%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2019. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%%% Pretty printer for Erlang code in the same format as returned from
%%% the parser. It does not always produce pretty code.
-import(lists, [append/1,foldr/3,map/2,mapfoldl/3,reverse/1,reverse/2]).
-import(io_lib, [write/1,format/2]).
-import(erl_parse, [inop_prec/1,preop_prec/1,func_prec/0,max_prec/0,
type_inop_prec/1, type_preop_prec/1]).
-define(MAXLINE, 72).
-type(hook_function() :: none
| fun((Expr :: erl_parse:abstract_expr(),
CurrentIndentation :: integer(),
CurrentPrecedence :: non_neg_integer(),
Options :: options()) ->
-type(option() :: {hook, hook_function()}
| {encoding, latin1 | unicode | utf8}
| {quote_singleton_atom_types, boolean()}).
-type(options() :: hook_function() | [option()]).
-record(pp, {value_fun, singleton_atom_type_fun, string_fun, char_fun}).
-record(options, {hook, encoding, opts}).
%-define(DEBUG, true).
_ = case T of
{eof, _Line} -> ok;
{warning, _W} -> ok;
{error, _E} -> ok;
_ -> ?TEST(T)
_ = [?TEST(E) || E <- L]).
%% Assumes that erl_anno has been compiled with DEBUG=true.
%% erl_pp does not use the annoations, but test it anyway.
%% Note: hooks are not handled.
_ = try
erl_parse:map_anno(fun(A) when is_list(A) -> A end, T)
_:_ ->
erlang:error(badarg, [T])
-define(FORM_TEST(T), ok).
-define(EXPRS_TEST(T), ok).
-define(TEST(T), ok).
%%% Exported functions
-spec(form(Form) -> io_lib:chars() when
Form :: erl_parse:abstract_form() | erl_parse:form_info()).
form(Thing) ->
form(Thing, none).
-spec(form(Form, Options) -> io_lib:chars() when
Form :: erl_parse:abstract_form() | erl_parse:form_info(),
Options :: options()).
form(Thing, Options) ->
State = state(Options),
frmt(lform(Thing, options(Options)), State).
-spec(attribute(Attribute) -> io_lib:chars() when
Attribute :: erl_parse:abstract_form()).
attribute(Thing) ->
attribute(Thing, none).
-spec(attribute(Attribute, Options) -> io_lib:chars() when
Attribute :: erl_parse:abstract_form(),
Options :: options()).
attribute(Thing, Options) ->
State = state(Options),
frmt(lattribute(Thing, options(Options)), State).
-spec(function(Function) -> io_lib:chars() when
Function :: erl_parse:abstract_form()).
function(F) ->
function(F, none).
-spec(function(Function, Options) -> io_lib:chars() when
Function :: erl_parse:abstract_form(),
Options :: options()).
function(F, Options) ->
frmt(lfunction(F, options(Options)), state(Options)).
-spec(guard(Guard) -> io_lib:chars() when
Guard :: [erl_parse:abstract_expr()]).
guard(Gs) ->
guard(Gs, none).
-spec(guard(Guard, Options) -> io_lib:chars() when
Guard :: [erl_parse:abstract_expr()],
Options :: options()).
guard(Gs, Options) ->
frmt(lguard(Gs, options(Options)), state(Options)).
-spec(exprs(Expressions) -> io_lib:chars() when
Expressions :: [erl_parse:abstract_expr()]).
exprs(Es) ->
exprs(Es, 0, none).
-spec(exprs(Expressions, Options) -> io_lib:chars() when
Expressions :: [erl_parse:abstract_expr()],
Options :: options()).
exprs(Es, Options) ->
exprs(Es, 0, Options).
-spec(exprs(Expressions, Indent, Options) -> io_lib:chars() when
Expressions :: [erl_parse:abstract_expr()],
Indent :: integer(),
Options :: options()).
exprs(Es, I, Options) ->
frmt({seq,[],[],[$,],lexprs(Es, options(Options))}, I, state(Options)).
-spec(expr(Expression) -> io_lib:chars() when
Expression :: erl_parse:abstract_expr()).
expr(E) ->
frmt(lexpr(E, 0, options(none)), state(none)).
-spec(expr(Expression, Options) -> io_lib:chars() when
Expression :: erl_parse:abstract_expr(),
Options :: options()).
expr(E, Options) ->
frmt(lexpr(E, 0, options(Options)), state(Options)).
-spec(expr(Expression, Indent, Options) -> io_lib:chars() when
Expression :: erl_parse:abstract_expr(),
Indent :: integer(),
Options :: options()).
expr(E, I, Options) ->
frmt(lexpr(E, 0, options(Options)), I, state(Options)).
-spec(expr(Expression, Indent, Precedence, Options) -> io_lib:chars() when
Expression :: erl_parse:abstract_expr(),
Indent :: integer(),
Precedence :: non_neg_integer(),
Options :: options()).
expr(E, I, P, Options) ->
frmt(lexpr(E, P, options(Options)), I, state(Options)).
%%% Local functions
options(Options) when is_list(Options) ->
Hook = proplists:get_value(hook, Options, none),
Encoding = encoding(Options),
#options{hook = Hook, encoding = Encoding, opts = Options};
options(Hook) ->
#options{hook = Hook, encoding = encoding([]), opts = Hook}.
state(Options) when is_list(Options) ->
Quote = proplists:get_bool(quote_singleton_atom_types, Options),
case encoding(Options) of
latin1 -> latin1_state(Quote);
unicode -> unicode_state(Quote)
state(_Hook) ->
latin1_state(Quote) ->
Options = [{encoding,latin1}],
ValueFun = fun(V) -> io_lib_pretty:print(V, Options) end,
SingletonFun =
case Quote of
true ->
fun(A) ->
io_lib:write_string_as_latin1(atom_to_list(A), $')
end; %'
false ->
#pp{value_fun = ValueFun,
singleton_atom_type_fun = SingletonFun,
string_fun = fun io_lib:write_string_as_latin1/1,
char_fun = fun io_lib:write_char_as_latin1/1}.
unicode_state(Quote) ->
Options = [{encoding,unicode}],
ValueFun = fun(V) -> io_lib_pretty:print(V, Options) end,
SingletonFun =
case Quote of
true ->
fun(A) -> io_lib:write_string(atom_to_list(A), $') end; %'
false ->
#pp{value_fun = ValueFun,
singleton_atom_type_fun = SingletonFun,
string_fun = fun io_lib:write_string/1,
char_fun = fun io_lib:write_char/1}.
encoding(Options) ->
case proplists:get_value(encoding, Options, epp:default_encoding()) of
latin1 -> latin1;
utf8 -> unicode;
unicode -> unicode
lform({attribute,Line,Name,Arg}, Opts) ->
lattribute({attribute,Line,Name,Arg}, Opts);
lform({function,Line,Name,Arity,Clauses}, Opts) ->
lfunction({function,Line,Name,Arity,Clauses}, Opts);
%% These are specials to make it easier for the compiler.
lform({error,_}=E, Opts) ->
message(E, Opts);
lform({warning,_}=W, Opts) ->
message(W, Opts);
lform({eof,_Line}, _Opts) ->
message(M, #options{encoding = Encoding}) ->
F = case Encoding of
latin1 -> "~p\n";
unicode -> "~tp\n"
leaf(format(F, [M])).
lattribute({attribute,_Line,type,Type}, Opts) ->
[typeattr(type, Type, Opts),leaf(".\n")];
lattribute({attribute,_Line,opaque,Type}, Opts) ->
[typeattr(opaque, Type, Opts),leaf(".\n")];
lattribute({attribute,_Line,spec,Arg}, _Opts) ->
[specattr(spec, Arg),leaf(".\n")];
lattribute({attribute,_Line,callback,Arg}, _Opts) ->
[specattr(callback, Arg),leaf(".\n")];
lattribute({attribute,_Line,Name,Arg}, Opts) ->
[lattribute(Name, Arg, Opts),leaf(".\n")].
lattribute(module, {M,Vs}, _Opts) ->
A = a0(),
foldr(fun(V, C) -> {cons,A,{var,A,V},C}
end, {nil,A}, Vs)]);
lattribute(module, M, _Opts) ->
attr(module, [{var,a0(),pname(M)}]);
lattribute(export, Falist, _Opts) ->
attrib(export, falist(Falist));
lattribute(import, Name, _Opts) when is_list(Name) ->
attr(import, [{var,a0(),pname(Name)}]);
lattribute(import, {From,Falist}, _Opts) ->
attrib(import, [leaf(pname(From)),falist(Falist)]);
lattribute(export_type, Talist, _Opts) ->
attrib(export_type, falist(Talist));
lattribute(optional_callbacks, Falist, Opts) ->
try attrib(optional_callbacks, falist(Falist))
catch _:_ -> attr(optional_callbacks, [abstract(Falist, Opts)])
lattribute(file, {Name,Line}, _Opts) ->
attr(file, [{string,a0(),Name},{integer,a0(),Line}]);
lattribute(record, {Name,Is}, Opts) ->
Nl = [leaf("-record("),{atom,Name},$,],
[{first,Nl,record_fields(Is, Opts)},$)];
lattribute(Name, Arg, Options) ->
attr(Name, [abstract(Arg, Options)]).
abstract(Arg, #options{encoding = Encoding}) ->
erl_parse:abstract(Arg, [{encoding,Encoding}]).
typeattr(Tag, {TypeName,Type,Args}, _Opts) ->
{first,leaf("-"++atom_to_list(Tag)++" "),
typed(call({atom,a0(),TypeName}, Args, 0, options(none)), Type)}.
ltype(T) ->
ltype(T, 0).
ltype({ann_type,_Line,[V,T]}, Prec) ->
{_L,P,_R} = type_inop_prec('::'),
E = typed(lexpr(V, options(none)), T),
maybe_paren(P, Prec, E);
ltype({paren_type,_Line,[T]}, P) ->
%% Generated before Erlang/OTP 18.
ltype(T, P);
ltype({type,_Line,union,Ts}, Prec) ->
{_L,P,R} = type_inop_prec('|'),
E = {seq,[],[],[' |'],ltypes(Ts, R)},
maybe_paren(P, Prec, E);
ltype({type,_Line,list,[T]}, _) ->
ltype({type,_Line,nonempty_list,[T]}, _) ->
ltype({type,Line,nil,[]}, _) ->
lexpr({nil,Line}, options(none));
ltype({type,Line,map,any}, _) ->
simple_type({atom,Line,map}, []);
ltype({type,_Line,map,Pairs}, Prec) ->
{P,_R} = type_preop_prec('#'),
E = map_type(Pairs),
maybe_paren(P, Prec, E);
ltype({type,Line,tuple,any}, _) ->
simple_type({atom,Line,tuple}, []);
ltype({type,_Line,tuple,Ts}, _) ->
tuple_type(Ts, fun ltype/2);
ltype({type,_Line,record,[{atom,_,N}|Fs]}, Prec) ->
{P,_R} = type_preop_prec('#'),
E = record_type(N, Fs),
maybe_paren(P, Prec, E);
ltype({type,_Line,range,[_I1,_I2]=Es}, Prec) ->
{_L,P,R} = type_inop_prec('..'),
F = fun(E, Opts) -> lexpr(E, R, Opts) end,
E = expr_list(Es, '..', F, options(none)),
maybe_paren(P, Prec, E);
ltype({type,_Line,binary,[I1,I2]}, _) ->
binary_type(I1, I2); % except binary()
ltype({type,_Line,'fun',[]}, _) ->
ltype({type,_,'fun',[{type,_,any},_]}=FunType, _) ->
[fun_type(['fun',$(], FunType),$)];
ltype({type,_Line,'fun',[{type,_,product,_},_]}=FunType, _) ->
[fun_type(['fun',$(], FunType),$)];
ltype({type,Line,T,Ts}, _) ->
simple_type({atom,Line,T}, Ts);
ltype({user_type,Line,T,Ts}, _) ->
simple_type({atom,Line,T}, Ts);
ltype({remote_type,Line,[M,F,Ts]}, _) ->
simple_type({remote,Line,M,F}, Ts);
ltype({atom,_,T}, _) ->
ltype(E, P) ->
lexpr(E, P, options(none)).
binary_type(I1, I2) ->
B = [[] || {integer,_,0} <- [I1]] =:= [],
U = [[] || {integer,_,0} <- [I2]] =:= [],
P = max_prec(),
E1 = [[leaf("_:"),lexpr(I1, P, options(none))] || B],
E2 = [[leaf("_:_*"),lexpr(I2, P, options(none))] || U],
case E1++E2 of
[] ->
Es ->
map_type(Fs) ->
map_pair_types(Fs) ->
tuple_type(Fs, fun map_pair_type/2).
map_pair_type({type,_Line,map_field_assoc,[KType,VType]}, Prec) ->
{list,[{cstep,[ltype(KType, Prec),leaf(" =>")],ltype(VType, Prec)}]};
map_pair_type({type,_Line,map_field_exact,[KType,VType]}, Prec) ->
{list,[{cstep,[ltype(KType, Prec),leaf(" :=")],ltype(VType, Prec)}]}.
record_type(Name, Fields) ->
field_types(Fs) ->
tuple_type(Fs, fun field_type/2).
field_type({type,_Line,field_type,[Name,Type]}, _Prec) ->
typed(lexpr(Name, options(none)), Type).
typed(B, Type) ->
{_L,_P,R} = type_inop_prec('::'),
{list,[{cstep,[B,' ::'],ltype(Type, R)}]}.
tuple_type([], _) ->
tuple_type(Ts, F) ->
{seq,${,$},[$,],ltypes(Ts, F, 0)}.
specattr(SpecKind, {FuncSpec,TypeSpecs}) ->
Func = case FuncSpec of
{F,_A} ->
{M,F,_A} ->
{first,leaf(lists:concat(["-", SpecKind, " "])),
spec_clauses(TypeSpecs) ->
{prefer_nl,[$;],[sig_type(T) || T <- TypeSpecs]}.
sig_type({type,_Line,bounded_fun,[T,Gs]}) ->
guard_type(fun_type([], T), Gs);
sig_type(FunType) ->
fun_type([], FunType).
guard_type(Before, Gs) ->
Opts = options(none),
Gl = {list,[{step,'when',expr_list(Gs, [$,], fun constraint/2, Opts)}]},
_Opts) ->
typed(lexpr(V, options(none)), Type);
constraint({type,_Line,constraint,[Tag,As]}, _Opts) ->
simple_type(Tag, As).
fun_type(Before, {type,_,'fun',[FType,Ret]}) ->
{first,Before,{step,[type_args(FType),' ->'],ltype(Ret)}}.
type_args({type,_Line,any}) ->
type_args({type,_line,product,Ts}) ->
simple_type(Tag, Types) ->
{first,lexpr(Tag, options(none)),targs(Types)}.
targs(Ts) ->
{seq,$(,$),[$,],ltypes(Ts, 0)}.
ltypes(Ts, Prec) ->
ltypes(Ts, fun ltype/2, Prec).
ltypes(Ts, F, Prec) ->
[F(T, Prec) || T <- Ts].
attr(Name, Args) ->
{first,[$-,{atom,Name}],args(Args, options(none))}.
attrib(Name, Args) ->
pname(['' | As]) ->
[$. | pname(As)];
pname([A]) ->
pname([A | As]) ->
pname(A) when is_atom(A) ->
falist([]) ->
falist(Falist) ->
L = [begin
{Name,Arity} = Fa,
[{atom,Name},leaf(format("/~w", [Arity]))]
end || Fa <- Falist],
lfunction({function,_Line,Name,_Arity,Cs}, Opts) ->
Cll = nl_clauses(fun (C, H) -> func_clause(Name, C, H) end, $;, Opts, Cs),
func_clause(Name, {clause,Line,Head,Guard,Body}, Opts) ->
Hl = call({atom,Line,Name}, Head, 0, Opts),
Gl = guard_when(Hl, Guard, Opts),
Bl = body(Body, Opts),
guard_when(Before, Guard, Opts) ->
guard_when(Before, Guard, Opts, ' ->').
guard_when(Before, Guard, Opts, After) ->
Gl = lguard(Guard, Opts),
lguard([E|Es], Opts) when is_list(E) ->
{list,[{step,'when',expr_list([E|Es], [$;], fun guard0/2, Opts)}]};
lguard([E|Es], Opts) -> % before R6
lguard([[E|Es]], Opts);
lguard([], _) ->
guard0(Es, Opts) ->
expr_list(Es, [$,], fun lexpr/2, Opts).
%% body(Before, Es, Opts) -> [Char].
body([E], Opts) ->
lexpr(E, Opts);
body(Es, Opts) ->
{prefer_nl,[$,],lexprs(Es, Opts)}.
lexpr(E, Opts) ->
lexpr(E, 0, Opts).
lexpr({var,_,V}, _, _) when is_integer(V) -> %Special hack for Robert
leaf(format("_~w", [V]));
lexpr({var,_,V}, _, _) -> leaf(format("~ts", [V]));
lexpr({char,_,C}, _, _) -> {char,C};
lexpr({integer,_,N}, _, _) -> leaf(write(N));
lexpr({float,_,F}, _, _) -> leaf(write(F));
lexpr({atom,_,A}, _, _) -> {atom,A};
lexpr({string,_,S}, _, _) -> {string,S};
lexpr({nil,_}, _, _) -> '[]';
lexpr({cons,_,H,T}, _, Opts) ->
list(T, [H], Opts);
lexpr({lc,_,E,Qs}, _Prec, Opts) ->
Lcl = {list,[{step,[lexpr(E, Opts),leaf(" ||")],lc_quals(Qs, Opts)}]},
{list,[{seq,$[,[],[[]],[{force_nl,leaf(" "),[Lcl]}]},$]]};
%% {list,[{step,$[,Lcl},$]]};
lexpr({bc,_,E,Qs}, _Prec, Opts) ->
Lcl = {list,[{step,[lexpr(E, Opts),leaf(" ||")],lc_quals(Qs, Opts)}]},
{list,[{seq,'<<',[],[[]],[{force_nl,leaf(" "),[Lcl]}]},'>>']};
%% {list,[{step,'<<',Lcl},'>>']};
lexpr({tuple,_,Elts}, _, Opts) ->
tuple(Elts, Opts);
%%lexpr({struct,_,Tag,Elts}, _, Opts) ->
%% {first,format("~w", [Tag]),tuple(Elts, Opts)};
lexpr({record_index, _, Name, F}, Prec, Opts) ->
{P,R} = preop_prec('#'),
Nl = record_name(Name),
El = [Nl,$.,lexpr(F, R, Opts)],
maybe_paren(P, Prec, El);
lexpr({record, _, Name, Fs}, Prec, Opts) ->
{P,_R} = preop_prec('#'),
Nl = record_name(Name),
El = {first,Nl,record_fields(Fs, Opts)},
maybe_paren(P, Prec, El);
lexpr({record_field, _, Rec, Name, F}, Prec, Opts) ->
{L,P,R} = inop_prec('#'),
Rl = lexpr(Rec, L, Opts),
Nl = [$#,{atom,Name},$.],
El = [Rl,Nl,lexpr(F, R, Opts)],
maybe_paren(P, Prec, El);
lexpr({record, _, Rec, Name, Fs}, Prec, Opts) ->
{L,P,_R} = inop_prec('#'),
Rl = lexpr(Rec, L, Opts),
Nl = record_name(Name),
El = {first,[Rl,Nl],record_fields(Fs, Opts)},
maybe_paren(P, Prec, El);
lexpr({record_field, _, {atom,_,''}, F}, Prec, Opts) ->
{_L,P,R} = inop_prec('.'),
El = [$.,lexpr(F, R, Opts)],
maybe_paren(P, Prec, El);
lexpr({record_field, _, Rec, F}, Prec, Opts) ->
{L,P,R} = inop_prec('.'),
El = [lexpr(Rec, L, Opts),$.,lexpr(F, R, Opts)],
maybe_paren(P, Prec, El);
lexpr({map, _, Fs}, Prec, Opts) ->
{P,_R} = preop_prec('#'),
El = {first,$#,map_fields(Fs, Opts)},
maybe_paren(P, Prec, El);
lexpr({map, _, Map, Fs}, Prec, Opts) ->
{L,P,_R} = inop_prec('#'),
Rl = lexpr(Map, L, Opts),
El = {first,[Rl,$#],map_fields(Fs, Opts)},
maybe_paren(P, Prec, El);
lexpr({block,_,Es}, _, Opts) ->
{list,[{step,'begin',body(Es, Opts)},{reserved,'end'}]};
lexpr({'if',_,Cs}, _, Opts) ->
{list,[{step,'if',if_clauses(Cs, Opts)},{reserved,'end'}]};
lexpr({'case',_,Expr,Cs}, _, Opts) ->
{list,[{step,{list,[{step,'case',lexpr(Expr, Opts)},{reserved,'of'}]},
cr_clauses(Cs, Opts)},
lexpr({'cond',_,Cs}, _, Opts) ->
{list,[{step,leaf("cond"),cond_clauses(Cs, Opts)},{reserved,'end'}]};
lexpr({'receive',_,Cs}, _, Opts) ->
{list,[{step,'receive',cr_clauses(Cs, Opts)},{reserved,'end'}]};
lexpr({'receive',_,Cs,To,ToOpt}, _, Opts) ->
Al = {list,[{step,[lexpr(To, Opts),' ->'],body(ToOpt, Opts)}]},
{list,[{step,'receive',cr_clauses(Cs, Opts)},
lexpr({'fun',_,{function,F,A}}, _Prec, _Opts) ->
[leaf("fun "),{atom,F},leaf(format("/~w", [A]))];
lexpr({'fun',L,{function,_,_}=Func,Extra}, Prec, Opts) ->
{force_nl,fun_info(Extra),lexpr({'fun',L,Func}, Prec, Opts)};
lexpr({'fun',L,{function,M,F,A}}, Prec, Opts)
when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_integer(A) ->
%% For backward compatibility with pre-R15 abstract format.
Mod = erl_parse:abstract(M),
Fun = erl_parse:abstract(F),
Arity = erl_parse:abstract(A),
lexpr({'fun',L,{function,Mod,Fun,Arity}}, Prec, Opts);
lexpr({'fun',_,{function,M,F,A}}, _Prec, Opts) ->
%% New format in R15.
NameItem = lexpr(M, Opts),
CallItem = lexpr(F, Opts),
ArityItem = lexpr(A, Opts),
["fun ",NameItem,$:,CallItem,$/,ArityItem];
lexpr({'fun',_,{clauses,Cs}}, _Prec, Opts) ->
{list,[{first,'fun',fun_clauses(Cs, Opts, unnamed)},{reserved,'end'}]};
lexpr({named_fun,_,Name,Cs}, _Prec, Opts) ->
{list,[{first,['fun', " "],fun_clauses(Cs, Opts, {named, Name})},
lexpr({'fun',_,{clauses,Cs},Extra}, _Prec, Opts) ->
{list,[{first,'fun',fun_clauses(Cs, Opts, unnamed)},{reserved,'end'}]}};
lexpr({named_fun,_,Name,Cs,Extra}, _Prec, Opts) ->
{list,[{first,['fun', " "],fun_clauses(Cs, Opts, {named, Name})},
lexpr({call,_,{remote,_,{atom,_,M},{atom,_,F}=N}=Name,Args}, Prec, Opts) ->
case erl_internal:bif(M, F, length(Args)) of
true ->
call(N, Args, Prec, Opts);
false ->
call(Name, Args, Prec, Opts)
lexpr({call,_,Name,Args}, Prec, Opts) ->
call(Name, Args, Prec, Opts);
lexpr({'try',_,Es,Scs,Ccs,As}, _, Opts) ->
Scs =:= [] ->
{step,'try',body(Es, Opts)};
true ->
{step,{list,[{step,'try',body(Es, Opts)},{reserved,'of'}]},
cr_clauses(Scs, Opts)}
Ccs =:= [] ->
true ->
{step,'catch',try_clauses(Ccs, Opts)}
As =:= [] ->
true ->
{step,'after',body(As, Opts)}
lexpr({'catch',_,Expr}, Prec, Opts) ->
{P,R} = preop_prec('catch'),
El = {list,[{step,'catch',lexpr(Expr, R, Opts)}]},
maybe_paren(P, Prec, El);
lexpr({match,_,Lhs,Rhs}, Prec, Opts) ->
{L,P,R} = inop_prec('='),
Pl = lexpr(Lhs, L, Opts),
Rl = lexpr(Rhs, R, Opts),
El = {list,[{cstep,[Pl,' ='],Rl}]},
maybe_paren(P, Prec, El);
lexpr({op,_,Op,Arg}, Prec, Opts) ->
{P,R} = preop_prec(Op),
Ol = {reserved, leaf(format("~s ", [Op]))},
El = [Ol,lexpr(Arg, R, Opts)],
maybe_paren(P, Prec, El);
lexpr({op,_,Op,Larg,Rarg}, Prec, Opts) when Op =:= 'orelse';
Op =:= 'andalso' ->
%% Breaks lines since R12B.
{L,P,R} = inop_prec(Op),
Ll = lexpr(Larg, L, Opts),
Ol = {reserved, leaf(format("~s", [Op]))},
Lr = lexpr(Rarg, R, Opts),
El = {prefer_nl,[[]],[Ll,Ol,Lr]},
maybe_paren(P, Prec, El);
lexpr({op,_,Op,Larg,Rarg}, Prec, Opts) ->
{L,P,R} = inop_prec(Op),
Ll = lexpr(Larg, L, Opts),
Ol = {reserved, leaf(format("~s", [Op]))},
Lr = lexpr(Rarg, R, Opts),
El = {list,[Ll,Ol,Lr]},
maybe_paren(P, Prec, El);
%% Special expressions which are not really legal everywhere.
lexpr({remote,_,M,F}, Prec, Opts) ->
{L,P,R} = inop_prec(':'),
NameItem = lexpr(M, L, Opts),
CallItem = lexpr(F, R, Opts),
maybe_paren(P, Prec, [NameItem,$:,CallItem]);
lexpr({bin,_,Fs}, _, Opts) ->
bit_grp(Fs, Opts);
%% Special case for straight values.
lexpr({value,_,Val}, _,_) ->
%% Now do the hook.
lexpr(Other, _Precedence, #options{hook = none}) ->
lexpr(HookExpr, Precedence, #options{hook = {Mod,Func,Eas}})
when Mod =/= 'fun' ->
lexpr(HookExpr, Precedence, #options{hook = Func, opts = Options}) ->
call(Name, Args, Prec, Opts) ->
{F,P} = func_prec(),
Item = {first,lexpr(Name, F, Opts),args(Args, Opts)},
maybe_paren(P, Prec, Item).
fun_info(Extra) ->
[leaf("% fun-info: "),{value,Extra}].
%% BITS:
bit_grp([], _Opts) ->
bit_grp(Fs, Opts) ->
append([['<<'], [bit_elems(Fs, Opts)], ['>>']]).
bit_elems(Es, Opts) ->
expr_list(Es, $,, fun bit_elem/2, Opts).
bit_elem({bin_element,_,Expr,Sz,Types}, Opts) ->
P = max_prec(),
VChars = lexpr(Expr, P, Opts),
SChars = if
Sz =/= default ->
[VChars,$:,lexpr(Sz, P, Opts)];
true ->
Types =/= default ->
true ->
bit_elem_types([T]) ->
bit_elem_types([T | Rest]) ->
[bit_elem_type(T), $-|bit_elem_types(Rest)].
bit_elem_type({A,B}) ->
[lexpr(erl_parse:abstract(A), options(none)),
lexpr(erl_parse:abstract(B), options(none))];
bit_elem_type(T) ->
lexpr(erl_parse:abstract(T), options(none)).
%% end of BITS
record_name(Name) ->
record_fields(Fs, Opts) ->
tuple(Fs, fun record_field/2, Opts).
record_field({record_field,_,F,Val}, Opts) ->
{L,_P,R} = inop_prec('='),
Fl = lexpr(F, L, Opts),
Vl = lexpr(Val, R, Opts),
{list,[{cstep,[Fl,' ='],Vl}]};
record_field({typed_record_field,{record_field,_,F,Val},Type}, Opts) ->
{L,_P,R} = inop_prec('='),
Fl = lexpr(F, L, Opts),
Vl = typed(lexpr(Val, R, Opts), Type),
{list,[{cstep,[Fl,' ='],Vl}]};
record_field({typed_record_field,Field,Type}, Opts) ->
typed(record_field(Field, Opts), Type);
record_field({record_field,_,F}, Opts) ->
lexpr(F, 0, Opts).
map_fields(Fs, Opts) ->
tuple(Fs, fun map_field/2, Opts).
map_field({map_field_assoc,_,K,V}, Opts) ->
Pl = lexpr(K, 0, Opts),
{list,[{step,[Pl,leaf(" =>")],lexpr(V, 0, Opts)}]};
map_field({map_field_exact,_,K,V}, Opts) ->
Pl = lexpr(K, 0, Opts),
{list,[{step,[Pl,leaf(" :=")],lexpr(V, 0, Opts)}]}.
list({cons,_,H,T}, Es, Opts) ->
list(T, [H|Es], Opts);
list({nil,_}, Es, Opts) ->
proper_list(reverse(Es), Opts);
list(Other, Es, Opts) ->
improper_list(reverse(Es, [Other]), Opts).
%% if_clauses(Clauses, Opts) -> [Char].
%% Print 'if' clauses.
if_clauses(Cs, Opts) ->
clauses(fun if_clause/2, Opts, Cs).
if_clause({clause,_,[],G,B}, Opts) ->
Gl = [guard_no_when(G, Opts),' ->'],
{step,Gl,body(B, Opts)}.
guard_no_when([E|Es], Opts) when is_list(E) ->
expr_list([E|Es], $;, fun guard0/2, Opts);
guard_no_when([E|Es], Opts) -> % before R6
guard_no_when([[E|Es]], Opts);
guard_no_when([], _) -> % cannot happen
%% cr_clauses(Clauses, Opts) -> [Char].
%% Print 'case'/'receive' clauses.
cr_clauses(Cs, Opts) ->
clauses(fun cr_clause/2, Opts, Cs).
cr_clause({clause,_,[T],G,B}, Opts) ->
El = lexpr(T, 0, Opts),
Gl = guard_when(El, G, Opts),
Bl = body(B, Opts),
%% try_clauses(Clauses, Opts) -> [Char].
%% Print 'try' clauses.
try_clauses(Cs, Opts) ->
clauses(fun try_clause/2, Opts, Cs).
try_clause({clause,_,[{tuple,_,[{atom,_,throw},V,S]}],G,B}, Opts) ->
El = lexpr(V, 0, Opts),
Sl = stack_backtrace(S, [El], Opts),
Gl = guard_when(Sl, G, Opts),
Bl = body(B, Opts),
try_clause({clause,_,[{tuple,_,[C,V,S]}],G,B}, Opts) ->
Cs = lexpr(C, 0, Opts),
El = lexpr(V, 0, Opts),
CsEl = [Cs,$:,El],
Sl = stack_backtrace(S, CsEl, Opts),
Gl = guard_when(Sl, G, Opts),
Bl = body(B, Opts),
stack_backtrace({var,_,'_'}, El, _Opts) ->
stack_backtrace(S, El, Opts) ->
El++[$:,lexpr(S, 0, Opts)].
%% fun_clauses(Clauses, Opts) -> [Char].
%% Print 'fun' clauses.
fun_clauses(Cs, Opts, unnamed) ->
nl_clauses(fun fun_clause/2, [$;], Opts, Cs);
fun_clauses(Cs, Opts, {named, Name}) ->
nl_clauses(fun (C, H) ->
{step,Gl,Bl} = fun_clause(C, H),
end, [$;], Opts, Cs).
fun_clause({clause,_,A,G,B}, Opts) ->
El = args(A, Opts),
Gl = guard_when(El, G, Opts),
Bl = body(B, Opts),
%% cond_clauses(Clauses, Opts) -> [Char].
%% Print 'cond' clauses.
cond_clauses(Cs, Opts) ->
clauses(fun cond_clause/2, Opts, Cs).
cond_clause({clause,_,[],[[E]],B}, Opts) ->
{step,[lexpr(E, Opts),' ->'],body(B, Opts)}.
%% nl_clauses(Type, Opts, Clauses) -> [Char].
%% Generic clause printing function (always breaks lines).
nl_clauses(Type, Sep, Opts, Cs) ->
{prefer_nl,Sep,lexprs(Cs, Type, Opts)}.
%% clauses(Type, Opts, Clauses) -> [Char].
%% Generic clause printing function (breaks lines since R12B).
clauses(Type, Opts, Cs) ->
{prefer_nl,[$;],lexprs(Cs, Type, Opts)}.
%% lc_quals(Qualifiers, After, Opts)
%% List comprehension qualifiers (breaks lines since R12B).
lc_quals(Qs, Opts) ->
{prefer_nl,[$,],lexprs(Qs, fun lc_qual/2, Opts)}.
lc_qual({b_generate,_,Pat,E}, Opts) ->
Pl = lexpr(Pat, 0, Opts),
{list,[{step,[Pl,leaf(" <=")],lexpr(E, 0, Opts)}]};
lc_qual({generate,_,Pat,E}, Opts) ->
Pl = lexpr(Pat, 0, Opts),
{list,[{step,[Pl,leaf(" <-")],lexpr(E, 0, Opts)}]};
lc_qual(Q, Opts) ->
lexpr(Q, 0, Opts).
proper_list(Es, Opts) ->
{seq,$[,$],[$,],lexprs(Es, Opts)}.
improper_list(Es, Opts) ->
{seq,$[,$],[{$,,' |'}],lexprs(Es, Opts)}.
tuple(L, Opts) ->
tuple(L, fun lexpr/2, Opts).
tuple([], _F, _Opts) ->
tuple(Es, F, Opts) ->
{seq,${,$},[$,],lexprs(Es, F, Opts)}.
args(As, Opts) ->
{seq,$(,$),[$,],lexprs(As, Opts)}.
expr_list(Es, Sep, F, Opts) ->
{seq,[],[],Sep,lexprs(Es, F, Opts)}.
lexprs(Es, Opts) ->
lexprs(Es, fun lexpr/2, Opts).
lexprs(Es, F, Opts) ->
[F(E, Opts) || E <- Es].
maybe_paren(P, Prec, Expr) when P < Prec ->
maybe_paren(_P, _Prec, Expr) ->
leaf(S) ->
%%% Do the formatting. Currently nothing fancy. Could probably have
%%% done it in one single pass.
frmt(Item, PP) ->
frmt(Item, 0, PP).
frmt(Item, I, PP) ->
ST = spacetab(),
WT = wordtable(),
{Chars,_Length} = f(Item, I, ST, WT, PP),
%%% What the tags mean:
%%% - C: a character
%%% - [I|Is]: Is follow after I without newline or space
%%% - {list,IPs}: try to put all IPs on one line, if that fails newlines
%%% and indentation are inserted between IPs.
%%% - {first,I,IP2}: IP2 follows after I, and is output with an indentation
%%% updated with the width of I.
%%% - {seq,Before,After,Separator,IPs}: a sequence of Is separated by
%%% Separator. Before is output before IPs, and the indentation of IPs
%%% is updated with the width of Before. After follows after IPs.
%%% - {force_nl,ExtraInfo,I}: fun-info (a comment) forces linebreak before I.
%%% - {prefer_nl,Sep,IPs}: forces linebreak between Is unlesss negative
%%% indentation.
%%% - {atom,A}: an atom
%%% - {singleton_atom_type,A}: an singleton atom type
%%% - {char,C}: a character
%%% - {string,S}: a string.
%%% - {value,T}: a term.
%%% - {hook,...}, {ehook,...}: hook expressions.
%%% list, first, seq, force_nl, and prefer_nl all accept IPs, where each
%%% element is either an item or a tuple {step|cstep,I1,I2}. step means
%%% that I2 is output after linebreak and an incremented indentation.
%%% cstep works similarly, but no linebreak if the width of I1 is less
%%% than the indentation (this is for "A = <expression over several lines>).
f([]=Nil, _I0, _ST, _WT, _PP) ->
f(C, _I0, _ST, _WT, _PP) when is_integer(C) ->
f({leaf,Length,Chars}, _I0, _ST, _WT, _PP) ->
f([Item|Items], I0, ST, WT, PP) ->
consecutive(Items, f(Item, I0, ST, WT, PP), I0, ST, WT, PP);
f({list,Items}, I0, ST, WT, PP) ->
f({seq,[],[],[[]],Items}, I0, ST, WT, PP);
f({first,E,Item}, I0, ST, WT, PP) ->
f({seq,E,[],[[]],[Item]}, I0, ST, WT, PP);
f({seq,Before,After,Sep,LItems}, I0, ST, WT, PP) ->
BCharsSize = f(Before, I0, ST, WT, PP),
I = indent(BCharsSize, I0),
CharsSizeL = fl(LItems, Sep, I, After, ST, WT, PP),
{CharsL,SizeL} = unz(CharsSizeL),
{BCharsL,BSizeL} = unz1([BCharsSize]),
Sizes = BSizeL ++ SizeL,
NSepChars = if
is_list(Sep), Sep =/= [] ->
erlang:max(0, length(CharsL)-1); % not string:length
true ->
case same_line(I0, Sizes, NSepChars) of
{yes,Size} ->
Chars = if
NSepChars > 0 -> insert_sep(CharsL, $\s);
true -> CharsL
no ->
CharsList = handle_step(CharsSizeL, I, ST),
{LChars, LSize} =
maybe_newlines(CharsList, LItems, I, NSepChars, ST),
{[BCharsL,LChars],nsz(LSize, I0)}
f({force_nl,_ExtraInfoItem,Item}, I, ST, WT, PP) when I < 0 ->
%% Extra info is a comment; cannot have that on the same line
f(Item, I, ST, WT, PP);
f({force_nl,ExtraInfoItem,Item}, I, ST, WT, PP) ->
f({prefer_nl,[],[ExtraInfoItem,Item]}, I, ST, WT, PP);
f({prefer_nl,Sep,LItems}, I, ST, WT, PP) when I < 0 ->
f({seq,[],[],Sep,LItems}, I, ST, WT, PP);
f({prefer_nl,Sep,LItems}, I0, ST, WT, PP) ->
CharsSize2L = fl(LItems, Sep, I0, [], ST, WT, PP),
{_CharsL,Sizes} = unz(CharsSize2L),
Sizes =:= [] ->
{[], 0};
true ->
{insert_newlines(CharsSize2L, I0, ST),
nsz(lists:last(Sizes), I0)}
f({value,V}, I, ST, WT, PP) ->
f(write_a_value(V, PP), I, ST, WT, PP);
f({atom,A}, I, ST, WT, PP) ->
f(write_an_atom(A, PP), I, ST, WT, PP);
f({singleton_atom_type,A}, I, ST, WT, PP) ->
f(write_a_singleton_atom_type(A, PP), I, ST, WT, PP);
f({char,C}, I, ST, WT, PP) ->
f(write_a_char(C, PP), I, ST, WT, PP);
f({string,S}, I, ST, WT, PP) ->
f(write_a_string(S, I, PP), I, ST, WT, PP);
f({reserved,R}, I, ST, WT, PP) ->
f(R, I, ST, WT, PP);
f({hook,HookExpr,Precedence,Func,Options}, I, _ST, _WT, _PP) ->
Chars = Func(HookExpr, I, Precedence, Options),
{Chars,indentation(Chars, I)};
f({ehook,HookExpr,Precedence,{Mod,Func,Eas}=ModFuncEas}, I, _ST, _WT, _PP) ->
Chars = apply(Mod, Func, [HookExpr,I,Precedence,ModFuncEas|Eas]),
{Chars,indentation(Chars, I)};
f(WordName, _I, _ST, WT, _PP) when is_atom(WordName) ->
word(WordName, WT).
-define(IND, 4).
%% fl(ListItems, I0, ST, WT) -> [[CharsSize1,CharsSize2]]
%% ListItems = [{Item,Items}|Item]
fl([], _Sep, I0, After, ST, WT, PP) ->
[[f(After, I0, ST, WT, PP),{[],0}]];
fl(CItems, Sep0, I0, After, ST, WT, PP) ->
F = fun({step,Item1,Item2}, S) ->
[f(Item1, I0, ST, WT, PP),
f([Item2,S], incr(I0, ?IND), ST, WT, PP)];
({cstep,Item1,Item2}, S) ->
{_,Sz1} = CharSize1 = f(Item1, I0, ST, WT, PP),
is_integer(Sz1), Sz1 < ?IND ->
Item2p = [leaf("\s"),Item2,S],
[consecutive(Item2p, CharSize1, I0, ST, WT, PP),{[],0}];
true ->
[CharSize1,f([Item2,S], incr(I0, ?IND), ST, WT, PP)]
({reserved,Word}, S) ->
[f([Word,S], I0, ST, WT, PP),{[],0}];
(Item, S) ->
[f([Item,S], I0, ST, WT, PP),{[],0}]
{Sep,LastSep} = sep(Sep0),
fl1(CItems, F, Sep, LastSep, After).
sep([{S,LS}]) -> {[S],[LS]};
sep({_,_}=Sep) -> Sep;
sep(S) -> {S, S}.
fl1([CItem], F, _Sep, _LastSep, After) ->
fl1([CItem1,CItem2], F, _Sep, LastSep, After) ->
[F(CItem1, LastSep),F(CItem2, After)];
fl1([CItem|CItems], F, Sep, LastSep, After) ->
[F(CItem, Sep)|fl1(CItems, F, Sep, LastSep, After)].
consecutive(Items, CharSize1, I0, ST, WT, PP) ->
{CharsSizes,_Length} =
mapfoldl(fun(Item, Len) ->
CharsSize = f(Item, Len, ST, WT, PP),
{CharsSize,indent(CharsSize, Len)}
end, indent(CharSize1, I0), Items),
{CharsL,SizeL} = unz1([CharSize1|CharsSizes]),
unz(CharsSizesL) ->
unz1(CharSizes) ->
nonzero(CharSizes) ->
lists:filter(fun({_,Sz}) -> Sz =/= 0 end, CharSizes).
maybe_newlines([{Chars,Size}], [], _I, _NSepChars, _ST) ->
maybe_newlines(CharsSizeList, Items, I, NSepChars, ST) when I >= 0 ->
maybe_sep(CharsSizeList, Items, I, NSepChars, nl_indent(I, ST)).
maybe_sep([{Chars1,Size1}|CharsSizeL], [Item|Items], I0, NSepChars, Sep) ->
I1 = case classify_item(Item) of
atomic ->
I0 + Size1;
_ ->
maybe_sep1(CharsSizeL, Items, I0, I1, Sep, NSepChars, Size1, [Chars1]).
maybe_sep1([{Chars,Size}|CharsSizeL], [Item|Items],
I0, I, Sep, NSepChars, Sz0, A) ->
case classify_item(Item) of
atomic when is_integer(Size) ->
Size1 = Size + 1,
I1 = I + Size1,
I1 =< ?MAXLINE ->
A1 = if
NSepChars > 0 -> [Chars,$\s|A];
true -> [Chars|A]
maybe_sep1(CharsSizeL, Items, I0, I1, Sep, NSepChars,
Sz0 + Size1, A1);
true ->
A1 = [Chars,Sep|A],
maybe_sep1(CharsSizeL, Items, I0, I0 + Size, Sep,
NSepChars, Size1, A1)
_ ->
A1 = [Chars,Sep|A],
maybe_sep1(CharsSizeL, Items, I0, ?MAXLINE+1, Sep, NSepChars,
0, A1)
maybe_sep1(_CharsSizeL, _Items, _Io, _I, _Sep, _NSepChars, Sz, A) ->
{lists:reverse(A), Sz}.
insert_newlines(CharsSizesL, I, ST) when I >= 0 ->
{CharsL, _} = unz1(handle_step(CharsSizesL, I, ST)),
insert_nl(CharsL, I, ST).
handle_step(CharsSizesL, I, ST) ->
map(fun([{_C1,0},{_C2,0}]) ->
{[], 0};
([{C1,Sz1},{_C2,0}]) ->
{C1, Sz1};
([{C1,Sz1},{C2,Sz2}]) when Sz2 > 0 ->
{insert_nl([C1,C2], I+?IND, ST),line_size([Sz1,Sz2])}
end, CharsSizesL).
insert_nl(CharsL, I, ST) ->
insert_sep(CharsL, nl_indent(I, ST)).
insert_sep([Chars1|CharsL], Sep) ->
[Chars1 | [[Sep,Chars] || Chars <- CharsL]].
nl_indent(0, _T) ->
nl_indent(I, T) when I > 0 ->
[$\n|spaces(I, T)].
classify_item({atom, _}) -> atomic;
classify_item({singleton_atom_type, _}) -> atomic;
classify_item(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) -> atomic;
classify_item({leaf, _, _}) -> atomic;
classify_item(_) -> complex.
same_line(I0, SizeL, NSepChars) ->
Size = lists:sum(SizeL) + NSepChars,
true = incr(I0, Size) =< ?MAXLINE,
catch _:_ ->
line_size(SizeL) ->
line_size(SizeL, 0, false).
line_size([], Size, false) ->
line_size([], Size, true) ->
line_size([{line,Len}|SizeL], _, _) ->
line_size(SizeL, Len, true);
line_size([Sz|SizeL], SizeSoFar, LF) ->
line_size(SizeL, SizeSoFar+Sz, LF).
nsz({line,_Len}=Sz, _I) ->
nsz(Size, I) when I >= 0 ->
indent({_Chars,{line,Len}}, _I) ->
indent({_Chars,Size}, I) ->
incr(I, Size).
incr(I, _Incr) when I < 0 ->
incr(I, Incr) ->
indentation(E, I) when I < 0 ->
indentation(E, I0) ->
I = io_lib_format:indentation(E, I0),
case has_nl(E) of
true -> {line,I};
false -> I
has_nl([$\n|_]) ->
has_nl([C|Cs]) when is_integer(C) ->
has_nl([C|Cs]) ->
has_nl(C) orelse has_nl(Cs);
has_nl([]) ->
write_a_value(V, PP) ->
flat_leaf(write_value(V, PP)).
write_an_atom(A, PP) ->
flat_leaf(write_atom(A, PP)).
write_a_singleton_atom_type(A, PP) ->
flat_leaf(write_singleton_atom_type(A, PP)).
write_a_char(C, PP) ->
flat_leaf(write_char(C, PP)).
-define(MIN_SUBSTRING, 5).
write_a_string(S, I, PP) when I < 0; S =:= [] ->
flat_leaf(write_string(S, PP));
write_a_string(S, I, PP) ->
Len = erlang:max(?MAXLINE-I, ?MIN_SUBSTRING),
{list,write_a_string(S, Len, Len, PP)}.
write_a_string([], _N, _Len, _PP) ->
write_a_string(S, N, Len, PP) ->
SS = string:slice(S, 0, N),
Sl = write_string(SS, PP),
case (string:length(Sl) > Len) and (N > ?MIN_SUBSTRING) of
true ->
write_a_string(S, N-1, Len, PP);
false ->
[flat_leaf(Sl) |
write_a_string(string:slice(S, string:length(SS)), Len, Len, PP)]
flat_leaf(S) ->
L = lists:flatten(S),
write_value(V, PP) ->
write_atom(A, PP) ->
write_singleton_atom_type(A, PP) ->
write_string(S, PP) ->
write_char(C, PP) ->
%% Utilities
a0() ->
-define(N_SPACES, 30).
spacetab() ->
{[_|L],_} = mapfoldl(fun(_, A) -> {A,[$\s|A]}
end, [], lists:seq(0, ?N_SPACES)),
spaces(N, T) when N =< ?N_SPACES ->
element(N, T);
spaces(N, T) ->
[element(?N_SPACES, T)|spaces(N-?N_SPACES, T)].
wordtable() ->
L = [begin {leaf,Sz,S} = leaf(W), {S,Sz} end ||
W <- [" ->"," =","<<",">>","[]","after","begin","case","catch",
"end","fun","if","of","receive","try","when"," ::","..",
" |"]],
word(' ->', WT) -> element(1, WT);
word(' =', WT) -> element(2, WT);
word('<<', WT) -> element(3, WT);
word('>>', WT) -> element(4, WT);
word('[]', WT) -> element(5, WT);
word('after', WT) -> element(6, WT);
word('begin', WT) -> element(7, WT);
word('case', WT) -> element(8, WT);
word('catch', WT) -> element(9, WT);
word('end', WT) -> element(10, WT);
word('fun', WT) -> element(11, WT);
word('if', WT) -> element(12, WT);
word('of', WT) -> element(13, WT);
word('receive', WT) -> element(14, WT);
word('try', WT) -> element(15, WT);
word('when', WT) -> element(16, WT);
word(' ::', WT) -> element(17, WT);
word('..', WT) -> element(18, WT);
word(' |', WT) -> element(19, WT).