path: root/page
blob: f4b065d09c44cb3af29e9884172d021ec677ac2f (plain) (tree)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;

-d '.git' or die "$0: Not a Git repository";

my $root = dirname($0);
my $last = `(cd $root; git ls-files "whats" | tail -1)`;
@ARGV = ("$root/$last");

my $output_file = "GH-PAGES/index.html";
open STDOUT, ">", $output_file or
    die "$0: Failed to open $output_file for writing: $!\n";

my %cooking;
my $current;
if (@ARGV) {
    while (<>) {
	next if /^-------/;
	next if m/^\[([^\]]*)\]/;

	if (/^[*] (\S+)/) {
	    $current = $1;
	    $cooking{$current} = "";
	next if /^ [+-]/;
	next unless $current;
	$cooking{$current} .= $_
	    unless /^\s*$/ && $cooking{$current} eq '';

my $title = "Currently in the 'pu' branch";
print <<"END";
<style type="text/css" media="all">
    body {
      width: 600px;

my $root_url = "http://github.com/erlang/otp/commit";
foreach (`git log --oneline --first-parent dev..pu`) {
    if (/^([\da-f]*) Merge branch '([^\']*)'/) {
	my($child,$topic) = ($1,$2);
	my $range = "$child^1..$child^2";
	my(@revs) = `git rev-list $range`;
	my $commits = @revs == 1 ? "1 commit" : scalar(@revs) . " commits";
	my $max = 12;
	system "git", "show", "-s", "--date=short",
	qq[--format=<li><a href="$root_url/%H">$topic</a>:], "$child";
	print "<ul>\n";
	my $format = qq[<li><a href="$root_url/%H">%s</a></li>];
	system "git",  "--no-pager", "log", "-n", $max,
	"--format=$format", $range;
	print ".\n.\n\.\n" if @revs > $max;
	print "</ul>\n";

	my $text = $cooking{$topic};
	$text =~ s/\n\n/$&<p>/g;
	print "<p>$text\n" if $text ne '';
	print "<p>" if $text eq '';

	print "</li>\n";
print "</ul>\n";
print "</body>\n";
print "</html>\n";

close STDOUT;

system qq(cd GH-PAGES; git commit --amend -m "Update index.html" index.html >/dev/null);