%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%%% File : gl_gen_erl.erl
%%% Author : Dan Gudmundsson <[email protected]>
%%% Description :
%%% Created : 18 Apr 2007 by Dan Gudmundsson <[email protected]>
-import(lists, [foldl/3,foldr/3,reverse/1, keysearch/3, map/2, filter/2, max/1]).
-import(gen_util, [lowercase/1, lowercase_all/1, uppercase/1, uppercase_all/1,
open_write/1, open_write/2, close/0, erl_copyright/0, w/2,
args/3, args/4, strip_name/2]).
gl_defines(Defs) ->
w("~n%% OPENGL DEFINITIONS~n~n", []),
w("%% This file is generated DO NOT EDIT~n~n", []),
[gen_define(Def) || Def=#def{} <- Defs],
glu_defines(Defs) ->
w("~n%% GLU DEFINITIONS~n~n", []),
w("%% This file is generated DO NOT EDIT~n~n", []),
[gen_define(Def) || Def=#def{} <- Defs],
gen_define(#def{name=N, val=Val, type=int}) ->
w("-define(~s, ~p).~n", [N,Val]);
gen_define(#def{name=N, val=Val, type=float_str}) ->
w("-define(~s, ~s).~n", [N,Val]);
gen_define(#def{name=N, val=Val, type=hex}) ->
w("-define(~s, 16#~s).~n", [N,Val]);
gen_define(#def{name=N, val=Val, type=string}) ->
w("-define(~s, ?~s).~n", [N,Val]);
gen_define(#def{name="GLEXT_64_TYPES"++_, val=undefined, type=undefined}) ->
types() ->
[{"GLenum", "32/native-unsigned"},
{"GLboolean", "8/native-unsigned"},
{"GLbitfield","32/native-unsigned"}, %
%%{"GLvoid",":void "},%
{"GLbyte", "8/native-signed"}, % 1-byte signed
{"GLshort", "16/native-signed"}, % 2-byte signed
{"GLint", "32/native-signed"}, % 4-byte signed
{"GLubyte", "8/native-unsigned"}, % 1-byte unsigned
{"GLushort", "16/native-unsigned"}, % 2-byte unsigned
{"GLuint", "32/native-unsigned"}, % 4-byte unsigned
{"GLsizei", "32/native-signed"}, % 4-byte signed
{"GLfloat", "32/native-float"}, % single precision float
{"GLclampf", "32/native-float"}, % single precision float in [0,1]
{"GLdouble", "64/native-float"}, % double precision float
{"GLclampd", "64/native-float"}, % double precision float in [0,1]
{"GLsizeiptr","64/native-unsigned"}, % 64 bits int, convert on c-side
{"GLintptr", "64/native-unsigned"}, % 64 bits int, convert on c-sidew
{"GLUquadric", "64/native-unsigned"},% Handle 32bits aargh 64bits on mac64
{"GLhandleARB","64/native-unsigned"},% Handle 32bits aargh 64bits on mac64
{"GLsync", "64/native-unsigned"}, % Pointer to record
{"GLuint64", "64/native-unsigned"},
{"GLint64", "64/native-signed"}
gl_api(Fs) ->
open_write("../src/gen/gl.erl", [{encoding,utf8}]),
w("~n%% OPENGL API~n~n", []),
w("%% This file is generated DO NOT EDIT~n~n", []),
w("%% @doc Standard OpenGL api.~n", []),
w("%% See <a href=\"http://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man/\">www.opengl.org</a>~n",[]),
w("%%~n", []),
w("%% Booleans are represented by integers 0 and 1.~n~n", []),
w("-compile(inline).~n", []),
%% w("-include(\"wxe.hrl\").~n", []),
[w("-define(~s,~s).~n", [GL,Erl]) || {GL,Erl} <- types()],
Exp = fun(F) -> gen_export(F) end,
ExportList = lists:map(Exp,Fs),
w("~n-export([~s]).~n~n", [args(fun(EF) -> EF end, ",", ExportList, 60)]),
w("-export([call/2, cast/2, send_bin/1]).~n",[]),
w("%% @hidden~n", []),
w("call(Op, Args) ->~n", []),
w(" Port = get(opengl_port), ~n", []),
w(" _ = erlang:port_control(Port,Op,Args),~n", []),
w(" rec().~n", []),
w(" ~n", []),
w("%% @hidden~n", []),
w("cast(Op, Args) ->~n", []),
w(" Port = get(opengl_port), ~n", []),
w(" _ = erlang:port_control(Port,Op,Args),~n", []),
w(" ok.~n", []),
w(" ~n", []),
w("%% @hidden~n", []),
w("rec() ->~n", []),
w(" receive ~n", []),
w(" {'_egl_result_', Res} -> Res;~n", []),
w(" {'_egl_error_', Op, Res} -> error({error,Res,Op})~n", []),
w(" end. ~n", []),
w("~n", []),
w("%% @hidden~n", []),
w("send_bin(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->~n", []),
w(" Port = get(opengl_port), ~n", []),
w(" erlang:port_command(Port,Bin);~n", []),
w("send_bin(Tuple) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->~n", []),
w(" Port = get(opengl_port), ~n", []),
w(" case element(2, Tuple) of~n", []),
w(" Bin when is_binary(Bin) ->~n", []),
w(" erlang:port_command(Port,Bin)~n", []),
w(" end.~n", []),
w("~n", []),
w("~n%% API~n~n", []),
[gen_funcs(F) || F <- Fs],
glu_api(Fs) ->
open_write("../src/gen/glu.erl", [{encoding,utf8}]),
w("~n%% OPENGL UTILITY API~n~n", []),
w("%% This file is generated DO NOT EDIT~n~n", []),
w("%% @doc A part of the standard OpenGL Utility api.~n", []),
w("%% See <a href=\"http://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man/\">www.opengl.org</a>~n",[]),
w("%%~n", []),
w("%% Booleans are represented by integers 0 and 1.~n~n", []),
w("-compile(inline).~n", []),
%%w("-include(\"wxe.hrl\").~n", []),
[w("-define(~s,~s).~n", [GL,Erl]) || {GL,Erl} <- types()],
Exp = fun(F) -> gen_export(F) end,
ExportList = ["tesselate/2" | lists:map(Exp,Fs)],
w("~n-export([~s]).~n~n", [args(fun(EF) -> EF end, ",", ExportList, 60)]),
w("-import(gl, [call/2,cast/2,send_bin/1]).", []),
w("~n%% API~n~n", []),
%% w("%% @spec (Vec3, [Vec3]) -> {Triangles, VertexPos}~n",[]),
%% w("%% Vec3 = {float(),float(),float()}~n",[]),
%% w("%% Triangles = [VertexIndex::integer()]~n",[]),
%% w("%% VertexPos = binary()~n",[]),
w("%% @doc General purpose polygon triangulation.~n",[]),
w("%% The first argument is the normal and the second a list of~n"
"%% vertex positions. Returned is a list of indecies of the vertices~n"
"%% and a binary (64bit native float) containing an array of~n"
"%% vertex positions, it starts with the vertices in Vs and~n"
"%% may contain newly created vertices in the end.~n", []),
w("-spec tesselate(Normal, [Vs]) -> {Triangles, VertexPos}~n", []),
w(" when Normal :: vertex(), Vs :: vertex(),~n", []),
w(" Triangles :: [integer()], VertexPos :: binary().~n", []),
w("tesselate({Nx,Ny,Nz}, Vs) ->~n",[]),
w(" call(5000, <<(length(Vs)):32/native,0:32,~n"
" Nx:?GLdouble,Ny:?GLdouble,Nz:?GLdouble,~n"
" (<< <<Vx:?GLdouble,Vy:?GLdouble,Vz:?GLdouble >>~n"
" || {Vx,Vy,Vz} <- Vs>>)/binary >>).~n~n", []),
[gen_funcs(F) || F <- Fs],
gen_funcs([F]) when is_list(F) ->
gen_funcs(All=[F|Fs]) when is_list(F) ->
gen_doc([get(A) || A <- All]),
gen_funcs([]) ->
gen_funcs(F) ->
gen_types(Where) ->
case Where of
glu ->
w("-type vertex() :: {float(), float(), float()}.~n", []),
w("-type enum() :: non_neg_integer(). %% See wx/include/gl.hrl or glu.hrl~n", []);
gl ->
w("-type enum() :: non_neg_integer(). %% See wx/include/gl.hrl~n", []),
w("-type clamp() :: float(). %% 0.0..1.0~n", []),
w("-type offset() :: non_neg_integer(). %% Offset in memory block~n", [])
w("-type matrix() :: {float(),float(),float(),float(),~n", []),
w(" float(),float(),float(),float(),~n", []),
w(" float(),float(),float(),float(),~n", []),
w(" float(),float(),float(),float()}.~n", []),
w("-type mem() :: binary() | tuple(). %% Memory block~n", []),
gen_export(F) ->
try gen_export_1(F)
catch E:R ->
io:format("Crash ~p:~p in ~p ~n",[E,R, erlang:get_stacktrace()]),
io:format("Func = ~p~n ~p", [F, get(F)])
gen_export_1([F|_]) when is_list(F) ->
gen_export_1(F) when is_list(F) ->
gen_export2(#func{name=Name,alt=Alt={vector,VecPos,Vec}}) ->
#func{params=As0} = get(Vec),
{As1,_As2} = lists:split(VecPos, As0),
Args = lists:filter(fun(Arg) -> func_arg(Arg) =/= skip end, As1),
Export = erl_func_name(Name) ++ "/" ++ integer_to_list(length(Args) +1),
DocN = doc_name(Name,Alt),
(get({export_arg,DocN}) == undefined) andalso put({export_arg, DocN}, Export),
gen_export2(#func{name=Name,params=As0, alt=Alt}) ->
Args = lists:filter(fun(Arg) -> func_arg(Arg) =/= skip end, As0),
Export = erl_func_name(Name) ++ "/" ++ integer_to_list(length(Args)),
DocN = doc_name(Name,Alt),
(get({export_arg,DocN}) == undefined) andalso put({export_arg, DocN}, Export),
gen_doc([#func{name=Name, params=Orig, alt={vector,VecPos,Vec}}]) ->
#func{type=T,params=As} = get(Vec),
{As1,As2} = lists:split(VecPos, As),
#arg{name=OrigName} = lists:last(Orig),
Args1 = case args(fun func_arg/1, ",", As1) of [] -> []; Else -> Else++"," end,
Args2 = args(fun func_arg/1, ",", As2),
w("%% @equiv ~s(~s)~n",[erl_func_name(Vec), Args1++Args2]),
SA1 = case doc_arg_types(As1) of [] -> []; E -> E++"," end,
SA2 = doc_arg_types(As2),
w("-spec ~s(~s~s) -> ~s when ~s :: {~s}.~n",
[erl_func_name(Name), SA1, erl_arg_name(OrigName),
doc_return_types(T,As), erl_arg_name(OrigName), SA2]);
gen_doc([F=#func{name=Name,type=T,params=As, alt=Alt}|_]) ->
gen_doc(Name, Alt, gen_export2(F)),
Ps = [Arg || #arg{name=Arg, in=In, where=Where} <- As,
In =/= false, Where =/= c],
Args = args(fun erl_arg_name/1, ", ", Ps),
case Args of
[] ->
w("-spec ~s(~s) -> ~s.~n",
[erl_func_name(Name), Args, doc_return_types(T,As)]);
_ -> w("-spec ~s(~s) -> ~s when ~s.~n",
[erl_func_name(Name), Args, doc_return_types(T,As), doc_arg_types(As)])
-define(LINE_LEN, 90).
gen_doc(Name0, Alt, Export) ->
Name = doc_name(Name0, Alt),
case get({doc, Name}) of
undefined ->
GLDoc = "http://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man/xhtml/",
case parse_doc(Name, _Dir1 ="gl_man4", _Dir2="gl_man2") of
{error, _} ->
case reverse(Name) of
"BRA" ++ _ -> ok;
"TXE" ++ _ -> ok;
_ ->
%% io:format("Missing doc: no ~s.xml (~s) found in ~s or ~s~n",
%% [Name, Name0, Dir1, Dir2]),
w("%% @doc ~s~n%%~n%% See <a href=\"~s~s.xml\">external</a> documentation.~n",
[Name, GLDoc, Name]);
Doc ->
put({doc, Name}, Export),
format_doc(Doc, ?LINE_LEN),
w("~n%%~n%% See <a href=\"~s~s.xml\">external</a> documentation.~n",
[GLDoc, Name])
Where ->
w("%% @doc ~n", []),
w("%% See {@link ~s}~n", [Where])
parse_doc(Name, Dir1, Dir2) ->
case gl_scan_doc:file(filename:join(Dir1, Name++".xml"), []) of
{error, {_, "no such" ++ _}} ->
gl_scan_doc:file(filename:join(Dir2, Name++".xml"), []);
Doc ->
format_doc(Strs, Count) when Count < 0 ->
w("~n%% ", []),
format_doc(Strs, ?LINE_LEN);
format_doc([{constant, Const}|Rest], Count) ->
w("`?~s'", [Const]),
format_doc(Rest, Count-length(Const)-8);
format_doc([{emphasis, Const}|Rest], Count) ->
w("`~ts'", [Const]),
format_doc(Rest, Count-length(Const)-7);
format_doc([{function, Func}|Rest], Count) ->
case Func of
"glu" ++ _ ->
w("``glu:~s''", [erl_func_name(Func)]);
"gl" ++ _ ->
w("``gl:~s''", [erl_func_name(Func)]);
_ ->
w("`~s'", [Func])
format_doc(Rest, Count-length(Func)-7);
format_doc([{reffunc, Func}|Rest], Count) ->
Out = fun(Export) ->
case Func of
"glu" ++ _ -> w(" {@link glu:~s} ", [Export]);
"gl" ++ _ -> w(" {@link gl:~s} ", [Export])
case get({export_arg, Func}) of
undefined ->
case get({export_arg, doc_name(Func, undefined)}) of
undefined ->
%% io:format("Func ~p undefined (~p) ~n",
%% [Func, doc_name(Func, undef)]),
w("see `~s'", [Func]);
Export -> Out(Export)
Export ->
format_doc(Rest, Count-length(Func)-10);
format_doc([{parameter, Param}|Rest], Count) ->
w(" `~s' ", [erl_arg_name(Param)]),
format_doc(Rest, Count-length(Param)-7);
format_doc([{equation, Eq}|Rest], Count) ->
%% w("```", []),
format_doc([Eq], Count),
%% w("'''", []),
format_doc(Rest, Count);
format_doc([{fenced, Open, Close, Eq}|Rest], Count) ->
w(Open, []),
format_doc(Eq, Count),
w(Close, []),
format_doc(Rest, Count);
format_doc([{code, Code}|Rest], Count) ->
w("``~ts''", [Code]),
format_doc(Rest, Count-length(Code)-7);
format_doc([para|Rest], _Count) ->
w("~n%%~n%% ", []),
format_doc(Rest, ?LINE_LEN);
format_doc([break|Rest], _Count) ->
w("<br />~n%% ", []),
format_doc(Rest, ?LINE_LEN);
format_doc([{purpose, Purpose}, para | Doc], _Count) ->
w("%% @doc ~ts~n%%~n%% ", [uppercase(Purpose)]),
format_doc(Doc, ?LINE_LEN);
format_doc([{purpose, Purpose} | Doc], _Count) ->
w("%% @doc ~ts~n%%~n%% ", [Purpose]),
format_doc(Doc, ?LINE_LEN);
format_doc([listentry|Rest], _Count) ->
w("~n%%~n%% ", []),
format_doc(Rest, ?LINE_LEN);
format_doc([Str|Rest], Count) ->
case length(Str) of
Len when Len < Count ->
w("~ts", [Str]),
format_doc(Rest, Count-Len);
_ ->
{Str1, Str2} = split(Str, Count, []),
w("~ts~n%% ", [Str1]),
format_doc([Str2|Rest], ?LINE_LEN)
format_doc([], _) -> ok.
split([$ |Str], Count, Acc) when Count =< 5 ->
{reverse(Acc), Str};
split([Chr|Str], Count, Acc) ->
split(Str, Count-1, [Chr|Acc]);
split([], _, Acc) ->
{reverse(Acc), []}.
gen_func(#func{name=Name,alt={vector,VecPos,Vec}}) ->
#func{params=As} = get(Vec),
{As1,As2} = lists:split(VecPos, As),
Args1 = case args(fun func_arg/1, ",", As1) of [] -> []; Else -> Else++"," end,
Args2 = args(fun func_arg/1, ",", As2),
w("~s(~s{~s}) ->", [erl_func_name(Name),Args1,Args2]),
w(" ~s(~s)", [erl_func_name(Vec), Args1++Args2]);
gen_func(_F=#func{name=Name,type=T,params=As,id=MId}) ->
Args = args(fun func_arg/1, ",", As),
w("~s(~s)~s ", [erl_func_name(Name), Args, guard_test(As)]),
w("->~n", []),
PreAs = pre_marshal(As),
{StrArgs,_} = marshal_args(PreAs),
case have_return_vals(T,As) of
true ->
w(" call(~p, <<~s>>)", [MId, StrArgs]);
false ->
w(" cast(~p, <<~s>>)", [MId, StrArgs])
when In =/= false, W =/= c ->
case Type of
#type{single={tuple,TSz0}} when TSz0 =/= undefined ->
TSz = if is_integer(TSz0) -> TSz0;
TSz0 =:= matrix12 -> 12
[NameId|_] = erl_arg_name(Name),
Names = [[NameId|integer_to_list(Id)] || Id <- lists:seq(1,TSz)],
"{" ++ args(fun(ElName) -> ElName end, ",", Names) ++ "}";
_ ->
func_arg(_) -> skip.
doc_arg_types(Ps0) ->
Ps = [P || P=#arg{in=In, where=Where} <- Ps0,In =/= false, Where =/= c],
args(fun(Arg) -> doc_arg_type(Arg) end, ",", Ps).
doc_return_types(T, Ps0) ->
Ps = [P || P=#arg{in=In, where=Where} <- Ps0,In =/= true, Where =/= c],
doc_return_types2(T, Ps).
doc_return_types2(void, []) -> "ok";
doc_return_types2(void, [#arg{type=T}]) -> doc_arg_type2(T);
doc_return_types2(T, []) -> doc_arg_type2(T);
doc_return_types2(void, Ps) ->
"{" ++ args(fun(Arg) -> doc_arg_type(Arg) end,",",Ps) ++ "}";
doc_return_types2(T, Ps) ->
"{" ++ doc_arg_type2(T) ++ "," ++
args(fun(Arg) -> doc_arg_type(Arg) end,",",Ps) ++ "}".
doc_arg_type(#arg{name=Name,type=T}) ->
erl_arg_name(Name) ++ " :: " ++ doc_arg_type2(T)
catch _:Error ->
io:format("Error spec: ~p ~p~n~p~n",[Name, Error, erlang:get_stacktrace()]),
doc_arg_type2(T=#type{single=true}) ->
doc_arg_type2(T=#type{single=undefined}) ->
doc_arg_type2(T=#type{single={tuple,undefined}}) ->
"{" ++ doc_arg_type3(T) ++ "}";
doc_arg_type2(#type{base=float, single={tuple,16}}) ->
doc_arg_type2(T=#type{single={tuple,Sz}}) ->
"{" ++ args(fun doc_arg_type3/1, ",", lists:duplicate(Sz,T)) ++ "}";
doc_arg_type2(T=#type{single=list}) ->
"[" ++ doc_arg_type3(T) ++ "]";
doc_arg_type2(T=#type{single={list, _Max}}) ->
"[" ++ doc_arg_type3(T) ++ "]";
doc_arg_type2(T=#type{single={list,_,_}}) ->
"[" ++ doc_arg_type3(T) ++ "]";
doc_arg_type2(T=#type{single={tuple_list,Sz}}) ->
"[{" ++ args(fun doc_arg_type3/1, ",", lists:duplicate(Sz,T)) ++ "}]".
doc_arg_type3(#type{name="GLenum"}) -> "enum()";
doc_arg_type3(#type{name="GLclamp"++_}) -> "clamp()";
doc_arg_type3(#type{base=int}) -> "integer()";
doc_arg_type3(#type{base=float}) -> "float()";
doc_arg_type3(#type{base=guard_int}) -> "offset()|mem()";
doc_arg_type3(#type{base=string}) -> "string()";
doc_arg_type3(#type{base=bool}) -> "0|1";
doc_arg_type3(#type{base=binary}) -> "binary()";
doc_arg_type3(#type{base=memory}) -> "mem()".
guard_test(As) ->
Str = args(fun(#arg{name=N,type=#type{base=guard_int}}) ->
" is_integer("++erl_arg_name(N)++")";
(_) ->
end, ",", As),
case Str of
[] -> [];
Other -> " when " ++ Other
pre_marshal([#arg{name=N,in=true,type=#type{base=binary}}|R]) ->
w(" send_bin(~s),~n", [erl_arg_name(N)]),
pre_marshal([#arg{name=N,type=#type{base=memory}}|R]) ->
w(" send_bin(~s),~n", [erl_arg_name(N)]),
pre_marshal([A=#arg{name=N,type=#type{base=string,single=list}}|R]) ->
%% With null terminations
w(" ~sTemp = list_to_binary([[Str|[0]] || Str <- ~s ]),~n",
[erl_arg_name(N), erl_arg_name(N)]),
pre_marshal([A|R]) ->
pre_marshal([]) -> [].
marshal_args(As) ->
marshal_args(As, [], 0).
marshal_args([#arg{where=erl}|Ps], Margs, Align) ->
marshal_args(Ps, Margs, Align);
marshal_args([#arg{where=c}|Ps], Margs, Align) ->
marshal_args(Ps, Margs, Align);
marshal_args([#arg{in=false}|Ps], Margs, Align) ->
marshal_args(Ps, Margs, Align);
marshal_args([#arg{name=Name, type=Type}|Ps], Margs, Align0) ->
{Arg,Align} = marshal_arg(Type,erl_arg_name(Name),Align0),
marshal_args(Ps, [Arg|Margs], Align);
marshal_args([],Margs, Align) ->
{args(fun(Str) -> Str end, ",", reverse(Margs)), Align}.
marshal_arg(#type{size=Sz,name=Type,single={tuple,undefined}},Name,A0) ->
KeepA = case Sz of 8 -> "0:32,"; _ -> "" end,
Str0 = "(size("++Name++")):?GLuint,"++KeepA++"\n"
" (<< <<C:?"++Type++ ">> ||"
"C <- tuple_to_list("++Name++")>>)/binary",
case Sz of
4 ->
{Str,Align} = align(4,A0,Str0),
{Str++",0:((("++integer_to_list(Align div 4)++
"+size("++Name++")) rem 2)*32)",0};
8 ->
when is_integer(TSz) ->
NameId = hd(Name),
Names = [[NameId|integer_to_list(Id)] || Id <- lists:seq(1,TSz)],
All = args(fun(ElName) -> ElName ++ ":?" ++ Type end, ",", Names),
marshal_arg(#type{size=BSz,name=Type,single={tuple,matrix12}},Name,A0) ->
NameId = hd(Name),
Ns0 = [[NameId|integer_to_list(Id)] || Id <- lists:seq(1,3)],
Ns1 = [[NameId|integer_to_list(Id)] || Id <- lists:seq(4,6)],
Ns2 = [[NameId|integer_to_list(Id)] || Id <- lists:seq(7,9)],
Ns3 = [[NameId|integer_to_list(Id)] || Id <- lists:seq(10,12)],
All = args(fun(ElName) -> ElName ++ ":?" ++ Type end, ",",
Ns0 ++ ["0"] ++ Ns1 ++ ["0"] ++ Ns2 ++ ["0"] ++ Ns3 ++ ["1"]),
when Base =:= float; Base =:= int ->
KeepA = case Sz of 8 -> "0:32,"; _ -> "" end,
Str0 = "(length("++Name++")):?GLuint,"++KeepA++"\n"
" (<< <<C:?"++Type++">> || C <- "++Name++">>)/binary",
{Str,Align} = align(max([Sz,4]),A0,Str0),
marshal_arg(#type{base=guard_int},Name,A0) ->
align(4,A0,Name ++ ":?GLuint");
by_val=true,ref=undefined},Name,A0) ->
align(Sz,A0,Name ++ ":?" ++ Type);
marshal_arg(#type{size=8,name="GLUquadric"=Type},Name,A0) ->
align(8,A0,Name ++ ":?" ++ Type);
marshal_arg(#type{base=string,single=true,ref={pointer,1}},Name,A0) ->
Str = "(list_to_binary(["++Name++"|[0]]))/binary", % Null terminate
marshal_arg(#type{base=string,single=list,ref={pointer,2}},Name,A0) ->
Str0 =
"(size("++Name ++ "Temp)):?GLuint,"
"(" ++ Name ++ "Temp)/binary",
{Str,A} = align(4,A0,Str0),
{Str ++ ",0:((8-((size("++Name++"Temp)+"++
integer_to_list(A) ++") rem 8)) rem 8)", 0};
marshal_arg(#type{size=Sz,name=Type,single={tuple_list,TSz}},Name,A0) ->
NameId = hd(Name),
Names = [[NameId|integer_to_list(Id)] || Id <- lists:seq(1,TSz)],
TTup = args(fun(ElName) -> ElName end, ",", Names),
TBin = args(fun(ElName) -> ElName ++ ":?" ++ Type end, ",", Names),
KeepA = case Sz of 8 -> "0:32,"; 4 -> "" end,
Str0 = "(length("++Name++")):?GLuint,"++KeepA++"\n"
" (<< <<"++TBin++">> || {"++TTup++"} <- "++Name++">>)/binary",
marshal_arg(T=#type{}, Name, Align) ->
io:format("{\"~s\", {\"~s\", }}.~n", [get(current_func),lowercase(Name)]),
%%?error({unhandled_type, {Name,T}}).
w(" Don't know how to marshal this type ~p ~p~n", [T,Name]),
% Make sure that it is aligned before adding it, and update alignment
align(Size, PreAlign, Str) ->
align(1,N,A,Str) -> {Str, (A+1*N+0) rem 8};
align(2,N,A,Str) when (A rem 2) =:= 0 -> {Str, (A+2*N+0) rem 8};
align(2,N,A,Str) when (A rem 2) =:= 1 -> {"0:8," ++Str, (A+2*N+1) rem 8};
align(4,N,A,Str) when (A rem 4) =:= 0 -> {Str, (A+4*N+0) rem 8};
align(4,N,A,Str) when (A rem 4) =:= 1 -> {"0:24,"++Str, (A+4*N+3) rem 8};
align(4,N,A,Str) when (A rem 4) =:= 2 -> {"0:16,"++Str, (A+4*N+2) rem 8};
align(4,N,A,Str) when (A rem 4) =:= 3 -> {"0:8," ++Str, (A+4*N+1) rem 8};
align(8,_,0,Str) -> {Str, 0};
align(8,_,1,Str) -> {"0:56,"++Str, 0};
align(8,_,2,Str) -> {"0:48,"++Str, 0};
align(8,_,3,Str) -> {"0:40,"++Str, 0};
align(8,_,4,Str) -> {"0:32,"++Str, 0};
align(8,_,5,Str) -> {"0:24,"++Str, 0};
align(8,_,6,Str) -> {"0:16,"++Str, 0};
align(8,_,7,Str) -> {"0:8," ++Str, 0}.
align_after(8,0,_Add,_Multiplier,_Name,Str) -> {Str,0};
align_after(4,0,Add,Mult,Name,Str) ->
Extra = extra_align(Add,Mult),
Align = ",0:(((length("++Name++")"++Extra++") rem 2)*32)",
{Str ++ Align,0};
align_after(4,4,Add,Mult,Name,Str) ->
Extra = extra_align(Add,Mult),
Align = ",0:(((1+length("++Name++")"++Extra++") rem 2)*32)",
{Str ++ Align,0};
align_after(2,A,Add,Mult,Name,Str) when (A rem 2) =:= 0 ->
Extra = extra_align(A+Add*2,Mult),
Align = ",0:((8-((length("++Name++")*2"++Extra++") rem 8)) rem 8)",
{Str ++ Align,0};
align_after(1,A,Add,Mult,Name,Str) ->
Extra = extra_align(A+Add,Mult),
Align = ",0:((8-((length("++Name++")"++Extra++") rem 8)) rem 8)",
{Str ++ Align,0};
align_after(Sz,A,Add,Mult,Name,Str) ->
io:format("~p ~p with ~p ~p ~s~n, ~p", [Sz,A,Add,Mult,Name,Str]),
extra_align(0,1) -> "";
extra_align(0,M) when M > 1 -> "* " ++ integer_to_list(M);
extra_align(A,1) when A > 0 -> "+ " ++ integer_to_list(A);
extra_align(A,M) when A > 0,M>1 ->
"* " ++ integer_to_list(M) ++ "+ " ++ integer_to_list(A).
have_return_vals(void, Ps) ->
lists:any(fun(#arg{in=In, type=#type{base=B}}) ->
In =/= true orelse B =:= memory
end, Ps);
have_return_vals(#type{}, _) -> true.
erl_func_name("glu" ++ Name) -> check_name(lowercase(Name));
erl_func_name("gl" ++ Name) -> check_name(lowercase(Name)).
erl_arg_name(Name) -> uppercase(Name).
check_name("begin") -> "'begin'";
check_name("end") -> "'end'";
check_name(Other) -> Other.
doc_name(N="glGetBufferParameteriv", _) -> N;
doc_name("glEnd"++What, _) -> "glBegin"++What;
doc_name("glDisable" ++ What, _) -> "glEnable" ++ What;
doc_name("glPop" ++ What, _) -> "glPush" ++ What;
doc_name("glGetBooleanv", _) -> "glGet";
doc_name("glGetBooleani_v", _) -> "glGet";
doc_name("glGetIntegerv", _) -> "glGet";
doc_name("glGetIntegeri_v", _) -> "glGet";
doc_name("glGetInteger64v", _) -> "glGet";
doc_name("glGetInteger64i_v", _) -> "glGet";
doc_name("glGetFloatv", _) -> "glGet";
doc_name("glGetDoublev", _) -> "glGet";
doc_name("glGetFloati_v", _) -> "glGet";
doc_name("glGetDoublei_v", _) -> "glGet";
doc_name("glUniformMatr" ++ _, _) -> "glUniform";
doc_name("glTexSubImage" ++ _, _) -> "glTexSubImage";
doc_name("glFramebufferText" ++ _, _) -> "glFramebufferTexture";
doc_name("glProgramUniformMatr" ++ _, _) -> "glProgramUniform";
doc_name(Name, {has_vector,_,_}) ->
doc_name(Name, _) ->
strip_hard(Rev) ->
case strip(Rev) of
Rev -> reverse(strip2(Rev));
Other -> reverse(Other)
strip("BRA"++R) -> "BRA"++strip(R);
strip([$v,$b,$u,$N,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 ->R;
strip([$v,$i,$u,$N,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 ->R;
strip([$v,$s,$u,$N,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 ->R;
strip([$v,$b,$N,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$v,$i,$N,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$v,$s,$N,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$v,$d,$N,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$v,$f,$N,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$b,$u,$N,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$v,$b,$I,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$v,$i,$I,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$v,$s,$I,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$v,$d,$I,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$v,$f,$I,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$b,$u,$I,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$v,$b,$u,N,$I|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 ->R;
strip([$v,$i,$u,N,$I|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 ->R;
strip([$v,$s,$u,N,$I|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 ->R;
strip([$v,$b,N,$I|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$v,$i,N,$I|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$v,$s,N,$I|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$v,$d,N,$I|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$v,$f,N,$I|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$v,$b,$u,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 ->R;
strip([$v,$i,$u,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 ->R;
strip([$v,$s,$u,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 ->R;
strip([$v,$b,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$v,$i,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$v,$s,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$v,$d,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$v,$f,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$b,$u,N,$I|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 ->R;
strip([$i,$u,N,$I|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 ->R;
strip([$s,$u,N,$I|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 ->R;
strip([$b,N,$I|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$i,N,$I|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$s,N,$I|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$d,N,$I|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$f,N,$I|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$b,$u,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 ->R;
strip([$i,$u,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 ->R;
strip([$s,$u,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 ->R;
strip([$b,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$i,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$s,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$d,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$f,N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([$v,$b,$u|R]) -> R;
strip([$v,$i,$u|R]) -> R;
strip([$v,$s,$u|R]) -> R;
strip([$v,$b|R]) -> R;
strip([$v,$i,$I|R]) -> R;
strip([$v,$i|R]) -> R;
strip([$v,$s|R]) -> R;
strip([$v,$d|R]) -> R;
strip([$v,$f|R]) -> R;
strip(R = "delban" ++ _) -> R;
strip([$d,$e|R]) -> [$e|R];
strip([$f,$e|R]) -> [$e|R];
strip([$i,$e|R]) -> [$e|R];
strip([$d,$x|R]) -> [$x|R];
strip([$f,$x|R]) -> [$x|R];
strip([$d,$d|R]) -> [$d|R];
strip([$f,$d|R]) -> [$d|R];
strip([$i,$l|R]) -> [$l|R];
strip([$f,$l|R]) -> [$l|R];
strip([$i,$r|R]) -> [$r|R];
strip([$f,$r|R]) -> [$r|R];
strip([$i,$g|R]) -> [$g|R];
strip([$f,$g|R]) -> [$g|R];
strip([$i,$n|R]) -> [$n|R];
strip([$f,$n|R]) -> [$n|R];
strip([$d,$n|R]) -> [$n|R];
%% strip([$D,$3|R]) -> R;
%% strip([$D,$2|R]) -> R;
%% strip([$D,$1|R]) -> R;
strip([$I|R]) -> R;
strip([$L|R]) -> R;
strip([$v,R]) -> R;
strip([N|R]) when N > 47, N < 58 -> R;
strip([_|R="tceRlg"]) -> R;
strip([_|R="thgiLlg"]) -> R;
strip(R) -> R.
strip2([$b,$u|R]) -> R;
strip2([$i,$u|R]) -> R;
strip2([$s,$u|R]) -> R;
strip2([$b|R]) -> R;
strip2([$i|R]) -> R;
strip2([$s|R]) -> R;
strip2([$d|R]) -> R;
strip2([$f|R]) -> R;
strip2(R) -> R.
gen_debug(GL, GLU) ->
w("%% This file is generated DO NOT EDIT~n~n", []),
w("gldebug_table() ->~n[~n", []),
[printd(F,gl) || F <- GL],
[printd(F,glu) || F <- GLU],
w(" {-1, {mod, func, -1}}~n",[]),
w("].~n~n", []),
printd([F|R],Mod) when is_list(F) ->
printd([],_) -> ok;
printd(F,Mod) ->
case get(F) of
#func{alt={vector,_VecPos,_Vec}} -> ok;
#func{where=erl} -> ok;
#func{id=Id, name=Method} ->
w(" {~p, {~s, ~s, 0}},~n", [Id, Mod, erl_func_name(Method)]);
_Other ->
io:format("F= ~p => ~p~n", [F, _Other])