%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2009. All Rights Reserved.
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%% %CopyrightEnd%
-export([create_display_frames/4, resize_display_frames/3]).
%% Function:
%% Return Value:
%% Description:
%% Parameters:
create_display_frames(WindowId, WindowWidth, WindowHeight, FrameP) ->
{DisplayId, DisplayWidth, DisplayHeight} =
get_display_coords(WindowWidth, WindowHeight),
{ToolbarId, ToolbarWidth, ToolbarHeight} = create_toolbar_frame(DisplayId,
{SheetFrameId, SheetBgFrameId, SheetFrameWidth, SheetFrameHeight} =
{GridFrameId, GridBgFrameId, GridFrameWidth, GridFrameHeight} =
FrameP#frame_params{display_id = DisplayId,
toolbar_frame_id = ToolbarId,
toolbar_frame_width = ToolbarWidth,
toolbar_frame_height = ToolbarHeight,
sheet_frame_id = SheetFrameId,
sheet_frame_width = SheetFrameWidth,
sheet_frame_height = SheetFrameHeight,
sheet_bgframe_id = SheetBgFrameId,
grid_frame_id = GridFrameId,
grid_frame_width = GridFrameWidth,
grid_frame_height = GridFrameHeight,
grid_bgframe_id = GridBgFrameId
%% Function:
%% Return Value:
%% Description:
%% Parameters:
resize_display_frames(NewW, NewH, FrameP) ->
#frame_params{display_id = DispId,
toolbar_frame_id = ToolbarId,
sheet_frame_id = SheetFgId,
sheet_bgframe_id = SheetBgId,
grid_frame_id = GridFgId,
grid_bgframe_id = GridBgId} = FrameP,
{NewDispW, NewDispH} = config_frame(DispId, get_display_coords(NewW, NewH)),
{NewToolW, NewToolH} = resize_toolbar(ToolbarId, NewDispW),
{NewSheetFgW, NewSheetFgH} = resize_sheet_frames(SheetFgId, SheetBgId, NewDispW,
{NewGridFgW, NewGridFgH} = resize_grid_frames(GridFgId, GridBgId, NewSheetFgW,
FrameP#frame_params{toolbar_frame_width = NewToolW,
toolbar_frame_height = NewToolH,
sheet_frame_width = NewSheetFgW,
sheet_frame_height = NewSheetFgH,
grid_frame_width = NewGridFgW,
grid_frame_height = NewGridFgH
%% Function:
%% Return Value:
%% Description:
%% Parameters:
config_frame(Id, {Width, Height, Xpos, Ypos}) ->
gs:config(Id, [{width, Width},
{height, Height},
{x, Xpos},
{y, Ypos}
{Width, Height}.
%% Function:
%% Return Value:
%% Description:
%% Parameters:
create_frame(ParentId, {Width, Height, Xpos, Ypos}, Color, BorderWidth) ->
Id = gs:frame(ParentId, [{width, Width},
{height, Height},
{x, Xpos},
{y, Ypos},
{bw, BorderWidth},
{bg, Color}
{Id, Width, Height}.
%% Function:
%% Return Value:
%% Description:
%% Parameters:
create_grid_frames(SheetFrameId, SheetFrameWidth, SheetFrameHeight) ->
{BgId, _W, _H} =
get_grid_frame_coords(bg, SheetFrameWidth, SheetFrameHeight),
{FgId, FgWidth, FgHeight} =
get_grid_frame_coords(fg, SheetFrameWidth, SheetFrameHeight),
{FgId, BgId, FgWidth, FgHeight}.
%% Function:
%% Return Value:
%% Description:
%% Parameters:
create_sheet_frames(DispId, DispWidth, DispHeight) ->
{BgId, _W, _H} = create_frame(DispId,
get_sheet_frame_coords(bg, DispWidth, DispHeight),
{FgId, FgWidth, FgHeight} =
get_sheet_frame_coords(fg, DispWidth, DispHeight),
{FgId, BgId, FgWidth, FgHeight}.
%% Function:
%% Return Value:
%% Description:
%% Parameters:
create_toolbar_frame(DispId, DispWidth) ->
create_frame(DispId, get_toolbar_coords(DispWidth), ?DEFAULT_BG_COLOR, 0).
%% Function:
%% Return Value:
%% Description:
%% Parameters:
get_display_coords(WindowWidth, WindowHeight) ->
Xpos = 4,
{WindowWidth - 2 * Xpos, WindowHeight - ?MENUBAR_HEIGHT - Xpos, Xpos, ?MENUBAR_HEIGHT}.
%% Function:
%% Return Value:
%% Description:
%% Parameters:
get_grid_frame_coords(bg, FrameWidth, FrameHeight) ->
get_grid_frame_coords2(FrameWidth, FrameHeight, 0);
get_grid_frame_coords(fg, FrameWidth, FrameHeight) ->
get_grid_frame_coords2(FrameWidth, FrameHeight, 1).
%% Function:
%% Return Value:
%% Description:
%% Parameters:
get_grid_frame_coords2(FrameWidth, FrameHeight, BorderWidth) ->
Xpos = 0,
Ypos = 0,
Width = FrameWidth - ?VSCALE_WIDTH - Xpos - BorderWidth,
Height = FrameHeight - ?HSCALE_HEIGHT - Ypos - BorderWidth,
{Width, Height, Xpos, Ypos}.
%% Function:
%% Return Value:
%% Description:
%% Parameters:
get_sheet_frame_coords(bg, FrameWidth, FrameHeight) ->
get_sheet_frame_coords2(FrameWidth, FrameHeight, 0);
get_sheet_frame_coords(fg, FrameWidth, FrameHeight) ->
get_sheet_frame_coords2(FrameWidth, FrameHeight, 1).
%% Function:
%% Return Value:
%% Description:
%% Parameters:
get_sheet_frame_coords2(FrameWidth, FrameHeight, BorderWidth) ->
Xpos = BorderWidth,
Ypos = ?TOOLBAR_HEIGHT + BorderWidth,
Width = FrameWidth - 2 * BorderWidth,
Height = FrameHeight - Ypos - ?MISC_AREA_HEIGHT - BorderWidth,
{Width, Height, Xpos, Ypos}.
%% Function:
%% Return Value:
%% Description:
%% Parameters:
get_toolbar_coords(DispWidth) ->
Xpos = 0,
{DispWidth - 2 * Xpos, ?TOOLBAR_HEIGHT, Xpos, 0}.
%% Function:
%% Return Value:
%% Description:
%% Parameters:
resize_grid_frames(FgId, BgId, ParentWidth, ParentHeight) ->
config_frame(BgId, get_grid_frame_coords(bg, ParentWidth, ParentHeight)),
config_frame(FgId, get_grid_frame_coords(fg, ParentWidth, ParentHeight)).
%% Function:
%% Return Value:
%% Description:
%% Parameters:
resize_sheet_frames(FgId, BgId, ParentWidth, ParentHeight) ->
config_frame(BgId, get_sheet_frame_coords(bg, ParentWidth, ParentHeight)),
config_frame(FgId, get_sheet_frame_coords(fg, ParentWidth, ParentHeight)).
%% Function:
%% Return Value:
%% Description:
%% Parameters:
resize_toolbar(Id, DispWidth) ->
config_frame(Id, get_toolbar_coords(DispWidth)).