path: root/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
blob: ef80b174b543399e403f3a45347030af3f87e7cd (plain) (tree)


































































































































































































































































%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4 -*-
%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Do necessary checking of Erlang code.

%% N.B. All the code necessary for checking structs (tagged tuples) is
%% here. Just comment out the lines in pattern/2, gexpr/3 and expr/3.


-export([exprs/2,exprs_opt/3,used_vars/2]). % Used from erl_eval.erl.


-import(lists, [member/2,map/2,foldl/3,foldr/3,mapfoldl/3,all/2,reverse/1]).

%% bool_option(OnOpt, OffOpt, Default, Options) -> boolean().
%% value_option(Flag, Default, Options) -> Value.
%% value_option(Flag, Default, OnOpt, OnVal, OffOpt, OffVal, Options) ->
%%              Value.
%%  The option handling functions.

-spec bool_option(atom(), atom(), boolean(), [compile:option()]) -> boolean().

bool_option(On, Off, Default, Opts) ->
    foldl(fun (Opt, _Def) when Opt =:= On -> true;
              (Opt, _Def) when Opt =:= Off -> false;
              (_Opt, Def) -> Def
          end, Default, Opts).

value_option(Flag, Default, Opts) ->
    foldl(fun ({Opt,Val}, _Def) when Opt =:= Flag -> Val;
              (_Opt, Def) -> Def
          end, Default, Opts).

value_option(Flag, Default, On, OnVal, Off, OffVal, Opts) ->
    foldl(fun ({Opt,Val}, _Def) when Opt =:= Flag -> Val;
              (Opt, _Def) when Opt =:= On -> OnVal;
              (Opt, _Def) when Opt =:= Off -> OffVal;
              (_Opt, Def) -> Def
          end, Default, Opts).

%% The maximum number of arguments allowed for a function.

-define(MAX_ARGUMENTS, 255).

%% The error and warning info structures, {Line,Module,Descriptor},
%% are kept in their seperate fields in the lint state record together
%% with the name of the file (when a new file is entered, marked by
%% the 'file' attribute, then the field 'file' of the lint record is
%% set). At the end of the run these lists are packed into a list of
%% {FileName,ErrorDescList} pairs which are returned.


%%-define(DEBUGF(X,Y), io:format(X, Y)).
-define(DEBUGF(X,Y), void).

-type line() :: erl_scan:line().     % a convenient alias
-type fa()   :: {atom(), arity()}.   % function+arity
-type ta()   :: {atom(), arity()}.   % type+arity

%% Usage of records, functions, and imports. The variable table, which
%% is passed on as an argument, holds the usage of variables.
-record(usage, {
          calls = dict:new(),			%Who calls who
          imported = [],                        %Actually imported functions
          used_records=sets:new() :: set(),	%Used record definitions
	  used_types = dict:new() :: dict()	%Used type definitions

%% Define the lint state record.
%% 'called' and 'exports' contain {Line, {Function, Arity}},
%% the other function collections contain {Function, Arity}.
-record(lint, {state=start		:: 'start' | 'attribute' | 'function',
               module=[],                       %Module
               behaviour=[],                    %Behaviour
               exports=gb_sets:empty()	:: gb_set(),	%Exports
               imports=[],                      %Imports
               compile=[],                      %Compile flags
               records=dict:new()	:: dict(),	%Record definitions
               locals=gb_sets:empty()	:: gb_set(),	%All defined functions (prescanned)
	       no_auto=gb_sets:empty()	:: gb_set(),	%Functions explicitly not autoimported
               defined=gb_sets:empty()	:: gb_set(),	%Defined fuctions
	       on_load=[] :: [fa()],		%On-load function
	       on_load_line=0 :: line(),	%Line for on_load
	       clashes=[],			%Exported functions named as BIFs
               not_deprecated=[],               %Not considered deprecated
               func=[],                         %Current function
               warn_format=0,                   %Warn format calls
	       enabled_warnings=[],		%All enabled warnings (ordset).
               errors=[],                       %Current errors
               warnings=[],                     %Current warnings
               file = ""        :: string(),	%From last file attribute
               recdef_top=false :: boolean(),	%true in record initialisation
						%outside any fun or lc
               xqlc= false :: boolean(),	%true if qlc.hrl included
               new = false :: boolean(),	%Has user-defined 'new/N'
               called= [] :: [{fa(),line()}],		%Called functions
               usage = #usage{}		:: #usage{},
	       specs = dict:new()	:: dict(),	%Type specifications
	       callbacks = dict:new()   :: dict(),      %Callback types
	       types = dict:new()	:: dict(),	%Type definitions
	       exp_types=gb_sets:empty():: gb_set()	%Exported types

-type lint_state() :: #lint{}.
-type error_description() :: term().
-type error_info() :: {erl_scan:line(), module(), error_description()}.

%% format_error(Error)
%%  Return a string describing the error.

-spec format_error(ErrorDescriptor) -> io_lib:chars() when
      ErrorDescriptor :: error_description().

format_error(undefined_module) ->
    "no module definition";
format_error({bad_module_name, M}) ->
    io_lib:format("bad module name '~s'", [M]);
format_error(redefine_module) ->
    "redefining module";
format_error(pmod_unsupported) ->
    "parameterized modules are no longer supported";
%% format_error({redefine_mod_import, M, P}) ->
%%     io_lib:format("module '~s' already imported from package '~s'", [M, P]);

format_error(invalid_call) ->
    "invalid function call";
format_error(invalid_record) ->
    "invalid record expression";

format_error({attribute,A}) ->
    io_lib:format("attribute '~w' after function definitions", [A]);
format_error({missing_qlc_hrl,A}) ->
    io_lib:format("qlc:q/~w called, but \"qlc.hrl\" not included", [A]);
format_error({redefine_import,{bif,{F,A},M}}) ->
    io_lib:format("function ~w/~w already auto-imported from ~w", [F,A,M]);
format_error({redefine_import,{{F,A},M}}) ->
    io_lib:format("function ~w/~w already imported from ~w", [F,A,M]);
format_error({bad_inline,{F,A}}) ->
    io_lib:format("inlined function ~w/~w undefined", [F,A]);
format_error({invalid_deprecated,D}) ->
    io_lib:format("badly formed deprecated attribute ~w", [D]);
format_error({bad_deprecated,{F,A}}) ->
    io_lib:format("deprecated function ~w/~w undefined or not exported", [F,A]);
format_error({bad_nowarn_unused_function,{F,A}}) ->
    io_lib:format("function ~w/~w undefined", [F,A]);
format_error({bad_nowarn_bif_clash,{F,A}}) ->
    io_lib:format("function ~w/~w undefined", [F,A]);
format_error(disallowed_nowarn_bif_clash) ->
    io_lib:format("compile directive nowarn_bif_clash is no longer allowed,~n"
		  " - use explicit module names or -compile({no_auto_import, [F/A]})", []);
format_error({bad_nowarn_deprecated_function,{M,F,A}}) ->
    io_lib:format("~w:~w/~w is not a deprecated function", [M,F,A]);
format_error({bad_on_load,Term}) ->
    io_lib:format("badly formed on_load attribute: ~w", [Term]);
format_error(multiple_on_loads) ->
    "more than one on_load attribute";
format_error({bad_on_load_arity,{F,A}}) ->
    io_lib:format("function ~w/~w has wrong arity (must be 0)", [F,A]);
format_error({undefined_on_load,{F,A}}) ->
    io_lib:format("function ~w/~w undefined", [F,A]);

format_error(export_all) ->
    "export_all flag enabled - all functions will be exported";
format_error({duplicated_export, {F,A}}) ->
    io_lib:format("function ~w/~w already exported", [F,A]);
format_error({unused_import,{{F,A},M}}) ->
    io_lib:format("import ~w:~w/~w is unused", [M,F,A]);
format_error({undefined_function,{F,A}}) ->
    io_lib:format("function ~w/~w undefined", [F,A]);
format_error({redefine_function,{F,A}}) ->
    io_lib:format("function ~w/~w already defined", [F,A]);
format_error({define_import,{F,A}}) ->
    io_lib:format("defining imported function ~w/~w", [F,A]);
format_error({unused_function,{F,A}}) ->
    io_lib:format("function ~w/~w is unused", [F,A]);
format_error({call_to_redefined_bif,{F,A}}) ->
    io_lib:format("ambiguous call of overridden auto-imported BIF ~w/~w~n"
		  " - use erlang:~w/~w or \"-compile({no_auto_import,[~w/~w]}).\" "
		  "to resolve name clash", [F,A,F,A,F,A]);
format_error({call_to_redefined_old_bif,{F,A}}) ->
    io_lib:format("ambiguous call of overridden pre R14 auto-imported BIF ~w/~w~n"
		  " - use erlang:~w/~w or \"-compile({no_auto_import,[~w/~w]}).\" "
		  "to resolve name clash", [F,A,F,A,F,A]);
format_error({redefine_old_bif_import,{F,A}}) ->
    io_lib:format("import directive overrides pre R14 auto-imported BIF ~w/~w~n"
		  " - use \"-compile({no_auto_import,[~w/~w]}).\" "
		  "to resolve name clash", [F,A,F,A]);
format_error({redefine_bif_import,{F,A}}) ->
    io_lib:format("import directive overrides auto-imported BIF ~w/~w~n"
		  " - use \"-compile({no_auto_import,[~w/~w]}).\" to resolve name clash", [F,A,F,A]);

format_error({deprecated, MFA, ReplacementMFA, Rel}) ->
    io_lib:format("~s is deprecated and will be removed in ~s; use ~s",
		  [format_mfa(MFA), Rel, format_mfa(ReplacementMFA)]);
format_error({deprecated, {M1, F1, A1}, String}) when is_list(String) ->
    io_lib:format("~p:~p/~p: ~s", [M1, F1, A1, String]);
format_error({removed, MFA, ReplacementMFA, Rel}) ->
    io_lib:format("call to ~s will fail, since it was removed in ~s; "
		  "use ~s", [format_mfa(MFA), Rel, format_mfa(ReplacementMFA)]);
format_error({removed, MFA, String}) when is_list(String) ->
    io_lib:format("~s: ~s", [format_mfa(MFA), String]);
format_error({obsolete_guard, {F, A}}) ->
    io_lib:format("~p/~p obsolete", [F, A]);
format_error({reserved_for_future,K}) ->
    io_lib:format("atom ~w: future reserved keyword - rename or quote", [K]);
format_error({too_many_arguments,Arity}) ->
    io_lib:format("too many arguments (~w) - "
		  "maximum allowed is ~w", [Arity,?MAX_ARGUMENTS]);
%% --- patterns and guards ---
format_error(illegal_pattern) -> "illegal pattern";
format_error(illegal_bin_pattern) ->
    "binary patterns cannot be matched in parallel using '='";
format_error(illegal_expr) -> "illegal expression";
format_error({illegal_guard_local_call, {F,A}}) -> 
    io_lib:format("call to local/imported function ~w/~w is illegal in guard",
format_error(illegal_guard_expr) -> "illegal guard expression";
%% --- exports ---
format_error({explicit_export,F,A}) ->
    io_lib:format("in this release, the call to ~w/~w must be written "
		  "like this: erlang:~w/~w",
%% --- records ---
format_error({undefined_record,T}) ->
    io_lib:format("record ~w undefined", [T]);
format_error({redefine_record,T}) ->
    io_lib:format("record ~w already defined", [T]);
format_error({redefine_field,T,F}) ->
    io_lib:format("field ~w already defined in record ~w", [F,T]);
format_error({undefined_field,T,F}) ->
    io_lib:format("field ~w undefined in record ~w", [F,T]);
format_error(illegal_record_info) ->
    "illegal record info";
format_error({field_name_is_variable,T,F}) ->
    io_lib:format("field ~w is not an atom or _ in record ~w", [F,T]);
format_error({wildcard_in_update,T}) ->
    io_lib:format("meaningless use of _ in update of record ~w", [T]);
format_error({unused_record,T}) ->
    io_lib:format("record ~w is unused", [T]);
format_error({untyped_record,T}) ->
    io_lib:format("record ~w has field(s) without type information", [T]);
%% --- variables ----
format_error({unbound_var,V}) ->
    io_lib:format("variable ~w is unbound", [V]);
format_error({unsafe_var,V,{What,Where}}) ->
    io_lib:format("variable ~w unsafe in ~w ~s",
format_error({exported_var,V,{What,Where}}) ->
    io_lib:format("variable ~w exported from ~w ~s",
format_error({shadowed_var,V,In}) ->
    io_lib:format("variable ~w shadowed in ~w", [V,In]);
format_error({unused_var, V}) ->
    io_lib:format("variable ~w is unused", [V]);
format_error({variable_in_record_def,V}) ->
    io_lib:format("variable ~w in record definition", [V]);
%% --- binaries ---
format_error({undefined_bittype,Type}) ->
    io_lib:format("bit type ~w undefined", [Type]);
format_error({bittype_mismatch,T1,T2,What}) ->
    io_lib:format("bit type mismatch (~s) between ~p and ~p", [What,T1,T2]);
format_error(bittype_unit) ->
    "a bit unit size must not be specified unless a size is specified too";
format_error(illegal_bitsize) ->
    "illegal bit size";
format_error(unsized_binary_not_at_end) ->
    "a binary field without size is only allowed at the end of a binary pattern";
format_error(typed_literal_string) ->
    "a literal string in a binary pattern must not have a type or a size";
format_error(utf_bittype_size_or_unit) ->
    "neither size nor unit must be given for segments of type utf8/utf16/utf32";
format_error({bad_bitsize,Type}) ->
    io_lib:format("bad ~s bit size", [Type]);
%% --- behaviours ---
format_error({conflicting_behaviours,{Name,Arity},B,FirstL,FirstB}) ->
    io_lib:format("conflicting behaviours - callback ~w/~w required by both '~p' "
		  "and '~p' ~s", [Name,Arity,B,FirstB,format_where(FirstL)]);
format_error({undefined_behaviour_func, {Func,Arity}, Behaviour}) ->
    io_lib:format("undefined callback function ~w/~w (behaviour '~w')",
format_error({undefined_behaviour,Behaviour}) ->
    io_lib:format("behaviour ~w undefined", [Behaviour]);
format_error({undefined_behaviour_callbacks,Behaviour}) ->
    io_lib:format("behaviour ~w callback functions are undefined",
format_error({ill_defined_behaviour_callbacks,Behaviour}) ->
    io_lib:format("behaviour ~w callback functions erroneously defined",
format_error({behaviour_info, {_M,F,A}}) ->
    io_lib:format("cannot define callback attibute for ~w/~w when "
                  "behaviour_info is defined",[F,A]);
%% --- types and specs ---
format_error({singleton_typevar, Name}) ->
    io_lib:format("type variable ~w is only used once (is unbound)", [Name]);
format_error({bad_export_type, _ETs}) ->
    io_lib:format("bad export_type declaration", []);
format_error({duplicated_export_type, {T, A}}) ->
    io_lib:format("type ~w/~w already exported", [T, A]);
format_error({undefined_type, {TypeName, Arity}}) ->
    io_lib:format("type ~w~s undefined", [TypeName, gen_type_paren(Arity)]);
format_error({unused_type, {TypeName, Arity}}) ->
    io_lib:format("type ~w~s is unused", [TypeName, gen_type_paren(Arity)]);
format_error({new_builtin_type, {TypeName, Arity}}) ->
    io_lib:format("type ~w~s is a new builtin type; "
		  "its (re)definition is allowed only until the next release",
		  [TypeName, gen_type_paren(Arity)]);
format_error({builtin_type, {TypeName, Arity}}) ->
    io_lib:format("type ~w~s is a builtin type; it cannot be redefined",
		  [TypeName, gen_type_paren(Arity)]);
format_error({renamed_type, OldName, NewName}) ->
    io_lib:format("type ~w() is now called ~w(); "
		  "please use the new name instead", [OldName, NewName]);
format_error({redefine_type, {TypeName, Arity}}) ->
    io_lib:format("type ~w~s already defined",
		  [TypeName, gen_type_paren(Arity)]);
format_error({type_syntax, Constr}) ->
    io_lib:format("bad ~w type", [Constr]);
format_error({redefine_spec, {M, F, A}}) ->
    io_lib:format("spec for ~w:~w/~w already defined", [M, F, A]);
format_error({redefine_callback, {M, F, A}}) ->
    io_lib:format("callback ~w:~w/~w already defined", [M, F, A]);
format_error({spec_fun_undefined, {M, F, A}}) ->
    io_lib:format("spec for undefined function ~w:~w/~w", [M, F, A]);
format_error({missing_spec, {F,A}}) ->
    io_lib:format("missing specification for function ~w/~w", [F, A]);
format_error(spec_wrong_arity) ->
    "spec has the wrong arity";
format_error(callback_wrong_arity) ->
    "callback has the wrong arity";
format_error({imported_predefined_type, Name}) ->
    io_lib:format("referring to built-in type ~w as a remote type; "
		  "please take out the module name", [Name]);
format_error({not_exported_opaque, {TypeName, Arity}}) ->
    io_lib:format("opaque type ~w~s is not exported",
                  [TypeName, gen_type_paren(Arity)]);
format_error({underspecified_opaque, {TypeName, Arity}}) ->
    io_lib:format("opaque type ~w~s is underspecified and therefore meaningless",
                  [TypeName, gen_type_paren(Arity)]);
%% --- obsolete? unused? ---
format_error({format_error, {Fmt, Args}}) ->
    io_lib:format(Fmt, Args);
format_error({mnemosyne, What}) ->
    "mnemosyne " ++ What ++ ", missing transformation".

gen_type_paren(Arity) when is_integer(Arity), Arity >= 0 ->
    gen_type_paren_1(Arity, ")").

gen_type_paren_1(0, Acc) -> "(" ++ Acc;
gen_type_paren_1(1, Acc) -> "(_" ++ Acc;
gen_type_paren_1(N, Acc) -> gen_type_paren_1(N - 1, ",_" ++ Acc).

format_mfa({M, F, [_|_]=As}) ->
    ","++ArityString = lists:append([[$,|integer_to_list(A)] || A <- As]),
    format_mf(M, F, ArityString);
format_mfa({M, F, A}) when is_integer(A) ->
    format_mf(M, F, integer_to_list(A)).

format_mf(M, F, ArityString) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F) ->
    atom_to_list(M) ++ ":" ++ atom_to_list(F) ++ "/" ++ ArityString.

format_where(L) when is_integer(L) ->
    io_lib:format("(line ~p)", [L]);
format_where({L,C}) when is_integer(L), is_integer(C) ->
    io_lib:format("(line ~p, column ~p)", [L, C]).

%% Local functions that are somehow automatically generated.

pseudolocals() ->
    [{module_info,0}, {module_info,1}, {record_info,2}].

%% Used by erl_eval.erl to check commands.
exprs(Exprs, BindingsList) ->
    exprs_opt(Exprs, BindingsList, []).

exprs_opt(Exprs, BindingsList, Opts) ->
    {St0,Vs} = foldl(fun({{record,_SequenceNumber,_Name},Attr0}, {St1,Vs1}) ->
                             Attr = zip_file_and_line(Attr0, "none"),
			     {attribute_state(Attr, St1),Vs1};
                        ({V,_}, {St1,Vs1}) ->
			     {St1,[{V,{bound,unused,[]}} | Vs1]}
		     end, {start("nofile",Opts),[]}, BindingsList),
    Vt = orddict:from_list(Vs),
    {_Evt,St} = exprs(zip_file_and_line(Exprs, "nofile"), Vt, St0),

used_vars(Exprs, BindingsList) ->
    Vs = foldl(fun({{record,_SequenceNumber,_Name},_Attr}, Vs0) -> Vs0;
		  ({V,_Val}, Vs0) -> [{V,{bound,unused,[]}} | Vs0]
	       end, [], BindingsList),
    Vt = orddict:from_list(Vs),
    {Evt,_St} = exprs(zip_file_and_line(Exprs, "nofile"), Vt, start()),
    {ok, foldl(fun({V,{_,used,_}}, L) -> [V | L];
                  (_, L) -> L
	       end, [], Evt)}.

%% module([Form]) ->
%% module([Form], FileName) ->
%% module([Form], FileName, [CompileOption]) ->
%%      {ok,[Warning]} | {error,[Error],[Warning]}
%%  Start processing a module. Define predefined functions and exports and
%%  apply_lambda/2 has been called to shut lint up. N.B. these lists are
%%  really all ordsets!

-spec(module(AbsForms) -> {ok, Warnings} | {error, Errors, Warnings} when
      AbsForms :: [erl_parse:abstract_form()],
      Warnings :: [{file:filename(),[ErrorInfo]}],
      Errors :: [{FileName2 :: file:filename(),[ErrorInfo]}],
      ErrorInfo :: error_info()).

module(Forms) ->
    Opts = compiler_options(Forms),
    St = forms(Forms, start("nofile", Opts)),

-spec(module(AbsForms, FileName) ->
             {ok, Warnings} | {error, Errors, Warnings} when
      AbsForms :: [erl_parse:abstract_form()],
      FileName :: atom() | string(),
      Warnings :: [{file:filename(),[ErrorInfo]}],
      Errors :: [{FileName2 :: file:filename(),[ErrorInfo]}],
      ErrorInfo :: error_info()).

module(Forms, FileName) ->
    Opts = compiler_options(Forms),
    St = forms(Forms, start(FileName, Opts)),

-spec(module(AbsForms, FileName, CompileOptions) ->
             {ok, Warnings} | {error, Errors, Warnings} when
      AbsForms :: [erl_parse:abstract_form()],
      FileName :: atom() | string(),
      CompileOptions :: [compile:option()],
      Warnings :: [{file:filename(),[ErrorInfo]}],
      Errors :: [{FileName2 :: file:filename(),[ErrorInfo]}],
      ErrorInfo :: error_info()).

module(Forms, FileName, Opts0) ->
    %% We want the options given on the command line to take
    %% precedence over options in the module.
    Opts = compiler_options(Forms) ++ Opts0,
    St = forms(Forms, start(FileName, Opts)),

compiler_options(Forms) ->
    lists:flatten([C || {attribute,_,compile,C} <- Forms]).

%% start() -> State
%% start(FileName, [Option]) -> State

start() ->
    start("nofile", []).

start(File, Opts) ->
    Enabled0 =
	  bool_option(warn_unused_vars, nowarn_unused_vars,
		      true, Opts)},
	  bool_option(warn_export_all, nowarn_export_all,
		      false, Opts)},
	  bool_option(warn_export_vars, nowarn_export_vars,
		      false, Opts)},
	  bool_option(warn_shadow_vars, nowarn_shadow_vars,
		      true, Opts)},
	  bool_option(warn_unused_import, nowarn_unused_import,
		      false, Opts)},
	  bool_option(warn_unused_function, nowarn_unused_function,
		      true, Opts)},
	  bool_option(warn_bif_clash, nowarn_bif_clash,
		      true, Opts)},
	  bool_option(warn_unused_record, nowarn_unused_record,
		      true, Opts)},
	  bool_option(warn_deprecated_function, nowarn_deprecated_function,
		      true, Opts)},
          bool_option(warn_obsolete_guard, nowarn_obsolete_guard,
                      true, Opts)},
	  bool_option(warn_untyped_record, nowarn_untyped_record,
		      false, Opts)},
	  bool_option(warn_missing_spec, nowarn_missing_spec,
		      false, Opts)},
	  bool_option(warn_missing_spec_all, nowarn_missing_spec_all,
		      false, Opts)}
    Enabled1 = [Category || {Category,true} <- Enabled0],
    Enabled = ordsets:from_list(Enabled1),
    Calls = case ordsets:is_element(unused_function, Enabled) of
		true ->
		false ->
    #lint{state = start,
          exports = gb_sets:from_list([{module_info,0},{module_info,1}]),
          compile = Opts,
          %% Internal pseudo-functions must appear as defined/reached.
          defined = gb_sets:from_list(pseudolocals()),
	  called = [{F,0} || F <- pseudolocals()],
          usage = #usage{calls=Calls},
          warn_format = value_option(warn_format, 1, warn_format, 1,
				     nowarn_format, 0, Opts),
	  enabled_warnings = Enabled,
          file = File,
	  types = default_types()

%% is_warn_enabled(Category, St) -> boolean().
%%  Check whether a warning of category Category is enabled.
is_warn_enabled(Type, #lint{enabled_warnings=Enabled}) ->
    ordsets:is_element(Type, Enabled).

%% return_status(State) ->
%%      {ok,[Warning]} | {error,[Error],[Warning]}
%%  Pack errors and warnings properly and return ok | error.

return_status(St) ->
    Ws = pack_warnings(St#lint.warnings),
    case pack_errors(St#lint.errors) of
        [] -> {ok,Ws};
        Es -> {error,Es,Ws}

%% pack_errors([{File,ErrD}]) -> [{File,[ErrD]}].
%%  Sort on (reversed) insertion order.

pack_errors(Es) ->
    {Es1,_} = mapfoldl(fun ({File,E}, I) -> {{File,{I,E}}, I-1} end, -1, Es),
    map(fun ({File,EIs}) -> {File, map(fun ({_I,E}) -> E end, EIs)} end,

%% pack_warnings([{File,ErrD}]) -> [{File,[ErrD]}]
%%  Sort on line number.

pack_warnings(Ws) ->
    [{File,lists:sort([W || {F,W} <- Ws, F =:= File])} ||
        File <- lists:usort([F || {F,_} <- Ws])].

%% add_error(ErrorDescriptor, State) -> State'
%% add_error(Line, Error, State) -> State'
%% add_warning(ErrorDescriptor, State) -> State'
%% add_warning(Line, Error, State) -> State'

add_error(E, St) -> St#lint{errors=[{St#lint.file,E}|St#lint.errors]}.

add_error(FileLine, E, St) ->
    {File,Location} = loc(FileLine),
    add_error({Location,erl_lint,E}, St#lint{file = File}).

add_warning(W, St) -> St#lint{warnings=[{St#lint.file,W}|St#lint.warnings]}.

add_warning(FileLine, W, St) ->
    {File,Location} = loc(FileLine),
    add_warning({Location,erl_lint,W}, St#lint{file = File}).

loc(L) ->
    case erl_parse:get_attribute(L, location) of
        {location,{{File,Line},Column}} ->
        {location,{File,Line}} ->

%% forms([Form], State) -> State'

forms(Forms0, St0) ->
    Forms = eval_file_attribute(Forms0, St0),
    Locals = local_functions(Forms),
    AutoImportSuppressed = auto_import_suppressed(St0#lint.compile),
    StDeprecated = disallowed_compile_flags(Forms,St0),
    %% Line numbers are from now on pairs {File,Line}.
    St1 = includes_qlc_hrl(Forms, StDeprecated#lint{locals = Locals,
						    no_auto = AutoImportSuppressed}),
    St2 = bif_clashes(Forms, St1),
    St3 = not_deprecated(Forms, St2),
    St4 = foldl(fun form/2, pre_scan(Forms, St3), Forms),
    post_traversal_check(Forms, St4).

pre_scan([{function,_L,new,_A,_Cs} | Fs], St) ->
    pre_scan(Fs, St#lint{new=true});
pre_scan([{attribute,L,compile,C} | Fs], St) ->
    case is_warn_enabled(export_all, St) andalso
	member(export_all, lists:flatten([C])) of
 	true ->
	    pre_scan(Fs, add_warning(L, export_all, St));
 	false ->
	    pre_scan(Fs, St)
pre_scan([_ | Fs], St) ->
    pre_scan(Fs, St);
pre_scan([], St) ->

includes_qlc_hrl(Forms, St) ->
    %% QLC calls erl_lint several times, sometimes with the compile
    %% attribute removed. The file attribute, however, is left as is.
    QH = [File || {attribute,_,file,{File,_line}} <- Forms,
                  filename:basename(File) =:= "qlc.hrl"],
    St#lint{xqlc = QH =/= []}.

eval_file_attribute(Forms, St) ->
    eval_file_attr(Forms, St#lint.file).

eval_file_attr([{attribute,_L,file,{File,_Line}}=Form | Forms], _File) ->
    [Form | eval_file_attr(Forms, File)];
eval_file_attr([Form0 | Forms], File) ->
    Form = zip_file_and_line(Form0, File),
    [Form | eval_file_attr(Forms, File)];
eval_file_attr([], _File) ->

zip_file_and_line(T, File) ->
    F0 = fun(Line) -> {File,Line} end,
    F = fun(L) -> erl_parse:set_line(L, F0) end,
    modify_line(T, F).

%% form(Form, State) -> State'
%%  Check a form returning the updated State. Handle generic cases here.

form({error,E}, St)   -> add_error(E, St);
form({warning,W}, St) -> add_warning(W, St);
form({attribute,_L,file,{File,_Line}}, St) ->
    St#lint{file = File};
form({attribute,_L,compile,_}, St) ->
form(Form, #lint{state=State}=St) ->
    case State of
	start -> start_state(Form, St);
	attribute -> attribute_state(Form, St);
	function -> function_state(Form, St)

%% start_state(Form, State) -> State'

start_state({attribute,Line,module,{_,_}}=Form, St0) ->
    St1 = add_error(Line, pmod_unsupported, St0),
    attribute_state(Form, St1#lint{state=attribute});
start_state({attribute,_,module,M}, St0) ->
    St1 = St0#lint{module=M},
start_state(Form, St) ->
    St1 = add_error(element(2, Form), undefined_module, St),
    attribute_state(Form, St1#lint{state=attribute}).

%% attribute_state(Form, State) ->
%%      State'

attribute_state({attribute,_L,module,_M}, #lint{module=[]}=St) ->
attribute_state({attribute,L,module,_M}, St) ->
    add_error(L, redefine_module, St);
attribute_state({attribute,L,export,Es}, St) ->
    export(L, Es, St);
attribute_state({attribute,L,export_type,Es}, St) ->
    export_type(L, Es, St);
attribute_state({attribute,L,import,Is}, St) ->
    import(L, Is, St);
attribute_state({attribute,L,record,{Name,Fields}}, St) ->
    record_def(L, Name, Fields, St);
attribute_state({attribute,La,behaviour,Behaviour}, St) ->
    St#lint{behaviour=St#lint.behaviour ++ [{La,Behaviour}]};
attribute_state({attribute,La,behavior,Behaviour}, St) ->
    St#lint{behaviour=St#lint.behaviour ++ [{La,Behaviour}]};
attribute_state({attribute,L,type,{TypeName,TypeDef,Args}}, St) ->
    type_def(type, L, TypeName, TypeDef, Args, St);
attribute_state({attribute,L,opaque,{TypeName,TypeDef,Args}}, St) ->
    type_def(opaque, L, TypeName, TypeDef, Args, St);
attribute_state({attribute,L,spec,{Fun,Types}}, St) ->
    spec_decl(L, Fun, Types, St);
attribute_state({attribute,L,callback,{Fun,Types}}, St) ->
    callback_decl(L, Fun, Types, St);
attribute_state({attribute,L,on_load,Val}, St) ->
    on_load(L, Val, St);
attribute_state({attribute,_L,_Other,_Val}, St) -> % Ignore others
attribute_state(Form, St) ->
    function_state(Form, St#lint{state=function}).

%% function_state(Form, State) ->
%%      State'
%%  Allow for record, type and opaque type definitions and spec
%%  declarations to be intersperced within function definitions.

function_state({attribute,L,record,{Name,Fields}}, St) ->
    record_def(L, Name, Fields, St);
function_state({attribute,L,type,{TypeName,TypeDef,Args}}, St) ->
    type_def(type, L, TypeName, TypeDef, Args, St);
function_state({attribute,L,opaque,{TypeName,TypeDef,Args}}, St) ->
    type_def(opaque, L, TypeName, TypeDef, Args, St);
function_state({attribute,L,spec,{Fun,Types}}, St) ->
    spec_decl(L, Fun, Types, St);
function_state({attribute,La,Attr,_Val}, St) ->
    add_error(La, {attribute,Attr}, St);
function_state({function,L,N,A,Cs}, St) ->
    function(L, N, A, Cs, St);
function_state({rule,L,_N,_A,_Cs}, St) ->
    add_error(L, {mnemosyne,"rule"}, St);
function_state({eof,L}, St) -> eof(L, St).

%% eof(LastLine, State) ->
%%      State'

eof(_Line, St0) ->

%% bif_clashes(Forms, State0) -> State.

bif_clashes(Forms, St) ->
    Nowarn = nowarn_function(nowarn_bif_clash, St#lint.compile),
    Clashes0 = [{Name,Arity} || {function,_L,Name,Arity,_Cs} <- Forms,
                                erl_internal:bif(Name, Arity)],
    Clashes = ordsets:subtract(ordsets:from_list(Clashes0), Nowarn),

%% not_deprecated(Forms, State0) -> State

not_deprecated(Forms, St0) ->
    %% There are no line numbers in St0#lint.compile.
    MFAsL = [{MFA,L} ||
                {attribute, L, compile, Args} <- Forms,
                {nowarn_deprecated_function, MFAs0} <- lists:flatten([Args]),
                MFA <- lists:flatten([MFAs0])],
    Nowarn = [MFA || {MFA,_L} <- MFAsL],
    Bad = [MFAL || {{M,F,A},_L}=MFAL <- MFAsL,
                   otp_internal:obsolete(M, F, A) =:= no],
    St1 = func_line_warning(bad_nowarn_deprecated_function, Bad, St0),
    St1#lint{not_deprecated = ordsets:from_list(Nowarn)}.

%% The nowarn_bif_clash directive is not only deprecated, it's actually an error from R14A
disallowed_compile_flags(Forms, St0) ->
    %% There are (still) no line numbers in St0#lint.compile.
    Errors0 =  [ {St0#lint.file,{L,erl_lint,disallowed_nowarn_bif_clash}} ||
		    {attribute,[{line,{_,L}}],compile,nowarn_bif_clash} <- Forms ],
    Errors1 = [ {St0#lint.file,{L,erl_lint,disallowed_nowarn_bif_clash}} ||
		    {attribute,[{line,{_,L}}],compile,{nowarn_bif_clash, {_,_}}} <- Forms ],
    Disabled = (not is_warn_enabled(bif_clash, St0)),
    Errors = if
		   Disabled andalso Errors0 =:= [] ->
		       [{St0#lint.file,{erl_lint,disallowed_nowarn_bif_clash}} | St0#lint.errors];
                   Disabled ->
		       Errors0 ++ Errors1 ++ St0#lint.errors;
		   true ->
		       Errors1 ++ St0#lint.errors

%% post_traversal_check(Forms, State0) -> State.
%% Do some further checking after the forms have been traversed and
%% data about calls etc. have been collected.

post_traversal_check(Forms, St0) ->
    St1 = check_behaviour(St0),
    St2 = check_deprecated(Forms, St1),
    St3 = check_imports(Forms, St2),
    St4 = check_inlines(Forms, St3),
    St5 = check_undefined_functions(St4),
    St6 = check_unused_functions(Forms, St5),
    St7 = check_bif_clashes(Forms, St6),
    St8 = check_specs_without_function(St7),
    St9 = check_functions_without_spec(Forms, St8),
    StA = check_undefined_types(St9),
    StB = check_unused_types(Forms, StA),
    StC = check_untyped_records(Forms, StB),
    StD = check_on_load(StC),
    StE = check_unused_records(Forms, StD),
    StF = check_local_opaque_types(StE),

%% check_behaviour(State0) -> State
%% Check that the behaviour attribute is valid.

check_behaviour(St0) ->
    behaviour_check(St0#lint.behaviour, St0).

%% behaviour_check([{Line,Behaviour}], State) -> State'
%%  Check behaviours for existence and defined functions.

behaviour_check(Bs, St0) ->
    {AllBfs,St1} = all_behaviour_callbacks(Bs, [], St0),
    St = behaviour_missing_callbacks(AllBfs, St1),
    behaviour_conflicting(AllBfs, St).

all_behaviour_callbacks([{Line,B}|Bs], Acc, St0) ->
    {Bfs0,St} = behaviour_callbacks(Line, B, St0),
    all_behaviour_callbacks(Bs, [{{Line,B},Bfs0}|Acc], St);
all_behaviour_callbacks([], Acc, St) -> {reverse(Acc),St}.

behaviour_callbacks(Line, B, St0) ->
    try B:behaviour_info(callbacks) of
        Funcs when is_list(Funcs) ->
            All = all(fun({FuncName, Arity}) ->
                              is_atom(FuncName) andalso is_integer(Arity);
			 ({FuncName, Arity, Spec}) ->
			      is_atom(FuncName) andalso is_integer(Arity)
				  andalso is_list(Spec);
                         (_Other) ->
	    MaybeRemoveSpec = fun({_F,_A}=FA) -> FA;
				 ({F,A,_S}) -> {F,A};
				 (Other) -> Other
                All =:= true ->
                    {[MaybeRemoveSpec(F) || F <- Funcs], St0};
                true ->
                    St1 = add_warning(Line,
                    {[], St1}
        undefined ->
            St1 = add_warning(Line, {undefined_behaviour_callbacks,B}, St0),
            {[], St1};
        _Other ->
            St1 = add_warning(Line, {ill_defined_behaviour_callbacks,B}, St0),
            {[], St1}
        _:_ ->
            St1 = add_warning(Line, {undefined_behaviour,B}, St0),
            {[], St1}

behaviour_missing_callbacks([{{Line,B},Bfs}|T], #lint{exports=Exp}=St0) ->
    Missing = ordsets:subtract(ordsets:from_list(Bfs), gb_sets:to_list(Exp)),
    St = foldl(fun (F, S0) ->
		       add_warning(Line, {undefined_behaviour_func,F,B}, S0)
	       end, St0, Missing),
    behaviour_missing_callbacks(T, St);
behaviour_missing_callbacks([], St) -> St.

behaviour_conflicting(AllBfs, St) ->
    R0 = sofs:relation(AllBfs, [{item,[callback]}]),
    R1 = sofs:family_to_relation(R0),
    R2 = sofs:converse(R1),
    R3 = sofs:relation_to_family(R2),
    R4 = sofs:family_specification(fun(S) -> sofs:no_elements(S) > 1 end, R3),
    R = sofs:to_external(R4),
    behaviour_add_conflicts(R, St).

behaviour_add_conflicts([{Cb,[{FirstLoc,FirstB}|Cs]}|T], St0) ->
    FirstL = element(2, loc(FirstLoc)),
    St = behaviour_add_conflict(Cs, Cb, FirstL, FirstB, St0),
    behaviour_add_conflicts(T, St);
behaviour_add_conflicts([], St) -> St.

behaviour_add_conflict([{Line,B}|Cs], Cb, FirstL, FirstB, St0) ->
    St = add_warning(Line, {conflicting_behaviours,Cb,B,FirstL,FirstB}, St0),
    behaviour_add_conflict(Cs, Cb, FirstL, FirstB, St);
behaviour_add_conflict([], _, _, _, St) -> St.

%% check_deprecated(Forms, State0) -> State

check_deprecated(Forms, St0) ->
    %% Get the correct list of exported functions.
    Exports = case member(export_all, St0#lint.compile) of
		  true -> St0#lint.defined;
		  false -> St0#lint.exports
    X = gb_sets:to_list(Exports),
    #lint{module = Mod} = St0,
    Bad = [{E,L} || {attribute, L, deprecated, Depr} <- Forms,
                    D <- lists:flatten([Depr]),
                    E <- depr_cat(D, X, Mod)],
    foldl(fun ({E,L}, St1) ->
                  add_error(L, E, St1)
          end, St0, Bad).

depr_cat({F, A, Flg}=D, X, Mod) ->
    case deprecated_flag(Flg) of
        false -> [{invalid_deprecated,D}];
        true -> depr_fa(F, A, X, Mod)
depr_cat({F, A}, X, Mod) ->
    depr_fa(F, A, X, Mod);
depr_cat(module, _X, _Mod) ->
depr_cat(D, _X, _Mod) ->

depr_fa('_', '_', _X, _Mod) ->
depr_fa(F, '_', X, _Mod) when is_atom(F) ->
    %% Don't use this syntax for built-in functions.
    case lists:filter(fun({F1,_}) -> F1 =:= F end, X) of
        [] -> [{bad_deprecated,{F,'_'}}];
        _ -> []
depr_fa(F, A, X, Mod) when is_atom(F), is_integer(A), A >= 0 ->
    case lists:member({F,A}, X) of
        true -> [];
        false ->
            case erlang:is_builtin(Mod, F, A) of
                true -> [];
                false -> [{bad_deprecated,{F,A}}]
depr_fa(F, A, _X, _Mod) ->

deprecated_flag(next_version) -> true;
deprecated_flag(next_major_release) -> true;
deprecated_flag(eventually) -> true;
deprecated_flag(_) -> false.

%% check_imports(Forms, State0) -> State

check_imports(Forms, St0) ->
    case is_warn_enabled(unused_import, St0) of
        false ->
        true ->
            Usage = St0#lint.usage,
            Unused = ordsets:subtract(St0#lint.imports, Usage#usage.imported),
            Imports = [{{FA,Mod},L} ||
		 {attribute,L,import,{Mod,Fs}} <- Forms,
		 FA <- lists:usort(Fs)],
            Bad = [{FM,L} || FM <- Unused, {FM2,L} <- Imports, FM =:= FM2],
            func_line_warning(unused_import, Bad, St0)

%% check_inlines(Forms, State0) -> State

check_inlines(Forms, St0) ->
    check_option_functions(Forms, inline, bad_inline, St0).

%% check_unused_functions(Forms, State0) -> State

check_unused_functions(Forms, St0) ->
    St1 = check_option_functions(Forms, nowarn_unused_function,
                                 bad_nowarn_unused_function, St0),
    Opts = St1#lint.compile,
    case member(export_all, Opts) orelse
	not is_warn_enabled(unused_function, St1) of
        true ->
        false ->
            Nowarn = nowarn_function(nowarn_unused_function, Opts),
            Usage = St1#lint.usage,
            Used = reached_functions(initially_reached(St1),
            UsedOrNowarn = ordsets:union(Used, Nowarn),
            Unused = ordsets:subtract(gb_sets:to_list(St1#lint.defined),
            Functions = [{{N,A},L} || {function,L,N,A,_} <- Forms],
            Bad = [{FA,L} || FA <- Unused, {FA2,L} <- Functions, FA =:= FA2],
            func_line_warning(unused_function, Bad, St1)

initially_reached(#lint{exports=Exp,on_load=OnLoad}) ->
    OnLoad ++ gb_sets:to_list(Exp).

%% reached_functions(RootSet, CallRef) -> [ReachedFunc].
%% reached_functions(RootSet, CallRef, [ReachedFunc]) -> [ReachedFunc].

reached_functions(Root, Ref) ->
    reached_functions(Root, [], Ref, gb_sets:empty()).

reached_functions([R|Rs], More0, Ref, Reached0) ->
    case gb_sets:is_element(R, Reached0) of
        true -> reached_functions(Rs, More0, Ref, Reached0);
        false ->
            Reached = gb_sets:add_element(R, Reached0), %It IS reached
            case dict:find(R, Ref) of
                {ok,More} -> reached_functions(Rs, [More|More0], Ref, Reached);
                error -> reached_functions(Rs, More0, Ref, Reached)
reached_functions([], [_|_]=More, Ref, Reached) ->
    reached_functions(lists:append(More), [], Ref, Reached);
reached_functions([], [], _Ref, Reached) -> gb_sets:to_list(Reached).

%% check_undefined_functions(State0) -> State

check_undefined_functions(#lint{called=Called0,defined=Def0}=St0) ->
    Called = sofs:relation(Called0, [{func,location}]),
    Def = sofs:from_external(gb_sets:to_list(Def0), [func]),
    Undef = sofs:to_external(sofs:drestriction(Called, Def)),
    foldl(fun ({NA,L}, St) ->
		  add_error(L, {undefined_function,NA}, St)
	  end, St0, Undef).

%% check_undefined_types(State0) -> State

check_undefined_types(#lint{usage=Usage,types=Def}=St0) ->
    Used = Usage#usage.used_types,
    UTAs = dict:fetch_keys(Used),
    Undef = [{TA,dict:fetch(TA, Used)} || TA <- UTAs, not dict:is_key(TA, Def)],
    foldl(fun ({TA,L}, St) ->
		  add_error(L, {undefined_type,TA}, St)
	  end, St0, Undef).

%% check_bif_clashes(Forms, State0) -> State

check_bif_clashes(Forms, St0) ->
    %% St0#lint.defined is now complete.
    check_option_functions(Forms, nowarn_bif_clash,
                           bad_nowarn_bif_clash, St0).

check_option_functions(Forms, Tag0, Type, St0) ->
    %% There are no line numbers in St0#lint.compile.
    FAsL = [{FA,L} || {attribute, L, compile, Args} <- Forms,
                      {Tag, FAs0} <- lists:flatten([Args]),
                      Tag0 =:= Tag,
                      FA <- lists:flatten([FAs0])],
    DefFunctions = (gb_sets:to_list(St0#lint.defined) -- pseudolocals()) ++
	[{F,A} || {{F,A},_} <- orddict:to_list(St0#lint.imports)],
    Bad = [{FA,L} || {FA,L} <- FAsL, not member(FA, DefFunctions)],
    func_line_error(Type, Bad, St0).

nowarn_function(Tag, Opts) ->
    ordsets:from_list([FA || {Tag1,FAs} <- Opts,
                             Tag1 =:= Tag,
                             FA <- lists:flatten([FAs])]).

func_line_warning(Type, Fs, St) ->
    foldl(fun ({F,Line}, St0) -> add_warning(Line, {Type,F}, St0) end, St, Fs).

func_line_error(Type, Fs, St) ->
    foldl(fun ({F,Line}, St0) -> add_error(Line, {Type,F}, St0) end, St, Fs).

check_untyped_records(Forms, St0) ->
    case is_warn_enabled(untyped_record, St0) of
	true ->
	    %% Use the names of all records *defined* in the module (not used)
	    RecNames = dict:fetch_keys(St0#lint.records),
	    %% these are the records with field(s) containing type info
	    TRecNames = [Name ||
			    {attribute,_,type,{{record,Name},Fields,_}} <- Forms,
			    lists:all(fun ({typed_record_field,_,_}) -> true;
					  (_) -> false
				      end, Fields)],
	    foldl(fun (N, St) ->
			  {L, Fields} = dict:fetch(N, St0#lint.records),
			  case Fields of
			      [] -> St; % exclude records with no fields
			      [_|_] -> add_warning(L, {untyped_record, N}, St)
		  end, St0, RecNames -- TRecNames);
	false ->

check_unused_records(Forms, St0) ->
    AttrFiles = [File || {attribute,_L,file,{File,_Line}} <- Forms],
    case {is_warn_enabled(unused_record, St0),AttrFiles} of
        {true,[FirstFile|_]} ->
            %% The check is a bit imprecise in that uses from unused
            %% functions count.
            Usage = St0#lint.usage,
            UsedRecords = sets:to_list(Usage#usage.used_records),
            URecs = foldl(fun (Used, Recs) ->
                                  dict:erase(Used, Recs)
                          end, St0#lint.records, UsedRecords),
            Unused = [{Name,FileLine} ||
                         {Name,{FileLine,_Fields}} <- dict:to_list(URecs),
                         element(1, loc(FileLine)) =:= FirstFile],
            foldl(fun ({N,L}, St) ->
                          add_warning(L, {unused_record, N}, St)
                  end, St0, Unused);
        _ ->

check_callback_information(#lint{callbacks = Callbacks,
				 defined = Defined} = State) ->
    case gb_sets:is_member({behaviour_info,1}, Defined) of
	false -> State;
	true ->
	    case dict:size(Callbacks) of
		0 -> State;
		_ ->
		    CallbacksList = dict:to_list(Callbacks),
		    FoldL =
			fun({Fa,Line},St) ->
				add_error(Line, {behaviour_info, Fa}, St)
		    lists:foldl(FoldL, State, CallbacksList)

%% For storing the import list we use the orddict module.
%% We know an empty set is [].

-spec export(line(), [fa()], lint_state()) -> lint_state().
%%  Mark functions as exported, also as called from the export line.

export(Line, Es, #lint{exports = Es0, called = Called} = St0) ->
    {Es1,C1,St1} =
        foldl(fun (NA, {E,C,St2}) ->
                      St = case gb_sets:is_element(NA, E) of
                               true ->
                                   Warn = {duplicated_export,NA},
                                   add_warning(Line, Warn, St2);
                               false ->
                      {gb_sets:add_element(NA, E), [{NA,Line}|C], St}
              {Es0,Called,St0}, Es),
    St1#lint{exports = Es1, called = C1}.

-spec export_type(line(), [ta()], lint_state()) -> lint_state().
%%  Mark types as exported; also mark them as used from the export line.

export_type(Line, ETs, #lint{usage = Usage, exp_types = ETs0} = St0) ->
    UTs0 = Usage#usage.used_types,
    try foldl(fun ({T,A}=TA, {E,U,St2}) when is_atom(T), is_integer(A) ->
		      St = case gb_sets:is_element(TA, E) of
			       true ->
				   Warn = {duplicated_export_type,TA},
				   add_warning(Line, Warn, St2);
			       false ->
		      {gb_sets:add_element(TA, E), dict:store(TA, Line, U), St}
	      {ETs0,UTs0,St0}, ETs) of
	{ETs1,UTs1,St1} ->
	    St1#lint{usage = Usage#usage{used_types = UTs1}, exp_types = ETs1}
	error:_ ->
	    add_error(Line, {bad_export_type, ETs}, St0)

-type import() :: {module(), [fa()]} | module().
-spec import(line(), import(), lint_state()) -> lint_state().

import(Line, {Mod,Fs}, St) ->
    Mfs = ordsets:from_list(Fs),
    case check_imports(Line, Mfs, St#lint.imports) of
	[] ->
	    St#lint{imports=add_imports(Mod, Mfs,
	Efs ->
	    {Err, St1} =
		foldl(fun ({bif,{F,A},_}, {Err,St0}) ->
			      %% BifClash - import directive
			      Warn = is_warn_enabled(bif_clash, St0) andalso
				  (not bif_clash_specifically_disabled(St0,{F,A})),
			      AutoImpSup = is_autoimport_suppressed(St0#lint.no_auto,{F,A}),
			      OldBif = erl_internal:old_bif(F,A),
				       Warn and (not AutoImpSup) and OldBif ->
					      {redefine_old_bif_import, {F,A}},
				       Warn and (not AutoImpSup) ->
					      {redefine_bif_import, {F,A}},
				       true ->
			  (Ef, {_Err,St0}) ->
		      {false,St}, Efs),
		not Err ->
		    St1#lint{imports=add_imports(Mod, Mfs,
		true ->

check_imports(_Line, Fs, Is) ->
    foldl(fun (F, Efs) ->
              case orddict:find(F, Is) of
                  {ok,Mod} -> [{F,Mod}|Efs];
                  error ->
                      {N,A} = F,
                      case erl_internal:bif(N, A) of
                          true ->
                          false ->
              end end, [], Fs).

add_imports(Mod, Fs, Is) ->
    foldl(fun (F, Is0) -> orddict:store(F, Mod, Is0) end, Is, Fs).

-spec imported(atom(), arity(), lint_state()) -> {'yes',module()} | 'no'.

imported(F, A, St) ->
    case orddict:find({F,A}, St#lint.imports) of
        {ok,Mod} -> {yes,Mod};
        error -> no

-spec on_load(line(), fa(), lint_state()) -> lint_state().
%%  Check an on_load directive and remember it.

on_load(Line, {Name,Arity}=Fa, #lint{on_load=OnLoad0}=St0)
  when is_atom(Name), is_integer(Arity) ->
    %% Always add the function name (even if there is a problem),
    %% to avoid irrelevant warnings for unused functions.
    St = St0#lint{on_load=[Fa|OnLoad0],on_load_line=Line},
    case St of
	#lint{on_load=[{_,0}]} ->
	    %% This is the first on_load attribute seen in the module
	    %% and it has the correct arity.
	#lint{on_load=[{_,_}]} ->
	    %% Wrong arity.
	    add_error(Line, {bad_on_load_arity,Fa}, St);
	#lint{on_load=[_,_|_]} ->
	    %% Multiple on_load attributes.
	    add_error(Line, multiple_on_loads, St)
on_load(Line, Val, St) ->
    %% Bad syntax.
    add_error(Line, {bad_on_load,Val}, St).

		    on_load_line=Line}=St) ->
    case gb_sets:is_member(Fa, Defined) of
	true -> St;
	false -> add_error(Line, {undefined_on_load,Fa}, St)
check_on_load(St) -> St.

-spec call_function(line(), atom(), arity(), lint_state()) -> lint_state().
%%  Add to both called and calls.

call_function(Line, F, A, #lint{usage=Usage0,called=Cd,func=Func}=St) ->
    #usage{calls = Cs} = Usage0,
    NA = {F,A},
    Usage = case Cs of
		undefined -> Usage0;
		_ -> Usage0#usage{calls=dict:append(Func, NA, Cs)}
    St#lint{called=[{NA,Line}|Cd], usage=Usage}.

%% function(Line, Name, Arity, Clauses, State) -> State.

function(Line, Name, Arity, Cs, St0) ->
    St1 = define_function(Line, Name, Arity, St0#lint{func={Name,Arity}}),
    clauses(Cs, St1).

-spec define_function(line(), atom(), arity(), lint_state()) -> lint_state().

define_function(Line, Name, Arity, St0) ->
    St1 = keyword_warning(Line, Name, St0),
    NA = {Name,Arity},
    case gb_sets:is_member(NA, St1#lint.defined) of
        true ->
            add_error(Line, {redefine_function,NA}, St1);
        false ->
	    St2 = function_check_max_args(Line, Arity, St1),
            St3 = St2#lint{defined=gb_sets:add_element(NA, St2#lint.defined)},
            case imported(Name, Arity, St3) of
                {yes,_M} -> add_error(Line, {define_import,NA}, St3);
                no -> St3

function_check_max_args(Line, Arity, St) when Arity > ?MAX_ARGUMENTS ->
    add_error(Line, {too_many_arguments,Arity}, St);
function_check_max_args(_, _, St) -> St.

%% clauses([Clause], State) -> {VarTable, State}.

clauses(Cs, St) ->
    foldl(fun (C, St0) ->
                  {_,St1} = clause(C, St0),
          end, St, Cs).

clause({clause,_Line,H,G,B}, St0) ->
    Vt0 = [],
    {Hvt,Binvt,St1} = head(H, Vt0, St0),
    %% Cannot ignore BinVt since "binsize variables" may have been used.
    Vt1 = vtupdate(Hvt, vtupdate(Binvt, Vt0)),
    {Gvt,St2} = guard(G, Vt1, St1),
    Vt2 = vtupdate(Gvt, Vt1),
    {Bvt,St3} = exprs(B, Vt2, St2),
    Upd = vtupdate(Bvt, Vt2),
    check_unused_vars(Upd, Vt0, St3).

%% head([HeadPattern], VarTable, State) ->
%%      {VarTable,BinVarTable,State}
%%  Check a patterns in head returning "all" variables. Not updating the
%%  known variable list will result in multiple error messages/warnings.

head(Ps, Vt, St0) ->
    head(Ps, Vt, Vt, St0).    % Old = Vt

head([P|Ps], Vt, Old, St0) ->
    {Pvt,Bvt1,St1} = pattern(P, Vt, Old, [], St0),
    {Psvt,Bvt2,St2} = head(Ps, Vt, Old, St1),
    {vtmerge_pat(Pvt, Psvt),vtmerge_pat(Bvt1,Bvt2),St2};
head([], _Vt, _Env, St) -> {[],[],St}.

%% pattern(Pattern, VarTable, Old, BinVarTable, State) ->
%%                  {UpdVarTable,BinVarTable,State}.
%%  Check pattern return variables. Old is the set of variables used for
%%  deciding whether an occurrence is a binding occurrence or a use, and
%%  VarTable is the set of variables used for arguments to binary
%%  patterns. UpdVarTable is updated when same variable in VarTable is
%%  used in the size part of a bit segment. All other information about
%%  used variables are recorded in BinVarTable. The caller can then decide
%%  what to do with it depending on whether variables in the pattern shadow
%%  variabler or not. This separation is one way of dealing with these:
%%  A = 4, fun(<<A:A>>) -> % A #2 unused
%%  A = 4, fun(<<A:8,16:A>>) -> % A #1 unused

pattern(P, Vt, St) ->
    pattern(P, Vt, Vt, [], St).    % Old = Vt

pattern({var,_Line,'_'}, _Vt, _Old, _Bvt, St) ->
    {[],[],St}; %Ignore anonymous variable
pattern({var,Line,V}, _Vt, Old, Bvt, St) ->
    pat_var(V, Line, Old, Bvt, St);
pattern({char,_Line,_C}, _Vt, _Old, _Bvt, St) -> {[],[],St};
pattern({integer,_Line,_I}, _Vt, _Old, _Bvt, St) -> {[],[],St};
pattern({float,_Line,_F}, _Vt, _Old, _Bvt, St) -> {[],[],St};
pattern({atom,Line,A}, _Vt, _Old, _Bvt, St) ->
    {[],[],keyword_warning(Line, A, St)};
pattern({string,_Line,_S}, _Vt, _Old, _Bvt, St) -> {[],[],St};
pattern({nil,_Line}, _Vt, _Old, _Bvt, St) -> {[],[],St};
pattern({cons,_Line,H,T}, Vt, Old,  Bvt, St0) ->
    {Hvt,Bvt1,St1} = pattern(H, Vt, Old, Bvt, St0),
    {Tvt,Bvt2,St2} = pattern(T, Vt, Old, Bvt, St1),
    {vtmerge_pat(Hvt, Tvt),vtmerge_pat(Bvt1,Bvt2),St2};
pattern({tuple,_Line,Ps}, Vt, Old, Bvt, St) ->
    pattern_list(Ps, Vt, Old, Bvt, St);
%%pattern({struct,_Line,_Tag,Ps}, Vt, Old, Bvt, St) ->
%%    pattern_list(Ps, Vt, Old, Bvt, St);
pattern({record_index,Line,Name,Field}, _Vt, _Old, _Bvt, St) ->
    {Vt1,St1} =
        check_record(Line, Name, St,
                     fun (Dfs, St1) ->
                             pattern_field(Field, Name, Dfs, St1)
pattern({record,Line,Name,Pfs}, Vt, Old, Bvt, St) ->
    case dict:find(Name, St#lint.records) of
        {ok,{_Line,Fields}} ->
            St1 = used_record(Name, St),
            pattern_fields(Pfs, Name, Fields, Vt, Old, Bvt, St1);
        error -> {[],[],add_error(Line, {undefined_record,Name}, St)}
pattern({bin,_,Fs}, Vt, Old, Bvt, St) ->
    pattern_bin(Fs, Vt, Old, Bvt, St);
pattern({op,_Line,'++',{nil,_},R}, Vt, Old, Bvt, St) ->
    pattern(R, Vt, Old, Bvt, St);
pattern({op,_Line,'++',{cons,Li,{char,_L2,_C},T},R}, Vt, Old, Bvt, St) ->
    pattern({op,Li,'++',T,R}, Vt, Old, Bvt, St);    %Char unimportant here
pattern({op,_Line,'++',{cons,Li,{integer,_L2,_I},T},R}, Vt, Old, Bvt, St) ->
    pattern({op,Li,'++',T,R}, Vt, Old, Bvt, St);    %Weird, but compatible!
pattern({op,_Line,'++',{string,_Li,_S},R}, Vt, Old, Bvt, St) ->
    pattern(R, Vt, Old, Bvt, St);                   %String unimportant here
pattern({match,_Line,Pat1,Pat2}, Vt, Old, Bvt, St0) ->
    {Lvt,Bvt1,St1} = pattern(Pat1, Vt, Old, Bvt, St0),
    {Rvt,Bvt2,St2} = pattern(Pat2, Vt, Old, Bvt, St1),
    St3 = reject_bin_alias(Pat1, Pat2, St2),
    {vtmerge_pat(Lvt, Rvt),vtmerge_pat(Bvt1,Bvt2),St3};
%% Catch legal constant expressions, including unary +,-.
pattern(Pat, _Vt, _Old, _Bvt, St) ->
    case is_pattern_expr(Pat) of
        true -> {[],[],St};
        false -> {[],[],add_error(element(2, Pat), illegal_pattern, St)}

pattern_list(Ps, Vt, Old, Bvt0, St) ->
    foldl(fun (P, {Psvt,Bvt,St0}) ->
                  {Pvt,Bvt1,St1} = pattern(P, Vt, Old, Bvt0, St0),
                  {vtmerge_pat(Pvt, Psvt),vtmerge_pat(Bvt,Bvt1),St1}
          end, {[],[],St}, Ps).

%% reject_bin_alias(Pat, Expr, St) -> St'
%%  Reject aliases for binary patterns at the top level.

reject_bin_alias_expr({bin,_,_}=P, {match,_,P0,E}, St0) ->
    St = reject_bin_alias(P, P0, St0),
    reject_bin_alias_expr(P, E, St);
reject_bin_alias_expr({match,_,_,_}=P, {match,_,P0,E}, St0) ->
    St = reject_bin_alias(P, P0, St0),
    reject_bin_alias_expr(P, E, St);
reject_bin_alias_expr(_, _, St) -> St.

%% reject_bin_alias(Pat1, Pat2, St) -> St'
%%  Aliases of binary patterns, such as <<A:8>> = <<B:4,C:4>> or even
%%  <<A:8>> = <<A:8>>, are not allowed. Traverse the patterns in parallel
%%  and generate an error if any binary aliases are found.
%%    We generate an error even if is obvious that the overall pattern can't
%%  possibly match, for instance, {a,<<A:8>>,c}={x,<<A:8>>} WILL generate an
%%  error.

reject_bin_alias({bin,Line,_}, {bin,_,_}, St) ->
    add_error(Line, illegal_bin_pattern, St);
reject_bin_alias({cons,_,H1,T1}, {cons,_,H2,T2}, St0) ->
    St = reject_bin_alias(H1, H2, St0),
    reject_bin_alias(T1, T2, St);
reject_bin_alias({tuple,_,Es1}, {tuple,_,Es2}, St) ->
    reject_bin_alias_list(Es1, Es2, St);
reject_bin_alias({record,_,Name1,Pfs1}, {record,_,Name2,Pfs2},
                 #lint{records=Recs}=St) ->
    case {dict:find(Name1, Recs),dict:find(Name2, Recs)} of
        {{ok,{_Line1,Fields1}},{ok,{_Line2,Fields2}}} ->
	    reject_bin_alias_rec(Pfs1, Pfs2, Fields1, Fields2, St);
        {_,_} ->
	    %% One or more non-existing records. (An error messages has
	    %% already been generated, so we are done here.)
reject_bin_alias({match,_,P1,P2}, P, St0) ->
    St = reject_bin_alias(P1, P, St0),
    reject_bin_alias(P2, P, St);
reject_bin_alias(P, {match,_,_,_}=M, St) ->
    reject_bin_alias(M, P, St);
reject_bin_alias(_P1, _P2, St) -> St.

reject_bin_alias_list([E1|Es1], [E2|Es2], St0) ->
    St = reject_bin_alias(E1, E2, St0),
    reject_bin_alias_list(Es1, Es2, St);
reject_bin_alias_list(_, _, St) -> St.

reject_bin_alias_rec(PfsA0, PfsB0, FieldsA0, FieldsB0, St) ->
    %% We treat records as if they have been converted to tuples.
    PfsA1 = rbia_field_vars(PfsA0),
    PfsB1 = rbia_field_vars(PfsB0),
    FieldsA1 = rbia_fields(lists:reverse(FieldsA0), 0, []),
    FieldsB1 = rbia_fields(lists:reverse(FieldsB0), 0, []),
    FieldsA = sofs:relation(FieldsA1),
    PfsA = sofs:relation(PfsA1),
    A = sofs:join(FieldsA, 1, PfsA, 1),
    FieldsB = sofs:relation(FieldsB1),
    PfsB = sofs:relation(PfsB1),
    B = sofs:join(FieldsB, 1, PfsB, 1),
    C = sofs:join(A, 2, B, 2),
    D = sofs:projection({external,fun({_,_,P1,_,P2}) -> {P1,P2} end}, C),
    E = sofs:to_external(D),
    {Ps1,Ps2} = lists:unzip(E),
    reject_bin_alias_list(Ps1, Ps2, St).

rbia_field_vars(Fs) ->
    [{Name,Pat} || {record_field,_,{atom,_,Name},Pat} <- Fs].

rbia_fields([{record_field,_,{atom,_,Name},_}|Fs], I, Acc) ->
    rbia_fields(Fs, I+1, [{Name,I}|Acc]);
rbia_fields([_|Fs], I, Acc) ->
    rbia_fields(Fs, I+1, Acc);
rbia_fields([], _, Acc) -> Acc.

%% is_pattern_expr(Expression) -> boolean().
%%  Test if a general expression is a valid pattern expression.

is_pattern_expr(Expr) ->
    case is_pattern_expr_1(Expr) of
	false -> false;
	true ->
	    %% Expression is syntactically correct - make sure that it
	    %% also can be evaluated.
	    case erl_eval:partial_eval(Expr) of
		{integer,_,_} -> true;
		{char,_,_} -> true;
		{float,_,_} -> true;
		{atom,_,_} -> true;
		_ -> false

is_pattern_expr_1({char,_Line,_C}) -> true;
is_pattern_expr_1({integer,_Line,_I}) -> true;
is_pattern_expr_1({float,_Line,_F}) -> true;
is_pattern_expr_1({atom,_Line,_A}) -> true;
is_pattern_expr_1({tuple,_Line,Es}) ->
    all(fun is_pattern_expr/1, Es);
is_pattern_expr_1({nil,_Line}) -> true;
is_pattern_expr_1({cons,_Line,H,T}) ->
    is_pattern_expr_1(H) andalso is_pattern_expr_1(T);
is_pattern_expr_1({op,_Line,Op,A}) ->
    erl_internal:arith_op(Op, 1) andalso is_pattern_expr_1(A);
is_pattern_expr_1({op,_Line,Op,A1,A2}) ->
    erl_internal:arith_op(Op, 2) andalso all(fun is_pattern_expr/1, [A1,A2]);
is_pattern_expr_1(_Other) -> false.

%% pattern_bin([Element], VarTable, Old, BinVarTable, State) ->
%%           {UpdVarTable,UpdBinVarTable,State}.
%%  Check a pattern group. BinVarTable are used binsize variables.

pattern_bin(Es, Vt, Old, Bvt0, St0) ->
    {_Sz,Esvt,Bvt,St1} = foldl(fun (E, Acc) ->
				       pattern_element(E, Vt, Old, Acc)
			       {0,[],Bvt0,St0}, Es),

pattern_element({bin_element,Line,{string,_,_},Size,Ts}=Be, Vt,
		Old, {Sz,Esvt,Bvt,St0}=Acc) ->
    case good_string_size_type(Size, Ts) of
	true ->
	    pattern_element_1(Be, Vt, Old, Acc);
	false ->
	    St = add_error(Line, typed_literal_string, St0),
pattern_element(Be, Vt, Old, Acc) ->
    pattern_element_1(Be, Vt, Old, Acc).

pattern_element_1({bin_element,Line,E,Sz0,Ts}, Vt, Old, {Size0,Esvt,Bvt,St0}) ->
    {Pevt,Bvt1,St1} = pat_bit_expr(E, Old, Bvt, St0),
    %% vtmerge or vtmerge_pat doesn't matter here
    {Sz1,Szvt,Bvt2,St2} = pat_bit_size(Sz0, vtmerge(Vt, Esvt), Bvt, St1),
    {Sz2,Bt,St3} = bit_type(Line, Sz1, Ts, St2),
    {Sz3,St4} = bit_size_check(Line, Sz2, Bt, St3),
    Sz4 = case {E,Sz3} of
	      {{string,_,S},all} -> 8*length(S);
	      {_,_} -> Sz3
    {Size1,St5} = add_bit_size(Line, Sz4, Size0, false, St4),
    {Size1,vtmerge(Szvt,vtmerge(Pevt, Esvt)),
     vtmerge(Bvt2,vtmerge(Bvt, Bvt1)), St5}.

good_string_size_type(default, default) ->
good_string_size_type(default, Ts) ->
    lists:any(fun(utf8) -> true;
		 (utf16) -> true;
		 (utf32) -> true;
		 (_) -> false
	      end, Ts);
good_string_size_type(_, _) -> false.

%% pat_bit_expr(Pattern, OldVarTable, BinVarTable,State) ->
%%              {UpdVarTable,UpdBinVarTable,State}.
%%  Check pattern bit expression, only allow really valid patterns!

pat_bit_expr({var,_,'_'}, _Old, _Bvt, St) -> {[],[],St};
pat_bit_expr({var,Ln,V}, Old, Bvt, St) -> pat_var(V, Ln, Old, Bvt, St);
pat_bit_expr({string,_,_}, _Old, _Bvt, St) -> {[],[],St};
pat_bit_expr({bin,L,_}, _Old, _Bvt, St) ->
    {[],[],add_error(L, illegal_pattern, St)};
pat_bit_expr(P, _Old, _Bvt, St) ->
    case is_pattern_expr(P) of
        true -> {[],[],St};
        false -> {[],[],add_error(element(2, P), illegal_pattern, St)}

%% pat_bit_size(Size, VarTable, BinVarTable, State) ->
%%             {Value,UpdVarTable,UpdBinVarTable,State}.
%%  Check pattern size expression, only allow really valid sizes!

pat_bit_size(default, _Vt, _Bvt, St) -> {default,[],[],St};
pat_bit_size({atom,_Line,all}, _Vt, _Bvt, St) -> {all,[],[],St};
pat_bit_size({var,Lv,V}, Vt0, Bvt0, St0) ->
    {Vt,Bvt,St1} = pat_binsize_var(V, Lv, Vt0, Bvt0, St0),
pat_bit_size(Size, _Vt, _Bvt, St) ->
    Line = element(2, Size),
    case is_pattern_expr(Size) of
        true ->
            case erl_eval:partial_eval(Size) of
                {integer,Line,I} -> {I,[],[],St};
                _Other -> {unknown,[],[],add_error(Line, illegal_bitsize, St)}
        false -> {unknown,[],[],add_error(Line, illegal_bitsize, St)}

%% expr_bin(Line, [Element], VarTable, State, CheckFun) -> {UpdVarTable,State}.
%%  Check an expression group.

expr_bin(Es, Vt, St0, Check) ->
    {_Sz,Esvt,St1} = foldl(fun (E, Acc) -> bin_element(E, Vt, Acc, Check) end,
			   {0,[],St0}, Es),

bin_element({bin_element,Line,E,Sz0,Ts}, Vt, {Size0,Esvt,St0}, Check) ->
    {Vt1,St1} = Check(E, Vt, St0),
    {Sz1,Vt2,St2} = bit_size(Sz0, Vt, St1, Check),
    {Sz2,Bt,St3} = bit_type(Line, Sz1, Ts, St2),
    {Sz3,St4} = bit_size_check(Line, Sz2, Bt, St3),
    {Size1,St5} = add_bit_size(Line, Sz3, Size0, true, St4),

bit_size(default, _Vt, St, _Check) -> {default,[],St};
bit_size({atom,_Line,all}, _Vt, St, _Check) -> {all,[],St};
bit_size(Size, Vt, St, Check) ->
    %% Try to safely evaluate Size if constant to get size,
    %% otherwise just treat it as an expression.
    case is_gexpr(Size, St#lint.records) of
        true ->
            case erl_eval:partial_eval(Size) of
                {integer,_ILn,I} -> {I,[],St};
                _Other ->
                    {Evt,St1} = Check(Size, Vt, St),
        false ->
            {Evt,St1} = Check(Size, Vt, St),

%% bit_type(Line, Size, TypeList, State) ->  {Size,#bittype,St}.
%%  Perform warning check on type and size.

bit_type(Line, Size0, Type, St) ->
    case erl_bits:set_bit_type(Size0, Type) of
        {ok,Size1,Bt} -> {Size1,Bt,St};
	{error,What} ->
            %% Flag error and generate a default.
            {ok,Size1,Bt} = erl_bits:set_bit_type(default, []),
            {Size1,Bt,add_error(Line, What, St)}

%% bit_size_check(Line, Size, BitType, State) -> {BitSize,State}.
%%  Do some checking & warnings on types
%%   float == 32 or 64

bit_size_check(_Line, unknown, _, St) -> {unknown,St};
bit_size_check(_Line, undefined, #bittype{type=Type}, St) ->
    true = (Type =:= utf8) or (Type =:= utf16) or (Type =:= utf32), %Assertion.
bit_size_check(Line, all, #bittype{type=Type}, St) ->
    case Type of
        binary -> {all,St};
        _ -> {unknown,add_error(Line, illegal_bitsize, St)}
bit_size_check(Line, Size, #bittype{type=Type,unit=Unit}, St) ->
    Sz = Unit * Size,                           %Total number of bits!
    St2 = elemtype_check(Line, Type, Sz, St),

elemtype_check(_Line, float, 32, St) -> St;
elemtype_check(_Line, float, 64, St) -> St;
elemtype_check(Line, float, _Size, St) ->
    add_warning(Line, {bad_bitsize,"float"}, St);
elemtype_check(_Line, _Type, _Size, St) ->  St.

%% add_bit_size(Line, ElementSize, BinSize, Build, State) -> {Size,State}.
%%  Add bits to group size.

add_bit_size(Line, _Sz1, all, false, St) ->
    {all,add_error(Line, unsized_binary_not_at_end, St)};
add_bit_size(_Line, _Sz1, all, true, St) ->
add_bit_size(_Line, all, _Sz2, _B, St) -> {all,St};
add_bit_size(_Line, undefined, _Sz2, _B, St) -> {undefined,St};
add_bit_size(_Line, unknown, _Sz2, _B, St) -> {unknown,St};
add_bit_size(_Line, _Sz1, undefined, _B, St) -> {unknown,St};
add_bit_size(_Line, _Sz1, unknown, _B, St) -> {unknown,St};
add_bit_size(_Line, Sz1, Sz2, _B, St) -> {Sz1 + Sz2,St}.

%% guard([GuardTest], VarTable, State) ->
%%      {UsedVarTable,State}
%%  Check a guard, return all variables.

%% Disjunction of guard conjunctions
guard([L|R], Vt, St0) when is_list(L) ->
    {Gvt, St1} = guard_tests(L, Vt, St0),
    {Gsvt, St2} = guard(R, vtupdate(Gvt, Vt), St1),
    {vtupdate(Gvt, Gsvt),St2};
guard(L, Vt, St0) ->
    guard_tests(L, Vt, St0).

%% guard conjunction
guard_tests([G|Gs], Vt, St0) ->
    {Gvt,St1} = guard_test(G, Vt, St0),
    {Gsvt,St2} = guard_tests(Gs, vtupdate(Gvt, Vt), St1),
    {vtupdate(Gvt, Gsvt),St2};
guard_tests([], _Vt, St) -> {[],St}.

%% guard_test(Test, VarTable, State) ->
%%      {UsedVarTable,State'}
%%  Check one guard test, returns NewVariables.  We now allow more
%%  expressions in guards including the new is_XXX type tests, but
%%  only allow the old type tests at the top level.

guard_test(G, Vt, St0) ->
    St1 = obsolete_guard(G, St0),
    guard_test2(G, Vt, St1).

%% Specially handle record type test here.
guard_test2({call,Line,{atom,Lr,record},[E,A]}, Vt, St0) ->
    gexpr({call,Line,{atom,Lr,is_record},[E,A]}, Vt, St0);
guard_test2({call,Line,{atom,_La,F},As}=G, Vt, St0) ->
    {Asvt,St1} = gexpr_list(As, Vt, St0),       %Always check this.
    A = length(As),
    case erl_internal:type_test(F, A) of
        true when F =/= is_record, A =/= 2 ->
	    case no_guard_bif_clash(St1, {F,A}) of
		false ->
		    {Asvt,add_error(Line, {illegal_guard_local_call,{F,A}}, St1)};
		true ->
	_ ->
	    gexpr(G, Vt, St0)
guard_test2(G, Vt, St) ->
    %% Everything else is a guard expression.
    gexpr(G, Vt, St).

%% gexpr(GuardExpression, VarTable, State) ->
%%      {UsedVarTable,State'}
%%  Check a guard expression, returns NewVariables.

gexpr({var,Line,V}, Vt, St) ->
    expr_var(V, Line, Vt, St);
gexpr({char,_Line,_C}, _Vt, St) -> {[],St};
gexpr({integer,_Line,_I}, _Vt, St) -> {[],St};
gexpr({float,_Line,_F}, _Vt, St) -> {[],St};
gexpr({atom,Line,A}, _Vt, St) ->
    {[],keyword_warning(Line, A, St)};
gexpr({string,_Line,_S}, _Vt, St) -> {[],St};
gexpr({nil,_Line}, _Vt, St) -> {[],St};
gexpr({cons,_Line,H,T}, Vt, St) ->
    gexpr_list([H,T], Vt, St);
gexpr({tuple,_Line,Es}, Vt, St) ->
    gexpr_list(Es, Vt, St);
gexpr({record_index,Line,Name,Field}, _Vt, St) ->
    check_record(Line, Name, St,
                 fun (Dfs, St1) -> record_field(Field, Name, Dfs, St1) end );
gexpr({record_field,Line,Rec,Name,Field}, Vt, St0) ->
    {Rvt,St1} = gexpr(Rec, Vt, St0),
    {Fvt,St2} = check_record(Line, Name, St1,
                             fun (Dfs, St) ->
                                     record_field(Field, Name, Dfs, St)
    {vtmerge(Rvt, Fvt),St2};
gexpr({record,Line,Name,Inits}, Vt, St) ->
    check_record(Line, Name, St,
                 fun (Dfs, St1) ->
                         ginit_fields(Inits, Line, Name, Dfs, Vt, St1)
gexpr({bin,_Line,Fs}, Vt,St) ->
    expr_bin(Fs, Vt, St, fun gexpr/3);
gexpr({call,_Line,{atom,_Lr,is_record},[E,{atom,Ln,Name}]}, Vt, St0) ->
    {Rvt,St1} = gexpr(E, Vt, St0),
    {Rvt,exist_record(Ln, Name, St1)};
gexpr({call,Line,{atom,_Lr,is_record},[E,R]}, Vt, St0) ->
    {Asvt,St1} = gexpr_list([E,R], Vt, St0),
    {Asvt,add_error(Line, illegal_guard_expr, St1)};
      Vt, St0) ->
    gexpr({call,Line,{atom,Lf,is_record},[E,A]}, Vt, St0);
      Vt, St0) ->
    {E,St1} = gexpr(E0, Vt, St0),
    case no_guard_bif_clash(St0, {is_record,3}) of
	true ->
	false ->
	    {E,add_error(Line, {illegal_guard_local_call,{is_record,3}}, St1)}
gexpr({call,Line,{atom,_Lr,is_record},[_,_,_]=Asvt0}, Vt, St0) ->
    {Asvt,St1} = gexpr_list(Asvt0, Vt, St0),
    {Asvt,add_error(Line, illegal_guard_expr, St1)};
      Vt, St0) ->
    gexpr({call,Line,Isr,Args}, Vt, St0);
gexpr({call,Line,{atom,_La,F},As}, Vt, St0) ->
    {Asvt,St1} = gexpr_list(As, Vt, St0),
    A = length(As),
    %% BifClash - Function called in guard
    case erl_internal:guard_bif(F, A) andalso no_guard_bif_clash(St1,{F,A}) of
        true ->
	    %% Also check that it is auto-imported.
	    case erl_internal:bif(F, A) of
		true -> {Asvt,St1};
		false -> {Asvt,add_error(Line, {explicit_export,F,A}, St1)}
        false ->
	    case is_local_function(St1#lint.locals,{F,A}) orelse
		is_imported_function(St1#lint.imports,{F,A}) of
		true ->
		    {Asvt,add_error(Line, {illegal_guard_local_call,{F,A}}, St1)};
		_ ->
		    {Asvt,add_error(Line, illegal_guard_expr, St1)}
gexpr({call,Line,{remote,_Lr,{atom,_Lm,erlang},{atom,_Lf,F}},As}, Vt, St0) ->
    {Asvt,St1} = gexpr_list(As, Vt, St0),
    A = length(As),
    case erl_internal:guard_bif(F, A) orelse is_gexpr_op(F, A) of
        true -> {Asvt,St1};
        false -> {Asvt,add_error(Line, illegal_guard_expr, St1)}
gexpr({op,Line,Op,A}, Vt, St0) ->
    {Avt,St1} = gexpr(A, Vt, St0),
    case is_gexpr_op(Op, 1) of
        true -> {Avt,St1};
        false -> {Avt,add_error(Line, illegal_guard_expr, St1)}
gexpr({op,Line,Op,L,R}, Vt, St0) ->
    {Avt,St1} = gexpr_list([L,R], Vt, St0),
    case is_gexpr_op(Op, 2) of
        true -> {Avt,St1};
        false -> {Avt,add_error(Line, illegal_guard_expr, St1)}
%% Everything else is illegal! You could put explicit tests here to
%% better error diagnostics.
gexpr(E, _Vt, St) ->
    {[],add_error(element(2, E), illegal_guard_expr, St)}.

%% gexpr_list(Expressions, VarTable, State) ->
%%      {UsedVarTable,State'}

gexpr_list(Es, Vt, St) ->
    foldl(fun (E, {Esvt,St0}) ->
                  {Evt,St1} = gexpr(E, Vt, St0),
                  {vtmerge(Evt, Esvt),St1}
          end, {[],St}, Es).

%% is_guard_test(Expression) -> boolean().
%%  Test if a general expression is a guard test.
-spec is_guard_test(Expr) -> boolean() when
      Expr :: erl_parse:abstract_expr().

is_guard_test(E) ->
    is_guard_test2(E, dict:new()).

%% is_guard_test(Expression, Forms) -> boolean().
is_guard_test(Expression, Forms) ->
    RecordAttributes = [A || A = {attribute, _, record, _D} <- Forms],
    St0 = foldl(fun(Attr0, St1) ->
                        Attr = zip_file_and_line(Attr0, "none"),
                        attribute_state(Attr, St1)
                end, start(), RecordAttributes),
    is_guard_test2(zip_file_and_line(Expression, "nofile"), St0#lint.records).

%% is_guard_test2(Expression, RecordDefs :: dict()) -> boolean().
is_guard_test2({call,Line,{atom,Lr,record},[E,A]}, RDs) ->
    is_gexpr({call,Line,{atom,Lr,is_record},[E,A]}, RDs);
is_guard_test2({call,_Line,{atom,_La,Test},As}=Call, RDs) ->
    case erl_internal:type_test(Test, length(As)) of
        true -> is_gexpr_list(As, RDs);
        false -> is_gexpr(Call, RDs)
is_guard_test2(G, RDs) ->
    %%Everything else is a guard expression.
    is_gexpr(G, RDs).

%% is_guard_expr(Expression) -> boolean().
%%  Test if an expression is a guard expression.

is_guard_expr(E) -> is_gexpr(E, []).

is_gexpr({var,_L,_V}, _RDs) -> true;
is_gexpr({char,_L,_C}, _RDs) -> true;
is_gexpr({integer,_L,_I}, _RDs) -> true;
is_gexpr({float,_L,_F}, _RDs) -> true;
is_gexpr({atom,_L,_A}, _RDs) -> true;
is_gexpr({string,_L,_S}, _RDs) -> true;
is_gexpr({nil,_L}, _RDs) -> true;
is_gexpr({cons,_L,H,T}, RDs) -> is_gexpr_list([H,T], RDs);
is_gexpr({tuple,_L,Es}, RDs) -> is_gexpr_list(Es, RDs);
%%is_gexpr({struct,_L,_Tag,Es}, RDs) ->
%%    is_gexpr_list(Es, RDs);
is_gexpr({record_index,_L,_Name,Field}, RDs) ->
    is_gexpr(Field, RDs);
is_gexpr({record_field,_L,Rec,_Name,Field}, RDs) ->
    is_gexpr_list([Rec,Field], RDs);
is_gexpr({record,L,Name,Inits}, RDs) ->
    is_gexpr_fields(Inits, L, Name, RDs);
is_gexpr({bin,_L,Fs}, RDs) ->
    all(fun ({bin_element,_Line,E,Sz,_Ts}) ->
                is_gexpr(E, RDs) and (Sz =:= default orelse is_gexpr(Sz, RDs))
        end, Fs);
is_gexpr({call,_L,{atom,_Lf,F},As}, RDs) ->
    A = length(As),
    erl_internal:guard_bif(F, A) andalso is_gexpr_list(As, RDs);
is_gexpr({call,_L,{remote,_Lr,{atom,_Lm,erlang},{atom,_Lf,F}},As}, RDs) ->
    A = length(As),
    (erl_internal:guard_bif(F, A) orelse is_gexpr_op(F, A))
        andalso is_gexpr_list(As, RDs);
is_gexpr({call,L,{tuple,Lt,[{atom,Lm,erlang},{atom,Lf,F}]},As}, RDs) ->
    is_gexpr({call,L,{remote,Lt,{atom,Lm,erlang},{atom,Lf,F}},As}, RDs);
is_gexpr({op,_L,Op,A}, RDs) ->
    is_gexpr_op(Op, 1) andalso is_gexpr(A, RDs);
is_gexpr({op,_L,Op,A1,A2}, RDs) ->
    is_gexpr_op(Op, 2) andalso is_gexpr_list([A1,A2], RDs);
is_gexpr(_Other, _RDs) -> false.

is_gexpr_op('andalso', 2) -> true;
is_gexpr_op('orelse', 2) -> true;
is_gexpr_op(Op, A) ->
    try erl_internal:op_type(Op, A) of
        arith -> true;
        bool  -> true;
        comp  -> true;
	list  -> false;
	send  -> false
    catch _:_ -> false

is_gexpr_list(Es, RDs) -> all(fun (E) -> is_gexpr(E, RDs) end, Es).

is_gexpr_fields(Fs, L, Name, RDs) ->
    IFs = case dict:find(Name, RDs) of
              {ok,{_Line,Fields}} -> Fs ++ init_fields(Fs, L, Fields);
              error  -> Fs
    all(fun ({record_field,_Lf,_Name,V}) -> is_gexpr(V, RDs);
            (_Other) -> false end, IFs).

%% exprs(Sequence, VarTable, State) ->
%%      {UsedVarTable,State'}
%%  Check a sequence of expressions, return all variables.

exprs([E|Es], Vt, St0) ->
    {Evt,St1} = expr(E, Vt, St0),
    {Esvt,St2} = exprs(Es, vtupdate(Evt, Vt), St1),
    {vtupdate(Evt, Esvt),St2};
exprs([], _Vt, St) -> {[],St}.

%% expr(Expression, VarTable, State) ->
%%      {UsedVarTable,State'}
%%  Check an expression, returns NewVariables. Assume naive users and
%%  mark illegally exported variables, e.g. from catch, as unsafe to better
%%  show why unbound.

expr({var,Line,V}, Vt, St) ->
    expr_var(V, Line, Vt, St);
expr({char,_Line,_C}, _Vt, St) -> {[],St};
expr({integer,_Line,_I}, _Vt, St) -> {[],St};
expr({float,_Line,_F}, _Vt, St) -> {[],St};
expr({atom,Line,A}, _Vt, St) ->
    {[],keyword_warning(Line, A, St)};
expr({string,_Line,_S}, _Vt, St) -> {[],St};
expr({nil,_Line}, _Vt, St) -> {[],St};
expr({cons,_Line,H,T}, Vt, St) ->
    expr_list([H,T], Vt, St);
expr({lc,_Line,E,Qs}, Vt0, St0) ->
    {Vt,St} = handle_comprehension(E, Qs, Vt0, St0),
    {vtold(Vt, Vt0),St};                      %Don't export local variables
expr({bc,_Line,E,Qs}, Vt0, St0) ->
    {Vt,St} = handle_comprehension(E, Qs, Vt0, St0),
    {vtold(Vt,Vt0),St};			 %Don't export local variables
expr({tuple,_Line,Es}, Vt, St) ->
    expr_list(Es, Vt, St);
expr({record_index,Line,Name,Field}, _Vt, St) ->
    check_record(Line, Name, St,
                 fun (Dfs, St1) -> record_field(Field, Name, Dfs, St1) end);
expr({record,Line,Name,Inits}, Vt, St) ->
    check_record(Line, Name, St,
                 fun (Dfs, St1) ->
                         init_fields(Inits, Line, Name, Dfs, Vt, St1)
expr({record_field,Line,Rec,Name,Field}, Vt, St0) ->
    {Rvt,St1} = record_expr(Line, Rec, Vt, St0),
    {Fvt,St2} = check_record(Line, Name, St1,
                             fun (Dfs, St) ->
                                     record_field(Field, Name, Dfs, St)
    {vtmerge(Rvt, Fvt),St2};
expr({record,Line,Rec,Name,Upds}, Vt, St0) ->
    {Rvt,St1} = record_expr(Line, Rec, Vt, St0),
    {Usvt,St2} = check_record(Line, Name, St1,
                          fun (Dfs, St) ->
                                  update_fields(Upds, Name, Dfs, Vt, St)
                          end ),
    case has_wildcard_field(Upds) of
        true -> {[],add_error(Line, {wildcard_in_update,Name}, St2)};
        false -> {vtmerge(Rvt, Usvt),St2}
expr({bin,_Line,Fs}, Vt, St) ->
    expr_bin(Fs, Vt, St, fun expr/3);
expr({block,_Line,Es}, Vt, St) ->
    %% Unfold block into a sequence.
    exprs(Es, Vt, St);
expr({'if',Line,Cs}, Vt, St) ->
    icrt_clauses(Cs, {'if',Line}, Vt, St);
expr({'case',Line,E,Cs}, Vt, St0) ->
    {Evt,St1} = expr(E, Vt, St0),
    {Cvt,St2} = icrt_clauses(Cs, {'case',Line}, vtupdate(Evt, Vt), St1),
    {vtmerge(Evt, Cvt),St2};
expr({'receive',Line,Cs}, Vt, St) ->
    icrt_clauses(Cs, {'receive',Line}, Vt, St);
expr({'receive',Line,Cs,To,ToEs}, Vt, St0) ->
    %% Are variables from the timeout expression visible in the clauses? NO!
    {Tvt,St1} = expr(To, Vt, St0),
    {Tevt,St2} = exprs(ToEs, Vt, St1),
    {Cvt,St3} = icrt_clauses(Cs, Vt, St2),
    %% Csvts = [vtnew(Tevt, Vt)|Cvt],           %This is just NEW variables!
    Csvts = [Tevt|Cvt],
    {Rvt,St4} = icrt_export(Csvts, Vt, {'receive',Line}, St3),
expr({'fun',Line,Body}, Vt, St) ->
    %%No one can think funs export!
    case Body of
        {clauses,Cs} ->
            {Bvt, St1} = fun_clauses(Cs, Vt, St),
            {vtupdate(Bvt, Vt), St1};
        {function,F,A} ->
	    %% BifClash - Fun expression
            %% N.B. Only allows BIFs here as well, NO IMPORTS!!
            case ((not is_local_function(St#lint.locals,{F,A})) andalso
		  (erl_internal:bif(F, A) andalso
		   (not is_autoimport_suppressed(St#lint.no_auto,{F,A})))) of
                true -> {[],St};
                false -> {[],call_function(Line, F, A, St)}
	{function,M,F,A} when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_integer(A) ->
	    %% Compatibility with pre-R15 abstract format.
	{function,M,F,A} ->
	    %% New in R15.
	    {Bvt, St1} = expr_list([M,F,A], Vt, St),
	    {vtupdate(Bvt, Vt),St1}
expr({call,_Line,{atom,_Lr,is_record},[E,{atom,Ln,Name}]}, Vt, St0) ->
    {Rvt,St1} = expr(E, Vt, St0),
    {Rvt,exist_record(Ln, Name, St1)};
      Vt, St0) ->
    expr({call,Line,{atom,Lf,is_record},[E,A]}, Vt, St0);
expr({call,L,{tuple,Lt,[{atom,Lm,erlang},{atom,Lf,is_record}]},As}, Vt, St) ->
    expr({call,L,{remote,Lt,{atom,Lm,erlang},{atom,Lf,is_record}},As}, Vt, St);
expr({call,Line,{remote,_Lr,{atom,_Lm,M},{atom,Lf,F}},As}, Vt, St0) ->
    St1 = keyword_warning(Lf, F, St0),
    St2 = check_remote_function(Line, M, F, As, St1),
    expr_list(As, Vt, St2);
expr({call,Line,{remote,_Lr,M,F},As}, Vt, St0) ->
    St1 = keyword_warning(Line, M, St0),
    St2 = keyword_warning(Line, F, St1),
    expr_list([M,F|As], Vt, St2);
expr({call,Line,{atom,La,F},As}, Vt, St0) ->
    St1 = keyword_warning(La, F, St0),
    {Asvt,St2} = expr_list(As, Vt, St1),
    A = length(As),
    IsLocal = is_local_function(St2#lint.locals,{F,A}),
    IsAutoBif = erl_internal:bif(F, A),
    AutoSuppressed = is_autoimport_suppressed(St2#lint.no_auto,{F,A}),
    Warn = is_warn_enabled(bif_clash, St2) and (not bif_clash_specifically_disabled(St2,{F,A})),
    Imported = imported(F, A, St2),
    case ((not IsLocal) andalso (Imported =:= no) andalso 
	  IsAutoBif andalso (not AutoSuppressed)) of
        true ->
	    St3 = deprecated_function(Line, erlang, F, As, St2),
        false ->
            {Asvt,case Imported of
                      {yes,M} ->
                          St3 = check_remote_function(Line, M, F, As, St2),
                          U0 = St3#lint.usage,
                          Imp = ordsets:add_element({{F,A},M},U0#usage.imported),
                          St3#lint{usage=U0#usage{imported = Imp}};
                      no ->
			  case {F,A} of
			      {record_info,2} ->
                              N ->
				  %% BifClash - function call
				  %% Issue these warnings/errors even if it's a recursive call
				  St3 = if
					    (not AutoSuppressed) andalso IsAutoBif andalso Warn ->
						case erl_internal:old_bif(F,A) of
						    true ->
							   {call_to_redefined_old_bif, {F,A}},
						    false ->
							   {call_to_redefined_bif, {F,A}},
					    true ->
				  %% ...but don't lint recursive calls
				      N =:= St3#lint.func ->
				      true ->
					  call_function(Line, F, A, St3)
expr({call,Line,F,As}, Vt, St0) ->
    St = warn_invalid_call(Line,F,St0),
    expr_list([F|As], Vt, St);                  %They see the same variables
expr({'try',Line,Es,Scs,Ccs,As}, Vt, St0) ->
    %% Currently, we don't allow any exports because later
    %% passes cannot handle exports in combination with 'after'.
    {Evt0,St1} = exprs(Es, Vt, St0),
    TryLine = {'try',Line},
    Uvt = vtunsafe(vtnames(vtnew(Evt0, Vt)), TryLine, []),
    Evt1 = vtupdate(Uvt, vtupdate(Evt0, Vt)),
    {Sccs,St2} = icrt_clauses(Scs++Ccs, TryLine, Evt1, St1),
    Rvt0 = Sccs,
    Rvt1 = vtupdate(vtunsafe(vtnames(vtnew(Rvt0, Vt)), TryLine, []), Rvt0),
    Evt2 = vtmerge(Evt1, Rvt1),
    {Avt0,St} = exprs(As, Evt2, St2),
    Avt1 = vtupdate(vtunsafe(vtnames(vtnew(Avt0, Vt)), TryLine, []), Avt0),
    Avt = vtmerge(Evt2, Avt1),
expr({'catch',Line,E}, Vt, St0) ->
    %% No new variables added, flag new variables as unsafe.
    {Evt,St1} = expr(E, Vt, St0),
    Uvt = vtunsafe(vtnames(vtnew(Evt, Vt)), {'catch',Line}, []),
    {vtupdate(Uvt,vtupdate(Evt, Vt)),St1};
expr({match,_Line,P,E}, Vt, St0) ->
    {Evt,St1} = expr(E, Vt, St0),
    {Pvt,Bvt,St2} = pattern(P, vtupdate(Evt, Vt), St1),
    St = reject_bin_alias_expr(P, E, St2),
    {vtupdate(Bvt, vtmerge(Evt, Pvt)),St};
%% No comparison or boolean operators yet.
expr({op,_Line,_Op,A}, Vt, St) ->
    expr(A, Vt, St);
expr({op,Line,Op,L,R}, Vt, St0) when Op =:= 'orelse'; Op =:= 'andalso' ->
    {Evt1,St1} = expr(L, Vt, St0),
    Vt1 = vtupdate(Evt1, Vt),
    {Evt2,St2} = expr(R, Vt1, St1),
    Vt2 = vtmerge(Evt2, Vt1),
    {Vt3,St3} = icrt_export([Vt1,Vt2], Vt1, {Op,Line}, St2),
    {vtmerge(Evt1, Vt3),St3};
expr({op,_Line,_Op,L,R}, Vt, St) ->
    expr_list([L,R], Vt, St);                   %They see the same variables
%% The following are not allowed to occur anywhere!
expr({remote,Line,_M,_F}, _Vt, St) ->
    {[],add_error(Line, illegal_expr, St)}.

%% expr_list(Expressions, Variables, State) ->
%%      {UsedVarTable,State}

expr_list(Es, Vt, St) ->
    foldl(fun (E, {Esvt,St0}) ->
                  {Evt,St1} = expr(E, Vt, St0),
                  {vtmerge(Evt, Esvt),St1}
          end, {[],St}, Es).

record_expr(Line, Rec, Vt, St0) ->
    St1 = warn_invalid_record(Line, Rec, St0),
    expr(Rec, Vt, St1).

%% warn_invalid_record(Line, Record, State0) -> State
%% Adds warning if the record is invalid.

warn_invalid_record(Line, R, St) ->
    case is_valid_record(R) of
        true -> St;
        false -> add_warning(Line, invalid_record, St)

%% is_valid_record(Record) -> boolean().

is_valid_record(Rec) ->
    case Rec of
        {char, _, _} -> false;
        {integer, _, _} -> false;
        {float, _, _} -> false;
        {atom, _, _} -> false;
        {string, _, _} -> false;
        {cons, _, _, _} -> false;
        {nil, _} -> false;
        {lc, _, _, _} -> false;
        {record_index, _, _, _} -> false;
        {'fun', _, _} -> false;
        _ -> true

%% warn_invalid_call(Line, Call, State0) -> State
%% Adds warning if the call is invalid.

warn_invalid_call(Line, F, St) ->
    case is_valid_call(F) of
        true -> St;
        false -> add_warning(Line, invalid_call, St)

%% is_valid_call(Call) -> boolean().

is_valid_call(Call) ->
    case Call of
        {char, _, _} -> false;
        {integer, _, _} -> false;
        {float, _, _} -> false;
        {string, _, _} -> false;
        {cons, _, _, _} -> false;
        {nil, _} -> false;
        {lc, _, _, _} -> false;
        {record_index, _, _, _} -> false;
        {tuple, _, Exprs} when length(Exprs) =/= 2 -> false;
        _ -> true

%% record_def(Line, RecordName, [RecField], State) -> State.
%%  Add a record definition if it does not already exist. Normalise
%%  so that all fields have explicit initial value.

record_def(Line, Name, Fs0, St0) ->
    case dict:is_key(Name, St0#lint.records) of
        true -> add_error(Line, {redefine_record,Name}, St0);
        false ->
            {Fs1,St1} = def_fields(normalise_fields(Fs0), Name, St0),
            St1#lint{records=dict:store(Name, {Line,Fs1}, St1#lint.records)}

%% def_fields([RecDef], RecordName, State) -> {[DefField],State}.
%%  Check (normalised) fields for duplicates.  Return unduplicated
%%  record and set State.

def_fields(Fs0, Name, St0) ->
    foldl(fun ({record_field,Lf,{atom,La,F},V}, {Fs,St}) ->
                  case exist_field(F, Fs) of
                      true -> {Fs,add_error(Lf, {redefine_field,Name,F}, St)};
                      false ->
                          St1 = St#lint{recdef_top = true},
                          {_,St2} = expr(V, [], St1),
                          %% Warnings and errors found are kept, but
                          %% updated calls, records, etc. are discarded.
                          St3 = St1#lint{warnings = St2#lint.warnings,
                                         errors = St2#lint.errors,
                                         called = St2#lint.called,
                                         recdef_top = false},
                          %% This is one way of avoiding a loop for
                          %% "recursive" definitions.
                          NV = case St2#lint.errors =:= St1#lint.errors of
                                   true -> V;
                                   false -> {atom,La,undefined}
          end, {[],St0}, Fs0).

%% normalise_fields([RecDef]) -> [Field].
%%  Normalise the field definitions to always have a default value. If
%%  none has been given then use 'undefined'.
%%  Also, strip type information from typed record fields.

normalise_fields(Fs) ->
    map(fun ({record_field,Lf,Field}) ->
	    ({typed_record_field,{record_field,Lf,Field},_Type}) ->
	    ({typed_record_field,Field,_Type}) ->
            (F) -> F end, Fs).

%% exist_record(Line, RecordName, State) -> State.
%%  Check if a record exists.  Set State.

exist_record(Line, Name, St) ->
    case dict:is_key(Name, St#lint.records) of
        true -> used_record(Name, St);
        false -> add_error(Line, {undefined_record,Name}, St)

%% check_record(Line, RecordName, State, CheckFun) ->
%%      {UpdVarTable, State}.
%%  The generic record checking function, first checks that the record
%%  exists then calls the specific check function.  N.B. the check
%%  function can safely assume that the record exists.
%%  The check function is called:
%%      CheckFun(RecordDefFields, State)
%%  and must return
%%      {UpdatedVarTable,State}

check_record(Line, Name, St, CheckFun) ->
    case dict:find(Name, St#lint.records) of
        {ok,{_Line,Fields}} -> CheckFun(Fields, used_record(Name, St));
        error -> {[],add_error(Line, {undefined_record,Name}, St)}

used_record(Name, #lint{usage=Usage}=St) ->
    UsedRecs = sets:add_element(Name, Usage#usage.used_records),
    St#lint{usage = Usage#usage{used_records=UsedRecs}}.

%%% Record check functions.

%% check_fields([ChkField], RecordName, [RecDefField], VarTable, State, CheckFun) ->
%%      {UpdVarTable,State}.

check_fields(Fs, Name, Fields, Vt, St0, CheckFun) ->
    {_SeenFields,Uvt,St1} =
        foldl(fun (Field, {Sfsa,Vta,Sta}) ->
                      {Sfsb,{Vtb,Stb}} = check_field(Field, Name, Fields,
                                                     Vt, Sta, Sfsa, CheckFun),
                      {Sfsb,vtmerge_pat(Vta, Vtb),Stb}
              end, {[],[],St0}, Fs),

check_field({record_field,Lf,{atom,La,F},Val}, Name, Fields,
            Vt, St, Sfs, CheckFun) ->
    case member(F, Sfs) of
        true -> {Sfs,{Vt,add_error(Lf, {redefine_field,Name,F}, St)}};
        false ->
             case find_field(F, Fields) of
                 {ok,_I} -> CheckFun(Val, Vt, St);
                 error -> {[],add_error(La, {undefined_field,Name,F}, St)}
check_field({record_field,_Lf,{var,_La,'_'},Val}, _Name, _Fields,
            Vt, St, Sfs, CheckFun) ->
    {Sfs,CheckFun(Val, Vt, St)};
check_field({record_field,_Lf,{var,La,V},_Val}, Name, _Fields,
            Vt, St, Sfs, _CheckFun) ->
    {Sfs,{Vt,add_error(La, {field_name_is_variable,Name,V}, St)}}.

%% pattern_field(Field, RecordName, [RecDefField], State) ->
%%      {UpdVarTable,State}.
%%  Test if record RecordName has field Field. Set State.

pattern_field({atom,La,F}, Name, Fields, St) ->
    case find_field(F, Fields) of
        {ok,_I} -> {[],St};
        error -> {[],add_error(La, {undefined_field,Name,F}, St)}

%% pattern_fields([PatField],RecordName,[RecDefField],
%%                VarTable,Old,Bvt,State) ->
%%      {UpdVarTable,UpdBinVarTable,State}.

pattern_fields(Fs, Name, Fields, Vt0, Old, Bvt, St0) ->
    CheckFun = fun (Val, Vt, St) -> pattern(Val, Vt, Old, Bvt, St) end,
    {_SeenFields,Uvt,Bvt1,St1} =
        foldl(fun (Field, {Sfsa,Vta,Bvt1,Sta}) ->
                      case check_field(Field, Name, Fields,
                                       Vt0, Sta, Sfsa, CheckFun) of
                          {Sfsb,{Vtb,Stb}} ->
                              {Sfsb,vtmerge_pat(Vta, Vtb),[],Stb};
                          {Sfsb,{Vtb,Bvt2,Stb}} ->
                              {Sfsb,vtmerge_pat(Vta, Vtb),
              end, {[],[],[],St0}, Fs),

%% record_field(Field, RecordName, [RecDefField], State) ->
%%      {UpdVarTable,State}.
%%  Test if record RecordName has field Field. Set State.

record_field({atom,La,F}, Name, Fields, St) ->
    case find_field(F, Fields) of
        {ok,_I} -> {[],St};
        error -> {[],add_error(La, {undefined_field,Name,F}, St)}

%% init_fields([InitField], InitLine, RecordName, [DefField], VarTable, State) ->
%%      {UpdVarTable,State}.
%% ginit_fields([InitField], InitLine, RecordName, [DefField], VarTable, State) ->
%%      {UpdVarTable,State}.
%%  Check record initialisation. Explicit initialisations are checked
%%  as is, while default values are checked only if there are no
%%  explicit inititialisations of the fields. Be careful not to
%%  duplicate warnings (and possibly errors, but def_fields
%%  substitutes 'undefined' for bogus inititialisations) from when the
%%  record definitions were checked. Usage of records, imports, and
%%  functions is collected.

init_fields(Ifs, Line, Name, Dfs, Vt0, St0) ->
    {Vt1,St1} = check_fields(Ifs, Name, Dfs, Vt0, St0, fun expr/3),
    Defs = init_fields(Ifs, Line, Dfs),
    {_,St2} = check_fields(Defs, Name, Dfs, Vt1, St1, fun expr/3),
    {Vt1,St1#lint{usage = St2#lint.usage}}.

ginit_fields(Ifs, Line, Name, Dfs, Vt0, St0) ->
    {Vt1,St1} = check_fields(Ifs, Name, Dfs, Vt0, St0, fun gexpr/3),
    Defs = init_fields(Ifs, Line, Dfs),
    St2 = St1#lint{errors = []},
    {_,St3} = check_fields(Defs, Name, Dfs, Vt1, St2, fun gexpr/3),
    #lint{usage = Usage, errors = Errors} = St3,
    IllErrs = [E || {_File,{_Line,erl_lint,illegal_guard_expr}}=E <- Errors],
    St4 = St1#lint{usage = Usage, errors = IllErrs ++ St1#lint.errors},

%% Default initializations to be carried out
init_fields(Ifs, Line, Dfs) ->
    [ {record_field,Lf,{atom,La,F},copy_expr(Di, Line)} ||
        {record_field,Lf,{atom,La,F},Di} <- Dfs,
        not exist_field(F, Ifs) ].

%% update_fields(UpdFields, RecordName, RecDefFields, VarTable, State) ->
%%      {UpdVarTable,State}

update_fields(Ufs, Name, Dfs, Vt, St) ->
    check_fields(Ufs, Name, Dfs, Vt, St, fun expr/3).

%% exist_field(FieldName, [Field]) -> boolean().
%%  Find a record field in a field list.

exist_field(F, [{record_field,_Lf,{atom,_La,F},_Val}|_Fs]) -> true;
exist_field(F, [_|Fs]) -> exist_field(F, Fs);
exist_field(_F, []) -> false.

%% find_field(FieldName, [Field]) -> {ok,Val} | error.
%%  Find a record field in a field list.

find_field(_F, [{record_field,_Lf,{atom,_La,_F},Val}|_Fs]) -> {ok,Val};
find_field(F, [_|Fs]) -> find_field(F, Fs);
find_field(_F, []) -> error.

%% type_def(Attr, Line, TypeName, PatField, Args, State) -> State.
%%    Attr :: 'type' | 'opaque'
%% Checks that a type definition is valid.

-record(typeinfo, {attr, line}).

type_def(_Attr, _Line, {record, _RecName}, Fields, [], St0) ->
    %% The record field names and such are checked in the record format.
    %% We only need to check the types.
    Types = [T || {typed_record_field, _, T} <- Fields],
    check_type({type, -1, product, Types}, St0);
type_def(Attr, Line, TypeName, ProtoType, Args, St0) ->
    TypeDefs = St0#lint.types,
    Arity = length(Args),
    TypePair = {TypeName, Arity},
    Info = #typeinfo{attr = Attr, line = Line},
    StoreType =
        fun(St) ->
                NewDefs = dict:store(TypePair, Info, TypeDefs),
                CheckType = {type, -1, product, [ProtoType|Args]},
                check_type(CheckType, St#lint{types=NewDefs})
    case (dict:is_key(TypePair, TypeDefs) orelse is_var_arity_type(TypeName)) of
	true ->
	    case dict:is_key(TypePair, default_types()) of
		true  ->
		    case is_newly_introduced_builtin_type(TypePair) of
			%% allow some types just for bootstrapping
			true ->
			    Warn = {new_builtin_type, TypePair},
			    St1 = add_warning(Line, Warn, St0),
			false ->
			    add_error(Line, {builtin_type, TypePair}, St0)
	        false -> add_error(Line, {redefine_type, TypePair}, St0)
	false ->
            St1 = case
                      Attr =:= opaque andalso
                      is_underspecified(ProtoType, Arity)
                      true ->
                          Warn = {underspecified_opaque, TypePair},
                          add_warning(Line, Warn, St0);
                      false -> St0

is_underspecified({type,_,term,[]}, 0) -> true;
is_underspecified({type,_,any,[]}, 0) -> true;
is_underspecified(_ProtType, _Arity) -> false.

check_type(Types, St) ->
    {SeenVars, St1} = check_type(Types, dict:new(), St),
    dict:fold(fun(Var, {seen_once, Line}, AccSt) ->
		      case atom_to_list(Var) of
			  "_"++_ -> AccSt;
			  _ -> add_error(Line, {singleton_typevar, Var}, AccSt)
		 (_Var, seen_multiple, AccSt) ->
	      end, St1, SeenVars).

check_type({ann_type, _L, [_Var, Type]}, SeenVars, St) ->
    check_type(Type, SeenVars, St);
check_type({paren_type, _L, [Type]}, SeenVars, St) ->
    check_type(Type, SeenVars, St);
check_type({remote_type, L, [{atom, _, Mod}, {atom, _, Name}, Args]},
	   SeenVars, #lint{module=CurrentMod} = St) ->
    St1 =
	case (dict:is_key({Name, length(Args)}, default_types())
	      orelse is_var_arity_type(Name)) of
	    true -> add_error(L, {imported_predefined_type, Name}, St);
	    false -> St
    case Mod =:= CurrentMod of
	true -> check_type({type, L, Name, Args}, SeenVars, St1);
	false ->
	    lists:foldl(fun(T, {AccSeenVars, AccSt}) ->
				check_type(T, AccSeenVars, AccSt)
			end, {SeenVars, St1}, Args)
check_type({integer, _L, _}, SeenVars, St) -> {SeenVars, St};
check_type({atom, _L, _}, SeenVars, St) -> {SeenVars, St};
check_type({var, _L, '_'}, SeenVars, St) -> {SeenVars, St};
check_type({var, L, Name}, SeenVars, St) ->
    NewSeenVars =
	case dict:find(Name, SeenVars) of
	    {ok, {seen_once, _}} -> dict:store(Name, seen_multiple, SeenVars);
	    {ok, seen_multiple} -> SeenVars;
	    error -> dict:store(Name, {seen_once, L}, SeenVars)
    {NewSeenVars, St};
check_type({type, L, bool, []}, SeenVars, St) ->
    {SeenVars, add_warning(L, {renamed_type, bool, boolean}, St)};
check_type({type, L, 'fun', [Dom, Range]}, SeenVars, St) ->
    St1 =
	case Dom of
	    {type, _, product, _} -> St;
	    {type, _, any} -> St;
	    _ -> add_error(L, {type_syntax, 'fun'}, St)
    check_type({type, -1, product, [Dom, Range]}, SeenVars, St1);
check_type({type, L, range, [From, To]}, SeenVars, St) ->
    St1 =
	case {erl_eval:partial_eval(From), erl_eval:partial_eval(To)} of
	    {{integer, _, X}, {integer, _, Y}} when X < Y -> St;
	    _ -> add_error(L, {type_syntax, range}, St)
    {SeenVars, St1};
check_type({type, _L, tuple, any}, SeenVars, St) -> {SeenVars, St};
check_type({type, _L, any}, SeenVars, St) -> {SeenVars, St};
check_type({type, L, binary, [Base, Unit]}, SeenVars, St) ->
    St1 =
	case {erl_eval:partial_eval(Base), erl_eval:partial_eval(Unit)} of
	    {{integer, _, BaseVal},
	     {integer, _, UnitVal}} when BaseVal >= 0, UnitVal >= 0 -> St;
	    _ -> add_error(L, {type_syntax, binary}, St)
    {SeenVars, St1};
check_type({type, L, record, [Name|Fields]}, SeenVars, St) ->
    case Name of
	{atom, _, Atom} ->
	    St1 = used_record(Atom, St),
	    check_record_types(L, Atom, Fields, SeenVars, St1);
	_ -> {SeenVars, add_error(L, {type_syntax, record}, St)}
check_type({type, _L, product, Args}, SeenVars, St) ->
    lists:foldl(fun(T, {AccSeenVars, AccSt}) ->
			check_type(T, AccSeenVars, AccSt)
		end, {SeenVars, St}, Args);
check_type({type, La, TypeName, Args}, SeenVars, #lint{usage=Usage} = St) ->
    Arity = length(Args),
    St1 = case is_var_arity_type(TypeName) of
	      true -> St;
	      false ->
		  OldUsed = Usage#usage.used_types,
		  UsedTypes = dict:store({TypeName, Arity}, La, OldUsed),
    check_type({type, -1, product, Args}, SeenVars, St1);
check_type(I, SeenVars, St) ->
    case erl_eval:partial_eval(I) of
        {integer,_ILn,_Integer} -> {SeenVars, St};
        _Other ->
            {SeenVars, add_error(element(2, I), {type_syntax, integer}, St)}

check_record_types(Line, Name, Fields, SeenVars, St) ->
    case dict:find(Name, St#lint.records) of
        {ok,{_L,DefFields}} ->
	    case lists:all(fun({type, _, field_type, _}) -> true;
			      (_) -> false
			   end, Fields) of
		true ->
		    check_record_types(Fields, Name, DefFields, SeenVars, St, []);
		false ->
		    {SeenVars, add_error(Line, {type_syntax, record}, St)}
        error ->
	    {SeenVars, add_error(Line, {undefined_record, Name}, St)}

check_record_types([{type, _, field_type, [{atom, AL, FName}, Type]}|Left],
		   Name, DefFields, SeenVars, St, SeenFields) ->
    %% Check that the field name is valid
    St1 = case exist_field(FName, DefFields) of
	      true -> St;
	      false -> add_error(AL, {undefined_field, Name, FName}, St)
    %% Check for duplicates
    St2 = case ordsets:is_element(FName, SeenFields) of
	      true -> add_error(AL, {redefine_field, Name, FName}, St1);
	      false -> St1
    %% Check Type
    {NewSeenVars, St3} = check_type(Type, SeenVars, St2),
    NewSeenFields = ordsets:add_element(FName, SeenFields),
    check_record_types(Left, Name, DefFields, NewSeenVars, St3, NewSeenFields);
check_record_types([], _Name, _DefFields, SeenVars, St, _SeenFields) ->
    {SeenVars, St}.

is_var_arity_type(tuple) -> true;
is_var_arity_type(product) -> true;
is_var_arity_type(union) -> true;
is_var_arity_type(record) -> true;
is_var_arity_type(_) -> false.

default_types() ->
    DefTypes = [{any, 0},
		{arity, 0},
		{array, 0},
		{atom, 0},
		{atom, 1},
		{binary, 0},
		{binary, 2},
		{bitstring, 0},
		{bool, 0},
		{boolean, 0},
		{byte, 0},
		{char, 0},
		{dict, 0},
		{digraph, 0},
		{float, 0},
		{'fun', 0},
		{'fun', 2},
		{function, 0},
		{gb_set, 0},
		{gb_tree, 0},
		{identifier, 0},
		{integer, 0},
		{integer, 1},
		{iodata, 0},
		{iolist, 0},
		{list, 0},
		{list, 1},
		{maybe_improper_list, 0},
		{maybe_improper_list, 2},
		{mfa, 0},
		{module, 0},
		{neg_integer, 0},
		{nil, 0},
		{no_return, 0},
		{node, 0},
		{non_neg_integer, 0},
		{none, 0},
		{nonempty_list, 0},
		{nonempty_list, 1},
		{nonempty_improper_list, 2},
		{nonempty_maybe_improper_list, 0},
		{nonempty_maybe_improper_list, 2},
		{nonempty_string, 0},
		{number, 0},
		{pid, 0},
		{port, 0},
		{pos_integer, 0},
		{queue, 0},
		{range, 2},
		{reference, 0},
		{set, 0},
		{string, 0},
		{term, 0},
		{timeout, 0},
		{var, 1}],
    dict:from_list([{T, -1} || T <- DefTypes]).

%% R13
is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({arity, 0}) -> true;
is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({array, 0}) -> true; % opaque
is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({bitstring, 0}) -> true;
is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({dict, 0}) -> true; % opaque
is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({digraph, 0}) -> true; % opaque
is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({gb_set, 0}) -> true; % opaque
is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({gb_tree, 0}) -> true; % opaque
is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({iodata, 0}) -> true;
is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({queue, 0}) -> true; % opaque
is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({set, 0}) -> true; % opaque
%% R13B01
is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({boolean, 0}) -> true;
is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({Name, _}) when is_atom(Name) -> false.

%% spec_decl(Line, Fun, Types, State) -> State.

spec_decl(Line, MFA0, TypeSpecs, St0 = #lint{specs = Specs, module = Mod}) ->
    MFA = case MFA0 of
	      {F, Arity} -> {Mod, F, Arity};
	      {_M, _F, Arity} -> MFA0
    St1 = St0#lint{specs = dict:store(MFA, Line, Specs)},
    case dict:is_key(MFA, Specs) of
	true -> add_error(Line, {redefine_spec, MFA}, St1);
	false -> check_specs(TypeSpecs, Arity, St1)

%% callback_decl(Line, Fun, Types, State) -> State.

callback_decl(Line, MFA0, TypeSpecs,
	      St0 = #lint{callbacks = Callbacks, module = Mod}) ->
    MFA = case MFA0 of
	      {F, Arity} -> {Mod, F, Arity};
	      {_M, _F, Arity} -> MFA0
    St1 = St0#lint{callbacks = dict:store(MFA, Line, Callbacks)},
    case dict:is_key(MFA, Callbacks) of
	true -> add_error(Line, {redefine_callback, MFA}, St1);
	false -> check_specs(TypeSpecs, Arity, St1)

check_specs([FunType|Left], Arity, St0) ->
    {FunType1, CTypes} =
	case FunType of
	    {type, _, bounded_fun, [FT = {type, _, 'fun', _}, Cs]} ->
		Types0 = [T || {type, _, constraint, [_, T]} <- Cs],
		{FT, lists:append(Types0)};
	    {type, _, 'fun', _} = FT -> {FT, []}
    SpecArity =
	case FunType1 of
	    {type, L, 'fun', [any, _]} -> any;
	    {type, L, 'fun', [{type, _, product, D}, _]} -> length(D)
    St1 = case Arity =:= SpecArity of
	      true -> St0;
	      false -> add_error(L, spec_wrong_arity, St0)
    St2 = check_type({type, -1, product, [FunType1|CTypes]}, St1),
    check_specs(Left, Arity, St2);
check_specs([], _Arity, St) ->

check_specs_without_function(#lint{module=Mod,defined=Funcs,specs=Specs}=St) ->
    Fun = fun({M, F, A} = MFA, Line, AccSt) when M =:= Mod ->
		  case gb_sets:is_element({F, A}, Funcs) of
		      true -> AccSt;
		      false -> add_error(Line, {spec_fun_undefined, MFA}, AccSt)
	     ({_M, _F, _A}, _Line, AccSt) -> AccSt
    dict:fold(Fun, St, Specs).

%% This generates warnings for functions without specs; if the user has
%% specified both options, we do not generate the same warnings twice.
check_functions_without_spec(Forms, St0) ->
    case is_warn_enabled(missing_spec_all, St0) of
	true ->
	    add_missing_spec_warnings(Forms, St0, all);
	false ->
	    case is_warn_enabled(missing_spec, St0) of
		true ->
		    add_missing_spec_warnings(Forms, St0, exported);
		false ->

add_missing_spec_warnings(Forms, St0, Type) ->
    Specs = [{F,A} || {_M,F,A} <- dict:fetch_keys(St0#lint.specs)],
    Warns = %% functions + line numbers for which we should warn
	case Type of
	    all ->
		[{FA,L} || {function,L,F,A,_} <- Forms,
			   not lists:member(FA = {F,A}, Specs)];
	    exported ->
		Exps = gb_sets:to_list(St0#lint.exports) -- pseudolocals(),
		[{FA,L} || {function,L,F,A,_} <- Forms,
			   member(FA = {F,A}, Exps -- Specs)]
    foldl(fun ({FA,L}, St) ->
		  add_warning(L, {missing_spec,FA}, St)
	  end, St0, Warns).

check_unused_types(Forms, #lint{usage=Usage, types=Ts, exp_types=ExpTs}=St) ->
    case [File || {attribute,_L,file,{File,_Line}} <- Forms] of
	[FirstFile|_] ->
	    D = Usage#usage.used_types,
	    L = gb_sets:to_list(ExpTs) ++ dict:fetch_keys(D),
	    UsedTypes = gb_sets:from_list(L),
	    FoldFun =
		fun(_Type, -1, AccSt) ->
			%% Default type
		   (Type, #typeinfo{line = FileLine}, AccSt) ->
                        case loc(FileLine) of
			    {FirstFile, _} ->
				case gb_sets:is_member(Type, UsedTypes) of
				    true -> AccSt;
				    false ->
					Warn = {unused_type,Type},
					add_warning(FileLine, Warn, AccSt)
			    _ ->
				%% No warns about unused types in include files
	    dict:fold(FoldFun, St, Ts);
	[] ->

check_local_opaque_types(St) ->
    #lint{types=Ts, exp_types=ExpTs} = St,
    FoldFun =
        fun(_Type, -1, AccSt) ->
                %% Default type
           (_Type, #typeinfo{attr = type}, AccSt) ->
           (Type, #typeinfo{attr = opaque, line = FileLine}, AccSt) ->
                case gb_sets:is_element(Type, ExpTs) of
                    true -> AccSt;
                    false ->
                        Warn = {not_exported_opaque,Type},
                        add_warning(FileLine, Warn, AccSt)
    dict:fold(FoldFun, St, Ts).

%% icrt_clauses(Clauses, In, ImportVarTable, State) ->
%%      {NewVts,State}.

icrt_clauses(Cs, In, Vt, St0) ->
    {Csvt,St1} = icrt_clauses(Cs, Vt, St0),
    icrt_export(Csvt, Vt, In, St1).

%% icrt_clauses(Clauses, ImportVarTable, State) ->
%%      {NewVts,State}.

icrt_clauses(Cs, Vt, St) ->
    mapfoldl(fun (C, St0) -> icrt_clause(C, Vt, St0) end, St, Cs).

icrt_clause({clause,_Line,H,G,B}, Vt0, St0) ->
    {Hvt,Binvt,St1} = head(H, Vt0, St0),
    Vt1 = vtupdate(Hvt, vtupdate(Binvt, Vt0)),
    {Gvt,St2} = guard(G, Vt1, St1),
    Vt2 = vtupdate(Gvt, Vt1),
    {Bvt,St3} = exprs(B, Vt2, St2),
    {vtupdate(Bvt, Vt2),St3}.

icrt_export(Csvt, Vt, In, St) ->
    Vt1 = vtmerge(Csvt),
    All = ordsets:subtract(vintersection(Csvt), vtnames(Vt)),
    Some = ordsets:subtract(vtnames(Vt1), vtnames(Vt)),
    Xvt = vtexport(All, In, []),
    Evt = vtunsafe(ordsets:subtract(Some, All), In, Xvt),
    Unused = vtmerge([unused_vars(Vt0, Vt, St) || Vt0 <- Csvt]),
    %% Exported and unsafe variables may be unused:
    Uvt = vtmerge(Evt, Unused),
    %% Make exported and unsafe unused variables unused in subsequent code:
    Vt2 = vtmerge(Uvt, vtsubtract(Vt1, Uvt)),

handle_comprehension(E, Qs, Vt0, St0) ->
    {Vt1, Uvt, St1} = lc_quals(Qs, Vt0, St0),
    {Evt,St2} = expr(E, Vt1, St1),
    Vt2 = vtupdate(Evt, Vt1),
    %% Shadowed global variables.
    {_,St3} = check_old_unused_vars(Vt2, Uvt, St2),
    %% There may be local variables in Uvt that are not global.
    {_,St4} = check_unused_vars(Uvt, Vt0, St3),
    %% Local variables that have not been shadowed.
    {_,St} = check_unused_vars(Vt2, Vt0, St4),
    Vt3 = vtmerge(vtsubtract(Vt2, Uvt), Uvt),

%% lc_quals(Qualifiers, ImportVarTable, State) ->
%%      {VarTable,ShadowedVarTable,State}
%%  Test list comprehension qualifiers, return all variables. Allow
%%  filters to be both guard tests and general expressions, but the errors
%%  will be for expressions. Return the complete updated vartable including
%%  local variables and all updates. ShadowVarTable contains the state of
%%  each shadowed variable. All variable states of variables in ImportVarTable
%%  that have been shadowed are included in ShadowVarTable. In addition, all
%%  shadowed variables that are not included in ImportVarTable are included
%%  in ShadowVarTable (these are local variables that are not global variables).

lc_quals(Qs, Vt0, St0) ->
    OldRecDef = St0#lint.recdef_top,
    {Vt,Uvt,St} = lc_quals(Qs, Vt0, [], St0#lint{recdef_top = false}),
    {Vt,Uvt,St#lint{recdef_top = OldRecDef}}.

lc_quals([{generate,_Line,P,E} | Qs], Vt0, Uvt0, St0) ->
    {Vt,Uvt,St} = handle_generator(P,E,Vt0,Uvt0,St0),
    lc_quals(Qs, Vt, Uvt, St);
lc_quals([{b_generate,_Line,P,E} | Qs], Vt0, Uvt0, St0) ->
    {Vt,Uvt,St} = handle_generator(P,E,Vt0,Uvt0,St0),
    lc_quals(Qs, Vt, Uvt, St);
lc_quals([F|Qs], Vt, Uvt, St0) ->
    {Fvt,St1} = case is_guard_test2(F, St0#lint.records) of
		    true -> guard_test(F, Vt, St0);
		    false -> expr(F, Vt, St0)
    lc_quals(Qs, vtupdate(Fvt, Vt), Uvt, St1);
lc_quals([], Vt, Uvt, St) ->
    {Vt, Uvt, St}.

handle_generator(P,E,Vt,Uvt,St0) ->
    {Evt,St1} = expr(E, Vt, St0),
    %% Forget variables local to E immediately.
    Vt1 = vtupdate(vtold(Evt, Vt), Vt),
    {_, St2} = check_unused_vars(Evt, Vt, St1),
    {Pvt,Binvt,St3} = pattern(P, Vt1, [], [], St2),
    %% Have to keep fresh variables separated from used variables somehow
    %% in order to handle for example X = foo(), [X || <<X:X>> <- bar()].
    %%                                1           2      2 1
    Vt2 = vtupdate(Pvt, Vt1),
    St4 = shadow_vars(Binvt, Vt1, generate, St3),
    Svt = vtold(Vt2, Binvt),
    {_, St5} = check_old_unused_vars(Svt, Uvt, St4),
    NUvt = vtupdate(vtnew(Svt, Uvt), Uvt),
    Vt3 = vtupdate(vtsubtract(Vt2, Binvt), Binvt),

%% fun_clauses(Clauses, ImportVarTable, State) ->
%%      {UsedVars, State}.
%%  Fun's cannot export any variables.

%% It is an error if variable is bound inside a record definition
%% unless it was introduced in a fun or an lc. Only if pat_var finds
%% such variables can the correct line number be given.

fun_clauses(Cs, Vt, St) ->
    OldRecDef = St#lint.recdef_top,
    {Bvt,St2} = foldl(fun (C, {Bvt0, St0}) ->
                              {Cvt,St1} = fun_clause(C, Vt, St0),
                              {vtmerge(Cvt, Bvt0),St1}
                      end, {[],St#lint{recdef_top = false}}, Cs),
    {Bvt,St2#lint{recdef_top = OldRecDef}}.

fun_clause({clause,_Line,H,G,B}, Vt0, St0) ->
    {Hvt,Binvt,St1} = head(H, Vt0, [], St0), % No imported pattern variables
    Vt1 = vtupdate(Hvt, Vt0),
    St2 = shadow_vars(Binvt, Vt0, 'fun', St1),
    Vt2 = vtupdate(vtsubtract(Vt1, Binvt), Binvt),
    {Gvt,St3} = guard(G, Vt2, St2),
    Vt3 = vtupdate(Gvt, Vt2),
    {Bvt,St4} = exprs(B, Vt3, St3),
    Cvt = vtupdate(Bvt, Vt3),
    %% Check new local variables.
    {_, St5} = check_unused_vars(Cvt, Vt0, St4),
    %% Check all shadowing variables.
    Svt = vtold(Vt1, Binvt),
    {_, St6} = check_old_unused_vars(Cvt, Svt, St5),
    Vt4 = vtmerge(Svt, vtsubtract(Cvt, Svt)),
    {vtold(Vt4, Vt0),St6}.

%% In the variable table we store information about variables. The
%% information is a tuple {State,Usage,Lines}, the variables state and
%% usage. A variable can be in the following states:
%% bound                everything is normal
%% {export,From}        variable has been exported
%% {unsafe,In}          variable is unsafe
%% The usage information has the following form:
%% used         variable has been used
%% unused       variable has been bound but not used
%% Lines is a list of line numbers where the variable was bound.
%% Report variable errors/warnings as soon as possible and then change
%% the state to ok. This simplifies the code and reports errors only
%% once. Having the usage information like this makes it easy too when
%% merging states.

%% For keeping track of which variables are bound, ordsets are used.
%% In order to be able to give warnings about unused variables, a
%% possible value is {bound, unused, [Line]}. The usual value when a
%% variable is used is {bound, used, [Line]}. An exception occurs for
%% variables in the size position in a bin element in a pattern.
%% Currently, such a variable is never matched out, always used, and
%% therefore it makes no sense to warn for "variable imported in
%% match".

%% For storing the variable table we use the orddict module.
%% We know an empty set is [].

%% pat_var(Variable, LineNo, VarTable, State) -> {UpdVarTable,State}
%%  A pattern variable has been found. Handle errors and warnings. Return
%%  all variables as bound so errors and warnings are only reported once.
%% Bvt "shadows" Vt here, which is necessary in order to separate uses of
%% shadowed and shadowing variables. See also pat_binsize_var.

pat_var(V, Line, Vt, Bvt, St) ->
    case orddict:find(V, Bvt) of
        {ok, {bound,_Usage,Ls}} ->
        error ->
            case orddict:find(V, Vt) of
                {ok,{bound,_Usage,Ls}} ->
                {ok,{{unsafe,In},_Usage,Ls}} ->
                     add_error(Line, {unsafe_var,V,In}, St)};
                {ok,{{export,From},_Usage,Ls}} ->
                     %% As this is matching, exported vars are risky.
                     add_warning(Line, {exported_var,V,From}, St)};
                error when St#lint.recdef_top ->
                     add_error(Line, {variable_in_record_def,V}, St)};
                error -> {[],[{V,{bound,unused,[Line]}}],St}

%% pat_binsize_var(Variable, LineNo, VarTable, BinVarTable, State) ->
%%      {UpdVarTable,UpdBinVarTable,State'}
%%  A pattern variable has been found. Handle errors and warnings. Return
%%  all variables as bound so errors and warnings are only reported once.

pat_binsize_var(V, Line, Vt, Bvt, St) ->
    case orddict:find(V, Bvt) of
        {ok,{bound,_Used,Ls}} ->
        error ->
            case orddict:find(V, Vt) of
                {ok,{bound,_Used,Ls}} ->
                {ok,{{unsafe,In},_Used,Ls}} ->
                     add_error(Line, {unsafe_var,V,In}, St)};
                {ok,{{export,From},_Used,Ls}} ->
                     %% As this is not matching, exported vars are
                     %% probably safe.
                     exported_var(Line, V, From, St)};
                error ->
                     add_error(Line, {unbound_var,V}, St)}

%% expr_var(Variable, LineNo, VarTable, State) ->
%%      {UpdVarTable,State}
%%  Check if a variable is defined, or if there is an error or warning
%%  connected to its usage. Return all variables as bound so errors
%%  and warnings are only reported once.  As this is not matching
%%  exported vars are probably safe, warn only if warn_export_vars is
%%  set.

expr_var(V, Line, Vt, St0) ->
    case orddict:find(V, Vt) of
        {ok,{bound,_Usage,Ls}} ->
        {ok,{{unsafe,In},_Usage,Ls}} ->
             add_error(Line, {unsafe_var,V,In}, St0)};
        {ok,{{export,From},_Usage,Ls}} ->
             exported_var(Line, V, From, St0)};
        error ->
             add_error(Line, {unbound_var,V}, St0)}

exported_var(Line, V, From, St) ->
    case is_warn_enabled(export_vars, St) of
        true -> add_warning(Line, {exported_var,V,From}, St);
        false -> St

shadow_vars(Vt, Vt0, In, St0) ->
    case is_warn_enabled(shadow_vars, St0) of
        true ->
            foldl(fun ({V,{_,_,[L | _]}}, St) ->
                          add_warning(L, {shadowed_var,V,In}, St);
                      (_, St) -> St
                  end, St0, vtold(Vt, vt_no_unsafe(Vt0)));
        false -> St0

check_unused_vars(Vt, Vt0, St0) ->
    U = unused_vars(Vt, Vt0, St0),
    warn_unused_vars(U, Vt, St0).

check_old_unused_vars(Vt, Vt0, St0) ->
    U = unused_vars(vtold(Vt, Vt0), [], St0),
    warn_unused_vars(U, Vt, St0).

unused_vars(Vt, Vt0, _St0) ->
    U0 = orddict:filter(fun (V, {_State,unused,_Ls}) ->
                                case atom_to_list(V) of
                                    "_"++_ -> false;
                                    _ -> true
                            (_V, _How) -> false
                        end, Vt),
    vtnew(U0, Vt0). % Only new variables.

warn_unused_vars([], Vt, St0) ->
warn_unused_vars(U, Vt, St0) ->
    St1 = case is_warn_enabled(unused_vars, St0) of
	      false -> St0;
	      true ->
		  foldl(fun ({V,{_,unused,Ls}}, St) ->
				foldl(fun (L, St2) ->
					      add_warning(L, {unused_var,V},
				      end, St, Ls)
			end, St0, U)
    %% Return all variables as bound so warnings are only reported once.
    UVt = map(fun ({V,{State,_,Ls}}) -> {V,{State,used,Ls}} end, U),
    {vtmerge(Vt, UVt), St1}.

%% vtupdate(UpdVarTable, VarTable) -> VarTable.
%%  Add the variables in the updated vartable to VarTable. The variables
%%  will be updated with their property in UpdVarTable. The state of
%%  the variables in UpdVarTable will be returned.

vtupdate(Uvt, Vt0) ->
    orddict:merge(fun (_V, {S,U1,L1}, {_S,U2,L2}) ->
                          {S, merge_used(U1, U2), merge_lines(L1, L2)}
                  end, Uvt, Vt0).

%% vtexport([Variable], From, VarTable) -> VarTable.
%% vtunsafe([Variable], From, VarTable) -> VarTable.
%%  Add the variables to VarTable either as exported from From or as unsafe.

vtexport(Vs, {InTag,FileLine}, Vt0) ->
    {_File,Line} = loc(FileLine),
    vtupdate([{V,{{export,{InTag,Line}},unused,[]}} || V <- Vs], Vt0).

vtunsafe(Vs, {InTag,FileLine}, Vt0) ->
    {_File,Line} = loc(FileLine),
    vtupdate([{V,{{unsafe,{InTag,Line}},unused,[]}} || V <- Vs], Vt0).

%% vtmerge(VarTable, VarTable) -> VarTable.
%%  Merge two variables tables generating a new vartable. Give priority to
%%  errors then warnings.

vtmerge(Vt1, Vt2) ->
    orddict:merge(fun (_V, {S1,U1,L1}, {S2,U2,L2}) ->
                          {merge_state(S1, S2),
                           merge_used(U1, U2),
                           merge_lines(L1, L2)}
                  end, Vt1, Vt2).

vtmerge(Vts) -> foldl(fun (Vt, Mvts) -> vtmerge(Vt, Mvts) end, [], Vts).

vtmerge_pat(Vt1, Vt2) ->
    orddict:merge(fun (_V, {S1,_Usage1,L1}, {S2,_Usage2,L2}) ->
                          {merge_state(S1, S2),used, merge_lines(L1, L2)}
                  end, Vt1, Vt2).

merge_lines(Ls1, Ls2) ->

merge_state({unsafe,_F1}=S1, _S2) -> S1;          %Take the error case
merge_state(_S1, {unsafe,_F2}=S2) -> S2;
merge_state(bound, S2) -> S2;                   %Take the warning
merge_state(S1, bound) -> S1;
merge_state({export,F1},{export,_F2}) ->        %Sanity check
    %% We want to report the outermost construct

merge_used(used, _Usage2) -> used;
merge_used(_Usage1, used) -> used;
merge_used(unused, unused) -> unused.

%% vtnew(NewVarTable, OldVarTable) -> NewVarTable.
%%  Return all the truly new variables in NewVarTable.

vtnew(New, Old) ->
    orddict:filter(fun (V, _How) -> not orddict:is_key(V, Old) end, New).

%% vtsubtract(VarTable1, VarTable2) -> NewVarTable.
%%  Return all the variables in VarTable1 which don't occur in VarTable2.
%%  Same thing as vtnew, but a more intuitive name for some uses.
vtsubtract(New, Old) ->
    vtnew(New, Old).

%% vtold(NewVarTable, OldVarTable) -> OldVarTable.
%%  Return all the truly old variables in NewVarTable.

vtold(New, Old) ->
    orddict:filter(fun (V, _How) -> orddict:is_key(V, Old) end, New).

vtnames(Vt) -> [ V || {V,_How} <- Vt ].

vt_no_unsafe(Vt) -> [V || {_,{S,_U,_L}}=V <- Vt,
                          case S of
                              {unsafe,_} -> false;
                              _ -> true

%% vunion(VarTable1, VarTable2) -> [VarName].
%% vunion([VarTable]) -> [VarName].
%% vintersection(VarTable1, VarTable2) -> [VarName].
%% vintersection([VarTable]) -> [VarName].
%%  Union/intersection of names of vars in VarTable.

vunion(Vs1, Vs2) -> ordsets:union(vtnames(Vs1), vtnames(Vs2)).

vunion(Vss) -> foldl(fun (Vs, Uvs) ->
                             ordsets:union(vtnames(Vs), Uvs)
                     end, [], Vss).

vintersection(Vs1, Vs2) -> ordsets:intersection(vtnames(Vs1), vtnames(Vs2)).

vintersection([Vs]) ->
    vtnames(Vs);                %Boundary conditions!!!
vintersection([Vs|Vss]) ->
    ordsets:intersection(vtnames(Vs), vintersection(Vss));
vintersection([]) ->

%% copy_expr(Expr, Line) -> Expr.
%%  Make a copy of Expr converting all line numbers to Line.

copy_expr(Expr, Line) ->
    modify_line(Expr, fun(_L) -> Line end).

%% modify_line(Form, Fun) -> Form
%% modify_line(Expression, Fun) -> Expression
%%  Applies Fun to each line number occurrence.

modify_line(T, F0) ->
    modify_line1(T, F0).

%% Forms.
modify_line1({function,F,A}, _Mf) -> {function,F,A};
modify_line1({function,M,F,A}, _Mf) -> {function,M,F,A};
modify_line1({attribute,L,record,{Name,Fields}}, Mf) ->
    {attribute,Mf(L),record,{Name,modify_line1(Fields, Mf)}};
modify_line1({attribute,L,spec,{Fun,Types}}, Mf) ->
    {attribute,Mf(L),spec,{Fun,modify_line1(Types, Mf)}};
modify_line1({attribute,L,callback,{Fun,Types}}, Mf) ->
    {attribute,Mf(L),callback,{Fun,modify_line1(Types, Mf)}};
modify_line1({attribute,L,type,{TypeName,TypeDef,Args}}, Mf) ->
    {attribute,Mf(L),type,{TypeName,modify_line1(TypeDef, Mf),
			   modify_line1(Args, Mf)}};
modify_line1({attribute,L,opaque,{TypeName,TypeDef,Args}}, Mf) ->
    {attribute,Mf(L),opaque,{TypeName,modify_line1(TypeDef, Mf),
                             modify_line1(Args, Mf)}};
modify_line1({attribute,L,Attr,Val}, Mf) -> {attribute,Mf(L),Attr,Val};
modify_line1({warning,W}, _Mf) -> {warning,W};
modify_line1({error,W}, _Mf) -> {error,W};
%% Expressions.
modify_line1({clauses,Cs}, Mf) -> {clauses,modify_line1(Cs, Mf)};
modify_line1({typed_record_field,Field,Type}, Mf) ->
    {typed_record_field,modify_line1(Field, Mf),modify_line1(Type, Mf)};
modify_line1({Tag,L}, Mf) -> {Tag,Mf(L)};
modify_line1({Tag,L,E1}, Mf) ->
    {Tag,Mf(L),modify_line1(E1, Mf)};
modify_line1({Tag,L,E1,E2}, Mf) ->
    {Tag,Mf(L),modify_line1(E1, Mf),modify_line1(E2, Mf)};
modify_line1({bin_element,L,E1,E2,TSL}, Mf) ->
    {bin_element,Mf(L),modify_line1(E1, Mf),modify_line1(E2, Mf), TSL};
modify_line1({Tag,L,E1,E2,E3}, Mf) ->
    {Tag,Mf(L),modify_line1(E1, Mf),modify_line1(E2, Mf),modify_line1(E3, Mf)};
modify_line1({Tag,L,E1,E2,E3,E4}, Mf) ->
     modify_line1(E1, Mf),
     modify_line1(E2, Mf),
     modify_line1(E3, Mf),
     modify_line1(E4, Mf)};
modify_line1([H|T], Mf) ->
    [modify_line1(H, Mf)|modify_line1(T, Mf)];
modify_line1([], _Mf) -> [];
modify_line1(E, _Mf) when not is_tuple(E), not is_list(E) -> E.

%% Check a record_info call. We have already checked that it is not
%% shadowed by an import.

check_record_info_call(_Line,La,[{atom,Li,Info},{atom,_Ln,Name}],St) ->
    case member(Info, [fields,size]) of
        true -> exist_record(La, Name, St);
        false -> add_error(Li, illegal_record_info, St)
check_record_info_call(Line,_La,_As,St) ->
    add_error(Line, illegal_record_info, St).

has_wildcard_field([{record_field,_Lf,{var,_La,'_'},_Val}|_Fs]) -> true;
has_wildcard_field([_|Fs]) -> has_wildcard_field(Fs);
has_wildcard_field([]) -> false.

%% check_remote_function(Line, ModuleName, FuncName, [Arg], State) -> State.
%%  Perform checks on known remote calls.

check_remote_function(Line, M, F, As, St0) ->
    St1 = deprecated_function(Line, M, F, As, St0),
    St2 = check_qlc_hrl(Line, M, F, As, St1),
    format_function(Line, M, F, As, St2).

%% check_qlc_hrl(Line, ModName, FuncName, [Arg], State) -> State
%%  Add warning if qlc:q/1,2 has been called but qlc.hrl has not
%%  been included.

check_qlc_hrl(Line, M, F, As, St) ->
    Arity = length(As),
    case As of
        [{lc,_L,_E,_Qs}|_] when M =:= qlc, F =:= q,
                                Arity < 3, not St#lint.xqlc ->
            add_warning(Line, {missing_qlc_hrl, Arity}, St);
        _ ->

%% deprecated_function(Line, ModName, FuncName, [Arg], State) -> State.
%%  Add warning for calls to deprecated functions.

deprecated_function(Line, M, F, As, St) ->
    Arity = length(As),
    MFA = {M, F, Arity},
    case otp_internal:obsolete(M, F, Arity) of
	{deprecated, String} when is_list(String) ->
            case not is_warn_enabled(deprecated_function, St) orelse
		ordsets:is_element(MFA, St#lint.not_deprecated) of
                true ->
                false ->
		    add_warning(Line, {deprecated, MFA, String}, St)
	{deprecated, Replacement, Rel} ->
            case not is_warn_enabled(deprecated_function, St) orelse
		ordsets:is_element(MFA, St#lint.not_deprecated) of
                true ->
                false ->
		    add_warning(Line, {deprecated, MFA, Replacement, Rel}, St)
	{removed, String} when is_list(String) ->
	    add_warning(Line, {removed, MFA, String}, St);
	{removed, Replacement, Rel} ->
	    add_warning(Line, {removed, MFA, Replacement, Rel}, St);
        no ->

obsolete_guard({call,Line,{atom,Lr,F},As}, St0) ->
    Arity = length(As),
    case erl_internal:old_type_test(F, Arity) of
	false ->
	    deprecated_function(Line, erlang, F, As, St0);
	true ->
	    case is_warn_enabled(obsolete_guard, St0) of
		true ->
		    add_warning(Lr,{obsolete_guard, {F, Arity}}, St0);
		false ->
obsolete_guard(_G, St) ->

%% keyword_warning(Line, Atom, State) -> State.
%%  Add warning for atoms that will be reserved keywords in the future.
%%  (Currently, no such keywords to warn for.)
keyword_warning(_Line, _A, St) -> St.

%% format_function(Line, ModName, FuncName, [Arg], State) -> State.
%%  Add warning for bad calls to io:fwrite/format functions.

format_function(Line, M, F, As, St) ->
    case is_format_function(M, F) of
        true ->
            case St#lint.warn_format of
                Lev when Lev > 0 ->
                    case check_format_1(As) of
                        {warn,Level,Fmt,Fas} when Level =< Lev ->
                            add_warning(Line, {format_error,{Fmt,Fas}}, St);
                        _ -> St
                _Lev -> St
        false -> St

is_format_function(io, fwrite) -> true;
is_format_function(io, format) -> true;
is_format_function(io_lib, fwrite) -> true;
is_format_function(io_lib, format) -> true;
is_format_function(M, F) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F) -> false.

%% check_format_1([Arg]) -> ok | {warn,Level,Format,[Arg]}.

check_format_1([Fmt]) ->
check_format_1([Fmt,As]) ->
    check_format_2(Fmt, canonicalize_string(As));
check_format_1([_Dev,Fmt,As]) ->
check_format_1(_As) ->
    {warn,1,"format call with wrong number of arguments",[]}.

canonicalize_string({string,Line,Cs}) ->
    foldr(fun (C, T) -> {cons,Line,{integer,Line,C},T} end, {nil,Line}, Cs);
canonicalize_string(Term) ->

%% check_format_2([Arg]) -> ok | {warn,Level,Format,[Arg]}.

check_format_2(Fmt, As) ->
    case Fmt of
        {string,_L,S} -> check_format_2a(S, As);
        {atom,_L,A} -> check_format_2a(atom_to_list(A), As);
        _ -> {warn,2,"format string not a textual constant",[]}

check_format_2a(Fmt, As) ->
    case args_list(As) of
        true -> check_format_3(Fmt, As);
        false -> {warn,1,"format arguments not a list",[]};
        maybe -> {warn,2,"format arguments perhaps not a list",[]}

%% check_format_3(FormatString, [Arg]) -> ok | {warn,Level,Format,[Arg]}.

check_format_3(Fmt, As) ->
    case check_format_string(Fmt) of
        {ok,Need} ->
            case args_length(As) of
                Len when length(Need) =:= Len -> ok;
                _Len -> {warn,1,"wrong number of arguments in format call",[]}
        {error,S} ->
            {warn,1,"format string invalid (~s)",[S]}

args_list({cons,_L,_H,T}) -> args_list(T);
%% Strange case: user has written something like [a | "bcd"]; pretend
%% we don't know:
args_list({string,_L,_Cs}) -> maybe;
args_list({nil,_L}) -> true;
args_list({atom,_,_}) -> false;
args_list({integer,_,_}) -> false;
args_list({float,_,_}) -> false;
args_list(_Other) -> maybe.

args_length({cons,_L,_H,T}) -> 1 + args_length(T);
args_length({nil,_L}) -> 0.

check_format_string(Fmt) ->
    extract_sequences(Fmt, []).

extract_sequences(Fmt, Need0) ->
    case string:chr(Fmt, $~) of
        0 -> {ok,lists:reverse(Need0)};         %That's it
        Pos ->
            Fmt1 = string:substr(Fmt, Pos+1),   %Skip ~
            case extract_sequence(1, Fmt1, Need0) of
                {ok,Need1,Rest} -> extract_sequences(Rest, Need1);
                Error -> Error

extract_sequence(1, [$-,C|Fmt], Need) when C >= $0, C =< $9 ->
    extract_sequence_digits(1, Fmt, Need);
extract_sequence(1, [C|Fmt], Need) when C >= $0, C =< $9 ->
    extract_sequence_digits(1, Fmt, Need);
extract_sequence(1, [$-,$*|Fmt], Need) ->
    extract_sequence(2, Fmt, [int|Need]);
extract_sequence(1, [$*|Fmt], Need) ->
    extract_sequence(2, Fmt, [int|Need]);
extract_sequence(1, Fmt, Need) ->
    extract_sequence(2, Fmt, Need);
extract_sequence(2, [$.,C|Fmt], Need) when C >= $0, C =< $9 ->
    extract_sequence_digits(2, Fmt, Need);
extract_sequence(2, [$.,$*|Fmt], Need) ->
    extract_sequence(3, Fmt, [int|Need]);
extract_sequence(2, [$.|Fmt], Need) ->
    extract_sequence(3, Fmt, Need);
extract_sequence(2, Fmt, Need) ->
    extract_sequence(4, Fmt, Need);
extract_sequence(3, [$.,$*|Fmt], Need) ->
    extract_sequence(4, Fmt, [int|Need]);
extract_sequence(3, [$.,_|Fmt], Need) ->
    extract_sequence(4, Fmt, Need);
extract_sequence(3, Fmt, Need) ->
    extract_sequence(4, Fmt, Need);
extract_sequence(4, [$t, $c | Fmt], Need) ->
    extract_sequence(5, [$c|Fmt], Need);
extract_sequence(4, [$t, $s | Fmt], Need) ->
    extract_sequence(5, [$s|Fmt], Need);
extract_sequence(4, [$t, $p | Fmt], Need) ->
    extract_sequence(5, [$p|Fmt], Need);
extract_sequence(4, [$t, $P | Fmt], Need) ->
    extract_sequence(5, [$P|Fmt], Need);
extract_sequence(4, [$t, C | _Fmt], _Need) ->
    {error,"invalid control ~t" ++ [C]};
extract_sequence(4, Fmt, Need) ->
    extract_sequence(5, Fmt, Need);
extract_sequence(5, [C|Fmt], Need0) ->
    case control_type(C, Need0) of
        error -> {error,"invalid control ~" ++ [C]};
        Need1 -> {ok,Need1,Fmt}
extract_sequence(_, [], _Need) -> {error,"truncated"}.

extract_sequence_digits(Fld, [C|Fmt], Need) when C >= $0, C =< $9 ->
    extract_sequence_digits(Fld, Fmt, Need);
extract_sequence_digits(Fld, Fmt, Need) ->
    extract_sequence(Fld+1, Fmt, Need).

control_type($~, Need) -> Need;
control_type($c, Need) -> [int|Need];
control_type($f, Need) -> [float|Need];
control_type($e, Need) -> [float|Need];
control_type($g, Need) -> [float|Need];
control_type($s, Need) -> [string|Need];
control_type($w, Need) -> [term|Need];
control_type($p, Need) -> [term|Need];
control_type($W, Need) -> [int,term|Need]; %% Note: reversed
control_type($P, Need) -> [int,term|Need]; %% Note: reversed
control_type($b, Need) -> [term|Need];
control_type($B, Need) -> [term|Need];
control_type($x, Need) -> [string,term|Need]; %% Note: reversed
control_type($X, Need) -> [string,term|Need]; %% Note: reversed
control_type($+, Need) -> [term|Need];
control_type($#, Need) -> [term|Need];
control_type($n, Need) -> Need;
control_type($i, Need) -> [term|Need];
control_type(_C, _Need) -> error.

%% Prebuild set of local functions (to override auto-import)
local_functions(Forms) ->
    gb_sets:from_list([ {Func,Arity} || {function,_,Func,Arity,_} <- Forms ]).
%% Predicate to find out if the function is locally defined
is_local_function(LocalSet,{Func,Arity}) ->
%% Predicate to see if a function is explicitly imported
is_imported_function(ImportSet,{Func,Arity}) ->
    case orddict:find({Func,Arity}, ImportSet) of
        {ok,_Mod} -> true;
        error -> false
%% Predicate to see if a function is explicitly imported from the erlang module
is_imported_from_erlang(ImportSet,{Func,Arity}) ->
    case orddict:find({Func,Arity}, ImportSet) of
        {ok,erlang} -> true;
        _ -> false
%% Build set of functions where auto-import is explicitly supressed
auto_import_suppressed(CompileFlags) ->
    L0 = [ X || {no_auto_import,X} <- CompileFlags ],
    L1 = [ {Y,Z} || {Y,Z} <- lists:flatten(L0), is_atom(Y), is_integer(Z) ],
%% Predicate to find out if autoimport is explicitly supressed for a function
is_autoimport_suppressed(NoAutoSet,{Func,Arity}) ->
%% Predicate to find out if a function specific bif-clash supression (old deprecated) is present
bif_clash_specifically_disabled(St,{F,A}) ->
    Nowarn = nowarn_function(nowarn_bif_clash, St#lint.compile),

%% Predicate to find out if an autoimported guard_bif is not overriden in some way
%% Guard Bif without module name is disallowed if
%% * It is overridden by local function
%% * It is overridden by -import and that import is not of itself (i.e. from module erlang)
%% * The autoimport is suppressed or it's not reimported by -import directive
%% Otherwise it's OK (given that it's actually a guard bif and actually is autoimported)
no_guard_bif_clash(St,{F,A}) ->
      (not is_local_function(St#lint.locals,{F,A}))
        (not is_imported_function(St#lint.imports,{F,A})) orelse
        (not is_autoimport_suppressed(St#lint.no_auto, {F,A})) orelse