path: root/lib/eldap
diff options
authorErlang/OTP <[email protected]>2014-02-05 13:56:18 +0100
committerErlang/OTP <[email protected]>2014-02-05 13:56:18 +0100
commit5f30912275c02e06de2a03e5b03c64b919c5a048 (patch)
treeb8a716cc5cbf9f68d6a7a6a71cd57d7ff7a4c2d8 /lib/eldap
parent28eb7e0a25aed6153433ab3e93f023b194d0d858 (diff)
parent6a6653e1fa03d105fa66da54f7291dd592e6f203 (diff)
Merge branch 'ia/R15B03/inets-5.9.8' into maint-r15
* refs/heads/fetch-and-merge.maint-r15-opu/FETCH_HEAD/11632: (73 commits) Changed to correct errorcode in testcase inets: Prepare for release inets: Make test suites independent of each other inets: Rewrite of test case to avoid timing issues in test code Add missing brackets to report formatting on ftp_progress process exit inets: Remove log message as it causes more harm than use at the moment inets: Mend broken max_clients check inets: Start CT'ify httpd_SUITE inets: Remove use of default gen_server timeout Fix http_request:http_headers/1 to send content-length when length is zero Fix httpd config option 'keep_alive_timeout' Fix httpd config option 'script_timeout' inets: Restore ftp test files for the inets_{,sup_}SUITE to not fail inets: Add crypto start check to ssl test cases ftp: fix sockname dialyzer warning including ftp:sockname/1 bug ftp,ssl: Fixes broken type link (ssloption). ftp: Adds dynamic cert generation to tests. ftp: Clean Makefile and conf file ftp: Linking rfc-refs. ftp: Add documentation. ...
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/eldap')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/lib/eldap/test/eldap_basic_SUITE.erl b/lib/eldap/test/eldap_basic_SUITE.erl
index c7e3052b29..3e809b0f68 100644
--- a/lib/eldap/test/eldap_basic_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/eldap/test/eldap_basic_SUITE.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2012. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2012-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -27,39 +27,45 @@
-define(TIMEOUT, 120000). % 2 min
-init_per_suite(Config0) ->
- {{EldapHost,Port}, Config1} =
- case catch ct:get_config(eldap_server, undefined) of
- undefined -> %% Dev test only
- Server = {"localhost", 9876},
- {Server, [{eldap_server, {"localhost", 9876}}|Config0]};
- {'EXIT', _} -> %% Dev test only
- Server = {"localhost", 9876},
- {Server, [{eldap_server, {"localhost", 9876}}|Config0]};
- Server ->
- {Server, [{eldap_server, Server}|Config0]}
- end,
- %% Add path for this test run
+init_per_suite(Config) ->
+ StartSsl = try ssl:start()
+ catch
+ Error:Reason ->
+ {skip, lists:flatten(io_lib:format("eldap init_per_suite failed to start ssl Error=~p Reason=~p", [Error, Reason]))}
+ end,
+ case StartSsl of
+ ok ->
+ chk_config(ldap_server, {"localhost",9876},
+ chk_config(ldaps_server, {"localhost",9877},
+ Config));
+ _ ->
+ StartSsl
+ end.
+end_per_suite(_Config) ->
+ ok.
+init_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config0) ->
+ {EldapHost,Port} = proplists:get_value(ldap_server,Config0),
- {ok, Handle} = eldap:open([EldapHost], [{port, Port}]),
+ {ok, Handle} = eldap:open([EldapHost], [{port,Port}]),
ok = eldap:simple_bind(Handle, "cn=Manager,dc=ericsson,dc=se", "hejsan"),
{ok, MyHost} = inet:gethostname(),
Path = "dc="++MyHost++",dc=ericsson,dc=se",
- Config = [{eldap_path,Path}|Config1],
[{"objectclass", ["dcObject", "organization"]},
{"dc", ["ericsson"]}, {"o", ["Testing"]}]),
[{"objectclass", ["dcObject", "organization"]},
{"dc", [MyHost]}, {"o", ["Test machine"]}]),
- Config
+ [{eldap_path,Path}|Config0]
catch error:{badmatch,Error} ->
io:format("Eldap init error ~p~n ~p~n",[Error, erlang:get_stacktrace()]),
- {skip, lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Ldap init failed with host ~p", [EldapHost]))}
+ {skip, lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Ldap init failed with host ~p:~p. Error=~p", [EldapHost,Port,Error]))}
-end_per_suite(Config) ->
- %% Cleanup everything
- {EHost, Port} = proplists:get_value(eldap_server, Config),
+end_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) ->
+ {EHost, Port} = proplists:get_value(ldap_server, Config),
Path = proplists:get_value(eldap_path, Config),
{ok, H} = eldap:open([EHost], [{port, Port}]),
ok = eldap:simple_bind(H, "cn=Manager,dc=ericsson,dc=se", "hejsan"),
@@ -71,16 +77,20 @@ end_per_suite(Config) ->
[ok = eldap:delete(H, Entry) || {eldap_entry, Entry, _} <- Entries];
_ -> ignore
- ok.
-init_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) -> Config.
-end_per_testcase(_TestCase, _Config) -> ok.
+ ok.
%% suite() ->
all() ->
- api].
+ api,
+ ssl_api,
+ start_tls,
+ tls_operations,
+ start_tls_twice,
+ start_tls_on_ssl
+ ].
app(doc) -> "Test that the eldap app file is ok";
app(suite) -> [];
@@ -90,21 +100,89 @@ app(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
api(doc) -> "Basic test that all api functions works as expected";
api(suite) -> [];
api(Config) ->
- {Host,Port} = proplists:get_value(eldap_server, Config),
+ {Host,Port} = proplists:get_value(ldap_server, Config),
{ok, H} = eldap:open([Host], [{port,Port}]),
%% {ok, H} = eldap:open([Host], [{port,Port+1}, {ssl, true}]),
+ do_api_checks(H, Config),
+ eldap:close(H),
+ ok.
+ssl_api(doc) -> "Basic test that all api functions works as expected";
+ssl_api(suite) -> [];
+ssl_api(Config) ->
+ {Host,Port} = proplists:get_value(ldaps_server, Config),
+ {ok, H} = eldap:open([Host], [{port,Port}, {ssl,true}]),
+ do_api_checks(H, Config),
+ eldap:close(H),
+ ok.
+start_tls(doc) -> "Test that an existing (tcp) connection can be upgraded to tls";
+start_tls(suite) -> [];
+start_tls(Config) ->
+ {Host,Port} = proplists:get_value(ldap_server, Config),
+ {ok, H} = eldap:open([Host], [{port,Port}]),
+ ok = eldap:start_tls(H, [
+ {keyfile, filename:join([proplists:get_value(data_dir,Config),
+ "certs/client/key.pem"])}
+ ]),
+ eldap:close(H).
+tls_operations(doc) -> "Test that an upgraded connection is usable for ldap stuff";
+tls_operations(suite) -> [];
+tls_operations(Config) ->
+ {Host,Port} = proplists:get_value(ldap_server, Config),
+ {ok, H} = eldap:open([Host], [{port,Port}]),
+ ok = eldap:start_tls(H, [
+ {keyfile, filename:join([proplists:get_value(data_dir,Config),
+ "certs/client/key.pem"])}
+ ]),
+ do_api_checks(H, Config),
+ eldap:close(H).
+start_tls_twice(doc) -> "Test that start_tls on an already upgraded connection fails";
+start_tls_twice(suite) -> [];
+start_tls_twice(Config) ->
+ {Host,Port} = proplists:get_value(ldap_server, Config),
+ {ok, H} = eldap:open([Host], [{port,Port}]),
+ ok = eldap:start_tls(H, []),
+ {error,tls_already_started} = eldap:start_tls(H, []),
+ do_api_checks(H, Config),
+ eldap:close(H).
+start_tls_on_ssl(doc) -> "Test that start_tls on an ldaps connection fails";
+start_tls_on_ssl(suite) -> [];
+start_tls_on_ssl(Config) ->
+ {Host,Port} = proplists:get_value(ldaps_server, Config),
+ {ok, H} = eldap:open([Host], [{port,Port}, {ssl,true}]),
+ {error,tls_already_started} = eldap:start_tls(H, []),
+ do_api_checks(H, Config),
+ eldap:close(H).
+chk_config(Key, Default, Config) ->
+ case catch ct:get_config(ldap_server, undefined) of
+ undefined -> [{Key,Default} | Config ];
+ {'EXIT',_} -> [{Key,Default} | Config ];
+ Value -> [{Key,Value} | Config]
+ end.
+do_api_checks(H, Config) ->
BasePath = proplists:get_value(eldap_path, Config),
All = fun(Where) ->
eldap:search(H, #eldap_search{base=Where,
scope= eldap:wholeSubtree()})
- Search = fun(Filter) ->
- eldap:search(H, #eldap_search{base=BasePath,
- filter=Filter,
- scope=eldap:singleLevel()})
- end,
- {ok, #eldap_search_result{entries=[_]}} = All(BasePath),
+ {ok, #eldap_search_result{entries=[_XYZ]}} = All(BasePath),
+%% ct:log("XYZ=~p",[_XYZ]),
{error, noSuchObject} = All("cn=Bar,"++BasePath),
{error, _} = eldap:add(H, "cn=Jonas Jonsson," ++ BasePath,
@@ -112,52 +190,67 @@ api(Config) ->
{"cn", ["Jonas Jonsson"]}, {"sn", ["Jonsson"]}]),
eldap:simple_bind(H, "cn=Manager,dc=ericsson,dc=se", "hejsan"),
- %% Add
+ chk_add(H, BasePath),
+ {ok,FB} = chk_search(H, BasePath),
+ chk_modify(H, FB),
+ chk_delete(H, BasePath),
+ chk_modify_dn(H, FB).
+chk_add(H, BasePath) ->
ok = eldap:add(H, "cn=Jonas Jonsson," ++ BasePath,
[{"objectclass", ["person"]},
{"cn", ["Jonas Jonsson"]}, {"sn", ["Jonsson"]}]),
+ {error, entryAlreadyExists} = eldap:add(H, "cn=Jonas Jonsson," ++ BasePath,
+ [{"objectclass", ["person"]},
+ {"cn", ["Jonas Jonsson"]}, {"sn", ["Jonsson"]}]),
ok = eldap:add(H, "cn=Foo Bar," ++ BasePath,
[{"objectclass", ["person"]},
{"cn", ["Foo Bar"]}, {"sn", ["Bar"]}, {"telephoneNumber", ["555-1232", "555-5432"]}]),
ok = eldap:add(H, "ou=Team," ++ BasePath,
[{"objectclass", ["organizationalUnit"]},
- {"ou", ["Team"]}]),
+ {"ou", ["Team"]}]).
- %% Search
+chk_search(H, BasePath) ->
+ Search = fun(Filter) ->
+ eldap:search(H, #eldap_search{base=BasePath,
+ filter=Filter,
+ scope=eldap:singleLevel()})
+ end,
JJSR = {ok, #eldap_search_result{entries=[#eldap_entry{}]}} = Search(eldap:equalityMatch("sn", "Jonsson")),
JJSR = Search(eldap:substrings("sn", [{any, "ss"}])),
FBSR = {ok, #eldap_search_result{entries=[#eldap_entry{object_name=FB}]}} =
Search(eldap:substrings("sn", [{any, "a"}])),
FBSR = Search(eldap:substrings("sn", [{initial, "B"}])),
FBSR = Search(eldap:substrings("sn", [{final, "r"}])),
F_AND = eldap:'and'([eldap:present("objectclass"), eldap:present("ou")]),
{ok, #eldap_search_result{entries=[#eldap_entry{}]}} = Search(F_AND),
F_NOT = eldap:'and'([eldap:present("objectclass"), eldap:'not'(eldap:present("ou"))]),
{ok, #eldap_search_result{entries=[#eldap_entry{}, #eldap_entry{}]}} = Search(F_NOT),
+ {ok,FB}. %% FIXME
+chk_modify(H, FB) ->
Mod = [eldap:mod_replace("telephoneNumber", ["555-12345"]),
eldap:mod_add("description", ["Nice guy"])],
%% io:format("MOD ~p ~p ~n",[FB, Mod]),
ok = eldap:modify(H, FB, Mod),
- ok = eldap:modify(H, FB, [eldap:mod_delete("telephoneNumber", [])]),
+ ok = eldap:modify(H, FB, [eldap:mod_delete("telephoneNumber", [])]).
+chk_delete(H, BasePath) ->
{error, entryAlreadyExists} = eldap:add(H, "cn=Jonas Jonsson," ++ BasePath,
[{"objectclass", ["person"]},
{"cn", ["Jonas Jonsson"]}, {"sn", ["Jonsson"]}]),
ok = eldap:delete(H, "cn=Jonas Jonsson," ++ BasePath),
- {error, noSuchObject} = eldap:delete(H, "cn=Jonas Jonsson," ++ BasePath),
+ {error, noSuchObject} = eldap:delete(H, "cn=Jonas Jonsson," ++ BasePath).
- ok = eldap:modify_dn(H, FB, "cn=Niclas Andre", true, ""),
- %%io:format("Res ~p~n ~p~n",[R, All(BasePath)]),
+chk_modify_dn(H, FB) ->
+ ok = eldap:modify_dn(H, FB, "cn=Niclas Andre", true, "").
+ %%io:format("Res ~p~n ~p~n",[R, All(BasePath)]).
- eldap:close(H),
- ok.
add(H, Attr, Value, Path0, Attrs, Class) ->
Path = case Path0 of
[] -> Attr ++ "=" ++ Value;