path: root/erts/emulator
diff options
authorMicael Karlberg <[email protected]>2019-06-27 11:26:21 +0200
committerMicael Karlberg <[email protected]>2019-06-27 11:26:21 +0200
commit37e007d6259e52c6deec0c04a2864cd33f151f6b (patch)
tree0fd2b37bab278bbf7afe8cee58ade8319d27ec0a /erts/emulator
parentc1d410f158d2fae47c89ec7ee2e10964bf12d9c4 (diff)
parente83550c4b4cc4371673d1fc43839a5e034081df4 (diff)
Merge branch 'maint'
Diffstat (limited to 'erts/emulator')
2 files changed, 530 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_nif.c b/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_nif.c
index 73158ae019..9408f6a1bc 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_nif.c
+++ b/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_nif.c
@@ -9052,35 +9052,67 @@ ERL_NIF_TERM nsetopt_lvl_ip_update_membership(ErlNifEnv* env,
// It must be a map
- if (!IS_MAP(env, eVal))
+ if (!IS_MAP(env, eVal)) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("SOCKET", "nsetopt_lvl_ip_update_membership -> "
+ "value *not* a map\r\n") );
return enif_make_badarg(env);
+ }
// It must have atleast two attributes
- if (!enif_get_map_size(env, eVal, &sz) || (sz >= 2))
+ if (!enif_get_map_size(env, eVal, &sz) || (sz < 2)) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("SOCKET", "nsetopt_lvl_ip_update_membership -> "
+ "invalid map value: %T\r\n", eVal) );
return enif_make_badarg(env);
+ }
- if (!GET_MAP_VAL(env, eVal, atom_multiaddr, &eMultiAddr))
+ if (!GET_MAP_VAL(env, eVal, atom_multiaddr, &eMultiAddr)) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("SOCKET", "nsetopt_lvl_ip_update_membership -> "
+ "failed get multiaddr (map) attribute\r\n") );
return enif_make_badarg(env);
+ }
- if (!GET_MAP_VAL(env, eVal, atom_interface, &eInterface))
+ if (!GET_MAP_VAL(env, eVal, atom_interface, &eInterface)) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("SOCKET", "nsetopt_lvl_ip_update_membership -> "
+ "failed get interface (map) attribute\r\n") );
return enif_make_badarg(env);
+ }
if ((xres = esock_decode_ip4_address(env,
- &mreq.imr_multiaddr)) != NULL)
+ &mreq.imr_multiaddr)) != NULL) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("SOCKET", "nsetopt_lvl_ip_update_membership -> "
+ "failed decode multiaddr %T: %s\r\n", eMultiAddr, xres) );
return esock_make_error_str(env, xres);
+ }
if ((xres = esock_decode_ip4_address(env,
- &mreq.imr_interface)) != NULL)
+ &mreq.imr_interface)) != NULL) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("SOCKET", "nsetopt_lvl_ip_update_membership -> "
+ "failed decode interface %T: %s\r\n", eInterface, xres) );
return esock_make_error_str(env, xres);
+ }
res = socket_setopt(descP->sock, level, opt, &mreq, sizeof(mreq));
- if (res != 0)
- result = esock_make_error_errno(env, sock_errno());
- else
+ if (res != 0) {
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ result = esock_make_error_errno(env, save_errno);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("SOCKET", "nsetopt_lvl_ip_update_membership -> "
+ "failed setopt: %T (%d)\r\n", result, save_errno) );
+ } else {
result = esock_atom_ok;
+ }
return result;
@@ -9694,33 +9726,65 @@ ERL_NIF_TERM nsetopt_lvl_ipv6_update_membership(ErlNifEnv* env,
// It must be a map
- if (!IS_MAP(env, eVal))
+ if (!IS_MAP(env, eVal)) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("SOCKET", "nsetopt_lvl_ipv6_update_membership -> "
+ "value *not* a map\r\n") );
return enif_make_badarg(env);
+ }
// It must have atleast two attributes
- if (!enif_get_map_size(env, eVal, &sz) || (sz >= 2))
+ if (!enif_get_map_size(env, eVal, &sz) || (sz < 2)) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("SOCKET", "nsetopt_lvl_ipv6_update_membership -> "
+ "invalid map value: %T\r\n", eVal) );
return enif_make_badarg(env);
+ }
- if (!GET_MAP_VAL(env, eVal, atom_multiaddr, &eMultiAddr))
+ if (!GET_MAP_VAL(env, eVal, atom_multiaddr, &eMultiAddr)) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("SOCKET", "nsetopt_lvl_ipv6_update_membership -> "
+ "failed get multiaddr (map) attribute\r\n") );
return enif_make_badarg(env);
+ }
- if (!GET_MAP_VAL(env, eVal, atom_interface, &eInterface))
+ if (!GET_MAP_VAL(env, eVal, atom_interface, &eInterface)) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("SOCKET", "nsetopt_lvl_ipv6_update_membership -> "
+ "failed get interface (map) attribute\r\n") );
return enif_make_badarg(env);
+ }
if ((xres = esock_decode_ip6_address(env,
- &mreq.ipv6mr_multiaddr)) != NULL)
+ &mreq.ipv6mr_multiaddr)) != NULL) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("SOCKET", "nsetopt_lvl_ipv6_update_membership -> "
+ "failed decode multiaddr %T: %s\r\n", eMultiAddr, xres) );
return esock_make_error_str(env, xres);
+ }
- if (!GET_UINT(env, eInterface, &mreq.ipv6mr_interface))
+ if (!GET_UINT(env, eInterface, &mreq.ipv6mr_interface)) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("SOCKET", "nsetopt_lvl_ip_update_membership -> "
+ "failed decode interface %T: %s\r\n", eInterface, xres) );
return esock_make_error(env, esock_atom_einval);
+ }
res = socket_setopt(descP->sock, level, opt, &mreq, sizeof(mreq));
- if (res != 0)
- result = esock_make_error_errno(env, sock_errno());
- else
+ if (res != 0) {
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ result = esock_make_error_errno(env, save_errno);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("SOCKET", "nsetopt_lvl_ipv6_update_membership -> "
+ "failed setopt: %T (%d)\r\n", result, save_errno) );
+ } else {
result = esock_atom_ok;
+ }
return result;
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
index d8cb1013e9..c82e2efad9 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@
+ api_opt_ip_add_drop_membership/1,
%% *** API Operation Timeout ***
@@ -585,6 +586,8 @@ groups() ->
{api_basic, [], api_basic_cases()},
{api_async, [], api_async_cases()},
{api_options, [], api_options_cases()},
+ {api_options_otp, [], api_options_otp_cases()},
+ {api_options_ip, [], api_options_ip_cases()},
{api_op_with_timeout, [], api_op_with_timeout_cases()},
{socket_closure, [], socket_closure_cases()},
{sc_ctrl_proc_exit, [], sc_cp_exit_cases()},
@@ -700,11 +703,22 @@ api_async_cases() ->
api_options_cases() ->
+ {group, api_options_otp},
+ {group, api_options_ip}
+ ].
+api_options_otp_cases() ->
+ [
+api_options_ip_cases() ->
+ [
+ api_opt_ip_add_drop_membership
+ ].
api_op_with_timeout_cases() ->
@@ -7475,7 +7489,7 @@ api_opt_simple_otp_controlling_process(suite) ->
api_opt_simple_otp_controlling_process(doc) ->
api_opt_simple_otp_controlling_process(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
- ?TT(?SECS(5)),
+ ?TT(?SECS(30)),
fun() -> api_opt_simple_otp_controlling_process() end).
@@ -7720,6 +7734,320 @@ api_opt_simple_otp_controlling_process() ->
+%% Tests that the add_mambership and drop_membership ip options work.
+%% We create one server and two clients. The server only send messages,
+%% the clients only receives messages.
+%% An UDP datagram is forbidden (RFC 1122) from having a source address
+%% that is a multicast address (or a broadcast address).
+%% So, the server create a socket "for sending" and the clients sockets
+%% "for receiving".
+%% Sending socket: Bound to the local address (and any port).
+%% When sending, the dest will be the multicast address
+%% and port of the receiving socket.
+%% Receiving socket: Bound to the multicast address and port.
+api_opt_ip_add_drop_membership(suite) ->
+ [];
+api_opt_ip_add_drop_membership(doc) ->
+ ["OTP-15908 (ERL-980)"];
+api_opt_ip_add_drop_membership(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ ?TT(?SECS(30)),
+ tc_try(api_opt_ip_add_drop_membership,
+ fun() ->
+ has_ip_add_membership_support(),
+ has_ip_drop_membership_support(),
+ has_ip_multicast_support()
+ end,
+ fun() -> api_opt_ip_add_drop_membership() end).
+api_opt_ip_add_drop_membership() ->
+ Set = fun(S, Key, Val) ->
+ socket:setopt(S, ip, Key, Val)
+ end,
+ AddMembership = fun(S, Val) -> Set(S, add_membership, Val) end,
+ DropMembership = fun(S, Val) -> Set(S, drop_membership, Val) end,
+ ServerSeq =
+ [
+ %% *** Wait for start order part ***
+ #{desc => "await start",
+ cmd => fun(State) ->
+ {Tester, MSA} = ?SEV_AWAIT_START(),
+ {ok, State#{tester => Tester, msa => MSA}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "monitor tester",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = _State) ->
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Tester),
+ ok
+ end},
+ %% *** Init part ***
+ #{desc => "which local address",
+ cmd => fun(#{domain := Domain} = State) ->
+ LSA = which_local_socket_addr(Domain),
+ {ok, State#{local_sa => LSA}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "create socket",
+ cmd => fun(#{domain := Domain} = State) ->
+ case socket:open(Domain, dgram, udp) of
+ {ok, Sock} ->
+ {ok, State#{sock => Sock}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "make recv socket reuse addr",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock} = _State) ->
+ case socket:setopt(Sock, socket, reuseaddr, true) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ {error, Reason} = ERROR ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("Failed set reuseaddr: "
+ "~n ~p", [Reason]),
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "bind recv socket to multicast address",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock, msa := MSA} = State) ->
+ case socket:bind(Sock, MSA) of
+ {ok, Port} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("bound to:"
+ "~n ~p", [Port]),
+ {ok, State#{msa => MSA#{port => Port}}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (init)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester}) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, init),
+ ok
+ end},
+ %% The actual test
+ #{desc => "await continue (add_membership)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_CONTINUE(Tester, tester, add_membership)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "add membership",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock,
+ msa := #{addr := MAddr},
+ local_sa := #{addr := Addr}} = State) ->
+ MReq = #{multiaddr => MAddr,
+ interface => Addr},
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("try add membership to:"
+ "~n ~p", [MReq]),
+ case AddMembership(Sock, MReq) of
+ ok ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("membership added"),
+ {ok, State#{mreq => MReq}};
+ {error, Reason} = ERROR ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("Failed adding membership to: "
+ "~n ~p"
+ "~n Reason: ~p",
+ [MReq, Reason]),
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (add-membership)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester}) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, add_membership),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await continue (drop_membership)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_CONTINUE(Tester, tester, drop_membership)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "drop membership",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock,
+ mreq := MReq} = State) ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("try drop membership from:"
+ "~n ~p", [MReq]),
+ case DropMembership(Sock, MReq) of
+ ok ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("membership dropped"),
+ {ok, maps:remove(mreq, State)};
+ {error, Reason} = ERROR ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("Failed drop membership from: "
+ "~n ~p"
+ "~n Reason: ~p",
+ [MReq, Reason]),
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (drop-membership)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester}) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, drop_membership),
+ ok
+ end},
+ %% Termination
+ #{desc => "await terminate (from tester)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = State) ->
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_TERMINATE(Tester, tester) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, maps:remove(tester, State)};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "close socket",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock} = State) ->
+ socket:close(Sock),
+ {ok, maps:remove(sock, State)}
+ end},
+ %% *** We are done ***
+ ],
+ TesterSeq =
+ [
+ %% *** Init part ***
+ #{desc => "monitor server",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server} = _State) ->
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Server),
+ ok
+ end},
+ %% Start the server
+ #{desc => "order server start",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Pid, msa := MSA} = _State) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await server ready (init)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Pid} = _State) ->
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Pid, server, init) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ {error, Reason} = ERROR ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("Start of server failed: "
+ "~n ~p", [Reason]),
+ end
+ end},
+ %% *** The actual test ***
+ #{desc => "order server to continue (add-membership)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_CONTINUE(Server, add_membership),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await server ready (add-membership)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Server, server, add_membership)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "order server to continue (drop-membership)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_CONTINUE(Server, drop_membership),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await server ready (drop-membership)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Server, server, drop_membership)
+ end},
+ %% *** Termination ***
+ #{desc => "order server terminate",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server} = _State) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await server termination",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server} = State) ->
+ {ok, maps:remove(server, State)}
+ end},
+ %% *** We are done ***
+ ],
+ i("get multicast address"),
+ Domain = inet,
+ MAddr = which_ip_multicast_address(),
+ MSA = #{family => Domain, addr => MAddr},
+ i("start server evaluator"),
+ ServerInitState = #{domain => Domain},
+ Server = ?SEV_START("server", ServerSeq, ServerInitState),
+ i("start tester evaluator"),
+ TesterInitState = #{domain => Domain,
+ msa => MSA,
+ server => Server#ev.pid},
+ Tester = ?SEV_START("tester", TesterSeq, TesterInitState),
+ i("await evaluator(s)"),
+ ok = ?SEV_AWAIT_FINISH([Tester, Server]).
+which_ip_multicast_address() ->
+ which_multicast_address(inet).
+which_multicast_address(Domain) ->
+ case os:type() of
+ {unix, linux} ->
+ WhichMAddr = fun([_, _, MAddr]) -> MAddr end,
+ which_multicast_address2(Domain, WhichMAddr);
+ {unix, sunos} ->
+ WhichMAddr = fun([_, MAddr, _]) -> MAddr end,
+ which_multicast_address2(Domain, WhichMAddr);
+ Type ->
+ not_supported({multicast, Type})
+ end.
+%% Note that the 'netstat -g' table looks different on linux and SunOS
+%% Linux: IfName - RefCnt - Group
+%% SunOS: IfName - Group - RefCnt
+which_multicast_address2(Domain, WhichMAddr) ->
+ IfName = which_local_host_ifname(Domain),
+ NetstatGroupsStr = os:cmd("netstat -g | grep " ++ IfName),
+ NetstatGroups0 = string:tokens(NetstatGroupsStr, [$\n]),
+ NetstatGroups = [string:tokens(G, [$ ]) || G <- NetstatGroups0],
+ MAddrs = [WhichMAddr(NetstatGroup) || NetstatGroup <-
+ NetstatGroups],
+ which_multicast_address3(Domain, MAddrs).
+which_multicast_address3(_Domain, []) ->
+ not_supported({multicast, no_valid_addrs});
+which_multicast_address3(Domain, [MAddrStr|MAddrs]) ->
+ %% Even on linux some of these are not actually addresses, but
+ %% "host names", such as all-systems.mcast.net. But both
+ %% address strings, such as "" and host name strings
+ %% gets translated into an address by the inet:inet:getaddr/2.
+ case inet:getaddr(MAddrStr, Domain) of
+ {ok, MAddr} ->
+ MAddr;
+ {error, _} ->
+ which_multicast_address3(Domain, MAddrs)
+ end.
+which_local_host_ifname(Domain) ->
+ case which_local_host_info(Domain) of
+ {ok, {Name, _Addr, _Flags}} ->
+ Name;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ not_supported({multicast, Reason})
+ end.
%% %%
@@ -16480,7 +16808,7 @@ traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_udp2(InitState) ->
LSA = which_local_socket_addr(Domain),
{ok, State#{local_sa => LSA}}
- #{desc => "create listen socket",
+ #{desc => "create socket",
cmd => fun(#{domain := Domain, proto := Proto} = State) ->
case socket:open(Domain, dgram, Proto) of
{ok, Sock} ->
@@ -24032,70 +24360,115 @@ which_local_socket_addr(local = Domain) ->
%% We should really implement this using the (new) net module,
%% but until that gets the necessary functionality...
which_local_socket_addr(Domain) ->
- case inet:getifaddrs() of
- {ok, IFL} ->
- Addr = which_addr(Domain, IFL),
+ case which_local_host_info(Domain) of
+ {ok, {_Name, _Flags, Addr}} ->
#{family => Domain,
addr => Addr};
{error, Reason} ->
- ?FAIL({inet, getifaddrs, Reason})
+ ?FAIL(Reason)
+ end.
+%% Returns the interface (name), flags and address (not 127...)
+%% of the local host.
+which_local_host_info(Domain) ->
+ case inet:getifaddrs() of
+ {ok, IFL} ->
+ which_local_host_info(Domain, IFL);
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
-which_addr(_Domain, []) ->
+which_local_host_info(_Domain, []) ->
-which_addr(Domain, [{"lo" ++ _, _}|IFL]) ->
- which_addr(Domain, IFL);
-which_addr(Domain, [{_Name, IFO}|IFL]) ->
- case which_addr2(Domain, IFO) of
- {ok, Addr} ->
- Addr;
- {error, no_address} ->
- which_addr(Domain, IFL)
+which_local_host_info(Domain, [{"lo" ++ _, _}|IFL]) ->
+ which_local_host_info(Domain, IFL);
+which_local_host_info(Domain, [{"docker" ++ _, _}|IFL]) ->
+ which_local_host_info(Domain, IFL);
+which_local_host_info(Domain, [{"br-" ++ _, _}|IFL]) ->
+ which_local_host_info(Domain, IFL);
+which_local_host_info(Domain, [{Name, IFO}|IFL]) ->
+ case which_local_host_info2(Domain, IFO) of
+ {ok, {Flags, Addr}} ->
+ {ok, {Name, Flags, Addr}};
+ {error, _} ->
+ which_local_host_info(Domain, IFL)
-which_addr(Domain, [_|IFL]) ->
- which_addr(Domain, IFL).
+which_local_host_info(Domain, [_|IFL]) ->
+ which_local_host_info(Domain, IFL).
-which_addr2(_Domain, []) ->
+which_local_host_info2(Domain, IFO) ->
+ case lists:keysearch(flags, 1, IFO) of
+ {value, {flags, Flags}} ->
+ which_local_host_info2(Domain, IFO, Flags);
+ false ->
+ {error, no_flags}
+ end.
+which_local_host_info2(_Domain, [], _Flags) ->
{error, no_address};
-which_addr2(inet = _Domain, [{addr, Addr}|_IFO])
+which_local_host_info2(inet = _Domain, [{addr, Addr}|_IFO], Flags)
when (size(Addr) =:= 4) andalso (element(1, Addr) =/= 127) ->
- {ok, Addr};
-which_addr2(inet6 = _Domain, [{addr, Addr}|_IFO])
+ {ok, {Flags, Addr}};
+which_local_host_info2(inet6 = _Domain, [{addr, Addr}|_IFO], Flags)
when (size(Addr) =:= 8) andalso
(element(1, Addr) =/= 0) andalso
(element(1, Addr) =/= 16#fe80) ->
- {ok, Addr};
-which_addr2(Domain, [_|IFO]) ->
- which_addr2(Domain, IFO).
+ {ok, {Flags, Addr}};
+which_local_host_info2(Domain, [_|IFO], Flags) ->
+ which_local_host_info2(Domain, IFO, Flags).
-unlink_path(Path) ->
- unlink_path(Path, fun() -> ok end, fun() -> ok end).
-unlink_path(Path, Success, Failure) when is_list(Path) andalso
- is_function(Success, 0) andalso
- is_function(Failure, 0) ->
- ?SEV_IPRINT("try unlink path: "
- "~n ~s", [Path]),
- case os:cmd("unlink " ++ Path) of
- "" ->
- ?SEV_IPRINT("path unlinked: "
- "~n Path: ~s", [Path]),
- Success();
- Result ->
- ?SEV_EPRINT("unlink maybe failed: "
- "~n Path: ~s"
- "~n Res: ~s", [Path, Result]),
- Failure()
- end;
-unlink_path(_, _, _) ->
- ok.
-%% Here are all the *general* test vase condition functions.
+%% Here are all the *general* test case condition functions.
+%% We also need (be able) to figure out the the multicast address,
+%% which we only support for some platforms (linux and sunos).
+%% We don't do that here, but since we can only do that (find a
+%% multicast address) for specific platforms, we check that we are
+%% on of those platforms here.
+has_ip_multicast_support() ->
+ case os:type() of
+ {unix, OsName} when (OsName =:= linux) orelse
+ (OsName =:= sunos) ->
+ case which_local_host_info(inet) of
+ {ok, {_Name, Flags, _Addr}} ->
+ case lists:member(multicast, Flags) of
+ true ->
+ ok;
+ false ->
+ not_supported(multicast)
+ end;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ not_supported({multicast, Reason})
+ end;
+ Type ->
+ not_supported({multicast, Type})
+ end.
+has_ip_add_membership_support() ->
+ has_socket_option_ip_support(add_membership).
+has_ip_drop_membership_support() ->
+ has_socket_option_ip_support(drop_membership).
+has_socket_option_ip_support(Opt) ->
+ has_socket_option_support(ip, Opt).
+has_socket_option_support(Level, Option) ->
+ case socket:supports(options, Level, Option) of
+ true ->
+ ok;
+ false ->
+ not_supported({options, Level, Option})
+ end.
unix_domain_socket_host_cond() ->
unix_domain_socket_host_cond(os:type(), os:version()).
@@ -24135,6 +24508,34 @@ has_support_ipv6() ->
+unlink_path(Path) ->
+ unlink_path(Path, fun() -> ok end, fun() -> ok end).
+unlink_path(Path, Success, Failure) when is_list(Path) andalso
+ is_function(Success, 0) andalso
+ is_function(Failure, 0) ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("try unlink path: "
+ "~n ~s", [Path]),
+ case os:cmd("unlink " ++ Path) of
+ "" ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("path unlinked: "
+ "~n Path: ~s", [Path]),
+ Success();
+ Result ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("unlink maybe failed: "
+ "~n Path: ~s"
+ "~n Res: ~s", [Path, Result]),
+ Failure()
+ end;
+unlink_path(_, _, _) ->
+ ok.
+not_supported(What) ->
+ skip({not_supported, What}).
not_yet_implemented() ->
skip("not yet implemented").