%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
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%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
<<EXPORT:SortItems sortItems/2 SortItems:EXPORT>>
%% @spec (This::wxListCtrl(), SortCallBack::function()) -> boolean()
%% @doc Sort the items in the list control<br />
%% <pre>SortCallBack(Item1,Item2) -> integer()</pre>
%% <br /> SortCallBack receives the client data associated with two items
%% to compare, and should return 0 if the items are equal, a negative
%% value if the first item is less than the second one and a positive
%% value if the first item is greater than the second one.
%% <br /> NOTE: The callback may not call other (wx) processes.
sortItems(#wx_ref{type=ThisT,ref=ThisRef}, SortCallBack)
when is_function(SortCallBack, 2) ->
Sort = fun([Item1,Item2]) ->
Result = SortCallBack(Item1,Item2),
SortId = wxe_util:get_cbId(Sort),
wxe_util:call(~s, <<ThisRef:32/?UI,SortId:32/?UI>>).
<<EXPORT:wxListCtrl new/0, new/1, new/2 wxListCtrl:EXPORT>>
%% @spec () -> wxListCtrl()
%% @doc See <a href="http://www.wxwidgets.org/manuals/stable/wx_wxlistctrl.html#wxlistctrlwxlistctrl">external documentation</a>.
new() ->
wxe_util:construct(~s, <<>>).
%% @spec (Parent::wxWindow:wxWindow()) -> wxListCtrl()
%% @equiv new(Parent, [])
when is_record(Parent, wx_ref) ->
new(Parent, []).
%% @spec (Parent::wxWindow:wxWindow(), [Option]) -> wxListCtrl()
%% Option = {winid, integer()} |
%% {pos, {X::integer(),Y::integer()}} |
%% {size, {W::integer(),H::integer()}} |
%% {style, integer()} |
%% {validator, wx:wx()} |
%% {onGetItemText, OnGetItemText} |
%% {onGetItemAttr, OnGetItemAttr} |
%% {onGetItemColumnImage, OnGetItemColumnImage}
%% OnGetItemText = (This, Item, Column) -> wxString()
%% OnGetItemAttr = (This, Item) -> wxListItemAttr()
%% OnGetItemColumnImage = (This, Item, Column) -> integer()
%% @doc See <a href="http://www.wxwidgets.org/manuals/stable/wx_wxlistctrl.html#wxlistctrlwxlistctrl">external documentation</a>.
new(#wx_ref{type=ParentT,ref=ParentRef}, Options)
when is_list(Options)->
MOpts = fun({winid, Winid}, Acc) -> [<<1:32/?UI,Winid:32/?UI>>|Acc];
({pos, {PosX,PosY}}, Acc) -> [<<2:32/?UI,PosX:32/?UI,PosY:32/?UI,0:32>>|Acc];
({size, {SizeW,SizeH}}, Acc) -> [<<3:32/?UI,SizeW:32/?UI,SizeH:32/?UI,0:32>>|Acc];
({style, Style}, Acc) -> [<<4:32/?UI,Style:32/?UI>>|Acc];
({validator, #wx_ref{type=ValidatorT,ref=ValidatorRef}}, Acc) ->
({onGetItemText, F}, Acc) when is_function(F) ->
Fun = fun([This,Item,Col]) -> unicode:characters_to_binary([F(This,Item,Col),0]) end,
({onGetItemAttr, F}, Acc) when is_function(F) ->
Fun = fun([This,Item]) ->
#wx_ref{type=wxListItemAttr,ref=ThisRef} = F(This,Item),
({onGetItemColumnImage, F}, Acc) when is_function(F) ->
Fun = fun([This,Item, Col]) -> <<(F(This,Item,Col)):32/?I>> end,
(BadOpt, _) -> erlang:error({badoption, BadOpt}) end,
BinOpt = list_to_binary(lists:foldl(MOpts, [<<0:32>>], Options)),
wxe_util:construct(~s, <<ParentRef:32/?UI, 0:32,BinOpt/binary>>).
<<EXPORT:Create create/2, create/3 Create:EXPORT>>
%% @spec (This::wxListCtrl(), Parent::wxWindow:wxWindow()) -> bool()
%% @equiv create(This,Parent, [])
when is_record(This, wx_ref),is_record(Parent, wx_ref) ->
create(This,Parent, []).
%% @spec (This::wxListCtrl(), Parent::wxWindow:wxWindow(), [Option]) -> bool()
%% Option = {winid, integer()} |
%% {pos, {X::integer(),Y::integer()}} |
%% {size, {W::integer(),H::integer()}} |
%% {style, integer()} |
%% {validator, wx:wx()} |
%% {onGetItemText, OnGetItemText} |
%% {onGetItemAttr, OnGetItemAttr} |
%% {onGetItemColumnImage, OnGetItemColumnImage}
%% OnGetItemText = (This, Item, Column) -> wxString()
%% OnGetItemAttr = (This, Item) -> wxListItemAttr()
%% OnGetItemColumnImage = (This, Item, Column) -> integer()
%% @doc See <a href="http://www.wxwidgets.org/manuals/stable/wx_wxlistctrl.html#wxlistctrlcreate">external documentation</a>.
create(#wx_ref{type=ThisT,ref=ThisRef},#wx_ref{type=ParentT,ref=ParentRef}, Options)
when is_list(Options) ->
MOpts = fun({winid, Winid}, Acc) -> [<<1:32/?UI,Winid:32/?UI>>|Acc];
({pos, {PosX,PosY}}, Acc) -> [<<2:32/?UI,PosX:32/?UI,PosY:32/?UI,0:32>>|Acc];
({size, {SizeW,SizeH}}, Acc) -> [<<3:32/?UI,SizeW:32/?UI,SizeH:32/?UI,0:32>>|Acc];
({style, Style}, Acc) -> [<<4:32/?UI,Style:32/?UI>>|Acc];
({validator, #wx_ref{type=ValidatorT,ref=ValidatorRef}}, Acc) -> ?CLASS(ValidatorT,wx),[<<5:32/?UI,ValidatorRef:32/?UI>>|Acc];
(BadOpt, _) -> erlang:error({badoption, BadOpt}) end,
BinOpt = list_to_binary(lists:foldl(MOpts, [<<0:32>>], Options)),
<<ThisRef:32/?UI,ParentRef:32/?UI, BinOpt/binary>>).