diff options
authorHans Nilsson <hans@erlang.org>2018-12-28 10:20:10 +0100
committerHans Nilsson <hans@erlang.org>2018-12-28 10:20:10 +0100
commitadf89a61d31938386e052027775a71e49fcd905d (patch)
parent6d39c458fbd0b573e8e752121d8cd388e0426917 (diff)
parent06f43998fd9dcc5afec0cfb13bb60549fe20d663 (diff)
Merge branch 'maint'
* maint: Updated OTP version Prepare release ssh: Fix port leakage for daemons failing at start ssh: Add port close test
5 files changed, 79 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssh/doc/src/notes.xml b/lib/ssh/doc/src/notes.xml
index 370cf4c3a0..44c6663c77 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/doc/src/notes.xml
+++ b/lib/ssh/doc/src/notes.xml
@@ -30,6 +30,21 @@
+<section><title>Ssh 4.7.3</title>
+ <section><title>Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions</title>
+ <list>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Fixed port leakage if a ssh:daemon call failed.</p>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-15397 Aux Id: ERL-801 </p>
+ </item>
+ </list>
+ </section>
<section><title>Ssh 4.7.2</title>
<section><title>Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions</title>
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh.erl
index 086fa6e5f8..9281bf84a7 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh.erl
@@ -270,25 +270,38 @@ daemon(Host0, Port0, UserOptions0) when 0 =< Port0, Port0 =< 65535,
{Host1, UserOptions} = handle_daemon_args(Host0, UserOptions0),
#{} = Options0 = ssh_options:handle_options(server, UserOptions),
- {{Host,Port}, ListenSocket} =
- open_listen_socket(Host1, Port0, Options0),
- %% Now Host,Port is what to use for the supervisor to register its name,
- %% and ListenSocket is for listening on connections. But it is still owned
- %% by self()...
- finalize_start(Host, Port, ?GET_OPT(profile, Options0),
- ?PUT_INTERNAL_OPT({lsocket,{ListenSocket,self()}}, Options0),
- fun(Opts, Result) ->
- {_, Callback, _} = ?GET_OPT(transport, Opts),
- receive
- {request_control, ListenSocket, ReqPid} ->
- ok = Callback:controlling_process(ListenSocket, ReqPid),
- ReqPid ! {its_yours,ListenSocket},
- Result
- end
- end)
+ {open_listen_socket(Host1, Port0, Options0), Options0}
+ of
+ {{{Host,Port}, ListenSocket}, Options1} ->
+ try
+ %% Now Host,Port is what to use for the supervisor to register its name,
+ %% and ListenSocket is for listening on connections. But it is still owned
+ %% by self()...
+ finalize_start(Host, Port, ?GET_OPT(profile, Options1),
+ ?PUT_INTERNAL_OPT({lsocket,{ListenSocket,self()}}, Options1),
+ fun(Opts, Result) ->
+ {_, Callback, _} = ?GET_OPT(transport, Opts),
+ receive
+ {request_control, ListenSocket, ReqPid} ->
+ ok = Callback:controlling_process(ListenSocket, ReqPid),
+ ReqPid ! {its_yours,ListenSocket},
+ Result
+ end
+ end)
+ of
+ {error,Err} ->
+ close_listen_socket(ListenSocket, Options1),
+ {error,Err};
+ OK ->
+ OK
+ catch
+ error:Error ->
+ close_listen_socket(ListenSocket, Options1),
+ error(Error);
+ exit:Exit ->
+ close_listen_socket(ListenSocket, Options1),
+ exit(Exit)
+ end
throw:bad_fd ->
@@ -524,6 +537,15 @@ open_listen_socket(_Host0, Port0, Options0) ->
{{LHost,LPort}, LSock}.
+close_listen_socket(ListenSocket, Options) ->
+ try
+ {_, Callback, _} = ?GET_OPT(transport, Options),
+ Callback:close(ListenSocket)
+ catch
+ _C:_E -> ok
+ end.
finalize_start(Host, Port, Profile, Options0, F) ->
%% throws error:Error if no usable hostkey is found
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_basic_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_basic_SUITE.erl
index da94b5722f..5de6d52092 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_basic_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_basic_SUITE.erl
@@ -43,7 +43,9 @@ suite() ->
all() ->
- [{group, all_tests}].
+ [{group, all_tests},
+ daemon_already_started
+ ].
groups() ->
[{all_tests, [parallel], [{group, ssh_renegotiate_SUITE},
@@ -801,6 +803,24 @@ daemon_already_started(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+%%% Test that a failed daemon start does not leave the port open
+daemon_error_closes_port(Config) ->
+ GoodSystemDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
+ Port = ssh_test_lib:inet_port(),
+ {error,_} = ssh_test_lib:daemon(Port, []), % No system dir
+ case ssh_test_lib:daemon(Port, [{system_dir, GoodSystemDir}]) of
+ {error,eaddrinuse} ->
+ {fail, "Port leakage"};
+ {error,Error} ->
+ ct:log("Strange error: ~p",[Error]),
+ {fail, "Strange error"};
+ {Pid, _Host, Port} ->
+ %% Ok
+ ssh:stop_daemon(Pid)
+ end.
%%% check that known_hosts is updated correctly
known_hosts(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
SystemDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
diff --git a/lib/ssh/vsn.mk b/lib/ssh/vsn.mk
index 3ba1e177be..2890d7fe5b 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/vsn.mk
+++ b/lib/ssh/vsn.mk
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#-*-makefile-*- ; force emacs to enter makefile-mode
-SSH_VSN = 4.7.2
+SSH_VSN = 4.7.3
APP_VSN = "ssh-$(SSH_VSN)"
diff --git a/otp_versions.table b/otp_versions.table
index d3776eb1b5..11586467c1 100644
--- a/otp_versions.table
+++ b/otp_versions.table
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+OTP-21.2.2 : ssh-4.7.3 # asn1-5.0.8 common_test-1.16.1 compiler-7.3 crypto-4.4 debugger-4.2.6 dialyzer-3.3.1 diameter-2.1.6 edoc-0.9.4 eldap-1.2.6 erl_docgen-0.8.1 erl_interface-3.10.4 erts-10.2.1 et-1.6.4 eunit-2.3.7 ftp-1.0.1 hipe-3.18.2 inets-7.0.3 jinterface-1.9.1 kernel-6.2 megaco-3.18.4 mnesia-4.15.5 observer-2.8.2 odbc-2.12.2 os_mon-2.4.7 otp_mibs-1.2.1 parsetools-2.1.8 public_key-1.6.4 reltool-0.7.8 runtime_tools-1.13.1 sasl-3.3 snmp-5.2.12 ssl-9.1.1 stdlib-3.7 syntax_tools-2.1.6 tftp-1.0.1 tools-3.0.2 wx-1.8.6 xmerl-1.3.18 :
OTP-21.2.1 : erts-10.2.1 ssl-9.1.1 # asn1-5.0.8 common_test-1.16.1 compiler-7.3 crypto-4.4 debugger-4.2.6 dialyzer-3.3.1 diameter-2.1.6 edoc-0.9.4 eldap-1.2.6 erl_docgen-0.8.1 erl_interface-3.10.4 et-1.6.4 eunit-2.3.7 ftp-1.0.1 hipe-3.18.2 inets-7.0.3 jinterface-1.9.1 kernel-6.2 megaco-3.18.4 mnesia-4.15.5 observer-2.8.2 odbc-2.12.2 os_mon-2.4.7 otp_mibs-1.2.1 parsetools-2.1.8 public_key-1.6.4 reltool-0.7.8 runtime_tools-1.13.1 sasl-3.3 snmp-5.2.12 ssh-4.7.2 stdlib-3.7 syntax_tools-2.1.6 tftp-1.0.1 tools-3.0.2 wx-1.8.6 xmerl-1.3.18 :
OTP-21.2 : asn1-5.0.8 compiler-7.3 crypto-4.4 erts-10.2 et-1.6.4 hipe-3.18.2 inets-7.0.3 kernel-6.2 observer-2.8.2 os_mon-2.4.7 public_key-1.6.4 reltool-0.7.8 sasl-3.3 ssh-4.7.2 ssl-9.1 stdlib-3.7 tools-3.0.2 wx-1.8.6 # common_test-1.16.1 debugger-4.2.6 dialyzer-3.3.1 diameter-2.1.6 edoc-0.9.4 eldap-1.2.6 erl_docgen-0.8.1 erl_interface-3.10.4 eunit-2.3.7 ftp-1.0.1 jinterface-1.9.1 megaco-3.18.4 mnesia-4.15.5 odbc-2.12.2 otp_mibs-1.2.1 parsetools-2.1.8 runtime_tools-1.13.1 snmp-5.2.12 syntax_tools-2.1.6 tftp-1.0.1 xmerl-1.3.18 :
OTP-21.1.4 : kernel-6.1.1 # asn1-5.0.7 common_test-1.16.1 compiler-7.2.7 crypto-4.3.3 debugger-4.2.6 dialyzer-3.3.1 diameter-2.1.6 edoc-0.9.4 eldap-1.2.6 erl_docgen-0.8.1 erl_interface-3.10.4 erts-10.1.3 et-1.6.3 eunit-2.3.7 ftp-1.0.1 hipe-3.18.1 inets-7.0.2 jinterface-1.9.1 megaco-3.18.4 mnesia-4.15.5 observer-2.8.1 odbc-2.12.2 os_mon-2.4.6 otp_mibs-1.2.1 parsetools-2.1.8 public_key-1.6.3 reltool-0.7.7 runtime_tools-1.13.1 sasl-3.2.1 snmp-5.2.12 ssh-4.7.1 ssl-9.0.3 stdlib-3.6 syntax_tools-2.1.6 tftp-1.0.1 tools-3.0.1 wx-1.8.5 xmerl-1.3.18 :