%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% File : typer.erl
%% Author(s) : The first version of typer was written by Bingwen He
%% with guidance from Kostis Sagonas and Tobias Lindahl.
%% Since June 2008 typer is maintained by Kostis Sagonas.
%% Description : An Erlang/OTP application that shows type information
%% for Erlang modules to the user. Additionally, it can
%% annotate the code of files with such type information.
-define(SHOW, show).
-define(SHOW_EXPORTED, show_exported).
-define(ANNOTATE, annotate).
-define(ANNOTATE_INC_FILES, annotate_inc_files).
-type files() :: [file:filename()].
-type callgraph() :: dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph().
-type codeserver() :: dialyzer_codeserver:codeserver().
-type plt() :: dialyzer_plt:plt().
{mode :: mode() | 'undefined',
macros = [] :: [{atom(), term()}],
includes = [] :: files(),
codeserver = dialyzer_codeserver:new():: codeserver(),
callgraph = dialyzer_callgraph:new() :: callgraph(),
files = [] :: files(), % absolute names
plt = none :: 'none' | file:filename(),
no_spec = false :: boolean(),
show_succ = false :: boolean(),
%% For choosing between specs or edoc @spec comments
edoc = false :: boolean(),
%% Files in 'fms' are compilable with option 'to_pp'; we keep them
%% as {FileName, ModuleName} in case the ModuleName is different
fms = [] :: [{file:filename(), module()}],
ex_func = map__new() :: map(),
record = map__new() :: map(),
func = map__new() :: map(),
inc_func = map__new() :: map(),
trust_plt = dialyzer_plt:new() :: plt()}).
-type analysis() :: #analysis{}.
-record(args, {files = [] :: files(),
files_r = [] :: files(),
trusted = [] :: files()}).
-type args() :: #args{}.
-spec start() -> no_return().
start() ->
{Args, Analysis} = process_cl_args(),
%% io:format("Args: ~p\n", [Args]),
%% io:format("Analysis: ~p\n", [Analysis]),
Timer = dialyzer_timing:init(false),
TrustedFiles = filter_fd(Args#args.trusted, [], fun is_erl_file/1),
Analysis2 = extract(Analysis, TrustedFiles),
All_Files = get_all_files(Args),
%% io:format("All_Files: ~p\n", [All_Files]),
Analysis3 = Analysis2#analysis{files = All_Files},
Analysis4 = collect_info(Analysis3),
%% io:format("Final: ~p\n", [Analysis4#analysis.fms]),
TypeInfo = get_type_info(Analysis4),
%% io:format("\nTyper analysis finished\n"),
-spec extract(analysis(), files()) -> analysis().
extract(#analysis{macros = Macros,
includes = Includes,
trust_plt = TrustPLT} = Analysis, TrustedFiles) ->
%% io:format("--- Extracting trusted typer_info... "),
Ds = [{d, Name, Value} || {Name, Value} <- Macros],
CodeServer = dialyzer_codeserver:new(),
Fun =
fun(File, CS) ->
%% We include one more dir; the one above the one we are trusting
%% E.g, for /home/tests/typer_ann/test.ann.erl, we should include
%% /home/tests/ rather than /home/tests/typer_ann/
AllIncludes = [filename:dirname(filename:dirname(File)) | Includes],
Is = [{i, Dir} || Dir <- AllIncludes],
CompOpts = dialyzer_utils:src_compiler_opts() ++ Is ++ Ds,
case dialyzer_utils:get_abstract_code_from_src(File, CompOpts) of
{ok, AbstractCode} ->
case dialyzer_utils:get_record_and_type_info(AbstractCode) of
{ok, RecDict} ->
Mod = list_to_atom(filename:basename(File, ".erl")),
case dialyzer_utils:get_spec_info(Mod, AbstractCode, RecDict) of
{ok, SpecDict, CbDict} ->
CS1 = dialyzer_codeserver:store_temp_records(Mod, RecDict, CS),
dialyzer_codeserver:store_temp_contracts(Mod, SpecDict, CbDict, CS1);
{error, Reason} -> compile_error([Reason])
{error, Reason} -> compile_error([Reason])
{error, Reason} -> compile_error(Reason)
CodeServer1 = lists:foldl(Fun, CodeServer, TrustedFiles),
%% Process remote types
NewCodeServer =
NewRecords = dialyzer_codeserver:get_temp_records(CodeServer1),
OldRecords = dialyzer_plt:get_types(TrustPLT), % XXX change to the PLT?
MergedRecords = dialyzer_utils:merge_records(NewRecords, OldRecords),
CodeServer2 = dialyzer_codeserver:set_temp_records(MergedRecords, CodeServer1),
CodeServer3 = dialyzer_utils:process_record_remote_types(CodeServer2),
throw:{error, ErrorMsg} ->
%% Create TrustPLT
Contracts = dialyzer_codeserver:get_contracts(NewCodeServer),
Modules = dict:fetch_keys(Contracts),
FoldFun =
fun(Module, TmpPlt) ->
{ok, ModuleContracts} = dict:find(Module, Contracts),
SpecList = [{MFA, Contract}
|| {MFA, {_FileLine, Contract}} <- dict:to_list(ModuleContracts)],
dialyzer_plt:insert_contract_list(TmpPlt, SpecList)
NewTrustPLT = lists:foldl(FoldFun, TrustPLT, Modules),
Analysis#analysis{trust_plt = NewTrustPLT}.
-spec get_type_info(analysis()) -> analysis().
get_type_info(#analysis{callgraph = CallGraph,
trust_plt = TrustPLT,
codeserver = CodeServer} = Analysis) ->
StrippedCallGraph = remove_external(CallGraph, TrustPLT),
%% io:format("--- Analyzing callgraph... "),
NewPlt = dialyzer_succ_typings:analyze_callgraph(StrippedCallGraph,
TrustPLT, CodeServer),
Analysis#analysis{callgraph = StrippedCallGraph, trust_plt = NewPlt}
error:What ->
fatal_error(io_lib:format("Analysis failed with message: ~p",
[{What, erlang:get_stacktrace()}]));
throw:{dialyzer_succ_typing_error, Msg} ->
fatal_error(io_lib:format("Analysis failed with message: ~s", [Msg]))
-spec remove_external(callgraph(), plt()) -> callgraph().
remove_external(CallGraph, PLT) ->
{StrippedCG0, Ext} = dialyzer_callgraph:remove_external(CallGraph),
case get_external(Ext, PLT) of
[] -> ok;
Externals ->
msg(io_lib:format(" Unknown functions: ~p\n", [lists:usort(Externals)])),
ExtTypes = rcv_ext_types(),
case ExtTypes of
[] -> ok;
_ -> msg(io_lib:format(" Unknown types: ~p\n", [ExtTypes]))
-spec get_external([{mfa(), mfa()}], plt()) -> [mfa()].
get_external(Exts, Plt) ->
Fun = fun ({_From, To = {M, F, A}}, Acc) ->
case dialyzer_plt:contains_mfa(Plt, To) of
false ->
case erl_bif_types:is_known(M, F, A) of
true -> Acc;
false -> [To|Acc]
true -> Acc
lists:foldl(Fun, [], Exts).
%% Showing type information or annotating files with such information.
-define(TYPER_ANN_DIR, "typer_ann").
-type line() :: non_neg_integer().
-type fa() :: {atom(), arity()}.
-type func_info() :: {line(), atom(), arity()}.
-record(info, {records = map__new() :: map(),
functions = [] :: [func_info()],
types = map__new() :: map(),
edoc = false :: boolean()}).
-record(inc, {map = map__new() :: map(), filter = [] :: files()}).
-type inc() :: #inc{}.
-spec show_or_annotate(analysis()) -> 'ok'.
show_or_annotate(#analysis{mode = Mode, fms = Files} = Analysis) ->
case Mode of
?SHOW -> show(Analysis);
?SHOW_EXPORTED -> show(Analysis);
Fun = fun ({File, Module}) ->
Info = get_final_info(File, Module, Analysis),
write_typed_file(File, Info)
lists:foreach(Fun, Files);
IncInfo = write_and_collect_inc_info(Analysis),
write_and_collect_inc_info(Analysis) ->
Fun = fun ({File, Module}, Inc) ->
Info = get_final_info(File, Module, Analysis),
write_typed_file(File, Info),
IncFuns = get_functions(File, Analysis),
collect_imported_functions(IncFuns, Info#info.types, Inc)
NewInc = lists:foldl(Fun, #inc{}, Analysis#analysis.fms),
write_inc_files(Inc) ->
Fun =
fun (File) ->
Val = map__lookup(File, Inc#inc.map),
%% Val is function with its type info
%% in form [{{Line,F,A},Type}]
Functions = [Key || {Key, _} <- Val],
Val1 = [{{F,A},Type} || {{_Line,F,A},Type} <- Val],
Info = #info{types = map__from_list(Val1),
records = map__new(),
%% Note we need to sort functions here!
functions = lists:keysort(1, Functions)},
%% io:format("Types ~p\n", [Info#info.types]),
%% io:format("Functions ~p\n", [Info#info.functions]),
%% io:format("Records ~p\n", [Info#info.records]),
write_typed_file(File, Info)
lists:foreach(Fun, dict:fetch_keys(Inc#inc.map)).
show(Analysis) ->
Fun = fun ({File, Module}) ->
Info = get_final_info(File, Module, Analysis),
show_type_info(File, Info)
lists:foreach(Fun, Analysis#analysis.fms).
get_final_info(File, Module, Analysis) ->
Records = get_records(File, Analysis),
Types = get_types(Module, Analysis, Records),
Functions = get_functions(File, Analysis),
Edoc = Analysis#analysis.edoc,
#info{records = Records, functions = Functions, types = Types, edoc = Edoc}.
collect_imported_functions(Functions, Types, Inc) ->
%% Coming from other sourses, including:
%% FIXME: How to deal with yecc-generated file????
%% --.yrl (yecc-generated file)???
%% -- yeccpre.hrl (yecc-generated file)???
%% -- other cases
Fun = fun ({File, _} = Obj, I) ->
case is_yecc_gen(File, I) of
{true, NewI} -> NewI;
{false, NewI} ->
check_imported_functions(Obj, NewI, Types)
lists:foldl(Fun, Inc, Functions).
-spec is_yecc_gen(file:filename(), inc()) -> {boolean(), inc()}.
is_yecc_gen(File, #inc{filter = Fs} = Inc) ->
case lists:member(File, Fs) of
true -> {true, Inc};
false ->
case filename:extension(File) of
".yrl" ->
Rootname = filename:rootname(File, ".yrl"),
Obj = Rootname ++ ".erl",
case lists:member(Obj, Fs) of
true -> {true, Inc};
false ->
NewInc = Inc#inc{filter = [Obj|Fs]},
{true, NewInc}
_ ->
case filename:basename(File) of
"yeccpre.hrl" -> {true, Inc};
_ -> {false, Inc}
check_imported_functions({File, {Line, F, A}}, Inc, Types) ->
IncMap = Inc#inc.map,
FA = {F, A},
Type = get_type_info(FA, Types),
case map__lookup(File, IncMap) of
none -> %% File is not added. Add it
Obj = {File,[{FA, {Line, Type}}]},
NewMap = map__insert(Obj, IncMap),
Inc#inc{map = NewMap};
Val -> %% File is already in. Check.
case lists:keyfind(FA, 1, Val) of
false ->
%% Function is not in; add it
Obj = {File, Val ++ [{FA, {Line, Type}}]},
NewMap = map__insert(Obj, IncMap),
Inc#inc{map = NewMap};
Type ->
%% Function is in and with same type
_ ->
%% Function is in but with diff type
inc_warning(FA, File),
Elem = lists:keydelete(FA, 1, Val),
NewMap = case Elem of
[] -> map__remove(File, IncMap);
_ -> map__insert({File, Elem}, IncMap)
Inc#inc{map = NewMap}
inc_warning({F, A}, File) ->
io:format(" ***Warning: Skip function ~p/~p ", [F, A]),
io:format("in file ~p because of inconsistent type\n", [File]).
clean_inc(Inc) ->
Inc1 = remove_yecc_generated_file(Inc),
remove_yecc_generated_file(#inc{filter = Filter} = Inc) ->
Fun = fun (Key, #inc{map = Map} = I) ->
I#inc{map = map__remove(Key, Map)}
lists:foldl(Fun, Inc, Filter).
normalize_obj(TmpInc) ->
Fun = fun (Key, Val, Inc) ->
NewVal = [{{Line,F,A},Type} || {{F,A},{Line,Type}} <- Val],
map__insert({Key, NewVal}, Inc)
TmpInc#inc{map = map__fold(Fun, map__new(), TmpInc#inc.map)}.
get_records(File, Analysis) ->
map__lookup(File, Analysis#analysis.record).
get_types(Module, Analysis, Records) ->
TypeInfoPlt = Analysis#analysis.trust_plt,
TypeInfo =
case dialyzer_plt:lookup_module(TypeInfoPlt, Module) of
none -> [];
{value, List} -> List
CodeServer = Analysis#analysis.codeserver,
TypeInfoList =
case Analysis#analysis.show_succ of
true ->
[convert_type_info(I) || I <- TypeInfo];
false ->
[get_type(I, CodeServer, Records) || I <- TypeInfo]
convert_type_info({{_M, F, A}, Range, Arg}) ->
{{F, A}, {Range, Arg}}.
get_type({{M, F, A} = MFA, Range, Arg}, CodeServer, Records) ->
case dialyzer_codeserver:lookup_mfa_contract(MFA, CodeServer) of
error ->
{{F, A}, {Range, Arg}};
{ok, {_FileLine, Contract}} ->
Sig = erl_types:t_fun(Arg, Range),
case dialyzer_contracts:check_contract(Contract, Sig) of
ok -> {{F, A}, {contract, Contract}};
{error, {extra_range, _, _}} ->
{{F, A}, {contract, Contract}};
{error, {overlapping_contract, []}} ->
{{F, A}, {contract, Contract}};
{error, invalid_contract} ->
CString = dialyzer_contracts:contract_to_string(Contract),
SigString = dialyzer_utils:format_sig(Sig, Records),
Msg = io_lib:format("Error in contract of function ~w:~w/~w\n"
"\t The contract is: " ++ CString ++ "\n" ++
"\t but the inferred signature is: ~s",
[M, F, A, SigString]),
{error, ErrorStr} when is_list(ErrorStr) -> % ErrorStr is a string()
Msg = io_lib:format("Error in contract of function ~w:~w/~w: ~s",
[M, F, A, ErrorStr]),
get_functions(File, Analysis) ->
case Analysis#analysis.mode of
?SHOW ->
Funcs = map__lookup(File, Analysis#analysis.func),
Inc_Funcs = map__lookup(File, Analysis#analysis.inc_func),
remove_module_info(Funcs) ++ normalize_incFuncs(Inc_Funcs);
Ex_Funcs = map__lookup(File, Analysis#analysis.ex_func),
Funcs = map__lookup(File, Analysis#analysis.func),
map__lookup(File, Analysis#analysis.inc_func)
normalize_incFuncs(Functions) ->
[FunInfo || {_FileName, FunInfo} <- Functions].
-spec remove_module_info([func_info()]) -> [func_info()].
remove_module_info(FunInfoList) ->
F = fun ({_,module_info,0}) -> false;
({_,module_info,1}) -> false;
({Line,F,A}) when is_integer(Line), is_atom(F), is_integer(A) -> true
lists:filter(F, FunInfoList).
write_typed_file(File, Info) ->
io:format(" Processing file: ~p\n", [File]),
Dir = filename:dirname(File),
RootName = filename:basename(filename:rootname(File)),
Ext = filename:extension(File),
TyperAnnDir = filename:join(Dir, ?TYPER_ANN_DIR),
TmpNewFilename = lists:concat([RootName, ".ann", Ext]),
NewFileName = filename:join(TyperAnnDir, TmpNewFilename),
case file:make_dir(TyperAnnDir) of
{error, Reason} ->
case Reason of
eexist -> %% TypEr dir exists; remove old typer files if they exist
case file:delete(NewFileName) of
ok -> ok;
{error, enoent} -> ok;
{error, _} ->
Msg = io_lib:format("Error in deleting file ~s\n", [NewFileName]),
write_typed_file(File, Info, NewFileName);
enospc ->
Msg = io_lib:format("Not enough space in ~p\n", [Dir]),
eacces ->
Msg = io_lib:format("No write permission in ~p\n", [Dir]),
_ ->
Msg = io_lib:format("Unhandled error ~s when writing ~p\n",
[Reason, Dir]),
ok -> %% Typer dir does NOT exist
write_typed_file(File, Info, NewFileName)
write_typed_file(File, Info, NewFileName) ->
{ok, Binary} = file:read_file(File),
Chars = binary_to_list(Binary),
write_typed_file(Chars, NewFileName, Info, 1, []),
io:format(" Saved as: ~p\n", [NewFileName]).
write_typed_file(Chars, File, #info{functions = []}, _LNo, _Acc) ->
ok = file:write_file(File, list_to_binary(Chars), [append]);
write_typed_file([Ch|Chs] = Chars, File, Info, LineNo, Acc) ->
[{Line,F,A}|RestFuncs] = Info#info.functions,
case Line of
1 -> %% This will happen only for inc files
ok = raw_write(F, A, Info, File, []),
NewInfo = Info#info{functions = RestFuncs},
NewAcc = [],
write_typed_file(Chars, File, NewInfo, Line, NewAcc);
_ ->
case Ch of
10 ->
NewLineNo = LineNo + 1,
{NewInfo, NewAcc} =
case NewLineNo of
Line ->
ok = raw_write(F, A, Info, File, [Ch|Acc]),
{Info#info{functions = RestFuncs}, []};
_ ->
{Info, [Ch|Acc]}
write_typed_file(Chs, File, NewInfo, NewLineNo, NewAcc);
_ ->
write_typed_file(Chs, File, Info, LineNo, [Ch|Acc])
raw_write(F, A, Info, File, Content) ->
TypeInfo = get_type_string(F, A, Info, file),
ContentList = lists:reverse(Content) ++ TypeInfo ++ "\n",
ContentBin = list_to_binary(ContentList),
file:write_file(File, ContentBin, [append]).
get_type_string(F, A, Info, Mode) ->
Type = get_type_info({F,A}, Info#info.types),
TypeStr =
case Type of
{contract, C} ->
{RetType, ArgType} ->
Sig = erl_types:t_fun(ArgType, RetType),
dialyzer_utils:format_sig(Sig, Info#info.records)
case Info#info.edoc of
false ->
case {Mode, Type} of
{file, {contract, _}} -> "";
_ ->
Prefix = lists:concat(["-spec ", erl_types:atom_to_string(F)]),
lists:concat([Prefix, TypeStr, "."])
true ->
Prefix = lists:concat(["%% @spec ", F]),
lists:concat([Prefix, TypeStr, "."])
show_type_info(File, Info) ->
io:format("\n%% File: ~p\n%% ", [File]),
OutputString = lists:concat(["~.", length(File)+8, "c~n"]),
io:fwrite(OutputString, [$-]),
Fun = fun ({_LineNo, F, A}) ->
TypeInfo = get_type_string(F, A, Info, show),
io:format("~s\n", [TypeInfo])
lists:foreach(Fun, Info#info.functions).
get_type_info(Func, Types) ->
case map__lookup(Func, Types) of
none ->
%% Note: Typeinfo of any function should exist in
%% the result offered by dialyzer, otherwise there
%% *must* be something wrong with the analysis
Msg = io_lib:format("No type info for function: ~p\n", [Func]),
{contract, _Fun} = C -> C;
{_RetType, _ArgType} = RA -> RA
%% Processing of command-line options and arguments.
-spec process_cl_args() -> {args(), analysis()}.
process_cl_args() ->
ArgList = init:get_plain_arguments(),
%% io:format("Args is ~p\n", [ArgList]),
{Args, Analysis} = analyze_args(ArgList, #args{}, #analysis{}),
%% if the mode has not been set, set it to the default mode (show)
{Args, case Analysis#analysis.mode of
undefined -> Analysis#analysis{mode = ?SHOW};
Mode when is_atom(Mode) -> Analysis
analyze_args([], Args, Analysis) ->
{Args, Analysis};
analyze_args(ArgList, Args, Analysis) ->
{Result, Rest} = cl(ArgList),
{NewArgs, NewAnalysis} = analyze_result(Result, Args, Analysis),
analyze_args(Rest, NewArgs, NewAnalysis).
cl(["-h"|_]) -> help_message();
cl(["--help"|_]) -> help_message();
cl(["-v"|_]) -> version_message();
cl(["--version"|_]) -> version_message();
cl(["--edoc"|Opts]) -> {edoc, Opts};
cl(["--show"|Opts]) -> {{mode, ?SHOW}, Opts};
cl(["--show_exported"|Opts]) -> {{mode, ?SHOW_EXPORTED}, Opts};
cl(["--show-exported"|Opts]) -> {{mode, ?SHOW_EXPORTED}, Opts};
cl(["--show_success_typings"|Opts]) -> {show_succ, Opts};
cl(["--show-success-typings"|Opts]) -> {show_succ, Opts};
cl(["--annotate"|Opts]) -> {{mode, ?ANNOTATE}, Opts};
cl(["--annotate-inc-files"|Opts]) -> {{mode, ?ANNOTATE_INC_FILES}, Opts};
cl(["--no_spec"|Opts]) -> {no_spec, Opts};
cl(["--plt",Plt|Opts]) -> {{plt, Plt}, Opts};
cl(["-D"++Def|Opts]) ->
case Def of
"" -> fatal_error("no variable name specified after -D");
_ ->
DefPair = process_def_list(re:split(Def, "=", [{return, list}])),
{{def, DefPair}, Opts}
cl(["-I",Dir|Opts]) -> {{inc, Dir}, Opts};
cl(["-I"++Dir|Opts]) ->
case Dir of
"" -> fatal_error("no include directory specified after -I");
_ -> {{inc, Dir}, Opts}
cl(["-T"|Opts]) ->
{Files, RestOpts} = dialyzer_cl_parse:collect_args(Opts),
case Files of
[] -> fatal_error("no file or directory specified after -T");
[_|_] -> {{trusted, Files}, RestOpts}
cl(["-r"|Opts]) ->
{Files, RestOpts} = dialyzer_cl_parse:collect_args(Opts),
{{files_r, Files}, RestOpts};
cl(["-pa",Dir|Opts]) -> {{pa,Dir}, Opts};
cl(["-pz",Dir|Opts]) -> {{pz,Dir}, Opts};
cl(["-"++H|_]) -> fatal_error("unknown option -"++H);
cl(Opts) ->
{Files, RestOpts} = dialyzer_cl_parse:collect_args(Opts),
{{files, Files}, RestOpts}.
process_def_list(L) ->
case L of
[Name, Value] ->
{ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(Value ++ "."),
{ok, ErlValue} = erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens),
{list_to_atom(Name), ErlValue};
[Name] ->
{list_to_atom(Name), true}
%% Get information about files that the user trusts and wants to analyze
analyze_result({files, Val}, Args, Analysis) ->
NewVal = Args#args.files ++ Val,
{Args#args{files = NewVal}, Analysis};
analyze_result({files_r, Val}, Args, Analysis) ->
NewVal = Args#args.files_r ++ Val,
{Args#args{files_r = NewVal}, Analysis};
analyze_result({trusted, Val}, Args, Analysis) ->
NewVal = Args#args.trusted ++ Val,
{Args#args{trusted = NewVal}, Analysis};
analyze_result(edoc, Args, Analysis) ->
{Args, Analysis#analysis{edoc = true}};
%% Get useful information for actual analysis
analyze_result({mode, Mode}, Args, Analysis) ->
case Analysis#analysis.mode of
undefined -> {Args, Analysis#analysis{mode = Mode}};
OldMode -> mode_error(OldMode, Mode)
analyze_result({def, Val}, Args, Analysis) ->
NewVal = Analysis#analysis.macros ++ [Val],
{Args, Analysis#analysis{macros = NewVal}};
analyze_result({inc, Val}, Args, Analysis) ->
NewVal = Analysis#analysis.includes ++ [Val],
{Args, Analysis#analysis{includes = NewVal}};
analyze_result({plt, Plt}, Args, Analysis) ->
{Args, Analysis#analysis{plt = Plt}};
analyze_result(show_succ, Args, Analysis) ->
{Args, Analysis#analysis{show_succ = true}};
analyze_result(no_spec, Args, Analysis) ->
{Args, Analysis#analysis{no_spec = true}};
analyze_result({pa, Dir}, Args, Analysis) ->
true = code:add_patha(Dir),
{Args, Analysis};
analyze_result({pz, Dir}, Args, Analysis) ->
true = code:add_pathz(Dir),
{Args, Analysis}.
%% File processing.
-spec get_all_files(args()) -> [file:filename(),...].
get_all_files(#args{files = Fs, files_r = Ds}) ->
case filter_fd(Fs, Ds, fun test_erl_file_exclude_ann/1) of
[] -> fatal_error("no file(s) to analyze");
AllFiles -> AllFiles
-spec test_erl_file_exclude_ann(file:filename()) -> boolean().
test_erl_file_exclude_ann(File) ->
case is_erl_file(File) of
true -> %% Exclude files ending with ".ann.erl"
case re:run(File, "[\.]ann[\.]erl$") of
{match, _} -> false;
nomatch -> true
false -> false
-spec is_erl_file(file:filename()) -> boolean().
is_erl_file(File) ->
filename:extension(File) =:= ".erl".
-type test_file_fun() :: fun((file:filename()) -> boolean()).
-spec filter_fd(files(), files(), test_file_fun()) -> files().
filter_fd(File_Dir, Dir_R, Fun) ->
All_File_1 = process_file_and_dir(File_Dir, Fun),
All_File_2 = process_dir_rec(Dir_R, Fun),
remove_dup(All_File_1 ++ All_File_2).
-spec process_file_and_dir(files(), test_file_fun()) -> files().
process_file_and_dir(File_Dir, TestFun) ->
Fun =
fun (Elem, Acc) ->
case filelib:is_regular(Elem) of
true -> process_file(Elem, TestFun, Acc);
false -> check_dir(Elem, false, Acc, TestFun)
lists:foldl(Fun, [], File_Dir).
-spec process_dir_rec(files(), test_file_fun()) -> files().
process_dir_rec(Dirs, TestFun) ->
Fun = fun (Dir, Acc) -> check_dir(Dir, true, Acc, TestFun) end,
lists:foldl(Fun, [], Dirs).
-spec check_dir(file:filename(), boolean(), files(), test_file_fun()) -> files().
check_dir(Dir, Recursive, Acc, Fun) ->
case file:list_dir(Dir) of
{ok, Files} ->
{TmpDirs, TmpFiles} = split_dirs_and_files(Files, Dir),
case Recursive of
false ->
FinalFiles = process_file_and_dir(TmpFiles, Fun),
Acc ++ FinalFiles;
true ->
TmpAcc1 = process_file_and_dir(TmpFiles, Fun),
TmpAcc2 = process_dir_rec(TmpDirs, Fun),
Acc ++ TmpAcc1 ++ TmpAcc2
{error, eacces} ->
fatal_error("no access permission to dir \""++Dir++"\"");
{error, enoent} ->
fatal_error("cannot access "++Dir++": No such file or directory");
{error, _Reason} ->
fatal_error("error involving a use of file:list_dir/1")
%% Same order as the input list
-spec process_file(file:filename(), test_file_fun(), files()) -> files().
process_file(File, TestFun, Acc) ->
case TestFun(File) of
true -> Acc ++ [File];
false -> Acc
%% Same order as the input list
-spec split_dirs_and_files(files(), file:filename()) -> {files(), files()}.
split_dirs_and_files(Elems, Dir) ->
Test_Fun =
fun (Elem, {DirAcc, FileAcc}) ->
File = filename:join(Dir, Elem),
case filelib:is_regular(File) of
false -> {[File|DirAcc], FileAcc};
true -> {DirAcc, [File|FileAcc]}
{Dirs, Files} = lists:foldl(Test_Fun, {[], []}, Elems),
{lists:reverse(Dirs), lists:reverse(Files)}.
%% Removes duplicate filenames but keeps the order of the input list
-spec remove_dup(files()) -> files().
remove_dup(Files) ->
Test_Dup = fun (File, Acc) ->
case lists:member(File, Acc) of
true -> Acc;
false -> [File|Acc]
Reversed_Elems = lists:foldl(Test_Dup, [], Files),
%% Collect information.
-type inc_file_info() :: {file:filename(), func_info()}.
-record(tmpAcc, {file :: file:filename(),
module :: atom(),
funcAcc = [] :: [func_info()],
incFuncAcc = [] :: [inc_file_info()],
dialyzerObj = [] :: [{mfa(), {_, _}}]}).
-spec collect_info(analysis()) -> analysis().
collect_info(Analysis) ->
NewPlt =
try get_dialyzer_plt(Analysis) of
DialyzerPlt ->
dialyzer_plt:merge_plts([Analysis#analysis.trust_plt, DialyzerPlt])
throw:{dialyzer_error,_Reason} ->
fatal_error("Dialyzer's PLT is missing or is not up-to-date; please (re)create it")
NewAnalysis = lists:foldl(fun collect_one_file_info/2,
Analysis#analysis{trust_plt = NewPlt},
%% Process Remote Types
TmpCServer = NewAnalysis#analysis.codeserver,
NewCServer =
NewRecords = dialyzer_codeserver:get_temp_records(TmpCServer),
NewExpTypes = dialyzer_codeserver:get_temp_exported_types(TmpCServer),
OldRecords = dialyzer_plt:get_types(NewPlt),
OldExpTypes = dialyzer_plt:get_exported_types(NewPlt),
MergedRecords = dialyzer_utils:merge_records(NewRecords, OldRecords),
MergedExpTypes = sets:union(NewExpTypes, OldExpTypes),
%% io:format("Merged Records ~p",[MergedRecords]),
TmpCServer1 = dialyzer_codeserver:set_temp_records(MergedRecords, TmpCServer),
TmpCServer2 =
TmpCServer3 = dialyzer_utils:process_record_remote_types(TmpCServer2),
throw:{error, ErrorMsg} ->
NewAnalysis#analysis{codeserver = NewCServer}.
collect_one_file_info(File, Analysis) ->
Ds = [{d,Name,Val} || {Name,Val} <- Analysis#analysis.macros],
%% Current directory should also be included in "Includes".
Includes = [filename:dirname(File)|Analysis#analysis.includes],
Is = [{i,Dir} || Dir <- Includes],
Options = dialyzer_utils:src_compiler_opts() ++ Is ++ Ds,
case dialyzer_utils:get_abstract_code_from_src(File, Options) of
{error, Reason} ->
%% io:format("File=~p\n,Options=~p\n,Error=~p\n", [File,Options,Reason]),
{ok, AbstractCode} ->
case dialyzer_utils:get_core_from_abstract_code(AbstractCode, Options) of
error -> compile_error(["Could not get core erlang for "++File]);
{ok, Core} ->
case dialyzer_utils:get_record_and_type_info(AbstractCode) of
{error, Reason} -> compile_error([Reason]);
{ok, Records} ->
Mod = cerl:concrete(cerl:module_name(Core)),
case dialyzer_utils:get_spec_info(Mod, AbstractCode, Records) of
{error, Reason} -> compile_error([Reason]);
{ok, SpecInfo, CbInfo} ->
ExpTypes = get_exported_types_from_core(Core),
analyze_core_tree(Core, Records, SpecInfo, CbInfo,
ExpTypes, Analysis, File)
analyze_core_tree(Core, Records, SpecInfo, CbInfo, ExpTypes, Analysis, File) ->
Module = cerl:concrete(cerl:module_name(Core)),
TmpTree = cerl:from_records(Core),
CS1 = Analysis#analysis.codeserver,
NextLabel = dialyzer_codeserver:get_next_core_label(CS1),
{Tree, NewLabel} = cerl_trees:label(TmpTree, NextLabel),
CS2 = dialyzer_codeserver:insert(Module, Tree, CS1),
CS3 = dialyzer_codeserver:set_next_core_label(NewLabel, CS2),
CS4 = dialyzer_codeserver:store_temp_records(Module, Records, CS3),
CS5 =
case Analysis#analysis.no_spec of
true -> CS4;
false ->
dialyzer_codeserver:store_temp_contracts(Module, SpecInfo, CbInfo, CS4)
OldExpTypes = dialyzer_codeserver:get_temp_exported_types(CS5),
MergedExpTypes = sets:union(ExpTypes, OldExpTypes),
CS6 = dialyzer_codeserver:insert_temp_exported_types(MergedExpTypes, CS5),
Ex_Funcs = [{0,F,A} || {_,_,{F,A}} <- cerl:module_exports(Tree)],
CG = Analysis#analysis.callgraph,
{V, E} = dialyzer_callgraph:scan_core_tree(Tree, CG),
dialyzer_callgraph:add_edges(E, V, CG),
Fun = fun analyze_one_function/2,
All_Defs = cerl:module_defs(Tree),
Acc = lists:foldl(Fun, #tmpAcc{file = File, module = Module}, All_Defs),
Exported_FuncMap = map__insert({File, Ex_Funcs}, Analysis#analysis.ex_func),
%% we must sort all functions in the file which
%% originate from this file by *numerical order* of lineNo
Sorted_Functions = lists:keysort(1, Acc#tmpAcc.funcAcc),
FuncMap = map__insert({File, Sorted_Functions}, Analysis#analysis.func),
%% we do not need to sort functions which are imported from included files
IncFuncMap = map__insert({File, Acc#tmpAcc.incFuncAcc},
FMs = Analysis#analysis.fms ++ [{File, Module}],
RecordMap = map__insert({File, Records}, Analysis#analysis.record),
Analysis#analysis{fms = FMs,
callgraph = CG,
codeserver = CS6,
ex_func = Exported_FuncMap,
inc_func = IncFuncMap,
record = RecordMap,
func = FuncMap}.
analyze_one_function({Var, FunBody} = Function, Acc) ->
F = cerl:fname_id(Var),
A = cerl:fname_arity(Var),
TmpDialyzerObj = {{Acc#tmpAcc.module, F, A}, Function},
NewDialyzerObj = Acc#tmpAcc.dialyzerObj ++ [TmpDialyzerObj],
[_, LineNo, {file, FileName}] = cerl:get_ann(FunBody),
BaseName = filename:basename(FileName),
FuncInfo = {LineNo, F, A},
OriginalName = Acc#tmpAcc.file,
{FuncAcc, IncFuncAcc} =
case (FileName =:= OriginalName) orelse (BaseName =:= OriginalName) of
true -> %% Coming from original file
%% io:format("Added function ~p\n", [{LineNo, F, A}]),
{Acc#tmpAcc.funcAcc ++ [FuncInfo], Acc#tmpAcc.incFuncAcc};
false ->
%% Coming from other sourses, including:
%% -- .yrl (yecc-generated file)
%% -- yeccpre.hrl (yecc-generated file)
%% -- other cases
{Acc#tmpAcc.funcAcc, Acc#tmpAcc.incFuncAcc ++ [{FileName, FuncInfo}]}
Acc#tmpAcc{funcAcc = FuncAcc,
incFuncAcc = IncFuncAcc,
dialyzerObj = NewDialyzerObj}.
-spec get_dialyzer_plt(analysis()) -> plt().
get_dialyzer_plt(#analysis{plt = PltFile0}) ->
PltFile =
case PltFile0 =:= none of
true -> dialyzer_plt:get_default_plt();
false -> PltFile0
%% Exported Types
get_exported_types_from_core(Core) ->
Attrs = cerl:module_attrs(Core),
ExpTypes1 = [cerl:concrete(L2) || {L1, L2} <- Attrs,
cerl:concrete(L1) =:= 'export_type'],
ExpTypes2 = lists:flatten(ExpTypes1),
M = cerl:atom_val(cerl:module_name(Core)),
sets:from_list([{M, F, A} || {F, A} <- ExpTypes2]).
%% Utilities for error reporting.
-spec fatal_error(string()) -> no_return().
fatal_error(Slogan) ->
msg(io_lib:format("typer: ~s\n", [Slogan])),
-spec mode_error(mode(), mode()) -> no_return().
mode_error(OldMode, NewMode) ->
Msg = io_lib:format("Mode was previously set to '~s'; "
"can not set it to '~s' now",
[OldMode, NewMode]),
-spec compile_error([string()]) -> no_return().
compile_error(Reason) ->
JoinedString = lists:flatten([X ++ "\n" || X <- Reason]),
Msg = "Analysis failed with error report:\n" ++ JoinedString,
-spec msg(string()) -> 'ok'.
msg(Msg) ->
case os:type() of
{unix, _} -> % Output a message on 'stderr', if possible
P = open_port({fd, 0, 2}, [out]),
port_command(P, Msg),
true = port_close(P),
_ -> % win32
io:format("~s", [Msg])
%% Version and help messages.
-spec version_message() -> no_return().
version_message() ->
io:format("TypEr version "++?VSN++"\n"),
-spec help_message() -> no_return().
help_message() ->
S = <<" Usage: typer [--help] [--version] [--plt PLT] [--edoc]
[--show | --show-exported | --annotate | --annotate-inc-files]
[-Ddefine]* [-I include_dir]* [-pa dir]* [-pz dir]*
[-T application]* [-r] file*
-r dir*
search directories recursively for .erl files below them
Prints type specifications for all functions on stdout.
(this is the default behaviour; this option is not really needed)
--show-exported (or --show_exported)
Same as --show, but prints specifications for exported functions only
Specs are displayed sorted alphabetically on the function's name
Annotates the specified files with type specifications
Same as --annotate but annotates all -include() files as well as
all .erl files (use this option with caution - has not been tested much)
Prints type information as Edoc @spec comments, not as type specs
--plt PLT
Use the specified dialyzer PLT file rather than the default one
-T file*
The specified file(s) already contain type specifications and these
are to be trusted in order to print specs for the rest of the files
(Multiple files or dirs, separated by spaces, can be specified.)
-Dname (or -Dname=value)
pass the defined name(s) to TypEr
(The syntax of defines is the same as that used by \"erlc\".)
-I include_dir
pass the include_dir to TypEr
(The syntax of includes is the same as that used by \"erlc\".)
-pa dir
-pz dir
Set code path options to TypEr
(This is useful for files that use parse tranforms.)
--version (or -v)
prints the Typer version and exits
--help (or -h)
prints this message and exits
* denotes that multiple occurrences of these options are possible.
%% Handle messages.
rcv_ext_types() ->
Self = self(),
Self ! {Self, done},
rcv_ext_types(Self, []).
rcv_ext_types(Self, ExtTypes) ->
{Self, ext_types, ExtType} ->
rcv_ext_types(Self, [ExtType|ExtTypes]);
{Self, done} ->
%% A convenient abstraction of a Key-Value mapping data structure
%% specialized for the uses in this module
-type map() :: dict().
-spec map__new() -> map().
map__new() ->
-spec map__insert({term(), term()}, map()) -> map().
map__insert(Object, Map) ->
{Key, Value} = Object,
dict:store(Key, Value, Map).
-spec map__lookup(term(), map()) -> term().
map__lookup(Key, Map) ->
try dict:fetch(Key, Map) catch error:_ -> none end.
-spec map__from_list([{fa(), term()}]) -> map().
map__from_list(List) ->
-spec map__remove(term(), map()) -> map().
map__remove(Key, Dict) ->
dict:erase(Key, Dict).
-spec map__fold(fun((term(), term(), term()) -> map()), map(), map()) -> map().
map__fold(Fun, Acc0, Dict) ->
dict:fold(Fun, Acc0, Dict).