path: root/lib/diameter/doc/standard/draft-ietf-dime-rfc3588bis-26.txt
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authorAnders Svensson <[email protected]>2012-11-22 17:15:02 +0100
committerAnders Svensson <[email protected]>2012-11-22 17:58:27 +0100
commita3bf1bdf235009441c9f29acc140148eccb254d8 (patch)
tree218bfe1a4b4e9b8bcaf4a3ff7e36c37795f7424a /lib/diameter/doc/standard/draft-ietf-dime-rfc3588bis-26.txt
parent67ffc483c80d29334c6c7739bcf1be756f374dfb (diff)
Add copies of RFC's 6733 and 6737
6733 deprecates 3588.
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 8681 deletions
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-DIME V. Fajardo, Ed.
-Internet-Draft Telcordia Technologies
-Obsoletes: 3588 (if approved) J. Arkko
-Intended status: Standards Track Ericsson Research
-Expires: July 24, 2011 J. Loughney
- Nokia Research Center
- G. Zorn
- Network Zen
- January 20, 2011
- Diameter Base Protocol
- draft-ietf-dime-rfc3588bis-26.txt
- The Diameter base protocol is intended to provide an Authentication,
- Authorization and Accounting (AAA) framework for applications such as
- network access or IP mobility in both local and roaming situations.
- This document specifies the message format, transport, error
- reporting, accounting and security services used by all Diameter
- applications. The Diameter base protocol as defined in this document
- must be supported by all Diameter implementations.
-Status of this Memo
- This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
- provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.
- Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
- Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute
- working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-
- Drafts is at http://datatracker.ietf.org/drafts/current/.
- Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
- and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
- time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
- material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
- This Internet-Draft will expire on July 24, 2011.
-Copyright Notice
- Copyright (c) 2011 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
- document authors. All rights reserved.
- This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
- Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
-Fajardo, et al. Expires July 24, 2011 [Page 1]
-Internet-Draft Diameter Base Protocol January 2011
- (http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info) in effect on the date of
- publication of this document. Please review these documents
- carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
- to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must
- include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
- the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
- described in the Simplified BSD License.
-Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
- 1.1. Diameter Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
- 1.1.1. Description of the Document Set . . . . . . . . . . . 9
- 1.1.2. Conventions Used in This Document . . . . . . . . . . 10
- 1.1.3. Changes from RFC3588 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
- 1.2. Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
- 1.3. Approach to Extensibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
- 1.3.1. Defining New AVP Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
- 1.3.2. Creating New AVPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
- 1.3.3. Creating New Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
- 1.3.4. Creating New Diameter Applications . . . . . . . . . 19
- 2. Protocol Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
- 2.1. Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
- 2.1.1. SCTP Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
- 2.2. Securing Diameter Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
- 2.3. Diameter Application Compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
- 2.4. Application Identifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
- 2.5. Connections vs. Sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
- 2.6. Peer Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
- 2.7. Routing Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
- 2.8. Role of Diameter Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
- 2.8.1. Relay Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
- 2.8.2. Proxy Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
- 2.8.3. Redirect Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
- 2.8.4. Translation Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
- 2.9. Diameter Path Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
- 3. Diameter Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
- 3.1. Command Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
- 3.2. Command Code ABNF specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
- 3.3. Diameter Command Naming Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . 41
- 4. Diameter AVPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
- 4.1. AVP Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
- 4.1.1. Optional Header Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
- 4.2. Basic AVP Data Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
- 4.3. Derived AVP Data Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
- 4.3.1. Common Derived AVPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
- 4.4. Grouped AVP Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
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- 4.4.1. Example AVP with a Grouped Data type . . . . . . . . 53
- 4.5. Diameter Base Protocol AVPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
- 5. Diameter Peers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
- 5.1. Peer Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
- 5.2. Diameter Peer Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
- 5.3. Capabilities Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
- 5.3.1. Capabilities-Exchange-Request . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
- 5.3.2. Capabilities-Exchange-Answer . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
- 5.3.3. Vendor-Id AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
- 5.3.4. Firmware-Revision AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
- 5.3.5. Host-IP-Address AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
- 5.3.6. Supported-Vendor-Id AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
- 5.3.7. Product-Name AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
- 5.4. Disconnecting Peer connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
- 5.4.1. Disconnect-Peer-Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
- 5.4.2. Disconnect-Peer-Answer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
- 5.4.3. Disconnect-Cause AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
- 5.5. Transport Failure Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
- 5.5.1. Device-Watchdog-Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
- 5.5.2. Device-Watchdog-Answer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
- 5.5.3. Transport Failure Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
- 5.5.4. Failover and Failback Procedures . . . . . . . . . . 68
- 5.6. Peer State Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
- 5.6.1. Incoming connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
- 5.6.2. Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
- 5.6.3. Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
- 5.6.4. The Election Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
- 6. Diameter message processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
- 6.1. Diameter Request Routing Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
- 6.1.1. Originating a Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
- 6.1.2. Sending a Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
- 6.1.3. Receiving Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
- 6.1.4. Processing Local Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
- 6.1.5. Request Forwarding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
- 6.1.6. Request Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
- 6.1.7. Predictive Loop Avoidance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
- 6.1.8. Redirecting Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
- 6.1.9. Relaying and Proxying Requests . . . . . . . . . . . 80
- 6.2. Diameter Answer Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
- 6.2.1. Processing received Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
- 6.2.2. Relaying and Proxying Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
- 6.3. Origin-Host AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
- 6.4. Origin-Realm AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
- 6.5. Destination-Host AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
- 6.6. Destination-Realm AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
- 6.7. Routing AVPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
- 6.7.1. Route-Record AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
- 6.7.2. Proxy-Info AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
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- 6.7.3. Proxy-Host AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
- 6.7.4. Proxy-State AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
- 6.8. Auth-Application-Id AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
- 6.9. Acct-Application-Id AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
- 6.10. Inband-Security-Id AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
- 6.11. Vendor-Specific-Application-Id AVP . . . . . . . . . . . 86
- 6.12. Redirect-Host AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
- 6.13. Redirect-Host-Usage AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
- 6.14. Redirect-Max-Cache-Time AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
- 7. Error Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
- 7.1. Result-Code AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
- 7.1.1. Informational . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
- 7.1.2. Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
- 7.1.3. Protocol Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
- 7.1.4. Transient Failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
- 7.1.5. Permanent Failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
- 7.2. Error Bit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
- 7.3. Error-Message AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
- 7.4. Error-Reporting-Host AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
- 7.5. Failed-AVP AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
- 7.6. Experimental-Result AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
- 7.7. Experimental-Result-Code AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
- 8. Diameter User Sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
- 8.1. Authorization Session State Machine . . . . . . . . . . . 102
- 8.2. Accounting Session State Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
- 8.3. Server-Initiated Re-Auth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
- 8.3.1. Re-Auth-Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
- 8.3.2. Re-Auth-Answer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
- 8.4. Session Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
- 8.4.1. Session-Termination-Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
- 8.4.2. Session-Termination-Answer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
- 8.5. Aborting a Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
- 8.5.1. Abort-Session-Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
- 8.5.2. Abort-Session-Answer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
- 8.6. Inferring Session Termination from Origin-State-Id . . . 118
- 8.7. Auth-Request-Type AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
- 8.8. Session-Id AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
- 8.9. Authorization-Lifetime AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
- 8.10. Auth-Grace-Period AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
- 8.11. Auth-Session-State AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
- 8.12. Re-Auth-Request-Type AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
- 8.13. Session-Timeout AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
- 8.14. User-Name AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
- 8.15. Termination-Cause AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
- 8.16. Origin-State-Id AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
- 8.17. Session-Binding AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
- 8.18. Session-Server-Failover AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
- 8.19. Multi-Round-Time-Out AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
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- 8.20. Class AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
- 8.21. Event-Timestamp AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
- 9. Accounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
- 9.1. Server Directed Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
- 9.2. Protocol Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
- 9.3. Accounting Application Extension and Requirements . . . . 128
- 9.4. Fault Resilience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
- 9.5. Accounting Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
- 9.6. Correlation of Accounting Records . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
- 9.7. Accounting Command-Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
- 9.7.1. Accounting-Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
- 9.7.2. Accounting-Answer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
- 9.8. Accounting AVPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
- 9.8.1. Accounting-Record-Type AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
- 9.8.2. Acct-Interim-Interval AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
- 9.8.3. Accounting-Record-Number AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
- 9.8.4. Acct-Session-Id AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
- 9.8.5. Acct-Multi-Session-Id AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
- 9.8.6. Accounting-Sub-Session-Id AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
- 9.8.7. Accounting-Realtime-Required AVP . . . . . . . . . . 136
- 10. AVP Occurrence Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
- 10.1. Base Protocol Command AVP Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
- 10.2. Accounting AVP Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
- 11. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
- 11.1. Changes to AVP Header Allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
- 11.2. Diameter Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
- 11.3. AVP Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
- 11.3.1. Experimental-Result-Code AVP . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
- 11.4. Diameter TCP, SCTP, TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP Port Numbers . 141
- 11.5. S-NAPTR Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
- 12. Diameter protocol related configurable parameters . . . . . . 142
- 13. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
- 13.1. TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
- 13.2. Peer-to-Peer Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
- 14. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
- 14.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
- 14.2. Informational References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
- Appendix A. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
- A.1. RFC3588bis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
- A.2. RFC3588 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
- Appendix B. S-NAPTR Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
- Appendix C. Duplicate Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
- Appendix D. Internationalized Domain Names . . . . . . . . . . . 154
- Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
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-Internet-Draft Diameter Base Protocol January 2011
-1. Introduction
- Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) protocols such as
- TACACS [RFC1492] and RADIUS [RFC2865] were initially deployed to
- provide dial-up PPP [RFC1661] and terminal server access. Over time,
- AAA support was needed on many new access technologies, the scale and
- complexity of AAA networks grew, and AAA was also used on new
- applications (such as voice over IP). This lead to new demands on
- AAA protocols.
- Network access requirements for AAA protocols are summarized in
- [RFC2989]. These include:
- Failover
- [RFC2865] does not define failover mechanisms, and as a result,
- failover behavior differs between implementations. In order to
- provide well-defined failover behavior, Diameter supports
- application-layer acknowledgements, and defines failover
- algorithms and the associated state machine. This is described in
- Section 5.5 and [RFC3539].
- Transmission-level security
- [RFC2865] defines an application-layer authentication and
- integrity scheme that is required only for use with Response
- packets. While [RFC2869] defines an additional authentication and
- integrity mechanism, use is only required during Extensible
- Authentication Protocol (EAP) sessions. While attribute-hiding is
- supported, [RFC2865] does not provide support for per-packet
- confidentiality. In accounting, [RFC2866] assumes that replay
- protection is provided by the backend billing server, rather than
- within the protocol itself.
- While [RFC3162] defines the use of IPsec with RADIUS, support for
- IPsec is not required. In order to provide universal support for
- transmission-level security, and enable both intra- and inter-
- domain AAA deployments, Diameter provides support for TLS/TCP and
- DTLS/SCTP. Security is discussed in Section 13.
- Reliable transport
- RADIUS runs over UDP, and does not define retransmission behavior;
- as a result, reliability varies between implementations. As
- described in [RFC2975], this is a major issue in accounting, where
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-Internet-Draft Diameter Base Protocol January 2011
- packet loss may translate directly into revenue loss. In order to
- provide well defined transport behavior, Diameter runs over
- reliable transport mechanisms (TCP, SCTP) as defined in [RFC3539].
- Agent support
- [RFC2865] does not provide for explicit support for agents,
- including Proxies, Redirects and Relays. Since the expected
- behavior is not defined, it varies between implementations.
- Diameter defines agent behavior explicitly; this is described in
- Section 2.8.
- Server-initiated messages
- While RADIUS server-initiated messages are defined in [RFC5176],
- support is optional. This makes it difficult to implement
- features such as unsolicited disconnect or re-authentication/
- re-authorization on demand across a heterogeneous deployment. To
- tackle this issue, support for server-initiated messages is
- mandatory in Diameter.
- Transition support
- While Diameter does not share a common protocol data unit (PDU)
- with RADIUS, considerable effort has been expended in enabling
- backward compatibility with RADIUS, so that the two protocols may
- be deployed in the same network. Initially, it is expected that
- Diameter will be deployed within new network devices, as well as
- within gateways enabling communication between legacy RADIUS
- devices and Diameter agents. This capability enables Diameter
- support to be added to legacy networks, by addition of a gateway
- or server speaking both RADIUS and Diameter.
- In addition to addressing the above requirements, Diameter also
- provides support for the following:
- Capability negotiation
- RADIUS does not support error messages, capability negotiation, or
- a mandatory/non-mandatory flag for attributes. Since RADIUS
- clients and servers are not aware of each other's capabilities,
- they may not be able to successfully negotiate a mutually
- acceptable service, or in some cases, even be aware of what
- service has been implemented. Diameter includes support for error
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-Internet-Draft Diameter Base Protocol January 2011
- handling (Section 7), capability negotiation (Section 5.3), and
- mandatory/non-mandatory Attribute-Value Pairs (AVPs) (Section
- 4.1).
- Peer discovery and configuration
- RADIUS implementations typically require that the name or address
- of servers or clients be manually configured, along with the
- corresponding shared secrets. This results in a large
- administrative burden, and creates the temptation to reuse the
- RADIUS shared secret, which can result in major security
- vulnerabilities if the Request Authenticator is not globally and
- temporally unique as required in [RFC2865]. Through DNS, Diameter
- enables dynamic discovery of peers (see Section 5.2). Derivation
- of dynamic session keys is enabled via transmission-level
- security.
- Over time, the capabilities of Network Access Server (NAS) devices
- have increased substantially. As a result, while Diameter is a
- considerably more sophisticated protocol than RADIUS, it remains
- feasible to implement it within embedded devices.
-1.1. Diameter Protocol
- The Diameter base protocol provides the following facilities:
- o Ability to exchange messages and deliver AVPs
- o Capabilities negotiation
- o Error notification
- o Extensibility, through addition of new applications, commands and
- AVPs (required in [RFC2989]).
- o Basic services necessary for applications, such as handling of
- user sessions or accounting
- All data delivered by the protocol is in the form of AVPs. Some of
- these AVP values are used by the Diameter protocol itself, while
- others deliver data associated with particular applications that
- employ Diameter. AVPs may be arbitrarily added to Diameter messages,
- the only restriction being that the Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF,
- [RFC5234]) Command Code syntax specification (Section 3.2) is
- satisfied. AVPs are used by the base Diameter protocol to support
- the following required features:
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- o Transporting of user authentication information, for the purposes
- of enabling the Diameter server to authenticate the user.
- o Transporting of service-specific authorization information,
- between client and servers, allowing the peers to decide whether a
- user's access request should be granted.
- o Exchanging resource usage information, which may be used for
- accounting purposes, capacity planning, etc.
- o Routing, relaying, proxying and redirecting of Diameter messages
- through a server hierarchy.
- The Diameter base protocol satisfies the minimum requirements for an
- AAA protocol, as specified by [RFC2989]. The base protocol may be
- used by itself for accounting purposes only, or it may be used with a
- Diameter application, such as Mobile IPv4 [RFC4004], or network
- access [RFC4005]. It is also possible for the base protocol to be
- extended for use in new applications, via the addition of new
- commands or AVPs. The initial focus of Diameter was network access
- and accounting applications. A truly generic AAA protocol used by
- many applications might provide functionality not provided by
- Diameter. Therefore, it is imperative that the designers of new
- applications understand their requirements before using Diameter.
- See Section 2.4 for more information on Diameter applications.
- Any node can initiate a request. In that sense, Diameter is a peer-
- to-peer protocol. In this document, a Diameter Client is a device at
- the edge of the network that performs access control, such as a
- Network Access Server (NAS) or a Foreign Agent (FA). A Diameter
- client generates Diameter messages to request authentication,
- authorization, and accounting services for the user. A Diameter
- agent is a node that does not provide local user authentication or
- authorization services; agents include proxies, redirects and relay
- agents. A Diameter server performs authentication and/or
- authorization of the user. A Diameter node may act as an agent for
- certain requests while acting as a server for others.
- The Diameter protocol also supports server-initiated messages, such
- as a request to abort service to a particular user.
-1.1.1. Description of the Document Set
- The Diameter specification consists of an updated version of the base
- protocol specification (this document) and the Transport Profile
- [RFC3539]. This document obsoletes RFC 3588. A summary of the base
- protocol updates included in this document can be found in
- Section 1.1.3.
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- This document defines the base protocol specification for AAA, which
- includes support for accounting. There are also a myriad of
- applications documents describing applications that use this base
- specification for Authentication, Authorization and Accounting.
- These application documents specify how to use the Diameter protocol
- within the context of their application.
- The Transport Profile document [RFC3539] discusses transport layer
- issues that arise with AAA protocols and recommendations on how to
- overcome these issues. This document also defines the Diameter
- failover algorithm and state machine.
- Clarifications on the Routing of Diameter Request based on Username
- and the Realm [RFC5729] defines specific behavior on how to route
- request based on the content of the User-Name AVP (Attribute Value
- Pair).
-1.1.2. Conventions Used in This Document
- The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
- document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].
-1.1.3. Changes from RFC3588
- This document obsoletes RFC 3588 but is fully backward compatible
- with that document. The changes introduced in this document focus on
- fixing issues that have surfaced during implementation of [RFC3588].
- An overview of some the major changes are given below.
- o Deprecated the use of Inband-Security AVP for negotiating
- transport layer security. It has been generally considered that
- bootstrapping of TLS via Inband-Security AVP creates certain
- security risk because it does not completely protect the
- information carried in the CER (Capabilities Exchange Request)/CEA
- (Capabilities Exchange Answer). This version of Diameter adopted
- a common approach of defining a well-known secured port that peers
- should use when communicating via TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP. This new
- approach augments the existing Inband-Security negotiation but
- does not completely replace it. The old method is kept for
- backwards compatibility reasons.
- o Deprecated the exchange of CER/CEA messages in the open state.
- This feature was implied in the peer state machine table of
- [RFC3588] but it was not clearly defined anywhere else in that
- document. As work on this document progressed, it became clear
- that the multiplicity of meaning and use of Application Id AVPs in
- the CER/CEA messages (and the messages themselves) is seen as an
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- abuse of the Diameter extensibility rules and thus required
- simplification. It is assumed that the capabilities exchange in
- the open state will be re-introduced in a separate specification
- which clearly defines new commands for this feature.
- o Simplified Security Requirements. The use of a secured transport
- for exchanging Diameter messages remains mandatory. However, TLS/
- TCP and DTLS/SCTP has become the primary method of securing
- Diameter and IPsec is a secondary alternative. See Section 13 for
- details. The support for the End-to-End security framework
- (E2ESequence AVP and 'P'-bit in the AVP header) has also been
- deprecated.
- o Diameter Extensibility Changes. This includes fixes to the
- Diameter extensibility description (Section 1.3 and others) to
- better aid Diameter application designers; in addition, the new
- specification relaxes the policy with respect to the allocation of
- command codes for vendor-specific uses.
- o Application Id Usage. Clarify the proper use of Application Id
- information which can be found in multiple places within a
- Diameter message. This includes correlating Application Ids found
- in the message headers and AVPs. These changes also clearly
- specify the proper Application Id value to use for specific base
- protocol messages (ASR/ASA, STR/STA) as well as clarifying the
- content and use of Vendor-Specific-Application-Id.
- o Routing Fixes. This document more clearly specifies what
- information (AVPs and Application Id) can be used for making
- general routing decisions. A rule for the prioritization of
- redirect routing criteria when multiple route entries are found
- via redirects has also been added (See Section 6.13 for details).
- o Simplification of Diameter Peer Discovery. The Diameter discovery
- process now supports only widely used discovery schemes; the rest
- have been deprecated (see Section 5.2 for details).
- There are many other many miscellaneous fixes that have been
- introduced in this document that may not be considered significant
- but they are important nonetheless. Examples are removal of obsolete
- types, fixes to command ABNFs, fixes to the state machine,
- clarification of the election process, message validation, fixes to
- Failed-AVP and Result-Code AVP values, etc. A comprehensive list of
- changes is not shown here for practical reasons.
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-1.2. Terminology
- Authentication, Authorization and Accounting.
- Augmented Backus-Naur Form [RFC5234]. A metalanguage with its own
- formal syntax and rules. It is based on the Backus-Naur Form and
- is used to define message exchanges in a bi-directional
- communications protocol.
- Accounting
- The act of collecting information on resource usage for the
- purpose of capacity planning, auditing, billing or cost
- allocation.
- Accounting Record
- An accounting record represents a summary of the resource
- consumption of a user over the entire session. Accounting servers
- creating the accounting record may do so by processing interim
- accounting events or accounting events from several devices
- serving the same user.
- Authentication
- The act of verifying the identity of an entity (subject).
- Authorization
- The act of determining whether a requesting entity (subject) will
- be allowed access to a resource (object).
- The Diameter protocol consists of a header followed by one or more
- Attribute-Value-Pairs (AVPs). An AVP includes a header and is
- used to encapsulate protocol-specific data (e.g., routing
- information) as well as authentication, authorization or
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- accounting information.
- Diameter Agent
- A Diameter Agent is a Diameter Node that provides either relay,
- proxy, redirect or translation services.
- Diameter Client
- A Diameter Client is a Diameter Node that supports Diameter client
- applications as well as the base protocol. Diameter Clients are
- often implemented in devices situated at the edge of a network and
- provide access control services for that network. Typical
- examples of Diameter Clients include the Network Access Server
- (NAS) and the Mobile IP Foreign Agent (FA).
- Diameter Node
- A Diameter Node is a host process that implements the Diameter
- protocol, and acts either as a Client, Agent or Server.
- Diameter Peer
- If a Diameter Node shares a direct transport connection with
- another Diameter Node, it is a Diameter Peer to that Diameter
- Node.
- Diameter Server
- A Diameter Server is a Diameter Node that handles authentication,
- authorization and accounting requests for a particular realm. By
- its very nature, a Diameter Server must support Diameter server
- applications in addition to the base protocol.
- Downstream
- Downstream is used to identify the direction of a particular
- Diameter message from the Home Server towards the Diameter Client.
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- Home Realm
- A Home Realm is the administrative domain with which the user
- maintains an account relationship.
- Home Server
- A Diameter Server which serves the Home Realm.
- Interim accounting
- An interim accounting message provides a snapshot of usage during
- a user's session. It is typically implemented in order to provide
- for partial accounting of a user's session in the case a device
- reboot or other network problem prevents the delivery of a session
- summary message or session record.
- Local Realm
- A local realm is the administrative domain providing services to a
- user. An administrative domain may act as a local realm for
- certain users, while being a home realm for others.
- Multi-session
- A multi-session represents a logical linking of several sessions.
- Multi-sessions are tracked by using the Acct-Multi-Session-Id. An
- example of a multi-session would be a Multi-link PPP bundle. Each
- leg of the bundle would be a session while the entire bundle would
- be a multi-session.
- Network Access Identifier
- The Network Access Identifier, or NAI [RFC4282], is used in the
- Diameter protocol to extract a user's identity and realm. The
- identity is used to identify the user during authentication and/or
- authorization, while the realm is used for message routing
- purposes.
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- Proxy Agent or Proxy
- In addition to forwarding requests and responses, proxies make
- policy decisions relating to resource usage and provisioning.
- This is typically accomplished by tracking the state of NAS
- devices. While proxies typically do not respond to client
- Requests prior to receiving a Response from the server, they may
- originate Reject messages in cases where policies are violated.
- As a result, proxies need to understand the semantics of the
- messages passing through them, and may not support all Diameter
- applications.
- Realm
- The string in the NAI that immediately follows the '@' character.
- NAI realm names are required to be unique, and are piggybacked on
- the administration of the DNS namespace. Diameter makes use of
- the realm, also loosely referred to as domain, to determine
- whether messages can be satisfied locally, or whether they must be
- routed or redirected. In RADIUS, realm names are not necessarily
- piggybacked on the DNS namespace but may be independent of it.
- Real-time Accounting
- Real-time accounting involves the processing of information on
- resource usage within a defined time window. Time constraints are
- typically imposed in order to limit financial risk. The Diameter
- Credit Control Application [RFC4006] is an example of an
- application that defines real-time accounting functionality.
- Relay Agent or Relay
- Relays forward requests and responses based on routing-related
- AVPs and routing table entries. Since relays do not make policy
- decisions, they do not examine or alter non-routing AVPs. As a
- result, relays never originate messages, do not need to understand
- the semantics of messages or non-routing AVPs, and are capable of
- handling any Diameter application or message type. Since relays
- make decisions based on information in routing AVPs and realm
- forwarding tables they do not keep state on NAS resource usage or
- sessions in progress.
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- Redirect Agent
- Rather than forwarding requests and responses between clients and
- servers, redirect agents refer clients to servers and allow them
- to communicate directly. Since redirect agents do not sit in the
- forwarding path, they do not alter any AVPs transiting between
- client and server. Redirect agents do not originate messages and
- are capable of handling any message type, although they may be
- configured only to redirect messages of certain types, while
- acting as relay or proxy agents for other types. As with proxy
- agents, redirect agents do not keep state with respect to sessions
- or NAS resources.
- Session
- A session is a related progression of events devoted to a
- particular activity. Diameter application documents provide
- guidelines as to when a session begins and ends. All Diameter
- packets with the same Session-Id are considered to be part of the
- same session.
- Stateful Agent
- A stateful agent is one that maintains session state information,
- by keeping track of all authorized active sessions. Each
- authorized session is bound to a particular service, and its state
- is considered active either until it is notified otherwise, or by
- expiration.
- Sub-session
- A sub-session represents a distinct service (e.g., QoS or data
- characteristics) provided to a given session. These services may
- happen concurrently (e.g., simultaneous voice and data transfer
- during the same session) or serially. These changes in sessions
- are tracked with the Accounting-Sub-Session-Id.
- Transaction state
- The Diameter protocol requires that agents maintain transaction
- state, which is used for failover purposes. Transaction state
- implies that upon forwarding a request, the Hop-by-Hop identifier
- is saved; the field is replaced with a locally unique identifier,
- which is restored to its original value when the corresponding
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- answer is received. The request's state is released upon receipt
- of the answer. A stateless agent is one that only maintains
- transaction state.
- Translation Agent
- A translation agent is a stateful Diameter node that performs
- protocol translation between Diameter and another AAA protocol,
- such as RADIUS.
- Transport Connection
- A transport connection is a TCP or SCTP connection existing
- directly between two Diameter peers, otherwise known as a Peer-to-
- Peer Connection.
- Upstream
- Upstream is used to identify the direction of a particular
- Diameter message from the Diameter Client towards the Home Server.
- User
- The entity or device requesting or using some resource, in support
- of which a Diameter client has generated a request.
-1.3. Approach to Extensibility
- The Diameter protocol is designed to be extensible, using several
- mechanisms, including:
- o Defining new AVP values
- o Creating new AVPs
- o Creating new commands
- o Creating new applications
- From the point of view of extensibility Diameter authentication,
- authorization and accounting applications are treated in the same
- way.
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- Note: Protocol designers should try to re-use existing functionality,
- namely AVP values, AVPs, commands, and Diameter applications. Reuse
- simplifies standardization and implementation. To avoid potential
- interoperability issues it is important to ensure that the semantics
- of the re-used features are well understood. Given that Diameter can
- also carry RADIUS attributes as Diameter AVPs, such re-use
- considerations apply also to existing RADIUS attributes that may be
- useful in a Diameter application.
-1.3.1. Defining New AVP Values
- In order to allocate a new AVP value for AVPs defined in the Diameter
- Base protocol, the IETF needs to approve a new RFC that describes the
- AVP value. IANA considerations for these AVP values are discussed in
- Section 11.4.
- The allocation of AVP values for other AVPs is guided by the IANA
- considerations of the document that defines those AVPs. Typically,
- allocation of new values for an AVP defined in an IETF RFC should
- require IETF Review [RFC5226], whereas values for vendor-specific
- AVPs can be allocated by the vendor.
-1.3.2. Creating New AVPs
- A new AVP being defined MUST use one of the data types listed in
- Section 4.2 or Section 4.3. If an appropriate derived data type is
- already defined, it SHOULD be used instead of a base data type to
- encourage reusability and good design practice.
- In the event that a logical grouping of AVPs is necessary, and
- multiple "groups" are possible in a given command, it is recommended
- that a Grouped AVP be used (see Section 4.4).
- The creation of new AVPs can happen in various ways. The recommended
- approach is to define a new general-purpose AVP in a standards track
- RFC approved by the IETF. However, as described in Section 11.1.1
- there are also other mechanisms.
-1.3.3. Creating New Commands
- A new Command Code MUST be allocated when required AVPs (those
- indicated as {AVP} in the ABNF definition) are added to, deleted from
- or redefined in (for example, by changing a required AVP into an
- optional one) an existing command.
- Furthermore, if the transport characteristics of a command are
- changed (for example, with respect to the number of round trips
- required) a new Command Code MUST be registered.
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- A change to the ABNF of a command, such as described above, MUST
- result in the definition of a new Command Code. This subsequently
- leads to the need to define a new Diameter Application for any
- application that will use that new Command.
- The IANA considerations for commands are discussed in Section 11.2.1.
-1.3.4. Creating New Diameter Applications
- Every Diameter application specification MUST have an IANA assigned
- Application Id (see Section 2.4 and Section 11.3). The managed
- Application Id space is flat and there is no relationship between
- different Diameter applications with respect to their Application
- Ids. As such, there is no versioning support provided by these
- application Ids itself; every Diameter application is a standalone
- application. If the application has a relationship with other
- Diameter applications, such a relationship is not known to Diameter.
- Before describing the rules for creating new Diameter applications it
- is important to discuss the semantics of the AVPs occurrences as
- stated in the ABNF and the M-bit flag (Section 4.1) for an AVP.
- There is no relationship imposed between the two; they are set
- independently.
- o The ABNF indicates what AVPs are placed into a Diameter Command by
- the sender of that Command. Often, since there are multiple modes
- of protocol interactions many of the AVPs are indicated as
- optional.
- o The M-bit allows the sender to indicate to the receiver whether or
- not understanding the semantics of an AVP and its content is
- mandatory. If the M-bit is set by the sender and the receiver
- does not understand the AVP or the values carried within that AVP
- then a failure is generated (see Section 7).
- It is the decision of the protocol designer when to develop a new
- Diameter application rather than extending Diameter in other ways.
- However, a new Diameter application MUST be created when one or more
- of the following criteria are met:
- M-bit Setting
- An AVP with the M-bit in the MUST column of the AVP flag table is
- added to an existing Command/Application.
- An AVP with the M-bit in the MAY column of the AVP flag table is
- added to an existing Command/Application.
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- Note: The M-bit setting for a given AVP is relevant to an
- Application and each command within that application which
- includes the AVP. That is, if an AVP appears in two commands for
- application Foo and the M-bit settings are different in each
- command, then there should be two AVP flag tables describing when
- to set the M-bit.
- Commands
- A new command is used within the existing application either
- because an additional command is added, an existing command has
- been modified so that a new Command Code had to be registered, or
- a command has been deleted.
- If the ABNF definition of a command allows it, an implementation may
- add arbitrary optional AVPs with the M-bit cleared (including vendor-
- specific AVPs) to that command without needing to define a new
- application. Please refer to Section 11.1.1 for details.
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-2. Protocol Overview
- The base Diameter protocol concerns itself with establishing
- connections to peers, capabilities negotiation, how messages are sent
- and routed through peers, and how the connections are eventually torn
- down. The base protocol also defines certain rules that apply to all
- message exchanges between Diameter nodes.
- Communication between Diameter peers begins with one peer sending a
- message to another Diameter peer. The set of AVPs included in the
- message is determined by a particular Diameter application. One AVP
- that is included to reference a user's session is the Session-Id.
- The initial request for authentication and/or authorization of a user
- would include the Session-Id AVP. The Session-Id is then used in all
- subsequent messages to identify the user's session (see Section 8 for
- more information). The communicating party may accept the request,
- or reject it by returning an answer message with the Result-Code AVP
- set to indicate an error occurred. The specific behavior of the
- Diameter server or client receiving a request depends on the Diameter
- application employed.
- Session state (associated with a Session-Id) MUST be freed upon
- receipt of the Session-Termination-Request, Session-Termination-
- Answer, expiration of authorized service time in the Session-Timeout
- AVP, and according to rules established in a particular Diameter
- application.
- The base Diameter protocol may be used by itself for accounting
- applications. For authentication and authorization, it is always
- extended for a particular application.
- Diameter Clients MUST support the base protocol, which includes
- accounting. In addition, they MUST fully support each Diameter
- application that is needed to implement the client's service, e.g.,
- NASREQ and/or Mobile IPv4. A Diameter Client MUST be referred to as
- "Diameter X Client" where X is the application which it supports, and
- not a "Diameter Client".
- Diameter Servers MUST support the base protocol, which includes
- accounting. In addition, they MUST fully support each Diameter
- application that is needed to implement the intended service, e.g.,
- NASREQ and/or Mobile IPv4. A Diameter Server MUST be referred to as
- "Diameter X Server" where X is the application which it supports, and
- not a "Diameter Server".
- Diameter Relays and redirect agents are transparent to the Diameter
- applications but they MUST support the Diameter base protocol, which
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- includes accounting, and all Diameter applications.
- Diameter proxies MUST support the base protocol, which includes
- accounting. In addition, they MUST fully support each Diameter
- application that is needed to implement proxied services, e.g.,
- NASREQ and/or Mobile IPv4. A Diameter proxy MUST be referred to as
- "Diameter X Proxy" where X is the application which it supports, and
- not a "Diameter Proxy".
-2.1. Transport
- The Diameter Transport profile is defined in [RFC3539].
- The base Diameter protocol is run on port 3868 for both TCP [RFC793]
- and SCTP [RFC4960]. For TLS [RFC5246] and DTLS [RFC4347], a Diameter
- node that initiate a connection prior to any message exchanges MUST
- run on port [TBD]. It is assumed that TLS is run on top of TCP when
- it is used and DTLS is run on top of SCTP when it is used.
- If the Diameter peer does not support receiving TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP
- connections on port [TBD], i.e. the peer complies only with
- [RFC3588], then the initiator MAY revert to using TCP or SCTP and on
- port 3868. Note that this scheme is kept for the purpose of
- backwards compatibility only and that there are inherent security
- vulnerabilities when the initial CER/CEA messages are sent un-
- protected (see Section 5.6).
- Diameter clients MUST support either TCP or SCTP, while agents and
- servers SHOULD support both.
- A Diameter node MAY initiate connections from a source port other
- than the one that it declares it accepts incoming connections on, and
- MUST be prepared to receive connections on port 3868 for TCP or SCTP
- and port [TBD] for TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP connections. A given
- Diameter instance of the peer state machine MUST NOT use more than
- one transport connection to communicate with a given peer, unless
- multiple instances exist on the peer in which case a separate
- connection per process is allowed.
- When no transport connection exists with a peer, an attempt to
- connect SHOULD be periodically made. This behavior is handled via
- the Tc timer (see Section 12 for details), whose recommended value is
- 30 seconds. There are certain exceptions to this rule, such as when
- a peer has terminated the transport connection stating that it does
- not wish to communicate.
- When connecting to a peer and either zero or more transports are
- specified, TLS SHOULD be tried first, followed by DTLS, then by TCP
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- and finally by SCTP. See Section 5.2 for more information on peer
- discovery.
- Diameter implementations SHOULD be able to interpret ICMP protocol
- port unreachable messages as explicit indications that the server is
- not reachable, subject to security policy on trusting such messages.
- Further guidance regarding the treatment of ICMP errors can be found
- in [RFC5927] and [RFC5461]. Diameter implementations SHOULD also be
- able to interpret a reset from the transport and timed-out connection
- attempts. If Diameter receives data from the lower layer that cannot
- be parsed or identified as a Diameter error made by the peer, the
- stream is compromised and cannot be recovered. The transport
- connection MUST be closed using a RESET call (send a TCP RST bit) or
- an SCTP ABORT message (graceful closure is compromised).
-2.1.1. SCTP Guidelines
- Diameter messages SHOULD be mapped into SCTP streams in a way that
- avoids head-of-the-line (HOL) blocking. Among different ways of
- performing the mapping that fulfill this requirement it is
- RECOMMENDED that a Diameter node sends every Diameter message
- (request or response) over the stream zero with the unordered flag
- set. However, Diameter nodes MAY select and implement other design
- alternatives for avoiding HOL blocking such as using multiple streams
- with the unordered flag cleared (as originally instructed in
- RFC3588). On the receiving side, a Diameter entity MUST be ready to
- receive Diameter messages over any stream and it is free to return
- responses over a different stream. This way, both sides manage the
- available streams in the sending direction, independently of the
- streams chosen by the other side to send a particular Diameter
- message. These messages can be out-of-order and belong to different
- Diameter sessions.
- Out-of-order delivery has special concerns during a connection
- establishment and termination. When a connection is established, the
- responder side sends a CEA message and moves to R-Open state as
- specified in Section 5.6. If an application message is sent shortly
- after the CEA and delivered out-of-order, the initiator side, still
- in Wait-I-CEA state, will discard the application message and close
- the connection. In order to avoid this race condition, the receiver
- side SHOULD NOT use out-of-order delivery methods until the first
- message has been received from the initiator, proving that it has
- moved to I-Open state. To trigger such message, the receiver side
- could send a DWR immediatly after sending CEA. Upon reception of the
- corresponding DWA, the receiver side should start using out-of-order
- delivery methods to counter the HOL blocking.
- Another race condition may occur when DPR and DPA messages are used.
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- Both DPR and DPA are small in size, thus they may be delivered faster
- to the peer than application messages when out-of-order delivery
- mechanism is used. Therefore, it is possible that a DPR/DPA exchange
- completes while application messages are still in transit, resulting
- to a loss of these messages. An implementation could mitigate this
- race condition, for example, using timers and wait for a short period
- of time for pending application level messages to arrive before
- proceeding to disconnect the transport connection. Eventually, lost
- messages are handled by the retransmission mechanism described in
- Section 5.5.4.
-2.2. Securing Diameter Messages
- Connections between Diameter peers SHOULD be protected by TLS/TCP and
- DTLS/SCTP. All Diameter base protocol implementations MUST support
- the use of TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP. If desired, alternative security
- mechanisms that are independent of Diameter, such as IPsec [RFC4301],
- can be deployed to secure connections between peers. The Diameter
- protocol MUST NOT be used without any security mechanism.
-2.3. Diameter Application Compliance
- Application Ids are advertised during the capabilities exchange phase
- (see Section 5.3). Advertising support of an application implies
- that the sender supports the functionality specified in the
- respective Diameter application specification.
- Implementations MAY add arbitrary optional AVPs with the M-bit
- cleared (including vendor-specific AVPs) to a command defined in an
- application, but only if the command's ABNF syntax specification
- allows for it. Please refer to Section 11.1.1 for details.
-2.4. Application Identifiers
- Each Diameter application MUST have an IANA assigned Application Id
- (see Section 11.3). The base protocol does not require an
- Application Id since its support is mandatory. During the
- capabilities exchange, Diameter nodes inform their peers of locally
- supported applications. Furthermore, all Diameter messages contain
- an Application Id, which is used in the message forwarding process.
- The following Application Id values are defined:
- Diameter Common Messages 0
- Diameter Base Accounting 3
- Relay 0xffffffff
- Relay and redirect agents MUST advertise the Relay Application
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- Identifier, while all other Diameter nodes MUST advertise locally
- supported applications. The receiver of a Capabilities Exchange
- message advertising Relay service MUST assume that the sender
- supports all current and future applications.
- Diameter relay and proxy agents are responsible for finding an
- upstream server that supports the application of a particular
- message. If none can be found, an error message is returned with the
-2.5. Connections vs. Sessions
- This section attempts to provide the reader with an understanding of
- the difference between connection and session, which are terms used
- extensively throughout this document.
- A connection refers to a transport level connection between two peers
- that is used to send and receive Diameter messages. A session is a
- logical concept at the application layer existing between the
- Diameter client and the Diameter server; it is identified via the
- Session-Id AVP.
- +--------+ +-------+ +--------+
- | Client | | Relay | | Server |
- +--------+ +-------+ +--------+
- <----------> <---------->
- peer connection A peer connection B
- <----------------------------->
- User session x
- Figure 1: Diameter connections and sessions
- In the example provided in Figure 1, peer connection A is established
- between the Client and the Relay. Peer connection B is established
- between the Relay and the Server. User session X spans from the
- Client via the Relay to the Server. Each "user" of a service causes
- an auth request to be sent, with a unique session identifier. Once
- accepted by the server, both the client and the server are aware of
- the session.
- It is important to note that there is no relationship between a
- connection and a session, and that Diameter messages for multiple
- sessions are all multiplexed through a single connection. Also note
- that Diameter messages pertaining to the session, both application
- specific and those that are defined in this document such as ASR/ASA,
- RAR/RAA and STR/STA MUST carry the Application Id of the application.
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- Diameter messages pertaining to peer connection establishment and
- maintenance such as CER/CEA, DWR/DWA and DPR/DPA MUST carry an
- Application Id of zero (0).
-2.6. Peer Table
- The Diameter Peer Table is used in message forwarding, and referenced
- by the Routing Table. A Peer Table entry contains the following
- fields:
- Host identity
- Following the conventions described for the DiameterIdentity
- derived AVP data format in Section 4.3. This field contains the
- contents of the Origin-Host (Section 6.3) AVP found in the CER or
- CEA message.
- StatusT
- This is the state of the peer entry, and MUST match one of the
- values listed in Section 5.6.
- Static or Dynamic
- Specifies whether a peer entry was statically configured or
- dynamically discovered.
- Expiration time
- Specifies the time at which dynamically discovered peer table
- entries are to be either refreshed, or expired.
- TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP Enabled
- Specifies whether TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP is to be used when
- communicating with the peer.
- Additional security information, when needed (e.g., keys,
- certificates)
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-2.7. Routing Table
- All Realm-Based routing lookups are performed against what is
- commonly known as the Routing Table (see Section 12). A Routing
- Table Entry contains the following fields:
- Realm Name
- This is the field that is MUST be used as a primary key in the
- routing table lookups. Note that some implementations perform
- their lookups based on longest-match-from-the-right on the realm
- rather than requiring an exact match.
- Application Identifier
- An application is identified by an Application Id. A route entry
- can have a different destination based on the Application Id in
- the message header. This field MUST be used as a secondary key
- field in routing table lookups.
- Local Action
- The Local Action field is used to identify how a message should be
- treated. The following actions are supported:
- 1. LOCAL - Diameter messages that can be satisfied locally, and
- do not need to be routed to another Diameter entity.
- 2. RELAY - All Diameter messages that fall within this category
- MUST be routed to a next hop Diameter entity that is indicated
- by the identifier described below. Routing is done without
- modifying any non-routing AVPs. See Section 6.1.9 for
- relaying guidelines
- 3. PROXY - All Diameter messages that fall within this category
- MUST be routed to a next Diameter entity that is indicated by
- the identifier described below. The local server MAY apply
- its local policies to the message by including new AVPs to the
- message prior to routing. See Section 6.1.9 for proxying
- guidelines.
- 4. REDIRECT - Diameter messages that fall within this category
- MUST have the identity of the home Diameter server(s)
- appended, and returned to the sender of the message. See
- Section 6.1.8 for redirect guidelines.
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- Server Identifier
- One or more servers to which the message is to be routed. These
- servers MUST also be present in the Peer table. When the Local
- Action is set to RELAY or PROXY, this field contains the identity
- of the server(s) the message MUST be routed to. When the Local
- Action field is set to REDIRECT, this field contains the identity
- of one or more servers the message MUST be redirected to.
- Static or Dynamic
- Specifies whether a route entry was statically configured or
- dynamically discovered.
- Expiration time
- Specifies the time at which a dynamically discovered route table
- entry expires.
- It is important to note that Diameter agents MUST support at least
- one of the LOCAL, RELAY, PROXY or REDIRECT modes of operation.
- Agents do not need to support all modes of operation in order to
- conform with the protocol specification, but MUST follow the protocol
- compliance guidelines in Section 2. Relay agents and proxies MUST
- NOT reorder AVPs.
- The routing table MAY include a default entry that MUST be used for
- any requests not matching any of the other entries. The routing
- table MAY consist of only such an entry.
- When a request is routed, the target server MUST have advertised the
- Application Id (see Section 2.4) for the given message, or have
- advertised itself as a relay or proxy agent. Otherwise, an error is
- returned with the Result-Code AVP set to DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_DELIVER.
-2.8. Role of Diameter Agents
- In addition to clients and servers, the Diameter protocol introduces
- relay, proxy, redirect, and translation agents, each of which is
- defined in Section 1.3. These Diameter agents are useful for several
- reasons:
- o They can distribute administration of systems to a configurable
- grouping, including the maintenance of security associations.
- o They can be used for concentration of requests from an number of
- co-located or distributed NAS equipment sets to a set of like user
- groups.
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- o They can do value-added processing to the requests or responses.
- o They can be used for load balancing.
- o A complex network will have multiple authentication sources, they
- can sort requests and forward towards the correct target.
- The Diameter protocol requires that agents maintain transaction
- state, which is used for failover purposes. Transaction state
- implies that upon forwarding a request, its Hop-by-Hop identifier is
- saved; the field is replaced with a locally unique identifier, which
- is restored to its original value when the corresponding answer is
- received. The request's state is released upon receipt of the
- answer. A stateless agent is one that only maintains transaction
- state.
- The Proxy-Info AVP allows stateless agents to add local state to a
- Diameter request, with the guarantee that the same state will be
- present in the answer. However, the protocol's failover procedures
- require that agents maintain a copy of pending requests.
- A stateful agent is one that maintains session state information by
- keeping track of all authorized active sessions. Each authorized
- session is bound to a particular service, and its state is considered
- active either until the agent is notified otherwise, or the session
- expires. Each authorized session has an expiration, which is
- communicated by Diameter servers via the Session-Timeout AVP.
- Maintaining session state may be useful in certain applications, such
- as:
- o Protocol translation (e.g., RADIUS <-> Diameter)
- o Limiting resources authorized to a particular user
- o Per user or transaction auditing
- A Diameter agent MAY act in a stateful manner for some requests and
- be stateless for others. A Diameter implementation MAY act as one
- type of agent for some requests, and as another type of agent for
- others.
-2.8.1. Relay Agents
- Relay Agents are Diameter agents that accept requests and route
- messages to other Diameter nodes based on information found in the
- messages (e.g., Destination-Realm). This routing decision is
- performed using a list of supported realms, and known peers. This is
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- known as the Routing Table, as is defined further in Section 2.7.
- Relays may, for example, be used to aggregate requests from multiple
- Network Access Servers (NASes) within a common geographical area
- (POP). The use of Relays is advantageous since it eliminates the
- need for NASes to be configured with the necessary security
- information they would otherwise require to communicate with Diameter
- servers in other realms. Likewise, this reduces the configuration
- load on Diameter servers that would otherwise be necessary when NASes
- are added, changed or deleted.
- Relays modify Diameter messages by inserting and removing routing
- information, but do not modify any other portion of a message.
- Relays SHOULD NOT maintain session state but MUST maintain
- transaction state.
- +------+ ---------> +------+ ---------> +------+
- | | 1. Request | | 2. Request | |
- | NAS | | DRL | | HMS |
- | | 4. Answer | | 3. Answer | |
- +------+ <--------- +------+ <--------- +------+
- example.net example.net example.com
- Figure 2: Relaying of Diameter messages
- The example provided in Figure 2 depicts a request issued from NAS,
- which is an access device, for the user [email protected]. Prior to
- issuing the request, NAS performs a Diameter route lookup, using
- "example.com" as the key, and determines that the message is to be
- relayed to DRL, which is a Diameter Relay. DRL performs the same
- route lookup as NAS, and relays the message to HMS, which is
- example.com's Home Diameter Server. HMS identifies that the request
- can be locally supported (via the realm), processes the
- authentication and/or authorization request, and replies with an
- answer, which is routed back to NAS using saved transaction state.
- Since Relays do not perform any application level processing, they
- provide relaying services for all Diameter applications, and
- therefore MUST advertise the Relay Application Id.
-2.8.2. Proxy Agents
- Similarly to relays, proxy agents route Diameter messages using the
- Diameter Routing Table. However, they differ since they modify
- messages to implement policy enforcement. This requires that proxies
- maintain the state of their downstream peers (e.g., access devices)
- to enforce resource usage, provide admission control, and
- provisioning.
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- Proxies may, for example, be used in call control centers or access
- ISPs that provide outsourced connections, they can monitor the number
- and types of ports in use, and make allocation and admission
- decisions according to their configuration.
- Since enforcing policies requires an understanding of the service
- being provided, Proxies MUST only advertise the Diameter applications
- they support.
-2.8.3. Redirect Agents
- Redirect agents are useful in scenarios where the Diameter routing
- configuration needs to be centralized. An example is a redirect
- agent that provides services to all members of a consortium, but does
- not wish to be burdened with relaying all messages between realms.
- This scenario is advantageous since it does not require that the
- consortium provide routing updates to its members when changes are
- made to a member's infrastructure.
- Since redirect agents do not relay messages, and only return an
- answer with the information necessary for Diameter agents to
- communicate directly, they do not modify messages. Since redirect
- agents do not receive answer messages, they cannot maintain session
- state.
- The example provided in Figure 3 depicts a request issued from the
- access device, NAS, for the user [email protected]. The message is
- forwarded by the NAS to its relay, DRL, which does not have a routing
- entry in its Diameter Routing Table for example.com. DRL has a
- default route configured to DRD, which is a redirect agent that
- returns a redirect notification to DRL, as well as HMS' contact
- information. Upon receipt of the redirect notification, DRL
- establishes a transport connection with HMS, if one doesn't already
- exist, and forwards the request to it.
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- +------+
- | |
- | DRD |
- | |
- +------+
- ^ |
- 2. Request | | 3. Redirection
- | | Notification
- | v
- +------+ ---------> +------+ ---------> +------+
- | | 1. Request | | 4. Request | |
- | NAS | | DRL | | HMS |
- | | 6. Answer | | 5. Answer | |
- +------+ <--------- +------+ <--------- +------+
- example.net example.net example.com
- Figure 3: Redirecting a Diameter Message
- Since redirect agents do not perform any application level
- processing, they provide relaying services for all Diameter
- applications, and therefore MUST advertise the Relay Application
- Identifier.
-2.8.4. Translation Agents
- A translation agent is a device that provides translation between two
- protocols (e.g., RADIUS<->Diameter, TACACS+<->Diameter). Translation
- agents are likely to be used as aggregation servers to communicate
- with a Diameter infrastructure, while allowing for the embedded
- systems to be migrated at a slower pace.
- Given that the Diameter protocol introduces the concept of long-lived
- authorized sessions, translation agents MUST be session stateful and
- MUST maintain transaction state.
- Translation of messages can only occur if the agent recognizes the
- application of a particular request, and therefore translation agents
- MUST only advertise their locally supported applications.
- +------+ ---------> +------+ ---------> +------+
- | | RADIUS Request | | Diameter Request | |
- | NAS | | TLA | | HMS |
- | | RADIUS Answer | | Diameter Answer | |
- +------+ <--------- +------+ <--------- +------+
- example.net example.net example.com
- Figure 4: Translation of RADIUS to Diameter
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-2.9. Diameter Path Authorization
- As noted in Section 2.2, Diameter provides transmission level
- security for each connection using TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP. Therefore,
- each connection can be authenticated, replay and integrity protected.
- In addition to authenticating each connection, each connection as
- well as the entire session MUST also be authorized. Before
- initiating a connection, a Diameter Peer MUST check that its peers
- are authorized to act in their roles. For example, a Diameter peer
- may be authentic, but that does not mean that it is authorized to act
- as a Diameter Server advertising a set of Diameter applications.
- Prior to bringing up a connection, authorization checks are performed
- at each connection along the path. Diameter capabilities negotiation
- (CER/CEA) also MUST be carried out, in order to determine what
- Diameter applications are supported by each peer. Diameter sessions
- MUST be routed only through authorized nodes that have advertised
- support for the Diameter application required by the session.
- As noted in Section 6.1.9, a relay or proxy agent MUST append a
- Route-Record AVP to all requests forwarded. The AVP contains the
- identity of the peer the request was received from.
- The home Diameter server, prior to authorizing a session, MUST check
- the Route-Record AVPs to make sure that the route traversed by the
- request is acceptable. For example, administrators within the home
- realm may not wish to honor requests that have been routed through an
- untrusted realm. By authorizing a request, the home Diameter server
- is implicitly indicating its willingness to engage in the business
- transaction as specified by the contractual relationship between the
- server and the previous hop. A DIAMETER_AUTHORIZATION_REJECTED error
- message (see Section 7.1.5) is sent if the route traversed by the
- request is unacceptable.
- A home realm may also wish to check that each accounting request
- message corresponds to a Diameter response authorizing the session.
- Accounting requests without corresponding authorization responses
- SHOULD be subjected to further scrutiny, as should accounting
- requests indicating a difference between the requested and provided
- service.
- Forwarding of an authorization response is considered evidence of a
- willingness to take on financial risk relative to the session. A
- local realm may wish to limit this exposure, for example, by
- establishing credit limits for intermediate realms and refusing to
- accept responses which would violate those limits. By issuing an
- accounting request corresponding to the authorization response, the
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- local realm implicitly indicates its agreement to provide the service
- indicated in the authorization response. If the service cannot be
- provided by the local realm, then a DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_COMPLY error
- message MUST be sent within the accounting request; a Diameter client
- receiving an authorization response for a service that it cannot
- perform MUST NOT substitute an alternate service, and then send
- accounting requests for the alternate service instead.
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-3. Diameter Header
- A summary of the Diameter header format is shown below. The fields
- are transmitted in network byte order.
- 0 1 2 3
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Version | Message Length |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | command flags | Command-Code |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Application-ID |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Hop-by-Hop Identifier |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | End-to-End Identifier |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | AVPs ...
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
- Version
- This Version field MUST be set to 1 to indicate Diameter Version
- 1.
- Message Length
- The Message Length field is three octets and indicates the length
- of the Diameter message including the header fields and the padded
- AVPs. Thus the message length field is always a multiple of 4.
- Command Flags
- The Command Flags field is eight bits. The following bits are
- assigned:
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- |R P E T r r r r|
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- R(equest)
- If set, the message is a request. If cleared, the message is
- an answer.
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- P(roxiable)
- If set, the message MAY be proxied, relayed or redirected. If
- cleared, the message MUST be locally processed.
- E(rror)
- If set, the message contains a protocol error, and the message
- will not conform to the ABNF described for this command.
- Messages with the 'E' bit set are commonly referred to as error
- messages. This bit MUST NOT be set in request messages. See
- Section 7.2.
- T(Potentially re-transmitted message)
- This flag is set after a link failover procedure, to aid the
- removal of duplicate requests. It is set when resending
- requests not yet acknowledged, as an indication of a possible
- duplicate due to a link failure. This bit MUST be cleared when
- sending a request for the first time, otherwise the sender MUST
- set this flag. Diameter agents only need to be concerned about
- the number of requests they send based on a single received
- request; retransmissions by other entities need not be tracked.
- Diameter agents that receive a request with the T flag set,
- MUST keep the T flag set in the forwarded request. This flag
- MUST NOT be set if an error answer message (e.g., a protocol
- error) has been received for the earlier message. It can be
- set only in cases where no answer has been received from the
- server for a request and the request is sent again. This flag
- MUST NOT be set in answer messages.
- r(eserved)
- These flag bits are reserved for future use, and MUST be set to
- zero, and ignored by the receiver.
- Command-Code
- The Command-Code field is three octets, and is used in order to
- communicate the command associated with the message. The 24-bit
- address space is managed by IANA (see Section 11.2.1).
- Command-Code values 16,777,214 and 16,777,215 (hexadecimal values
- FFFFFE -FFFFFF) are reserved for experimental use (See Section
- 11.3).
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- Application-ID
- Application-ID is four octets and is used to identify to which
- application the message is applicable for. The application can be
- an authentication application, an accounting application or a
- vendor specific application. See Section 11.3 for the possible
- values that the application-id may use.
- The value of the application-id field in the header MUST be the
- same as any relevant application-id AVPs contained in the message.
- Hop-by-Hop Identifier
- The Hop-by-Hop Identifier is an unsigned 32-bit integer field (in
- network byte order) and aids in matching requests and replies.
- The sender MUST ensure that the Hop-by-Hop identifier in a request
- is unique on a given connection at any given time, and MAY attempt
- to ensure that the number is unique across reboots. The sender of
- an Answer message MUST ensure that the Hop-by-Hop Identifier field
- contains the same value that was found in the corresponding
- request. The Hop-by-Hop identifier is normally a monotonically
- increasing number, whose start value was randomly generated. An
- answer message that is received with an unknown Hop-by-Hop
- Identifier MUST be discarded.
- End-to-End Identifier
- The End-to-End Identifier is an unsigned 32-bit integer field (in
- network byte order) and is used to detect duplicate messages.
- Upon reboot implementations MAY set the high order 12 bits to
- contain the low order 12 bits of current time, and the low order
- 20 bits to a random value. Senders of request messages MUST
- insert a unique identifier on each message. The identifier MUST
- remain locally unique for a period of at least 4 minutes, even
- across reboots. The originator of an Answer message MUST ensure
- that the End-to-End Identifier field contains the same value that
- was found in the corresponding request. The End-to-End Identifier
- MUST NOT be modified by Diameter agents of any kind. The
- combination of the Origin-Host (see Section 6.3) and this field is
- used to detect duplicates. Duplicate requests SHOULD cause the
- same answer to be transmitted (modulo the hop-by-hop Identifier
- field and any routing AVPs that may be present), and MUST NOT
- affect any state that was set when the original request was
- processed. Duplicate answer messages that are to be locally
- consumed (see Section 6.2) SHOULD be silently discarded.
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- AVPs
- AVPs are a method of encapsulating information relevant to the
- Diameter message. See Section 4 for more information on AVPs.
-3.1. Command Codes
- Each command Request/Answer pair is assigned a command code, and the
- sub-type (i.e., request or answer) is identified via the 'R' bit in
- the Command Flags field of the Diameter header.
- Every Diameter message MUST contain a command code in its header's
- Command-Code field, which is used to determine the action that is to
- be taken for a particular message. The following Command Codes are
- defined in the Diameter base protocol:
- Command-Name Abbrev. Code Reference
- --------------------------------------------------------
- Abort-Session-Request ASR 274 8.5.1
- Abort-Session-Answer ASA 274 8.5.2
- Accounting-Request ACR 271 9.7.1
- Accounting-Answer ACA 271 9.7.2
- Capabilities-Exchange- CER 257 5.3.1
- Request
- Capabilities-Exchange- CEA 257 5.3.2
- Answer
- Device-Watchdog-Request DWR 280 5.5.1
- Device-Watchdog-Answer DWA 280 5.5.2
- Disconnect-Peer-Request DPR 282 5.4.1
- Disconnect-Peer-Answer DPA 282 5.4.2
- Re-Auth-Request RAR 258 8.3.1
- Re-Auth-Answer RAA 258 8.3.2
- Session-Termination- STR 275 8.4.1
- Request
- Session-Termination- STA 275 8.4.2
- Answer
-3.2. Command Code ABNF specification
- Every Command Code defined MUST include a corresponding ABNF
- specification, which is used to define the AVPs that MUST or MAY be
- present when sending the message. The following format is used in
- the definition:
- command-def = <command-name> "::=" diameter-message
- command-name = diameter-name
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- diameter-name = ALPHA *(ALPHA / DIGIT / "-")
- diameter-message = header [ *fixed] [ *required] [ *optional]
- header = "<" "Diameter Header:" command-id
- [r-bit] [p-bit] [e-bit] [application-id] ">"
- application-id = 1*DIGIT
- command-id = 1*DIGIT
- ; The Command Code assigned to the command
- r-bit = ", REQ"
- ; If present, the 'R' bit in the Command
- ; Flags is set, indicating that the message
- ; is a request, as opposed to an answer.
- p-bit = ", PXY"
- ; If present, the 'P' bit in the Command
- ; Flags is set, indicating that the message
- ; is proxiable.
- e-bit = ", ERR"
- ; If present, the 'E' bit in the Command
- ; Flags is set, indicating that the answer
- ; message contains a Result-Code AVP in
- ; the "protocol error" class.
- fixed = [qual] "<" avp-spec ">"
- ; Defines the fixed position of an AVP
- required = [qual] "{" avp-spec "}"
- ; The AVP MUST be present and can appear
- ; anywhere in the message.
- optional = [qual] "[" avp-name "]"
- ; The avp-name in the 'optional' rule cannot
- ; evaluate to any AVP Name which is included
- ; in a fixed or required rule. The AVP can
- ; appear anywhere in the message.
- ;
- ; NOTE: "[" and "]" have a slightly different
- ; meaning than in ABNF (RFC 5234]). These braces
- ; cannot be used to express optional fixed rules
- ; (such as an optional ICV at the end). To do this,
- ; the convention is '0*1fixed'.
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- qual = [min] "*" [max]
- ; See ABNF conventions, RFC 5234 Section 4.
- ; The absence of any qualifiers depends on
- ; whether it precedes a fixed, required, or
- ; optional rule. If a fixed or required rule has
- ; no qualifier, then exactly one such AVP MUST
- ; be present. If an optional rule has no
- ; qualifier, then 0 or 1 such AVP may be
- ; present. If an optional rule has a qualifier,
- ; then the value of min MUST be 0 if present.
- min = 1*DIGIT
- ; The minimum number of times the element may
- ; be present. If absent, the default value is zero
- ; for fixed and optional rules and one for required
- ; rules. The value MUST be at least one for for
- ; required rules.
- max = 1*DIGIT
- ; The maximum number of times the element may
- ; be present. If absent, the default value is
- ; infinity. A value of zero implies the AVP MUST
- ; NOT be present.
- avp-spec = diameter-name
- ; The avp-spec has to be an AVP Name, defined
- ; in the base or extended Diameter
- ; specifications.
- avp-name = avp-spec / "AVP"
- ; The string "AVP" stands for *any* arbitrary AVP
- ; Name, not otherwise listed in that command code
- ; definition. Addition this AVP is recommended for
- ; all command ABNFs to allow for extensibility.
- The following is a definition of a fictitious command code:
- Example-Request ::= < Diameter Header: 9999999, REQ, PXY >
- { User-Name }
- * { Origin-Host }
- * [ AVP ]
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-3.3. Diameter Command Naming Conventions
- Diameter command names typically includes one or more English words
- followed by the verb Request or Answer. Each English word is
- delimited by a hyphen. A three-letter acronym for both the request
- and answer is also normally provided.
- An example is a message set used to terminate a session. The command
- name is Session-Terminate-Request and Session-Terminate-Answer, while
- the acronyms are STR and STA, respectively.
- Both the request and the answer for a given command share the same
- command code. The request is identified by the R(equest) bit in the
- Diameter header set to one (1), to ask that a particular action be
- performed, such as authorizing a user or terminating a session. Once
- the receiver has completed the request it issues the corresponding
- answer, which includes a result code that communicates one of the
- following:
- o The request was successful
- o The request failed
- o An additional request has to be sent to provide information the
- peer requires prior to returning a successful or failed answer.
- o The receiver could not process the request, but provides
- information about a Diameter peer that is able to satisfy the
- request, known as redirect.
- Additional information, encoded within AVPs, may also be included in
- answer messages.
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-4. Diameter AVPs
- Diameter AVPs carry specific authentication, accounting,
- authorization and routing information as well as configuration
- details for the request and reply.
- Each AVP of type OctetString MUST be padded to align on a 32-bit
- boundary, while other AVP types align naturally. A number of zero-
- valued bytes are added to the end of the AVP Data field till a word
- boundary is reached. The length of the padding is not reflected in
- the AVP Length field.
-4.1. AVP Header
- The fields in the AVP header MUST be sent in network byte order. The
- format of the header is:
- 0 1 2 3
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | AVP Code |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- |V M P r r r r r| AVP Length |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Vendor-ID (opt) |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Data ...
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- AVP Code
- The AVP Code, combined with the Vendor-Id field, identifies the
- attribute uniquely. AVP numbers 1 through 255 are reserved for
- re-use of RADIUS attributes, without setting the Vendor-Id field.
- AVP numbers 256 and above are used for Diameter, which are
- allocated by IANA (see Section 11.1).
- AVP Flags
- The AVP Flags field informs the receiver how each attribute must
- be handled. The 'r' (reserved) bits are unused and SHOULD be set
- to 0. Note that subsequent Diameter applications MAY define
- additional bits within the AVP Header, and an unrecognized bit
- SHOULD be considered an error. The 'P' bit has been reserved for
- future usage of end-to-end security. At the time of writing there
- are no end-to-end security mechanisms specified therefore the 'P'
- bit SHOULD be set to 0.
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- The 'M' Bit, known as the Mandatory bit, indicates whether the
- receiver of the AVP MUST parse and understand the semantic of the
- AVP including its content. The receiving entity MUST return an
- appropriate error message if it receives an AVP that has the M-bit
- set but does not understand it. An exception applies when the AVP
- is embedded within a Grouped AVP. See Section 4.4 for details.
- Diameter Relay and redirect agents MUST NOT reject messages with
- unrecognized AVPs.
- The 'M' bit MUST be set according to the rules defined in the
- application specification which introduces or re-uses this AVP.
- Within a given application, the M-bit setting for an AVP is either
- defined for all command types or for each command type.
- AVPs with the 'M' bit cleared are informational only and a
- receiver that receives a message with such an AVP that is not
- supported, or whose value is not supported, MAY simply ignore the
- AVP.
- The 'V' bit, known as the Vendor-Specific bit, indicates whether
- the optional Vendor-ID field is present in the AVP header. When
- set the AVP Code belongs to the specific vendor code address
- space.
- AVP Length
- The AVP Length field is three octets, and indicates the number of
- octets in this AVP including the AVP Code, AVP Length, AVP Flags,
- Vendor-ID field (if present) and the AVP data. If a message is
- received with an invalid attribute length, the message MUST be
- rejected.
-4.1.1. Optional Header Elements
- The AVP Header contains one optional field. This field is only
- present if the respective bit-flag is enabled.
- Vendor-ID
- The Vendor-ID field is present if the 'V' bit is set in the AVP
- Flags field. The optional four-octet Vendor-ID field contains the
- IANA assigned "SMI Network Management Private Enterprise Codes"
- [RFC3232] value, encoded in network byte order. Any vendor or
- standardization organization that are also treated like vendors in
- the IANA managed "SMI Network Management Private Enterprise Codes"
- space wishing to implement a vendor-specific Diameter AVP MUST use
- their own Vendor-ID along with their privately managed AVP address
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- space, guaranteeing that they will not collide with any other
- vendor's vendor-specific AVP(s), nor with future IETF AVPs.
- A vendor ID value of zero (0) corresponds to the IETF adopted AVP
- values, as managed by the IANA. Since the absence of the vendor
- ID field implies that the AVP in question is not vendor specific,
- implementations MUST NOT use the zero (0) vendor ID.
-4.2. Basic AVP Data Formats
- The Data field is zero or more octets and contains information
- specific to the Attribute. The format and length of the Data field
- is determined by the AVP Code and AVP Length fields. The format of
- the Data field MUST be one of the following base data types or a data
- type derived from the base data types. In the event that a new Basic
- AVP Data Format is needed, a new version of this RFC MUST be created.
- OctetString
- The data contains arbitrary data of variable length. Unless
- otherwise noted, the AVP Length field MUST be set to at least 8
- (12 if the 'V' bit is enabled). AVP Values of this type that are
- not a multiple of four-octets in length is followed by the
- necessary padding so that the next AVP (if any) will start on a
- 32-bit boundary.
- Integer32
- 32 bit signed value, in network byte order. The AVP Length field
- MUST be set to 12 (16 if the 'V' bit is enabled).
- Integer64
- 64 bit signed value, in network byte order. The AVP Length field
- MUST be set to 16 (20 if the 'V' bit is enabled).
- Unsigned32
- 32 bit unsigned value, in network byte order. The AVP Length
- field MUST be set to 12 (16 if the 'V' bit is enabled).
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- Unsigned64
- 64 bit unsigned value, in network byte order. The AVP Length
- field MUST be set to 16 (20 if the 'V' bit is enabled).
- Float32
- This represents floating point values of single precision as
- described by [FLOATPOINT]. The 32-bit value is transmitted in
- network byte order. The AVP Length field MUST be set to 12 (16 if
- the 'V' bit is enabled).
- Float64
- This represents floating point values of double precision as
- described by [FLOATPOINT]. The 64-bit value is transmitted in
- network byte order. The AVP Length field MUST be set to 16 (20 if
- the 'V' bit is enabled).
- Grouped
- The Data field is specified as a sequence of AVPs. Each of these
- AVPs follows - in the order in which they are specified -
- including their headers and padding. The AVP Length field is set
- to 8 (12 if the 'V' bit is enabled) plus the total length of all
- included AVPs, including their headers and padding. Thus the AVP
- length field of an AVP of type Grouped is always a multiple of 4.
-4.3. Derived AVP Data Formats
- In addition to using the Basic AVP Data Formats, applications may
- define data formats derived from the Basic AVP Data Formats. An
- application that defines new Derived AVP Data Formats MUST include
- them in a section entitled "Derived AVP Data Formats", using the same
- format as the definitions below. Each new definition MUST be either
- defined or listed with a reference to the RFC that defines the
- format.
-4.3.1. Common Derived AVPs
- The following are commonly used Derived AVP Data Formats.
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- Address
- The Address format is derived from the OctetString AVP Base
- Format. It is a discriminated union, representing, for example a
- 32-bit (IPv4) [RFC791] or 128-bit (IPv6) [RFC4291] address, most
- significant octet first. The first two octets of the Address AVP
- represents the AddressType, which contains an Address Family
- defined in [IANAADFAM]. The AddressType is used to discriminate
- the content and format of the remaining octets.
- Time
- The Time format is derived from the OctetString AVP Base Format.
- The string MUST contain four octets, in the same format as the
- first four bytes are in the NTP timestamp format. The NTP
- Timestamp format is defined in Chapter 3 of [RFC5905].
- This represents the number of seconds since 0h on 1 January 1900
- with respect to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
- On 6h 28m 16s UTC, 7 February 2036 the time value will overflow.
- SNTP [RFC5905] describes a procedure to extend the time to 2104.
- This procedure MUST be supported by all Diameter nodes.
- UTF8String
- The UTF8String format is derived from the OctetString AVP Base
- Format. This is a human readable string represented using the
- ISO/IEC IS 10646-1 character set, encoded as an OctetString using
- the UTF-8 [RFC3629] transformation format described in RFC 3629.
- Since additional code points are added by amendments to the 10646
- standard from time to time, implementations MUST be prepared to
- encounter any code point from 0x00000001 to 0x7fffffff. Byte
- sequences that do not correspond to the valid encoding of a code
- point into UTF-8 charset or are outside this range are prohibited.
- The use of control codes SHOULD be avoided. When it is necessary
- to represent a new line, the control code sequence CR LF SHOULD be
- used.
- The use of leading or trailing white space SHOULD be avoided.
- For code points not directly supported by user interface hardware
- or software, an alternative means of entry and display, such as
- hexadecimal, MAY be provided.
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- For information encoded in 7-bit US-ASCII, the UTF-8 charset is
- identical to the US-ASCII charset.
- UTF-8 may require multiple bytes to represent a single character /
- code point; thus the length of an UTF8String in octets may be
- different from the number of characters encoded.
- Note that the AVP Length field of an UTF8String is measured in
- octets, not characters.
- DiameterIdentity
- The DiameterIdentity format is derived from the OctetString AVP
- Base Format.
- DiameterIdentity = FQDN/Realm
- DiameterIdentity value is used to uniquely identify either:
- * A Diameter node for purposes of duplicate connection and
- routing loop detection.
- * A Realm to determine whether messages can be satisfied locally,
- or whether they must be routed or redirected.
- When a DiameterIdentity is used to identify a Diameter node the
- contents of the string MUST be the FQDN of the Diameter node. If
- multiple Diameter nodes run on the same host, each Diameter node
- MUST be assigned a unique DiameterIdentity. If a Diameter node
- can be identified by several FQDNs, a single FQDN should be picked
- at startup, and used as the only DiameterIdentity for that node,
- whatever the connection it is sent on. Note that in this
- document, DiameterIdentity is in ASCII form in order to be
- compatible with existing DNS infrastructure. See Appendix D for
- interactions between the Diameter protocol and Internationalized
- Domain Name (IDNs).
- DiameterURI
- The DiameterURI MUST follow the Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI)
- syntax [RFC3986] rules specified below:
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- "aaa://" FQDN [ port ] [ transport ] [ protocol ]
- ; No transport security
- "aaas://" FQDN [ port ] [ transport ] [ protocol ]
- ; Transport security used
- FQDN = Fully Qualified Host Name
- port = ":" 1*DIGIT
- ; One of the ports used to listen for
- ; incoming connections.
- ; If absent, the default Diameter port
- ; (3868) is assumed if no transport
- ; security is used and port (TBD) when
- ; transport security (TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP) is used.
- transport = ";transport=" transport-protocol
- ; One of the transports used to listen
- ; for incoming connections. If absent,
- ; the default protocol is assumed to be TCP.
- ; UDP MUST NOT be used when the aaa-protocol
- ; field is set to diameter.
- transport-protocol = ( "tcp" / "sctp" / "udp" )
- protocol = ";protocol=" aaa-protocol
- ; If absent, the default AAA protocol
- ; is Diameter.
- aaa-protocol = ( "diameter" / "radius" / "tacacs+" )
- The following are examples of valid Diameter host identities:
- aaa://host.example.com;transport=tcp
- aaa://host.example.com:6666;transport=tcp
- aaa://host.example.com;protocol=diameter
- aaa://host.example.com:6666;protocol=diameter
- aaa://host.example.com:6666;transport=tcp;protocol=diameter
- aaa://host.example.com:1813;transport=udp;protocol=radius
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- Enumerated
- Enumerated is derived from the Integer32 AVP Base Format. The
- definition contains a list of valid values and their
- interpretation and is described in the Diameter application
- introducing the AVP.
- IPFilterRule
- The IPFilterRule format is derived from the OctetString AVP Base
- Format and uses the ASCII charset. The rule syntax is a modified
- subset of ipfw(8) from FreeBSD. Packets may be filtered based on
- the following information that is associated with it:
- Direction (in or out)
- Source and destination IP address (possibly masked)
- Protocol
- Source and destination port (lists or ranges)
- TCP flags
- IP fragment flag
- IP options
- ICMP types
- Rules for the appropriate direction are evaluated in order, with
- the first matched rule terminating the evaluation. Each packet is
- evaluated once. If no rule matches, the packet is dropped if the
- last rule evaluated was a permit, and passed if the last rule was
- a deny.
- IPFilterRule filters MUST follow the format:
- action dir proto from src to dst [options]
- action permit - Allow packets that match the rule.
- deny - Drop packets that match the rule.
- dir "in" is from the terminal, "out" is to the
- terminal.
- proto An IP protocol specified by number. The "ip"
- keyword means any protocol will match.
- src and dst <address/mask> [ports]
- The <address/mask> may be specified as:
- ipno An IPv4 or IPv6 number in dotted-
- quad or canonical IPv6 form. Only
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- this exact IP number will match the
- rule.
- ipno/bits An IP number as above with a mask
- width of the form In
- this case, all IP numbers from
- to will match.
- The bit width MUST be valid for the
- IP version and the IP number MUST
- NOT have bits set beyond the mask.
- For a match to occur, the same IP
- version must be present in the
- packet that was used in describing
- the IP address. To test for a
- particular IP version, the bits part
- can be set to zero. The keyword
- "any" is or the IPv6
- equivalent. The keyword "assigned"
- is the address or set of addresses
- assigned to the terminal. For IPv4,
- a typical first rule is often "deny
- in ip! assigned"
- The sense of the match can be inverted by
- preceding an address with the not modifier (!),
- causing all other addresses to be matched
- instead. This does not affect the selection of
- port numbers.
- With the TCP, UDP and SCTP protocols, optional
- ports may be specified as:
- {port/port-port}[,ports[,...]]
- The '-' notation specifies a range of ports
- (including boundaries).
- Fragmented packets that have a non-zero offset
- (i.e., not the first fragment) will never match
- a rule that has one or more port
- specifications. See the frag option for
- details on matching fragmented packets.
- options:
- frag Match if the packet is a fragment and this is not
- the first fragment of the datagram. frag may not
- be used in conjunction with either tcpflags or
- TCP/UDP port specifications.
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- ipoptions spec
- Match if the IP header contains the comma
- separated list of options specified in spec. The
- supported IP options are:
- ssrr (strict source route), lsrr (loose source
- route), rr (record packet route) and ts
- (timestamp). The absence of a particular option
- may be denoted with a '!'.
- tcpoptions spec
- Match if the TCP header contains the comma
- separated list of options specified in spec. The
- supported TCP options are:
- mss (maximum segment size), window (tcp window
- advertisement), sack (selective ack), ts (rfc1323
- timestamp) and cc (rfc1644 t/tcp connection
- count). The absence of a particular option may
- be denoted with a '!'.
- established
- TCP packets only. Match packets that have the RST
- or ACK bits set.
- setup TCP packets only. Match packets that have the SYN
- bit set but no ACK bit.
- tcpflags spec
- TCP packets only. Match if the TCP header
- contains the comma separated list of flags
- specified in spec. The supported TCP flags are:
- fin, syn, rst, psh, ack and urg. The absence of a
- particular flag may be denoted with a '!'. A rule
- that contains a tcpflags specification can never
- match a fragmented packet that has a non-zero
- offset. See the frag option for details on
- matching fragmented packets.
- icmptypes types
- ICMP packets only. Match if the ICMP type is in
- the list types. The list may be specified as any
- combination of ranges or individual types
- separated by commas. Both the numeric values and
- the symbolic values listed below can be used. The
- supported ICMP types are:
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- echo reply (0), destination unreachable (3),
- source quench (4), redirect (5), echo request
- (8), router advertisement (9), router
- solicitation (10), time-to-live exceeded (11), IP
- header bad (12), timestamp request (13),
- timestamp reply (14), information request (15),
- information reply (16), address mask request (17)
- and address mask reply (18).
- There is one kind of packet that the access device MUST always
- discard, that is an IP fragment with a fragment offset of one.
- This is a valid packet, but it only has one use, to try to
- circumvent firewalls.
- An access device that is unable to interpret or apply a deny rule
- MUST terminate the session. An access device that is unable to
- interpret or apply a permit rule MAY apply a more restrictive
- rule. An access device MAY apply deny rules of its own before the
- supplied rules, for example to protect the access device owner's
- infrastructure.
-4.4. Grouped AVP Values
- The Diameter protocol allows AVP values of type 'Grouped'. This
- implies that the Data field is actually a sequence of AVPs. It is
- possible to include an AVP with a Grouped type within a Grouped type,
- that is, to nest them. AVPs within an AVP of type Grouped have the
- same padding requirements as non-Grouped AVPs, as defined in Section
- 4.
- The AVP Code numbering space of all AVPs included in a Grouped AVP is
- the same as for non-grouped AVPs. Receivers of a Grouped AVP that
- does not have the 'M' (mandatory) bit set and one or more of the
- encapsulated AVPs within the group has the 'M' (mandatory) bit set
- MAY simply be ignored if the Grouped AVP itself is unrecognized. The
- rule applies even if the encapsulated AVP with its 'M' (mandatory)
- bit set is further encapsulated within other sub-groups; i.e. other
- Grouped AVPs embedded within the Grouped AVP.
- Every Grouped AVP defined MUST include a corresponding grammar, using
- ABNF [RFC5234] (with modifications), as defined below.
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-Internet-Draft Diameter Base Protocol January 2011
- grouped-avp-def = <name> "::=" avp
- name-fmt = ALPHA *(ALPHA / DIGIT / "-")
- name = name-fmt
- ; The name has to be the name of an AVP,
- ; defined in the base or extended Diameter
- ; specifications.
- avp = header [ *fixed] [ *required] [ *optional]
- header = "<" "AVP-Header:" avpcode [vendor] ">"
- avpcode = 1*DIGIT
- ; The AVP Code assigned to the Grouped AVP
- vendor = 1*DIGIT
- ; The Vendor-ID assigned to the Grouped AVP.
- ; If absent, the default value of zero is
- ; used.
-4.4.1. Example AVP with a Grouped Data type
- The Example-AVP (AVP Code 999999) is of type Grouped and is used to
- clarify how Grouped AVP values work. The Grouped Data field has the
- following ABNF grammar:
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- Example-AVP ::= < AVP Header: 999999 >
- { Origin-Host }
- 1*{ Session-Id }
- *[ AVP ]
- An Example-AVP with Grouped Data follows.
- The Origin-Host AVP is required (Section 6.3). In this case:
- Origin-Host = "example.com".
- One or more Session-Ids must follow. Here there are two:
- Session-Id =
- "grump.example.com:33041;23432;893;0AF3B81"
- Session-Id =
- "grump.example.com:33054;23561;2358;0AF3B82"
- optional AVPs included are
- Recovery-Policy = <binary>
- 2163bc1d0ad82371f6bc09484133c3f09ad74a0dd5346d54195a7cf0b35
- 2cabc881839a4fdcfbc1769e2677a4c1fb499284c5f70b48f58503a45c5
- c2d6943f82d5930f2b7c1da640f476f0e9c9572a50db8ea6e51e1c2c7bd
- f8bb43dc995144b8dbe297ac739493946803e1cee3e15d9b765008a1b2a
- cf4ac777c80041d72c01e691cf751dbf86e85f509f3988e5875dc905119
- 26841f00f0e29a6d1ddc1a842289d440268681e052b30fb638045f7779c
- 1d873c784f054f688f5001559ecff64865ef975f3e60d2fd7966b8c7f92
- Futuristic-Acct-Record = <binary>
- fe19da5802acd98b07a5b86cb4d5d03f0314ab9ef1ad0b67111ff3b90a0
- 57fe29620bf3585fd2dd9fcc38ce62f6cc208c6163c008f4258d1bc88b8
- 17694a74ccad3ec69269461b14b2e7a4c111fb239e33714da207983f58c
- 41d018d56fe938f3cbf089aac12a912a2f0d1923a9390e5f789cb2e5067
- d3427475e49968f841
- The data for the optional AVPs is represented in hex since the format
- of these AVPs is neither known at the time of definition of the
- Example-AVP group, nor (likely) at the time when the example instance
- of this AVP is interpreted - except by Diameter implementations which
- support the same set of AVPs. The encoding example illustrates how
- padding is used and how length fields are calculated. Also note that
- AVPs may be present in the Grouped AVP value which the receiver
- cannot interpret (here, the Recover-Policy and Futuristic-Acct-Record
- AVPs). The length of the Example-AVP is the sum of all the length of
- the member AVPs including their padding plus the Example-AVP header
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- size.
- This AVP would be encoded as follows:
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
- 0 | Example AVP Header (AVP Code = 999999), Length = 496 |
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
- 8 | Origin-Host AVP Header (AVP Code = 264), Length = 19 |
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
- 16 | 'e' | 'x' | 'a' | 'm' | 'p' | 'l' | 'e' | '.' |
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
- 24 | 'c' | 'o' | 'm' |Padding| Session-Id AVP Header |
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
- 32 | (AVP Code = 263), Length = 49 | 'g' | 'r' | 'u' | 'm' |
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
- . . .
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
- 72 | 'F' | '3' | 'B' | '8' | '1' |Padding|Padding|Padding|
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
- 80 | Session-Id AVP Header (AVP Code = 263), Length = 50 |
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
- 88 | 'g' | 'r' | 'u' | 'm' | 'p' | '.' | 'e' | 'x' |
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
- . . .
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
- 120| '5' | '8' | ';' | '0' | 'A' | 'F' | '3' | 'B' |
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
- 128| '8' | '2' |Padding|Padding| Recovery-Policy Header (AVP |
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
- 136| Code = 8341), Length = 223 | 0x21 | 0x63 | 0xbc | 0x1d |
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
- 144| 0x0a | 0xd8 | 0x23 | 0x71 | 0xf6 | 0xbc | 0x09 | 0x48 |
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
- . . .
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
- 352| 0x8c | 0x7f | 0x92 |Padding| Futuristic-Acct-Record Header |
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
- 328|(AVP Code = 15930),Length = 137| 0xfe | 0x19 | 0xda | 0x58 |
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
- 336| 0x02 | 0xac | 0xd9 | 0x8b | 0x07 | 0xa5 | 0xb8 | 0xc6 |
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
- . . .
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
- 488| 0xe4 | 0x99 | 0x68 | 0xf8 | 0x41 |Padding|Padding|Padding|
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
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-4.5. Diameter Base Protocol AVPs
- The following table describes the Diameter AVPs defined in the base
- protocol, their AVP Code values, types, possible flag values.
- Due to space constraints, the short form DiamIdent is used to
- represent DiameterIdentity.
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- +----------+
- | AVP Flag |
- | rules |
- |----+-----|
- AVP Section | |MUST |
- Attribute Name Code Defined Data Type |MUST| NOT |
- -----------------------------------------|----+-----|
- Acct- 85 9.8.2 Unsigned32 | M | V |
- Interim-Interval | | |
- Accounting- 483 9.8.7 Enumerated | M | V |
- Realtime-Required | | |
- Acct- 50 9.8.5 UTF8String | M | V |
- Multi-Session-Id | | |
- Accounting- 485 9.8.3 Unsigned32 | M | V |
- Record-Number | | |
- Accounting- 480 9.8.1 Enumerated | M | V |
- Record-Type | | |
- Accounting- 44 9.8.4 OctetString| M | V |
- Session-Id | | |
- Accounting- 287 9.8.6 Unsigned64 | M | V |
- Sub-Session-Id | | |
- Acct- 259 6.9 Unsigned32 | M | V |
- Application-Id | | |
- Auth- 258 6.8 Unsigned32 | M | V |
- Application-Id | | |
- Auth-Request- 274 8.7 Enumerated | M | V |
- Type | | |
- Authorization- 291 8.9 Unsigned32 | M | V |
- Lifetime | | |
- Auth-Grace- 276 8.10 Unsigned32 | M | V |
- Period | | |
- Auth-Session- 277 8.11 Enumerated | M | V |
- State | | |
- Re-Auth-Request- 285 8.12 Enumerated | M | V |
- Type | | |
- Class 25 8.20 OctetString| M | V |
- Destination-Host 293 6.5 DiamIdent | M | V |
- Destination- 283 6.6 DiamIdent | M | V |
- Realm | | |
- Disconnect-Cause 273 5.4.3 Enumerated | M | V |
- Error-Message 281 7.3 UTF8String | | V,M |
- Error-Reporting- 294 7.4 DiamIdent | | V,M |
- Host | | |
- Event-Timestamp 55 8.21 Time | M | V |
- Experimental- 297 7.6 Grouped | M | V |
- Result | | |
- -----------------------------------------|----+-----|
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- +----------+
- | AVP Flag |
- | rules |
- |----+-----|
- AVP Section | |MUST |
- Attribute Name Code Defined Data Type |MUST| NOT |
- -----------------------------------------|----+-----|
- Experimental- 298 7.7 Unsigned32 | M | V |
- Result-Code | | |
- Failed-AVP 279 7.5 Grouped | M | V |
- Firmware- 267 5.3.4 Unsigned32 | | V,M |
- Revision | | |
- Host-IP-Address 257 5.3.5 Address | M | V |
- Inband-Security | M | V |
- -Id 299 6.10 Unsigned32 | | |
- Multi-Round- 272 8.19 Unsigned32 | M | V |
- Time-Out | | |
- Origin-Host 264 6.3 DiamIdent | M | V |
- Origin-Realm 296 6.4 DiamIdent | M | V |
- Origin-State-Id 278 8.16 Unsigned32 | M | V |
- Product-Name 269 5.3.7 UTF8String | | V,M |
- Proxy-Host 280 6.7.3 DiamIdent | M | V |
- Proxy-Info 284 6.7.2 Grouped | M | V |
- Proxy-State 33 6.7.4 OctetString| M | V |
- Redirect-Host 292 6.12 DiamURI | M | V |
- Redirect-Host- 261 6.13 Enumerated | M | V |
- Usage | | |
- Redirect-Max- 262 6.14 Unsigned32 | M | V |
- Cache-Time | | |
- Result-Code 268 7.1 Unsigned32 | M | V |
- Route-Record 282 6.7.1 DiamIdent | M | V |
- Session-Id 263 8.8 UTF8String | M | V |
- Session-Timeout 27 8.13 Unsigned32 | M | V |
- Session-Binding 270 8.17 Unsigned32 | M | V |
- Session-Server- 271 8.18 Enumerated | M | V |
- Failover | | |
- Supported- 265 5.3.6 Unsigned32 | M | V |
- Vendor-Id | | |
- Termination- 295 8.15 Enumerated | M | V |
- Cause | | |
- User-Name 1 8.14 UTF8String | M | V |
- Vendor-Id 266 5.3.3 Unsigned32 | M | V |
- Vendor-Specific- 260 6.11 Grouped | M | V |
- Application-Id | | |
- -----------------------------------------|----+-----|
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-5. Diameter Peers
- This section describes how Diameter nodes establish connections and
- communicate with peers.
-5.1. Peer Connections
- Connections between diameter peers are established using their valid
- DiameterIdentity. A Diameter node initiating a connection to a peer
- MUST know the peers DiameterIdentity. Methods for discovering a
- Diameter peer can be found in Section 5.2.
- Although a Diameter node may have many possible peers that it is able
- to communicate with, it may not be economical to have an established
- connection to all of them. At a minimum, a Diameter node SHOULD have
- an established connection with two peers per realm, known as the
- primary and secondary peers. Of course, a node MAY have additional
- connections, if it is deemed necessary. Typically, all messages for
- a realm are sent to the primary peer, but in the event that failover
- procedures are invoked, any pending requests are sent to the
- secondary peer. However, implementations are free to load balance
- requests between a set of peers.
- Note that a given peer MAY act as a primary for a given realm, while
- acting as a secondary for another realm.
- When a peer is deemed suspect, which could occur for various reasons,
- including not receiving a DWA within an allotted timeframe, no new
- requests should be forwarded to the peer, but failover procedures are
- invoked. When an active peer is moved to this mode, additional
- connections SHOULD be established to ensure that the necessary number
- of active connections exists.
- There are two ways that a peer is removed from the suspect peer list:
- 1. The peer is no longer reachable, causing the transport connection
- to be shutdown. The peer is moved to the closed state.
- 2. Three watchdog messages are exchanged with accepted round trip
- times, and the connection to the peer is considered stabilized.
- In the event the peer being removed is either the primary or
- secondary, an alternate peer SHOULD replace the deleted peer, and
- assume the role of either primary or secondary.
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-5.2. Diameter Peer Discovery
- Allowing for dynamic Diameter agent discovery will make it possible
- for simpler and more robust deployment of Diameter services. In
- order to promote interoperable implementations of Diameter peer
- discovery, the following mechanisms are described. These are based
- on existing IETF standards. The first option (manual configuration)
- MUST be supported by all Diameter nodes, while the latter option
- (DNS) MAY be supported.
- There are two cases where Diameter peer discovery may be performed.
- The first is when a Diameter client needs to discover a first-hop
- Diameter agent. The second case is when a Diameter agent needs to
- discover another agent - for further handling of a Diameter
- operation. In both cases, the following 'search order' is
- recommended:
- 1. The Diameter implementation consults its list of static
- (manually) configured Diameter agent locations. These will be
- used if they exist and respond.
- 2. The Diameter implementation performs a NAPTR query for a server
- in a particular realm. The Diameter implementation has to know
- in advance which realm to look for a Diameter agent. This could
- be deduced, for example, from the 'realm' in a NAI that a
- Diameter implementation needed to perform a Diameter operation
- on.
- The NAPTR usage in Diameter follows the S-NAPTR DDDS application
- [RFC3958] in which the SERVICE field includes tags for the
- desired application and supported application protocol. The
- application service tag for a Diameter application is 'aaa' and
- the supported application protocol tags are 'diameter.tcp',
- 'diameter.sctp', 'diameter.dtls' or 'diameter.tls.tcp'.
- The client can follow the resolution process defined by the
- S-NAPTR DDDS [RFC3958] application to find a matching SRV, A or
- AAAA record of a suitable peer. The domain suffixes in the NAPTR
- replacement field SHOULD match the domain of the original query.
- An example can be found in Appendix B.
- 3. If no NAPTR records are found, the requester directly queries for
- SRV records '_diameter._sctp'.realm, '_diameter._dtls'.realm,
- '_diameter._tcp'.realm and '_diameter._tls'.realm depending on
- the requesters network protocol capabilities. If SRV records are
- found then the requester can perform address record query (A RR's
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- and/or AAAA RR's) for the target hostname specified in the SRV
- records. If no SRV records are found, the requester gives up.
- If the server is using a site certificate, the domain name in the
- NAPTR query and the domain name in the replacement field MUST both be
- valid based on the site certificate handed out by the server in the
- TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP or IKE exchange. Similarly, the domain name in
- the SRV query and the domain name in the target in the SRV record
- MUST both be valid based on the same site certificate. Otherwise, an
- attacker could modify the DNS records to contain replacement values
- in a different domain, and the client could not validate that this
- was the desired behavior, or the result of an attack.
- Also, the Diameter Peer MUST check to make sure that the discovered
- peers are authorized to act in its role. Authentication via IKE or
- TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP, or validation of DNS RRs via DNSSEC is not
- sufficient to conclude this. For example, a web server may have
- obtained a valid TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP certificate, and secured RRs
- may be included in the DNS, but this does not imply that it is
- authorized to act as a Diameter Server.
- Authorization can be achieved for example, by configuration of a
- Diameter Server CA. Alternatively this can be achieved by definition
- of OIDs within TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP or IKE certificates so as to
- signify Diameter Server authorization.
- A dynamically discovered peer causes an entry in the Peer Table (see
- Section 2.6) to be created. Note that entries created via DNS MUST
- expire (or be refreshed) within the DNS TTL. If a peer is discovered
- outside of the local realm, a routing table entry (see Section 2.7)
- for the peer's realm is created. The routing table entry's
- expiration MUST match the peer's expiration value.
-5.3. Capabilities Exchange
- When two Diameter peers establish a transport connection, they MUST
- exchange the Capabilities Exchange messages, as specified in the peer
- state machine (see Section 5.6). This message allows the discovery
- of a peer's identity and its capabilities (protocol version number,
- supported Diameter applications, security mechanisms, etc.)
- The receiver only issues commands to its peers that have advertised
- support for the Diameter application that defines the command. A
- Diameter node MUST cache the supported applications in order to
- ensure that unrecognized commands and/or AVPs are not unnecessarily
- sent to a peer.
- A receiver of a Capabilities-Exchange-Req (CER) message that does not
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- have any applications in common with the sender MUST return a
- Capabilities-Exchange-Answer (CEA) with the Result-Code AVP set to
- DIAMETER_NO_COMMON_APPLICATION, and SHOULD disconnect the transport
- layer connection. Note that receiving a CER or CEA from a peer
- advertising itself as a Relay (see Section 2.4) MUST be interpreted
- as having common applications with the peer.
- The receiver of the Capabilities-Exchange-Request (CER) MUST
- determine common applications by computing the intersection of its
- own set of supported Application Id against all of the application
- identifier AVPs (Auth-Application-Id, Acct-Application-Id and Vendor-
- Specific-Application-Id) present in the CER. The value of the
- Vendor-Id AVP in the Vendor-Specific-Application-Id MUST NOT be used
- during computation. The sender of the Capabilities-Exchange-Answer
- (CEA) SHOULD include all of its supported applications as a hint to
- the receiver regarding all of its application capabilities.
- Diameter implementations SHOULD first attempt to establish a TLS/TCP
- and DTLS/SCTP connection prior to the CER/CEA exchange. This
- protects the capabilities information of both peers. To support
- older Diameter implementations that do not fully conform to this
- document, the transport security MAY still be negotiated via Inband-
- Security AVP. In this case, the receiver of a Capabilities-Exchange-
- Req (CER) message that does not have any security mechanisms in
- common with the sender MUST return a Capabilities-Exchange-Answer
- (CEA) with the Result-Code AVP set to DIAMETER_NO_COMMON_SECURITY,
- and SHOULD disconnect the transport layer connection.
- CERs received from unknown peers MAY be silently discarded, or a CEA
- MAY be issued with the Result-Code AVP set to DIAMETER_UNKNOWN_PEER.
- In both cases, the transport connection is closed. If the local
- policy permits receiving CERs from unknown hosts, a successful CEA
- MAY be returned. If a CER from an unknown peer is answered with a
- successful CEA, the lifetime of the peer entry is equal to the
- lifetime of the transport connection. In case of a transport
- failure, all the pending transactions destined to the unknown peer
- can be discarded.
- The CER and CEA messages MUST NOT be proxied, redirected or relayed.
- Since the CER/CEA messages cannot be proxied, it is still possible
- that an upstream agent receives a message for which it has no
- available peers to handle the application that corresponds to the
- Command-Code. In such instances, the 'E' bit is set in the answer
- message (see Section 7.) with the Result-Code AVP set to
- DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_DELIVER to inform the downstream to take action
- (e.g., re-routing request to an alternate peer).
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- With the exception of the Capabilities-Exchange-Request message, a
- message of type Request that includes the Auth-Application-Id or
- Acct-Application-Id AVPs, or a message with an application-specific
- command code, MAY only be forwarded to a host that has explicitly
- advertised support for the application (or has advertised the Relay
- Application Id).
-5.3.1. Capabilities-Exchange-Request
- The Capabilities-Exchange-Request (CER), indicated by the Command-
- Code set to 257 and the Command Flags' 'R' bit set, is sent to
- exchange local capabilities. Upon detection of a transport failure,
- this message MUST NOT be sent to an alternate peer.
- When Diameter is run over SCTP [RFC4960] or DTLS/SCTP [RFC6083],
- which allow for connections to span multiple interfaces and multiple
- IP addresses, the Capabilities-Exchange-Request message MUST contain
- one Host-IP- Address AVP for each potential IP address that MAY be
- locally used when transmitting Diameter messages.
- Message Format
- <CER> ::= < Diameter Header: 257, REQ >
- { Origin-Host }
- { Origin-Realm }
- 1* { Host-IP-Address }
- { Vendor-Id }
- { Product-Name }
- [ Origin-State-Id ]
- * [ Supported-Vendor-Id ]
- * [ Auth-Application-Id ]
- * [ Inband-Security-Id ]
- * [ Acct-Application-Id ]
- * [ Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ]
- [ Firmware-Revision ]
- * [ AVP ]
-5.3.2. Capabilities-Exchange-Answer
- The Capabilities-Exchange-Answer (CEA), indicated by the Command-Code
- set to 257 and the Command Flags' 'R' bit cleared, is sent in
- response to a CER message.
- When Diameter is run over SCTP [RFC4960] or DTLS/SCTP [RFC6083],
- which allow connections to span multiple interfaces, hence, multiple
- IP addresses, the Capabilities-Exchange-Answer message MUST contain
- one Host-IP-Address AVP for each potential IP address that MAY be
- locally used when transmitting Diameter messages.
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- Message Format
- <CEA> ::= < Diameter Header: 257 >
- { Result-Code }
- { Origin-Host }
- { Origin-Realm }
- 1* { Host-IP-Address }
- { Vendor-Id }
- { Product-Name }
- [ Origin-State-Id ]
- [ Error-Message ]
- [ Failed-AVP ]
- * [ Supported-Vendor-Id ]
- * [ Auth-Application-Id ]
- * [ Inband-Security-Id ]
- * [ Acct-Application-Id ]
- * [ Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ]
- [ Firmware-Revision ]
- * [ AVP ]
-5.3.3. Vendor-Id AVP
- The Vendor-Id AVP (AVP Code 266) is of type Unsigned32 and contains
- the IANA "SMI Network Management Private Enterprise Codes" [RFC3232]
- value assigned to the vendor of the Diameter device. It is
- envisioned that the combination of the Vendor-Id, Product-Name
- (Section 5.3.7) and the Firmware-Revision (Section 5.3.4) AVPs may
- provide useful debugging information.
- A Vendor-Id value of zero in the CER or CEA messages is reserved and
- indicates that this field is ignored.
-5.3.4. Firmware-Revision AVP
- The Firmware-Revision AVP (AVP Code 267) is of type Unsigned32 and is
- used to inform a Diameter peer of the firmware revision of the
- issuing device.
- For devices that do not have a firmware revision (general purpose
- computers running Diameter software modules, for instance), the
- revision of the Diameter software module may be reported instead.
-5.3.5. Host-IP-Address AVP
- The Host-IP-Address AVP (AVP Code 257) is of type Address and is used
- to inform a Diameter peer of the sender's IP address. All source
- addresses that a Diameter node expects to use with SCTP [RFC4960] or
- DTLS/SCTP [RFC6083] MUST be advertised in the CER and CEA messages by
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- including a Host-IP-Address AVP for each address.
-5.3.6. Supported-Vendor-Id AVP
- The Supported-Vendor-Id AVP (AVP Code 265) is of type Unsigned32 and
- contains the IANA "SMI Network Management Private Enterprise Codes"
- [RFC3232] value assigned to a vendor other than the device vendor but
- including the application vendor. This is used in the CER and CEA
- messages in order to inform the peer that the sender supports (a
- subset of) the vendor-specific AVPs defined by the vendor identified
- in this AVP. The value of this AVP MUST NOT be set to zero.
- Multiple instances of this AVP containing the same value SHOULD NOT
- be sent.
-5.3.7. Product-Name AVP
- The Product-Name AVP (AVP Code 269) is of type UTF8String, and
- contains the vendor assigned name for the product. The Product-Name
- AVP SHOULD remain constant across firmware revisions for the same
- product.
-5.4. Disconnecting Peer connections
- When a Diameter node disconnects one of its transport connections,
- its peer cannot know the reason for the disconnect, and will most
- likely assume that a connectivity problem occurred, or that the peer
- has rebooted. In these cases, the peer may periodically attempt to
- reconnect, as stated in Section 2.1. In the event that the
- disconnect was a result of either a shortage of internal resources,
- or simply that the node in question has no intentions of forwarding
- any Diameter messages to the peer in the foreseeable future, a
- periodic connection request would not be welcomed. The
- Disconnection-Reason AVP contains the reason the Diameter node issued
- the Disconnect-Peer-Request message.
- The Disconnect-Peer-Request message is used by a Diameter node to
- inform its peer of its intent to disconnect the transport layer, and
- that the peer shouldn't reconnect unless it has a valid reason to do
- so (e.g., message to be forwarded). Upon receipt of the message, the
- Disconnect-Peer-Answer is returned, which SHOULD contain an error if
- messages have recently been forwarded, and are likely in flight,
- which would otherwise cause a race condition.
- The receiver of the Disconnect-Peer-Answer initiates the transport
- disconnect. The sender of the Disconnect-Peer-Answer should be able
- to detect the transport closure and cleanup the connection.
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-5.4.1. Disconnect-Peer-Request
- The Disconnect-Peer-Request (DPR), indicated by the Command-Code set
- to 282 and the Command Flags' 'R' bit set, is sent to a peer to
- inform its intentions to shutdown the transport connection. Upon
- detection of a transport failure, this message MUST NOT be sent to an
- alternate peer.
- Message Format
- <DPR> ::= < Diameter Header: 282, REQ >
- { Origin-Host }
- { Origin-Realm }
- { Disconnect-Cause }
- * [ AVP ]
-5.4.2. Disconnect-Peer-Answer
- The Disconnect-Peer-Answer (DPA), indicated by the Command-Code set
- to 282 and the Command Flags' 'R' bit cleared, is sent as a response
- to the Disconnect-Peer-Request message. Upon receipt of this
- message, the transport connection is shutdown.
- Message Format
- <DPA> ::= < Diameter Header: 282 >
- { Result-Code }
- { Origin-Host }
- { Origin-Realm }
- [ Error-Message ]
- [ Failed-AVP ]
- * [ AVP ]
-5.4.3. Disconnect-Cause AVP
- The Disconnect-Cause AVP (AVP Code 273) is of type Enumerated. A
- Diameter node MUST include this AVP in the Disconnect-Peer-Request
- message to inform the peer of the reason for its intention to
- shutdown the transport connection. The following values are
- supported:
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- A scheduled reboot is imminent. Receiver of DPR with above result
- code MAY attempt reconnection.
- BUSY 1
- The peer's internal resources are constrained, and it has
- determined that the transport connection needs to be closed.
- Receiver of DPR with above result code SHOULD NOT attempt
- reconnection.
- The peer has determined that it does not see a need for the
- transport connection to exist, since it does not expect any
- messages to be exchanged in the near future. Receiver of DPR
- with above result code SHOULD NOT attempt reconnection.
-5.5. Transport Failure Detection
- Given the nature of the Diameter protocol, it is recommended that
- transport failures be detected as soon as possible. Detecting such
- failures will minimize the occurrence of messages sent to unavailable
- agents, resulting in unnecessary delays, and will provide better
- failover performance. The Device-Watchdog-Request and Device-
- Watchdog-Answer messages, defined in this section, are used to pro-
- actively detect transport failures.
-5.5.1. Device-Watchdog-Request
- The Device-Watchdog-Request (DWR), indicated by the Command-Code set
- to 280 and the Command Flags' 'R' bit set, is sent to a peer when no
- traffic has been exchanged between two peers (see Section 5.5.3).
- Upon detection of a transport failure, this message MUST NOT be sent
- to an alternate peer.
- Message Format
- <DWR> ::= < Diameter Header: 280, REQ >
- { Origin-Host }
- { Origin-Realm }
- [ Origin-State-Id ]
- * [ AVP ]
-5.5.2. Device-Watchdog-Answer
- The Device-Watchdog-Answer (DWA), indicated by the Command-Code set
- to 280 and the Command Flags' 'R' bit cleared, is sent as a response
- to the Device-Watchdog-Request message.
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- Message Format
- <DWA> ::= < Diameter Header: 280 >
- { Result-Code }
- { Origin-Host }
- { Origin-Realm }
- [ Error-Message ]
- [ Failed-AVP ]
- [ Origin-State-Id ]
- * [ AVP ]
-5.5.3. Transport Failure Algorithm
- The transport failure algorithm is defined in [RFC3539]. All
- Diameter implementations MUST support the algorithm defined in the
- specification in order to be compliant to the Diameter base protocol.
-5.5.4. Failover and Failback Procedures
- In the event that a transport failure is detected with a peer, it is
- necessary for all pending request messages to be forwarded to an
- alternate agent, if possible. This is commonly referred to as
- failover.
- In order for a Diameter node to perform failover procedures, it is
- necessary for the node to maintain a pending message queue for a
- given peer. When an answer message is received, the corresponding
- request is removed from the queue. The Hop-by-Hop Identifier field
- is used to match the answer with the queued request.
- When a transport failure is detected, if possible all messages in the
- queue are sent to an alternate agent with the T flag set. On booting
- a Diameter client or agent, the T flag is also set on any records
- still remaining to be transmitted in non-volatile storage. An
- example of a case where it is not possible to forward the message to
- an alternate server is when the message has a fixed destination, and
- the unavailable peer is the message's final destination (see
- Destination-Host AVP). Such an error requires that the agent return
- an answer message with the 'E' bit set and the Result-Code AVP set to
- It is important to note that multiple identical requests or answers
- MAY be received as a result of a failover. The End-to-End Identifier
- field in the Diameter header along with the Origin-Host AVP MUST be
- used to identify duplicate messages.
- As described in Section 2.1, a connection request should be
- periodically attempted with the failed peer in order to re-establish
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- the transport connection. Once a connection has been successfully
- established, messages can once again be forwarded to the peer. This
- is commonly referred to as failback.
-5.6. Peer State Machine
- This section contains a finite state machine that MUST be observed by
- all Diameter implementations. Each Diameter node MUST follow the
- state machine described below when communicating with each peer.
- Multiple actions are separated by commas, and may continue on
- succeeding lines, as space requires. Similarly, state and next state
- may also span multiple lines, as space requires.
- This state machine is closely coupled with the state machine
- described in [RFC3539], which is used to open, close, failover,
- probe, and reopen transport connections. Note in particular that
- [RFC3539] requires the use of watchdog messages to probe connections.
- For Diameter, DWR and DWA messages are to be used.
- I- is used to represent the initiator (connecting) connection, while
- the R- is used to represent the responder (listening) connection.
- The lack of a prefix indicates that the event or action is the same
- regardless of the connection on which the event occurred.
- The stable states that a state machine may be in are Closed, I-Open
- and R-Open; all other states are intermediate. Note that I-Open and
- R-Open are equivalent except for whether the initiator or responder
- transport connection is used for communication.
- A CER message is always sent on the initiating connection immediately
- after the connection request is successfully completed. In the case
- of an election, one of the two connections will shut down. The
- responder connection will survive if the Origin-Host of the local
- Diameter entity is higher than that of the peer; the initiator
- connection will survive if the peer's Origin-Host is higher. All
- subsequent messages are sent on the surviving connection. Note that
- the results of an election on one peer are guaranteed to be the
- inverse of the results on the other.
- For TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP usage, TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP handshake
- SHOULD begin when both ends are in the closed state prior to any
- Diameter message exchanges. The TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP connection
- SHOULD be established before sending any CER or CEA message to secure
- and protect the capabilities information of both peers. The TLS/TCP
- and DTLS/SCTP connection SHOULD be disconnected when the state
- machine moves to the closed state. When connecting to responders
- that do not conform to this document (i.e. older Diameter
- implementations that are not prepared to received TLS/TCP and DTLS/
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- SCTP connections in the closed state), the initial TLS/TCP and DTLS/
- SCTP connection attempt will fail. The initiator MAY then attempt to
- connect via TCP or SCTP and initiate the TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP
- handshake when both ends are in the open state. If the handshake is
- successful, all further messages will be sent via TLS/TCP and DTLS/
- SCTP. If the handshake fails, both ends move to the closed state.
- The state machine constrains only the behavior of a Diameter
- implementation as seen by Diameter peers through events on the wire.
- Any implementation that produces equivalent results is considered
- compliant.
- state event action next state
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Closed Start I-Snd-Conn-Req Wait-Conn-Ack
- R-Conn-CER R-Accept, R-Open
- Process-CER,
- R-Snd-CEA
- Wait-Conn-Ack I-Rcv-Conn-Ack I-Snd-CER Wait-I-CEA
- I-Rcv-Conn-Nack Cleanup Closed
- R-Conn-CER R-Accept, Wait-Conn-Ack/
- Process-CER Elect
- Timeout Error Closed
- Wait-I-CEA I-Rcv-CEA Process-CEA I-Open
- R-Conn-CER R-Accept, Wait-Returns
- Process-CER,
- Elect
- I-Peer-Disc I-Disc Closed
- I-Rcv-Non-CEA Error Closed
- Timeout Error Closed
- Wait-Conn-Ack/ I-Rcv-Conn-Ack I-Snd-CER,Elect Wait-Returns
- Elect I-Rcv-Conn-Nack R-Snd-CEA R-Open
- R-Peer-Disc R-Disc Wait-Conn-Ack
- R-Conn-CER R-Reject Wait-Conn-Ack/
- Elect
- Timeout Error Closed
- Wait-Returns Win-Election I-Disc,R-Snd-CEA R-Open
- I-Peer-Disc I-Disc, R-Open
- R-Snd-CEA
- I-Rcv-CEA R-Disc I-Open
- R-Peer-Disc R-Disc Wait-I-CEA
- R-Conn-CER R-Reject Wait-Returns
- Timeout Error Closed
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- R-Open Send-Message R-Snd-Message R-Open
- R-Rcv-Message Process R-Open
- R-Rcv-DWR Process-DWR, R-Open
- R-Snd-DWA
- R-Rcv-DWA Process-DWA R-Open
- R-Conn-CER R-Reject R-Open
- Stop R-Snd-DPR Closing
- R-Rcv-DPR R-Snd-DPA, Closed
- R-Disc
- R-Peer-Disc R-Disc Closed
- I-Open Send-Message I-Snd-Message I-Open
- I-Rcv-Message Process I-Open
- I-Rcv-DWR Process-DWR, I-Open
- I-Snd-DWA
- I-Rcv-DWA Process-DWA I-Open
- R-Conn-CER R-Reject I-Open
- Stop I-Snd-DPR Closing
- I-Rcv-DPR I-Snd-DPA, Closed
- I-Disc
- I-Peer-Disc I-Disc Closed
- Closing I-Rcv-DPA I-Disc Closed
- R-Rcv-DPA R-Disc Closed
- Timeout Error Closed
- I-Peer-Disc I-Disc Closed
- R-Peer-Disc R-Disc Closed
-5.6.1. Incoming connections
- When a connection request is received from a Diameter peer, it is
- not, in the general case, possible to know the identity of that peer
- until a CER is received from it. This is because host and port
- determine the identity of a Diameter peer; and the source port of an
- incoming connection is arbitrary. Upon receipt of CER, the identity
- of the connecting peer can be uniquely determined from Origin-Host.
- For this reason, a Diameter peer must employ logic separate from the
- state machine to receive connection requests, accept them, and await
- CER. Once CER arrives on a new connection, the Origin-Host that
- identifies the peer is used to locate the state machine associated
- with that peer, and the new connection and CER are passed to the
- state machine as an R-Conn-CER event.
- The logic that handles incoming connections SHOULD close and discard
- the connection if any message other than CER arrives, or if an
- implementation-defined timeout occurs prior to receipt of CER.
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- Because handling of incoming connections up to and including receipt
- of CER requires logic, separate from that of any individual state
- machine associated with a particular peer, it is described separately
- in this section rather than in the state machine above.
-5.6.2. Events
- Transitions and actions in the automaton are caused by events. In
- this section, we will ignore the -I and -R prefix, since the actual
- event would be identical, but would occur on one of two possible
- connections.
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- Start The Diameter application has signaled that a
- connection should be initiated with the peer.
- R-Conn-CER An acknowledgement is received stating that the
- transport connection has been established, and the
- associated CER has arrived.
- Rcv-Conn-Ack A positive acknowledgement is received confirming that
- the transport connection is established.
- Rcv-Conn-Nack A negative acknowledgement was received stating that
- the transport connection was not established.
- Timeout An application-defined timer has expired while waiting
- for some event.
- Rcv-CER A CER message from the peer was received.
- Rcv-CEA A CEA message from the peer was received.
- Rcv-Non-CEA A message other than CEA from the peer was received.
- Peer-Disc A disconnection indication from the peer was received.
- Rcv-DPR A DPR message from the peer was received.
- Rcv-DPA A DPA message from the peer was received.
- Win-Election An election was held, and the local node was the
- winner.
- Send-Message A message is to be sent.
- Rcv-Message A message other than CER, CEA, DPR, DPA, DWR or DWA
- was received.
- Stop The Diameter application has signaled that a
- connection should be terminated (e.g., on system
- shutdown).
-5.6.3. Actions
- Actions in the automaton are caused by events and typically indicate
- the transmission of packets and/or an action to be taken on the
- connection. In this section we will ignore the I- and R-prefix,
- since the actual action would be identical, but would occur on one of
- two possible connections.
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- Snd-Conn-Req A transport connection is initiated with the peer.
- Accept The incoming connection associated with the R-Conn-CER
- is accepted as the responder connection.
- Reject The incoming connection associated with the R-Conn-CER
- is disconnected.
- Process-CER The CER associated with the R-Conn-CER is processed.
- Snd-CER A CER message is sent to the peer.
- Snd-CEA A CEA message is sent to the peer.
- Cleanup If necessary, the connection is shutdown, and any
- local resources are freed.
- Error The transport layer connection is disconnected,
- either politely or abortively, in response to
- an error condition. Local resources are freed.
- Process-CEA A received CEA is processed.
- Snd-DPR A DPR message is sent to the peer.
- Snd-DPA A DPA message is sent to the peer.
- Disc The transport layer connection is disconnected,
- and local resources are freed.
- Elect An election occurs (see Section 5.6.4 for more
- information).
- Snd-Message A message is sent.
- Snd-DWR A DWR message is sent.
- Snd-DWA A DWA message is sent.
- Process-DWR The DWR message is serviced.
- Process-DWA The DWA message is serviced.
- Process A message is serviced.
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-5.6.4. The Election Process
- The election is performed on the responder. The responder compares
- the Origin-Host received in the CER with its own Origin-Host as two
- streams of octets. If the local Origin-Host lexicographically
- succeeds the received Origin-Host a Win-Election event is issued
- locally. Diameter identities are in ASCII form therefore the lexical
- comparison is consistent with DNS case insensitivity where octets
- that fall in the ASCII range 'a' through 'z' MUST compare equally to
- their upper-case counterparts between 'A' and 'Z'. See Appendix D
- for interactions between the Diameter protocol and Internationalized
- Domain Name (IDNs).
- The winner of the election MUST close the connection it initiated.
- Historically, maintaining the responder side of a connection was more
- efficient than maintaining the initiator side. However, current
- practices makes this distinction irrelevant.
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-6. Diameter message processing
- This section describes how Diameter requests and answers are created
- and processed.
-6.1. Diameter Request Routing Overview
- A request is sent towards its final destination using a combination
- of the Destination-Realm and Destination-Host AVPs, in one of these
- three combinations:
- o a request that is not able to be proxied (such as CER) MUST NOT
- contain either Destination-Realm or Destination-Host AVPs.
- o a request that needs to be sent to a home server serving a
- specific realm, but not to a specific server (such as the first
- request of a series of round-trips), MUST contain a Destination-
- Realm AVP, but MUST NOT contain a Destination-Host AVP. For
- Diameter clients, the value of the Destination-Realm AVP MAY be
- extracted from the User-Name AVP, or other methods.
- o otherwise, a request that needs to be sent to a specific home
- server among those serving a given realm, MUST contain both the
- Destination-Realm and Destination-Host AVPs.
- The Destination-Host AVP is used as described above when the
- destination of the request is fixed, which includes:
- o Authentication requests that span multiple round trips
- o A Diameter message that uses a security mechanism that makes use
- of a pre-established session key shared between the source and the
- final destination of the message.
- o Server initiated messages that MUST be received by a specific
- Diameter client (e.g., access device), such as the Abort-Session-
- Request message, which is used to request that a particular user's
- session be terminated.
- Note that an agent can forward a request to a host described in the
- Destination-Host AVP only if the host in question is included in its
- peer table (see Section 2.7). Otherwise, the request is routed based
- on the Destination-Realm only (see Sections 6.1.6).
- When a message is received, the message is processed in the following
- order:
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- o If the message is destined for the local host, the procedures
- listed in Section 6.1.4 are followed.
- o If the message is intended for a Diameter peer with whom the local
- host is able to directly communicate, the procedures listed in
- Section 6.1.5 are followed. This is known as Request Forwarding.
- o The procedures listed in Section 6.1.6 are followed, which is
- known as Request Routing.
- o If none of the above is successful, an answer is returned with the
- Result-Code set to DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_DELIVER, with the E-bit set.
- For routing of Diameter messages to work within an administrative
- domain, all Diameter nodes within the realm MUST be peers.
- Note the processing rules contained in this section are intended to
- be used as general guidelines to Diameter developers. Certain
- implementations MAY use different methods than the ones described
- here, and still comply with the protocol specification. See Section
- 7 for more detail on error handling.
-6.1.1. Originating a Request
- When creating a request, in addition to any other procedures
- described in the application definition for that specific request,
- the following procedures MUST be followed:
- o the Command-Code is set to the appropriate value
- o the 'R' bit is set
- o the End-to-End Identifier is set to a locally unique value
- o the Origin-Host and Origin-Realm AVPs MUST be set to the
- appropriate values, used to identify the source of the message
- o the Destination-Host and Destination-Realm AVPs MUST be set to the
- appropriate values as described in Section 6.1.
-6.1.2. Sending a Request
- When sending a request, originated either locally, or as the result
- of a forwarding or routing operation, the following procedures SHOULD
- be followed:
- o The Hop-by-Hop Identifier SHOULD be set to a locally unique value.
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- o The message SHOULD be saved in the list of pending requests.
- Other actions to perform on the message based on the particular role
- the agent is playing are described in the following sections.
-6.1.3. Receiving Requests
- A relay or proxy agent MUST check for forwarding loops when receiving
- requests. A loop is detected if the server finds its own identity in
- a Route-Record AVP. When such an event occurs, the agent MUST answer
- with the Result-Code AVP set to DIAMETER_LOOP_DETECTED.
-6.1.4. Processing Local Requests
- A request is known to be for local consumption when one of the
- following conditions occur:
- o The Destination-Host AVP contains the local host's identity,
- o The Destination-Host AVP is not present, the Destination-Realm AVP
- contains a realm the server is configured to process locally, and
- the Diameter application is locally supported, or
- o Both the Destination-Host and the Destination-Realm are not
- present.
- When a request is locally processed, the rules in Section 6.2 should
- be used to generate the corresponding answer.
-6.1.5. Request Forwarding
- Request forwarding is done using the Diameter Peer Table. The
- Diameter peer table contains all of the peers that the local node is
- able to directly communicate with.
- When a request is received, and the host encoded in the Destination-
- Host AVP is one that is present in the peer table, the message SHOULD
- be forwarded to the peer.
-6.1.6. Request Routing
- Diameter request message routing is done via realms and application
- identifiers. A Diameter message that may be forwarded by Diameter
- agents (proxies, redirect or relay agents) MUST include the target
- realm in the Destination-Realm AVP. Request routing SHOULD rely on
- the Destination-Realm AVP and the Application Id present in the
- request message header to aid in the routing decision. The realm MAY
- be retrieved from the User-Name AVP, which is in the form of a
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- Network Access Identifier (NAI). The realm portion of the NAI is
- inserted in the Destination-Realm AVP.
- Diameter agents MAY have a list of locally supported realms and
- applications, and MAY have a list of externally supported realms and
- applications. When a request is received that includes a realm
- and/or application that is not locally supported, the message is
- routed to the peer configured in the Routing Table (see Section 2.7).
- Realm names and Application Ids are the minimum supported routing
- criteria, additional information may be needed to support redirect
- semantics.
-6.1.7. Predictive Loop Avoidance
- Before forwarding or routing a request, Diameter agents, in addition
- to processing done in Section 6.1.3, SHOULD check for the presence of
- candidate route's peer identity in any of the Route-Record AVPs. In
- an event of the agent detecting the presence of a candidate route's
- peer identity in a Route-Record AVP, the agent MUST ignore such route
- for the Diameter request message and attempt alternate routes if any.
- In case all the candidate routes are eliminated by the above
- criteria, the agent SHOULD return DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_DELIVER message.
-6.1.8. Redirecting Requests
- When a redirect agent receives a request whose routing entry is set
- to REDIRECT, it MUST reply with an answer message with the 'E' bit
- set, while maintaining the Hop-by-Hop Identifier in the header, and
- include the Result-Code AVP to DIAMETER_REDIRECT_INDICATION. Each of
- the servers associated with the routing entry are added in separate
- Redirect-Host AVP.
- +------------------+
- | Diameter |
- | Redirect Agent |
- +------------------+
- ^ | 2. command + 'E' bit
- 1. Request | | Result-Code =
- [email protected] | | DIAMETER_REDIRECT_INDICATION +
- | | Redirect-Host AVP(s)
- | v
- +-------------+ 3. Request +-------------+
- | example.com |------------->| example.net |
- | Relay | | Diameter |
- | Agent |<-------------| Server |
- +-------------+ 4. Answer +-------------+
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- Figure 5: Diameter Redirect Agent
- The receiver of the answer message with the 'E' bit set, and the
- Result-Code AVP set to DIAMETER_REDIRECT_INDICATION uses the hop-by-
- hop field in the Diameter header to identify the request in the
- pending message queue (see Section 5.3) that is to be redirected. If
- no transport connection exists with the new agent, one is created,
- and the request is sent directly to it.
- Multiple Redirect-Host AVPs are allowed. The receiver of the answer
- message with the 'E' bit set selects exactly one of these hosts as
- the destination of the redirected message.
- When the Redirect-Host-Usage AVP included in the answer message has a
- non-zero value, a route entry for the redirect indications is created
- and cached by the receiver. The redirect usage for such route entry
- is set by the value of Redirect-Host-Usage AVP and the lifetime of
- the cached route entry is set by Redirect-Max-Cache-Time AVP value.
- It is possible that multiple redirect indications can create multiple
- cached route entries differing only in their redirect usage and the
- peer to forward messages to. As an example, two(2) route entries
- that are created by two(2) redirect indications results in two(2)
- cached routes for the same realm and Application Id. However, one
- has a redirect usage of ALL_SESSION where matching request will be
- forwarded to one peer and the other has a redirect usage of ALL_REALM
- where request are forwarded to another peer. Therefore, an incoming
- request that matches the realm and Application Id of both routes will
- need additional resolution. In such a case, a routing precedence
- rule MUST be used against the redirect usage value to resolve the
- contention. The precedence rule can be found in Section 6.13.
-6.1.9. Relaying and Proxying Requests
- A relay or proxy agent MUST append a Route-Record AVP to all requests
- forwarded. The AVP contains the identity of the peer the request was
- received from.
- The Hop-by-Hop identifier in the request is saved, and replaced with
- a locally unique value. The source of the request is also saved,
- which includes the IP address, port and protocol.
- A relay or proxy agent MAY include the Proxy-Info AVP in requests if
- it requires access to any local state information when the
- corresponding response is received. The Proxy-Info AVP has security
- implications as state information is distribute to other entities.
- As such, it is RECOMMMENDED to protect the content of the Proxy-Info
- AVP with cryptographic mechanisms, for example by using a keyed
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- message digest. Such a mechanism, however, requires the management
- of keys, although only locally at the Diameter server. Still, a full
- description of the management of the keys used to protect the Proxy-
- Info AVP is beyond the scope of this document. Below is a list of
- commonly recommended:
- o The keys should be generated securely following the randomness
- recommendations in [RFC4086].
- o The keys and cryptographic protection algorithms should be at
- least 128 bits in strength.
- o The keys should not be used for any other purpose than generating
- and verifying tickets.
- o The keys should be changed regularly.
- o The keys should be changed if the ticket format or cryptographic
- protection algorithms change.
- The message is then forwarded to the next hop, as identified in the
- Routing Table.
- Figure 6 provides an example of message routing using the procedures
- listed in these sections.
- (Origin-Host=nas.example.net) (Origin-Host=nas.example.net)
- (Origin-Realm=example.net) (Origin-Realm=example.net)
- (Destination-Realm=example.com) (Destination-
- Realm=example.com)
- (Route-Record=nas.example.net)
- +------+ ------> +------+ ------> +------+
- | | (Request) | | (Request) | |
- | NAS +-------------------+ DRL +-------------------+ HMS |
- | | | | | |
- +------+ <------ +------+ <------ +------+
- example.net (Answer) example.net (Answer) example.com
- (Origin-Host=hms.example.com) (Origin-Host=hms.example.com)
- (Origin-Realm=example.com) (Origin-Realm=example.com)
- Figure 6: Routing of Diameter messages
- Relay and proxy agents are not required to perform full inspection of
- incoming messages. At a minimum, validation of the message header
- and relevant routing AVPs has to be done when relaying messages.
- Proxy agents may optionally perform more in-depth message validation
- for applications it is interested in.
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-6.2. Diameter Answer Processing
- When a request is locally processed, the following procedures MUST be
- applied to create the associated answer, in addition to any
- additional procedures that MAY be discussed in the Diameter
- application defining the command:
- o The same Hop-by-Hop identifier in the request is used in the
- answer.
- o The local host's identity is encoded in the Origin-Host AVP.
- o The Destination-Host and Destination-Realm AVPs MUST NOT be
- present in the answer message.
- o The Result-Code AVP is added with its value indicating success or
- failure.
- o If the Session-Id is present in the request, it MUST be included
- in the answer.
- o Any Proxy-Info AVPs in the request MUST be added to the answer
- message, in the same order they were present in the request.
- o The 'P' bit is set to the same value as the one in the request.
- o The same End-to-End identifier in the request is used in the
- answer.
- Note that the error messages (see Section 7.3) are also subjected to
- the above processing rules.
-6.2.1. Processing received Answers
- A Diameter client or proxy MUST match the Hop-by-Hop Identifier in an
- answer received against the list of pending requests. The
- corresponding message should be removed from the list of pending
- requests. It SHOULD ignore answers received that do not match a
- known Hop-by-Hop Identifier.
-6.2.2. Relaying and Proxying Answers
- If the answer is for a request which was proxied or relayed, the
- agent MUST restore the original value of the Diameter header's Hop-
- by-Hop Identifier field.
- If the last Proxy-Info AVP in the message is targeted to the local
- Diameter server, the AVP MUST be removed before the answer is
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- forwarded.
- If a relay or proxy agent receives an answer with a Result-Code AVP
- indicating a failure, it MUST NOT modify the contents of the AVP.
- Any additional local errors detected SHOULD be logged, but not
- reflected in the Result-Code AVP. If the agent receives an answer
- message with a Result-Code AVP indicating success, and it wishes to
- modify the AVP to indicate an error, it MUST modify the Result-Code
- AVP to contain the appropriate error in the message destined towards
- the access device as well as include the Error-Reporting-Host AVP and
- it MUST issue an STR on behalf of the access device towards the
- Diameter server.
- The agent MUST then send the answer to the host that it received the
- original request from.
-6.3. Origin-Host AVP
- The Origin-Host AVP (AVP Code 264) is of type DiameterIdentity, and
- MUST be present in all Diameter messages. This AVP identifies the
- endpoint that originated the Diameter message. Relay agents MUST NOT
- modify this AVP.
- The value of the Origin-Host AVP is guaranteed to be unique within a
- single host.
- Note that the Origin-Host AVP may resolve to more than one address as
- the Diameter peer may support more than one address.
- This AVP SHOULD be placed as close to the Diameter header as
- possible.
-6.4. Origin-Realm AVP
- The Origin-Realm AVP (AVP Code 296) is of type DiameterIdentity.
- This AVP contains the Realm of the originator of any Diameter message
- and MUST be present in all messages.
- This AVP SHOULD be placed as close to the Diameter header as
- possible.
-6.5. Destination-Host AVP
- The Destination-Host AVP (AVP Code 293) is of type DiameterIdentity.
- This AVP MUST be present in all unsolicited agent initiated messages,
- MAY be present in request messages, and MUST NOT be present in Answer
- messages.
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- The absence of the Destination-Host AVP will cause a message to be
- sent to any Diameter server supporting the application within the
- realm specified in Destination-Realm AVP.
- This AVP SHOULD be placed as close to the Diameter header as
- possible.
-6.6. Destination-Realm AVP
- The Destination-Realm AVP (AVP Code 283) is of type DiameterIdentity,
- and contains the realm the message is to be routed to. The
- Destination-Realm AVP MUST NOT be present in Answer messages.
- Diameter Clients insert the realm portion of the User-Name AVP.
- Diameter servers initiating a request message use the value of the
- Origin-Realm AVP from a previous message received from the intended
- target host (unless it is known a priori). When present, the
- Destination-Realm AVP is used to perform message routing decisions.
- An ABNF for a request message that includes the Destination-Realm AVP
- SHOULD list the Destination-Realm AVP as a required AVP (an AVP
- indicated as {AVP}) otherwise the message is inherently a non-
- routable message.
- This AVP SHOULD be placed as close to the Diameter header as
- possible.
-6.7. Routing AVPs
- The AVPs defined in this section are Diameter AVPs used for routing
- purposes. These AVPs change as Diameter messages are processed by
- agents.
-6.7.1. Route-Record AVP
- The Route-Record AVP (AVP Code 282) is of type DiameterIdentity. The
- identity added in this AVP MUST be the same as the one received in
- the Origin-Host of the Capabilities Exchange message.
-6.7.2. Proxy-Info AVP
- The Proxy-Info AVP (AVP Code 284) is of type Grouped. This AVP
- contains the identity and local state information of the Diameter
- node that creates and adds it to a message. The Grouped Data field
- has the following ABNF grammar:
- Proxy-Info ::= < AVP Header: 284 >
- { Proxy-Host }
- { Proxy-State }
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- * [ AVP ]
-6.7.3. Proxy-Host AVP
- The Proxy-Host AVP (AVP Code 280) is of type DiameterIdentity. This
- AVP contains the identity of the host that added the Proxy-Info AVP.
-6.7.4. Proxy-State AVP
- The Proxy-State AVP (AVP Code 33) is of type OctetString. It
- contains state information that would otherwise be stored at the
- Diameter entity that created it. As such, this AVP MUST be treated
- as opaque data by other Diameter entities.
-6.8. Auth-Application-Id AVP
- The Auth-Application-Id AVP (AVP Code 258) is of type Unsigned32 and
- is used in order to advertise support of the Authentication and
- Authorization portion of an application (see Section 2.4). If
- present in a message other than CER and CEA, the value of the Auth-
- Application-Id AVP MUST match the Application Id present in the
- Diameter message header.
-6.9. Acct-Application-Id AVP
- The Acct-Application-Id AVP (AVP Code 259) is of type Unsigned32 and
- is used in order to advertise support of the Accounting portion of an
- application (see Section 2.4). If present in a message other than
- CER and CEA, the value of the Acct-Application-Id AVP MUST match the
- Application Id present in the Diameter message header.
-6.10. Inband-Security-Id AVP
- The Inband-Security-Id AVP (AVP Code 299) is of type Unsigned32 and
- is used in order to advertise support of the security portion of the
- application. The use of this AVP in CER and CEA messages is no
- longer recommended. Instead, discovery of a Diameter entities
- security capabilities can be done either through static configuration
- or via Diameter Peer Discovery described in Section 5.2.
- The following values are supported:
- This peer does not support TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP. This is the
- default value, if the AVP is omitted.
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- TLS 1
- This node supports TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP security, as defined by
- [RFC5246].
-6.11. Vendor-Specific-Application-Id AVP
- The Vendor-Specific-Application-Id AVP (AVP Code 260) is of type
- Grouped and is used to advertise support of a vendor-specific
- Diameter Application. Exactly one instance of either Auth-
- Application-Id or Acct-Application-Id AVP MUST be present. The
- Application Id carried by either Auth-Application-Id or Acct-
- Application-Id AVP MUST comply with vendor specific Application Id
- assignment described in Sec 11.3. It MUST also match the Application
- Id present in the Diameter header except when used in a CER or CEA
- message.
- The Vendor-Id AVP is an informational AVP pertaining to the vendor
- who may have authorship of the vendor-specific Diameter application.
- It MUST NOT be used as a means of defining a completely separate
- vendor-specific Application Id space.
- The Vendor-Specific-Application-Id AVP SHOULD be placed as close to
- the Diameter header as possible.
- AVP Format
- <Vendor-Specific-Application-Id> ::= < AVP Header: 260 >
- { Vendor-Id }
- [ Auth-Application-Id ]
- [ Acct-Application-Id ]
- A Vendor-Specific-Application-Id AVP MUST contain exactly one of
- either Auth-Application-Id or Acct-Application-Id. If a Vendor-
- Specific-Application-Id is received without any of these two AVPs,
- then the recipient SHOULD issue an answer with a Result-Code set to
- DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP. The answer SHOULD also include a Failed-AVP
- which MUST contain an example of an Auth-Application-Id AVP and an
- Acct-Application-Id AVP.
- If a Vendor-Specific-Application-Id is received that contains both
- Auth-Application-Id and Acct-Application-Id, then the recipient MUST
- issue an answer with Result-Code set to
- DIAMETER_AVP_OCCURS_TOO_MANY_TIMES. The answer MUST also include a
- Failed-AVP which MUST contain the received Auth-Application-Id AVP
- and Acct-Application-Id AVP.
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-6.12. Redirect-Host AVP
- The Redirect-Host AVP (AVP Code 292) is of type DiameterURI. One or
- more of instances of this AVP MUST be present if the answer message's
- 'E' bit is set and the Result-Code AVP is set to
- Upon receiving the above, the receiving Diameter node SHOULD forward
- the request directly to one of the hosts identified in these AVPs.
- The server contained in the selected Redirect-Host AVP SHOULD be used
- for all messages matching the criteria set by the Redirect-Host-Usage
- AVP.
-6.13. Redirect-Host-Usage AVP
- The Redirect-Host-Usage AVP (AVP Code 261) is of type Enumerated.
- This AVP MAY be present in answer messages whose 'E' bit is set and
- When present, this AVP provides a hints about how the routing entry
- resulting from the Redirect-Host is to be used. The following values
- are supported:
- The host specified in the Redirect-Host AVP SHOULD NOT be cached.
- This is the default value.
- All messages within the same session, as defined by the same value
- of the Session-ID AVP SHOULD be sent to the host specified in the
- Redirect-Host AVP.
- All messages destined for the realm requested SHOULD be sent to
- the host specified in the Redirect-Host AVP.
- All messages for the application requested to the realm specified
- SHOULD be sent to the host specified in the Redirect-Host AVP.
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- All messages for the application requested SHOULD be sent to the
- host specified in the Redirect-Host AVP.
- All messages that would be sent to the host that generated the
- Redirect-Host SHOULD be sent to the host specified in the
- Redirect- Host AVP.
- All messages for the user requested SHOULD be sent to the host
- specified in the Redirect-Host AVP.
- When multiple cached routes are created by redirect indications and
- they differ only in redirect usage and peers to forward requests to
- (see Section 6.1.8), a precedence rule MUST be applied to the
- redirect usage values of the cached routes during normal routing to
- resolve contentions that may occur. The precedence rule is the order
- that dictate which redirect usage should be considered before any
- other as they appear. The order is as follows:
-6.14. Redirect-Max-Cache-Time AVP
- The Redirect-Max-Cache-Time AVP (AVP Code 262) is of type Unsigned32.
- This AVP MUST be present in answer messages whose 'E' bit is set, the
- Result-Code AVP is set to DIAMETER_REDIRECT_INDICATION and the
- Redirect-Host-Usage AVP set to a non-zero value.
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- This AVP contains the maximum number of seconds the peer and route
- table entries, created as a result of the Redirect-Host, SHOULD be
- cached. Note that once a host is no longer reachable, any associated
- cache, peer and routing table entries MUST be deleted.
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-7. Error Handling
- There are two different types of errors in Diameter; protocol and
- application errors. A protocol error is one that occurs at the base
- protocol level, and MAY require per hop attention (e.g., message
- routing error). Application errors, on the other hand, generally
- occur due to a problem with a function specified in a Diameter
- application (e.g., user authentication, missing AVP).
- Result-Code AVP values that are used to report protocol errors MUST
- only be present in answer messages whose 'E' bit is set. When a
- request message is received that causes a protocol error, an answer
- message is returned with the 'E' bit set, and the Result-Code AVP is
- set to the appropriate protocol error value. As the answer is sent
- back towards the originator of the request, each proxy or relay agent
- MAY take action on the message.
- 1. Request +---------+ Link Broken
- +-------------------------->|Diameter |----///----+
- | +---------------------| | v
- +------+--+ | 2. answer + 'E' set | Relay 2 | +--------+
- |Diameter |<-+ (Unable to Forward) +---------+ |Diameter|
- | | | Home |
- | Relay 1 |--+ +---------+ | Server |
- +---------+ | 3. Request |Diameter | +--------+
- +-------------------->| | ^
- | Relay 3 |-----------+
- +---------+
- Figure 7: Example of Protocol Error causing answer message
- Figure 7 provides an example of a message forwarded upstream by a
- Diameter relay. When the message is received by Relay 2, and it
- detects that it cannot forward the request to the home server, an
- answer message is returned with the 'E' bit set and the Result-Code
- AVP set to DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_DELIVER. Given that this error falls
- within the protocol error category, Relay 1 would take special
- action, and given the error, attempt to route the message through its
- alternate Relay 3.
- +---------+ 1. Request +---------+ 2. Request +---------+
- | Access |------------>|Diameter |------------>|Diameter |
- | | | | | Home |
- | Device |<------------| Relay |<------------| Server |
- +---------+ 4. Answer +---------+ 3. Answer +---------+
- (Missing AVP) (Missing AVP)
- Figure 8: Example of Application Error Answer message
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- Figure 8 provides an example of a Diameter message that caused an
- application error. When application errors occur, the Diameter
- entity reporting the error clears the 'R' bit in the Command Flags,
- and adds the Result-Code AVP with the proper value. Application
- errors do not require any proxy or relay agent involvement, and
- therefore the message would be forwarded back to the originator of
- the request.
- In the case where the answer message itself contains errors, any
- related session SHOULD be terminated by sending an STR or ASR
- message. The Termination-Cause AVP in the STR MAY be filled with the
- appropriate value to indicate the cause of the error. An application
- MAY also send an application-specific request instead of STR or ASR
- to signal the error in the case where no state is maintained or to
- allow for some form of error recovery with the corresponding Diameter
- entity.
- There are certain Result-Code AVP application errors that require
- additional AVPs to be present in the answer. In these cases, the
- Diameter node that sets the Result-Code AVP to indicate the error
- MUST add the AVPs. Examples are:
- o A request with an unrecognized AVP is received with the 'M' bit
- (Mandatory bit) set, causes an answer to be sent with the Result-
- Code AVP set to DIAMETER_AVP_UNSUPPORTED, and the Failed-AVP AVP
- containing the offending AVP.
- o A request with an AVP that is received with an unrecognized value
- causes an answer to be returned with the Result-Code AVP set to
- DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_VALUE, with the Failed-AVP AVP containing the
- AVP causing the error.
- o A received command which is missing AVP(s) that are defined as
- required in the commands ABNF; examples are AVPs indicated as
- {AVP}. The receiver issues an answer with the Result-Code set to
- DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP, and creates an AVP with the AVP Code and
- other fields set as expected in the missing AVP. The created AVP
- is then added to the Failed- AVP AVP.
- The Result-Code AVP describes the error that the Diameter node
- encountered in its processing. In case there are multiple errors,
- the Diameter node MUST report only the first error it encountered
- (detected possibly in some implementation dependent order). The
- specific errors that can be described by this AVP are described in
- the following section.
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-7.1. Result-Code AVP
- The Result-Code AVP (AVP Code 268) is of type Unsigned32 and
- indicates whether a particular request was completed successfully or
- whether an error occurred. All Diameter answer messages in IETF
- defined Diameter application specification MUST include one Result-
- Code AVP. A non-successful Result-Code AVP (one containing a non
- 2xxx value other than DIAMETER_REDIRECT_INDICATION) MUST include the
- Error-Reporting-Host AVP if the host setting the Result-Code AVP is
- different from the identity encoded in the Origin-Host AVP.
- The Result-Code data field contains an IANA-managed 32-bit address
- space representing errors (see Section 11.4). Diameter provides the
- following classes of errors, all identified by the thousands digit in
- the decimal notation:
- o 1xxx (Informational)
- o 2xxx (Success)
- o 3xxx (Protocol Errors)
- o 4xxx (Transient Failures)
- o 5xxx (Permanent Failure)
- A non-recognized class (one whose first digit is not defined in this
- section) MUST be handled as a permanent failure.
-7.1.1. Informational
- Errors that fall within this category are used to inform the
- requester that a request could not be satisfied, and additional
- action is required on its part before access is granted.
- This informational error is returned by a Diameter server to
- inform the access device that the authentication mechanism being
- used requires multiple round trips, and a subsequent request needs
- to be issued in order for access to be granted.
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-7.1.2. Success
- Errors that fall within the Success category are used to inform a
- peer that a request has been successfully completed.
- The request was successfully completed.
- When returned, the request was successfully completed, but
- additional processing is required by the application in order to
- provide service to the user.
-7.1.3. Protocol Errors
- Errors that fall within the Protocol Error category SHOULD be treated
- on a per-hop basis, and Diameter proxies MAY attempt to correct the
- error, if it is possible. Note that these errors MUST only be used
- in answer messages whose 'E' bit is set. This document omits some
- error codes defined in [RFC3588]. To provide backward compatibility
- with [RFC3588] implementations these error code values are not re-
- used and hence the error codes values enumerated below are non-
- sequential.
- This error is given when Diameter can not deliver the message to
- the destination, either because no host within the realm
- supporting the required application was available to process the
- request, or because Destination-Host AVP was given without the
- associated Destination-Realm AVP.
- The intended realm of the request is not recognized.
- When returned, a Diameter node SHOULD attempt to send the message
- to an alternate peer. This error MUST only be used when a
- specific server is requested, and it cannot provide the requested
- service.
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- An agent detected a loop while trying to get the message to the
- intended recipient. The message MAY be sent to an alternate peer,
- if one is available, but the peer reporting the error has
- identified a configuration problem.
- A redirect agent has determined that the request could not be
- satisfied locally and the initiator of the request SHOULD direct
- the request directly to the server, whose contact information has
- been added to the response. When set, the Redirect-Host AVP MUST
- be present.
- A request was sent for an application that is not supported.
- This error is returned when a reserved bit in the Diameter header
- is set to one (1) or the bits in the Diameter header defined in
- Section 3 are set incorrectly.
- This error is returned when a request is received with an invalid
- message length.
-7.1.4. Transient Failures
- Errors that fall within the transient failures category are used to
- inform a peer that the request could not be satisfied at the time it
- was received, but MAY be able to satisfy the request in the future.
- Note that these errors MUST be used in answer messages whose 'E' bit
- is not set.
- The authentication process for the user failed, most likely due to
- an invalid password used by the user. Further attempts MUST only
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- be tried after prompting the user for a new password.
- A Diameter node received the accounting request but was unable to
- commit it to stable storage due to a temporary lack of space.
- The peer has determined that it has lost the election process and
- has therefore disconnected the transport connection.
-7.1.5. Permanent Failures
- Errors that fall within the permanent failures category are used to
- inform the peer that the request failed, and should not be attempted
- again. Note that these errors SHOULD be used in answer messages
- whose 'E' bit is not set. In error conditions where it is not
- possible or efficient to compose application-specific answer grammar
- then answer messages with E-bit set and complying to the grammar
- described in 7.2 MAY also be used for permanent errors.
- To provide backward compatibility with existing implementations that
- follow [RFC3588], some of the error values that have previously been
- used in this category by [RFC3588] will not be re-used. Therefore
- the error values enumerated here may be non-sequential.
- The peer received a message that contained an AVP that is not
- recognized or supported and was marked with the Mandatory bit. A
- Diameter message with this error MUST contain one or more Failed-
- AVP AVP containing the AVPs that caused the failure.
- The request contained an unknown Session-Id.
- A request was received for which the user could not be authorized.
- This error could occur if the service requested is not permitted
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- to the user.
- The request contained an AVP with an invalid value in its data
- portion. A Diameter message indicating this error MUST include
- the offending AVPs within a Failed-AVP AVP.
- The request did not contain an AVP that is required by the Command
- Code definition. If this value is sent in the Result-Code AVP, a
- Failed-AVP AVP SHOULD be included in the message. The Failed-AVP
- AVP MUST contain an example of the missing AVP complete with the
- Vendor-Id if applicable. The value field of the missing AVP
- should be of correct minimum length and contain zeroes.
- A request was received that cannot be authorized because the user
- has already expended allowed resources. An example of this error
- condition is a user that is restricted to one dial-up PPP port,
- attempts to establish a second PPP connection.
- The Home Diameter server has detected AVPs in the request that
- contradicted each other, and is not willing to provide service to
- the user. The Failed-AVP AVPs MUST be present which contains the
- AVPs that contradicted each other.
- A message was received with an AVP that MUST NOT be present. The
- Failed-AVP AVP MUST be included and contain a copy of the
- offending AVP.
- A message was received that included an AVP that appeared more
- often than permitted in the message definition. The Failed-AVP
- AVP MUST be included and contain a copy of the first instance of
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- the offending AVP that exceeded the maximum number of occurrences
- This error is returned by a Diameter node that receives a CER
- whereby no applications are common between the CER sending peer
- and the CER receiving peer.
- This error is returned when a request was received, whose version
- number is unsupported.
- This error is returned when a request is rejected for unspecified
- reasons.
- The request contained an AVP with an invalid length. A Diameter
- message indicating this error MUST include the offending AVPs
- within a Failed-AVP AVP. In cases where the erroneous AVP length
- value exceeds the message length or is less than the minimum AVP
- header length, it is sufficient to include the offending AVP
- header and a zero filled payload of the minimum required length
- for the payloads data type. If the AVP is a grouped AVP, the
- grouped AVP header with an empty payload would be sufficient to
- indicate the offending AVP. In the case where the offending AVP
- header cannot be fully decoded when the AVP length is less than
- the minimum AVP header length, it is sufficient to include an
- offending AVP header that is formulated by padding the incomplete
- AVP header with zero up to the minimum AVP header length.
- This error is returned when a CER message is received, and there
- are no common security mechanisms supported between the peers. A
- Capabilities-Exchange-Answer (CEA) MUST be returned with the
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- A CER was received from an unknown peer.
- This error code is used when a Diameter entity receives a message
- with a Command Code that it does not support.
- A request was received whose bits in the Diameter header were
- either set to an invalid combination, or to a value that is
- inconsistent with the command code's definition.
- A request was received that included an AVP whose flag bits are
- set to an unrecognized value, or that is inconsistent with the
- AVP's definition.
-7.2. Error Bit
- The 'E' (Error Bit) in the Diameter header is set when the request
- caused a protocol-related error (see Section 7.1.3). A message with
- the 'E' bit MUST NOT be sent as a response to an answer message.
- Note that a message with the 'E' bit set is still subjected to the
- processing rules defined in Section 6.2. When set, the answer
- message will not conform to the ABNF specification for the command,
- and will instead conform to the following ABNF:
- Message Format
- <answer-message> ::= < Diameter Header: code, ERR [PXY] >
- 0*1< Session-Id >
- { Origin-Host }
- { Origin-Realm }
- { Result-Code }
- [ Origin-State-Id ]
- [ Error-Message ]
- [ Error-Reporting-Host ]
- [ Failed-AVP ]
- [ Experimental-Result ]
- * [ Proxy-Info ]
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- * [ AVP ]
- Note that the code used in the header is the same than the one found
- in the request message, but with the 'R' bit cleared and the 'E' bit
- set. The 'P' bit in the header is set to the same value as the one
- found in the request message.
-7.3. Error-Message AVP
- The Error-Message AVP (AVP Code 281) is of type UTF8String. It MAY
- accompany a Result-Code AVP as a human readable error message. The
- Error-Message AVP is not intended to be useful in an environment
- where error messages are processed automatically. It SHOULD NOT be
- expected that the content of this AVP is parsed by network entities.
-7.4. Error-Reporting-Host AVP
- The Error-Reporting-Host AVP (AVP Code 294) is of type
- DiameterIdentity. This AVP contains the identity of the Diameter
- host that sent the Result-Code AVP to a value other than 2001
- (Success), only if the host setting the Result-Code is different from
- the one encoded in the Origin-Host AVP. This AVP is intended to be
- used for troubleshooting purposes, and MUST be set when the Result-
- Code AVP indicates a failure.
-7.5. Failed-AVP AVP
- The Failed-AVP AVP (AVP Code 279) is of type Grouped and provides
- debugging information in cases where a request is rejected or not
- fully processed due to erroneous information in a specific AVP. The
- value of the Result-Code AVP will provide information on the reason
- for the Failed-AVP AVP. A Diameter message SHOULD contain only one
- Failed-AVP that corresponds to the error indicated by the Result-Code
- AVP. For practical purposes, this Failed-AVP would typically refer
- to the first AVP processing error that a Diameter node encounters.
- The possible reasons for this AVP are the presence of an improperly
- constructed AVP, an unsupported or unrecognized AVP, an invalid AVP
- value, the omission of a required AVP, the presence of an explicitly
- excluded AVP (see tables in Section 10), or the presence of two or
- more occurrences of an AVP which is restricted to 0, 1, or 0-1
- occurrences.
- A Diameter message SHOULD contain one Failed-AVP AVP, containing the
- entire AVP that could not be processed successfully. If the failure
- reason is omission of a required AVP, an AVP with the missing AVP
- code, the missing vendor id, and a zero filled payload of the minimum
- required length for the omitted AVP will be added. If the failure
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- reason is an invalid AVP length where the reported length is less
- than the minimum AVP header length or greater than the reported
- message length, a copy of the offending AVP header and a zero filled
- payload of the minimum required length SHOULD be added.
- In the case where the offending AVP is embedded within a grouped AVP,
- the Failed-AVP MAY contain the grouped AVP which in turn contains the
- single offending AVP. The same method MAY be employed if the grouped
- AVP itself is embedded in yet another grouped AVP and so on. In this
- case, the Failed-AVP MAY contain the grouped AVP hierarchy up to the
- single offending AVP. This enables the recipient to detect the
- location of the offending AVP when embedded in a group.
- AVP Format
- <Failed-AVP> ::= < AVP Header: 279 >
- 1* {AVP}
-7.6. Experimental-Result AVP
- The Experimental-Result AVP (AVP Code 297) is of type Grouped, and
- indicates whether a particular vendor-specific request was completed
- successfully or whether an error occurred. This AVP has the
- following structure:
- AVP Format
- Experimental-Result ::= < AVP Header: 297 >
- { Vendor-Id }
- { Experimental-Result-Code }
- The Vendor-Id AVP (see Section 5.3.3) in this grouped AVP identifies
- the vendor responsible for the assignment of the result code which
- follows. All Diameter answer messages defined in vendor-specific
- applications MUST include either one Result-Code AVP or one
- Experimental-Result AVP.
-7.7. Experimental-Result-Code AVP
- The Experimental-Result-Code AVP (AVP Code 298) is of type Unsigned32
- and contains a vendor-assigned value representing the result of
- processing the request.
- It is recommended that vendor-specific result codes follow the same
- conventions given for the Result-Code AVP regarding the different
- types of result codes and the handling of errors (for non 2xxx
- values).
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-Internet-Draft Diameter Base Protocol January 2011
-8. Diameter User Sessions
- In general, Diameter can provide two different types of services to
- applications. The first involves authentication and authorization,
- and can optionally make use of accounting. The second only makes use
- of accounting.
- When a service makes use of the authentication and/or authorization
- portion of an application, and a user requests access to the network,
- the Diameter client issues an auth request to its local server. The
- auth request is defined in a service-specific Diameter application
- (e.g., NASREQ). The request contains a Session-Id AVP, which is used
- in subsequent messages (e.g., subsequent authorization, accounting,
- etc) relating to the user's session. The Session-Id AVP is a means
- for the client and servers to correlate a Diameter message with a
- user session.
- When a Diameter server authorizes a user to use network resources for
- a finite amount of time, and it is willing to extend the
- authorization via a future request, it MUST add the Authorization-
- Lifetime AVP to the answer message. The Authorization-Lifetime AVP
- defines the maximum number of seconds a user MAY make use of the
- resources before another authorization request is expected by the
- server. The Auth-Grace-Period AVP contains the number of seconds
- following the expiration of the Authorization-Lifetime, after which
- the server will release all state information related to the user's
- session. Note that if payment for services is expected by the
- serving realm from the user's home realm, the Authorization-Lifetime
- AVP, combined with the Auth-Grace-Period AVP, implies the maximum
- length of the session the home realm is willing to be fiscally
- responsible for. Services provided past the expiration of the
- Authorization-Lifetime and Auth-Grace-Period AVPs are the
- responsibility of the access device. Of course, the actual cost of
- services rendered is clearly outside the scope of the protocol.
- An access device that does not expect to send a re-authorization or a
- session termination request to the server MAY include the Auth-
- Session-State AVP with the value set to NO_STATE_MAINTAINED as a hint
- to the server. If the server accepts the hint, it agrees that since
- no session termination message will be received once service to the
- user is terminated, it cannot maintain state for the session. If the
- answer message from the server contains a different value in the
- Auth-Session-State AVP (or the default value if the AVP is absent),
- the access device MUST follow the server's directives. Note that the
- value NO_STATE_MAINTAINED MUST NOT be set in subsequent re-
- authorization requests and answers.
- The base protocol does not include any authorization request
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-Internet-Draft Diameter Base Protocol January 2011
- messages, since these are largely application-specific and are
- defined in a Diameter application document. However, the base
- protocol does define a set of messages that are used to terminate
- user sessions. These are used to allow servers that maintain state
- information to free resources.
- When a service only makes use of the Accounting portion of the
- Diameter protocol, even in combination with an application, the
- Session-Id is still used to identify user sessions. However, the
- session termination messages are not used, since a session is
- signaled as being terminated by issuing an accounting stop message.
- Diameter may also be used for services that cannot be easily
- categorized as authentication, authorization or accounting (e.g.,
- certain 3GPP IMS interfaces). In such cases, the finite state
- machine defined in subsequent sections may not be applicable.
- Therefore, the applications itself MAY need to define its own finite
- state machine. However, such application-specific state machines
- SHOULD follow the general state machine framework outlined in this
- document such as the use of Session-Id AVPs and the use of STR/STA,
- ASR/ASA messages for stateful sessions.
-8.1. Authorization Session State Machine
- This section contains a set of finite state machines, representing
- the life cycle of Diameter sessions, and which MUST be observed by
- all Diameter implementations that make use of the authentication
- and/or authorization portion of a Diameter application. The term
- Service-Specific below refers to a message defined in a Diameter
- application (e.g., Mobile IPv4, NASREQ).
- There are four different authorization session state machines
- supported in the Diameter base protocol. The first two describe a
- session in which the server is maintaining session state, indicated
- by the value of the Auth-Session-State AVP (or its absence). One
- describes the session from a client perspective, the other from a
- server perspective. The second two state machines are used when the
- server does not maintain session state. Here again, one describes
- the session from a client perspective, the other from a server
- perspective.
- When a session is moved to the Idle state, any resources that were
- allocated for the particular session must be released. Any event not
- listed in the state machines MUST be considered as an error
- condition, and an answer, if applicable, MUST be returned to the
- originator of the message.
- In the case that an application does not support re-auth, the state
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- transitions related to server-initiated re-auth when both client and
- server session maintains state (e.g., Send RAR, Pending, Receive RAA)
- MAY be ignored.
- In the state table, the event 'Failure to send X' means that the
- Diameter agent is unable to send command X to the desired
- destination. This could be due to the peer being down, or due to the
- peer sending back a transient failure or temporary protocol error
- Result-Code AVP of the corresponding Answer command. The event 'X
- successfully sent' is the complement of 'Failure to send X'.
- The following state machine is observed by a client when state is
- maintained on the server:
- State Event Action New State
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Idle Client or Device Requests Send Pending
- access service
- specific
- auth req
- Idle ASR Received Send ASA Idle
- for unknown session with
- Result-Code =
- Idle RAR Received Send RAA Idle
- for unknown session with
- Result-Code =
- Pending Successful Service-specific Grant Open
- authorization answer Access
- received with default
- Auth-Session-State value
- Pending Successful Service-specific Sent STR Discon
- authorization answer received
- but service not provided
- Pending Error processing successful Sent STR Discon
- Service-specific authorization
- answer
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- Pending Failed Service-specific Cleanup Idle
- authorization answer received
- Open User or client device Send Open
- requests access to service service
- specific
- auth req
- Open Successful Service-specific Provide Open
- authorization answer received Service
- Open Failed Service-specific Discon. Idle
- authorization answer user/device
- received.
- Open RAR received and client will Send RAA Open
- perform subsequent re-auth with
- Result-Code =
- Open RAR received and client will Send RAA Idle
- not perform subsequent with
- re-auth Result-Code !=
- Discon.
- user/device
- Open Session-Timeout Expires on Send STR Discon
- Access Device
- Open ASR Received, Send ASA Discon
- client will comply with
- with request to end the Result-Code =
- session = SUCCESS,
- Send STR.
- Open ASR Received, Send ASA Open
- client will not comply with
- with request to end the Result-Code !=
- session != SUCCESS
- Open Authorization-Lifetime + Send STR Discon
- Auth-Grace-Period expires on
- access device
- Discon ASR Received Send ASA Discon
- Discon STA Received Discon. Idle
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- user/device
- The following state machine is observed by a server when it is
- maintaining state for the session:
- State Event Action New State
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Idle Service-specific authorization Send Open
- request received, and successful
- user is authorized serv.
- specific
- answer
- Idle Service-specific authorization Send Idle
- request received, and failed serv.
- user is not authorized specific
- answer
- Open Service-specific authorization Send Open
- request received, and user successful
- is authorized serv. specific
- answer
- Open Service-specific authorization Send Idle
- request received, and user failed serv.
- is not authorized specific
- answer,
- Cleanup
- Open Home server wants to confirm Send RAR Pending
- authentication and/or
- authorization of the user
- Pending Received RAA with a failed Cleanup Idle
- Result-Code
- Pending Received RAA with Result-Code Update Open
- = SUCCESS session
- Open Home server wants to Send ASR Discon
- terminate the service
- Open Authorization-Lifetime (and Cleanup Idle
- Auth-Grace-Period) expires
- on home server.
- Open Session-Timeout expires on Cleanup Idle
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- home server
- Discon Failure to send ASR Wait, Discon
- resend ASR
- Discon ASR successfully sent and Cleanup Idle
- ASA Received with Result-Code
- Not ASA Received None No Change.
- Discon
- Any STR Received Send STA, Idle
- Cleanup.
- The following state machine is observed by a client when state is not
- maintained on the server:
- State Event Action New State
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Idle Client or Device Requests Send Pending
- access service
- specific
- auth req
- Pending Successful Service-specific Grant Open
- authorization answer Access
- received with Auth-Session-
- State set to
- Pending Failed Service-specific Cleanup Idle
- authorization answer
- received
- Open Session-Timeout Expires on Discon. Idle
- Access Device user/device
- Open Service to user is terminated Discon. Idle
- user/device
- The following state machine is observed by a server when it is not
- maintaining state for the session:
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- State Event Action New State
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Idle Service-specific authorization Send serv. Idle
- request received, and specific
- successfully processed answer
-8.2. Accounting Session State Machine
- The following state machines MUST be supported for applications that
- have an accounting portion or that require only accounting services.
- The first state machine is to be observed by clients.
- See Section 9.7 for Accounting Command Codes and Section 9.8 for
- Accounting AVPs.
- The server side in the accounting state machine depends in some cases
- on the particular application. The Diameter base protocol defines a
- default state machine that MUST be followed by all applications that
- have not specified other state machines. This is the second state
- machine in this section described below.
- The default server side state machine requires the reception of
- accounting records in any order and at any time, and does not place
- any standards requirement on the processing of these records.
- Implementations of Diameter may perform checking, ordering,
- correlation, fraud detection, and other tasks based on these records.
- AVPs may need to be inspected as a part of these tasks. The tasks
- can happen either immediately after record reception or in a post-
- processing phase. However, as these tasks are typically application
- or even policy dependent, they are not standardized by the Diameter
- specifications. Applications MAY define requirements on when to
- accept accounting records based on the used value of Accounting-
- Realtime-Required AVP, credit limits checks, and so on.
- However, the Diameter base protocol defines one optional server side
- state machine that MAY be followed by applications that require
- keeping track of the session state at the accounting server. Note
- that such tracking is incompatible with the ability to sustain long
- duration connectivity problems. Therefore, the use of this state
- machine is recommended only in applications where the value of the
- Accounting-Realtime-Required AVP is DELIVER_AND_GRANT, and hence
- accounting connectivity problems are required to cause the serviced
- user to be disconnected. Otherwise, records produced by the client
- may be lost by the server which no longer accepts them after the
- connectivity is re-established. This state machine is the third
- state machine in this section. The state machine is supervised by a
- supervision session timer Ts, which the value should be reasonably
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- higher than the Acct_Interim_Interval value. Ts MAY be set to two
- times the value of the Acct_Interim_Interval so as to avoid the
- accounting session in the Diameter server to change to Idle state in
- case of short transient network failure.
- Any event not listed in the state machines MUST be considered as an
- error condition, and a corresponding answer, if applicable, MUST be
- returned to the originator of the message.
- In the state table, the event 'Failure to send' means that the
- Diameter client is unable to communicate with the desired
- destination. This could be due to the peer being down, or due to the
- peer sending back a transient failure or temporary protocol error
- DIAMETER_LOOP_DETECTED in the Result-Code AVP of the Accounting
- Answer command.
- The event 'Failed answer' means that the Diameter client received a
- non-transient failure notification in the Accounting Answer command.
- Note that the action 'Disconnect user/dev' MUST have an effect also
- to the authorization session state table, e.g., cause the STR message
- to be sent, if the given application has both authentication/
- authorization and accounting portions.
- The states PendingS, PendingI, PendingL, PendingE and PendingB stand
- for pending states to wait for an answer to an accounting request
- related to a Start, Interim, Stop, Event or buffered record,
- respectively.
- State Event Action New State
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Idle Client or device requests Send PendingS
- access accounting
- start req.
- Idle Client or device requests Send PendingE
- a one-time service accounting
- event req
- Idle Records in storage Send PendingB
- record
- PendingS Successful accounting Open
- start answer received
- PendingS Failure to send and buffer Store Open
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- space available and realtime Start
- not equal to DELIVER_AND_GRANT Record
- PendingS Failure to send and no buffer Open
- space available and realtime
- equal to GRANT_AND_LOSE
- PendingS Failure to send and no Disconnect Idle
- buffer space available and user/dev
- realtime not equal to
- PendingS Failed accounting start answer Open
- received and realtime equal
- PendingS Failed accounting start answer Disconnect Idle
- received and realtime not user/dev
- equal to GRANT_AND_LOSE
- PendingS User service terminated Store PendingS
- stop
- record
- Open Interim interval elapses Send PendingI
- accounting
- interim
- record
- Open User service terminated Send PendingL
- accounting
- stop req.
- PendingI Successful accounting interim Open
- answer received
- PendingI Failure to send and (buffer Store Open
- space available or old interim
- record can be overwritten) record
- and realtime not equal to
- PendingI Failure to send and no buffer Open
- space available and realtime
- equal to GRANT_AND_LOSE
- PendingI Failure to send and no Disconnect Idle
- buffer space available and user/dev
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- realtime not equal to
- PendingI Failed accounting interim Open
- answer received and realtime
- equal to GRANT_AND_LOSE
- PendingI Failed accounting interim Disconnect Idle
- answer received and user/dev
- realtime not equal to
- PendingI User service terminated Store PendingI
- stop
- record
- PendingE Successful accounting Idle
- event answer received
- PendingE Failure to send and buffer Store Idle
- space available event
- record
- PendingE Failure to send and no buffer Idle
- space available
- PendingE Failed accounting event answer Idle
- received
- PendingB Successful accounting answer Delete Idle
- received record
- PendingB Failure to send Idle
- PendingB Failed accounting answer Delete Idle
- received record
- PendingL Successful accounting Idle
- stop answer received
- PendingL Failure to send and buffer Store Idle
- space available stop
- record
- PendingL Failure to send and no buffer Idle
- space available
- PendingL Failed accounting stop answer Idle
- received
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- State Event Action New State
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Idle Accounting start request Send Idle
- received, and successfully accounting
- processed. start
- answer
- Idle Accounting event request Send Idle
- received, and successfully accounting
- processed. event
- answer
- Idle Interim record received, Send Idle
- and successfully processed. accounting
- interim
- answer
- Idle Accounting stop request Send Idle
- received, and successfully accounting
- processed stop answer
- Idle Accounting request received, Send Idle
- no space left to store accounting
- records answer,
- Result-Code =
- State Event Action New State
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Idle Accounting start request Send Open
- received, and successfully accounting
- processed. start
- answer,
- Start Ts
- Idle Accounting event request Send Idle
- received, and successfully accounting
- processed. event
- answer
- Idle Accounting request received, Send Idle
- no space left to store accounting
- records answer,
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- Result-Code =
- Open Interim record received, Send Open
- and successfully processed. accounting
- interim
- answer,
- Restart Ts
- Open Accounting stop request Send Idle
- received, and successfully accounting
- processed stop answer,
- Stop Ts
- Open Accounting request received, Send Idle
- no space left to store accounting
- records answer,
- Result-Code =
- Stop Ts
- Open Session supervision timer Ts Stop Ts Idle
- expired
-8.3. Server-Initiated Re-Auth
- A Diameter server may initiate a re-authentication and/or re-
- authorization service for a particular session by issuing a Re-Auth-
- Request (RAR).
- For example, for pre-paid services, the Diameter server that
- originally authorized a session may need some confirmation that the
- user is still using the services.
- An access device that receives a RAR message with Session-Id equal to
- a currently active session MUST initiate a re-auth towards the user,
- if the service supports this particular feature. Each Diameter
- application MUST state whether server-initiated re-auth is supported,
- since some applications do not allow access devices to prompt the
- user for re-auth.
-8.3.1. Re-Auth-Request
- The Re-Auth-Request (RAR), indicated by the Command-Code set to 258
- and the message flags' 'R' bit set, may be sent by any server to the
- access device that is providing session service, to request that the
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- user be re-authenticated and/or re-authorized.
- Message Format
- <RAR> ::= < Diameter Header: 258, REQ, PXY >
- < Session-Id >
- { Origin-Host }
- { Origin-Realm }
- { Destination-Realm }
- { Destination-Host }
- { Auth-Application-Id }
- { Re-Auth-Request-Type }
- [ User-Name ]
- [ Origin-State-Id ]
- * [ Proxy-Info ]
- * [ Route-Record ]
- * [ AVP ]
-8.3.2. Re-Auth-Answer
- The Re-Auth-Answer (RAA), indicated by the Command-Code set to 258
- and the message flags' 'R' bit clear, is sent in response to the RAR.
- The Result-Code AVP MUST be present, and indicates the disposition of
- the request.
- A successful RAA message MUST be followed by an application-specific
- authentication and/or authorization message.
- Message Format
- <RAA> ::= < Diameter Header: 258, PXY >
- < Session-Id >
- { Result-Code }
- { Origin-Host }
- { Origin-Realm }
- [ User-Name ]
- [ Origin-State-Id ]
- [ Error-Message ]
- [ Error-Reporting-Host ]
- [ Failed-AVP ]
- * [ Redirect-Host ]
- [ Redirect-Host-Usage ]
- [ Redirect-Max-Cache-Time ]
- * [ Proxy-Info ]
- * [ AVP ]
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-8.4. Session Termination
- It is necessary for a Diameter server that authorized a session, for
- which it is maintaining state, to be notified when that session is no
- longer active, both for tracking purposes as well as to allow
- stateful agents to release any resources that they may have provided
- for the user's session. For sessions whose state is not being
- maintained, this section is not used.
- When a user session that required Diameter authorization terminates,
- the access device that provided the service MUST issue a Session-
- Termination-Request (STR) message to the Diameter server that
- authorized the service, to notify it that the session is no longer
- active. An STR MUST be issued when a user session terminates for any
- reason, including user logoff, expiration of Session-Timeout,
- administrative action, termination upon receipt of an Abort-Session-
- Request (see below), orderly shutdown of the access device, etc.
- The access device also MUST issue an STR for a session that was
- authorized but never actually started. This could occur, for
- example, due to a sudden resource shortage in the access device, or
- because the access device is unwilling to provide the type of service
- requested in the authorization, or because the access device does not
- support a mandatory AVP returned in the authorization, etc.
- It is also possible that a session that was authorized is never
- actually started due to action of a proxy. For example, a proxy may
- modify an authorization answer, converting the result from success to
- failure, prior to forwarding the message to the access device. If
- the answer did not contain an Auth-Session-State AVP with the value
- NO_STATE_MAINTAINED, a proxy that causes an authorized session not to
- be started MUST issue an STR to the Diameter server that authorized
- the session, since the access device has no way of knowing that the
- session had been authorized.
- A Diameter server that receives an STR message MUST clean up
- resources (e.g., session state) associated with the Session-Id
- specified in the STR, and return a Session-Termination-Answer.
- A Diameter server also MUST clean up resources when the Session-
- Timeout expires, or when the Authorization-Lifetime and the Auth-
- Grace-Period AVPs expires without receipt of a re-authorization
- request, regardless of whether an STR for that session is received.
- The access device is not expected to provide service beyond the
- expiration of these timers; thus, expiration of either of these
- timers implies that the access device may have unexpectedly shut
- down.
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-8.4.1. Session-Termination-Request
- The Session-Termination-Request (STR), indicated by the Command-Code
- set to 275 and the Command Flags' 'R' bit set, is sent by a Diameter
- client or by a Diameter proxy to inform the Diameter Server that an
- authenticated and/or authorized session is being terminated.
- Message Format
- <STR> ::= < Diameter Header: 275, REQ, PXY >
- < Session-Id >
- { Origin-Host }
- { Origin-Realm }
- { Destination-Realm }
- { Auth-Application-Id }
- { Termination-Cause }
- [ User-Name ]
- [ Destination-Host ]
- * [ Class ]
- [ Origin-State-Id ]
- * [ Proxy-Info ]
- * [ Route-Record ]
- * [ AVP ]
-8.4.2. Session-Termination-Answer
- The Session-Termination-Answer (STA), indicated by the Command-Code
- set to 275 and the message flags' 'R' bit clear, is sent by the
- Diameter Server to acknowledge the notification that the session has
- been terminated. The Result-Code AVP MUST be present, and MAY
- contain an indication that an error occurred while servicing the STR.
- Upon sending or receipt of the STA, the Diameter Server MUST release
- all resources for the session indicated by the Session-Id AVP. Any
- intermediate server in the Proxy-Chain MAY also release any
- resources, if necessary.
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- Message Format
- <STA> ::= < Diameter Header: 275, PXY >
- < Session-Id >
- { Result-Code }
- { Origin-Host }
- { Origin-Realm }
- [ User-Name ]
- * [ Class ]
- [ Error-Message ]
- [ Error-Reporting-Host ]
- [ Failed-AVP ]
- [ Origin-State-Id ]
- * [ Redirect-Host ]
- [ Redirect-Host-Usage ]
- [ Redirect-Max-Cache-Time ]
- * [ Proxy-Info ]
- * [ AVP ]
-8.5. Aborting a Session
- A Diameter server may request that the access device stop providing
- service for a particular session by issuing an Abort-Session-Request
- (ASR).
- For example, the Diameter server that originally authorized the
- session may be required to cause that session to be stopped for lack
- of credit or other reasons that were not anticipated when the session
- was first authorized.
- An access device that receives an ASR with Session-ID equal to a
- currently active session MAY stop the session. Whether the access
- device stops the session or not is implementation- and/or
- configuration-dependent. For example, an access device may honor
- ASRs from certain agents only. In any case, the access device MUST
- respond with an Abort-Session-Answer, including a Result-Code AVP to
- indicate what action it took.
-8.5.1. Abort-Session-Request
- The Abort-Session-Request (ASR), indicated by the Command-Code set to
- 274 and the message flags' 'R' bit set, may be sent by any Diameter
- server or any Diameter proxy to the access device that is providing
- session service, to request that the session identified by the
- Session-Id be stopped.
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- Message Format
- <ASR> ::= < Diameter Header: 274, REQ, PXY >
- < Session-Id >
- { Origin-Host }
- { Origin-Realm }
- { Destination-Realm }
- { Destination-Host }
- { Auth-Application-Id }
- [ User-Name ]
- [ Origin-State-Id ]
- * [ Proxy-Info ]
- * [ Route-Record ]
- * [ AVP ]
-8.5.2. Abort-Session-Answer
- The Abort-Session-Answer (ASA), indicated by the Command-Code set to
- 274 and the message flags' 'R' bit clear, is sent in response to the
- ASR. The Result-Code AVP MUST be present, and indicates the
- disposition of the request.
- If the session identified by Session-Id in the ASR was successfully
- terminated, Result-Code is set to DIAMETER_SUCCESS. If the session
- is not currently active, Result-Code is set to
- DIAMETER_UNKNOWN_SESSION_ID. If the access device does not stop the
- session for any other reason, Result-Code is set to
- Message Format
- <ASA> ::= < Diameter Header: 274, PXY >
- < Session-Id >
- { Result-Code }
- { Origin-Host }
- { Origin-Realm }
- [ User-Name ]
- [ Origin-State-Id ]
- [ Error-Message ]
- [ Error-Reporting-Host ]
- [ Failed-AVP ]
- * [ Redirect-Host ]
- [ Redirect-Host-Usage ]
- [ Redirect-Max-Cache-Time ]
- * [ Proxy-Info ]
- * [ AVP ]
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-8.6. Inferring Session Termination from Origin-State-Id
- The Origin-State-Id is used to allow detection of terminated sessions
- for which no STR would have been issued, due to unanticipated
- shutdown of an access device.
- A Diameter client or access device increments the value of the
- Origin-State-Id every time it is started or powered-up. The new
- Origin-State-Id is then sent in the CER/CEA message immediately upon
- connection to the server. The Diameter server receiving the new
- Origin-State-Id can determine whether the sending Diameter client had
- abruptly shutdown by comparing the old value of the Origin-State-Id
- it has kept for that specific client is less than the new value and
- whether it has un-terminated sessions originating from that client.
- An access device can also include the Origin-State-Id in request
- messages other than CER if there are relays or proxies in between the
- access device and the server. In this case, however, the server
- cannot discover that the access device has been restarted unless and
- until it receives a new request from it. Therefore this mechanism is
- more opportunistic across proxies and relays.
- The Diameter server may assume that all sessions that were active
- prior to detection of a client restart have been terminated. The
- Diameter server MAY clean up all session state associated with such
- lost sessions, and MAY also issues STRs for all such lost sessions
- that were authorized on upstream servers, to allow session state to
- be cleaned up globally.
-8.7. Auth-Request-Type AVP
- The Auth-Request-Type AVP (AVP Code 274) is of type Enumerated and is
- included in application-specific auth requests to inform the peers
- whether a user is to be authenticated only, authorized only or both.
- Note any value other than both MAY cause RADIUS interoperability
- issues. The following values are defined:
- The request being sent is for authentication only, and MUST
- contain the relevant application specific authentication AVPs that
- are needed by the Diameter server to authenticate the user.
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- The request being sent is for authorization only, and MUST contain
- the application-specific authorization AVPs that are necessary to
- identify the service being requested/offered.
- The request contains a request for both authentication and
- authorization. The request MUST include both the relevant
- application-specific authentication information, and authorization
- information necessary to identify the service being requested/
- offered.
-8.8. Session-Id AVP
- The Session-Id AVP (AVP Code 263) is of type UTF8String and is used
- to identify a specific session (see Section 8). All messages
- pertaining to a specific session MUST include only one Session-Id AVP
- and the same value MUST be used throughout the life of a session.
- When present, the Session-Id SHOULD appear immediately following the
- Diameter Header (see Section 3).
- The Session-Id MUST be globally and eternally unique, as it is meant
- to uniquely identify a user session without reference to any other
- information, and may be needed to correlate historical authentication
- information with accounting information. The Session-Id includes a
- mandatory portion and an implementation-defined portion; a
- recommended format for the implementation-defined portion is outlined
- below.
- The Session-Id MUST begin with the sender's identity encoded in the
- DiameterIdentity type (see Section 4.4). The remainder of the
- Session-Id is delimited by a ";" character, and MAY be any sequence
- that the client can guarantee to be eternally unique; however, the
- following format is recommended, (square brackets [] indicate an
- optional element):
- <DiameterIdentity>;<high 32 bits>;<low 32 bits>[;<optional value>]
- <high 32 bits> and <low 32 bits> are decimal representations of the
- high and low 32 bits of a monotonically increasing 64-bit value. The
- 64-bit value is rendered in two part to simplify formatting by 32-bit
- processors. At startup, the high 32 bits of the 64-bit value MAY be
- initialized to the time in NTP format [RFC5905], and the low 32 bits
- MAY be initialized to zero. This will for practical purposes
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- eliminate the possibility of overlapping Session-Ids after a reboot,
- assuming the reboot process takes longer than a second.
- Alternatively, an implementation MAY keep track of the increasing
- value in non-volatile memory.
- <optional value> is implementation specific but may include a modem's
- device Id, a layer 2 address, timestamp, etc.
- Example, in which there is no optional value:
- accesspoint7.example.com;1876543210;523
- Example, in which there is an optional value:
- accesspoint7.example.com;1876543210;523;[email protected]
- The Session-Id is created by the Diameter application initiating the
- session, which in most cases is done by the client. Note that a
- Session-Id MAY be used for both the authentication, authorization and
- accounting commands of a given application.
-8.9. Authorization-Lifetime AVP
- The Authorization-Lifetime AVP (AVP Code 291) is of type Unsigned32
- and contains the maximum number of seconds of service to be provided
- to the user before the user is to be re-authenticated and/or re-
- authorized. Care should be taken when the Authorization- Lifetime
- value is determined, since a low, non-zero, value could create
- significant Diameter traffic, which could congest both the network
- and the agents.
- A value of zero (0) means that immediate re-auth is necessary by the
- access device. The absence of this AVP, or a value of all ones
- (meaning all bits in the 32 bit field are set to one) means no re-
- auth is expected.
- If both this AVP and the Session-Timeout AVP are present in a
- message, the value of the latter MUST NOT be smaller than the
- Authorization-Lifetime AVP.
- An Authorization-Lifetime AVP MAY be present in re-authorization
- messages, and contains the number of seconds the user is authorized
- to receive service from the time the re-auth answer message is
- received by the access device.
- This AVP MAY be provided by the client as a hint of the maximum
- lifetime that it is willing to accept. The server MUST return a
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- value that is equal to, or smaller, than the one provided by the
- client.
-8.10. Auth-Grace-Period AVP
- The Auth-Grace-Period AVP (AVP Code 276) is of type Unsigned32 and
- contains the number of seconds the Diameter server will wait
- following the expiration of the Authorization-Lifetime AVP before
- cleaning up resources for the session.
-8.11. Auth-Session-State AVP
- The Auth-Session-State AVP (AVP Code 277) is of type Enumerated and
- specifies whether state is maintained for a particular session. The
- client MAY include this AVP in requests as a hint to the server, but
- the value in the server's answer message is binding. The following
- values are supported:
- This value is used to specify that session state is being
- maintained, and the access device MUST issue a session termination
- message when service to the user is terminated. This is the
- default value.
- This value is used to specify that no session termination messages
- will be sent by the access device upon expiration of the
- Authorization-Lifetime.
-8.12. Re-Auth-Request-Type AVP
- The Re-Auth-Request-Type AVP (AVP Code 285) is of type Enumerated and
- is included in application-specific auth answers to inform the client
- of the action expected upon expiration of the Authorization-Lifetime.
- If the answer message contains an Authorization-Lifetime AVP with a
- positive value, the Re-Auth-Request-Type AVP MUST be present in an
- answer message. The following values are defined:
- An authorization only re-auth is expected upon expiration of the
- Authorization-Lifetime. This is the default value if the AVP is
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- not present in answer messages that include the Authorization-
- Lifetime.
- An authentication and authorization re-auth is expected upon
- expiration of the Authorization-Lifetime.
-8.13. Session-Timeout AVP
- The Session-Timeout AVP (AVP Code 27) [RFC2865] is of type Unsigned32
- and contains the maximum number of seconds of service to be provided
- to the user before termination of the session. When both the
- Session-Timeout and the Authorization-Lifetime AVPs are present in an
- answer message, the former MUST be equal to or greater than the value
- of the latter.
- A session that terminates on an access device due to the expiration
- of the Session-Timeout MUST cause an STR to be issued, unless both
- the access device and the home server had previously agreed that no
- session termination messages would be sent (see Section 8.11).
- A Session-Timeout AVP MAY be present in a re-authorization answer
- message, and contains the remaining number of seconds from the
- beginning of the re-auth.
- A value of zero, or the absence of this AVP, means that this session
- has an unlimited number of seconds before termination.
- This AVP MAY be provided by the client as a hint of the maximum
- timeout that it is willing to accept. However, the server MAY return
- a value that is equal to, or smaller, than the one provided by the
- client.
-8.14. User-Name AVP
- The User-Name AVP (AVP Code 1) [RFC2865] is of type UTF8String, which
- contains the User-Name, in a format consistent with the NAI
- specification [RFC4282].
-8.15. Termination-Cause AVP
- The Termination-Cause AVP (AVP Code 295) is of type Enumerated, and
- is used to indicate the reason why a session was terminated on the
- access device. The following values are defined:
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- The user initiated a disconnect
- This value is used when the user disconnected prior to the receipt
- of the authorization answer message.
- This value indicates that the authorization answer received by the
- access device was not processed successfully.
- The user was not granted access, or was disconnected, due to
- administrative reasons, such as the receipt of a Abort-Session-
- Request message.
- The communication to the user was abruptly disconnected.
- The user's access was terminated since its authorized session time
- has expired.
- The user is receiving services from another access device.
- The user's session has timed out, and service has been terminated.
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-8.16. Origin-State-Id AVP
- The Origin-State-Id AVP (AVP Code 278), of type Unsigned32, is a
- monotonically increasing value that is advanced whenever a Diameter
- entity restarts with loss of previous state, for example upon reboot.
- Origin-State-Id MAY be included in any Diameter message, including
- CER.
- A Diameter entity issuing this AVP MUST create a higher value for
- this AVP each time its state is reset. A Diameter entity MAY set
- Origin-State-Id to the time of startup, or it MAY use an incrementing
- counter retained in non-volatile memory across restarts.
- The Origin-State-Id, if present, MUST reflect the state of the entity
- indicated by Origin-Host. If a proxy modifies Origin-Host, it MUST
- either remove Origin-State-Id or modify it appropriately as well.
- Typically, Origin-State-Id is used by an access device that always
- starts up with no active sessions; that is, any session active prior
- to restart will have been lost. By including Origin-State-Id in a
- message, it allows other Diameter entities to infer that sessions
- associated with a lower Origin-State-Id are no longer active. If an
- access device does not intend for such inferences to be made, it MUST
- either not include Origin-State-Id in any message, or set its value
- to 0.
-8.17. Session-Binding AVP
- The Session-Binding AVP (AVP Code 270) is of type Unsigned32, and MAY
- be present in application-specific authorization answer messages. If
- present, this AVP MAY inform the Diameter client that all future
- application-specific re-auth and Session-Termination-Request messages
- for this session MUST be sent to the same authorization server.
- This field is a bit mask, and the following bits have been defined:
- When set, future re-auth messages for this session MUST NOT
- include the Destination-Host AVP. When cleared, the default
- value, the Destination-Host AVP MUST be present in all re-auth
- messages for this session.
- STR 2
- When set, the STR message for this session MUST NOT include the
- Destination-Host AVP. When cleared, the default value, the
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- Destination-Host AVP MUST be present in the STR message for this
- session.
- When set, all accounting messages for this session MUST NOT
- include the Destination-Host AVP. When cleared, the default
- value, the Destination-Host AVP, if known, MUST be present in all
- accounting messages for this session.
-8.18. Session-Server-Failover AVP
- The Session-Server-Failover AVP (AVP Code 271) is of type Enumerated,
- and MAY be present in application-specific authorization answer
- messages that either do not include the Session-Binding AVP or
- include the Session-Binding AVP with any of the bits set to a zero
- value. If present, this AVP MAY inform the Diameter client that if a
- re-auth or STR message fails due to a delivery problem, the Diameter
- client SHOULD issue a subsequent message without the Destination-Host
- AVP. When absent, the default value is REFUSE_SERVICE.
- The following values are supported:
- If either the re-auth or the STR message delivery fails, terminate
- service with the user, and do not attempt any subsequent attempts.
- If either the re-auth or the STR message delivery fails, resend
- the failed message without the Destination-Host AVP present.
- If re-auth message delivery fails, assume that re-authorization
- succeeded. If STR message delivery fails, terminate the session.
- If either the re-auth or the STR message delivery fails, resend
- the failed message without the Destination-Host AVP present. If
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- the second delivery fails for re-auth, assume re-authorization
- succeeded. If the second delivery fails for STR, terminate the
- session.
-8.19. Multi-Round-Time-Out AVP
- The Multi-Round-Time-Out AVP (AVP Code 272) is of type Unsigned32,
- and SHOULD be present in application-specific authorization answer
- messages whose Result-Code AVP is set to DIAMETER_MULTI_ROUND_AUTH.
- This AVP contains the maximum number of seconds that the access
- device MUST provide the user in responding to an authentication
- request.
-8.20. Class AVP
- The Class AVP (AVP Code 25) is of type OctetString and is used by
- Diameter servers to return state information to the access device.
- When one or more Class AVPs are present in application-specific
- authorization answer messages, they MUST be present in subsequent re-
- authorization, session termination and accounting messages. Class
- AVPs found in a re-authorization answer message override the ones
- found in any previous authorization answer message. Diameter server
- implementations SHOULD NOT return Class AVPs that require more than
- 4096 bytes of storage on the Diameter client. A Diameter client that
- receives Class AVPs whose size exceeds local available storage MUST
- terminate the session.
-8.21. Event-Timestamp AVP
- The Event-Timestamp (AVP Code 55) is of type Time, and MAY be
- included in an Accounting-Request and Accounting-Answer messages to
- record the time that the reported event occurred, in seconds since
- January 1, 1900 00:00 UTC.
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-9. Accounting
- This accounting protocol is based on a server directed model with
- capabilities for real-time delivery of accounting information.
- Several fault resilience methods [RFC2975] have been built in to the
- protocol in order minimize loss of accounting data in various fault
- situations and under different assumptions about the capabilities of
- the used devices.
-9.1. Server Directed Model
- The server directed model means that the device generating the
- accounting data gets information from either the authorization server
- (if contacted) or the accounting server regarding the way accounting
- data shall be forwarded. This information includes accounting record
- timeliness requirements.
- As discussed in [RFC2975], real-time transfer of accounting records
- is a requirement, such as the need to perform credit limit checks and
- fraud detection. Note that batch accounting is not a requirement,
- and is therefore not supported by Diameter. Should batched
- accounting be required in the future, a new Diameter application will
- need to be created, or it could be handled using another protocol.
- Note, however, that even if at the Diameter layer accounting requests
- are processed one by one, transport protocols used under Diameter
- typically batch several requests in the same packet under heavy
- traffic conditions. This may be sufficient for many applications.
- The authorization server (chain) directs the selection of proper
- transfer strategy, based on its knowledge of the user and
- relationships of roaming partnerships. The server (or agents) uses
- the Acct-Interim-Interval and Accounting-Realtime-Required AVPs to
- control the operation of the Diameter peer operating as a client.
- The Acct-Interim-Interval AVP, when present, instructs the Diameter
- node acting as a client to produce accounting records continuously
- even during a session. Accounting-Realtime-Required AVP is used to
- control the behavior of the client when the transfer of accounting
- records from the Diameter client is delayed or unsuccessful.
- The Diameter accounting server MAY override the interim interval or
- the realtime requirements by including the Acct-Interim-Interval or
- Accounting-Realtime-Required AVP in the Accounting-Answer message.
- When one of these AVPs is present, the latest value received SHOULD
- be used in further accounting activities for the same session.
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-9.2. Protocol Messages
- A Diameter node that receives a successful authentication and/or
- authorization messages from the Diameter server SHOULD collect
- accounting information for the session. The Accounting-Request
- message is used to transmit the accounting information to the
- Diameter server, which MUST reply with the Accounting-Answer message
- to confirm reception. The Accounting-Answer message includes the
- Result-Code AVP, which MAY indicate that an error was present in the
- accounting message. The value of the Accounting-Realtime-Required
- AVP received earlier for the session in question may indicate that
- the user's session has to be terminated when a rejected Accounting-
- Request message was received.
-9.3. Accounting Application Extension and Requirements
- Each Diameter application (e.g., NASREQ, MobileIP), SHOULD define
- their Service-Specific AVPs that MUST be present in the Accounting-
- Request message in a section entitled "Accounting AVPs". The
- application MUST assume that the AVPs described in this document will
- be present in all Accounting messages, so only their respective
- service-specific AVPs need to be defined in that section.
- Applications have the option of using one or both of the following
- accounting application extension models:
- Split Accounting Service
- The accounting message will carry the Application Id of the
- Diameter base accounting application (see Section 2.4).
- Accounting messages may be routed to Diameter nodes other than the
- corresponding Diameter application. These nodes might be
- centralized accounting servers that provide accounting service for
- multiple different Diameter applications. These nodes MUST
- advertise the Diameter base accounting Application Id during
- capabilities exchange.
- Coupled Accounting Service
- The accounting messages will carry the Application Id of the
- application that is using it. The application itself will process
- the received accounting records or forward them to an accounting
- server. There is no accounting application advertisement required
- during capabilities exchange and the accounting messages will be
- routed the same as any of the other application messages.
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- In cases where an application does not define its own accounting
- service, it is preferred that the split accounting model be used.
-9.4. Fault Resilience
- Diameter Base protocol mechanisms are used to overcome small message
- loss and network faults of temporary nature.
- Diameter peers acting as clients MUST implement the use of failover
- to guard against server failures and certain network failures.
- Diameter peers acting as agents or related off-line processing
- systems MUST detect duplicate accounting records caused by the
- sending of same record to several servers and duplication of messages
- in transit. This detection MUST be based on the inspection of the
- Session-Id and Accounting-Record-Number AVP pairs. Appendix C
- discusses duplicate detection needs and implementation issues.
- Diameter clients MAY have non-volatile memory for the safe storage of
- accounting records over reboots or extended network failures, network
- partitions, and server failures. If such memory is available, the
- client SHOULD store new accounting records there as soon as the
- records are created and until a positive acknowledgement of their
- reception from the Diameter Server has been received. Upon a reboot,
- the client MUST starting sending the records in the non-volatile
- memory to the accounting server with appropriate modifications in
- termination cause, session length, and other relevant information in
- the records.
- A further application of this protocol may include AVPs to control
- how many accounting records may at most be stored in the Diameter
- client without committing them to the non-volatile memory or
- transferring them to the Diameter server.
- The client SHOULD NOT remove the accounting data from any of its
- memory areas before the correct Accounting-Answer has been received.
- The client MAY remove oldest, undelivered or yet unacknowledged
- accounting data if it runs out of resources such as memory. It is an
- implementation dependent matter for the client to accept new sessions
- under this condition.
-9.5. Accounting Records
- In all accounting records, the Session-Id AVP MUST be present; the
- User-Name AVP MUST be present if it is available to the Diameter
- client.
- Different types of accounting records are sent depending on the
- actual type of accounted service and the authorization server's
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- directions for interim accounting. If the accounted service is a
- one-time event, meaning that the start and stop of the event are
- simultaneous, then the Accounting-Record-Type AVP MUST be present and
- set to the value EVENT_RECORD.
- If the accounted service is of a measurable length, then the AVP MUST
- use the values START_RECORD, STOP_RECORD, and possibly,
- INTERIM_RECORD. If the authorization server has not directed interim
- accounting to be enabled for the session, two accounting records MUST
- be generated for each service of type session. When the initial
- Accounting-Request for a given session is sent, the Accounting-
- Record-Type AVP MUST be set to the value START_RECORD. When the last
- Accounting-Request is sent, the value MUST be STOP_RECORD.
- If the authorization server has directed interim accounting to be
- enabled, the Diameter client MUST produce additional records between
- production of these records is directed by Acct-Interim-Interval as
- well as any re-authentication or re-authorization of the session.
- The Diameter client MUST overwrite any previous interim accounting
- records that are locally stored for delivery, if a new record is
- being generated for the same session. This ensures that only one
- pending interim record can exist on an access device for any given
- session.
- A particular value of Accounting-Sub-Session-Id MUST appear only in
- one sequence of accounting records from a DIAMETER client, except for
- the purposes of retransmission. The one sequence that is sent MUST
- be either one record with Accounting-Record-Type AVP set to the value
- EVENT_RECORD, or several records starting with one having the value
- START_RECORD, followed by zero or more INTERIM_RECORD and a single
- STOP_RECORD. A particular Diameter application specification MUST
- define the type of sequences that MUST be used.
-9.6. Correlation of Accounting Records
- If an application uses accounting messages, it can correlate
- accounting records with a specific application session by using the
- Session-Id of the particular application session in the accounting
- messages. Accounting messages MAY also use a different Session-Id
- from that of the application sessions in which case other session
- related information is needed to perform correlation.
- In cases where an application requires multiple accounting sub-
- session, an Accounting-Sub-Session-Id AVP is used to differentiate
- each sub-session. The Session-Id would remain constant for all sub-
- sessions and is be used to correlate all the sub-sessions to a
- particular application session. Note that receiving a STOP_RECORD
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- with no Accounting-Sub-Session-Id AVP when sub-sessions were
- originally used in the START_RECORD messages implies that all sub-
- sessions are terminated.
- There are also cases where an application needs to correlate multiple
- application sessions into a single accounting record; the accounting
- record may span multiple different Diameter applications and sessions
- used by the same user at a given time. In such cases, the Acct-
- Multi-Session-Id AVP is used. The Acct-Multi-Session-Id AVP SHOULD
- be signaled by the server to the access device (typically during
- authorization) when it determines that a request belongs to an
- existing session. The access device MUST then include the Acct-
- Multi-Session-Id AVP in all subsequent accounting messages.
- The Acct-Multi-Session-Id AVP MAY include the value of the original
- Session-Id. It's contents are implementation specific, but MUST be
- globally unique across other Acct-Multi-Session-Id, and MUST NOT
- change during the life of a session.
- A Diameter application document MUST define the exact concept of a
- session that is being accounted, and MAY define the concept of a
- multi-session. For instance, the NASREQ DIAMETER application treats
- a single PPP connection to a Network Access Server as one session,
- and a set of Multilink PPP sessions as one multi-session.
-9.7. Accounting Command-Codes
- This section defines Command-Code values that MUST be supported by
- all Diameter implementations that provide Accounting services.
-9.7.1. Accounting-Request
- The Accounting-Request (ACR) command, indicated by the Command-Code
- field set to 271 and the Command Flags' 'R' bit set, is sent by a
- Diameter node, acting as a client, in order to exchange accounting
- information with a peer.
- The AVP listed below SHOULD include service-specific accounting AVPs,
- as described in Section 9.3.
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- Message Format
- <ACR> ::= < Diameter Header: 271, REQ, PXY >
- < Session-Id >
- { Origin-Host }
- { Origin-Realm }
- { Destination-Realm }
- { Accounting-Record-Type }
- { Accounting-Record-Number }
- [ Acct-Application-Id ]
- [ Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ]
- [ User-Name ]
- [ Destination-Host ]
- [ Accounting-Sub-Session-Id ]
- [ Acct-Session-Id ]
- [ Acct-Multi-Session-Id ]
- [ Acct-Interim-Interval ]
- [ Accounting-Realtime-Required ]
- [ Origin-State-Id ]
- [ Event-Timestamp ]
- * [ Proxy-Info ]
- * [ Route-Record ]
- * [ AVP ]
-9.7.2. Accounting-Answer
- The Accounting-Answer (ACA) command, indicated by the Command-Code
- field set to 271 and the Command Flags' 'R' bit cleared, is used to
- acknowledge an Accounting-Request command. The Accounting-Answer
- command contains the same Session-Id as the corresponding request.
- Only the target Diameter Server, known as the home Diameter Server,
- SHOULD respond with the Accounting-Answer command.
- The AVP listed below SHOULD include service-specific accounting AVPs,
- as described in Section 9.3.
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- Message Format
- <ACA> ::= < Diameter Header: 271, PXY >
- < Session-Id >
- { Result-Code }
- { Origin-Host }
- { Origin-Realm }
- { Accounting-Record-Type }
- { Accounting-Record-Number }
- [ Acct-Application-Id ]
- [ Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ]
- [ User-Name ]
- [ Accounting-Sub-Session-Id ]
- [ Acct-Session-Id ]
- [ Acct-Multi-Session-Id ]
- [ Error-Message ]
- [ Error-Reporting-Host ]
- [ Failed-AVP ]
- [ Acct-Interim-Interval ]
- [ Accounting-Realtime-Required ]
- [ Origin-State-Id ]
- [ Event-Timestamp ]
- * [ Proxy-Info ]
- * [ AVP ]
-9.8. Accounting AVPs
- This section contains AVPs that describe accounting usage information
- related to a specific session.
-9.8.1. Accounting-Record-Type AVP
- The Accounting-Record-Type AVP (AVP Code 480) is of type Enumerated
- and contains the type of accounting record being sent. The following
- values are currently defined for the Accounting-Record-Type AVP:
- An Accounting Event Record is used to indicate that a one-time
- event has occurred (meaning that the start and end of the event
- are simultaneous). This record contains all information relevant
- to the service, and is the only record of the service.
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- An Accounting Start, Interim, and Stop Records are used to
- indicate that a service of a measurable length has been given. An
- Accounting Start Record is used to initiate an accounting session,
- and contains accounting information that is relevant to the
- initiation of the session.
- An Interim Accounting Record contains cumulative accounting
- information for an existing accounting session. Interim
- Accounting Records SHOULD be sent every time a re-authentication
- or re-authorization occurs. Further, additional interim record
- triggers MAY be defined by application-specific Diameter
- applications. The selection of whether to use INTERIM_RECORD
- records is done by the Acct-Interim-Interval AVP.
- An Accounting Stop Record is sent to terminate an accounting
- session and contains cumulative accounting information relevant to
- the existing session.
-9.8.2. Acct-Interim-Interval AVP
- The Acct-Interim-Interval AVP (AVP Code 85) is of type Unsigned32 and
- is sent from the Diameter home authorization server to the Diameter
- client. The client uses information in this AVP to decide how and
- when to produce accounting records. With different values in this
- AVP, service sessions can result in one, two, or two+N accounting
- records, based on the needs of the home-organization. The following
- accounting record production behavior is directed by the inclusion of
- this AVP:
- 1. The omission of the Acct-Interim-Interval AVP or its inclusion
- with Value field set to 0 means that EVENT_RECORD, START_RECORD,
- and STOP_RECORD are produced, as appropriate for the service.
- 2. The inclusion of the AVP with Value field set to a non-zero value
- means that INTERIM_RECORD records MUST be produced between the
- START_RECORD and STOP_RECORD records. The Value field of this
- AVP is the nominal interval between these records in seconds.
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- The Diameter node that originates the accounting information,
- known as the client, MUST produce the first INTERIM_RECORD record
- roughly at the time when this nominal interval has elapsed from
- the START_RECORD, the next one again as the interval has elapsed
- once more, and so on until the session ends and a STOP_RECORD
- record is produced.
- The client MUST ensure that the interim record production times
- are randomized so that large accounting message storms are not
- created either among records or around a common service start
- time.
-9.8.3. Accounting-Record-Number AVP
- The Accounting-Record-Number AVP (AVP Code 485) is of type Unsigned32
- and identifies this record within one session. As Session-Id AVPs
- are globally unique, the combination of Session-Id and Accounting-
- Record-Number AVPs is also globally unique, and can be used in
- matching accounting records with confirmations. An easy way to
- produce unique numbers is to set the value to 0 for records of type
- EVENT_RECORD and START_RECORD, and set the value to 1 for the first
- INTERIM_RECORD, 2 for the second, and so on until the value for
- STOP_RECORD is one more than for the last INTERIM_RECORD.
-9.8.4. Acct-Session-Id AVP
- The Acct-Session-Id AVP (AVP Code 44) is of type OctetString is only
- used when RADIUS/Diameter translation occurs. This AVP contains the
- contents of the RADIUS Acct-Session-Id attribute.
-9.8.5. Acct-Multi-Session-Id AVP
- The Acct-Multi-Session-Id AVP (AVP Code 50) is of type UTF8String,
- following the format specified in Section 8.8. The Acct-Multi-
- Session-Id AVP is used to link together multiple related accounting
- sessions, where each session would have a unique Session-Id, but the
- same Acct-Multi-Session-Id AVP. This AVP MAY be returned by the
- Diameter server in an authorization answer, and MUST be used in all
- accounting messages for the given session.
-9.8.6. Accounting-Sub-Session-Id AVP
- The Accounting-Sub-Session-Id AVP (AVP Code 287) is of type
- Unsigned64 and contains the accounting sub-session identifier. The
- combination of the Session-Id and this AVP MUST be unique per sub-
- session, and the value of this AVP MUST be monotonically increased by
- one for all new sub-sessions. The absence of this AVP implies no
- sub-sessions are in use, with the exception of an Accounting-Request
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- whose Accounting-Record-Type is set to STOP_RECORD. A STOP_RECORD
- message with no Accounting-Sub-Session-Id AVP present will signal the
- termination of all sub-sessions for a given Session-Id.
-9.8.7. Accounting-Realtime-Required AVP
- The Accounting-Realtime-Required AVP (AVP Code 483) is of type
- Enumerated and is sent from the Diameter home authorization server to
- the Diameter client or in the Accounting-Answer from the accounting
- server. The client uses information in this AVP to decide what to do
- if the sending of accounting records to the accounting server has
- been temporarily prevented due to, for instance, a network problem.
- The AVP with Value field set to DELIVER_AND_GRANT means that the
- service MUST only be granted as long as there is a connection to
- an accounting server. Note that the set of alternative accounting
- servers are treated as one server in this sense. Having to move
- the accounting record stream to a backup server is not a reason to
- discontinue the service to the user.
- The AVP with Value field set to GRANT_AND_STORE means that service
- SHOULD be granted if there is a connection, or as long as records
- can still be stored as described in Section 9.4.
- This is the default behavior if the AVP isn't included in the
- reply from the authorization server.
- The AVP with Value field set to GRANT_AND_LOSE means that service
- SHOULD be granted even if the records cannot be delivered or
- stored.
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-10. AVP Occurrence Table
- The following tables presents the AVPs defined in this document, and
- specifies in which Diameter messages they MAY be present or not.
- AVPs that occur only inside a Grouped AVP are not shown in this
- table.
- The table uses the following symbols:
- 0 The AVP MUST NOT be present in the message.
- 0+ Zero or more instances of the AVP MAY be present in the
- message.
- 0-1 Zero or one instance of the AVP MAY be present in the message.
- It is considered an error if there are more than one instance of
- the AVP.
- 1 One instance of the AVP MUST be present in the message.
- 1+ At least one instance of the AVP MUST be present in the
- message.
-10.1. Base Protocol Command AVP Table
- The table in this section is limited to the non-accounting Command
- Codes defined in this specification.
- +-----------------------------------------------+
- | Command-Code |
- +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
- --------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
- Acct-Interim- |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0-1|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
- Interval | | | | | | | | | | | | |
- Accounting-Realtime-|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0-1|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
- Required | | | | | | | | | | | | |
- Acct-Application-Id |0+ |0+ |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
- Auth-Application-Id |0+ |0+ |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |1 |0 |1 |0 |
- Auth-Grace-Period |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
- Auth-Request-Type |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
- Auth-Session-State |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
- Authorization- |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
- Lifetime | | | | | | | | | | | | |
- Class |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0+ |0+ |
- Destination-Host |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0-1|0 |
- Destination-Realm |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |1 |0 |1 |0 |
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- Disconnect-Cause |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
- Error-Message |0 |0-1|0 |0-1|0 |0-1|0 |0-1|0 |0-1|0 |0-1|
- Error-Reporting-Host|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0-1|0 |0-1|0 |0-1|
- Failed-AVP |0 |0+ |0 |0+ |0 |0+ |0 |0+ |0 |0+ |0 |0+ |
- Firmware-Revision |0-1|0-1|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
- Host-IP-Address |1+ |1+ |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
- Inband-Security-Id |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
- Multi-Round-Time-Out|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
- Origin-Host |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |
- Origin-Realm |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |
- Origin-State-Id |0-1|0-1|0 |0 |0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|
- Product-Name |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
- Proxy-Info |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0+ |0+ |0+ |0+ |0+ |0+ |
- Redirect-Host |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0+ |0 |0+ |0 |0+ |
- Redirect-Host-Usage |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0-1|0 |0-1|0 |0-1|
- Redirect-Max-Cache- |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0-1|0 |0-1|0 |0-1|
- Time | | | | | | | | | | | | |
- Result-Code |0 |1 |0 |1 |0 |1 |0 |1 |0 |1 |0 |1 |
- Re-Auth-Request-Type|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
- Route-Record |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0+ |0 |0+ |0 |0+ |0 |
- Session-Binding |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
- Session-Id |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |
- Session-Server- |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
- Failover | | | | | | | | | | | | |
- Session-Timeout |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
- Supported-Vendor-Id |0+ |0+ |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
- Termination-Cause |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |
- User-Name |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|
- Vendor-Id |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
- Vendor-Specific- |0+ |0+ |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
- Application-Id | | | | | | | | | | | | |
- --------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
-10.2. Accounting AVP Table
- The table in this section is used to represent which AVPs defined in
- this document are to be present in the Accounting messages. These
- AVP occurrence requirements are guidelines, which may be expanded,
- and/or overridden by application-specific requirements in the
- Diameter applications documents.
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- +-----------+
- | Command |
- | Code |
- +-----+-----+
- Attribute Name | ACR | ACA |
- ------------------------------+-----+-----+
- Acct-Interim-Interval | 0-1 | 0-1 |
- Acct-Multi-Session-Id | 0-1 | 0-1 |
- Accounting-Record-Number | 1 | 1 |
- Accounting-Record-Type | 1 | 1 |
- Acct-Session-Id | 0-1 | 0-1 |
- Accounting-Sub-Session-Id | 0-1 | 0-1 |
- Accounting-Realtime-Required | 0-1 | 0-1 |
- Acct-Application-Id | 0-1 | 0-1 |
- Auth-Application-Id | 0 | 0 |
- Class | 0+ | 0+ |
- Destination-Host | 0-1 | 0 |
- Destination-Realm | 1 | 0 |
- Error-Reporting-Host | 0 | 0+ |
- Event-Timestamp | 0-1 | 0-1 |
- Origin-Host | 1 | 1 |
- Origin-Realm | 1 | 1 |
- Proxy-Info | 0+ | 0+ |
- Route-Record | 0+ | 0 |
- Result-Code | 0 | 1 |
- Session-Id | 1 | 1 |
- Termination-Cause | 0 | 0 |
- User-Name | 0-1 | 0-1 |
- Vendor-Specific-Application-Id| 0-1 | 0-1 |
- ------------------------------+-----+-----+
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-11. IANA Considerations
- This section provides guidance to the Internet Assigned Numbers
- Authority (IANA) regarding registration of values related to the
- Diameter protocol, in accordance with BCP 26 [RFC5226]. The policies
- and procedures for the IANA put in place by [RFC3588] applies here.
- The criteria used by the IANA for assignment of numbers within this
- namespace remains the same unless otherwise stated in this section.
- Existing assignments remains the same unless explicitly updated or
- deprecated in this secion.
-11.1. Changes to AVP Header Allocation
- For AVP Headers, the only change is the AVP code block allocations.
- Block allocation (release of more than 3 at a time for a given
- purpose) now only require IETF Review as opposed to an IETF
- Consensus.
-11.2. Diameter Header
- For the Diameter Header, the command code namespace allocation has
- changed. The new allocation rules are as follows:
- The command code values 256 - 8,388,607 (0x100 to 0x7fffff) are
- for permanent, standard commands, allocated by IETF Review
- [RFC5226].
- The values 8,388,608 - 16,777,213 (0x800000 - 0xfffffd) are
- reserved for vendor-specific command codes, to be allocated on a
- First Come, First Served basis by IANA [RFC5226]. The request to
- IANA for a Vendor-Specific Command Code SHOULD include a reference
- to a publicly available specification which documents the command
- in sufficient detail to aid in interoperability between
- independent implementations. If the specification cannot be made
- publicly available, the request for a vendor-specific command code
- MUST include the contact information of persons and/or entities
- responsible for authoring and maintaining the command.
-11.3. AVP Values
- For AVP values, the Experimental-Result-Code AVP value allocation has
- been added. The new rule is as follows:
-11.3.1. Experimental-Result-Code AVP
- Values for this AVP are purely local to the indicated vendor, and no
- IANA registry is maintained for them.
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-11.4. Diameter TCP, SCTP, TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP Port Numbers
- Updated port number assignments are described in this section. The
- IANA has assigned port number 3868 for TCP and SCTP. The port number
- [TBD] has been assigned for TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP.
-11.5. S-NAPTR Parameters
- This document registers a new S-NAPTR Application Service Tag value
- of "aaa".
- This document also registers the following S-NAPTR Application
- Protocol Tags:
- Tag | Protocol
- -------------------|---------
- diameter.tcp | TCP
- diameter.sctp | SCTP
- diameter.tls.tcp | TLS/TCP
- diameter.dtls.sctp | DTLS/SCTP
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-12. Diameter protocol related configurable parameters
- This section contains the configurable parameters that are found
- throughout this document:
- Diameter Peer
- A Diameter entity MAY communicate with peers that are statically
- configured. A statically configured Diameter peer would require
- that either the IP address or the fully qualified domain name
- (FQDN) be supplied, which would then be used to resolve through
- DNS.
- Routing Table
- A Diameter proxy server routes messages based on the realm portion
- of a Network Access Identifier (NAI). The server MUST have a
- table of Realm Names, and the address of the peer to which the
- message must be forwarded to. The routing table MAY also include
- a "default route", which is typically used for all messages that
- cannot be locally processed.
- Tc timer
- The Tc timer controls the frequency that transport connection
- attempts are done to a peer with whom no active transport
- connection exists. The recommended value is 30 seconds.
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-13. Security Considerations
- The Diameter base protocol messages SHOULD be secured by using TLS
- [RFC5246] or DTLS/SCTP [RFC6083]. Additional security mechanisms
- such as IPsec [RFC4301] MAY also be deployed to secure connections
- between peers. However, all Diameter base protocol implementations
- MUST support the use of TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP and the Diameter
- protocol MUST NOT be used without any security mechanism.
- If a Diameter connection is to be protected via TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP
- or IPsec, then TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP or IPsec/IKE SHOULD begin prior
- to any Diameter message exchange. All security parameters for TLS/
- TCP and DTLS/SCTP or IPsec are configured independent of the Diameter
- protocol. All Diameter message will be sent through the TLS/TCP and
- DTLS/SCTP or IPsec connection after a successful setup.
- For TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP connections to be established in the open
- state, the CER/CEA exchange MUST include an Inband-Security-ID AVP
- with a value of TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP. The TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP
- handshake will begin when both ends successfully reached the open
- state, after completion of the CER/CEA exchange. If the TLS/TCP and
- DTLS/SCTP handshake is successful, all further messages will be sent
- via TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP. If the handshake fails, both ends move to
- the closed state. See Sections 13.1 for more details.
-13.1. TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP Usage
- Diameter nodes using TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP for security MUST mutually
- authenticate as part of TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP session establishment.
- In order to ensure mutual authentication, the Diameter node acting as
- TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP server MUST request a certificate from the
- Diameter node acting as TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP client, and the
- Diameter node acting as TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP client MUST be prepared
- to supply a certificate on request.
- Diameter nodes MUST be able to negotiate the following TLS/TCP and
- DTLS/SCTP cipher suites:
- Diameter nodes SHOULD be able to negotiate the following TLS/TCP and
- DTLS/SCTP cipher suite:
- Diameter nodes MAY negotiate other TLS/TCP and DTLS/SCTP cipher
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- suites.
-13.2. Peer-to-Peer Considerations
- As with any peer-to-peer protocol, proper configuration of the trust
- model within a Diameter peer is essential to security. When
- certificates are used, it is necessary to configure the root
- certificate authorities trusted by the Diameter peer. These root CAs
- are likely to be unique to Diameter usage and distinct from the root
- CAs that might be trusted for other purposes such as Web browsing.
- In general, it is expected that those root CAs will be configured so
- as to reflect the business relationships between the organization
- hosting the Diameter peer and other organizations. As a result, a
- Diameter peer will typically not be configured to allow connectivity
- with any arbitrary peer. With certificate authentication, Diameter
- peers may not be known beforehand and therefore peer discovery may be
- required.
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-14. References
-14.1. Normative References
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, "IEEE
- Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic, ANSI/IEEE
- Standard 754-1985", August 1985.
- IANA,, "Address Family Numbers",
- http://www.iana.org/assignments/address-family-numbers.
- http://www.iana.org/assignments/radius-types.
- [RFC791] Postel, J., "Internet Protocol", RFC 791, September 1981.
- [RFC793] Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol", RFC 793,
- January 1981.
- [RFC3539] Aboba, B. and J. Wood, "Authentication, Authorization and
- Accounting (AAA) Transport Profile", RFC 3539, June 2003.
- [RFC4004] Calhoun, P., Johansson, T., Perkins, C., Hiller, T., and
- P. McCann, "Diameter Mobile IPv4 Application", RFC 4004,
- August 2005.
- [RFC4005] Calhoun, P., Zorn, G., Spence, D., and D. Mitton,
- "Diameter Network Access Server Application", RFC 4005,
- August 2005.
- [RFC4006] Hakala, H., Mattila, L., Koskinen, J-P., Stura, M., and J.
- Loughney, "Diameter Credit-Control Application", RFC 4006,
- August 2005.
- [RFC5234] Crocker, D. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax
- Specifications: ABNF", STD 68, RFC 5234, January 2008.
- [RFC3588] Calhoun, P., Loughney, J., Guttman, E., Zorn, G., and J.
- Arkko, "Diameter Base Protocol", RFC 3588, September 2003.
- [RFC5226] Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an
- IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC 5226,
- May 2008.
- [RFC4291] Hinden, R. and S. Deering, "IP Version 6 Addressing
- Architecture", RFC 4291, February 2006.
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-Internet-Draft Diameter Base Protocol January 2011
- [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
- Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.
- [RFC4282] Aboba, B., Beadles, M., Arkko, J., and P. Eronen, "The
- Network Access Identifier", RFC 4282, December 2005.
- [RFC4086] Eastlake, D., Schiller, J., and S. Crocker, "Randomness
- Requirements for Security", BCP 106, RFC 4086, June 2005.
- [RFC4960] Stewart, R., "Stream Control Transmission Protocol",
- RFC 4960, September 2007.
- [RFC3958] Daigle, L. and A. Newton, "Domain-Based Application
- Service Location Using SRV RRs and the Dynamic Delegation
- Discovery Service (DDDS)", RFC 3958, January 2005.
- [RFC5246] Dierks, T. and E. Rescorla, "The Transport Layer Security
- (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2", RFC 5246, August 2008.
- [RFC3986] Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and L. Masinter, "Uniform
- Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", STD 66,
- RFC 3986, January 2005.
- [RFC3629] Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO
- 10646", STD 63, RFC 3629, November 2003.
- [RFC5890] Klensin, J., "Internationalized Domain Names for
- Applications (IDNA): Definitions and Document Framework",
- RFC 5890, August 2010.
- [RFC5891] Klensin, J., "Internationalized Domain Names in
- Applications (IDNA): Protocol", RFC 5891, August 2010.
- [RFC3492] Costello, A., "Punycode: A Bootstring encoding of Unicode
- for Internationalized Domain Names in Applications
- (IDNA)", RFC 3492, March 2003.
- [RFC5729] Korhonen, J., Jones, M., Morand, L., and T. Tsou,
- "Clarifications on the Routing of Diameter Requests Based
- on the Username and the Realm", RFC 5729, December 2009.
- [RFC4347] Rescorla, E. and N. Modadugu, "Datagram Transport Layer
- Security", RFC 4347, April 2006.
- [RFC6083] Tuexen, M., Seggelmann, R., and E. Rescorla, "Datagram
- Transport Layer Security (DTLS) for Stream Control
- Transmission Protocol (SCTP)", RFC 6083, January 2011.
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-14.2. Informational References
- [RFC2989] Aboba, B., Calhoun, P., Glass, S., Hiller, T., McCann, P.,
- Shiino, H., Walsh, P., Zorn, G., Dommety, G., Perkins, C.,
- Patil, B., Mitton, D., Manning, S., Beadles, M., Chen, X.,
- Sivalingham, S., Hameed, A., Munson, M., Jacobs, S., Lim,
- B., Hirschman, B., Hsu, R., Koo, H., Lipford, M.,
- Campbell, E., Xu, Y., Baba, S., and E. Jaques, "Criteria
- for Evaluating AAA Protocols for Network Access",
- RFC 2989, November 2000.
- [RFC2975] Aboba, B., Arkko, J., and D. Harrington, "Introduction to
- Accounting Management", RFC 2975, October 2000.
- [RFC3232] Reynolds, J., "Assigned Numbers: RFC 1700 is Replaced by
- an On-line Database", RFC 3232, January 2002.
- [RFC5176] Chiba, M., Dommety, G., Eklund, M., Mitton, D., and B.
- Aboba, "Dynamic Authorization Extensions to Remote
- Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS)", RFC 5176,
- January 2008.
- [RFC1661] Simpson, W., "The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)", STD 51,
- RFC 1661, July 1994.
- [RFC2866] Rigney, C., "RADIUS Accounting", RFC 2866, June 2000.
- [RFC2869] Rigney, C., Willats, W., and P. Calhoun, "RADIUS
- Extensions", RFC 2869, June 2000.
- [RFC2865] Rigney, C., Willens, S., Rubens, A., and W. Simpson,
- "Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS)",
- RFC 2865, June 2000.
- [RFC3162] Aboba, B., Zorn, G., and D. Mitton, "RADIUS and IPv6",
- RFC 3162, August 2001.
- [RFC4301] Kent, S. and K. Seo, "Security Architecture for the
- Internet Protocol", RFC 4301, December 2005.
- [RFC5905] Mills, D., Martin, J., Burbank, J., and W. Kasch, "Network
- Time Protocol Version 4: Protocol and Algorithms
- Specification", RFC 5905, June 2010.
- [RFC1492] Finseth, C., "An Access Control Protocol, Sometimes Called
- TACACS", RFC 1492, July 1993.
- [RFC4690] Klensin, J., Faltstrom, P., Karp, C., and IAB, "Review and
-Fajardo, et al. Expires July 24, 2011 [Page 147]
-Internet-Draft Diameter Base Protocol January 2011
- Recommendations for Internationalized Domain Names
- (IDNs)", RFC 4690, September 2006.
- [RFC5461] Gont, F., "TCP's Reaction to Soft Errors", RFC 5461,
- February 2009.
- [RFC5927] Gont, F., "ICMP Attacks against TCP", RFC 5927, July 2010.
- [RFC3692] Narten, T., "Assigning Experimental and Testing Numbers
- Considered Useful", BCP 82, RFC 3692, January 2004.
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-Internet-Draft Diameter Base Protocol January 2011
-Appendix A. Acknowledgements
-A.1. RFC3588bis
- The authors would like to thank the following people that have
- provided proposals and contributions to this document:
- To Vishnu Ram and Satendra Gera for their contributions on
- Capabilities Updates, Predictive Loop Avoidance as well as many other
- technical proposals. To Tolga Asveren for his insights and
- contributions on almost all of the proposed solutions incorporated
- into this document. To Timothy Smith for helping on the Capabilities
- Updates and other topics. To Tony Zhang for providing fixes to loop
- holes on composing Failed-AVPs as well as many other issues and
- topics. To Jan Nordqvist for clearly stating the usage of
- Application Ids. To Anders Kristensen for providing needed technical
- opinions. To David Frascone for providing invaluable review of the
- document. To Mark Jones for providing clarifying text on vendor
- command codes and other vendor specific indicators.
- Special thanks to the Diameter extensibility design team which helped
- resolve the tricky question of mandatory AVPs and ABNF semantics.
- The members of this team are as follows:
- Avi Lior, Jari Arkko, Glen Zorn, Lionel Morand, Mark Jones, Tolga
- Asveren Jouni Korhonen, Glenn McGregor.
- Special thanks also to people who have provided invaluable comments
- and inputs especially in resolving controversial issues:
- Glen Zorn, Yoshihiro Ohba, Marco Stura, and Pasi Eronen.
- Finally, we would like to thank the original authors of this
- document:
- Pat Calhoun, John Loughney, Jari Arkko, Erik Guttman and Glen Zorn.
- Their invaluable knowledge and experience has given us a robust and
- flexible AAA protocol that many people have seen great value in
- adopting. We greatly appreciate their support and stewardship for
- the continued improvements of Diameter as a protocol. We would also
- like to extend our gratitude to folks aside from the authors who have
- assisted and contributed to the original version of this document.
- Their efforts significantly contributed to the success of Diameter.
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-Internet-Draft Diameter Base Protocol January 2011
-A.2. RFC3588
- The authors would like to thank Nenad Trifunovic, Tony Johansson and
- Pankaj Patel for their participation in the pre-IETF Document Reading
- Party. Allison Mankin, Jonathan Wood and Bernard Aboba provided
- invaluable assistance in working out transport issues, and similarly
- with Steven Bellovin in the security area.
- Paul Funk and David Mitton were instrumental in getting the Peer
- State Machine correct, and our deep thanks go to them for their time.
- Text in this document was also provided by Paul Funk, Mark Eklund,
- Mark Jones and Dave Spence. Jacques Caron provided many great
- comments as a result of a thorough review of the spec.
- The authors would also like to acknowledge the following people for
- their contribution in the development of the Diameter protocol:
- Allan C. Rubens, Haseeb Akhtar, William Bulley, Stephen Farrell,
- David Frascone, Daniel C. Fox, Lol Grant, Ignacio Goyret, Nancy
- Greene, Peter Heitman, Fredrik Johansson, Mark Jones, Martin Julien,
- Bob Kopacz, Paul Krumviede, Fergal Ladley, Ryan Moats, Victor Muslin,
- Kenneth Peirce, John Schnizlein, Sumit Vakil, John R. Vollbrecht and
- Jeff Weisberg.
- Finally, Pat Calhoun would like to thank Sun Microsystems since most
- of the effort put into this document was done while he was in their
- employ.
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-Internet-Draft Diameter Base Protocol January 2011
-Appendix B. S-NAPTR Example
- As an example, consider a client that wishes to resolve aaa:
- example1.com. The client performs a NAPTR query for that domain, and
- the following NAPTR records are returned:
- ;; order pref flags service regexp replacement
- IN NAPTR 50 50 "s" "aaa:diameter.tls.tcp" ""
- _diameter._tls.example1.com
- IN NAPTR 100 50 "s" "aaa:diameter.tcp" ""
- _aaa._tcp.example1.com
- IN NAPTR 150 50 "s" "aaa:diameter.sctp" ""
- _diameter._sctp.example1.com
- This indicates that the server supports TLS, TCP and SCTP in that
- order. If the client supports TLS, TLS will be used, targeted to a
- host determined by an SRV lookup of _diameter._tls.example1.com.
- That lookup would return:
- ;; Priority Weight Port Target
- IN SRV 0 1 5060 server1.example1.com
- IN SRV 0 2 5060 server2.example1.com
- As an alternative example, a client that wishes to resolve aaa:
- example2.com. The client performs a NAPTR query for that domain, and
- the following NAPTR records are returned:
- ;; order pref flags service regexp replacement
- IN NAPTR 150 50 "a" "aaa:diameter.tls.tcp" ""
- server1.example2.com
- IN NAPTR 150 50 "a" "aaa:diameter.tls.tcp" ""
- server2.example2.com
- This indicates that the server supports TCP available at the returned
- host names.
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-Internet-Draft Diameter Base Protocol January 2011
-Appendix C. Duplicate Detection
- As described in Section 9.4, accounting record duplicate detection is
- based on session identifiers. Duplicates can appear for various
- reasons:
- o Failover to an alternate server. Where close to real-time
- performance is required, failover thresholds need to be kept low
- and this may lead to an increased likelihood of duplicates.
- Failover can occur at the client or within Diameter agents.
- o Failure of a client or agent after sending of a record from non-
- volatile memory, but prior to receipt of an application layer ACK
- and deletion of the record. record to be sent. This will result
- in retransmission of the record soon after the client or agent has
- rebooted.
- o Duplicates received from RADIUS gateways. Since the
- retransmission behavior of RADIUS is not defined within [RFC2865],
- the likelihood of duplication will vary according to the
- implementation.
- o Implementation problems and misconfiguration.
- The T flag is used as an indication of an application layer
- retransmission event, e.g., due to failover to an alternate server.
- It is defined only for request messages sent by Diameter clients or
- agents. For instance, after a reboot, a client may not know whether
- it has already tried to send the accounting records in its non-
- volatile memory before the reboot occurred. Diameter servers MAY use
- the T flag as an aid when processing requests and detecting duplicate
- messages. However, servers that do this MUST ensure that duplicates
- are found even when the first transmitted request arrives at the
- server after the retransmitted request. It can be used only in cases
- where no answer has been received from the Server for a request and
- the request is sent again, (e.g., due to a failover to an alternate
- peer, due to a recovered primary peer or due to a client re-sending a
- stored record from non-volatile memory such as after reboot of a
- client or agent).
- In some cases the Diameter accounting server can delay the duplicate
- detection and accounting record processing until a post-processing
- phase takes place. At that time records are likely to be sorted
- according to the included User-Name and duplicate elimination is easy
- in this case. In other situations it may be necessary to perform
- real-time duplicate detection, such as when credit limits are imposed
- or real-time fraud detection is desired.
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-Internet-Draft Diameter Base Protocol January 2011
- In general, only generation of duplicates due to failover or re-
- sending of records in non-volatile storage can be reliably detected
- by Diameter clients or agents. In such cases the Diameter client or
- agents can mark the message as possible duplicate by setting the T
- flag. Since the Diameter server is responsible for duplicate
- detection, it can choose to make use of the T flag or not, in order
- to optimize duplicate detection. Since the T flag does not affect
- interoperability, and may not be needed by some servers, generation
- of the T flag is REQUIRED for Diameter clients and agents, but MAY be
- implemented by Diameter servers.
- As an example, it can be usually be assumed that duplicates appear
- within a time window of longest recorded network partition or device
- fault, perhaps a day. So only records within this time window need
- to be looked at in the backward direction. Secondly, hashing
- techniques or other schemes, such as the use of the T flag in the
- received messages, may be used to eliminate the need to do a full
- search even in this set except for rare cases.
- The following is an example of how the T flag may be used by the
- server to detect duplicate requests.
- A Diameter server MAY check the T flag of the received message to
- determine if the record is a possible duplicate. If the T flag is
- set in the request message, the server searches for a duplicate
- within a configurable duplication time window backward and
- forward. This limits database searching to those records where
- the T flag is set. In a well run network, network partitions and
- device faults will presumably be rare events, so this approach
- represents a substantial optimization of the duplicate detection
- process. During failover, it is possible for the original record
- to be received after the T flag marked record, due to differences
- in network delays experienced along the path by the original and
- duplicate transmissions. The likelihood of this occurring
- increases as the failover interval is decreased. In order to be
- able to detect out of order duplicates, the Diameter server should
- use backward and forward time windows when performing duplicate
- checking for the T flag marked request. For example, in order to
- allow time for the original record to exit the network and be
- recorded by the accounting server, the Diameter server can delay
- processing records with the T flag set until a time period
- TIME_WAIT + RECORD_PROCESSING_TIME has elapsed after the closing
- of the original transport connection. After this time period has
- expired, then it may check the T flag marked records against the
- database with relative assurance that the original records, if
- sent, have been received and recorded.
-Fajardo, et al. Expires July 24, 2011 [Page 153]
-Internet-Draft Diameter Base Protocol January 2011
-Appendix D. Internationalized Domain Names
- To be compatible with the existing DNS infrastructure and simplify
- host and domain name comparison, Diameter identities (FQDNs) are
- represented in ASCII form. This allows the Diameter protocol to fall
- in-line with the DNS strategy of being transparent from the effects
- of Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) by following the
- recommendations in [RFC4690] and [RFC5890]. Applications that
- provide support for IDNs outside of the Diameter protocol but
- interacting with it SHOULD use the representation and conversion
- framework described in [RFC5890], [RFC5891] and [RFC3492].
-Fajardo, et al. Expires July 24, 2011 [Page 154]
-Internet-Draft Diameter Base Protocol January 2011
-Authors' Addresses
- Victor Fajardo (editor)
- Telcordia Technologies
- One Telcordia Drive, 1S-222
- Piscataway, NJ 08854
- Phone: +1-908-421-1845
- Jari Arkko
- Ericsson Research
- 02420 Jorvas
- Finland
- Phone: +358 40 5079256
- John Loughney
- Nokia Research Center
- 955 Page Mill Road
- Palo Alto, CA 94304
- US
- Phone: +1-650-283-8068
- Glenn Zorn
- Network Zen
- 1310 East Thomas Street
- Seattle, WA 98102
- US
- Phone:
-Fajardo, et al. Expires July 24, 2011 [Page 155]