%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2009. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%%% Description: Part of pd controlling the graphics.
%% Function: init_display.
%% Return Value: Id of the display (here:canvas) created.
%% Description: Creates the canvas and the scale.
%% Parameters: Id of the window the display shall be created in.
init_display(WindowId, WindowWidth, WindowHeight, ProcVars) ->
% Get all necessary window parameters!
#process_variables{pg_pid = PgPid,
pb_pid = PbPid,
frame_params = FrameP,
scale_params = ScaleP,
toolbar_params = ToolP} = ProcVars,
NewFrameP = tv_pd_frames:create_display_frames(WindowId, WindowWidth,
WindowHeight, FrameP),
#frame_params{grid_frame_id = GridParentId,
grid_frame_width = GridParentWidth,
grid_frame_height = GridParentHeight} = NewFrameP,
PgPid ! #pg_init_grid{sender = self(),
parent_id = GridParentId,
width = GridParentWidth,
height = GridParentHeight,
xpos = ?VBTN_WIDTH - 1,
nof_rows = ?NOF_GRIDROWS,
row_height = ?ROW_HEIGHT
#pg_col_info{first_col_shown = FirstColShown,
width_of_cols_shown = ColsShown,
nof_rows_shown = NofRowsShown} ->
PbPid ! #pb_init_btns{sender = self(),
parent_id = GridParentId,
parent_width = GridParentWidth,
parent_height = GridParentHeight,
hbtn_height = ?HBTN_HEIGHT,
resbtn_width = ?RESBTN_WIDTH,
vbtn_width = ?VBTN_WIDTH,
nof_rows = ?NOF_GRIDROWS,
row_height = ?ROW_HEIGHT,
first_col_shown = FirstColShown,
cols_shown = ColsShown
NewScaleP = tv_pd_scale:init_scale(NewFrameP, ScaleP),
NewToolP = init_toolbar(NewFrameP, ToolP),
ProcVars#process_variables{window_id = WindowId,
window_width = WindowWidth,
window_height = WindowHeight,
first_col_shown = FirstColShown,
nof_rows_shown = NofRowsShown,
cols_shown = ColsShown,
frame_params = NewFrameP,
scale_params = NewScaleP,
toolbar_params = NewToolP
resize_display(NewWinW, NewWinH, ProcVars) ->
#process_variables{pg_pid = PgPid,
pb_pid = PbPid,
color_list = ColorList,
first_row_shown = FirstRowShown,
frame_params = FrameP,
scale_params = ScaleP,
toolbar_params = ToolP} = ProcVars,
NewFrameP = tv_pd_frames:resize_display_frames(NewWinW, NewWinH, FrameP),
#frame_params{grid_frame_width = GridParentWidth,
grid_frame_height = GridParentHeight} = NewFrameP,
PgPid ! #pg_resize_grid{sender = self(),
width = GridParentWidth,
height = GridParentHeight
#pg_col_info{first_col_shown = FirstColShown,
width_of_cols_shown = ColsShown,
nof_rows_shown = NofRowsShown} ->
PbPid ! #pb_update_hbtns{sender = self(),
parent_width = GridParentWidth,
parent_height = GridParentHeight,
first_col_shown = FirstColShown,
cols_shown = ColsShown
PbPid ! #pb_update_vbtns{sender = self(),
color_list = ColorList,
first_row_shown = FirstRowShown,
nof_rows_shown = NofRowsShown,
blinking_enabled = false
NewScaleP = tv_pd_scale:resize_scale(NewFrameP, ScaleP),
NewToolP = resize_toolbar(NewFrameP, ToolP),
ProcVars#process_variables{window_width = NewWinW,
window_height = NewWinH,
first_col_shown = FirstColShown,
nof_rows_shown = NofRowsShown,
cols_shown = ColsShown,
frame_params = NewFrameP,
scale_params = NewScaleP,
toolbar_params = NewToolP
resize_column(RealCol, VirtualCol, Xdiff, ProcVars) ->
#process_variables{pg_pid = PgPid,
pb_pid = PbPid,
frame_params = FrameP} = ProcVars,
PgPid ! #pg_resize_grid_col{sender = self(),
real_col_no = RealCol,
virtual_col_no = VirtualCol,
xdiff = Xdiff
#frame_params{grid_frame_width = GridFrameWidth,
grid_frame_height = GridFrameHeight} = FrameP,
#pg_col_info{first_col_shown = FirstColShown,
width_of_cols_shown = ColsShown,
nof_rows_shown = NofRowsShown} ->
PbPid ! #pb_update_hbtns{parent_width = GridFrameWidth,
parent_height = GridFrameHeight,
first_col_shown = FirstColShown,
cols_shown = ColsShown
ProcVars#process_variables{first_col_shown = FirstColShown,
nof_rows_shown = NofRowsShown,
cols_shown = ColsShown
display_data(Pos, Range, _MaxValue, List, KeyList, MaxElemSize, MarkedRowData,ProcVars) ->
#process_variables{master_pid = PcPid,
rec_pid = RecPid,
pg_pid = PgPid,
pb_pid = PbPid,
writable = Writable,
sorting_on = SortingOn,
nof_rows_shown = NofRowsShown,
scale_params = ScaleP,
toolbar_params = ToolP,
mark_params = MarkP} = ProcVars,
{DataList, ColorList} = split_dblist(List, [], []),
NewMarkP = update_marks(SortingOn, DataList, ColorList, MarkedRowData, Pos, NofRowsShown,
Writable, Range, PcPid, PgPid, RecPid, ToolP, MarkP),
PgPid ! #pg_data{sender = self(),
data = DataList,
first_row_shown = Pos
PbPid ! #pb_update_vbtns{sender = self(),
color_list = ColorList,
first_row_shown = Pos,
nof_rows_shown = NofRowsShown,
blinking_enabled = false
PbPid ! #pb_key_info{sender = self(),
list_of_keys = KeyList
% May be new number of elements in the total list!
?SCALE_FUNC_FILE:set_scale_range(vscale, Range, ScaleP),
% May be new vertical scale position required!
NewScaleP = ?SCALE_FUNC_FILE:set_scale_pos(vscale, Pos, ScaleP),
% May be new maximum size of elements!
?SCALE_FUNC_FILE:set_scale_range(hscale, {1, MaxElemSize}, NewScaleP),
ProcVars#process_variables{data_list = DataList,
color_list = ColorList,
first_row_shown = Pos,
initialising = false,
scale_params = NewScaleP,
mark_params = NewMarkP
scroll_vertically(MouseBtn, ProcVars) ->
#process_variables{scale_params = ScaleP} = ProcVars,
OldScalePos = ScaleP#scale_params.vscale_pos,
NewScalePos = get_new_scalepos(MouseBtn, OldScalePos),
case NewScalePos of
OldScalePos ->
NewValue ->
perform_vertical_scroll(NewValue, ProcVars)
scroll_horizontally(MouseBtn, ProcVars) ->
#process_variables{scale_params = ScaleP} = ProcVars,
OldScalePos = ScaleP#scale_params.hscale_pos,
NewScalePos = get_new_scalepos(MouseBtn, OldScalePos),
case NewScalePos of
OldScalePos ->
NewValue ->
perform_horizontal_scroll(NewValue, ProcVars)
perform_vertical_scroll(NewScalePos, ProcVars) ->
#process_variables{master_pid = MasterPid,
initialising = Init,
scale_params = ScaleP} = ProcVars,
%% To avoid erroneous scrollbar signals during creation of the display.
case Init of
true ->
false ->
MasterPid ! #pc_data_req{sender = self(),
element = NewScalePos,
nof_elements = ?NOF_GRIDROWS}
% Since the order of click/buttonrelease messages isn't
% precise, set the scale to the returned pos (may otherwise
% differ one unit).
NewScaleP = ?SCALE_FUNC_FILE:set_scale_pos(vscale,
ProcVars#process_variables{scale_params = NewScaleP}.
perform_horizontal_scroll(NewScalePos, ProcVars) ->
#process_variables{pg_pid = PgPid,
pb_pid = PbPid,
frame_params = FrameP,
scale_params = ScaleP} = ProcVars,
% Since the order of click/buttonrelease messages isn't
% precise, set the scale to the returned pos (may otherwise
% differ one unit).
NewScaleP = ?SCALE_FUNC_FILE:set_scale_pos(hscale,
PgPid ! #pg_horizontal_scroll{sender = self(),
leftmost_virtual_col = NewScalePos
#frame_params{grid_frame_width = GridFrameWidth,
grid_frame_height = GridFrameHeight} = FrameP,
#pg_col_info{first_col_shown = FirstColShown,
width_of_cols_shown = ColsShown,
nof_rows_shown = NofRowsShown} ->
PbPid ! #pb_update_hbtns{parent_width = GridFrameWidth,
parent_height = GridFrameHeight,
first_col_shown = FirstColShown,
cols_shown = ColsShown
ProcVars#process_variables{first_col_shown = FirstColShown,
cols_shown = ColsShown,
nof_rows_shown = NofRowsShown,
scale_params = NewScaleP
marked_cell(true, VirtualCol, RealRow, VirtualRow, ProcVars) ->
#process_variables{master_pid = MasterPid,
rec_pid = RecPid,
data_list = DataList,
color_list = ColorList,
writable = Writable,
mark_params = MarkP,
toolbar_params = ToolP} = ProcVars,
{DataElement, MarkedRowObject} = get_data_element(cell, DataList, RealRow, VirtualCol),
update_toolbar_label(DataElement, ToolP, VirtualRow, VirtualCol, Writable),
send_to_rec_edit(RecPid, {update_mode,MarkedRowObject}),
MarkedRowColor = lists:nth(RealRow, ColorList),
MasterPid ! #pc_marked_row{sender = self(),
row_no = VirtualRow,
object = MarkedRowObject,
color = MarkedRowColor
NewMarkP = MarkP#mark_params{cell_col_no = VirtualCol,
row_no = RealRow,
virtual_row_no = VirtualRow,
marked_object = MarkedRowObject,
marked_color = MarkedRowColor
ProcVars#process_variables{mark_params = NewMarkP
marked_cell(false, VirtualCol, _RealRow, VirtualRow, ProcVars) ->
#process_variables{master_pid = MasterPid,
rec_pid = RecPid,
pb_pid = PbPid,
writable = Writable,
mark_params = MarkP} = ProcVars,
PbPid ! #pb_remove_marks{sender = self()},
case VirtualRow of
undefined ->
_AnyRow ->
update_toolbar_label(notext, ProcVars#process_variables.toolbar_params,
VirtualRow, VirtualCol, Writable),
send_to_rec_edit(RecPid, insert_mode)
MasterPid ! #pc_marked_row{sender = self(),
%% row_no = VirtualRow
row_no = undefined,
object = undefined,
color = undefined
NewMarkP = MarkP#mark_params{cell_col_no = undefined,
row_no = undefined,
virtual_row_no = undefined,
marked_object = undefined,
marked_color = undefined
ProcVars#process_variables{mark_params = NewMarkP
update_toolbar_label(notext, ToolP, _VirtualRowNo, _VirtualColNo, Writable) ->
#toolbar_params{row_col_label_id = RowColLblId,
fg_label_id = FgLblId,
editor_id = EdId} = ToolP,
gs:config(RowColLblId, [{label, {text,""}}]),
gs:config(FgLblId, [{enable,true}]),
gs:config(FgLblId, [{delete, {0,1000000000}}]),
gs:config(FgLblId, [{insert, {0, ""}}]),
case Writable of
true ->
gs:config(FgLblId, [{cursor, text},
{setfocus, true}]);
false ->
gs:config(FgLblId, [{enable, false},
{cursor, arrow},
{setfocus, false}])
update_toolbar_editor(EdId, notext);
update_toolbar_label({DataToShow}, ToolP, VirtualRowNo, VirtualColNo, Writable) ->
#toolbar_params{row_col_label_id = RowColLblId,
fg_label_id = FgLblId,
editor_id = EdId} = ToolP,
case VirtualRowNo of
undefined ->
%% No row - nothing can possibly be marked!
case Writable of
true ->
gs:config(FgLblId, [{setfocus,true},
{cursor, text}]);
false ->
gs:config(FgLblId, [{enable,false},
{setfocus, false},
{cursor, arrow}])
_AnyRow ->
RowStr = "R" ++ integer_to_list(VirtualRowNo),
ColStr = case VirtualColNo of
undefined ->
_AnyCol ->
" x C" ++ integer_to_list(VirtualColNo)
DataStr = lists:flatten(tv_io_lib:format("~p", [DataToShow])),
gs:config(RowColLblId, [{label, {text,RowStr++ColStr}}]),
gs:config(FgLblId, [{enable,true}]),
gs:config(FgLblId, [{delete, {0,10000000}}]),
gs:config(FgLblId, [{insert, {0,DataStr}}]),
case Writable of
true ->
gs:config(FgLblId, [{setfocus,true},
{cursor, text}]);
false ->
gs:config(FgLblId, [{enable,false},
{setfocus, false},
{cursor, arrow}])
update_toolbar_editor(EdId, {DataToShow})
get_data_element(row, DataList, RowNo, _VirtualCol) ->
length(DataList) < RowNo ->
{notext, undefined};
true ->
RowObj = lists:nth(RowNo, DataList),
{{RowObj}, RowObj}
get_data_element(cell, DataList, RowNo, ColNo) ->
%% It's the responsibility of pg to ensure that there is a data item
%% for the cell marked, meaning we don't *have* to check the length of
%% the data items. However, since we in the future may want to edit
%% even empty cells, we check it!
length(DataList) < RowNo ->
{notext, undefined};
true ->
DataItem = lists:nth(RowNo, DataList),
is_tuple(DataItem) ->
if size(DataItem) < ColNo ->
{notext, DataItem};
true ->
{{element(ColNo, DataItem)}, DataItem}
true ->
{{DataItem}, DataItem}
show_toolbar_editor(ProcVars) ->
#process_variables{frame_params = FrameP,
toolbar_params = ToolP} = ProcVars,
#frame_params{toolbar_frame_height = THeight} = FrameP,
#toolbar_params{editor_frame_id = EdFrameId} = ToolP,
Xpos = 0,
Ypos = THeight - 8 - ?ROW_COL_LBL_HEIGHT + 1,
gs:config(EdFrameId, [{x, Xpos},
{y, Ypos}
hide_toolbar_editor(ProcVars) ->
#process_variables{toolbar_params = ToolP} = ProcVars,
#toolbar_params{editor_frame_id = EdFrameId} = ToolP,
Xpos = 0,
Ypos = (-1) * gs:read(EdFrameId, height) - 50,
gs:config(EdFrameId, [{x, Xpos},
{y, Ypos}
update_toolbar_editor(EdId, notext) ->
gs:config(EdId, [{enable, true}]),
gs:config(EdId, [clear]),
gs:config(EdId, [{enable, false}]);
update_toolbar_editor(EdId, {DataToShow}) ->
Str = io_lib:format("~n~p~n", [DataToShow]),
gs:config(EdId, [{enable, true}]),
gs:config(EdId, [clear]),
gs:config(EdId, [{overwrite, {insert, Str}}]),
gs:config(EdId, [{enable, false}]).
update_marks(true, _DataList, _ColorList, _MarkedRowData,
_Pos, _NofRowsShown, _Writable, _Range, PcPid, PgPid, RecPid, ToolP, MarkP) ->
PgPid ! #pg_remove_marks{sender = self()},
%% Too much trouble trying to find the marked object again!
%% On the other hand, is the mark based on the row number
%% or the row content? Probably different strategies now, depending
%% on where in the code we are... :-(
%% update_toolbar_label(notext, ToolP, undefined, undefined, Writable),
update_toolbar_editor(ToolP#toolbar_params.editor_id, notext),
send_to_rec_edit(RecPid, insert_mode),
PcPid ! #pc_marked_row{sender = self(),
row_no = undefined,
object = undefined,
color = undefined
MarkP#mark_params{cell_col_no = undefined,
row_no = undefined,
virtual_row_no = undefined,
marked_object = undefined,
marked_color = undefined
update_marks(false, DataList, ColorList, MarkedRowData,
Pos, NofRowsShown, Writable, Range, PcPid, PgPid, RecPid, ToolP, MarkP) ->
#mark_params{cell_col_no = CellColNo,
virtual_row_no = VirtualRowNo} = MarkP,
% Marked row data contains the color also!
{RowData, RowColors} = split_dblist(MarkedRowData, [], []),
case VirtualRowNo of
undefined ->
_AnyRow ->
VirtualRowNo > element(2, Range) ->
%% Mark outside the existing list! Uh-uh, remove the mark immediately! 8-0
update_marks(true, DataList, ColorList, MarkedRowData, Pos, NofRowsShown,
Writable, Range, PcPid, PgPid, RecPid, ToolP, MarkP);
true ->
{DataElement, RowObj} = choose_data_to_show(VirtualRowNo, CellColNo, RowData,
DataList, Pos),
{_, RowObjColor} = choose_data_to_show(VirtualRowNo, CellColNo, RowColors,
ColorList, Pos),
case DataElement of
notext ->
%% send_to_rec_edit(RecPid, insert_mode);
_OtherElement ->
%% send_to_rec_edit(RecPid, {update_mode, RowObj})
send_to_rec_edit(RecPid, {reset_info, RowObj})
%% case RowObj of
%% OldMarkedObj ->
%% done;
%% _NewObj ->
%% update_toolbar_label(DataElement, ToolP, VirtualRowNo,
%% CellColNo, Writable)
%% end,
%% update_toolbar_label(DataElement,ToolP,VirtualRowNo,CellColNo,Writable),
update_toolbar_editor(ToolP#toolbar_params.editor_id, DataElement),
MarkP#mark_params{marked_object = RowObj,
marked_color = RowObjColor}
choose_data_to_show(VirtualRowNo, undefined, _RowData, DataList, Pos) when VirtualRowNo >= Pos, VirtualRowNo =< (Pos + length(DataList) - 1) ->
get_data_element(row, DataList, VirtualRowNo - Pos + 1, undefined);
choose_data_to_show(_VirtualRowNo, undefined, RowData, _DataList, _Pos) ->
get_data_element(row, RowData, 1, undefined);
choose_data_to_show(VirtualRowNo, CellColNo, _RowData, DataList, Pos)
when VirtualRowNo >= Pos, VirtualRowNo =< (Pos + length(DataList) - 1) ->
get_data_element(cell, DataList, VirtualRowNo - Pos + 1, CellColNo);
choose_data_to_show(_VirtualRowNo, CellColNo, RowData, _DataList, _Pos) ->
get_data_element(cell, RowData, 1, CellColNo).
get_new_scalepos(Btn, LastScalePos) ->
{gs, _Id, click, _Data, [NewScalePos | _T]} ->
get_new_scalepos(Btn, NewScalePos);
{gs, _Id, buttonrelease, _Data, [Btn | _T]} ->
{gs, _Id, buttonrelease, _Data, _Args} ->
get_new_scalepos(Btn, LastScalePos);
{gs, _Id, buttonpress, _Data, _Args} ->
get_new_scalepos(Btn, LastScalePos)
split_dblist([], DataAcc, ColorAcc) ->
{lists:reverse(DataAcc), lists:reverse(ColorAcc)};
split_dblist([{Data, Color} | Tail], DataAcc, ColorAcc) ->
split_dblist(Tail, [Data | DataAcc], [Color | ColorAcc]).
init_toolbar(FrameP, ToolP) ->
#frame_params{display_id = DispId,
toolbar_frame_id = TId,
toolbar_frame_width = TWidth,
toolbar_frame_height = THeight,
grid_frame_width = GWidth} = FrameP,
NewToolP = init_toolbar_btns(TId, ToolP),
{RowColLblId, BgLabelId, FgLabelId, BtnId} =
init_toolbar_label(TId, TWidth, THeight, GWidth),
PopUpFrame = gs:frame(TId, [{width, 80},
{height, 20},
{x, 0},
{y, -30},
{bg, {0, 0, 0}}
PopUpLabel = gs:label(PopUpFrame, [{width, 78},
{height, 18},
{bg, {255,255,190}},
{align, center},
{label, {text,""}},
{EditorFrameId, EditorId} = init_toolbar_editor(DispId, TWidth, THeight),
NewToolP#toolbar_params{parent_id = TId,
row_col_label_id = RowColLblId,
bg_label_id = BgLabelId,
fg_label_id = FgLabelId,
label_btn_id = BtnId,
pop_up_frame_id = PopUpFrame,
pop_up_label_id = PopUpLabel,
editor_frame_id = EditorFrameId,
editor_id = EditorId
init_toolbar_btns(TId, ToolP) ->
PicDir = code:priv_dir(tv),
% PicDir = "../priv",
% Toolbar btns are 25x25, the bitmaps are 20x20.
create_one_toolbar_btn(TId, 1, PicDir ++ "/edit1.xbm",
{toolbar, insert_object, "Edit Object"}),
create_one_toolbar_btn(TId, 3, PicDir ++ "/search.xbm",
{toolbar, search_object, "Search Object"}),
create_one_toolbar_btn(TId, 5, PicDir ++ "/sort.xbm",
{toolbar, sort_rising_order, "Sort Ascending"}),
create_one_toolbar_btn(TId, 6, PicDir ++ "/no_sort.xbm",
{toolbar, no_sorting,"No Sorting"}),
create_one_toolbar_btn(TId, 7, PicDir ++ "/sort_reverse.xbm",
{toolbar, sort_falling_order,"Sort Descending"}),
create_one_toolbar_btn(TId, 9, PicDir ++ "/poll.xbm",
{toolbar, poll_table,"Poll Table"}),
create_one_toolbar_btn(TId, 11, PicDir ++ "/info.xbm",
{toolbar, table_info,"Table Info"}),
create_one_toolbar_btn(TId, 13, PicDir ++ "/help.xbm",
{toolbar, help_button, "Help"}),
create_one_toolbar_btn(ParentId, N, Image, Data) ->
BtnWidth = 25,
BtnHeight = 25,
StartXpos = 0,
BtnXpos = StartXpos + ((N - 1) * BtnWidth),
BtnYpos = 2,
FgColor = {178,34,34}, % Firebrick
gs:button(ParentId, [{width, BtnWidth},
{height, BtnHeight},
{x, BtnXpos},
{y, BtnYpos},
{enter, true},
{leave, true},
{label, {image, Image}},
{data, Data},
{fg, FgColor},
{bg, BgColor}
resize_toolbar(FrameP, ToolP) ->
#frame_params{toolbar_frame_width = TWidth,
toolbar_frame_height = THeight,
grid_frame_width = GWidth} = FrameP,
#toolbar_params{bg_label_id = BgId,
fg_label_id = FgId,
row_col_label_id = RowColId,
label_btn_id = BtnId,
editor_frame_id = FrId,
editor_id = EdId} = ToolP,
resize_toolbar_label(BgId, FgId, RowColId, BtnId, TWidth, THeight, GWidth),
resize_toolbar_editor(FrId, EdId, TWidth, THeight),
init_toolbar_label(ParentId, ParentWidth, ParentHeight, GWidth) ->
{BgWidth, BgHeight, BgXpos, BgYpos, FgWidth, FgHeight, FgXpos, FgYpos, BtnWidth,
BtnHeight, BtnXpos, BtnYpos} =
get_toolbar_label_coords(ParentWidth, ParentHeight),
BgId = gs:label(ParentId, [{width, BgWidth},
{height, BgHeight},
{x, BgXpos},
{y, BgYpos},
{bg, {0, 0, 0}},
{fg, {0, 0, 0}}
RowColLblHeight = ?ROW_COL_LBL_HEIGHT,
RowColLblWidth = GWidth - ?VBTN_WIDTH,
RowColLblYpos = BgYpos + RowColLblHeight + 18,
RowColLblId = gs:label(ParentId, [{width, RowColLblWidth},
{height, RowColLblHeight},
{y, RowColLblYpos},
{fg, {178,34,34}},
{label, {text,""}}
FgId = gs:entry(editentry, ParentId, [{width, FgWidth},
{height, FgHeight},
{x, FgXpos},
{y, FgYpos},
{bg, {255,255,255}},
{fg, {0,0,0}},
{bw, 1},
{justify, left},
{cursor, arrow},
{setfocus, false},
{enable, false},
PicDir = code:priv_dir(tv),
BtnId = gs:button(ParentId, [{width, BtnWidth},
{height, BtnHeight},
{x, BtnXpos},
{y, BtnYpos},
{fg, {0, 0, 0}},
{label, {image, PicDir ++ "/more.xbm"}},
{data, {labelbtn, pop_up}}
{RowColLblId, BgId, FgId, BtnId}.
init_toolbar_editor(DispId, TWidth, THeight) ->
{BgWidth, BgHeight, BgXpos, BgYpos, Width, Height, Xpos, Ypos} =
get_toolbar_editor_coords(TWidth, THeight),
EditorFrame = gs:frame(DispId, [{width, BgWidth},
{height, BgHeight},
{x, BgXpos},
{y, BgYpos},
{bg, {0, 0, 0}}
Editor = gs:editor(EditorFrame, [{width, Width},
{height, Height},
{x, Xpos},
{y, Ypos},
{vscroll, right},
{wrap, word},
{bg, {255, 255, 255}},
{fg, {0, 0, 0}},
{enable, false}
{EditorFrame, Editor}.
get_toolbar_editor_coords(TWidth, _THeight) ->
BgWidth = TWidth,
BgHeight = 200,
BgXpos = 0,
BgYpos = (-1) * BgHeight - 50,
FgWidth = BgWidth - 2,
FgHeight = BgHeight - 2,
FgXpos = 1,
FgYpos = 1,
{BgWidth, BgHeight, BgXpos, BgYpos, FgWidth, FgHeight, FgXpos, FgYpos}.
resize_toolbar_editor(FrId, EdId, TWidth, THeight) ->
{BgWidth, BgHeight, _BgXpos, _BgYpos, FgWidth, FgHeight, _FgXpos, _FgYpos} =
get_toolbar_editor_coords(TWidth, THeight),
gs:config(FrId, [{width, BgWidth},
{height, BgHeight}
gs:config(EdId, [{width, FgWidth},
{height, FgHeight}
resize_toolbar_label(BgId, FgId, RowColId, BtnId, ParentWidth, ParentHeight, GWidth) ->
{BgWidth, BgHeight, _BgXpos, _BgYpos, FgWidth, FgHeight, _FgXpos, _FgYpos, _BtnWidth,
_BtnHeight, BtnXpos, BtnYpos} =
get_toolbar_label_coords(ParentWidth, ParentHeight),
gs:config(RowColId, [{width, GWidth - ?VBTN_WIDTH}]),
gs:config(BgId, [{width, BgWidth},
{height, BgHeight}
gs:config(BtnId, [{x, BtnXpos},
{y, BtnYpos}
gs:config(FgId, [{width, FgWidth},
{height, FgHeight}
get_toolbar_label_coords(ParentWidth, ParentHeight) ->
BtnWidth = 19,
BgWidth = ParentWidth,
BgHeight = 26,
BgXpos = 0,
BgYpos = ParentHeight - BgHeight - 8 - ?ROW_COL_LBL_HEIGHT + 2,
FgHeight = BgHeight - 2,
FgWidth = BgWidth - BtnWidth - 3,
FgXpos = BgXpos + 1,
FgYpos = BgYpos + 1,
BtnHeight = BgHeight - 2,
BtnXpos = FgWidth + 2,
BtnYpos = BgYpos + 1,
{BgWidth, BgHeight, BgXpos, BgYpos, FgWidth, FgHeight, FgXpos, FgYpos, BtnWidth,
BtnHeight, BtnXpos, BtnYpos}.
send_to_rec_edit(undefined, _Msg) ->
send_to_rec_edit(RecPid, Msg) ->
RecPid ! Msg.