dict:erase({atom,M}, St#epp.macs),
Uses = dict:erase({atom,M}, St#epp.uses),
scan_toks(From, St#epp{macs=Macs, uses=Uses});
scan_undef(_Toks, Undef, From, St) ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Undef),epp,{bad,undef}}}),
%% scan_include(Tokens, IncludeToken, From, St)
scan_include([{'(',_Llp},{string,_Lf,NewName0},{')',_Lrp},{dot,_Ld}], Inc,
From, St) ->
NewName = expand_var(NewName0),
enter_file(NewName, Inc, From, St);
scan_include(_Toks, Inc, From, St) ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{abs_loc(Inc),epp,{bad,include}}}),
%% scan_include_lib(Tokens, IncludeToken, From, EppState)
%% For include_lib we first test if we can find the file through the
%% normal search path, if not we assume that the first directory name
%% is a library name, find its true directory and try with that.
find_lib_dir(NewName) ->
[Lib | Rest] = filename:split(NewName),
{code:lib_dir(list_to_atom(Lib)), Rest}.
Inc, From, St)
when length(St#epp.sstk) >= 8 ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{abs_loc(Inc),epp,{depth,"include_lib"}}}),
Inc, From, St) ->
NewName = expand_var(NewName0),
Loc = start_loc(St#epp.location),
case file:path_open(St#epp.path, NewName, [read]) of
{ok,NewF,Pname} ->
wait_req_scan(enter_file2(NewF, Pname, From, St, Loc));
{error,_E1} ->
case catch find_lib_dir(NewName) of
{LibDir, Rest} when is_list(LibDir) ->
LibName = fname_join([LibDir | Rest]),
case file:open(LibName, [read]) of
{ok,NewF} ->
wait_req_scan(enter_file2(NewF, LibName, From,
St, Loc));
{error,_E2} ->
_Error ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{abs_loc(Inc),epp,
scan_include_lib(_Toks, Inc, From, St) ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{abs_loc(Inc),epp,{bad,include_lib}}}),
%% scan_ifdef(Tokens, IfdefToken, From, EppState)
%% scan_ifndef(Tokens, IfdefToken, From, EppSate)
%% Handle the conditional parsing of a file.
%% Report a badly formed if[n]def test and then treat as undefined macro.
scan_ifdef([{'(',_Llp},{atom,_Lm,M},{')',_Lrp},{dot,_Ld}], _IfD, From, St) ->
case dict:find({atom,M}, St#epp.macs) of
{ok,_Def} ->
scan_toks(From, St#epp{istk=[ifdef|St#epp.istk]});
error ->
skip_toks(From, St, [ifdef])
scan_ifdef([{'(',_Llp},{var,_Lm,M},{')',_Lrp},{dot,_Ld}], _IfD, From, St) ->
case dict:find({atom,M}, St#epp.macs) of
{ok,_Def} ->
scan_toks(From, St#epp{istk=[ifdef|St#epp.istk]});
error ->
skip_toks(From, St, [ifdef])
scan_ifdef(_Toks, IfDef, From, St) ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(IfDef),epp,{bad,ifdef}}}),
wait_req_skip(St, [ifdef]).
scan_ifndef([{'(',_Llp},{atom,_Lm,M},{')',_Lrp},{dot,_Ld}], _IfnD, From, St) ->
case dict:find({atom,M}, St#epp.macs) of
{ok,_Def} ->
skip_toks(From, St, [ifndef]);
error ->
scan_toks(From, St#epp{istk=[ifndef|St#epp.istk]})
scan_ifndef([{'(',_Llp},{var,_Lm,M},{')',_Lrp},{dot,_Ld}], _IfnD, From, St) ->
case dict:find({atom,M}, St#epp.macs) of
{ok,_Def} ->
skip_toks(From, St, [ifndef]);
error ->
scan_toks(From, St#epp{istk=[ifndef|St#epp.istk]})
scan_ifndef(_Toks, IfnDef, From, St) ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(IfnDef),epp,{bad,ifndef}}}),
wait_req_skip(St, [ifndef]).
%% scan_else(Tokens, ElseToken, From, EppState)
%% If we are in an if body then convert to else and skip, if we are in an
%% else or not in anything report an error.
scan_else([{dot,_Ld}], Else, From, St) ->
case St#epp.istk of
['else'|Cis] ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Else),
wait_req_skip(St#epp{istk=Cis}, ['else']);
[_I|Cis] ->
skip_toks(From, St#epp{istk=Cis}, ['else']);
[] ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Else),epp,
scan_else(_Toks, Else, From, St) ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Else),epp,{bad,'else'}}}),
%% scan_if(Tokens, EndifToken, From, EppState)
%% Handle the conditional parsing of a file.
%% Report a badly formed if test and then treat as false macro.
scan_if(_Toks, If, From, St) ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(If),epp,{'NYI','if'}}}),
wait_req_skip(St, ['if']).
%% scan_elif(Tokens, EndifToken, From, EppState)
%% Handle the conditional parsing of a file.
%% Report a badly formed if test and then treat as false macro.
scan_elif(_Toks, Elif, From, St) ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Elif),epp,{'NYI','elif'}}}),
%% scan_endif(Tokens, EndifToken, From, EppState)
%% If we are in an if body then exit it, else report an error.
scan_endif([{dot,_Ld}], Endif, From, St) ->
case St#epp.istk of
[_I|Cis] ->
scan_toks(From, St#epp{istk=Cis});
[] ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Endif),epp,
scan_endif(_Toks, Endif, From, St) ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Endif),epp,{bad,endif}}}),
%% scan_file(Tokens, FileToken, From, EppState)
%% Set the current file and line to the given file and line.
%% Note that the line of the attribute itself is kept.
{dot,_Ld}], Tf, From, St) ->
enter_file_reply(From, Name, Ln, neg_line(abs_loc(Tf))),
Ms = dict:store({atom,'FILE'}, {none,[{string,1,Name}]}, St#epp.macs),
Locf = loc(Tf),
NewLoc = new_location(Ln, St#epp.location, Locf),
Delta = abs(get_line(element(2, Tf)))-Ln + St#epp.delta,
scan_file(_Toks, Tf, From, St) ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Tf),epp,{bad,file}}}),
new_location(Ln, Le, Lf) when is_integer(Lf) ->
new_location(Ln, {Le,_}, {Lf,_}) ->
%% skip_toks(From, EppState, SkipIstack)
%% Skip over forms until current conditional has been exited. Handle
%% nested conditionals and repeated 'else's.
skip_toks(From, St, [I|Sis]) ->
case io:scan_erl_form(St#epp.file, '', St#epp.location) of
{ok,[{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Li,ifdef}|_Toks],Cl} ->
skip_toks(From, St#epp{location=Cl}, [ifdef,I|Sis]);
{ok,[{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Li,ifndef}|_Toks],Cl} ->
skip_toks(From, St#epp{location=Cl}, [ifndef,I|Sis]);
{ok,[{'-',_Lh},{'if',_Li}|_Toks],Cl} ->
skip_toks(From, St#epp{location=Cl}, ['if',I|Sis]);
skip_else(Else, From, St#epp{location=Cl}, [I|Sis]);
{ok,[{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Le,endif}|_Toks],Cl} ->
skip_toks(From, St#epp{location=Cl}, Sis);
{ok,_Toks,Cl} ->
skip_toks(From, St#epp{location=Cl}, [I|Sis]);
{error,_E,Cl} ->
skip_toks(From, St#epp{location=Cl}, [I|Sis]);
{eof,Cl} ->
leave_file(From, St#epp{location=Cl,istk=[I|Sis]});
{error,_E} ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{St#epp.location,epp,cannot_parse}}),
leave_file(wait_request(St), St) %This serious, just exit!
skip_toks(From, St, []) ->
scan_toks(From, St).
skip_else(Else, From, St, ['else'|Sis]) ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Else),epp,{illegal,"repeated",'else'}}}),
wait_req_skip(St, ['else'|Sis]);
skip_else(_Else, From, St, [_I]) ->
scan_toks(From, St#epp{istk=['else'|St#epp.istk]});
skip_else(_Else, From, St, Sis) ->
skip_toks(From, St, Sis).
%% macro_pars(Tokens, ArgStack)
%% macro_expansion(Tokens, Line)
%% Extract the macro parameters and the expansion from a macro definition.
macro_pars([{')',_Lp}, {',',Ld}|Ex], Args) ->
{ok, {lists:reverse(Args), macro_expansion(Ex, Ld)}};
macro_pars([{var,_,Name}, {')',_Lp}, {',',Ld}|Ex], Args) ->
false = lists:member(Name, Args), %Prolog is nice
{ok, {lists:reverse([Name|Args]), macro_expansion(Ex, Ld)}};
macro_pars([{var,_L,Name}, {',',_}|Ts], Args) ->
false = lists:member(Name, Args),
macro_pars(Ts, [Name|Args]).
macro_expansion([{')',_Lp},{dot,_Ld}], _L0) -> [];
macro_expansion([{dot,Ld}], _L0) -> throw({error,Ld,missing_parenthesis});
macro_expansion([T|Ts], _L0) ->
[T|macro_expansion(Ts, element(2, T))];
macro_expansion([], L0) -> throw({error,L0,premature_end}).
%% expand_macros(Tokens, Macros)
%% expand_macro(Tokens, MacroToken, RestTokens)
%% Expand the macros in a list of tokens, making sure that an expansion
%% gets the same location as the macro call.
expand_macros(Type, MacT, M, Toks, Ms0) ->
%% (Type will always be 'atom')
{Ms, U} = Ms0,
Lm = loc(MacT),
Tinfo = element(2, MacT),
case expand_macro1(Type, Lm, M, Toks, Ms) of
{ok,{none,Exp}} ->
check_uses([{{Type,M}, none}], [], U, Lm),
Toks1 = expand_macros(expand_macro(Exp, Tinfo, [], dict:new()), Ms0),
expand_macros(Toks1++Toks, Ms0);
{ok,{As,Exp}} ->
check_uses([{{Type,M}, length(As)}], [], U, Lm),
{Bs,Toks1} = bind_args(Toks, Lm, M, As, dict:new()),
expand_macros(expand_macro(Exp, Tinfo, Toks1, Bs), Ms0)
expand_macro1(Type, Lm, M, Toks, Ms) ->
Arity = count_args(Toks, Lm, M),
case dict:find({Type,M}, Ms) of
error -> %% macro not found
{ok, undefined} -> %% Predefined macro without definition
{ok, [{none, Def}]} ->
{ok, Def};
{ok, Defs} when is_list(Defs) ->
case proplists:get_value(Arity, Defs) of
undefined ->
Def ->
{ok, Def}
{ok, PreDef} -> %% Predefined macro
{ok, PreDef}
check_uses([], _Anc, _U, _Lm) ->
check_uses([M|Rest], Anc, U, Lm) ->
case lists:member(M, Anc) of
true ->
{{_, Name},Arity} = M,
false ->
L = get_macro_uses(M, U),
check_uses(L, [M|Anc], U, Lm),
check_uses(Rest, Anc, U, Lm)
get_macro_uses({M,Arity}, U) ->
case dict:find(M, U) of
error ->
{ok, L} ->
proplists:get_value(Arity, L, proplists:get_value(none, L, []))
%% Macro expansion
%% Note: io:scan_erl_form() does not return comments or white spaces.
expand_macros([{'?',_Lq},{atom,_Lm,M}=MacT|Toks], Ms) ->
expand_macros(atom, MacT, M, Toks, Ms);
%% Special macros
expand_macros([{'?',_Lq},{var,Lm,'LINE'}=Tok|Toks], Ms) ->
{line,Line} = erl_scan:token_info(Tok, line),
[{integer,Lm,Line}|expand_macros(Toks, Ms)];
expand_macros([{'?',_Lq},{var,_Lm,M}=MacT|Toks], Ms) ->
expand_macros(atom, MacT, M, Toks, Ms);
%% Illegal macros
expand_macros([{'?',_Lq},Token|_Toks], _Ms) ->
T = case erl_scan:token_info(Token, text) of
{text,Text} ->
undefined ->
{symbol,Symbol} = erl_scan:token_info(Token, symbol),
expand_macros([T|Ts], Ms) ->
[T|expand_macros(Ts, Ms)];
expand_macros([], _Ms) -> [].
%% bind_args(Tokens, MacroLocation, MacroName, ArgumentVars, Bindings)
%% Collect the arguments to a macro call.
bind_args([{'(',_Llp},{')',_Lrp}|Toks], _Lm, _M, [], Bs) ->
bind_args([{'(',_Llp}|Toks0], Lm, M, [A|As], Bs) ->
{Arg,Toks1} = macro_arg(Toks0, [], []),
macro_args(Toks1, Lm, M, As, store_arg(Lm, M, A, Arg, Bs));
bind_args(_Toks, Lm, M, _As, _Bs) ->
throw({error,Lm,{mismatch,M}}). % Cannot happen.
macro_args([{')',_Lrp}|Toks], _Lm, _M, [], Bs) ->
macro_args([{',',_Lc}|Toks0], Lm, M, [A|As], Bs) ->
{Arg,Toks1} = macro_arg(Toks0, [], []),
macro_args(Toks1, Lm, M, As, store_arg(Lm, M, A, Arg, Bs));
macro_args([], Lm, M, _As, _Bs) ->
throw({error,Lm,{arg_error,M}}); % Cannot happen.
macro_args(_Toks, Lm, M, _As, _Bs) ->
throw({error,Lm,{mismatch,M}}). % Cannot happen.
store_arg(L, M, _A, [], _Bs) ->
store_arg(_L, _M, A, Arg, Bs) ->
dict:store(A, Arg, Bs).
%% count_args(Tokens, MacroLine, MacroName)
%% Count the number of arguments in a macro call.
count_args([{'(', _Llp},{')',_Lrp}|_Toks], _Lm, _M) ->
count_args([{'(', _Llp},{',',_Lc}|_Toks], Lm, M) ->
count_args([{'(',_Llp}|Toks0], Lm, M) ->
{_Arg,Toks1} = macro_arg(Toks0, [], []),
count_args(Toks1, Lm, M, 1);
count_args(_Toks, _Lm, _M) ->
count_args([{')',_Lrp}|_Toks], _Lm, _M, NbArgs) ->
count_args([{',',_Lc},{')',_Lrp}|_Toks], Lm, M, _NbArgs) ->
count_args([{',',_Lc}|Toks0], Lm, M, NbArgs) ->
{_Arg,Toks1} = macro_arg(Toks0, [], []),
count_args(Toks1, Lm, M, NbArgs+1);
count_args([], Lm, M, _NbArgs) ->
count_args(_Toks, Lm, M, _NbArgs) ->
throw({error,Lm,{mismatch,M}}). % Cannot happen.
%% macro_arg([Tok], [ClosePar], [ArgTok]) -> {[ArgTok],[RestTok]}.
%% Collect argument tokens until we hit a ',' or a ')'. We know a
%% enough about syntax to recognise "open parentheses" and keep
%% scanning until matching "close parenthesis".
macro_arg([{',',Lc}|Toks], [], Arg) ->
macro_arg([{')',Lrp}|Toks], [], Arg) ->
macro_arg([{'(',Llp}|Toks], E, Arg) ->
macro_arg(Toks, [')'|E], [{'(',Llp}|Arg]);
macro_arg([{'<<',Lls}|Toks], E, Arg) ->
macro_arg(Toks, ['>>'|E], [{'<<',Lls}|Arg]);
macro_arg([{'[',Lls}|Toks], E, Arg) ->
macro_arg(Toks, [']'|E], [{'[',Lls}|Arg]);
macro_arg([{'{',Llc}|Toks], E, Arg) ->
macro_arg(Toks, ['}'|E], [{'{',Llc}|Arg]);
macro_arg([{'begin',Lb}|Toks], E, Arg) ->
macro_arg(Toks, ['end'|E], [{'begin',Lb}|Arg]);
macro_arg([{'if',Li}|Toks], E, Arg) ->
macro_arg(Toks, ['end'|E], [{'if',Li}|Arg]);
macro_arg([{'case',Lc}|Toks], E, Arg) ->
macro_arg(Toks, ['end'|E], [{'case',Lc}|Arg]);
macro_arg([{'fun',Lc}|[{'(',_}|_]=Toks], E, Arg) ->
macro_arg(Toks, ['end'|E], [{'fun',Lc}|Arg]);
macro_arg([{'receive',Lr}|Toks], E, Arg) ->
macro_arg(Toks, ['end'|E], [{'receive',Lr}|Arg]);
macro_arg([{'try',Lr}|Toks], E, Arg) ->
macro_arg(Toks, ['end'|E], [{'try',Lr}|Arg]);
macro_arg([{'cond',Lr}|Toks], E, Arg) ->
macro_arg(Toks, ['end'|E], [{'cond',Lr}|Arg]);
macro_arg([{Rb,Lrb}|Toks], [Rb|E], Arg) -> %Found matching close
macro_arg(Toks, E, [{Rb,Lrb}|Arg]);
macro_arg([T|Toks], E, Arg) ->
macro_arg(Toks, E, [T|Arg]);
macro_arg([], _E, Arg) ->
%% expand_macro(MacroDef, MacroTokenInfo, RestTokens, Bindings)
%% expand_arg(Argtokens, MacroTokens, MacroLocation, RestTokens, Bindings)
%% Insert the macro expansion replacing macro parameters with their
%% argument values, inserting the location of first the macro call
%% and then the macro arguments, i.e. simulate textual expansion.
expand_macro([{var,_Lv,V}|Ts], L, Rest, Bs) ->
case dict:find(V, Bs) of
{ok,Val} ->
%% lists:append(Val, expand_macro(Ts, L, Rest, Bs));
expand_arg(Val, Ts, L, Rest, Bs);
error ->
[{var,L,V}|expand_macro(Ts, L, Rest, Bs)]
expand_macro([{'?', _}, {'?', _}, {var,_Lv,V}|Ts], L, Rest, Bs) ->
case dict:find(V, Bs) of
{ok,Val} ->
%% lists:append(Val, expand_macro(Ts, L, Rest, Bs));
expand_arg(stringify(Val, L), Ts, L, Rest, Bs);
error ->
[{var,L,V}|expand_macro(Ts, L, Rest, Bs)]
expand_macro([T|Ts], L, Rest, Bs) ->
[setelement(2, T, L)|expand_macro(Ts, L, Rest, Bs)];
expand_macro([], _L, Rest, _Bs) -> Rest.
expand_arg([A|As], Ts, _L, Rest, Bs) ->
%% It is not obvious that the location of arguments should replace L.
NextL = element(2, A),
[A|expand_arg(As, Ts, NextL, Rest, Bs)];
expand_arg([], Ts, L, Rest, Bs) ->
expand_macro(Ts, L, Rest, Bs).
%%% stringify(Ts, L) returns a list of one token: a string which when
%%% tokenized would yield the token list Ts.
%% erl_scan:token_info(T, text) is not backward compatible with this.
%% Note that escaped characters will be replaced by themselves.
token_src({dot, _}) ->
token_src({X, _}) when is_atom(X) ->
token_src({var, _, X}) ->
token_src({char,_,C}) ->
token_src({string, _, X}) ->
token_src({_, _, X}) ->
io_lib:format("~w", [X]).
stringify1([]) ->
stringify1([T | Tokens]) ->
[io_lib:format(" ~ts", [token_src(T)]) | stringify1(Tokens)].
stringify(Ts, L) ->
[$\s | S] = lists:flatten(stringify1(Ts)),
[{string, L, S}].
%% epp_request(Epp)
%% epp_request(Epp, Request)
%% epp_reply(From, Reply)
%% Handle communication with the epp.
epp_request(Epp) ->
wait_epp_reply(Epp, erlang:monitor(process, Epp)).
epp_request(Epp, Req) ->
Epp ! {epp_request,self(),Req},
wait_epp_reply(Epp, erlang:monitor(process, Epp)).
epp_reply(From, Rep) ->
From ! {epp_reply,self(),Rep},
wait_epp_reply(Epp, Mref) ->
{epp_reply,Epp,Rep} ->
erlang:demonitor(Mref, [flush]),
{'DOWN',Mref,_,_,E} ->
receive {epp_reply,Epp,Rep} -> Rep
after 0 -> exit(E)
expand_var([$$ | _] = NewName) ->
case catch expand_var1(NewName) of
{ok, ExpName} ->
_ ->
expand_var(NewName) ->
expand_var1(NewName) ->
[[$$ | Var] | Rest] = filename:split(NewName),
Value = os:getenv(Var),
true = Value =/= false,
{ok, fname_join([Value | Rest])}.
fname_join(["." | [_|_]=Rest]) ->
fname_join(Components) ->
%% The line only. (Other tokens may have the column and text as well...)
loc_attr(Line) when is_integer(Line) ->
loc_attr({Line,_Column}) ->
loc(Token) ->
{location,Location} = erl_scan:token_info(Token, location),
abs_loc(Token) ->
loc(setelement(2, Token, abs_line(element(2, Token)))).
neg_line(L) ->
erl_scan:set_attribute(line, L, fun(Line) -> -abs(Line) end).
abs_line(L) ->
erl_scan:set_attribute(line, L, fun(Line) -> abs(Line) end).
add_line(L, Offset) ->
erl_scan:set_attribute(line, L, fun(Line) -> Line+Offset end).
start_loc(Line) when is_integer(Line) ->
start_loc({_Line, _Column}) ->
get_line(Line) when is_integer(Line) ->
get_line({Line,_Column}) ->
%% epp has always output -file attributes when entering and leaving
%% included files (-include, -include_lib). Starting with R11B the
%% -file attribute is also recognized in the input file. This is
%% mainly aimed at yecc, the parser generator, which uses the -file
%% attribute to get correct lines in messages referring to code
%% supplied by the user (actions etc in .yrl files).
%% In a perfect world (read: perfectly implemented applications such
%% as Xref, Cover, Debugger, etc.) it would not be necessary to
%% distinguish -file attributes from epp and the input file. The
%% Debugger for example could have one window for each referred file,
%% each window with its own set of breakpoints etc. The line numbers
%% of the abstract code would then point into different windows
%% depending on the -file attribute. [Note that if, as is the case for
%% yecc, code has been copied into the file, then it is possible that
%% the copied code differ from the one referred to by the -file
%% attribute, which means that line numbers can mismatch.] In practice
%% however it is very rare with Erlang functions in included files, so
%% only one window is used per module. This means that the line
%% numbers of the abstract code have to be adjusted to refer to the
%% top-most source file. The function interpret_file_attributes/1
%% below interprets the -file attribute and returns forms where line
%% numbers refer to the top-most file. The -file attribute forms that
%% have been output by epp (corresponding to -include and
%% -include_lib) are kept, but the user's -file attributes are
%% removed. This seems sufficient for now.
%% It turns out to be difficult to distinguish -file attributes in the
%% input file from the ones added by epp unless some action is taken.
%% The (less than perfect) solution employed is to let epp assign
%% negative line numbers to user supplied -file attributes.
%% Note: it is assumed that the second element is a line or a key-list
%% where 'line' can be found.
interpret_file_attribute(Forms) ->
interpret_file_attr(Forms, 0, []).
interpret_file_attr([{attribute,Loc,file,{File,Line}}=Form | Forms],
Delta, Fs) ->
{line, L} = erl_scan:attributes_info(Loc, line),
L < 0 ->
%% -file attribute
interpret_file_attr(Forms, (abs(L) + Delta) - Line, Fs);
true ->
%% -include or -include_lib
% true = L =:= Line,
case Fs of
[_, File | Fs1] -> % end of included file
[Form | interpret_file_attr(Forms, 0, [File | Fs1])];
_ -> % start of included file
[Form | interpret_file_attr(Forms, 0, [File | Fs])]
interpret_file_attr([Form0 | Forms], Delta, Fs) ->
F = fun(Attrs) ->
F2 = fun(L) -> abs(L) + Delta end,
erl_scan:set_attribute(line, Attrs, F2)
Form = erl_lint:modify_line(Form0, F),
[Form | interpret_file_attr(Forms, Delta, Fs)];
interpret_file_attr([], _Delta, _Fs) ->