diff options
authorMicael Karlberg <bmk@erlang.org>2011-03-03 18:50:00 +0100
committerMicael Karlberg <bmk@erlang.org>2011-03-03 18:50:00 +0100
commit890ccb33dd4ffd754a232a676433b3bc3b469bc0 (patch)
parent62d32fe953ba33d441e1511e1d548fd55c51ab36 (diff)
parent24c45e5d18eafbc8fc85b0c49622980dac3f6fe2 (diff)
Merge branch 'bmk/snmp/test_case_cleanup/OTP-9084' into dev
2 files changed, 106 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/lib/snmp/test/snmp_app_test.erl b/lib/snmp/test/snmp_app_test.erl
index 64dd638f83..27a7b4af2e 100644
--- a/lib/snmp/test/snmp_app_test.erl
+++ b/lib/snmp/test/snmp_app_test.erl
@@ -300,6 +300,25 @@ undef_funcs(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
analyze_undefined_function_calls(Undefs, Mods, []).
+valid_undef(crypto = CalledMod) ->
+ case (catch CalledMod:version()) of
+ Version when is_list(Version) ->
+ %% The called module was crypto and the version
+ %% function returns a valid value.
+ %% This means that the function is
+ %% actually undefined...
+ true;
+ _ ->
+ %% The called module was crypto but the version
+ %% function does *not* return a valid value.
+ %% This means the crypto was not actually not
+ %% build, which is an case snmp handles.
+ false
+ end;
+valid_undef(_) ->
+ true.
analyze_undefined_function_calls([], _, []) ->
analyze_undefined_function_calls([], _, AppUndefs) ->
@@ -312,14 +331,25 @@ analyze_undefined_function_calls([{{Mod, _F, _A}, _C} = AppUndef|Undefs],
{Calling,Called} = AppUndef,
{Mod1,Func1,Ar1} = Calling,
{Mod2,Func2,Ar2} = Called,
- io:format("undefined function call: "
- "~n ~w:~w/~w calls ~w:~w/~w~n",
- [Mod1,Func1,Ar1,Mod2,Func2,Ar2]),
- analyze_undefined_function_calls(Undefs, AppModules,
- [AppUndef|AppUndefs]);
+ %% If the called module is crypto, then we will *not*
+ %% fail if crypto is not built (since crypto is actually
+ %% not built for all platforms)
+ case valid_undef(Mod2) of
+ true ->
+ io:format("undefined function call: "
+ "~n ~w:~w/~w calls ~w:~w/~w~n",
+ [Mod1,Func1,Ar1,Mod2,Func2,Ar2]),
+ analyze_undefined_function_calls(
+ Undefs, AppModules, [AppUndef|AppUndefs]);
+ false ->
+ io:format("skipping ~p (calling ~w:~w/~w)~n",
+ [Mod, Mod2, Func2, Ar2]),
+ analyze_undefined_function_calls(Undefs,
+ AppModules, AppUndefs)
+ end;
false ->
- io:format("dropping ~p~n", [Mod]),
- analyze_undefined_function_calls(Undefs, AppModules, AppUndefs)
+ io:format("dropping ~p~n", [Mod]),
+ analyze_undefined_function_calls(Undefs, AppModules, AppUndefs)
%% This function is used simply to avoid cut-and-paste errors later...
diff --git a/lib/snmp/test/snmp_manager_config_test.erl b/lib/snmp/test/snmp_manager_config_test.erl
index a72dd0cc22..e38a99d413 100644
--- a/lib/snmp/test/snmp_manager_config_test.erl
+++ b/lib/snmp/test/snmp_manager_config_test.erl
@@ -169,36 +169,41 @@ all() ->
groups() ->
[{start_and_stop, [],
- [simple_start_and_stop, start_without_mandatory_opts1,
- start_without_mandatory_opts2,
- start_with_all_valid_opts, start_with_unknown_opts,
- start_with_incorrect_opts,
- start_with_invalid_manager_conf_file1,
- start_with_invalid_users_conf_file1,
- start_with_invalid_agents_conf_file1,
- start_with_invalid_usm_conf_file1]},
- {normal_op, [],
- [{group, system}, {group, agents}, {group, users},
- {group, usm_users}, {group, counter},
- {group, stats_counter}]},
- {system, [], [simple_system_op]},
- {users, [],
- [register_user_using_file, register_user_using_function,
- register_user_failed_using_function1]},
- {agents, [],
- [register_agent_using_file,
- register_agent_using_function,
- register_agent_failed_using_function1]},
- {usm_users, [],
- [register_usm_user_using_file,
- register_usm_user_using_function,
- register_usm_user_failed_using_function1,
- update_usm_user_info]},
- {counter, [], [create_and_increment]},
- {stats_counter, [], [stats_create_and_increment]},
- {tickets, [], [otp_7219, {group, otp_8395}]},
- {otp_8395, [],
- [otp_8395_1, otp_8395_2, otp_8395_3, otp_8395_4]}].
+ [simple_start_and_stop,
+ start_without_mandatory_opts1,
+ start_without_mandatory_opts2,
+ start_with_all_valid_opts, start_with_unknown_opts,
+ start_with_incorrect_opts,
+ start_with_invalid_manager_conf_file1,
+ start_with_invalid_users_conf_file1,
+ start_with_invalid_agents_conf_file1,
+ start_with_invalid_usm_conf_file1]},
+ {normal_op, [],
+ [{group, system},
+ {group, agents},
+ {group, users},
+ {group, usm_users},
+ {group, counter},
+ {group, stats_counter}]},
+ {system, [], [simple_system_op]},
+ {users, [],
+ [register_user_using_file,
+ register_user_using_function,
+ register_user_failed_using_function1]},
+ {agents, [],
+ [register_agent_using_file,
+ register_agent_using_function,
+ register_agent_failed_using_function1]},
+ {usm_users, [],
+ [register_usm_user_using_file,
+ register_usm_user_using_function,
+ register_usm_user_failed_using_function1,
+ update_usm_user_info]},
+ {counter, [], [create_and_increment]},
+ {stats_counter, [], [stats_create_and_increment]},
+ {tickets, [], [otp_7219, {group, otp_8395}]},
+ {otp_8395, [],
+ [otp_8395_1, otp_8395_2, otp_8395_3, otp_8395_4]}].
init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
@@ -816,7 +821,10 @@ start_with_invalid_users_conf_file1(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
ConfDir = ?config(manager_conf_dir, Conf),
- DbDir = ?config(manager_db_dir, Conf),
+ DbDir = ?config(manager_db_dir, Conf),
+ verify_dir_existing(conf, ConfDir),
+ verify_dir_existing(db, DbDir),
Opts = [{versions, [v1]},
{config, [{verbosity, trace}, {dir, ConfDir}, {db_dir, DbDir}]}],
@@ -917,7 +925,10 @@ start_with_invalid_agents_conf_file1(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
ConfDir = ?config(manager_conf_dir, Conf),
- DbDir = ?config(manager_db_dir, Conf),
+ DbDir = ?config(manager_db_dir, Conf),
+ verify_dir_existing(conf, ConfDir),
+ verify_dir_existing(db, DbDir),
Opts = [{versions, [v1]},
{config, [{verbosity, trace}, {dir, ConfDir}, {db_dir, DbDir}]}],
@@ -2022,7 +2033,6 @@ register_usm_user_using_file(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
%% --
-%% ?SKIP(not_yet_implemented).
@@ -2651,9 +2661,21 @@ write_usm_conf2(Dir, Str) ->
write_conf_file(Dir, File, Str) ->
- ?line {ok, Fd} = file:open(filename:join(Dir, File), write),
- ?line ok = io:format(Fd, "~s", [Str]),
- file:close(Fd).
+ case file:open(filename:join(Dir, File), write) of
+ {ok, Fd} ->
+ ?line ok = io:format(Fd, "~s", [Str]),
+ file:close(Fd);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ Info =
+ [{dir, Dir, case (catch file:read_file_info(Dir)) of
+ {ok, FI} ->
+ FI;
+ _ ->
+ undefined
+ end},
+ {file, File}],
+ exit({failed_writing_conf_file, Info, Reason})
+ end.
maybe_start_crypto() ->
@@ -2679,6 +2701,17 @@ maybe_stop_crypto() ->
%% ------
+verify_dir_existing(DirName, Dir) ->
+ case file:read_file_info(Dir) of
+ {ok, _} ->
+ ok;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ exit({non_existing_dir, DirName, Dir, Reason})
+ end.
+%% ------
str(X) ->
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w", [X])).