path: root/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_plt.erl
diff options
authorMaria Christakis <[email protected]>2010-10-17 18:20:53 +0300
committerMaria Christakis <[email protected]>2010-11-30 10:11:37 +0200
commitf1d81c87d832c805a90a8dceca247cecaad803ab (patch)
treea60013d9f913af3a4ba445725694ef429d6c9cc5 /lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_plt.erl
parent4101091756a98d78cde0d6b2d88959dae324e860 (diff)
dialyzer: Add support for multiple PLTs
This new feature is able to take multiple PLTs, merge them during the start of the analysis, and work from there. This works provided that the PLTs do not have a module with the same name appearing in more than one PLT. The PLTs are created in the usual way: dialyzer --build_plt --output_plt PLT_1 FILES_TO_INCLUDE ... dialyzer --build_plt --output_plt PLT_N FILES_TO_INCLUDE and then can be used in either of the following ways: dialyzer FILES_TO_ANALYZE --plts PLT_1 ... PLT_N or: dialyzer --plts PLT_1 ... PLT_N -- FILES_TO_ANALYZE (Note the -- delimiter in the second case)
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_plt.erl')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_plt.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_plt.erl
index 08d0b318b5..a7ba270c41 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_plt.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_plt.erl
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
+ merge_plts_or_report_conflicts/2,
@@ -292,6 +293,38 @@ merge_plts(List) ->
exported_types = sets_merge(ExpTypesList),
contracts = table_merge(ContractsList)}.
+-spec merge_disj_plts([plt()]) -> plt().
+merge_disj_plts(List) ->
+ InfoList = [Info || #plt{info = Info} <- List],
+ TypesList = [Types || #plt{types = Types} <- List],
+ ExpTypesList = [ExpTypes || #plt{exported_types = ExpTypes} <- List],
+ ContractsList = [Contracts || #plt{contracts = Contracts} <- List],
+ #plt{info = table_disj_merge(InfoList),
+ types = table_disj_merge(TypesList),
+ exported_types = sets_disj_merge(ExpTypesList),
+ contracts = table_disj_merge(ContractsList)}.
+-spec merge_plts_or_report_conflicts([file:filename()], [plt()]) -> plt().
+merge_plts_or_report_conflicts(PltFiles, Plts) ->
+ try
+ merge_disj_plts(Plts)
+ catch throw:{dialyzer_error, not_disjoint_plts} ->
+ IncFiles = lists:append([begin {ok, Fs} = included_files(F), Fs end
+ || F <- PltFiles]),
+ ConfFiles = find_duplicates(IncFiles),
+ Msg = io_lib:format("Could not merge PLTs since they are not disjoint\n"
+ "The following files are included in more than one "
+ "PLTs:\n~p\n", [ConfFiles]),
+ error(Msg)
+ end.
+find_duplicates(List) ->
+ ModList = [filename:basename(E) || E <- List],
+ SortedList = lists:usort(ModList),
+ lists:usort(ModList -- SortedList).
-spec to_file(file:filename(), plt(), mod_deps(), {[file_md5()], mod_deps()}) -> 'ok'.
@@ -556,6 +589,25 @@ table_merge([Plt|Plts], Acc) ->
NewAcc = dict:merge(fun(_Key, Val, Val) -> Val end, Plt, Acc),
table_merge(Plts, NewAcc).
+table_disj_merge([H|T]) ->
+ table_disj_merge(T, H).
+table_disj_merge([], Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+table_disj_merge([Plt|Plts], Acc) ->
+ case table_is_disjoint(Plt, Acc) of
+ true ->
+ NewAcc = dict:merge(fun(_Key, _Val1, _Val2) -> gazonk end,
+ Plt, Acc),
+ table_disj_merge(Plts, NewAcc);
+ false -> throw({dialyzer_error, not_disjoint_plts})
+ end.
+table_is_disjoint(T1, T2) ->
+ K1 = dict:fetch_keys(T1),
+ K2 = dict:fetch_keys(T2),
+ lists:all(fun(E) -> not lists:member(E, K2) end, K1).
sets_merge([H|T]) ->
sets_merge(T, H).
@@ -565,6 +617,19 @@ sets_merge([Plt|Plts], Acc) ->
NewAcc = sets:union(Plt, Acc),
sets_merge(Plts, NewAcc).
+sets_disj_merge([H|T]) ->
+ sets_disj_merge(T, H).
+sets_disj_merge([], Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+sets_disj_merge([Plt|Plts], Acc) ->
+ case sets:is_disjoint(Plt, Acc) of
+ true ->
+ NewAcc = sets:union(Plt, Acc),
+ sets_disj_merge(Plts, NewAcc);
+ false -> throw({dialyzer_error, not_disjoint_plts})
+ end.
%% Debug utilities.