%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2009. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
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%% %CopyrightEnd%
%%% Purpose : Autoconf for cross environments.
%%% Supported cross platforms:
-define(PLATFORMS, ["vxworks_cpu32", "vxworks_ppc860", "vxworks_ppc603",
"vxworks_sparc", "vxworks_ppc750", "vxworks_simso"]).
%% takes an argument {Target_arch, Target_host} (e.g. {vxworks_ppc860, thorin}).
configure({Target_arch, Target_host}) ->
case variables({Target_arch, Target_host}) of
{ok, Vars} ->
ts_lib:subst_file("conf_vars.in", "conf_vars", Vars);
Error ->
variables(Cross_spec) ->
run_tests(Cross_spec, tests(), []).
run_tests(Cross_spec, [{Prompt, Tester}|Rest], Vars) ->
io:format("checking ~s... ", [Prompt]),
case catch Tester(Cross_spec, Vars) of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
io:format("FAILED~nExit status: ~p~n", [Reason]),
{error, auto_conf_failed};
{Result, NewVars} ->
io:format("~s~n", [lists:concat([Result])]),
run_tests(Cross_spec, Rest, NewVars)
run_tests(_Cross_spec, [], Vars) ->
{ok, Vars}.
%%% The tests.
tests() ->
[{"supported target architecture", fun target_architecture/2},
{"cross target host to run tests on", fun target_host/2},
{"CPU type", fun cpu/2},
{"for cross-compiling gcc", fun find_gcc/2},
{"for cross-linker", fun find_ld/2},
{"for object extension", fun find_obj/2},
{"for shared libraries extension", fun find_dll/2},
{"for executables extension", fun find_exe/2},
{"for make", fun find_make/2}].
target_architecture({Architecture, _Target_host}, Vars) ->
case lists:member(Architecture, ?PLATFORMS) of
true ->
{Architecture, [{host_os, os_type(Architecture)}, {host, Architecture}|Vars]};
false ->
{"unsupported_platform", Vars}
target_host({_Architecture, Target_host}, Vars) ->
{Target_host, [{target_host, Target_host} | Vars]}.
cpu({Arch, _Target_host}, Vars) ->
Cpu = processor(Arch),
{Cpu, [{host_cpu, Cpu}|Vars]}.
find_gcc({Arch, _Target_host}, Vars) ->
Gcc = "cc" ++ gnu_suffix(Arch),
case os:find_executable(Gcc) of
false ->
{no, Vars};
Path when is_list(Path) ->
Cflags = cflags(Arch),
{Path, [{'CC', Gcc},
{'CFLAGS', Cflags},
{'EI_CFLAGS', Cflags},
{'ERTS_CFLAGS', Cflags},
{'DEFS', ""},
{'ERTS_LIBS', ""},
{'LIBS', ""},
{'SHLIB_CFLAGS', Cflags},
{test_c_compiler, "{gnuc, undefined}"} | Vars]}
find_ld({Arch, _Target_host}, Vars) ->
Linker = "ld" ++ gnu_suffix(Arch),
case os:find_executable(Linker) of
false ->
{no, Vars};
Path when is_list(Path) ->
{Path, [{'LD', Linker},
{'CROSSLDFLAGS', ldflags(Arch)},
{'SHLIB_LD', Linker},
{'SHLIB_LDLIBS', ""} | Vars]}
find_obj({Arch, _Target_host}, Vars) ->
Obj = obj_ext(Arch),
{Obj, [{obj, Obj}|Vars]}.
find_dll({Arch, _Target_host}, Vars) ->
Dll = dll_ext(Arch),
{Dll, [{'SHLIB_SUFFIX', Dll}|Vars]}.
find_exe({Arch, _Target_host}, Vars) ->
Exe = exe_ext(Arch),
{Exe, [{exe, Exe}|Vars]}.
find_make(_, Vars) ->
{"make", [{make_command, "make"} | Vars]}.
%%% some utility functions
gnu_suffix(Arch) ->
{_, _, _, _, Suffix, _Cpu, _Cflags, _} = cross_data(Arch),
processor(Arch) ->
{_, _, _, _, _Suffix, Cpu, _Cflags, _} = cross_data(Arch),
cflags(Arch) ->
{_, _, _, _, _Suffix, _Cpu, Cflags, _} = cross_data(Arch),
ldflags(Arch) ->
{_, _, _, _, _Suffix, _Cpu, _Cflags, Ldflags} = cross_data(Arch),
os_type(Arch) ->
{Os_type, _, _, _, _, _, _, _} = cross_data(Arch),
obj_ext(Arch) ->
{_, _, Obj, _, _, _, _, _} = cross_data(Arch),
dll_ext(Arch) ->
{_, _, _, Dll, _, _, _, _} = cross_data(Arch),
exe_ext(Arch) ->
{_, Exe, _, _, _, _, _, _} = cross_data(Arch),
cross_data(Arch) ->
case Arch of
"vxworks_cpu32" ->
{"VxWorks", "", ".o", ".eld", "68k", "cpu32",
"-DCPU=CPU32 -DVXWORKS -I$(WIND_BASE)/target/h -mnobitfield -fno-builtin -nostdinc -fvolatile -msoft-float",
"-r -d"};
"vxworks_ppc860" ->
{"VxWorks", "", ".o", ".eld", "ppc", "ppc860",
"-DCPU=PPC860 -DVXWORKS -I$(WIND_BASE)/target/h -mcpu=860 -fno-builtin -fno-for-scope -msoft-float -D_GNU_TOOL -nostdinc",
"-r -d"};
"vxworks_ppc603" ->
{"VxWorks", "", ".o", ".eld", "ppc", "ppc603",
"-DCPU=PPC603 -DVXWORKS -I$(WIND_BASE)/target/h -fno-builtin -fno-for-scope -D_GNU_TOOL -nostdinc",
"-r -d"};
"vxworks_sparc" ->
%%% The Sparc Architecture is included for private use (i.e. not Tornado 1.0.1 compatible).
{"VxWorks", "", ".o", ".eld", "sparc", "sparc",
"-DCPU=SPARC -DVXWORKS -I/home/gandalf/bsproj/BS.2/UOS/vw/5.2/h -fno-builtin -nostdinc",
"-r -d"};
"vxworks_ppc750" ->
{"VxWorks", "", ".o", ".eld", "ppc", "ppc604",
"-DCPU=PPC604 -DVXWORKS -DTOOL_FAMILY=gnu -DTOOL=gnu -I$(WIND_BASE)/target/h -fno-builtin -fno-for-scope -D_GNU_TOOL",
"-r -d"};
"vxworks_simso" ->
{"VxWorks", "", ".o", ".eld", "simso", "simso",
"-r -d"}